Guild Community Call #19

Recorded: March 16, 2023 Duration: 0:45:57




Okay, yeah, it's target. Let me just get the Craybot to listen.
[Clock ticking]
GMGM every day. Right. Right. Right. While you're setting everything up, I want to welcome everyone. Let me know Hannah when the recording has started and I'll start with the intros and everything. It seems like it just started. Yeah. Oh, perfect. Awesome. So welcome everyone.
everyone back to the Gile community call number 19. Can't believe we've been doing this for 19 events already. It's pretty crazy. Can't wait to get to 100. It's probably going to take us a few years, but we don't give up. So thank you so much for joining today again. We're going to talk about
A lot of product updates including a little bit of celebration or SDK in action some new integrations that are really fun and we'd like you to try and see and some community updates of course because we always have those This session as usual is recorded for YouTube
and it's also broadcasted into Twitter spaces so that folks over there can join as well. And still we are uploading more and more and more guides and content on our YouTube so make sure to check that out ever so often or subscribe to know when we put something new out there. We try to do at least once a
week, but you'll see we're doing our best. And one more like more notifications, slash handy thing to say is that we still would like to ask you that we have to help us for support for our questions and everything on our interface in the little tech bubble. We barely have
support on the server anymore. So just a heads up with that as well. Again, like always. Now that I've said, all the little necessities here on the stage, oh by the way, introducing myself, I'm Rekha, Kofa, Nerf, Gillx, Faisi, on the stage with me is Hannah Lee,
and also a new team member join us in a few weeks ago, and we'll be helping us with community as well. Very happy you guys are here. We have a lot of things. So let's just dive deep into it. Let's just get it started. Also, wait, do you guys want to say hi, right quick, before I get into it?
Hi guys! Hi GM! Actually I'm just speechless because I was checking the event stage and there are pictures about us. And I was like oh my god what's happening! Yeah! They are just trying to figure out like, who is Rika? Who is on the...
We could turn on camera some other time as well. Thank you guys, appreciate it. You can see us on our YouTube, and I post a lot of videos on our Twitter account as well, so you can see us there if you'd like to see more of the team.
But yeah, let's just jump into the updates. We'll start with product and we move into some team things and then at the end we'll do community. This is kind of our usual route. So I'll start with product. Two things that we talked about already in depth in our previous two
community calls, but I still have some news about it and some explanations. So the first one of that is payment as a requirement, you know, our new integration that we developed, our new staple requirements type payments. It's the
So you can actually monetize every type of access. Anyone who has tickets, monetize events, focus discussion groups and all that type of stuff that we talked about last time, we have the call you to video about it as well.
well if you guys could share it in the chat if someone wants to see that explains a lot about the potential of this integration or this feature. Sorry, it's a feature of such an integration. This is our OG development, not someone else's. Yeah, so we talked about it last time.
And the thing that I like to mention is we started to roll this out very, very slowly. So we do communicate about it, but we have a sign up method. This is kind of our first experiment with not just testing things in product.
and putting out our features as quickly as possible, but to have a waitlist and be very, very mindful with how we roll this feature out, we want to make sure that there's no scams that we allow on our website to happen. So until we have
an automated verification system in place, we're going to make sure to the best of our abilities to only enable this featuring guilds that we deem are true and aren't just well, you know, scamming their users for payment.
So we wrote this up feature pretty slowly. There's only a few communities using it so far. And if you want to say a few words about how people could apply to it. Yes, for sure. Basically how we made this is that you have
form for a warden's and how warden's can actually get access to it is whether you're a guild owner or you're a guild admin you just have to click at any requirement I mean any role and at
edit it and once you are choosing the requirements, you know that page where there are the different requirements you can choose from. Basically there is the payment alpha written and if you just click on that button you're going to get access to that dedicated form and once the form is created
once you're submitting it, I'm going to check them out. I'm going to take a look at them and we're going to figure out together how we could include this feature into your community. I'm going to get in touch with everyone who is potential to become an alpha-osuf.
