Guild Community Call #20

Recorded: April 5, 2023 Duration: 0:59:10




Okay. Wait, we had another platform to this. I was just thinking, as I was coming here to sit at my computer, I was just thinking, hmm, we should also livestream this. I can just set up a camera and then it's like a twitch stream or something. Oh yeah.
We're not over-couplicated yet for a little bit more. But yeah, it might be a little bit more entertaining in the future. I was thinking about it, but we'll see. We'll see. We could be a little more in our office.
Oh yes, we could we could all sit in there cozy cozy up together. Yeah awesome and we're gonna wait like two more minutes. Yeah, we'd like a green screen and we could literally
highlight the news behind us. Yeah. Even like, I don't know. Sorry. Go ahead. Go ahead.
I just wanted to say, I don't know if he's to like this tiny office in the office, like the tiny room, like how cosy it is because now it's all you know furnished.
I think it's the perfect podcast. It's so good. It's amazing. I know. And it's not echo is this big one. I should have gone to this moment. No, I'm here.
I think mine now. Good. We distribute the Biden conquer. Yeah. Next time we are going to do this at the same place. I know once we did it, I think.
Okay, so on the recording side everything is all set. I will just take a look at
our agenda for today and then we can wait two more minutes until we head into everything that we have for today to share. There's a lot. I'm curious. I'm excited about it.
Today we have so many interesting news. I can't wait. We all put together a little agenda as we usually do in the notion and it's so beautiful. It's so stagged.
I know I come to the, I come to start these meetings sometimes with saying, oh, we have only a few updates and then we have a ton. This time it's a moderate amount and they're extremely good. So can we to get in? I think we actually could get started. What do you guys think?
Absolutely, let's get into it.
Okay, let's get it. So I'll do the usual intro. Hi everyone. Welcome to the Guild 20th community called Holy smokes. I'm astonished every time we have a new number 20 sounds like very little, but it's been a long time. So very happy about that.
I'm Raka, co-founder of Guild. Here we have on the stage the rest of the community team, Hanna and Norby. We're going to be your lovely host today and going to update you everything about what we've been working on, what it can you expect from the community, from the product, and going forward with everything else.
So the community updates, we're going to actually start with the product ones and then we're going to community. Yeah, so one more forward that I usually say is that we do record this as we joke in the beginning. We recorded like three different locations.
to make sure that we actually have the recording ready. And then we upload it to our YouTube channel, the usual YouTube Gildex YZ. So you can listen back to all the community events except the workshop ones that are very closed and not public, everything else.
including the communication calls are uploaded to our YouTube. So without further ado, let's kick off today's updates and everything with something that many of you have messaged us about. And thank you so much for reporting everything. You're our eyes and ears. And we always very appreciate the input and
just every little bit of news and experience that you have. And that little something has been the Twitter integration. We have experienced it downtime this weekend with the Twitter authentication system. So a lot of members could not connect
Twitter even after quick clicking it many times, refreshing and everything. So we've been having a little bit of a trouble with that and also on the overwhelming amount of support questions on every platform I don't know if you guys see, but since we closed out support from this server, even Twitter has been
has become a support channel even though we have the Intercom set up and ready to go. So I'd like to point you again that the Intercom is set up well to handle the support questions. We're there. We're reading the messages. It's perfect. So you can just, you know,
that on our website. It's on Gillix Lazy on the bottom right corner. I'll give the word to Hannah to say a little bit about update about what we're doing with this integration to make it better and have less hiccups. Forward, one more sentence is the Twitter API. As you know, the fiasco that's happening at the
Twitter had had quarters in the past few months. The Twitter API was promised to be improved, I think, two weeks ago, and they've been putting off that. So it's still the old, very limited one that we've been working with. Yeah, we're trying to find ways to solve it and
I'm giving it a little bit more about it. Yes, let me take it from here. So basically, as Rekha said, also we experienced some downtime this weekend with the Twitter authentication. And I just want to emphasize it and just highlight it like we are
actually knowing about this bug, this issue, and we are investigating it in the back. Basically, it's a bigger development, so I would like to ask everyone's time and patience and apologies for everyone who
you know, face with this issue regarding to the authentication I can share some details like just insured like, you know, what is happening actually in the back. So basically we are halfway ready with the fix because there there's two part of the Twitter authentication fix. So one part is
We had an issue with the timestamp, which is actually solved and what's still needed is the token refresh, often times out. So we need to find a solution for that one. TLDR basically, it shows you to reconnect, even if there should be no need to reconnect.
