Guild Community Call #22

Recorded: May 3, 2023 Duration: 0:32:27




- Hey, mommy. - Hey, mommy.
It has not been approved. I knew it would have been.
Sometimes it's me. I will just keep an eye on I'm using myself, but I'm not talking. Oh yes, I can see it though. Yeah, this is the vibe that we need here.
Awesome. Today is gonna be cozy, I think.
As in we have, I think we always say we don't we didn't think we have many things to say and then we end up having a lot of things. I think today it's actually true that we have less information to share maybe we'll see. Very exciting.
excited nonetheless. So we'll wait a few moments, still moments as in minutes for others to join. So yeah.
I mean, I was actually thinking if we should livestream this or not because
This chord feels a little bit like too much of a close place. If that makes sense, I don't know if you
all of you or any of you feel the same, but it does feel like it's a little bit limiting, so to speak.
So yeah, I don't know. Maybe it's just me. Maybe it's normal. It's cozy now. Like it's
a big difference than you know when we were having like more people in the audience it was a totally different vibe. So now actually
Maybe it's me when I feel more comfortable sharing all the things because this is a community called about the community actually itself.
and they also like sharing the product product updates that is affecting all of us here. So I don't know, I feel better this way.
Okay, I think we should get started. So if the recording needs to go, it is the perfect time to start that. And in other news or
That's going right? Do I have green light to start rambling?
Norby. Is everything cool? Yeah, I'm sorry. Everything is up and running. Okay, cool as a keep-comber. So then welcome everyone to community call number 22. This week we're starting
with covering product updates as we usually do and then we'll get into community updates. We're introducing a new segment this week inspired from the in-person community that's happening here in Zuzalo, a little kudos slash appreciation.
section, shout out, shout out everyone who helped us in the community. And yeah, that's kind of the overview. This week we have a few product chipmints and some news about community events. We have a new
little activation/quest coming up this week. So we'll share a little bit about that but also a little bit seriously because it is a little treasure hunt, this Kevin's your hunt that will most likely send you over. I'll send you two.
It's going to be very exciting. So yeah, let's get into it. As always, the sessions recorded and will be on our YouTube channel, which we're going to link in here as well. So you guys can keep up with everything that's going on. Even if you miss this one.
Yeah, without further ado, let's get into the product updates. The first one for today on our table is a thing that has only been able to be done.
a really convoluted way of putting this, but something that was only so far could only be done with our support, which is transferring ownership of guilds. So when you create a guild, you are with the wallet that you used to create that account and create that guild.
you're going to be the owner of that guild. And as the owner, you have special privileges as in promoting and adding admins to help you with managing the guild. And also the admins, the only person who was able to delete the
the guild. So transferring their ownership has been a thing that has been requested, well, it wasn't requested, but we ended up having situations where we needed to support a few communities who had a change in staff or someone
community, community member or community theme from the community team created the guild. But since then they changed jobs or something. As was going on or they realized they have a more official address to have the ownership on. So from now on,
on, it can be done through the UI so you can transfer ownership yourself. So as a guild owner where you would add admins normally on the edit panel, you'll see an option to transfer ownership.
It will immediately transfer it to the new person. This way you will remain as an admin still, but the new owner will have the right to remove you as an admin or delete the guild event. So this is very useful to help with the
day to day, and this is kind of like, well, sorry, not day to day. Exactly the opposite. This isn't a day to day thing. This is an occasional event in a community's life to transfer ownership, but it's possible now. So little improvement, very happy about it.
Next thing is around payments. So as you guys know, we have multiple payment avenues going on guild. Many of you have been testing it and using it in different guilds. One of them
purchasing the requirements, which is you can see a very good example of that in the arbitrum community where it feels like you essentially buy the ticket where you need it. So many communities set tokens as requirements to entry.
a certain amount of tokens, a range of tokens ownership, and we aggregated exchanges so that it's much easier to purchase these tokens for those who don't have it yet and want to enter that community and get that role. That's one. And the other one is
payment as requirement that is a actually very very few communities use it yet it's still very low key so we'd be very stoked to see some new interesting use cases about it. It's when you don't necessarily have your
your own token or you essentially would just like to set up a paywall within the community for anything, temporary or ongoing, sort of like a gate to events or specific discussions.
and kind of also like a paid membership. So members can pay in USDC or any token of your choice to get access and get that role and to whatever you are getting. So with that, we, the improvement here, with that little intro
about the features is that we improved the window that appears and it so far it disappeared automatically and we found that it was an issue with the experience of the payments so now it
will be closing on its own automatically and it also shows the reward that has been unlocked which I feel like this sounds very straightforward and it should have been in there in the beginning but for some reason we didn't put it there but now it's there and it also sends a
join button out immediately. If the new member is not the member of a community yet, they will have the option to instantly join here, which took out one extra click that was in the user experience.
This window is not implemented for the pull apps yet, which is coming in the next few weeks. This will be at the other payment scenarios.
that I just described.
So next little update for today's menu about the product is that we have
The reason why we have less features to announce today, as we usually have a pretty thick list, and today we have much less. Noticeably less, is that we, again, as many of you have been around for a while, you know that we take these periods where we focus more on stability.
