Grape Spaces: Dean’s List x Unique VC

Recorded: Sept. 9, 2022 Duration: 1:04:40
Space Recording

Full Transcription

Hey guys, we're just a Go away a few minutes to get a few people in here. Yeah Alex Hope everyone's doing well Happy Friday. Everything's morning
I have it we can hear your typing.
bro and you haven't dude. I'm gonna run deep. Good, how you doing man? Good.
Yeah, let's give a few minutes. I saw Alex here before. I think he has to reconnect.
Or maybe the unique the unique account will speak. There you go. How's it going man? Good good. Are you? Not bad. So so you're going undercover from the unique account.
That's correct. Okay, everybody I know this voice very well so I can tell you that this is for sure Alex You got there Yeah, I'm using my proof of uniqueness voice modulator built by
Adios and civis. Good one. Yeah, I feel like that's something that could come out. And it definitely will help for proof of contribution or proof of attendance when you want to know that somebody actually went to a meeting.
So we're we're also getting acquainted with one of your team members lately his name is Travis. Yeah so Travis has been very
very energetic and sharing different ways for people to get involved with the NFT side on the unique universes. He said that there's some out for that you might share with us later today. I don't know. If you know that he said that. I've known
And honestly, that's my biggest problem every time I go into spaces like you know or podcasts or whatever like what am I actually allowed to share? It's a it's a tricky thing. Yeah, I can imagine look I won't tell Marathon man so just
We have a deal. So for everybody listening, you know, this is part of the Dean's List feedback sessions. We've been working with Alex. I mean, I've known Alex now for
over a year. It's crazy how OG both of us are. And now that unique venture clubs are alive on Mainnet, we've been working together to give some feedback from the Deans List crew. And then part of that feedback is also that have an AMA where you guys can listen
to us talk a bit about the platform, what it was like doing the feedback, and find out about what's going to happen further down the line. A quick TLDR on what DeansList is. It's a decentralized service now, anybody can join it just by
holding one token and we work with different protocols like a unique venture club to get in there early right after like an alpha build or something in the early days of build that way we can give feedback from the group of power users that we
are. What was fun about testing unique venture clubs is the fact that we are we are dours and you know we've had a lot of experience with realms, we've had a lot of experience with squads. So being able to play with a new tool in that in that playground
was a lot of fun and also unique is integrated, it's built with SPL governance, which is very refreshing to see a new way of working with SPL governance. So, you know, Alex,
One of the things I wanted to kind of get out there was a lot of the design decisions you made. You can tell you guys had a very specific use case in mind. How much of that can you share as far as your build
journey and how you got to what is now unique venture clubs. Yeah, honestly a lot of our decisions again in terms of design like you've mentioned are basically joined by this idea to build something
that is efficient and can be used, let's say, on a business level. So we are trying to think of those clubs or dolls, however they want to name it, in a way that they, you know, there are platforms out there, obviously, that cater to their needs of being,
say non-profit organizations, but we are kind of looking how they can be for profit and how they can be efficient and how can we kind of bring companies and organizations in general on chain, right? That requires kind of a little bit of a different thinking and
these tools that are addressing exactly that. Because companies exist out there, there is this out there for 100,000 years and whatnot. But there are certain inefficiencies in terms of their internal structure and collaboration between several companies that can be
to using blockchain. That's kind of our philosophy and what we are trying to actually create. So to make sure that not just like companies can transition on chain, but that it will be actually beneficial for them. They can become better by adopting this
technologies. So yeah, that obviously influences a lot of our decisions and a lot of design parts of the platform itself and can be even controversial, right? But in the end of the day, that's kind of the path we chose and you know, we want to see where it brings us as well.
Yeah, I and on the
One of the areas that I think that you guys excelled in is really going through the regulatory and legal landscape to understand. When people spin these up, let's give them a playground of sandbite.
to play in that they're not going to continuously have to worry about A. Is this compliant? Is this okay? There was a specific reason why a club, for example, can only have 99 people, correct?