And as a user, actually, you cannot make difference between like when is it accurate and when it is not, but no worries, we are working on it. And on this, I just want to remind everyone that this issue is basically integrated into our Intercom support chat. So if anyone
experience it, all we ask you is to just click on the button, saying like, "I have an issue with the Twitter integration because you don't need to worry about having, you know, getting a message from our chatbot because that message was actually written by us." So if you click on the Twitter button,
your chat will actually get a Twitter tag and it's a really great help for us to monitor, you know, like which issue is happening, which one is, you know, occurring the most in, you know, an expired of time. So we use these automated responses because we just don't want to
leave anyone behind without you know a reason for you know your issue. So if you click on any other button just to you know get into human contact. Unfortunately one thing it's going to give us false data to our metrics because we are checking it like weekly.
the data like which support it gets where you know the most you know coming to us and all these things. And on the other hand, unfortunately we cannot solve the issue faster because we are the support team and the developers are working on it so all we can do is just typing. So if we're doing conveniences we're going to get back
to you once it's fixed or something like this. And the biggest help that you can support us with is just clicking on the Twitter button. So to YaldiR, we're halfway ready. It's going to be cool. We just want to ask for your time and patience. So apologies again.
Thank you so much. I will give this day back to you, Deika. Thank you so much for the clarity on support. I appreciate it a lot. I didn't even think of saying it this way. So I think it's very good to keep these in mind. So appreciate if you guys do that. It's very, very helpful.
for us, we've built the little system in the help box there to help the best way we can in the fastest. So let's all work together to continue that. The next update though, moving on from Twitter and that little trouble that we still have there is good news.
We are moving to upgrade a lot of the user experience that you have and see on A lot of you know it so well. We haven't spent too much time last year upgrading it, especially the Explorer. We still don't focus on the Explorer page.
But the Guild UI, when you go on a Guilds page, since luckily and fortunately many, many admins now know and use Guild much better and deeper, there's many roles in Guilds. And so the UI of Guild pages were a little bit chunky and there was
a lot of roles just like being in your face lots of information. So we made the little effort to put this toggle into it. So the roles have to be opened to see the details otherwise they're just taking up way, way less space. So when you scroll on a gill
page, you can see much more information, roles, journeys, and less of overloading information. And that's super cool. And it's also a step towards a very largely requested thing is to be able to order the roles to like you as the admin
said what were the roles are sitting on the guild's page. This was necessary for us to do that. So stay tuned for that one, but this is also really cool. If you have access, you'll see it as always. But like every little date, there won't be shown to you unless you like open the role and see what's inside.
Along the little tweaks and upgrades, we also, as you know, you can connect many addresses to your GIL account. You will still have a primary address. You can see that on the top right corner when you click your name on any page on GILD. And we've put
a tiny little button or like word that says that's your primary address. Right now you cannot change this address but you can add many more. Essentially it only made it an amount of extra addresses. This is the address that the guild admins or anyone who you're in a guild
We'll get this address when they export the members and you're remembering that the guild. So that's the only thing to keep in mind with that. We'll also work out a situation where you can change this primary address down the line. But for now, just know that that's how it's working. So you'll have one main address that like
the leading account address and then you'll have extra ones that you can use automatically, no matter where your assets are, or where your reputation badges, or whatever you hold in your assets are. So that's a little upgrade. Moving forward into the pull-up territory, we always do
little upgrades to our PoEp integration. Now two little tweaks, one is bigger than the other. The first is that we reintroduced the PoEp drop feature as it is, but now we can still update more
We can update more links later. So when you have a continuous web going on or you didn't get enough links, you didn't ask for enough links. Maybe you only asked for 20 and 50 people turn out to your event and you want to still give full apps to everyone who showed up.
you can upload more links later, which you can request in the meantime. One more little update is we opened up the secret chamber here in our server.
if you are listening on Discord, which is the usual little space where we share the visuals. So what I'm saying, so you can also see it and not just imagine it.