Awesome. Thank you. So this is our method. It's very manual for now, but we want to be very mindful. So everybody deal with it. We're doing our best that we can. By the way, if you have a good verification automation suggestion that you like how their products are doing it, let us know. We're in talks with many.
trying to learn from each other. So yes, very excited to see what you do with this feature, by the way. Can't wait to see the best and most creative use cases of in-vend-vend situations with your communities. The second thing, it's still about purchasing
But it's purchased as a requirement, which we talked about I think three weeks ago or four weeks ago when we released it only on the arbitrum community that you can directly buy assets that are requirements on guild. We aggregate exchanges in the
backhand and this is a much more, actually the fastest way to get, especially these small amounts of tokens that are usually requirements, this is a really great convenience feature, it's the fastest way to check out and we also roll this out.
extremely slowly and mindfully with a few communities, although this is a much more permissionless feature than the payment as a requirement. And a really excited piece of news about it, developer Dow started using it to get their code tokens.
requirements to entry. So, we have more use cases to show you guys how this feature is benefiting communities and makes users and members lives much quicker and easier and simpler. This is what we're all about here, so wonderful to see that happen.
The next thing is we made some changes with our PoEp integration. As you know, we had this in the work since last, like, end of summer. We've been working on our native official PoEp distribution mechanisms and the payment processor for that. So we made some new changes, but I'll give it a
over to Hannah so she can say a few words what change and what you guys can be an experience when you work with Poab through Guild. Yes, actually as you just said also we've been working a lot on Poab like restructuring the whole thing like how Guild Admin can actually distribute
with Bobs in the smoothest way to their communities to dedicated group of people and you know all these things. And I'm happy to announce that as of today, Bobs are actually rewards. So basically they act exactly the same as a Discord server, a telegram
group and something like this, you know, the Google dogs all these things. Once a get this created, get admins can actually just click on the ad reward button and they're going to be finding the the ProOps there. And what is really exciting about this is, you know, as you
remember before you could gildgate your Proops only by attendance like the voice requirement or there was the monetization and since it's acting really similar exactly the same as the discord servers and all these things as a
So today you can set any kind of requirement you just want to. So for example you can mix them and choose from any other on or off chain requirements. For example just get your badges around all your lists, discord, guild rules, anything.
It's all up to your creativity. Basically this is an option, an optional step in the Power distribution flow. And besides it can be really useful for helping you to recognize and reward certain users or group of members within your community. It's really, really
to verify human attendees. So you don't necessarily need to set up the voice requirement or demonetization. You can just choose from any other requirement. So we just have new guides for that. I'm going to put it in the secret chamber also so you can check them out.
So it's exciting.
I'm looking forward to see how everyone can make the most out of it.
This is a great step and advancement towards generalizing our guild model fully. I think that was probably the last missing piece in the puzzle for us to be able to do that so that it's truly requirements, roles and rewards and nothing is like hanging off of that being adjacent.
That's super cool. Very exciting. Big events meant for the infrastructure and the tool. I know it seems small, especially on one small feature, but in the back of it, it's actually a big change and we're super stoked about it. Next news is we have
have three new chains that we haven't announced yet. One is Exosama Network, the other is FMOS, and the third is Boygammon by. So these are requested by you guys from the community, so we integrated them pretty fast. Very happy. I know the Exosama team have been using
for a while, you're super happy that we integrated this so that it's even faster and more convenient and great to use guilt for them. So for that, next thing is actually integration. We've integrated polygons.
an ID, which I'll give a little bit of intro about it if you guys don't know it yet. It's developed by the Polygon team. They've been working on it for a hot minute to have their own, well, essentially, credentials systems. So, Polygon ID is a trust
So this implementation for the WebOcredentials for Web3 use cases. Essentially, they develop this for mostly developers to put into applications so that users, when they come to the website, they can show their very fiber credentials or generate your knowledge proofs using these
So for example, proof that you're human and you're over 18 without actually disclosing any personal information or how old you actually are. It's insane. We're living in the future guys. This is such a cool feature, such a cool product. We've been talking with
them since forever, since they had the idea for this, because we've been lucky that we've known them for a while. And also just a little bit of tap on our shoulder, guild is the first place where you can actually use this. So we are kind of the code of market slash first utility for polygon IDs.