Yeah, they're up because the US obviously dictates a lot of things when it comes to compliance and regulations and whatnot. So they have this specific, let's say, framework when it comes
to investing in general, right? And how can you stay compliant without actually going out and registering yourself with this SEC and what not? And that basically means that as long as you have a group under
100 people and you have under 25 million dollars in assets which is still a lot obviously both of those numbers are pretty big. You can do a lot of things without like you know being recognized as let's say venture fund or in general a funds right so
You are not still professionally managing any money and especially like you know if you are on the mentioned your own money That's why like you said we have this limitations of it's 99 people now We have a little bit strict to limitation in terms of like you know the fund raises of the amount of money you can put it to the treasury But that's more because we want to be on
the safe side of the things until we finish our second audit which is currently in progress so as soon as it's over and we have the confirmation that everything is secure we will raise this limit to like exactly something around $25 million and the same goes
to like you know a lot of other things as well that we do in a certain way because like I said we want people not to think too much about compliance right we did those things for them kind of so they can go out and play with all those things and they can like you know raise money
invest together like do all kind of financial operations and still be compliant. We are also introducing a bunch of tools that are optional from this perspective. We will obviously allow people to define
how much of the boundaries do they want to basically set themselves for their exact specific club, for example, but they will have all those tools, which for us is also super important to make sure we don't
push too much on one hand and on the other hand we really provide everything you might need in order to go as far as possible in terms of like you know expanding this organization because yes we started with a very let's say simple idea of like you know allowing people to
own some assets together primarily like NFTs, but we don't really want to limit neither ourselves or our users with that, but instead we want to say, okay, you can start with NFTs, but we are also adding fungible tokens, we are also looking to add
Other types of assets, including real world assets like real estate, shares in other companies and whatnot, which again requires some legal framework around this whole thing. That's why we are currently also working on this thing we call legal wrapper.
So basically an option for a club to set up a legal entity in the US that and make those things connected right so club is basically a legal entity legal entity is an on-chain club right and those two things are great simultaneously covering like you know whatever you need so you know you can you can as a web
three entity basically invest real world assets and as a real world company you can own Web3 assets. All in the same package all kind of it's frictionless as possible right and again the question of compliance can be very big especially for people coming from the US so we are trying to
power that as well. So yes, you have actual company that owns all those assets. So it makes like, you know, the whole tax filing, for example, more straightforward and more understandable at least. Right. So you can do those things. How will you do them? That's, you know, not something we can 100% influence obviously.
Yeah, you've taken a major pain point away in the formation of these things by already going through and doing that hard work, right? Setting it up so that look within the confines of this platform, you can feel comfortable
that you're going to be exploring something without necessarily creating a regulatory risk for yourself. And that's really something that's a niche. There is no other platform on Solana for sure. Is there even anything on the theorem that
mirrors what you've done here with Unique? Yes, there is a platform called Syndicate and they are working in this similar direction. So they have, for example, also legal entity formation and so on, but
Because I guess they have their own limitations, including the tech ones, that Ethereum can sometimes bring with itself, they don't have that many options on one hand in terms of governance.
setting up the club itself on chain. What they have for now is a pretty straightforward thing so you can raise money but those money go to the founders wallet directly and then you can do whatever he wants with them. So send anywhere interact with DeFi, protocol
and what not. And in exchange you get tokens that are representing your contribution to this particular club. So that's pretty much it. We kind of do much more and we intend to provide even more
options within the platform itself, obviously, which on one hand improves and gives you much more abilities on the other hand, it's also a limitation of its own, right? Because unless we integrate something explicitly, you cannot really use that, right?
So we need to integrate every DeFi protocol, which again probably can't be resolved. And we are looking into different solutions with other companies in this space, including squads and software to find a way
way for DAO's to like you know, either connect to pretty much anything that exists out there. But again, it's like you know, Salana has its own technical limitations which we have to consider and we need to like you know see how we can resolve it. But
That's again one of the directions that's definitely we're looking into. And it's great to have this kind of ecosystem and environment where we can't talk about those things and bring together brightest minds to actually try and overcome all those challenges.
Yeah, I totally agree that we're fortunate enough to have an ecosystem built around realms where there's me and you in Sebastian so many people that can talk together and share ideas. And really what you've created here with unique fans
clubs for those that are just coming on. This is a new way, a unique way of having a multi-sig with your friends, having a company, keeping your assets safe. There's a lot of design decisions that you can
can see that really were much more forward thinking than other platforms. One good example is you've set it up where there are manager role, there are different types of role types and all of those role types have different permissions. Additionally, one of the cool things I like to
unique is that you can set a threshold on withdrawals. Look, if somebody is going to make a proposal for withdrawal, it can't be more than X amount of Solana. Am I describing this correctly that feature?