So take a look at there if you're in Discord. Otherwise, imagine it if you're on Twitter or see it on the UI. You can upload more mint links when you click the little three dots in the corner of the PoEV card, by the way. Okay, moving on, deactivating PoEVs. This is a
We actually a new upgrade, a new feature for the PoEp integration. It's also in the small little dot dot dot menu on the PoEp card when you have an active PoEp going and you can just click it and deactivate the PoEp. So for example, if you have an ongoing
Mint and the event is over and even though you asked for poaps you have to set a date where it ends but you want to deactivate it sooner you can do that on the UI. Very convenient, very cute little feature and as you guys know we use poaps
weekly in the guild community. We really, really like it. They're really nice collectibles and you also all of you have been very, very supportive with us in the poh app. We feel appreciate it. And so I'd like Hannah, can you share a little
experience of how the pull-up drop is going and maybe these two little features how they can help others too, but I just in general about like the pull-up management experience. Absolutely. First things first, I just want to say that I remember when we were just thinking about creating a feature.
developing a feature like this. And actually it was a little bit because of my experiences, because I was a bit like hoffing and puffing about like how inconvenient I felt you know, uploading another like getting other links, uploading them.
distributing them one by one and you know have just to make sure like it's going to the right group of people who are actually our you know attendees and with this new feature that we just have adding to the already existing ones I feel like my life
It has been changed. Like it is a game changer because if you are a community manager or ever contributed to any event operation and you ever use POP for that, you know that like how messy it can be. Like which POPs were acclaimed, which POPs were not.
how to ask for new ones and buy these features. My life is so much easier. Just clicking on the upload more mint links, I can see that how many is already added, how much I'm gonna add to this, how many is claimed, it's like chef kiss. And about the other
the activation is really useful also because as Rika just said the pros with this I just want to highlight you know things can happen when you are just distributing a pull-up and then maybe you
realize something went off or you want to deactivate for a specific reason by clicking one button without going to another site changing the end date. Just to make sure all is said, it can be messy.
So with this, it's so much easier. And I know that, for example, we already had a guild who was using it, the deactivation features. So I can just highly recommend it to everyone who just want a smooth batch distribution for themselves.
Thanks for sharing that. I love how we are also part of the reason why we developed this being needed. We are managing quite a big community and work with a lot of you and talk with a lot of you about how you're doing it.
little necessary tweaks that make our lives a little bit better. Moving on to next little update is it's a small front end addition is we received a lot of concern and question we have this syncing automatic syncing feature which just means
that it takes more time with the member amount that we have on the Guilty ecosystem and how the systems build up to check access for non-ondrained roles and requirements.
So we put out this little sinking bar at the bottom for a given admins to see. And it's been a little bit confusing, I think, and we received a few questions and concerns about it. So we would put, like once in this description on it, which just means
that this might take hours, sometimes a day to check everyone. If there's like 100,000 members of your guild, it's going to take a little bit to check everyone's access, especially if it's off-chain requirements involved as well because on-chain works how much
So that's a little something. Another tiny little UI update is that many questions see we know these we can measure these questions because they came through the help center on our UI. So we have like numbers and we know what
The biggest problem is, and most people run into it. So the next one of those, we had a little bit of a thing where when you are doing, when there's a model, like a pop-up little motor setting screen,
on your page, there was a bug where you couldn't close it until the transaction. Well, you could close it before the transaction finished. So like this was a pop-up where you did transactions and you could close it before it finished and then, you know, there was a little bit of an issue with that. So now we added
Yeah, so you won't just. Anyway, so there's not going to be an issue with closing while paying that's the only thing and we also have a little message to tell you that's it. Yeah, it's it's not great. Yeah, it's not going to let you.
So the TRDR is like, if you are not finished yet, you will have new choice. You got to wait because you will not be able to, you know, just close that pop up. So we're gonna avoid that.
Yes, thank you. And then a new, some little something, something that's pretty big and we've been working on it for months, which sounds kind of crazy, but it's been like a side project, it's called The Guild Verse.
I don't know many of you have been playing around and collecting everything on the guild front end and if you've seen it or not, but when you click the menu on guild, there's something called Guildverse now. And if you open that, it's essentially a big directory of all the integrations that we
have these are everything all the iterations that are live and we're continuingly adding some so if you are looking to find something like a new requirement type or a new reward type or you want to get more information in one of them we made it much easier to find that
So let's say you saw our little post shouting out one of the guilds that uses Kikoem Passport for verification. So now you can just come onto the guildverse and read a little bit about what's it doing, get all the necessary links to those, to that project, those are verified links.
And also get some inspiration of how others are using it. We are going to add more the example skills of where these innovations are active and live so you can see and maybe get inspired by their strategies. Right now it's more just like the generic information about these projects and what they can do for you.