It essentially enables you to look in without a password. This makes for safer applications and safer communities. You can set it as a requirement, which just looks like on the interface as if that's the requirement. When the member joins, there's going to be a big QR code that they can scan.
I mean, they're polygonide application, which will generate the silomone's proof and they'll get access without disclosing any personal information. It's awesome. Awesome. After this big advancement in human history of privacy,
We'll go a little bit smaller and improvement that we did on the guild interface is when you go onto your guild that you're the admin of and you have the rewards on the top for the longest time there was kind of this like logical issue
that didn't come out for like a year, nobody noticed it. But what we did after a while, if they're using a tool, is that when you deleted a role that had a reward, let's say it is core server or a role in this core server, the reward did not delete from the top.
So it still stayed connected to your guild, which apparently people didn't really delete roles before. That's why I probably didn't come out. But we've noticed it and we changed it. And now when you click on the little three dots in the corner of the reward, you can actually remove it. So, hell yeah.
This is a cute improvement. It's a small step, but now I wonder if there's any logical incoherences left in the tool? There probably is, but this is something that we found pretty recently. And it's cool. We already finished solving it, so perfect.
And then I think last week something really exciting happened. I don't know if you guys know Cooper Tully but he just made his new venture to have Web 3 Music. He's a big advocate for Web 3 Music in general and he also has his funds. He's fund that in
and now he made a community and a newsletter around this that's very smartly called "invest in music" and they also started using them and Cooper had an interesting idea to... do you guys know what a Fabicon is? It's essentially the icon that's on the
browser tab when you open a website. And he asked us to be able to change that to make manage the brand and manage the guild. And he was like, hmm, this is cute. This is a cute feature. And lucky for us, our front-end developer was so excited about it that he changed this and put it in the
in the guild frontend in like three hours. So eventually it wasn't on the road map, you know, but Cooper made the ask. He had the idea and then we put it in practice in a few hours because we were just so excited about it and it was also a very small thing to do. So kudos to the team, kudos to Cooper.
Now it looks really cool when you have multiple cables open, they actually have their logos as on your browser bar. It's really cool. One more thing that might seem small at first, but it's such a huge milestone. And that's why this community calls probably the most low key
but like biggest one so far I know Hannah and I talked earlier this week like what are we going to talk about this week? We were like oh yeah one of the features and then you know some community updates and it's going to be a short one and then while we were putting together the agenda so many things have to
that are actually pretty big. It's crazy. So anyway, without further ado, this small big thing is that we improved the account management yet again. The last improvement was that you could manually choose to add and unlink all of the interest
this to your account, this time we did the same social account. So previously you could only add new social accounts to your guild page and your account if you went through the full process of connecting because there was a requirement or reward that needed it.
If you had a telegram account connected to your Gild account and you wanted to change it, you had to disconnect it and then go through the full joining process again to change it. Now you can connect it much more freely. This feature has been in the works, or at least on
are like list of things to do for at least nine months. And so we're really, really happy that now it's here. People who are going to just use the product, they won't even notice it's such a neat as feature or such also
and like such a normal thing to do, but for us and for users who have been with us for a long time, you know how simpler or how much simpler this makes the whole use case. So very, very, very happy about it. And on the same note,
You'll see improved the join pop-up page, so when you click to join a new guild and you have to connect accounts, now not only are wallet discord and telegram pop-up, but every social accounts connection pops up that is required for that.
