Guild Community Call #18

Recorded: Feb. 22, 2023 Duration: 0:48:39




Oh, paint Peter again. Hi there. Hello everyone. Last meeting. Also a bit in calls for the past four hours of bidding calls constantly.
my voice is a little bit rusty already but I think that's the usual of our community cause at this point I have enough water for the whole thing to last me so I don't cough away like I did last time let's hope for the
But you did great last time. I was having my fingers crossed, I was like, okay, she can do that, she can see the sentences. Because there were so many things to share and I didn't want you to miss out on anything.
We're good today. I have no worries.
Something fun is that I know I promised last time that I'm going to do a kick-in again like we did before implementing our new community strategy. If kicking is in removing members from the server who hasn't opened
discord app in more than 30 days and don't hold any single role with us. They got removed. They can't join back in any time but they got removed. And I know I promised I'm gonna do another one. I haven't yet but I think I might today because it's been a while. It's almost been a month I think for three weeks for sure.
Yeah, I think we were thinking about the whole strategy and just laying on the couch. I think, yeah, a month ago was something like this. So yeah, I think you're right.
Super also there is a new thing for everyone in the audience and for us also there is a chat on the side so it's not only that we have the stage chat
The channel that is named Stage Chat, but we actually have an event stage chat now. So there's more space, you know, to just read whatever you guys are telling us.
This is better than stage chat. Oh yeah, that's for sure.
I mean, even for us, it's much easier to just look at the stage chat here than just going to another chat on the side.
I think we can wait like one more minute or so and then we can kickstart.
Perfect timing.
House Twitter, everyone who's already on Twitter. You guys could comment on their posts where you join the spaces. If you did from the space notifications, you could do comments. We could maybe chat for questions if you have any there. Oh, but I think majority, majority
of our folks are joining from this court, which is still our primary focus as they just launched features that the stage can now have screen-training and can have more people in it if they're screen-training above, which has been one of the bottlenecks, but we have to move our workshopby or screen-training
events off of this course. So now we might even move back. So great shipping for them. So even more good for us to stay here. But yeah, good waiting, our regular five minutes waiting for people to funnel in. Thank you everyone for joining. We're going to kickstart this community call today. I think this is our 18th
one. So congrats to us where reached the age of drinking in Europe. Sorry that was a terrible joke. I retract that. It was horrible. We're going to give a little glimpse into guild, everything that's happening behind the scenes and not just behind the scenes. What we've already
already communicated publicly or we already shared some of it with you guys, especially the wardens. So yeah, staying in the loop with these community calls to do the Beverly 2 weeks, we have visually shared a little bit of a forward of news that are happening that we get into product separate upgrades and then we're going
Do a little bit of a team update/community update what we're planning and how things have been going in the past two weeks. So let's get into it. Our little forward today. Oh, by the way, I'm Reika, co-founder of KillxWizzy, and this is Tanna, our lead community person at Guild. We're on usual hosts.
So yeah, I'll get into our forward. So this this community as well of our community events are being recorded right now so that we can upload the audio back on YouTube. There's usually a lot of little knowledge and some you know sometimes you say really smart things so I've been sending it to people to have about a special
It's a live experience of how we restructured the community a few times and we shared all those upgrades in community calls. So whatever I know and some teams reach out that they need help with that, I just send them to them. So maybe you could do that too as we've been uploading all of them to YouTube.
