Granted X Aleph Zero: Exploring the Ecosystem Funding Program🔨

Recorded: March 22, 2024 Duration: 0:57:09



We're going to get a few minute guys for people to filter in and then we'll make a start.
deafening silence I can't get the music to come on for some reason I would
offer to sing to you as well I think that's a bad idea I'll do it please
please feel free mate no you've pulled my bluff on that one okay
hey guys we'll be one or two more minutes now we're just waiting for the L of zero
account to join us and then we'll kick things off
let's uh let's get the ball rolling guys thank you for joining I see some of the
left zero regulars in the space already which is quite cool to see Greg and Levi
BFG and stuff so today we're going to talk about the ecosystem funding program
we've got Magda and Pete here from the foundation so should be super excited
about that and I think we start with Magda and Pete and then we'll explain a bit
about what granted does and then we'll dive into things sure just checking if
everything works I think it should be fine hi guys great great to be here
thank you for the invite grant granted team so I'm Magda I'm the ecosystem
lead and I'm currently focusing quite a lot on our EFP which is ecosystem
funding program and I also work with the teams that are already in the program
and are building their projects to just make sure that whenever they need our
our support or the support of our any of our partners or support any of the team
other team that is in the ecosystem does they they will get it so I'm just
around hopefully being helpful when it comes to my background well I've been in
like traditional IT for a while mainly taking care of some being customer
facing positions mainly sales leading sales teams and then I joined around two
years ago and right away actually we started working on on the ecosystem
funding program which was launched last year so that's me and then we've got
Pete yes hi can you hear me like Claire awesome that my setup works yeah so I'm
Pete and I'm the ecosystem tech lead for out of zero so my role is mostly kind
of overseeing the the technical side of the ecosystem and basically making sure
that development within the projects is is going well and all questions are
answered yeah I'm also wearing a few other hats at out of zero doing some
workshops overseeing the validators and so on and as for my background before
joining out of zero I was strictly a developer in the in the web to space
mostly my areas of interest were compilers and functional languages yeah
but then I decided to to basically give web 3 a try out of zero looked great so
I so I joined as a rust developer but then I kind of gravitated towards you
know more let's say softer softer walls and now here we are amazing okay I'll
enjoy myself really quickly and then Craig I think you can take it back over
for us and maybe kick off with one of the first questions or a little bit more
on the introduction so I am the CEO and co-founder of overlaps overlaps is the
entity that owns and runs and builds granted currently granted in itself anyone
from the granted crowd in here will know some from the out of zero might not so
I'll do a really high-level intro essentially what we do is we help
builders find the right chain and we'll help them getting graciated into their
ecosystem so the ecosystem funding program that Alif zero has is very very
very important and we're trying to work with Alif zero currently to bolster
that out and make sure we have the right builders on board yeah I'll get
back to you Craig to intro yourself quickly excellent excellent so I'm
creating them and another co-founder of granted and the director plant success
so I ensure that our clients get the support they need to get their grants
to communicate communicate their project in the best possible way and simple as
that so let's say let's move on to the first question so I think it'd be
great if the Alif zero team could just introduce the ecosystem funding program
maybe give us a brief overview of what it is I think Magna's already touched on
a really key element of it which is support which is really we're looking
forward to hearing a lot about that so somebody wants to jump in there sure
yeah support is definitely a keyword here because so we designed the
ecosystem funding program to indeed support the builders and and to basically
fund their ideas and the innovations that that come from from those developer
teams the main goal of the program is to expand the adoption of Alif zero and
the capabilities functionalities within within our ecosystem and simply to make
the ecosystem grow so so how it's structured is basically like to
simplify it a lot you can say it's just another grant program however it's not
because what we really care about is just making sure that the help that we
provide to the teams and to the builders is really going to remove the
blockers they have in front of them and there is quite a lot of blockers on the
way when you are a team at early stages so apart from from the obvious apart
from the funding and the grants we also have some some partnerships and some
friendships that that allow us to provide some additional additional help
and additional services we can call them that because the teams that are that get
into the EFP apart from the grant they get also support on in the marketing
field they get support when it comes to design to the product itself they get
support of our technical team they may get support with security audits they get
some free credits for AWS servers they can get some regulatory workshops they get
intros and connections to different projects to some VCs so generally we
just wanted to make sure that it's sort of more similar to an incubator than a
grant program and the reason why we designed it this way is that our team