>> Well, it draws the work in a pretty straightforward manner in terms of permission itself. So yeah, only found that at least for now can't create a withdrawal proposal. But every hour withdrawal doesn't work like, you know, you would suppose it would work.
exactly because of, again, those design decisions. So, because, again, we're looking at a club more of a company, if you have contributed to a company, essentially, to it's like, you know, bank account, for example, why would you even
have a right to like you know call in and say okay I was drawing whatever I have put in on my own that's you know kind of jeopardizes potentially the operations of the entire company and if you want to claim like the entire amount that you have you know contributed that's like in
Basically, potential reduces club to the greatest full mechanic. So who pulls out the last loses the most, which doesn't really make sense. It's not something that we want to happen in the end of the day.
mechanism for you to pull out of the club at the loss, for example, if you just want to kind of rage quit. And it's one thing, but withdrawals themselves, apparently working in a way that, you know, you come and say, okay, we have, for example, excessive money in the treasure, right, that we don't really need. So we've put too much, for example, we are more efficient
then we thought initially. Okay, so let's pull those out and then everybody gets money proportionally to what they have contributed initially, right? So, or to their ownership however you want to specify that. Or you have created some profits from your operations and you want to distribute those. Again, you can do
that are based on the amount of the fuzzy, pernichele contributed. Where we do have this specific and different thing are those trade proposals. So basically execution of particular transactions.
we allow you to set up different thresholds. From for example 0 to 10 Sol, you don't really need to call the entire you know quorum and wait for everybody to vote. Now because it's a small amount and we just need to like you know be able to execute it right away. And then you can say okay for that we
going to require actually 0% well so you as a manager for example coming you see that there is an NFT you want to snipe right away you create this proposal and you execute it it's still trackable for everybody it's transparent what you have done and why so you know everybody has an understanding of that and then you can say okay from 10 to
50, so we're going to require for example 20% threshold voting. So in this case there is some oversight and a couple of managers need to come together or measure like five members, whatever, need to come together and say yeah, okay, that makes sense, let's do that. And then for greater
transactions let's say that constitute I don't know 50 plus percent of your treasure you can say guys here we need to be really considerate and really like you know make sure we check everything and then you can put like 75% on that for example and you know make sure that at the same time your operational efficient
And secure right so that's why we wanted to give this kind of flexibility Yeah, it's it's a very big Design change and it's something that a lot of the people you know a few of the people in the audience I know they're they're part of grape and they're aware of of some
of our structured decisions based on what tools we have. So, you know, we use like a Squads or a unique club to do some of those faster decisions which with your design, what you've created with the trading
The trade approval configuration is you've said look you don't need to have two different dows To to act fast or act macro you can choose that to say look as a Dow we trust anybody that's in here or as a club anybody that's a manager level we trust them
to deploy 5, 10 Sol at a time. But anything that requires 100 Sol, hey, that's going to need this quorum. So really, it's, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it,#
in one platform rather than having to all of a sudden spin up a new multi-sick. You know, we have a separate multi-sick that's dedicated to what we call the agility fund, which is like, hey, this is the petty cash. If we had rebuilt that under unique club, if I'm correct, what we would do is just say, hey,
any kind of proposal that's below 10 sole, zero quorum and anything you know above that's gonna need the regular quorum. Yeah, that's correct. And again like you can set up to 11 I believe or 10 thresholds so that I guess gives enough
flexibility for pretty much any situation in a number of people in a number of money that you might have, right? Because that's a lot and then you can go like 0 to 10 to 50, 50 to 300, 300,000,000,000 to 500,000,000, and so on. So like really make sure that you gradually increase
the requirement for the quorum, the higher it goes on the amounts. Basically, that's the idea that you can have everything concentrated in one place and really operate depending on the circumstances in the most efficient manner. Now, do you think that
You're going to see unique develop more into giving a lot of flexibility to the user. Or do you think you're going to put certain presets and say, "Hey, this is how you do XYZ."
think that it's more valuable to focus in the short term, to give more flexibility to a power user or to make something more structured to a newbie. Yeah, that's a great question and that's our great struggles. Actually,
Because we kind of want to have this flexibility and that's why we developed it. But the number of power users obviously is pretty limited and especially when it comes to a platform that complex. You will have even less power users especially in the beginning. So what we want to do is actually like in our
keep it flexible and everything, but especially as we get more clubs on the platform, especially those that are successful at what they do, to go after them and create templates, basically based on their configurations, right? So,
Just say, okay, if you want to do, for example, small NFT trading club that has like an afterton, people, this is the perfect configuration for you. You can adjust it a little bit here and there, but that's most probably going to work for everybody within this framework.
If you want to set up something bigger, then here is a different one. If you want to run a venture investment, like, you know, arm, here is what you can do. And also, of course, we are now working on a way to, like, you know, change all those things as you progress and as your club.