So what we've been uploading is we've been a little bit doubling down on our YouTube, okay? It's beginning to be a valuable place to be. So if you guys haven't checked it out yet, one of us will share the link here when we usually do in our little stage chat. And we have been uploading a lot more guides
there with narration and everything on the most frequently asked questions or we're just getting into recording some cool stuff and some things that can be very inspiring and we also uploaded a lot more guides to our which is where everything all our documentation lists right now so if you need any questions
It's also searchable. It's wonderful. It's way better than the notion that we had before. So feast your eyes on those. Also, just repeated since last week or since last community call, we did move our support system off of this court and the ticket box into a
help desk that's on our user interface you can always find a little chat box on the right bottom. I feel like you already know this from a lot of other products that you use on the internet. It's very helpful to us. It allows us way more help, way more like faster responses, better chat experience and everything. So if you
any suggestions feedback or you have questions or your last three found the bug, please let us know in that little check-up on the user interface. And one more little note is that two of us are going to eith Denver over the weekend so we'll be there next week. I'm going to share all the panels and work
shops that we're doing there. So if some of you are in Denver, comment "meet us" and "see us" or at least come see the panel. And I think most of them are also recorded in live stream. So if you're interested, I know that the most ones that I was lucky enough to be invited to, we talk mostly about "dow to dow"
collaboration and creators and essentially community building. So everything that's relevant to you, obviously because I am who I am, you know, my expertise who's been here before. So I'm going to talk about those things a lot. I'm going to share all of that though so you can be well, even if you can't make it out to Denver, I'm going to make
my most biggest efforts so that you feel included and don't feel like you missed out on anything. And without further ado, we can get into the product updates. We have some really interesting things cooking this week. Last week I think we also had pretty major and some smaller fixes to tell you. I'm keeping saying, last
Last week, whenever I say last week, just know that I need the last community call, okay? I'm a recovering last week here. So yeah, first little, little as in major, first major product of this is going to be many, for many of you, super excited.
I've been thinking a lot about how we can best use this feature. It's again in usual guild fashion something that's super simple. I can describe it in one sentence, but unlocks endless possibilities after that. So like almost everything they build. I know, I know it's a
It's the usual, it's nothing, they all because we do everything this way, but this is also like that. So the feature is payment as a requirement. We're rolling it out for selected communities. So payment is a requirement is a very simple explanation, but what we're going to see on.
social media tomorrow and everywhere is that we're describing this feature as realize the earning power of your community because we did realize that there's a lot of trouble with monetizing communities especially when anyway I get into it but yeah so you can get paid for membership
we did in the past year, over 31 of them, you can combine with payment now. So with this, we offer the most flexible solution for payments. You can easily monetize any project and offer various options for membership, digital goods, collectables,
events, perks, and much more. I'm going to give a little bit more examples so you can imagine it. With this we can enable very seamless activations of different levels in a member's unique journey, making it very possible to be closer in every touchpoint with every member. It's fully
to customize to whatever the community actually needs to achieve, to actually want to achieve and what their goals are to sustain themselves, to thrive, to take over the internet. So we started doing this because we realized how there's a few solutions that allow community
monetize themselves, but over the last three years we saw the trend of first tokenized communities, then NFT communities coming up and somehow community still struggle to stay sustainable and find kind of like community market fit. So we really wanted to make this more simple and even if you
How do I say this nicely? So whenever the combination of your community's values come into play with finances, a lot of community struggle to go through this experience and incentivize members'
essentially crap from the community find the common goal find something that's sustaining like long term giving give them longevity support their efforts give them a large source to do their outputs give them financial independence and all of that so essentially
successfully balanced financial incentives with the community's values and goals. It's really, really important to be very close to your members by doing so you can create sustainable networks that will thrive for the long haul. And with this feature, hell yeah, of course, what we developed this for, you can do this. And I'm going to give a few examples
of how this is possible and what you could do with this feature. Also big announcement video and all of that juicy stuff are coming tomorrow but we really wanted you guys to know first him that's part of the point of being in the community and also we're like you know how you can get started with this if you're if you want to enable
So some examples already as a what you could do with this is staying on our biggest use case still access. So for groups, for example, you could set different requirements based on members' journeys. Those who have shown support early on and hold a very rare NFT or have different experiences that those who want to
new when the community can show in the requirements. So let's say you have a group for, I don't know, a specific discussion and you have three different member pathways to get into that group. Paying a flat fee of $100 worth of whatever on-chain asset you choose. The second one is paying half
to feed, but also owning a community on FD showing that you've been a supporter for a while. One-third one is paying nothing at all, but holding a very special rare in FD of the community that possibly shows that you're a bigger supporter or longer time supporter. So these are some stuff that you could play with. This is just some ideas that we came up with.