and our founders went through that difficult path and and they knew where
the biggest struggles were so so that's where we wanted to you know put some
things that that can be helpful for the builders yeah I'll jump in on that me
and Magda talked the other day and I was quoting a number that we surveyed
across a few grant programs so we work with a lot of different blockchains
Alafzera being one of our favorites and this conversation is actually one of the
reasons why I was told Magda about a number it was 65% of grant milestones out
of the ten or eleven web three blockchains that we surveyed 65% of the
grant milestones don't get hit okay Magda was pretty shocked at that number and I
think you quoted something much lower I won't I won't speak for you but I
think was a much much disproportionately lower number and I
think that's why we're so excited about the EFP because it isn't just funding
you know and also they're very realistic this is another thing that goes
along with milestones there's a lot of things like third-party contingencies
they're very they're not very useful they really hinder production they hinder
development etc etc you don't really run into that Alafzera and I think
that's really reflected by a success rate in the in the grantees so yeah
we're very impressed by that thank you yeah that is true that is that is
true story I mean yeah you gave me the number and and I that's why I asked you
wait where did you take the number from just judging by by the results of our
project I mean obviously there are some like failures that's that's just named
that that and the milestones that don't get delivered but it's really maybe 10
percent of all the projects I think so so that is true and this is actually
very heartwarming for for us because you know we obviously talk like we do some
research we check other programs but I never got my hands on the numbers such
as such as that that's like how many like what is the percentage of all the
success rate of other projects in other programs so so knowing that yeah I think
maybe hopefully we are doing something right yeah I do think it's very
reassuring you know imagine you applied to Alafzera obviously you get denied
for whatever reason maybe you need to work on something and then you can
revisit it or whatever the situation may be but if you get accepted that is a
big stamp of approval for your future success within the at least the confines
of the milestones you have set out for you that's a big deal I think it's a very big
deal we get to talk to hundreds of grantees a month some weeks also so
getting to see or at least knowing that the builders that we can potentially
send to Alafzera are gonna if accepted have a home that cares for them I don't
want to get mushy-gushy on this but Jesus I choked on myself at the same time I
really was crying if they yeah if they get sent to Alafzera we know they're
gonna get a lot of support and that's that's important to us as a company
for our ecosystem too yeah I think something that we could talk about off
the back of that though you guys have multiple tracks for your new AFP it would
be nice to hear about those you've gone through a lot of the benefits if you
want to do high level of the benefits for each track be my guest but just like
a general breakdown of what they look like because when people go to apply
obviously all of this is available but to know it before then would be I think
pretty useful sure of course well the first thing is that actually that the
four trucks that we have available this is sort of new thing we introduced that
this year based on all the lessons learned last year when like the 2023
when we launched and and carried on the program and and and we saw that we need
to somehow differentiate the levels of support that we give to the projects
because sometimes there are very complex projects that really that are going to
be I don't know key projects in the ecosystem and they really require the
engagement of our tech team the engagement of our marketing team will
generate a lot of resources and then we have projects that are obviously great
to have in the ecosystem and some nice projects but this is for example like a
smaller game and the grant is not not a big grant and sometimes they have they
they struggle with something and they they require a lot of time as well and as
we unfortunately we would love to you know dedicate everything to and give
them as much time as possible and to every team but as our resources here
inside it out of zero are limited and we are not able to just constantly help
everybody we just had to diversify the levels of support and so for that we
have the trucks the first one is called the fast truck and it's called fast
because those are smaller grants between 10 and 30k usually simpler project so
either the simple game that I just mentioned or maybe some integration or
or whatever that can be but generally small grant pretty easy project and in
those cases we decided that we are not able to dedicate that many resources so
here there the help is limited I mean obviously we have some office hours
from from our tech team so if there are some technical questions like somebody
will sooner or later reply so it's not that the projects are just left alone
but there is no dedicated person that is there on telegram or anywhere just
available every day for for that for the projects in the fast truck and they
do have some they do get some very basic marketing support meaning that we I
don't know retweets their tweets or we invite them to some like ecosystem
events that we organize but generally I'd say this is that would be it so
it's more like I think AWS because that's available for everybody but
apart from that that that would be it so it's rather you get the fast truck has
some advantages because also if the grant is smaller and we know that we