So let's say the role requires you to have something with pulling an ID. It requires to follow the the guild project that you're trying to join. And there's also a capture feature or something. And it pops up all those different accounts.
to connect. So everything that makes sense specifically with that guild is I think is also a very cool, very smooth upgrade from what we had. These two fit very well together in the account management flow.
And then last but not definitely not least, the most exciting thing which we thought with panel that that's going to be probably the only thing we're going to talk about today is we introduce captures. And I know captures are sometimes incredibly cringe.
And they are also not too hard to bot and exploit, but there's a big but when you like try to build a functioning server, you almost always
have a role reaction happening and maybe even a capture. Most of our users that we talk now have a separate buff for that. And we were like, "Why do people have to learn to use multiple
to do this, we could just fit this into the guild model as a requirement and it would solve so many problems and especially that captures become so much tremendously more useful if you combine them with other requirements. So let's say you have to complete a capture
a way, a way, one more thing. And it can be recurring, recurring. And so you could also said that like every 10th day people have to redo the capture or like every year or every two months depends on you. So back to the story. So if you come behind catch up, let's say every 10 days I record
you to complete a capture, you had to pay me $20 and on my NFT to get access to my telegram group. It's really cool. It's not as easy to bought, also doesn't really make sense. So this is
very, very, very cool feature. And we had the little idea today, oh wait, one more important thing is that this capture. So the more important is that it's also we work on UX, like I said, convenience so many times today, drink every time I say convenience, but we do
So this capture cannot only be put on our website, so you have to complete the capture when you join, but also put into or discord embed. The capture can be completed directly through the discord where the join button usually is.
convenience, UX, it's amazing. I think this is the first time I've actually come across this double use case. The capture can be used both in both places, so it's super cool. So today we had the little idea, what if we
We kind of ask you guys to collect a few of your cringiest, most fun, most weird captures that you've run into previously. We definitely have some of our own. We think are the cringiest, hardest, stupidest captures I've ever, ever seen.
So we'll throw some in there and I hope you guys have some and get through in the chat here because I know you probably do. It's all about to go through that. I think at least once a day. So if you have some throw it in the chat,
throw ours into the secret chamber. They're really fun. We also found a reddit, nor we went and looked and found a reddit subreddit which is just dedicated to weird captures. So we had a blast this afternoon looking at them.
Let's go who has the funniest one.
Oh my god, there we go. The puppy cupcake. The chewable cupcake capture. Did you guys also see the pug or bread one? I think that was such a cute one. That was a few years ago.
Amazing. Thank you. Thank you, Fluffy. Thank you. Thank you, Fox, for sending it.
Awesome. Okay, keep the catches going. Continue with our little celebratory celebration piece. Oh my god. Okay, I'm not going to look at the catches right now because I won't be able to speak to fun. So our little celebration is that
you know, metrics and stuff are what we're building for only and you know, they're just numbers and we like to see number go up like all of you but we are actually super honored and delighted and happy and
excited actually for the future. But the news is is that GIL has come out of its alpha phase with 10,000 Yeji registered early adopters.
just over a year ago. And this week we have one of these like nights we reached 1 million registered guild users, which is crazy if you think about it also in a year.
That's pretty cool. So we haven't done like a collective celebration yet, but holy fucking shit. That's pretty cool. So that's exciting. We obviously are looking for more, you know, as a product team, we're looking for more in depth metrics than just
just the registered users, because that can be said, some people might say that's a vanity metric, but damn, it's a nice, it was a big milestone for us, at least, like it feels like a milestone still. So thank you so much for
all of you who have trusted us. A lot of you have been here for more than a year actively coming and giving us feedback and voicing your needs and advice and just supporting us in every way. So we'll, I don't know what to do to give back to
other than just doing our best to build the product in the community, but we'll brainstorm something like a good little treat, you know, like at least something cute. So that's gonna look out for that. I'll think about that like every evening from
now on to, to think about something that might be worthwhile. Maybe a collective boom, maybe something more. I don't know yet, but just a little thank you because it's all, it's all of you essentially. So thank you again. And I'll move
on to the last two sections of our product stuff is also extremely happy that we do have an SDK so that the Guild XYZ website that you know is just one version of our product, one interface, so it's the no-cool
tool for community builders or in need money essentially who permissionlessly comes and uses the product, it's the no code version of our infrastructure. And we do have an SDK that we talk about fairly often, but the news now is that we usually
We like talk about the SDK with some partners, but we also have it fully available for anyone who's excited and has a good product and just wants to use our SDK to build any permissioning into their own application or website or community. And this time our SDK has been built into
which is a form filling out product way. I said that so weirdly, but like a product where you give fill out forms and it's gated by RSDK. So that's super exciting and we'll put it in here to
guys can check it out. If any of you tries it, let me know how it is. Give us feedback because yeah, I just be very excited to know what this product feels like for you, what it's like using it. Do you think it's useful?