So alongside access, we can talk about memberships. So thank guest passes, general members, early supporters, early bird tickets, or stuff like that, contributors, different interest groups and sub-gills within the community. They could all have different requirements.
And the last thing around access is ticketing and events. So for example, let's say in the guild community, we want to host like a super specific workshop where we invite a mastermind from the space around, let's say, I don't know, Dify. We do a big Dify workshop, but we
want to make it in a way that we could pay this guest to come and educate us. So we could have like a small, I don't know, like $5 attendance fee for general members, general tickets to come and participate in this workshop so we can pay our guest and for any community this is viable.
And there could be also VIP tickets, maybe for people who could go on stage and speak to this magnificent guest. So you could do general admission, reserve seats for people, multi-season passes for events that are recurring, or VIP stuff, workshops, or for focused discussions and many other things like that.
Moving on to second type of thing that you can do with this super feature, the payment is a lot of us. We've had a lot of us for a while. You know the feature pretty well, but this is the first time that you can pay to be an a lot of us.
and makes payment with every other requirement as well. So you could say you can only get a Myo Lales and be my community if you paid me $25 worth of USDC and also have completed this course about
my community and have this badge to prove so. So you can mix and match and then create a while with making becomes a true reality.
Next thing is e-commerce. One of the really great communities that we've been talking to that we might release this feature with is planning to do pre-ordered merchant
Nice jobs with a group. So what you can do or what they're planning on doing is have an NFT as the basic requirements, as a community NFT to own that you're part of this community and proof that you've been around for a while.
and have a merchandise fee to get into this special telegram group where they're going to share the details of the merchandise drop and they're going to then be able to get it for free because they already paid to get into the group to talk about it. It's just pretty cool.
And then bigger things is you could also do carve something with this. What I mean by this is what we, I said, with the like problem proposition is that many communities struggled last year to stay afloat. For many reasons, one of them is the lack of finances.
Like communities could do treasury building this way that they grassroots everybody contributes a little bit and then they can use this to achieve their common goal even if it's a community that's only there for temporarily for a given amount of time or if it's a community that's there for the long haul.
You could do it like almost like charities. You could raise money with this for public goods or Charitable purposes as well. You could activate the community with these paid memberships and build a treasury this way. It's super interesting. And then along the NFT line,
What a really interesting use case could be here is the derivatives. I don't know if you guys know that it's been a really big trend with major NFC collectibles and communities that they have the original collection and then eventually as the success grew for the original collection, they started doing a derivative of it which
If you know you probably do know board 8-yard club, they also have the zombie monkeys later coming out of that. This is on the 8th obviously. And that's a bit of a bit of a... So with this feature, what you could do as an example is you can only claim a new
If you set aside different requirements including owning the original collection or part of, you know, maybe you could say you could have you have to own five of my original collection NFT. Follow the group on Twitter so that the projects can grow socially as well on my social media and then you
do still have a fee to actually buy the NFT and then with these requirements you can then mint the derivative. So make it very permissioned if you get to, permission but still automated if you get to mint the derivative and combine it with like growth incentives as well which is pretty pretty insane if you think about it.
And the last thing here or the last little piece of inspiration or tip that I'm going to leave here is the collectibles. This is something that we've been playing with for quite a while. You could distribute digital collectibles of many kinds to
to members to remember especially when by you guys know perhaps really well they are great example of this and as you know we've been Distributing clips for many many months now and recently we started monetizing them as well to truly come
them into not just the freebie to have in your wallet but actually as a kind of when you're in a concert and you take home your wristband or you take home the ticket and you keep it in a box. Something like that I can actually connectable that you can proud and look at in your wallet and it's there
forever. So yeah, these were the main use cases. There's going to be much more in the publications tomorrow than we've been preparing with. We're going to share it in the community as well, but you could also look up for on our Twitter and our mirror for a guild. We're going to share
there. And I have a link here that we could share with you as the earliest as a show of appreciation that you've been supporting us for so long is the is the form to enroll in the waitlist to get this feature in your community.