won't dedicate that much time to the team the verification process is a bit
shorter so we either have one call with the team or just ask some additional
questions and that's usually it so we don't really need to go deep into some
technical very deep into technical conversations or some you know some
other due diligence activities so so this is quick small grant and the support is
there but it's limited compared to the other trucks and then we have public
goods truck as the name says so it's it's for all the public goods product
projects so that can be some developer tooling or right libraries or generally
something that will be useful for for for for the community and not only for
the community and in this case this is very I mean the category here is very
flexible meaning that it can be a small grant not requiring a lot of our help
but it can be a big grant where we have a dedicated tech person and and you
know all the support that is needed so that's depends when the project is
focusing on then we have the growth truck which is the truck for the
projects for the grants above 30k so bigger than the fast truck and here the
qualification process is a bit more complex even the even if you want to
apply we usually even the first questions that you get the list of the
questions is longer than in the case of a fast truck and then we usually will
have a technical call we'll have the call with the business team just to assess
the potential of the team and you know understand what we can also like if
the project is successful and and and is built on Aleb zero what we can get out
of that meaning that how many users the project can generate how many
transactions and you know generally what benefits doesn't bring to the
ecosystem but here if the project gets accepted so apart from the higher grant
it's up to I'd say 200 300 K usually so that those can be high grants and and
also the project gets more support there is usually a dedicated tech owner
that will be in touch with the team there is the support of our marketing
team not obviously not full-time but there are some dedicated hours where they
can jump on a call or discuss something they can get some basic support of the
law firm that we work with so maybe some workshops there is the support from
property studio which is the design and product agency helping with UX and
UI so so here apart from from the grant there are those all all the good
stuff that I mentioned at the beginning and then the fourth truck is called the
nest and the nest can be treated as the proper incubator so here you get
everything that we have this is reserved for the projects that are super
important for the ecosystem that that's also can bring a lot of users or like for
example last year when we were when we were a very young ecosystem don't like
places in the nest were reserved usually for for example some DeFi projects
because they were really needed in the ecosystem so here you you know you have
access to everything that we can we can offer so you can have calls with our
team you can get support from also like our peer agency you get interest to two
VCs generally here we do you know we really do everything possible to to to
make you succeed the only thing is us it's it is so engaging for our team the
places in the nest category are very limited so we don't take on more than
two three projects per year to this nest category usually also the grants here
are higher and if the grant is not that high we also help with with the
fundraising so so this is I think it can be the most attractive truck although
as I said it's it's very it's actually very difficult to to be accepted to that
one perfect perfect it makes sense so for the nest it's more for the key the key
infrastructure around the left here essentially that's where Pete gets the
add some more hats to his head I'm sure he loves that that's quite quite well
and what what the EFP is looking for at the minute like what kind of projects
do you do you want to bring the LFC row what are you guys looking out for sure
so I can start and then maybe make some room for you Pete because I hope you are
still there you didn't fall asleep well no no no I'm listening very actively good
okay so well first of all this year we changed like that the approach changed
a little bit I mean we still would what we are looking for is obviously the
projects that will make the ecosystem grow and that will bring us users that
will bring some traction because that's you know that's that's the key key goal
we want to achieve just just make the ecosystem bigger and greater every every
day but as I mentioned like last year when we launched the EFP we were a very
young ecosystem so there was a list of like absolute must-haves that we need to
have in the ecosystem that are needed in every ecosystem and and we knew what we
were looking for now all those places I mean all the the squares are checked
already so we did find the must-have projects that are still in building mode
but we have a very like we have the launch season approaching very soon so
so this year we we we have a bit more flexibility I mean we can be a bit more
picky as well and we just look at the projects that are first of all
innovative second of all interesting that that have the potential of actually
bringing a lot of users and and growing obviously when it comes to two
verticals DeFi is always interesting for us projects focusing on privacy
scalability but also games for example are very interesting and they have big
potential of actually bringing users in so we don't we don't have like a
specified list of what we have to find like what projects we need to you know
capture into the SP right now and we are like we're just staying open-minded
and just reviewing properly that the projects where we where we see the
actual potential and this is also why we changed the approach a little bit while