But that's been a lot of cutesy project and it's going to be very helpful. Let us know if you have any feedback on it. This is the first version that it's been out. So if you have anything else that you think would be beneficial to pet there or I don't know. Yeah, if you have any feedback, just let us know.
Moving on to more press stuff, same on the product side, but more like communications is live here. I don't know how many of you know, but it's a protocol, an infrastructure that a lot of other projects use like lens, for example. They essentially host videos.
videos, so in a decentralized way. And they were so kind and graceful and in line with our mission that they do have all the available token gating structures to gank video uploads and stream
So this can allow builders to determine and and users of these platforms, the use life bear is processing infrastructure to determine who can access the video based on these requirements and their what's in their wallet. And how guilt comes in.
So, wait, wait, wait, wait, so first this is crazy. So anyone who builds
any video streaming user interface or application and uses it can get it with guilt.
Mind-blowing composability. How good is different here than the other projects that are integrated here for token heating is that you know all the requirements that we have. So other projects might only have gated
accessible based on what's in your wallet. We also have all the off-chain features as well. And if you're part of other communities, if you're in other guilds, if you have a Discord account that's older than three years, if you've been part of this community for more than six months, we can also do stuff like that. So it's a little bit more
So if any of you are builders, this is amazing news. We're looking forward to more integrations like these who are very, very happy with the parking with the team there. We're also going to do a little integration on our side. So stay tuned for that. It's probably later in the roadmap, but still.
And then two very happy announcements of participation, like good.
Um, validation of our work is we did receive a retroactive with it, well, we did get the chance to participate in optimism's retroactive funding project. Um, so we received, since we integrated our optimism as a chain, as a requirement.
dot end of sentence period. And we also integrated there at the station service. And we've been helping them with community and so forth. We've been able to participate in this. And yeah, this has been wonderful. And we're very happy that they chose us as
as a project that can be in this, that can be in this advancement. So happy about that. And then the other press release like this is that Alchemy had a community choice of word where they picked the
the community voted on and picked the top 30 best Web 3 projects. And we are in those 30, which is crazy. There's so many Web 3 projects out there and we are very honored to be alongside of projects like Uniswap, Afe, INS,
and there's little guilt. So, you know, it just warms our heart to be participating with giants like these. It's wonderful. We are doing something meaningful and it's lovely to be recognized for it and especially on the community voting.
You know, if it's, you know, the more people vote, the more true it is. So it just, you know, it just feels very good. So it's more, let's get validation. Let's be happy. Let's be happy about it. All of you participated in this. So cheers to all of you.
And then we'll get into something a little bit more serious after this set of question. It's about the feature that we talked about with you before the payment as the requirement, which we had the wait list for we still have and we very
very slowly enabled it in a few guilds that have valid use cases for it. And I'll give the work to Hannah to talk a little bit about the first guild that's doing this, one of our power users. Yes, actually in the meantime while you were talking
I just asked actually fractal vision to hop on stage and share more details about his use case and what they are using this feature for. So I would like to give the stage to fractal vision. Speaking of
our power user. He is actually the very first one who just integrates the payment alpha into his community structure. So could you just share more details about what you're using it for where the funds are going for?
Yeah, and say, how's it going everyone? Anna, thanks for having me on stage. Thanks for hoping, you know.
Yeah, so we needed the solution for crypto payment system as an alternative to what we already have set up through like this court's regular service on the Mi6 bot, which is only allowing like a fiat
payment system for memberships. So Guild came into play as our kind of problem solver for people to pay the membership in crypto and we have it set up for at least five different currencies including stable coins right now.
now. And these are like one-time payments because I think we might be getting some reoccurring payment options through the system eventually. So that's our goal and kind of what we've been using the system for and the funds all
go towards the moderation of the discord and we're about to release the applications for our international moderators that we're hiring on to start with and this is our first wave of moderators. We've had a guild installed on our discord first
almost a year I think coming up in June or yeah maybe June is when we discovered and kind of used it originally for collecting mint lists through the exporting of members on the on the guild and that's been a really great service as well.
So yeah, it's been a really great tool for us to token gate our community and we've just been building and building and building on top of the original Guild installation and we have a sub-server which is a separate guild and it's totally autonomous and between
the two that we run, there's over a hundred or 120 rolls, so sometimes it gets pretty overloaded as well. And we're just pushing the limits with Guild. It's really fun to use. And the Guildverse, I'm so mind blown. This is so cool. Thank you.