Let us know. It looks nice and more than thrilled that they used RSDK and chose that as the solution for that and some more
improvements that we have is
The small improvements are fixes, you know, we're at the section, but the difference is now is that we went through the list and picked out the ones that we want to say. We have over like 25 or 30 fixes and improvements this past week.
But the ones that we want to say is that we improved
as Hannah described it pretty in depth about the pull up changes, but with that new feature, we added more abilities to add a new pull up as
reports and also improves some of the copy and interactions with this pop-up innovation. Also added the sign-up form for the payment requirements.
And we should also talk about previously that when you want to enable the payment requirement, there's going to be a little form in the corner of it where you can apply so that we can enable it for you.
And the rest we also said previously with the mostly bit to poep, re-organizing.
So with that, let's move into the community of this. Shall we? We don't have a whole lot, but it's enough.
So the first thing is the many many of you have been there with us last week or we did have a build with guild event which is actually the event where we have guest/rear the guest with project to have usr SDK and having a
So last week it was Party Space which is kind of this metaverse, this browser based metaverse experience for events and they made, they customized the space for us a little bit and we had some conversations with them on stage about the integrated
where it's going, where the build fits in the picture and all of that. We'll post a video of this. It's just went up onto our YouTube. We'll post it here as well so you guys can see and listen and if you couldn't get to come. It's so interesting that it's a video.
Oh no, because it actually makes us, because it's been a very not just a voice event, but it was super fun to run around because they throw emojis at each other, like almost like shoot at each other, like a little heart or a little fire emoji. It was super fun.
And then we also had a little event with our Knights, where I gave that over to Hanna to say a few words about how that was. Yes, so basically last week we had our first Knight meet up. We just invite
did over to a butter session, to a butter workshop, our night. And we had a really great time brainstorming about how do they see the future of our guild just to get a better sense of
who they are, how they would love to contribute to us, how we can help them to achieve their personal projects and all these things. So actually it was really fun and I just wanted to put it to our agenda today and talk a little bit.
about it to see what is happening behind the scenes, how we are getting the nights more and more closer to our team and just the sneak peek is we do have a lot of plans with them. But we're not sharing
yet because you know we are still working on how we're gonna structure it but there's gonna be a really great things coming for the nights and also for the wannabe nights so just you know leaking some information about it
Let's go and I, we're actually in the process of designing a full night experience rather, or the whole what Dows were saying last year and the year before is like the contributor experience.
It really turns out it's really them hard to think through even the process but also let alone organize all of it. So, you know how thoughtful we're trying to be. So it's probably going to take a little bit more time as we want to make sure we include everyone who wants to participate and find good ways to do so and still say
curated and cozy. So yeah, we're working on it. Good news about community is a guild with definitely want to show is base. Coinbase is new chain and their community join us on guild. They already grew to 35
thousand members. It's such an honor that they started using us and it's their first choice. So definitely a shout out today for them. Very cool. Welcome, welcome base team. You're actually really, really nice to work with too. So I can hardly, I can thoroughly recommend
to do that. And then a little funny, funny mention here, not about base, it says about another thing. This is the next thing is, so as you guys might know, one or one that XYZ stopped their product and they pre-biting and we used
in our requirements in our full community strategy. So we did have one on one courses as requirements, many of you, I think all of you actually completed, almost all of you completed at least one of those courses. But we have to delete them because they don't work that way anymore and that left the big hole
in our community strategy. And we thought, okay, what if we really wanted to have something that's like a little claimable badge that signals that you're part of the community still, like you took the efforts to join the guild and you're like exploring, be a part of it.