We are going to progressively on roll or roll out this feature with a few partners. We do this for multiple reasons. One of them is so that we can help avoid community members getting unwanted payments as in
We can sort of filter which communities get this feature so that we can avoid scams until they become a reality, which I think unfortunately they will, but we'll do our best to protect that. And for now, this is the way that we curate the communities that get this feature is how we can protect our members and users this way.
Let's share the link with everyone here. So they can know before everyone else. And yeah, these were the major changes in the feature set that we have. And then after this, we do have some integrations that
and upgrade to our infrastructure that I want to say. Anything to add to the first feature? Or can I move on to the next upgrade? You can move on. I'm going to do the links and everything and talking with the others to go on the ways. Perfect. Thank you. I'm going on then.
The next little information to share with you is that we integrated delegate cash into guild. So I think this happened almost to me so like right after our community call, if you guys don't know, delegate cash is a decentralized registry to protect assets in your wallet. You can keep your
valued NFTs safe and still claim airdrops, prolongership, sign things and do everything Web 3-ish with your wallet, your hot wallet specifically, while still knowing your assets are safe because of the lot of exploits that happened in the past year or two. This
is a very, very great solution to have a safer experience on the internet, especially if you have high value assets in your wallet and you still want to keep using your app wallet. Like, you need to use your app wallet for everything. So this is wonderful. If you're using this wallet, now you'll be able to connect with that through GuildX-wise
seamlessly. It's on our user interface wherever you saw the wallets before. When you connect your wallet you're going to see the luggage cash will go and everything. That's involving that so have fun and be safe. It's great moving towards security, one integration at the time. We're very happy about it.
Moving on, it's a different thing. It's an infrastructure upgrade, but you'll be very happy to hear that so far we had traits and metadata indexed on Ethereum and Polygon chains. So NFT communities, when they issue NFTs, they
They set a lot of metadata if they're good, because they do have a lot of metadata to go with their NFTs and a lot of traits for that. So let's say if we stay with the board A, pick examples. If the A has a blue background or has a cigarette, those little attributes are
in the metadata of that NFT. And Guild started out as a singular, unique solution in quite a while ago to use this metadata to get access to groups. That was our whole unique feature in the very, very beginning. That was what we did differently than anyone else.
and also mixing these requirements with log-gates was something that we came up with. But now, oh wait, one more thing that I want to say here is that this metadata, they're usually off-chain and they're really, really hard to index and get and check automatically because as you know, Guild doesn't
only check it, give access or give this role and then leave it that way. We constantly keep rechecking if you have it and we manage the role. We don't just give the role, we take it away as well. So that requires us to constantly be able to monitor the blockchain and these assets.
So it was really, really difficult to do this as most of these traits and metadata are scattered all across off-chain sources. So, so far we had this very theory with Colligon and now it's also available in optimism and arbitrum. Yay! This is a massive upgrade for NFT community.
And I'd like to ask you, your opinion, as many of your NFT holders and conistures yourselves, what other chains should we do next? I think this is already dynamic and we're going to have a lot of fun with it and yeah, I don't even know how
We survived so far, but the optimism and the arbitrage on community are growing massively. There ecosystems growing like crazy and this is going to be a very relevant feature for those communities to use their NFTs.
to the maximum and actually have a lot of composability and a lot of options to use these traits and different types of entities as requirements. So this is great.
We're also working on our audit log, which just means that like who joined when and all these types of like very essential information. We want to make it available for Edmonds to know to have a better vision of who is in their community.
community and when certain events happened. So we're working on that. It's not fully out yet, but we're doing the infrastructure steps for this so we can provide more metrics and insight into communities. So stay tuned for that. It's on the roadmap. It's come in.