I'm very curious to see the future of your guild because I actually see a lot of potential in your way of utilizing it for
getting the funds to you know just cover the the hiring of the international moderators because I knew that like as the community be a leader it is actually a big step to just get you know more or even start
getting international moderators into the team. So it is actually a big step. So be congrats on that one and thanks again for hopping on stage and sharing the details with us.
You are actually an OG guild builder. Thank you so much. Thanks so much for having on.
Amazing how involved this community co guys are you impressed that this was absolutely not planned and I'm so happy it happened how cool is that Anyway, um after that little success story we're super happy and we want to have so many more of these and hopefully they
can support many of you on this journey. It's never easy, but we're in this together and we've done some things before. So hopefully we can be a good tool and advisory place for that. And that being said, we'll move over to the community updates and start me a little bit of
explanation because there has been quite some changes made in the past two weeks and I want to give an explanation why it feels like every other community even I'm like saying oh we're restructuring we're changing the rules that's because every few months the whole space changes and the attitude of people and the type
I have to people that participate and are active changes. Right now, I don't know probably many of you experienced this, but with all the adrops happening, it being a bear market, a little bit more silent and people started either building or touching grass outside.
This space kind of turned into be very active around hype structures and farming, farming everything. It's not just tokens anymore, it's roles, it's participation, it's reputation, it's everything, and it's been kind of overwhelming to keep pace with
back. And like I said a few sentences ago, we want to make sure to stay here as a stable source for builders to focus on their communities and their building projects that help people interact better with
on the internet with each other using blockchain technology or something around those lines. But people were here because they want to change something or they want to achieve something other than getting a role. And our community, like many, I did quite a lot of research like
six months ago into others communities and it's the same everywhere that it's many many people and it's very diluted and diverted from the original purpose of servers and groups. It happened with us. Luckily it came to us pretty late only the last
like two, three months. We're very happy about it. Obviously, community is pretty big focused for us, team wise and generally and that's our bread and butter and that's what we really appreciate and make us passionate and want to work with this more. So having said that, we really want to
take the lessons more approach and you know us most of you like like freftovision you have been here for quite a while we've been super open
transparent about how you can get involved in the community giving out perhaps for thousands of people who some who didn't even come to the call. We've been very
a little bit to open and now with all this change is happening in the space around us in the nature of communication going, we have to adapt and we have to change. So we also are a growing project as well with more and more people to answer to. We have to be a little stricter because the purpose of this server specifically and what we
like to cultivate the type of community that we'd like to cultivate is like a space for like-minded individuals like I said who are building and want to achieve something together and want to help each other a little bit or just like share knowledge or ask advice and grow together.
So we cannot achieve that if we stay the same way. So for that, we decided that we are going to do less is more and be much more stricter with who we let engage in the server and participate in discussions rather. We like to keep these calls fairly open because why not like the
are there's no harm. These are wonderful. At least if people are interested to join the community, no more about the product. These are wonderful to get to know that, get the feeling of the vibe. But otherwise, we'd like to keep conversations, focus around people who either have guilds or they are on the journey to
create guilds. So you either do that or have some form of like back three citizenship proof that you've been around that you didn't just register today because we really want to make sure that we like share the same value system and like language.
Not just in the sense of like this is an English speaking server, but in the sense that we know what Web 3 is, we know what tokens mean and the meaning behind those tokens so we can better help each other. So the strategy that we're taking now is a little bit less channels.
And much more strict access, which funny enough, we did have some like authentication issues. So in the last few months, people got bored and rolls didn't actually have guilds. And then that role got taken away once they fixed the issue. So there's been a little bit of juice like that. But other than that, we
Arlene a little bit more exclusive with the rose and we also shaped something.
I think we talked about last time, the visibility attribute, so roles can be hidden or secret. So we're switching our strategy to have mostly hidden roles in our server, with the purpose.
of being more exclusive and focused about discussions and kind of trying to secure even if it's way less people but trying to secure relationships and discussions that are actually valid.
available and we can help each other with them at the price of being less transparent and being less open, which I don't like that move and I know that we've been the opposite so far, but we have to make this change to
to keep our values up because we can just become this big satisfactory system for farming. That's very exhausting and we're too small for that, I think. So we have to stabilize now before we grew too much, we have to stabilize. So moving forward, most roles are going to
be hidden to combat this change and many of you will stay in as we use also guild rows as requirement that already existed time in the server and so on. The requirements most of the time won't be revealed. So this
We're still tweaking trying to find the best way to do it. We also are implementing a lot of roles that are mostly for labeling. So we can know who's in the server, what you guys are interested in, what guild is supposed to be really good at.