We issued this like free to mint unlock NFT, which we then quickly realized it's actually tradable. So that was a mess. We got a heart attack because we didn't intend to do that. So we turned it into it's the same purpose at least in our eyes. We just want
You have something that's yours, it's free, it's on chain, it's cute, but now it's called Hanvan Club. So that's the energy. It's really cute, it's the little tick-in. I think it's unlimited so you can still claim it at any point.
we already have over 40k and then of those. So probably at this point Hannah Stoken is the largest social token out there. Probably even bigger than Alex I think who's the OG I think for one of the first actual social token owners. So pretty cool, pretty cool. We might actually
play into this and make more for each team member eventually and have like little fan clubs within the community but I have a big hunch that Hans gonna have for Hannah's gonna have the largest one forever which is pretty fun so if you guys have been minted it's free it's cute it's fun
So that was that was a good experience to learn from and also to participate in. And along this note of our community structure. The next thing when I want to talk about briefly in our community section here is the membership structure and the server updates. So as my have noticed,
Not for all of you, but for actually very many of you. The R-server is growing, it's massive. It's almost 75,000 people in it right now. We experienced a server much differently than it was like six months ago.
It's much more around farming our roles out for whatever reason in the hopes of special rewards which we don't actually have aside from what happens in the server and half of it is support.
This isn't the type of community that we want to nurture and grow. We don't actually want to grow in numbers. We'd rather have focused, happy, cozy space where we can share a lot of ideas and talk about community building in depth.
Just like a very honest, cozy, safe base where there's clear directions of where you want to go if you want to participate more. There's like working groups, building on different projects and discussing different topics like today. I just saw
Some of you are more way more talented than I thought you are. Or I saw it first and that one of our wardens has made or previously has actually moved a lot of times made to do in dashboards based on guild data.
Louis, you wrote back that you'd like to have a little session about how to create Dune dashboard. So this is the type of stuff that we'd like to have more of is we'd definitely love to help facilitate these types of events where one of you teaches the other one for something that's a very necessary
scale like making a do dashboard it's pretty cool to know how to do that. So yeah for this reason we are guild is the our guild is the first place where our new feature which I don't think we have announced yet but you guys can know obviously of visibility
attributes is possible to have set. So we do have hidden roles now and secret roles. Secret role means that you only see it once you're already qualified and got the role. Hidden role means that it's only ever going to be visible for the admin of the group.
which is necessary because this removes the incentive of farming out the role because the purpose of the role is to show more of who you are and what your experience is and what your interest is. In this case, the hidden role
is very useful for the admin to know what you've been through, whether they're communities, you're a part of what are their asset, NFTs, your own, what are their history you've been through, who else do you follow? And to kind of like
have more of a tagging system without making 40 different roles on the server on each person, which gets very, very confusing and a lot. So, our goal is to first where this is available and we're making use of it. So, we aren't sure
about the strategy that we're doing yet, but be prepared that we're going to be a little bit more strict with the access and who gets to write and participate where because we're only a small team and with small capacity so we don't want to
essentially put too much energy into cultivating spaces that we don't like participating in or feel that it's very extractive even for us. So we just want to make sure we can provide the most well that we can and that's
going to happen in smaller curated conversations. So that's just the heads up. We'll let you know if there's any more updates coming in. But that's it for now. Just prepare that that's the direction we're taking.
And then, nor people say a few words about our support. And that's probably getting closer to the end of our little talk today.