And the last bigger product update that I can share here is the last we introduced our little asset buying feature where for convenience you can also buy required tokens that you would
need to hold to get a role, you can buy it through the Guildener phrase, so you don't have to go to exchanges anymore because we aggregate them. And so far, this feature has only been able to, or we only enabled it on the arbitrum community. Actually, a lot of communities don't use tokens. It's surprising. But it's
been the trend, you know, us here, every community should have been left in sort of a token for our reasons, because US has been regarding them with security issues, but, you know, the trend isn't tokens, but we were very, very happy to see that our friends at alongside finance created a guild.
And they have their own token and it should or establish many roles for token holders. And we've been working with them since they started and essentially very happy to say that their whole community or you know this is coming from them, but their whole community is
this because they made a deal for it and a lot of community members that they weren't collected, they were scattered across platforms or were just followers at some point are really now together in their discord and they have their respective roles of how much they support and hold up these tokens of alongside finance.
So we enabled this purchase feature for them as well because it's much more convenient for the users to get the tokens from our user interface than going all to these exchanges. So they've been experiencing pretty good growth. They only established the build last
ago and they already have over 5,000 members in their guild. So it's a big, big upcoming and a big win and I'm very happy to support the team. They're really nice. And yeah, that's been the major, major major upgrades on our product side.
And there's been some improvements in fixes again, which I had trouble with last time as well, which ones I want to say. So I'm going to read through them really quick.
One for important one is I don't know if you noticed or if you talked about it with you guys, but we did add for Edmonds when you're creating a guild, we ask for your email for purposes of if they're support or we want to reach out to you with an opportunity like for example, enabling
a special feature for you. We really wanted to have a connection point because it helps both of us. And that happened quite a few weeks ago, but now we added a validation for these emails to make sure that no one has a type of window email and they're actually useful for
are getting in contact with each other. So that's been great. And then another one is that we actually do want to say that Hanoi is about support is your domain. Yes, actually I just wanted to highlight this because this is a really big improvement for the support flow.
So basically with the developers, we figured out a way how we can track in a better way when the user is doing what, you know, the whole like flow, the user is going on and we improve the super flow with correlation IDs, which basically
means that there's an ID which helps us to track issues and provide more efficient support for them. So then we can just check back what happened and then the bear is the issue exactly instead of you know just trying to figure it out. So this is really great for us.
And there's been a few smaller upgrades as well. In fixes, we fixed some performance issues with the social accounts to optimize more spike traffic and the link preview for images to ensure that they display correctly on an interface. So those have been a few of our like fixes. There's been more but
I don't think they're relevant to you at this moment. Yeah. And I think we could move on to our community updates, which I'd like to start with that we're really, really happy to announce that we have a new team member joining us to help us
He is also Hungarian, we've met in person, it's amazing, very very lovely to have such a cohesive team. And we're still in the early stages of working together, but so far we've been really really happy. And I want to introduce you guys to Noir B. He's going to help us all
in the server and with our events and everything that we've been doing. We really want to make sure that so far we've been doing that we can take that to the next level and provide the most value for you guys in many different ways and really establish the community that we want in the value that we want to provide for you.
which is a lot of education and like knowledge sharing and fun and really cool events coming so yeah Norby if you could say a few words for the peeps that would be nice hi guys so I'm Norby I'm the new community manager here I will be working with Rayclan
and honor in the future to provide you with better content and events and then basically everything related to community. I'm a new guy to this space so feel free to highlight me and if your projects or anything, think me with interesting
stuff any time you want. Mostly in the past week, mostly in the past week I was working on our support flow with Hanna. So if you have any thoughts about that, you can ping women that in time too. And also
And this is a little announcement. We will be launching a reddit in the coming weeks, which will be run by me. And this is everything. I think I'll keep back to work to the girls.