reviewing the projects and we started to focus more also on like go-to-market
strategies and marketing plans that the projects have because because we also
learned that we can have great ideas and very very powerful and strong
technical teams but if the team doesn't that doesn't have much experience when it
comes to business or marketing or doesn't have a team member that will be
able to take part of that or maybe the team is not aware of how important the
proper planning and strategizing when it comes to the go-to markets how
important it is to have it like well thought through and then the the
chances of the project succeeding are way way smaller so so now we also focus on
that quite a lot so so we want to to have teams that maybe they don't have
be super experienced but but at least know what is important so not only the
tech side but also the business side and the marketing side absolutely I think
myself and Ben can probably attest to that quite well with the projects that
we work with coming through granted that they're super super high quality but
those little things sometimes they just don't have pin down yeah I think I
may also add that actually this right now this is a very interesting time to
well if you've been considering you know like entering the the LS your ecosystem
applying to the EFP this this might be a great time because I think we're
approaching a very very pivotal a few pivotal moments for for LS your and its
ecosystem obviously so like Magda said we already do have kind of the slots
filled when it comes to like you know the the cornerstones of the defy
ecosystem but as common ends which is our decks and most which is our bridge
are actually quite close to their launch this will open up a whole new you know
a lot of avenues for you know building on on top of them so so yeah this is
this is this is one interesting well I would say door that is opening the
other one being the privacy in which you know the the work that the research
and the work and development is is progressing quite well we I think very
soon we'll be able to you know support more projects that that make use of
the proof verification on chain proof verification so this is also something
you know definitely to to look out for and in terms of you know we are always
open to two projects that do tooling and infrastructure projects and now this is
this is a very well it varies from from case to case but basically as we are you
know a chain that's that's using ink smart contract language which is not as
wildly as why wildly widely used sorry making which sometimes doesn't work as
widely used as for example my Polish minute don't worry yeah so so we basically do
invest a lot of effort and time into into improving the the state of the
tooling around things so we are always open and and you know excited to see
projects who are willing to help us do that and here we don't necessarily have
very specific ideas as you know the ones we had are already being built by
by EFP teams but anything new you know we're basically very happy to be to be
surprised yeah are there really really cool are there any really cool examples
of projects that have come through this new ecosystem funding program I think
that'd be pretty interesting to talk about if we've got any really cool cases
something that's already impactful or maybe you guys foresee being very
impactful they've been asked to talk about them really quick sure mark that
do you want to do it or should I continue talking you can continue
talking okay you will you will basically yeah correct me whenever I'm
wrong yes so we do have a few very interesting projects so like speaking of
the of the big ones the the cornerstones we have for example Kinsu
which is a liquid staking protocol being built and actually in the in the final
stages I'm not sure how much I can I can share so I'll be quite conservative
in the you know in the marketing here we have a box or a box I'm not sure what's
the pronunciation which is a landing protocol also in the in the final
stages we also have we also have another decks in the in the pipelines we have oh
this this I can speak to we have a few very cool tooling projects one of them
being smart beaver which is basically like if you've ever used open Zeppelin
smart contract wizard this is what the what the team built for for ink which
is which is also a very cool thing and helps onboard the developers in my
opinion that's that's yeah that's one of the best ways and they are now
working on something even cooler but I'm not sure I can disclose it just yet
so we've got to stay tuned yeah of course well we've got in terms of games
and like major ones we've got dark verse which is this this dark dark meta verse
built by some of the Polish top top game industry members and also I think it's
supported by Poland's top like sci-fi writer so yeah Magda maybe maybe you
want to pick up the button sure we when it comes to games for example did we have
also update which is which is gaming it's going to like become a proper
gaming platform it already is however it's not that many games are available yet
as the team is working on on adding new games but for now you have the game of
tanks which is very easy but very fun you just drive your tongue and then
shoot two other tanks but they also launched a new game I think this this
week it should be already available it's called blocks back tour and there
it's actually more more animated and you are just a person with a gun
running around and shooting other people with guns which is definitely not my
favorite type of games but as overall as a game I think it's really well
done and and I'm sure people people will love it so whoever is into games just
please go and check them and and in the future we plan like upgrade team and and
plans to add new games and also open themselves for other teams who can add