So it's a very good question because especially as we develop even more features, this platform becomes even more complex, right? And even for power users, it's probably pretty soon going to become something like hard to comprehend, especially the first try.
So, that's something that definitely we will be working this year, end of the year basically, the whole UX. And we do have different ideas on how to do that. And again, Dinslist feedback helps us a lot to realize
Because what parts are uncomfortable right now, let's put it this way and let me say that it's great. So we have different ideas including like I don't know, maybe doing a modular UX, right? So when you come to the platform, we give you like a basic functionality.
And then we introduce you step by step slowly to all those different things that you can do. And if you want to add them to your club, your interface, forever, you can do that. So yeah, I mean, I can't even begin to imagine what this whole thing is going to look like a year from now, but probably it's not going to be
Something easy Yeah, and I love that answer like it's it's so true You know anybody that tells you they have a perfect vision of how they're gonna build out this stuff today obviously hasn't really been in this space that much And really I
You know, anybody who hasn't tried it out, you should because you're not only like not only is it a good tool to you know fundraise and manage assets as a group, you can learn a lot about Dowing just by going through and seeing the questions when you start up your first club.
You start to really understand how much discussion I can only imagine the backing forth you guys had with some of these design decisions Be what I wanted to do is is kind of go through this thought experiment
I see in our audience one of the members of our who runs our gaming council and also I see a few members of our great photo finish syndicate. So what happened a few I guess it was almost a year ago when the stylish studs
first came out, a group of people within grape were like, "Hey, we want to get together, buy some horses together and have a group manage it." And I look today, I'm like, "Wow, if unique existed, they would have definitely used that." And I want to kind of discuss it in front of other people that way they can kind of
you know, wrap their heads around other use cases that we might not have even thought of. Today, if that same group wanted to get together to buy some horses, they would use the fundraise mechanism. You know, you can cap the treasury, you would say, "Hey, we're going to raise no more
than let's say 200 sole and then they would have three choices to either have a deposit-based club and an FT-based club or a role-based club. Now I think what they most likely would have done to replicate what we've
What they've got already and this was all done, you know, you know, we're you know, we're the mouth kind of like there was no platform to simulate this you have to have so much trust Without a platform like unique so you know, it's a bunch of people just trusting that they send their
So everybody could then deposit there so directly into a unique venture club. What would happen is based on how much you deposited, you would get that much voting weight on your own.
the actions of the club. So after the 200, there are raised, some people have put 10, other people have put 20, the people who have put 10 have 10 votes, the people who put 20 have 20 votes. Now, one difference in what we had done then, then that I don't think can
be done today in unique and I wanted to discuss that. One of the feedback things was that some of the members who want to join the group didn't have soul but they did have stylish studs. I wanted to do a thought experiment on how they would be able to simulate
joining that club today. If I have a stylish stud and I want to join the club, would I be able to sell it to the club? Or is there a way I can get a membership to that club by giving that an
Well, basically, members should in the club per se just to acquire you even in this case to deposit any money into it. So you get accepted as a member and that's it. Your deposit basically influences what you're going to
gets out of this club, you know, when they liquidate some assets, for example, want to distribute some profits from their activity, for example, and so on. Right? So those things are not directly correlated, actually. And that's, again, one of those design design decisions that we made in the very beginning, and we are kind of sticking to it.
and be believing it. So, you know, governance is always actually separated from the ownership, right? The same way that, for example, Treasury, so what you want to spend is separated from the world, which is what you have purchased and you can sell later on, right?
And that has some implications and allows us to achieve some things in the future that probably would not be possible if we did not make those choices even though again they might not seem to be intuitive from the very beginning. Regarding the question itself, right, okay,
Right now you can't really donate, let's say, in a trackable way your NFT to an existing club. But again, that's something, again, thanks to feedback. We have brainstormed and decided that, yes, we want to do that. And now you
You can go and sell your stuff to the club. You can sell it even for zero. That's not a problem. The problem is that it's not going to get you any additional voting power or ownership or whatever. So what we are also working on right now,
And we are discussing with several dolls to specify exactly the approach, but that's like the best idea that we have right now, and it's something that has been researched not just by us, but something that we've seen other Dow tooling platforms doing is that you specify the fundraise and you say, for example,
we want to raise 200 so. But this means that we are only selling actually 80% of the treasury because we do have for example experienced managers, founder and so on who might need to be rewarded down the road for the effort they like you know,
and knowledge they provide to the club, so we'll give them those 20% without them contributing my directory, right? So that kind of also can work as I know carry fee or management fee or whatever, but in an indirect in the first place and non-monetary way, which is a company.
and be allows you to actually track those things better, right? Because they really won't get any reward if they don't contribute sufficiently. So, you know, that's kind of approach we are looking at. And that's like, you know, one of those things we want to actually get out there by the end of the year.