Thank you. Thank you for introducing yourself. So yeah, nor be special project is going to be your Reddit kickstarting a Reddit presence. Not a lot of up to communities use Reddit, although it's wonderful for the longevity of questions like actual frequently asked questions in Google searches. I don't know how many times
your Google and you ask something and Reddit comes up and you just get so merged and this subreddit of great content. That's great and we haven't unlocked that in bug 3 and we really like this idea of like a lot of posts and community generated information content or good features
There are actually valuable can live there forever. So we want to establish this. I think we're launching it officially next week. So if any of you are avid Reddit users also feel free to give us any advice where this is our first like admin experience from Reddit. So ping nor be about that.
as well. And yeah, we're going to focus our efforts more into building out contributions as well, our support efficiency, and essentially creating more fun and engaging events. We've been really liking the ones that we had so far, and I hope you did too, but we really want to step it up even more.
and leveling up our educational side so we can share more about community building and guilds and everything that goes along with that. So a little more update about the community strategy. As you guys know, we implemented this about two weeks ago. No, three weeks ago, sorry.
three weeks ago and we did already have some feedback to you, to ourselves, thanks to change. We are very, very open if you have suggestions. If something feels weird in the server, you don't see something that you believe we would like to see, please leave a chat in a general chat or a suggestion
the suggestion box for what I'm happy to see. Some of the things that we noticed is that it would be lovely if we established an at-take-you channel. That's not existing and a lot of the communities conversations are still around support and we are a product oriented community.
would be really nice if we had that, so we haven't had the chat, so we're gonna establish this, it's gonna be great. We're also gonna design some visual, like visual visuals into our boarding flow, because we do have these role channels, I don't know if you guys see or we're went into them, but like some explanations of the
roles that we have in the server and we haven't had the visual for it and it couldn't be a little confusing about these roles related to each other. So we're going to create a little visual representation of that. And also we noticed last week when we talked about this is that the server for explorers or our members who have the explorer role
only that role. Same a little empty because we purposely slowly didn't give a lot of communication channels for that role. I think only the ASCO-Y channel is open for them for conversation because for community members we have a little bit of higher requirements to be able to participate but we did open up
for view access the things that Kilders can have writing access to. So explorers now can see what Kilders can actually write. So they know what they're up to when they want to join the community better. They see more of what's inside. And what's interesting too is since we launched the Void
And it started deepening the hub and everything for our fellow admins and community builders. The role is pretty thick. We on the guild side, if you go on our guild, you can see that more than 900 people have to swole.
But on our awarding channels, the activity is not matching that, which is obviously something that we should be looking out about, and I'm very interested to see why this happens. And I think a lot of other community builders can relate to this. Obviously, this court is just one channel
communications for us and it's not everything but I would be very interested to see where that happens and we want to make sure that we have this court as kind of like it could go to place even if you don't hang out here all week because why would you that for events and questions and ideas it could be a place for discussion and sort of like
an occasional place together that would be really lovely and I feel like we we're still not perfect was making this happen and I'm we're going to investigate why why that is I think it would be very
education for free shared learnings of how we notice this drop off and where it actually comes from and how we're going to fix it. This is a very basic prevalent issue over the most servers in most communities in space.
other than that. And I do want to share about our last word and hour that we had last week. Yes, I would love to say some words about what happened last week and what is coming. So basically we just moved our word and our another platform to just try
out new features of that specific platform called Butter to make it more interactive because currently we have these calls when we are talking about Guild and you know talking about other projects and all these things but we would love to have something which is more interactive and with Butter we had the opportunity
you need to just, you know, make spectrum questions and have people load. Unfortunately, we didn't have the time, but we already had the setup. So it's a good way to start, I guess. But yeah, since Discord just in
showed introduced the new features that Jessica said in the very beginning. We are going to come back to this court. We're going to have it here on stages and we'd love to have people to join on a stage. Just hope on, you know, you don't even have to be afraid of having
stage because we want to make it more interactive, more conversational and what is coming is we would like to focus more on community management related topics. So if there's something which is really true to your
use case, you can just wipe with it, we would love to talk about it. So, I'm feeling like I'm babbling around but I hope you can get my point. So not really guilt focused, it's like guilt focused and community management focused. So if you have any suggestions what would be
really great to have as topics first I said for example contribution or something like this if you have you know any experiences you can just hop on share it with us we can talk about it this is something that is coming up in the future and also I would just say one more thing what
what is coming. We said we would love to have more interaction with wardens and knights. So for example, we also will have a meetup with our knights on butter to make it more like a brainstorming session. We're going to figure out new ways how we can just
integrate the Knights into our community even better and get them closer to our team and even onboard new Knights, which is coming soon. We're going to talk about these kind of topics and also besides these, these are for the wardens, these are for the Knights, but there's something for everyone.