their games into into upgrade so that we hope to have you know a gaming
platform where you can just go and and select from from different different
games and what is actually interesting this year is that we see that the teams
that succeeded for example last year with their first grant they have new
ideas and it's either new ideas for new projects or ideas to develop further
the product they have launched last year so this is you know this is
another thing about about the FP like if the team receives one grant it doesn't
mean that they cannot get further support in the future I mean if the team if our
collaboration goes smooth and and the team is delivering and the product
they're building is is actually we like you know we like it the community likes
it then there's also a chance for for some further grants and we actually see
that this year I think we have three or four teams that that actually gets some
additional funding for for the for the projects that they started last year
with the first grant and also we see the teams that that already received grant
last year this year they were for example fundraising and and receiving
support from us on that field we have we have to touch on the team who who is
our investment manager and then supporting the teams so so yeah so we we
see this year like not only the the projects that that started last year
launching pretty soon and all the ones that Pete mentioned are should be should
be available soon but also we see teams that that already delivered what they
had on the roadmaps that wants to you know make their projects better they
discovered maybe some flaws in their initial thinking and now they see okay
like we were focusing on this feature but now we see the product will work much
better if we add this and that feature and then in those cases we are also very
happy to have a conversations and possibly support them further excellent
it's really exciting I think that's where you guys stand by is a lot of a
lot of people go for grants on other chains they get their grant the grant runs
out and then the next logical step is just to go cross chain to get another
grant to continue building so I think with you guys been able to provide that
support well into the future is massively massively important their
project success because they might not turn over revenue immediately after the
grant but they still might have built an amazing project that just needs that
little little nudge to get them get them over the line of course yeah
that's you know that's that's our way of thinking I mean we don't want to just
throw around the money because obviously everybody can make use of the money but
you usually need some a bit more and sometimes it's just a little bit so it's
you know a piece of advice a connection to one person or one project and that
already helps you so much that you actually can properly deliver that and
we also you know want the teams to focus on what they're building on
Aleph and obviously we are not against the projects going cross chain and
getting grants from other places but we want them first to like focus on
everything they have to they want to do and they have to do on Aleph and and
just focus to make their product successful here and I'm sure they can
go and and look for other grants on other chains but but you know it's we
sometimes maybe not even sometimes it's not that rare that we get an
grant application and it's very visible that the project is designed in a way even
the application sometimes I mean it's it's it's actually funny but sometimes
you get the application where the applying person forgot to delete the
name of the chain and sometimes you know we chose Aleph zero because you are fast
and this and that and then three lines down you have the name of another chain
where they probably applied before right we've had as well that people have
came to us and just pasted in their answers questions to us that we're like
yeah this definitely wasn't meant for us at the time it's just that attention to
detail as well that you want to see from a team before they before they start
building absolutely absolutely although to be honest we also had this kind of
situations turning into into something good I mean we for example got an
application where the person forgot to delete you know the names of other
chains other chain that were they were applying and I actually talking to him I
was like like you obviously are looking for you know for different grants
because you even mistaken the name of the change was like oh yeah I applied
there and I applied there but I like like Aleph the most because this and that
and he gave us some good reasons and we just like and he said okay so I can stay
and build just on Aleph you just I just need a slightly higher ground to deliver
everything and and we say that makes sense and he got a higher grant and and
he just you know he thought he focuses now on me only on Aleph so that
happens as well so we are understanding I mean if you are a young team and you
are just starting like obviously you need funding and getting a grant may
actually maybe the quickest or possibly the easiest way to you know kick things
off so obviously you know we are aware that that projects just go and and and
need some some additional funding but sometimes there are there is just you
know you can see projects that are purely for like grant hunting and and
you know that you can grant because maybe the project even it's not bad
right it makes sense but it's it's very visible even after conversations with the
team that they just want to get the grant build the project and that's it
they have no intention and actually developing it further and making it
successful as a product and in those cases that's a big no-no for us
absolutely I think Ben can attest to that but one of the first things we