Well, that's a huge change because until now, yeah, the only way you could join it was if the only way you could participate in the withdrawal and the upside of what was in the funds was having been part of the fundraise.
I mean, this makes so much intuitive sense to be able to allocate a portion for those people. So then I guess it's going to be, you know, the people who have fundraised will then vote on who to allocate that unallocated portion to.
Yeah, exactly. So you can vote on that or basically it also comes along with the part of the other mechanism that we are working on right now and it is selling your shares of the club, right? So you have, for example, 10 percent because we want to provide this to the
and some way. And because we don't have a token, I mean in terms of the club, like you know when we create a club and you contribute it, we don't issue any additional tokens on top of that. We keep track of the ownership on chain obviously, but like you know in form of a larger basically and we know exactly who on
how much. So there is no real need for the token and then to avoid different situations that come up every now and then in the Dow world. But we want you to be able, of course, to have this liquidity and to be able to sell those shares
to somebody else. Like for example, you have finished the fundraise, you don't really want to have this whole 10%. There is a new person coming into a club and you want to sell half of that to a new person, which is fine. It's your right. It's all okay. You are within the same club. You have common goals.
you can know each other anyway. So it all works out pretty great. And within the same mechanics, you can reserve those shares and then you can vote and say, okay, we are going to actually give them for zero price to this particular person because
even though he came late and he didn't actually participate in the fundraise, but his expertise and day-to-day work means so much to us. I would say help us so much in terms of the upside. He deserves to have this part of the upside and that's it. That's another big change and I know that
that would definitely help the existing, as I mentioned before, they'll finish syndicate because there are people who want to have access to that liquidity ahead of others. You brought up the example where a company, people can't just exit on their own. So really adding this is
is the promise of WENTYRI, right? It's the additional flexibility we get by using this framework.
I'm keeping track of time and soon we'll ask some people to come up and ask questions. I want to ask a bit about the NFT if that's cool just because we are
We've been having a community vote to purchase 10,000 USDC worth of a collection and one of the collections that was brought up was Unique Universes. We have a bit in our treasury and we've been talking in Travis on how we can best these
and what's the strategy there. He mentioned that you guys have some changes going on. And Unica right now is I think second place in our vote. And it's like wow, okay, you know this, you know, this
This was new to me because I don't play a lot in the end of T space as much as I do on the Dow tooling space. Is there any alpha you can give us, huh? Hey, this is a really good idea for you guys. Will it connect to the clubs? What's your vision there?
Yeah, I hope Martha is not listening. So yeah, we are basically in that other way, a few days away from, you know, announcing all of that and actually pushing it out into production. So the thing that we've been like
working on for quite some time and that we wanted to help from like you know for for for a long time. First of all for you to be able to kind of bring the evolution of those NFTs to a maximum level faster.
that is by merging several NFTs so like you know you can transfer the level and all the ocean points from one NFT to another and then like you know obviously it's gonna increase the pace for you but also to you know purchase edition of the
the solution points using the tokens that have been out there for the minting mechanic, right? Because again, we did something pretty complex and different with the whole mint. So we don't want that to go in vain. And basically, you would be able to use dark matter and neutrino tokens to purchase additional
points and again to push your NFT to the maximum level of 1,001 faster. So there are a lot of different interesting mechanics out there for that one, but in correlation with the clubs, because we're also launching tokens taking within the club.
soon. And again, that's like we are talking about days. Pretty much the idea behind this taking mechanic in general is that as you bring more people into the club, you can take more tokens, right? So it's kind of your reward for promoting the platform in the first place in
bringing more people into the platform and into your own club. And that also involves additional rewards for the club founder, right? So that he gets this additional motivation even if the club is not, for example, a performance great, he still can get some
reports from the platform because he's promoting it and working it with it. So, and additionally, NFTs can be added to those taking accounts and depending on the rarity of the NFT, again everybody participating in this particular
account would get additional rewards up to for the Legendary NFT 30% on top of what you get for the locking period itself. So we have like, you know, two components in this formula. One is the locking period. So you can choose between 30, 90, 180 and 360.
today's and the other component is NFT so you can go without it. You can go with common rare epic and legendary and depending on the rare to it you'll get more rewards on top right so if you log for one year and log legendary NFT it's north of 50% APY.