Just have a ton of insight about how we can best help you how we can best offer events and workshops and like how you know how can we provide the most value for you. So that's necessary for us to to do those won't correspond to roles per se so you won't like see
different things those are strictly for like community management so we can have different categories and yeah just like no micro target questions or opportunities and everything. Wardens
will also get stricter because when the requirements were open, a lot of people took that opportunity to just create guilds for the sake of having this role given to them. So we're increasing the amount of
I'm going to keep my members that you have to have for being a warden.
Yeah, and then one more thing on this trickness and now I move on to like nicer things is that the support we had to make the hard decision and we had announcements about this but if you didn't know, and we also talk about this in the call just recently.
Support official support won't be in the server anymore. We can't the ticket system doesn't work. You don't have any inside. It's it's crazy. It's tedious. They
our website works so much better and I know it's something to get used to but the server won't be a support system. Of course we can like help each other out with like strategy decisions and everything but
Yeah, we won't have support into general chat or anywhere else. That's not the focus of the server. Boom. I was being strict now. I want to do a little bit happier things. Boom, drop one. Yeah, I just said, like, bomb dropped.
like yeah yeah let's go let's move forward yeah and I know it's been yeah I've said this to the guys here too that I know it feels like even to me the server right now feels a little bit like hunger games I don't know if you know that series but it's like oh really
they change the rules now? Maybe I lose my role? Like did anything change? Am I still going to see these chats? And I know that's a lot of instability, but please bear with us while we figure out a good system. We're trying to do the best for goals that
we have and I know so many of you are aligned on this mission and what we want to achieve. So you want to do the best by you and that will require a little bit more patience with us please while we figure out a good role system. We're working on us daily. So yeah, the mic has been dropped. I'm venturing into happier seas.
changing up the rhythm. So good news, good news after this is that this week we launched the Reddit. Whoa, many of you probably are familiar with Reddit, the forum-based website. We realized not a lot of F3 projects have reddits and it's such an
amazing resource, things live there forever. The community gets to curate and input content about anything and there's like no lying about it because if the community thinks you suck because you did that, that's going to be there forever and it's so nice. It's cool.
We want experiments with this. We love the aspect of like even if we put out like a post there, what is something you'd like to see more of? It's so much more interactive and open and yeah, so Reddit is super exciting. We'll share mostly the guild logs which we started this week.
It's a weekly like product shipment. So what we do in the community events now that we just did like half an hour of what we shipped kind of like that but a little bit more detailed and some improvements and fixes are also in there if you guys are more interested in the details. The first one that we put out is very thick because we put
the full first quarter into it. And happy that first few days, I think it's been almost a week now, by the way. The first week we have a hundred members in the Reddit community whoo turns out you have to collect karma for quite a while. So we had a little bit of a struggle with actually launching it.
shout out to Logan out, he jumped in and helped, he has a bunch of karma and experience with Reddit and he helped us set up the space. So thank you again with everything always. And yeah, we'd like to encourage you to post a credit school. Right now we have a system since we
We like a soft lunch. We do have to approve the post, but please do. We want to see everything that you have to say, questions about your guilds, trailing your guilds, or anything that's guild related, or newsletters.
solutions or you found something that's really cool or you just, I don't know, yes, find something interesting or frustrating, I don't know. The only thing we won't tolerate is support and of course like the proper moderation things that are dated
on the subreddit. But that's it. How are we feeling? Also Twitter's been super annoying so I'm super happy that we're experimenting with Reddit. It's such a different five very different
Like our discord has been very cozy. Twitter has changed so much in terms of audience and everything in the past time. And Reddit feels like a new field with a much stricter
less cozy vibe, but still since it's much more open, I don't know. Like I feel good about this. So we'll be interested in your feedback and how you like the designs and you know the guild logs later. We also want to make, I don't know, we're trying to post two, three times there a week.
It's gonna be fun.
Sorry, I just had a sip of tea to make sure that I don't get raspy.
Moving on, more community stuff is having said the big strictness. We also are experimenting with more involvement because we do think there's a potential and we want to stay very open to those who actually
want to get involved and want to be more than just people who come to some events and have some discussions. So we're starting a squire program fitting with our castle, meme, and lore. Yeah, we're
We're essentially looking for individuals right now to help us grow. Eventually, we want to grow this into our future ambassador program, but for right now, we just want like a general or just like interest. It's similar to nights, but I think and we think nights have a much more core.
um, stays in place in the community. This is a little bit more general than that. Knights are curated manually. They are.