tell any project that's coming through granted is that we apply the achieve
one at a time yeah and this is things that Craig overseas mentioned his
director of client success a big part of his role is making sure that the there's
two-way kind of interest here so obviously the blockchain will be
interested in them but most importantly that they are interested in the
blockchain and can and will commit to it one of the biggest things that we try
and build a contingency against is these grant farmers because they tend not to
be very reputable teams I would like to say Chris is now in here who's also about
the client success team for granted both of them have found a great strategy
for working that out weeding it out from our applications and the people that we
do give to our partner chains but that's a really good segue and I know Craig
was just about to ask it anyway but what is some good advice for potential
grant seekers for out of zero now this could be how to assemble their
application this could be how to represent themselves maybe branding
traction they should already have and obviously I can imagine this so I'll give
this as a prompt it will be different depending on what kind of project they
are you know different levels of development are needed for different
projects etc etc so maybe just some general advice something that's gonna be
very interesting something's gonna be very important to know pre-application
I'm sure okay I see Pete you unmuted yourself so I'll start maybe from you
know from from your perspective as well so when it comes to the application what we
definitely need to seen there apart from from the obvious which is the project
description and and so what you know why they want actually maybe this is this
is usually you know maybe not the most important but the project description and
then what they plan to build usually structured into milestones because we
want to understand the development milestones and the full scope of what
what they plan to fund with with the grants they are applying for and this
is also because the grant itself is structured into milestones as well so
we don't pay out the whole ground up front we just it's usually paid up on
successful delivery of each of the of the milestones so this is like so the
muscles it's more to understand the tech side of the project but what is also
important and what lacks in in many many applications is the thing that I
mentioned previously so this is the go-to-market strategy so if the the
project already has some experience and did some like market research and has
some estimates about you know how many users they they can generate within the
first I don't know month year whatever that will be that's very useful for us
because as I said like what is important for us to get from the projects is
generally the traction and the users so if the project can demonstrate a big
potential of actually acquiring a lot of users and and automatically producing a
lot of transactions that project is definitely becoming more interesting for
us than a great idea that is just an idea probably will not get many users so
if if the team is working on on the application apart from describing the
scope it's already a good time if they didn't do it before it's good time to
sit down and think about what they're going to do once the project is
actually delivered and developed so what will be their actions to let the
world know that they exist and and start getting more and more users so so
this is definitely an important part and if the team doesn't have a marketing
person that will help to prepare those data I mean even from the founders that's
an important thing to think about if the founders especially if they have
mainly technical background being a founder you need to understand the
business side as well so already while preparing the application I think it's
a good moment to start thinking about what happens next because the grant will
allow you to arrive to a certain moment maybe to an MVP but then you need to
continue and you either will need to start earning money so get some users
all you will need to find some investors and fundraise so so if the team is
already thinking about those things and that is demonstrated in the application
this is a big plus and now PT you can continue no it's it's hard to follow up
because you've already said everything perfectly so I'm maybe off the top of
my head I think one thing I can add is that one month slide exception to all of
this might be the public goods track so obviously everything that that Magda
said is is definitely extremely important however that said we are aware
that if you're for example building an IDE plugin to help ink developers you
will probably not have a business model related to it you know right from the
start maybe it will turn into the into a like product that earns in the future
but yeah and for the public goods track we would be kind of okay to to you know
focus more on the on the value that the the project brings to the
ecosystem to the developers then maybe the you know the whole business side of it
but it's important to know that this is only the public goods track and and yeah
well this mostly means like developer tooling and and so the surroundings
yeah and maybe maybe other thing is also good to maybe do some research on
aleph zero if you plan to apply because sometimes yeah there are projects
obviously no aleph and have been in the community and following what's going on
but sometimes we have projects that apply and and they haven't checked maybe
if they're there are already similar projects in the EFP and and
generally they don't know much about what what we are doing here what we
are working on and and and this is also one of the signs that you know maybe the
aleph isn't really the the chain that they care about it's just one of the