Oh wow, okay, so optimal strategy for someone here is you first got to make sure that you have at least one NFT at 1,000 and one at that evolution level. Does everybody like do you need to have like one front?
that has the one thousand one or does everybody need it? No, it's just one per account right so the account is limited with 500,000 unqueued tokens the QS take there and you can put one NFT so it's one NFT per per stake account. Okay so the optimal strategy is a group
of people all get together to merge those NFTs to get that mega evolution 1,001 guy and then they make a club together where they can get the highest APY on what they're staking. Exactly. So like everything else in our classroom is all about, you know, group efforts, right?
Very cool. Now, because I was looking at RNFTs, it's going to take us a while to get to 2001. But now, there starts to formulate that need. There's probably a few clubs already trying to do this, right? Are they advertising like,
No, because again, that's like the alpha you asked for so I believe it's not even all right guys Yeah, very cool. Okay, so that's the alpha guys. It's that you want to make a club I mean and what's great about the discoverability of on unique club
is like, you know, you make it, you're there. And, you know, right now that's the case. Like I can envision not too long from now. You know, there's going to be some sort of filtering or, you know, some, you know, like long term, you know,
When people start making thousands of clubs, is it going to be like, "Hey, how will you get to feature your club first?" Because right now it's possible, but later it's going to be crazy. One of the things that we want to have definitely featured clubs
in general, which is going to be editorial of sorts. So we'll select some of those that are really performing well, or that are currently having some exciting activity, basically so that people can join in, can support that, or can just get excited about it.
But again, the good thing, like you said, there is any way, discoverability of clubs. So it's quite easy for you to just get this link, post it anywhere, promote your activity and so on. One of the things we're also thinking about, thanks
to the DIN list is adding this ability for you to create a short link for your club, so with a nice name. So it will be just easier to share with it will look nicer and so on. But definitely at some point in the future we might also think about
that, if we want really to promote the club to get it on the top of the brows, let's see how we can achieve it in a way that it really works for everybody. It's not just for the sake of the business model, but also for the users out there.
So guys, you heard it here. There's a that's some of the alpha. I also want to share that we will be giving a Dean token on behalf of a unique venture club as part of our feedback.
process, you know, we had so many great conversations, we want to reward the community. So if you are in the unique universe discord discord, you should be able to paste your wallet there. And then later today, I'm going to be going into the discord and
I'm going to be honest, I'm going to choose people that I've seen talking and being involved in unique, you know, the ideas to recognize the people who are already part and who are already helping to build it. If you also want to
chance to maybe get another token. I'm going to run this by the Dean's List sub-dow, but it's likely that we could also give one to whoever is the first to get a club up and running where you've merged
multiple different, unique universes to get the mega evolution. I gotta think about how I'm gonna articulate it, but I like the idea of, you know, seeing who can put that together. You know, it's gonna require a lot of coordination between different people. It's gonna be fun because you
you get to try different tools. So if anybody listening wants to try that out, just DM me later and we'll talk with Alex and the unique team and see how you can do that in a fun way. So we've got about
about another 10 minutes before we're going to wrap up. This is a great time to have a few people come up and ask questions. If anybody has something that they've been cooking, you know, that's the idea behind these AMAs is also to give you guys a chance to come up and ask your questions.
I would like to ask Alex about something he mentioned about sticking up to 500 key unique, you're in Q tokens. Where can these tokens be sticked? By the way,
So you can only take them within a club, right? So you need to be a member of this club. And then by default, you have one stake in account that you can put up to 500k.
you and QTOKENS into. Once you get over 10 members of in this club, you can open another Sticking account and then on 20 members another Sticking account and so on. So overall you can have up to 10. So that's the overall mechanics of that.
But only in the club, right? We specifically wanted it to limited only to the clubs because that's kind of the, we are rewarding people for, again, promoting the platform and for coming together, right? So for the behavior that the platform is supposed to reward, right?
Yeah, it's definitely an interesting incentive design. I got to run by some of the other guys in the grape douse see how we're going to get involved. Especially after I want to continue.
thinking about the steps some of the existing groups that have formed within grape went about how they could simulate something similar. Even though today there is no way to donate an asset and
And then have that automatically reflect a contribution. You could still do a role-based club where the fundraising can happen and then separately you can give roles to people. Again, manually, a lot of this is trust.
things we all have to be very comfortable with is this is a process where you know getting into multi-six and dows and tokenized communities and during this process anything that can't be decentralized today there's going to be a you know essentialized points everything that was done by the
photofinish syndicate was massively centralized in a lot of trust, but this is how humanity is always operated for centuries. But using these tools I think make things easier. So it's something to think about how you replicate what you've already
done, but you get these incremental gains of control and the ability to have that trustlessness involved. I'm saying this with Sergeant Savage and Riptide in mind who are in the audience when we come to think about how we manage these assets.