The the night of the system the peacekeepers the eyes and ears choir is a little bit more general, but we'd like to
just gauge, do like no strings attached. We'd like to gauge who is somebody who wants us to help us grow in any shape or form. We'll experiment so stay open, but if you're interested, you'll know this is also hidden role, by the way, because safety and what I've just explained with the...
It's a strictness and why we do that. So you'll know if you're eligible to this choir program. If a, I think, choir program name, this choir program is going to be the name of the room that we're going to have in the server. It's going to appear for you starting with, I think, end of this week.
I think Friday. So if you see a room like that, you're eligible. And then we have a little form just based on, we really just want to know what you're interested in and what we can ask help with or talk to you about and stuff like that. So that's going to be exciting. I'm looking forward to this to do together.
One more thing that just launched this week, I know we're with it so much. It's crazy. It's the journal club. What are we? So as you make it? I just said, oh my god, what a week.
I know. It's crazy. We've been busy. Actually, it's like the past few weeks, but still this week has been. This has been mega.
So, yeah, the Journal Club. The Journal Club, many of you might have seen the announcement. It's essentially a line with what we want to do here is we want to be like a good hub for community managers and people who build risk
community for community around community and that includes sharing knowledge and journal club has been something we've been fantasizing about. Even like a year ago when Hannah and I have been like redefining what we want the community to feel like and be like we've never had a decade or like
the time to do this or it was never like a good time and right now it feels like it's a good time so this is something that we want to have like a very stable 30 minute hangout session we'll have a weekly article that we curate
together with everyone who's in the club. We're going to vote on which one's cool or we're just going to do if there's only a few submissions. We're going to do those, but every week we have a shared experience of reading the same article that's the best in the space around this. And then we'll have this little session where we discuss
and some of the time, luckily to our network and relationships and everything, we'll have the chance to have the author join us to discuss this as well, which is what's going to happen tomorrow. We're going to talk about revenue in this economy, that's the title of the article that we're going to talk about, and the author
of that from Seeklove, George Cornelius is going to join us to talk about it with us. So this is something we're starting. Louis, many of you might have seen him around the server. Sometimes he's called Al Diverse. He's very kind and
good as a person and he's helping us with this. He's also a writer and a content person and a great friend for years at this point. He's helping us.
like moderating and like guiding this program as well. So if you're interested, we all have a session tomorrow. It's open for wardens and nights as usual.
That's it for this point moving on.
Hot communities, joining Guild Exclusive, growing the guilds of Guild ecosystem. I'm gonna only say two. One that I'm stoked about is Yunis Fap. So, hello.
Congrats everyone. We made it. One of the most OG exchanges, everyone and their mother who has a wallet and ever bought anything, use Ubisoft at least once. I think how cool the
they are users now. We have them manage the community. They have already set up such an elite guild. We're going to make a post about the Sunsweater too because they need a shout out. It's such a clean. It's a very clean guild. You guys have to see it.
you can link here. But essentially they manage based on how much you've traded with a badge system as requirements and also the UNISOX holders.
And we'll have a lot of won't reveal all their strategies, but we're helping them with figuring out further strategies as well. They have so many ideas. So super happy. Uniswap is on guild. Hello. Crazy. And the second one that's super exciting is Brahma.
And I do you want to say a word about that?
I just want to say a few words about how it was happening. Basically in the back we were figuring out the ways how we can help them to get their guild up and running smoothly. Basically they are the
We were really happy yesterday because we just fixed something that was in the way to launch their guild and eventually they just announced it on Twitter and now it's finally open from
So they already have few roles that we defend requirements mainly using our custom contract query requirements and also having for example discord requirements having you know specific email
ARC20 tokens. So I can sense some kind of, you know, power user moves in the very beginning. So I will just post their link in the event stage and also in the secret chamber. So you can check out what they are working on.
And I think maybe here is a good point to say. Also thank you Hannah for dropping in there. Maybe here is a good place to say that how guilds like growth works is
We have a lot of inbound coming and many, many communities form every day.
