on the stage. You just essentially live stream podcasts with video and everything. And I thought it was really cool. So I've been thinking of ways. If that would fit us, and if we'd like to do those, but they were just something cool that I saw this week. So just
share something positive after that and inspire rain. Did a really good job of doing those. It's interesting. It's an interesting way of thinking about the spaces. I started the spaces in the main
time I will just grab my charger and then I'll come back. Awesome. The recording is already going? Perfect. I'll also grab my charger.
Oh, is there a big guy's?
I'm back. Okay, here I am. The day was pretty. Wow, I see some familiar places. Oh my god, it's been such a long time.
many of you are still here. I mean long time is an eight year. I'm recognizing a few PFPs/user names. Really cute.
Okay, I guess actually if everything's rough and running we could get started.
Yeah, we could wait a couple of more minutes because a lot of people still are joining in.
Let me check our Reddit in the meantime. As you guys know, we have our Reddit up and running for two weeks now, I think, or maybe three. 22-22 days.
ago we launched the guild Reddit. Maybe it's not the best thing for SEO that it's called our slash our guild, but we're just gonna work it a little bit better and make the titles of the entries there.
include kill that I see so that I see who can pick it up. Yeah, but like our slasher are good. I think something's better than our slasher. Gildex-Lazy. It's like a litterating. Yeah, and it's also cute. It's more awesome. It matches this better.
Also, we're already over 270 members there and Reddit saying that's in the top 50% per, I guess, for size of subreddit. So just kind of crazy. That happened really fast. And I don't think 270 doesn't sound like a big number.
Maybe it's hard to get in like the 1% I guess. Cool beans. Okay, let's get started.
Welcome everyone to community called 21. Yay! And if our community call was a person and it was 21 years old, it could do anything in any country in terms of partying. I mean, it's the legal check-in gauge. That's a terrible drug.
I'm sorry, it wasn't an icebreaker as much as I wanted it to be. It was an ice creator, if anything. So a little forward as usual. We're covering everything today, including product updates as usual, just to give a little sneak peek we have about, I think, six or seven up
It's pretty major. I don't know how we keep shipping this way, but I always think like, "Oh, do we have enough for a community call?" And then it turns out we have groundbreaking stuff coming out. So we definitely do this week. Then we have some support news for the most urgent, biggest, most frequent things.
that come up and some about community. And as usual, the call is recorded and the recording will be uploaded to our YouTube channel, which is growing pretty slowly and shortly and cutely. So let's get into the product updates already. What do you say?
I see you guys are pretty active in the chat here too. It's really cute. Keep it going. Let me just say one thing before we get into it is don't forget that we are sharing the visuals in the secret chamber. So if we are talking about like a feature update or anything you know new and guild, we have post everything
It's easier for you to understand what we're talking about and also it's a really great memory for us. Sometimes I'm just scrolling back even I don't know guys if you remember for the December one when we had so many you know personal kind of thing internal so we're trying to get everything there don't
growing into deep waters gradually. So the first thing is a pretty small one, but efficient. We implemented requirements specific error messages on the interface. So in the past, only general error messages were displayed next to the rules, which were pretty confusing to, you know,
who essentially anyone who has trouble with guild and from now on the error messages will be very specific to the role itself and then why is the error occurring? Sometimes it's not guild fault, sometimes the other company that like for example a campaign provider like Galaxy
has an API error and we cannot bring in live news to track access and sometimes it takes a little bit more time. So we'll have more knowledge of or everyone who sees this error messages will have more knowledge of exactly what the issue is and more
the troubleshooting moving forward as you guys send in the screenshots as well. So it's pretty helpful. Yay! Going a little bit deeper and I really really like how we structured this update session because it is like that. The second one is we
a pretty big set of things with our telegram integration. So we've been saying for quite a few months that it's going on their rework and now it's the rework is done thankfully that took a while but we got there. Now the body is relaxed
I have the kicking out members who don't satisfy the requirements anymore. There's been some trouble with that. And so to give more description, from now on, if someone loses the telegram chat, reward in your guild or in the guild, members who go through the status track again,
And don't satisfy the requirements anymore, we'll be kicked. This status check just as an info. This is generally an interesting case of Telegram. It happens when the user visits the page of the guild, or if there's any changes happening with the requirements that the admins make.
Or of course, if it's through Discord, if the join button is being interacted with. So that's how the status tracks happen.
That's it. Going a little bit more deeper. The third product update is I've already posted a little video about this just a teaser on our Twitter is the manual rule reordering.