You know, could be connected to an NFT as well. We have an NFT representing ownership in that syndicate. So that could also work an NFT, an NFT based club.
There's a lot of permutations. And that's, again, one of the things I love about what you've built is that there's so much flexibility. I don't even think the builders know all of the things you can do. There's just a lot of options.
Yeah, and honestly, I think that this realization is a process, right? And that's why we are like, you know, working on these governance updates that a club can have because I
I do believe that probably in many cases you'd start to centralize and then you would decentralize more and more as you progress in the Volviz organization, not just because you have more trust, but because you have more leaders. That's what we've been saying.
like for quite some time right this tradition is about creating more leaders and so if you start as like you know you went to of your friends who you know and you trust and so on but then over time we work with more people and you see them like you
you know, keeping up with the pace of the organization contributing and so on. You kind of gain this trust in a way, but also you can see that now if they have higher, like you know, role, more permissions and so on, they can contribute more.
give them those addition permissions, you kind of delegate more and that's how you decentralize over time. So I think that's actually going to be the path that we'll see in many clubs in our platform but also in the entire Web 3 space.
I have one more kind of, you know, this question is pretty much just for me. I don't think anybody else knows about this stuff, but there's a few interactions you guys have done with SPL governance that aren't possible outside of your platform. Do you think that
that, you know, you might, that we might see some unique integrations directly on the realms platform. Or do you think that, you know, they'll be reserved to unique clubs? Yeah, that's a good question.
The problem is that we definitely, like we've been building on top of the spill governance for a reason, right? Because we believe that kind of standardizing the approach and using one framework as a foundation for all
the efforts in this vertical is much more beneficial for the space than everybody's view in their own thing. So that's why all those integrations, mutual integrations are important. And so even now, every club that you create is actually a rail.
So once you create a club you can go out onto Realms today and you will find this club there. The problem is it's not going to be completely supported and so on because like I said a lot of mechanics actually live on the side of our own programs. Right? Let's run outside of Realms.
So that's a big question and it's a very important one. I think this is like kind of backward compatibility, right? So how do we allow, for example, realms and those created on realms to spawn something on the unique VCs side
that will give them natively access to all those additional features that we provide and on the other hand, for our clubs to be able to control at least certain aspects of their existence on the rails today. And it's a huge work I guess it's a head
of us at some point because it would be amazing if people could use all of those tools kind of natively no matter where they started right. No matter if you start one for example unique or squads or realms or whatever
You can still come and you know use separate features for example separate aspects of other platforms as well For the same like you know DAO organization or club or anything or multi-seek really that would be amazing But I really think that's like no and it's great again that we're
talking all the time between ourselves, like you said, between like no squads and realms and us, and great, there's a constant conversation on how we can do this best, but it will require a lot of work, but you know, as long as we have this conversation, I'm adamant that it's gonna happen at some point.
Well, much love to you for doing that, you know, because it's not one of those things that necessarily moves unique forward, you know, and that's one of the things I love about working with you.
guys that you're very much focused on getting the job done and making the ecosystem better. So really, any of the work you guys would do there, I massively applaud.
So before we go, you know, Alex, I think we've given a lot of great next steps to people who have listened. There's, you know, great alpha on what you can do with unique clubs and also on
on how the NFT is going to evolve pun intended to be involved with the unique venture clubs. Is there anything you want to leave everybody with before we wrap up?
Yeah, I'm still like you know, like like Martin is not in the office, so I hope I'm gonna live another day But I think what I wanted to like to kind of share Is like you know some of our short
short-term plans and what are we doing right now and what excites me in another thing. So like I said, we are working on the legal aspect legal wrapper, so like club skills, phone companies and you know, operating the real world does it. So that's
kind of fun. We are also working on basically bringing the whole investment and venture aspect, a type, let's say, of organizations on chain, tweaking these sort of things. Basically, I mentioned all of them already, including the
like you know, additional allocations for people who didn't for example contribute funds necessarily and obviously they're able to spawn more treasures within a single club where you know you can have one treasury dedicated to I know for example for the future
finish and the other one dedicated to some other collection and so on and so on. So they will have different stakeholders, you know, contributing to this particular goal, but again working within the United overall framework and methodology, let's say, at the club.