I really feel that the quiz nights has a special place in the community, which is really great because this is the time when we can just come together, we can talk about different things before we start the quiz and all this thing, all like that.
Personally, I love it. So I would love to have it for example every second or third week. So if you are updated, we could have one next week also. And what I wanted to say with this is I would love to have your suggestions. What would you love to have on the Christmas?
Because I'm running out of topics, I'm really trying my best, but I would love to have you. Like, just to tell me what you would like to have. Because we were thinking about like new movies, anything, but something that's related, not that's related, you know.
I think what would be really fun to do on the quiz nice as well is if we worked a little bit more similarly to our community stand up and buy a community that's very adjacent to guild and essentially like do a quiz with them so we can get to know them better.
You know how like we had the honor more team hop team all of that we could do and we did moments area recently that was really fun We could do more of that, but I also agree that we could also do ones that aren't necessarily killed or acts related we could choose to
We could pick a series that everybody seen or we can give that some work to see a movie or something and then we can come back to weeks later and have a quiz on it. That would also be really cute. More like off topic stuff. Yeah, something like that. Yeah, exactly.
Okay, awesome. Then I think that's what we had for today as the most of what we had in store, what we haven't said yet. So if you guys don't have any direct questions, let me see if you do.
Have you, have you had an order or have you seen anything while we were speaking that were question worthy or also check our Twitter right now?
We have quite some comments here. Wow. Oh, it's a lot of GMs. I got excited. I'm like, well, people are talking, but it's it's a lot of GMs. Oh, yeah. I just said GM, as much as I think everybody
started saying GM. Hello, hello, hello GM. Oh, there is one suggestion about the quiz. Go on, I love the suggestion. So just to share it, share it with us.
I then um
I think we, I think we're done for today, go. Yeah. Yeah, I think we covered everything that we wanted.
If you need any other information or something that's back in you don't hesitate to.
To communicate it later, we're always here in the server. Sometimes a little bit delayed over here every day, so we could be in different time zones, but we're still here. So yeah, let's keep that boat going. Yes, thank you so much everyone for being here with us.
Since we said there is no question or anything, we both started texting at the event stage.
When will we have our next week?
waiting because there's a bug which led to that non-admin user just got the Arden role. So the bug was fixed, the guys are just texting it, testing it in the back. So we are waiting until we can remove all the Arden roles that are
are distributed, not perfectly. So on the other hand, the boarden hour is postponed, but I will get back to you next week about the details when it will be, where are we going to hold it? So that's for sure.
Yeah, I don't know. Yeah, I just, we were just chatting in the workshop with brainwashed and a nice cute little idea that maybe we could start, maybe we could do, I don't know how we're going to make this a reality, but we could start at either point for people who have the most killed pull out.
And I know that us, the team, we always kind of a really high rank if that was, maybe excluding us. Because there's quite a few in the community who have been supporting us for quite a while. Many, many, many community calls since we even started dropping for apps. So it would be nice to see who they are.
Okay, anything else?
No, I think not. We are good.