Well, it's been, I think, requested for over nine or ten months and there's been quite some stuff that we had to, like, do before it to make it work and look nice on the website itself. So now it's finally here. I think we talked about
it last week as well, but Edmunds can manually change the order of the rules this way having much more clarity and organized structure to the guild. So if you want to emphasize a specific role, you can fully pull that up to the top or you want members to like really see something. You can
And also say if if if you roles are not as important or niche like only like 10 people can join that of your 1000 member community because it's like a whale role or something very specific, then you can have the bigger ones on top so that most of the members can see those.
then alongside of the roles is the visibility and invisibility. It's really really cool. This is actually pretty good, you Chao Locke. Well, as you know, we already implemented this, I think obviously as usual, our guild is the first
one that implemented visibility of roles. So we've been having this for a while. You've experienced how you don't necessarily know. You don't necessarily see or can write anywhere in the server. We also use a lot of hidden and secret roles because
as we've experienced a lot of role farming and the server went into really confusing direction that we didn't want it to go to. And this helps us a lot in keeping it on track. And not just that, but if you think about it having
that are not, oh wait, let me just take a step back and tell you what the actual improvement is here before I get into the whole theology of it. So essentially what you can do is now we have three versions of the roles, three attributes for visibility. One of them is fully public, like all the roles you've had before.
The second one is secret, which means members who have the role can see it, but members who don't have it cannot see it. Essentially you see it once you got it. And the third one is hidden that will only ever be visible for the admins. So why is this
important and super mega cool is you can actually create much better themes and groups for segmenting of community and putting labels on well people based on their interests assets what they hold in their wallet they what
they have been through on the internet. And that is only visible to you as an admin, which is incredibly useful to know who's interested in what type of events can you host for them, what type of conversations you should encourage to have, what type of different engagements you can have,
type of help you can ask from them or help them with something. It's really, really useful. So obviously you can curate these member lists based on the roles into allow lists which are useful for everything else in crypto including air drop-in or sending each other
things or qualifying for any other protocol in the space essentially. So this is essentially a curation segmentation tool. It's really impressive. You can do this with the public ones as well, but it makes much more sense and gives the much clearer, honest picture if the role is actually
not visible. And I have to note it here that this role does not have to correspond to a reward, a reward even, for people to go get the role when they join your guild. Those skills get this information and knowledge about them.
It's pretty good. I really, really like experimenting with this. One more thing that it can be really useful is helping with a little bit of security slash in our case as well protection against farming or essentially
unwanted types of behavior or activities because you can set roles which are the opposite of that. Like you want people who have been through certain actions on half committed, half completed certain actions on the blockchain.
have completed different quests or different acquired different assets or have different age of accounts or have like an actual social influence and have an extensive network. You can set up pretty interesting roles with this and that helps a lot with verifying who's actually
more a vape three citizen and who, like hope belongs in your community essentially, you can really identify the people and personas and everything.
So this is mega interesting and I really, really recommend you play with it. I also have one of my friendly guilds to just play with this and
It's been really fun to set up these hidden and secret roles. Moving on.
going a little bit more technical here. So there's been quite some frustration that we got from our support tickets regarding getting rewards and sometimes
with different malfunctions of sometimes user error or sometimes skilled, but rewards don't necessarily get distributed. There's a few occurrences that doesn't happen. And so we wanted to make sure that you have more control over this process and resolving this. So we've implemented
a new button on every guild's page. It's next to the exit sign. So above your reward, it's a little two arrows going into each other. And this button forces our system to redistribute all the rewards across the platform that you should have received.
But didn't. So for example, if you're already a member of the guild, which let's say has a discord role as a reward to a specific role, you're in the guild. You're already joining the guild. You are part of the discord, but you didn't get the role. You can just come back here, press this button.
get it. It's amazing. It has a one minute cooldown. It also works only on separate guilds. So let's say if you are in 10 different ones and you see maybe in five of them you don't have a role that you should. You have to go to all those five guilds and press this
button yourself. But just a little note here is this button is a pretty big load as the recrafts on our infrastructure and our system. So if it doesn't work with the first couple of clicks, please, please, please contact support instead of pressing it 50
more times because then it will just, it won't solve the problem and I mean we'll unnecessarily load our system so that's a little request that we have with this one otherwise it will solve, it will give back a lot of power to you to check if everything's okay, everything's
things at the right place, maybe you don't have the reward because of some other thing with your admin, with the guild owner or the guild admin. But in this case, in some cases where guild doesn't distribute the roles according to the preset statements, this is a very useful little button.