So that's when I pretty much wrap up like you know This whole idea that you can actually start a venture club and venture fund on chain, right and that's Something I'm really excited about and we are talking to several dolls already who wants to
to start something like that and be looking around for the tools that would satisfy this particular need and this particular case but couldn't find it. So, yeah, that's something that is the most important right now and something where we will hopefully have a bunch of really cool announcements soon.
Yeah, and really guys you have no idea how important it is to not have certain headaches and really I applaud again the unique team on thinking as a user in when you guys went through and built unique venture
clubs as a member of Deanslist, it was a super pleasure getting to review it because as I said, this is the kind of tool that we all use within Deanslist a lot. We're all multisiggers, dowers, so
Not only was it fun to use, it was great working with you and the team, you know, as far as the feedback went, you guys were super receptive, we had great conversations about theory, you know, why you apply a threshold here, why you have a permission like that, and it was great
The hearing that the feedback we gave was valuable enough to make it into your development roadmap. Everybody listening, you've got great reason to get involved and check out unique venture clubs, especially since this is most likely going to be a
listening and Alex, it was funny when we were talking about preparing for this. I'm like, "Hey man, we're just going to talk like we always do." It's always a pleasure. You know, one of the best thought leaders in the space and I look forward to doing it again.
Yeah, absolutely. Thank you so much. And again, thank you so much for this opportunity and for this whole thing that you have created with Dinslist. I mean, the report you've sent us when I first opened it, I was like, okay, I'm, I don't know, I'm probably not going to be able to do anything for three days because
because it's like 120 pages or something like that incredible massive work done. But now it's like it's also an amended to read for everybody in the company really. Because again, it did a tremendous job and it really helped us like, you know, make this step back.
and take another perspective, another look on what we have done and how do we want to improve that. So it's been really great and thank you so much. Yeah, man, this is the dream, right? Where we can all work and enjoy what we're doing. We love using what you guys are building. You keep building it. We'll keep using it.
Everybody listening, go check out unique venture clubs. Also keep an eye on the NFT. As we said, there's a vote happening in grape right now. There's second place, it's possible we're going to be sweeping. Come by on Sunday at the Dow call. It's at 1pm. You
And if you want to join Deanslist super easy, just grab one token, come to the discord and you're in. And like that, you get to discover these awesome tools like unique venture club before everybody else does. Thank you, everyone. And we will see you soon. Take care. Have a great weekend.
Thank you.

FAQ on Grape Spaces: Dean’s List x Unique VC | Twitter Space Recording

What is the purpose of the Dean's List feedback sessions?
The purpose of the Dean's List feedback sessions is to give feedback from a group of power users to improve the Unique Venture Clubs platform.
What is Unique Venture Clubs?
Unique Venture Clubs is a platform built on SPL governance that aims to bring organizations on-chain in a way that can be beneficial for them, particularly for-profit companies.
What is the limit for the number of people in a club on Unique Venture Clubs and why is this limit in place?
The current limit for the number of people in a club on Unique Venture Clubs is 99, because the US dictates compliance regulations for investing, and having a group under 100 people means that they can do a lot of things without being recognized as a venture fund or any kind of fund that is professionally managing money.
What is the legal wrapper that Unique Venture Clubs has developed?
The legal wrapper is an option for a club to set up a legal entity in the US that makes the club a legal entity and an on-chain entity simultaneously, allowing for the investment of real-world assets in addition to web3 assets.
What other types of assets is Unique Venture Clubs planning to add?
Unique Venture Clubs is planning to add fungible tokens, as well as other types of assets including real estate and shares in other companies.
What is the Proof of Uniqueness voice modulator?
The Proof of Uniqueness voice modulator is a tool built by Adios and Civis that was used by Alex to verify his identification during the podcast recording.
What is the purpose of the Proof of Uniqueness voice modulator?
The purpose of the Proof of Uniqueness voice modulator is to provide proof of contribution or proof of attendance when it's important to verify someone's identity.
What is the philosophy behind Unique Venture Clubs?
The philosophy behind Unique Venture Clubs is to create something efficient and can be used on a business level, to bring companies and organizations on-chain in a way that can be beneficial for them.
What is the Spl governance that Unique Venture Clubs is built on?
Unique Venture Clubs is built on SPL governance.
What is Travis's role at Unique Venture Clubs?
Travis is a team member at Unique Venture Clubs who has been sharing different ways for people to get involved with the NFT side on the Unique Universes.