Okay, then thank you everyone for joining today. Our normal shenanigans are going to happen now. For the Twitter folks, thank you so much for joining and listening in over there. And, gee, I'm making the comments on the space posts. Very cute. And, see you guys in two weeks.
weeks for the next community call, but hopefully we'll have another event and also if Denver is going to be happening, so share where you can catch us and follow along and see the lives and all the live streams. So thanks so much for joining.
Thank you. Actually, by the way, I just realized something I didn't share and I just want to say this was coming. There's actually an event which is planned from now to two weeks. We're going to have a co-hosted event with Party Space.
I don't know if you guys remember, but we had once a quiz night there, which was a Star Wars event, where Bieber, you know, distributing the NFTs, the special Star Wars NFTs and all these things. And we can have another event with them. A committee's stand up.
stay tuned, I'm going to share every information about it. So yeah, thank you so much for being here. We would like to say thank you with a cute little pop. As per usual, we have two different types. We have the regular one and we also have the premium
one. So the regular one, if you click on that, you can buy it. You can support us by just purchasing it for 1.95 USDC on polygon or with mathic or also you can get the premium, you can support
with that which is 50 USDC or a modicule so I just set up this to you so you can choose from. So if you have anything else you got to say or no are we feel free to say it I'm gonna just manage the the embed button now.
Awesome, thanks Hannah, as always, we delivered the little, the little groupals and we've been loving how much you guys have been appreciating it and we saw some really kind messages of looking at this as a way to support this project that we've built for free so it's really kind of you.
appreciate the sentiment and you know what's exciting yeah we actually got this this input and complement this past few weeks that our server is surprisingly wholesome there's like no hate speech there's like no aggressive memeing there's like everybody's so kind
here. And it's all you guys. It's all of you. You're just like a really big wholesome gang. We're just kind to each other. I don't know. It's so awesome. And I guess it comes from like, they say that the community is like the community builder. So I hope that just means that probably means that we're really kind and wholesome people.
and we try to be and I hope that you take this message with you as well if you're building a community or participating. Take some kindness with you. It will proliferate as you can see on our example into almost 70,000 people being kind to each other and supportive. So that's a good lesson from today.
So yeah, and everything is all set. You can find everything in the secret chamber and see you next week!
Thank you so much for being here with us.
Thanks for joining and we'll be in the channels to answer any questions after the event as well and support with whatever you need support with. Thank you so much for joining. Goodbye. Bye bye.

FAQ on Guild Community Call #18 | Twitter Space Recording

What was the topic of the community call?
The topic of the community call was a glimpse into the Guild, including product updates and team/community updates.
What is the purpose of recording the community events?
The purpose of recording the community events is to upload the audio back on YouTube to provide a live experience of how the community was restructured and share all the upgrades discussed during the calls to help other teams in need.
What has Guild been focusing on lately?
Guild has been doubling down on their YouTube channel and uploading more guides with narration on the most frequently asked questions and inspiring content. They have also uploaded more guides to their help section on their website.
Where can users find Guild's documentation?
Users can find Guild's documentation on their website, which is where all their documentation is listed.
What did Guild do with their support system?
Guild moved their support system off of Discord and the ticket box into a help desk on their user interface which can be found at the bottom right corner of the screen.
Where are the hosts of the community call going to?
The hosts of the community call are going to Denver over the weekend to attend panels and workshops.
What is the hosts' topic of discussion at the panels and workshops in Denver?
The hosts' topic of discussion at panels and workshops in Denver is 'dow to dow' collaboration, creators, and community building.
What is the new product feature that Guild is rolling out for selected communities, and how is it described?
Guild is rolling out a new product feature called 'Payment as a Requirement,' which is described as offering the most flexible solution for payments and realizing the earning power of a community.
How does the new payment feature help with monetizing communities?
The new payment feature helps with monetizing communities by allowing users to get paid for membership and combining it with different payment options, making it more flexible and convenient for users.
What is the purpose of kicking members from the server?
The purpose of kicking members from the server is to remove users who haven't opened the Discord app in more than 30 days and don't hold any single role with the Guild. They can't join back anymore.