And this, we came and arrived at the Juicy, Juicy Juicy Upgrades. Actually, we just shipped this yesterday. So I know it's already in the UI as well. So it really gives me last year vibes where we just
puts something out and I barely can keep up with what to communicate and where and how and when because there's just so many incredibly exciting things. So this new upgrade that we have is a new requirement type. With this, now we
account, eight different basic or general guild requirements that we have that as many of you know as you're actively using the tool include having an NFT, having a tool
having be a part of an allow-est, payments, specific contract queries for state tokens and the like, CAPTURA embedded, guild rules,
And now the eighth thing is wallet activity. Amazing, right? This has also been requested for quite a while and we've been so excited to ship this and we wanted to for such a long time because it's an amazing feature and so necessary. It almost feels like it was
wasn't for the longest time but it wasn't. So what this just means is you can't really check different things about wallet activity. So it helps you gauge how deeply a person is in the space, how actively
are they trading or acquiring assets or how long have they been a part of the Web3 ecosystem? How deeply are they members of Web3 citizens, let's say? So you can check.
With requirements set up this way is the age of the wallet which can be absolute which means like since a given date. Like let's say you have this wallet from 2020 January and it can be relative which just means you give have a wallet that's at least a year old.
Second is the deployed contracts.
I think that speaks for itself. How many contracts have this wallet deployed?
And if this can also be set to a certain amount.
The third one is transaction count. How many transactions have this wallet made? That you can be very, very specific. So this is just a given example. You can use this
How many times have this wallet? Okay, so the requirement is have this person who's trying to join the community sent three separate times funds to the community treasury?
The another example is have they traded with a specific contract, let's say like swapping tokens and if so, how many times? So this third one, the transaction count is fully a number, like you want to have the number as the answer here.
it's like a quantitative, if you like that word, I really like that word as a science person. It's a really quantitative attribute or requirement and then the fourth one is asset movement. This is a little bit more, it was a little bit more
difficult to understand for me. It's the other side, it's the quality, not the quantity. So this one, members or Gil admins can say, who have mood, who have mood a certain asset from or to their wallet?
So for example, have you moved an X amount of ether in the last month? That's the requirement or if you've ever owned a board ape or announced NFT between 2020 and 2022 and it left your wallet, you can still join the board ape club. If you have
not if you're don't know anymore but you have in this time period, you can still come in and get access. It's essentially checking transaction in and out of a given wallet.
I'm so shocked by this one. It's very specific and I think it's very like you need to have some understanding of the technicalities of the space. But if you think about this one, it essentially
It gives a very solid base of, let's say you're a bridge. Like let's say you're a bridge, you're a bridge vertical. You bridge assets between two or more chains with your own
And you're you have a community and you want to say I want I only want people in my community to be able to join this focus conversation who have Trend acted at least this amount or have deployed a contract and they're developing
developers, or at least they have a wallet that's more than five years old. This is pretty crazy. This is such a good base for establishing a focused community around, like a very very very repetitive community.
I'm just speechless after this, but I hope I gave a good description. It supported on a few chains, including Ethereum, Arbitrum, Polygon, Polygon, Mumbai, Optimism, and of course, Gurley.
Sorry, how the sip is sip of water.
Yeah, we'll add more paint soon as well as we always do. These are the starter ones. If you have any requests regarding this one, please leave it in the chat and we'll take note of it. But it's just so cool. I can't wait to use it. Also any
Any new bigger communities that are using Guild, I know they might like this one and the ones that we talked to, they really, really appreciate the sub-grade. So I can't wait to show it to them and start using it. I think it's really
available and I'll give it over to Hannah for the support news. Okay, I just want to say one sentence about the previous feature because I think from today this is my favorite required
because actually, like how the developers were talking about it and telling me exactly what is it and how I can, or we can just suggest it to other communities. It is an actual game changer for both DeFi communities and for those who are looking for contract bizarre.
bizarre besides just using it for a severe resistance. So I have a really positive thinking about this one. And Jekyll yes mentioned just few things about support previously and I just want to head into it. And first things first, share some exciting
updates from our whole support team. We are here with great news because the issues with the Twitter account connection verification should be all resolved from now on. So if you couldn't connect, you can do it now. You can just head to GILXYZ and you can just connect your Twitter account
hopefully without any issues because you know we talked about it previously like there were more routes of these issues as timestamps we shared more details on the previous community call we had two weeks ago so thank you so much for your patience and cooperation with this because I just want
to give a huge shout out to everyone who used our support system, you know, that the one that we have integrated on our platform, uh, properly. And if you clicked on the right buttons to report it with our issue and provided us feedback this way, it helped us like a lot.
to fix this problem even faster because as mentioned two weeks ago we are using the intercom insights to see like which you know issues are the most rising and which ones are the ones that we need to put on you know top priorities and based on our metrics
so we can see it now. It looks like the issue is happening way less frequently. Now, so if you even encounter any issues, we just change the routing so you can actually have the opportunity to tell us more details like what are you experiencing with.