So hi guys, the support system in Intercom is my main child I've been nurturing it in the past month and I want to give a little bit of insight about why is it so important for us to pivot our support
from Discord to Intercom. One of the first changes is that now SKV, the SKV channel requires you to get a role in the support channel, where is a little video and piece about how you can access us through
Intercom on our site and the port is where it's very important as is the metrics and the data we can get us from from Intercom. So for example, if you guys write to us and this this was a big issue to our developer
specific as right to us in Eskauve, we would need to ask an awful lot of questions about, for example, what pros are we using, what OS system are we using. So it's really hard to give one-on-one support to each
individual. In our current flow, it basically works like we compile the data and we use this data to help our developers solve these problems on a mass scale. So even though we hire the feedback that most of the time are like
a lot of the time, basically a bot answer. So that doesn't mean that your input just disappears somewhere. That's what keeps us going in terms of building our support.
Yes, in the future, basically, we're gonna face totally out the SQL H&L.
in terms of technical support. And we're gonna make a really great intercom support system. And yes, basically that's it.
Thank you for that update. Hope you guys enjoyed and if you have any questions about the support, let us know in the server or in the state chat right now. Sorry, it's getting the end of the call. You know how it goes? I always suffocate by the end. Although this I've been hanging on pretty
at this time. I don't know what's going on. I haven't had as many calls today. Maybe that's why. Okay, so TLDR, whenever we say we don't have a lot of things to say, we actually have 1 million things shipped. We just haven't communicated about it yet and wow, there
a lot of things happening. I know quite a few of you here are extremely knowledgeable about how to use Gail, and the features and integrations that I just laid out, you already know what to do with them, already use some of them, and I respect you so much for that. For those of you that don't know what to
to do will drop a demo and first explanation of Guild here and kind of an introduction to know what to do with it. And yeah, with this, I think we can conclude today. Thank you so much for joining. I think, Hannah, you have a little treat for us today.
to that for closing? Yes, yes. Everything is set. I just started activating. So as always, we just want to say thank you for being here, attending the call and following us on our journey and accompanying
us. So we just want to say thank you with a tiny little pop. Very usual there is two different kind there is the basic one and there is the premium one. But what is tricky about the pop distribution this time it's gonna happen exactly how it was on the build with the guild events. So as a
of today you just have to head over to our guild you just have to put there you know guild that xyz slash our guild and then you will find the pro up there so you can get it grab it from our guild you know don't forget I just mentioned that it is
is acting as a reward. So whenever you are satisfying the requirements at the side, you can just scroll a bit up and there's going to be the mint link. There's going to be the button that you just have to click for the mint link. So thank you so much, everyone.
Thank you for joining. Claim if you'd like to claim. Otherwise, appreciate you for coming. And yeah, looking forward to the next one. Bye, guys. Bye, bye. Bye, bye.

FAQ on Guild Community Call #19 | Twitter Space Recording

What is the topic of the podcast?
Product updates, new integrations, and community updates.
How many community calls have they done?
They have done 19 community calls.
Is the session recorded?
Yes, the session is recorded for YouTube and broadcasted into Twitter Spaces.
What should people do to stay updated on new content?
People should check out the YouTube channel or subscribe to know when new content is released.
What is the new feature they developed related to payments?
The new feature is called 'Payment as a Requirement' which allows communities to monetize various types of access.
How are they rolling out the 'Payment as a Requirement' feature?
They are rolling it out slowly to a few communities at a time and have a sign-up method to be mindful of possible scams.
What is the 'Purchased as a Requirement' feature?
It allows users to directly buy assets that are requirements on guild, making it the fastest way to check out.
What community started using the 'Purchased as a Requirement' feature?
Developer Dow started using it to get their code tokens.
What changes were made to the POAP integration?
POAPs are now rewards and can be distributed to dedicated groups of people with various types of requirements.
What can guild admins do with POAP rewards?
Guild admins can click on the 'Add Reward' button to find the POAPs and set any type of requirement they want.