Some are more serious than others and we keep an eye out for projects that we know and we want to validate them and then get on board and support them however we can. So our strategy is mostly just helping communities be the best that they can.
can be and giving and continue to develop the tool that a way that's most helpful to achieve their goals. And they're very lucky that a lot of layer ones and layer two's and bridges and exchanges and wallets have been starting to use guild which is a very different
environment and user-based, then what we started out with, which was more like dows and smaller communities around shared interests. So it's different. And I expect that the features that we're going to develop
is gonna be
more towards
Um, like each general, like how community management should be done when it's like a multiple hundred thousand member killed. So for right now, you know, in the beginning, we will put more of that.
focused on small communities and ours and contribution management and everything. Now if you have more than 10, 15 roles in your girl, it becomes
a bit chaotic, especially if you have a lot of rewards as well, to keep track and manage and want to make sure that we grow with where the space is growing and where the users needs are. So we're going to rethink a few things in the user experience that we have
because it was great for membership management and contribution management or contribute management. But we have to take the step back because even with our guild, we only have seven or eight roles, I think, and a bunch of expired ones that are to pull up.
and it's already becoming.
a kind of crazy to scroll through. So yeah, we're risking redesigning some stuff, but that's I wanted to add there. And moving on on our last little tiny update, this is more just like a little spot
at the end of it to wrap up the little cuteness of the community, the guild community, our guild, not the team, not the designers,
The community, holy smokes for the first of all.
in itself created a sticker pack, a guild team sticker pack. And it's so cute and it's colorful and it's wonderful inspiration for us to you know the guild brand is mostly black and white and gray with
be an initial intention to keep the very pixelated and gaming and it was unique because everything else was purple in the bathroom space. I like being gray and dark and this cool thing kind of stood out. But it's a great inspiration for us to see how these like pop really like stronger colors can
fit with our brand and still keep the same vibe. They're very cute. So thank you so much for doing this. I've been telling our designer to put a little bit more color into our design elements in our materials that we post on social and the Poops.
and everything that's coming out. So with an experimenting with that, I'm really pushing to make it a little softer and have a little bit more color in our in our in our brand at least sometimes. So that's also coming and this is great like foreshadowing for that. Also keep the little
Raspberry 1 shout out to me to have that as a Popeye Petron Twitter. It's the cutest Raspberry ever. Anyway, that's just made my day when I saw this. So thank you again for making this. That's a wrap for today. That was my
last little notes that I have. Hannah, you have a little gift for us. And before that, I just want to say thank you so much for joining and sticking out with us. It's half the amount of people that we're usually having, which I'm still happy about guys like numbers aren't the thing.
And I know you care and you know it's just the cozier the better in my opinion. So thank you so much for coming and being here and listening and keeping awesome and using Guild to the best of your abilities and to hopefully we can help you achieve your goals in the best
community dreams ever so thanks again and I'll give it over to Hannah. Thank you so much for joining us today. Per usual we have a small little blob for you guys for saying thank you for being here you know for a hot hour and
You know just following up with all the news and improvements we have for you to share So I just activated the coop you can find the link the embed in the secret chamber Actually, there is two different kind. I will just activate them both
We have on the community goals we are going to keep continuing the basic clubs and the premium clubs and if you would like to support us and our future events, future community activities and incentives we just want to
say thank you for purchasing these. So thank you so much. Don't forget, see you guys, the wardens and the knights tomorrow at the Jornah Club and actually right now I will just hop on the Uniswap Comcall because
We just got the memo. They will be talking more about their guild and explaining it in more depth like what is their plan and how is the onboarding now on. So thank you so much for being here. See you tomorrow and in two weeks.

FAQ on Guild Community Call #20 | Twitter Space Recording

What is the podcast about?
The podcast is a community call for Guild.
Who are the hosts of the podcast?
The hosts of the podcast are Raka, Hanna, and Norby.
What was causing trouble for users over the weekend?
There was downtime with the Twitter authentication system.
What is the status of the Twitter API?
The Twitter API is still the old and limited one.
What is being done to fix the Twitter authentication issue?
The development team is investigating and halfway ready with a fix for the issue.
What can users do to help support with the Twitter issue?
Users can click the Twitter button in the intercom support chat to alert the team to the issue.
Why does the support team use automated messages?
The support team uses automated messages to make sure every user has a response and to gather metrics on support issues.
What is being upgraded for the user experience on
The user experience on is being upgraded.
What is the team's goal for the upgraded user experience?
The team's goal is to make the user experience smoother and more functional.
Where can users find recordings of the community events?
Users can find recordings of the community events on the Guild YouTube channel.