We're going to put the metrics in the secret chamber. You can check it out there also like it's crazy how there's a really big peak at this and then afterwards it's just less and less times you were reporting this issue. So from now on, everyone can just share more
details about the Twitter issue and also there's one more update from now on we give everyone the opportunity to open super tickets and reach us through emails because I experienced it previously if I just went back and texted back some texted someone
back, I like sometimes I didn't get reply. So this way we can stay in touch, you know, in a better way. So you can choose the opportunity to open a support ticket instead of just having it as a conversation. So whenever I will text back to your ticket, you will just get an notification.
in the email. And also I think you can reply back via your email. So it's easier to stay in touch. Also we improved our support system in a different way. So from now on we are making it easier for you guys to connect with us, as I said, and
Like this you're gonna receive less automated responses because I know that this is a really big, you know issue between us How we are managing our support how we changed from you know by shifting from discord but currently I'm working on
going to be replacing the whole thing and making it more friendly so you know that like there are actual people behind those messages and you know the messages will be more you know shorter more digestible so you will have a better feeling about using it. And since the Twitter is all set and ready
Hopefully for you to you know connect your account now we are shifting our focus to the wallet verification issue We've we've already created a dedicated path on our intercom with a workaround recommendation how you can manage it to actually connect your wallet because currently we are using we are working
on a permanent solution, but until it's not implemented, we have a workaround ready for you. So you can check that out if you are encountering this issue. And very usual, we are asking everyone who experiences this issue just to click on that path. Just like how you
you did it with Twitter so we can see the metrics and we can just follow up with our developer team and with our support team like which you know issues are the most urgent and more rising. So yeah that's from me about the support. Thank you Hannah.
And I'll move on to the next section of the community called, the community updates. We hit a big milestone. We have over 100,000 members in our guild. Pretty, pretty crazy, huh? Thank you for everyone who has been here.
Since the beginning, luckily we have some guild roles to show. We have been leaving a little bit of breadcrumbs, so we know of like phases of who has been here longest and I really like this idea of continuing that of leaving. We actually, we had a little event yesterday when we talked
about events and a little bit community building. And we talked about it with a guest and who is the community manager of Wonderverse. If you know that project, then we talked about just leaving these tiny little badges and claim bulls and free little freebies or not freebies.
for your future self as Brackrums to like look back and have some form of sense of who's been in your community longer and what they've supported you with or attended or contributed with. It's pretty amazing. I think we have only, well, we've had real color guilds since the beginning, but we haven't
distributed enough little things and we do a pretty good job with the PoEPS but mostly on the community calls. So we'll be discovering a little bit more ways of leaving these outcomes because they're going to be very useful in a year or two or more or you know just for I don't know any of
other purposes, utility to their little badges. I fully support that. And just give a shout out to new communities on Guild as always. Polygon itself, the official polygon has joined the Guild of Guilds this week. We're really excited.
to have them as one of the most reputable protocols finally joining Guild. They have a pretty cute setup already for mostly for growth. Really excited to help them on their journey to have the best community possible. So shout out to Poigot.
of community news is we talked about our Squire program a little bit last time. But we have launched the program officially for eligible guilders to fill out an application and if you don't contribute in any way,
It also just helps us, even if you cannot contribute any time now, it just gives us a good base to know what you're interested in, what can we count on you with or help you with or how can we collaborate more.
for everyone who sees the Squire channels you're eligible and if you fill out the application, it has no strings attached whatsoever. It's more
It's almost like a temperature check rather. And if there's something that makes sense, instantly, will obviously reach out and start a conversation around it and a relationship and everything. So if you're interested, fill it out.
Shout out to our first squire, Buffy, who have been helping us with some support and some discord and the small internet projects for a while.
Pretty cute. It's getting cozy here. You know how we like it. So looking forward to seeing more of your applications to know
What you guys are like. And then next little piece of news from Community is we have new types of long format contents on Reddit. So essentially what you can expect is we have most of our events here on this board. We also upload videos and audio content
to our YouTube channel and if you prefer even the agenda from community calls or other, you know, if you like reading and, you know, skimming through stuff, then written content is mostly well put together found on our Reddit. We also obviously have our Twitter and everything going on, but Reddit is the place
for longer form content and we'll also repost them on our mirror if you prefer that. And we published an explanation, please, about our support approach, how it works, and what our logic behind the current system is, although Hannah just gave a pretty good rundown, but there's a pretty good explanation if you have more questions.
or you're interested, or you want to set this up for yourself or your project, just take a look at that. It's a pretty good insight of what and how we do it. And then, community calls will be compiled and published on our Reddit in two different parts. We have the product side going on in the guild.logs.