chains where where they apply but but you know some like avoiding like as we
mentioned before we look for innovation so we don't like if we already have to
landing protocols in the EFP we are not definitely not looking for third
fourth and fifth one it's like you know it's good to have a look at what's
currently being built and and and see if if your project isn't you know just
that duplicating something that's that's already in works so that that's I
think also an important tip absolutely it's a it's something we do it granted so
we provide all of our clients with a network specific knowledge base and send
them away to do their homework and then ask them if they think it's a fit
rather than telling them that yeah aleph zero is a perfect fit for you
because at the end of the day it boils down to not just one member of the team
who might be dealing with the grant that could be the tech guy that might not know
ink yet they might think oh dear we've just got a grant from these guys or the
marketing guy that doesn't know anything about aleph zero so it's always good to
make sure that the whole team is aligned and knows knows about the the network
that they're applying to you it's massively important absolutely yeah so
yeah I think I think it's about time to wrap up I know we could all probably sit
here and talk forever I know we're quite bad for that on their internal calls so
I don't want to I don't want to spill and take everybody's Friday away from
them and if there's any clues and thoughts guys please be free to share
otherwise well we'll leave it at that I'll start I'll start really quickly
I'm personally very proud of this partnership specifically because of the
success that these guys already have with their EFP we have 10 chain partners
we're about to extend this to 15 some major names some smaller names some very
fast-growing like scale and aleph zero for example that are gonna be top 10
chains very very soon I think scale might actually just broken that barrier
so sorry if there's anyone from scale listening to that but these guys have
had success with their EFP and the past one to to know ends and that again it
was that it was the milestone success that shocked me when they gave me that
number I was at this no way I thought I generally thought the Magda might have
not known but we talked about it for a couple of minutes afterwards and I
understood that no this is true and I think it is pretty much completely down
to first of all the support they give but also how they select projects so I
think if you are going to apply for out of zero and you are going to try
and build with them and build on them your chances of success are just so much
incredibly and disproportionately higher than with a lot of other chains including
some that we're partnered with so I'm pretty proud of that partnership just
because we can offer these guys and offer this chain to our hundreds of
builders that come through our doors every single month so yeah that's mine
that's my closing tool well thank you Ben really great to hear that and yeah
my quick closing thoughts I mean I think that it's great that you guys from
granted are around because I see also I mean it's first of all it's it's a great
thing for us for me especially like working on you know reviewing all the
applications that we get sometimes you know sometimes there are great
applications but sometimes you know you need to dig for some time to find some
interesting projects and I know that when I get an application for you from
you it's something that has been already verified and that you know that the
project is possibly could match for out of zero and I and also I see how the
applications are structured structured meaning that all the things I I talked
about a couple minutes ago that you need to include the milestones and the go-to
market and this information that information that's all included into
into the applications coming from granted so so I can only imagine how you
know how how better it is for a project to apply through you because you just
like from the early beginning they get the support on how to structure things
and what what we are going to ask them about and what we care about what they
need to focus on and so on so so I think that you know you guys working
with different chains knowing the needs and the requirements of each of those
chains and then working with the builders who don't know where to apply
and and maybe haven't decided yet I think you know you're doing you're
you're you're doing a great job and then it's an immense help for for the
builders but also it's a big hub for for the grant teams working on on the
projects to get you know well structured and already verified application so I
think you know it's it's just win-win situation for for everybody so so
thank you for everything that you're guys doing for sure for sure more than
happy to more than happy to help you guys I've obviously been involved in the
left zero ecosystem for quite quite a long time now I'd imagine quite a few
people in the audience are wondering where they know my voice from but well
we'll keep that secret and let them let them try to figure it out but yeah you
are everywhere you're everywhere the calls with different projects and you
are just everywhere it's the bay of my existence absolutely happy I'm happy to
help I love the ecosystem I love the team so it's great it's a great it's a
great place there to be and we're three I think and I think the community
definitely appreciates that as well you see that every day so yeah that's that's
it folks we don't really have time to do any questions but if anybody in the
audience does have a question they're granted the claims DMS are open and
I'll get back to you today but yeah thank you very much for listening guys
and have a have a great weekend thank you for having us thank you of course
man thank you bye bye