GR15 DEI enters the Wonderverse — Q&A and web3 opportunities!

Recorded: Sept. 30, 2022 Duration: 0:46:49



Here they're welcome. We'll be starting in a little bit. Just letting folks jump in. You'll feel like you're getting yourself settled, get a glass of water or a glass of tea. And yeah, oh, lovely. Have a request. Perfect.
Amazing. I'm going to go ahead and start putting everything on the jumbo tron. And then I encourage folks joining in to share this out widely. We have about an hour today to devote to folks asking any Q&A about the Web 3 opportunities happening on Wonder
in accordance to the GR15DI round as well as the fact that we literally opened up one diverse for all of the cohorts that were part of GR15. So folks from you know climate solutions to decide to advocacy it's going to be a
incredible sessions. So don't be shy. It's a Q&A so we're going to have folks jump in, jump on stage, talk a little bit, all questions are kosher and then we also the cute thing is that the Twitter space has this chat function now at the bottom so questions can also be dropped in the chat down there.
We'll give it a couple more minutes and then I'm gonna have some of the folks on the Wonder Core team introduce themselves. Then I see you there if you want to jump up on stage, feel free to if not net worries.
I need to figure out how to... I feel like other spaces have seen people play like Elevator music and I'm like
Yeah, they just probably play it like from their computer and then just like have their audio unmuted. I don't think there's like any other way to do it.
I know there needs to be some sort of widget and I swear every time I let even three seconds go by with silence. I think web3 twitter has such a fear of silence but it's okay.
So yeah, we'll give them a couple of minutes. Make sure you share it out to folks. I don't know if we're having Ed join us as well, but we have AdJoss here. So, amazing. Couple of marketing, let's jump in.
which is hit a vibe in any case. - Andrews, how's your day been? How's your Friday been?
Yeah, it's been busy since the launch of G15 initiatives and we've got lots of good feedback and interactions.
So, our next step is just making sure that the opportunities get filled. People are adding more opportunities on there, adding the geography label. Our, you know, grantee orgs are on putting their members, et cetera.
Yeah, and seed club is also a huge win for us too, so I'm happy that we're wrapping up week one of that and what 11 more weeks to go. Exactly 11 more weeks to go.
So amazing. Does anyone know how many more weeks that are this year in 2022? No clue.
Oh my god, I'm gonna have to ask Google on time.
So three months, one quarter left. Man, 2022, just reflect before we get into the GF15DI stuff. What a year for crypto it's been.
need to do like a send off space in December, we're just like reflecting upon what a big year has been. Wondering just the space at large like so much stuff has happened like it's just it's wild.
Absolutely awesome. Go ahead and trust. I was just gonna say it's been, uh, yeah, the cycles have been insane.
They're 14 weeks left in this year, by the way. So, better prepare for your Christmas Hanukkah, like Kwanzaa New Year's, lunar New Year's, present
everything that you want to do to celebrate. This year is coming to a close so fast. I do want to say, "Handross, this is so bad, but isn't Wonders birthday coming up soon?"
It's a yes it is it's a technicality on which birthday we're thinking about but yeah October late October. Oh my god.
I feel like all the big projects, like at least the projects that I think are big, are all turning one around the same time, which is super cool. So like, a lot of the people we work with as well, all these companies are turning one, which is, no, it feels like we're a little cohort, you know?
Sorry, let's take it. Let's go in on.
Okay, that's so weird. Okay, there's a lag on my hunt. I'm in a wee work right now. There's dozens of people in the same wifi, so who knows what's happening. But I want to give a