We are pushing out the third one, I think, today. And we, the other half for community use are compiled. We are compiling that every week-ish or maybe every two weeks, these are all news that are not product-related, and it's more on our community side.
Sometimes we include pieces or information that are mentioned in the community call, but we try to align all of those into one, like this is the information spreading events, but then we also try to make sure that it's available elsewhere. And also if
we share content that's not, you know, in these specifically, we have somewhere they can get that. And, fortunately, that's the Reddit. And then yesterday, the little event we had is the first Reica's rodeo, which is kind of like a tiny, tiny workshop.
I've really appreciated how the journal clubs on Thursdays have been going. It's small, it's cozy. There's healthy discussion going on. I feel smarter every time I leave it and it's just generally a good vibe and really recharging and 40 minutes an hour go by incredibly fast and I always feel like I want to just stay.
So that was really inspiring and also I was really thinking of how can we give more, like how can we create more of a reliable and cozy space which is what I'm longing for and I imagine a lot of you are and
The conclusion that I came to is if we establish tiny little hubs based on interest and small versions of networks around certain topics or shared interests or friendships and we have constant recurrence of those and if I
I could, I would host in person events and just fly everyone out and like have, you know, like a few day events just everywhere all over the world. That's not really possible right now. So the second best thing is to just host them live online. And you know, that's not too bad. We're living online at
It's fine. And the first version of that is the rodeo. I just came up with the name. I might change it. It's pretty fun though. At least RR, you know, it's going with the theme. It's around essentially non-technical things. How life is on the non-text side of Mup3.
I'll bring a topic every week and then you can decide if you like it or not, if you want to participate or not. And I decided to also always invite a person that I know that theme is really, really good for or makes sense for them. So this week, the first one, the topic was how to host
events successfully or more successfully. These are more around online events and I be glad it and fellow community manager extraordinaire and we discussed the ins and outs of events and all of our knowledge around it. It was really cute. I was in
Initially I wanted to have it for 30 minutes, but it was just so good that I couldn't stop and we went on for 40 minutes. It was 45. I don't know. It was really cute. So I encourage you, even if not in our server, but I encourage you to, especially if you're feeling a little down or overwhelmed to see
little cozy quarters of the internet that you really enjoy participating in and and give you back your passion and and a little bit of a good time, even if it's only for half an hour a week because these will really really accumulate over time and if you can and if you're passionate about anything
make sure to try to spread that passion over to other people because it's worth it. It's so good. So that's my little closing message. The little goodies, the little pull-ups that we always have will be in the secret chamber as usual. We got you covered and then
a little heads up tomorrow we have our I think third or maybe fourth journal club as usual six PM CST or I think that's noon in eastern time for wardens and nights and you're more than welcome to join this week's
article that we go through will be posted in the Journal Club channels so you can see I still have to read it but I can't wait to join and yeah so this was today's community call for the past the weeks thank you everyone for joining it's been amazing
as always. Thank you so much, Rika, for taking us through all these new things. I just want to say I think you should keep the name Rika's Rolio because it's so fun.
I love the name. Yeah, it's pretty cute. I might, I don't know. If it ends up growing through anything, like, you know, like a bigger operation or something, I might change it, but it's, I really like how it's like a, we're writing, you know, like a cowboy. Exactly. Yeah.
Thank you so much for everyone. For being here with us today and for usual we have little pop already for you and you can find it after Norby is managing everything with it in the secret chamber and also
in our guild and I just want to say one more thing that I just got some support you get regarding today is if you are purchasing our pop and you are for example not getting the mint link in the pop up so it's not you know just jumping into your head
You just have to scroll up a bit, be at the root, you know where is the discord, where is the telegram and all these things. And there you will actually see a button which is like mint link. So if you just click on that, you're gonna get it. Nothing to worry about.
the resource light issue with the pull-ups. So it might take a couple more hours or like tomorrow in the afternoon, but I'll, it will be available throughout the weekend. I'll give out an announcement when it's ready.
Okay, then, what do you think it is? Anyways, no worries, we got the visuals, we got everything ready, so you're gonna get it eventually. So thank you so much for being here and see you in two weeks.