And this is also the time where we shifted our focus from shipping new features to improving stability. This has been something that many of you have requested as well. And we have also felt like we reached a point where that has to be a constant focus or
bigger focus again. So yeah, we're ironing up bugs, improving the general flow of the site. And one more gigantic improvement here is that we had the time to ride automated tests. The awesome dev team put together a bunch of end-to-end tests that are
are almost always running in the background and learning us if any issues come up. So there's much, much less errors that the actual users of GuildxWazee run into because this test clarifies it before and it constantly is clicking through the site and some specific
and these functions, these tests that are running are around guild creation on Discord and Sogram, the free entry role generation role deleting and role page editing and changing requirements and deleting them.
So these are things that we're constantly testing, which has been pretty very, very...
big sense of stability for us. It's very good to have something that constantly is on the lookout, like a little Mercket looking for trouble, and then it finds it very fast. We also started using a post-hog to monitor these tests, and it real-time sends us a
if anything is off. So in the past two weeks with all these improvements or speed and stability of the site have greatly improved and super happy about it. It was a really good choice to take the time to focus on this and we'll be even smoother.
going forward. Very exciting. And yeah, there's a few news about support here and I'll give the word to Hannah about those. On the board side, do we have some really positive feedback?
And you know, insights to fair because we were talking about this in the previous community called like two weeks ago and we just said like what kind of issues were being reported to us and I'm happy to say that like in the
We are getting less and less reports from our users, which means that we are fixing all the things that we told to fix. And the previous dimension focused on stability.
actually resulted in a noticeable lower load on our super system in the previous two weeks. So basically we have like 50%, like almost 50% less support seeking. So actually I just checked it today and I was I saw that last
like half of the people are searching for, for example, articles, FAQs and opening up conversations with us, which is basically like a really good feedback on our improvements.
So I think that's all from my side about the support. So I just want to say thank you for everyone who is clicking the right buttons and just sharing the reports, like reporting the issues that you are facing with.
Also, as always, we're posting the little images about what we're talking about live in the secret chamber. So you can check it out if you'd like to see some screen shots and sneak peeks of the things that we're saying over here. And then we'll jump into the community update.
So, very happy to say that finally, the first proper case study about how Guilt can be used for onboarding with the developer Dow has been released this last week. It was co-written
by Louis, as many of you know, him in the community, pretty active, and I helped a little bit. And it was really, really good to sit down with Luan, who has been a very long standing or long time member of our community.
community as well and used to be the head of community development, I think, at the Velcro Dow. He doesn't work there anymore, but we still had the chance to dig deep into what they've been about. So a little TLDR of that is that
Developer Dow is kind of a space for onboarding contributors and developers kind of collecting them to onboard them into the free and around projects and their onboarding was designed with the contributors in mind who want to contribute
not only to the space but to develop a DAO as well. And then we wanted to highlight those who actively built and participated in the DAO. But as every project grows, they also grew quite a bit. And as happens with many communities, there's a more general
type of community member persona evolved. And so with this, the conversation changed more from contribution and very, you know, focused discussions into more learning and collaboration
opportunity seeking and more about incentives for memberships, which I think is a pretty straightforward thing that happens in the life of every single community. I feel like we're constantly going through this change as well. It's not as
It's not a stark difference for us in this community. I think I don't know what you guys feel like, but it feels like it's a constant ongoing change. So with this shift, every community team has
some challenges and some decisions to make and to change processes in the whole onboarding situation. So in the case of developer Dow, they had two more to bigger troubles to solve or challenges is to smooth out their onboarding processes.
not be overwhelming for new members. So kind of.
facilitate the focus shift for everyone who is new to not overwhelm them. So essentially not every channel should be visible to them and have more of a progression into getting into the depths of the server. And then the second thing is to really try to customize the experience
for different member personas, the contributors, and then the more casual members who are seeking collaboration and new opportunities. So the solution that they chose was to fully redo their whole community strategy.
and they used Guild as the permission layer and they used quite a few author space badges as their batch system to help make this happen. They fully rebuilt the flow. You can see a little bit more about it in the article. There's like a wire frame to it. It's a pretty good
example of how to do this well. And by redesigning they could actually improve so much of the overwhelm. So now new members had a much better onboarding experience, much more custom onboarding
paths. The team could identify old standing, like long-standing old members and new members much better. And they also simplified that this quite a bit to abstract the channels who aren't necessary anymore. Those who
Yeah, they were archives, I think. So this resulted that the conversations were more straightforward, focused, less overwhelming, and much more tailored to a member's interest, which I think is all that we can ask for right now with the tools that are given to us in the
the many of our community styles. So this is a very big bend for them. Yeah, so that has been a really good experience to kind of deep dive into this. The article has been posted on Mayr, which it was so interesting.
thing when you post on mirror, you have an option to collect the article. And for some reason we have a group or maybe even more than a group of people who have subscribed and pages. I
I posted, I don't even announce the article yet. And in one or two minutes, the 500 collecting options are gone. It's so crazy. I think maybe we should make it. There's the option to make the collection paid for. So there's like a $2.
something to kind of battle with this but it's just so crazy because I would love to see who actually reads the piece and wants to support Gill with just collecting this NFT for free and kind of proliferate and keep that little NFT in our wallets for a long time.
But, you know, this way I can. So I'll have some talking to the mirror team because this is a little bit of a struggle that we won't have that benefit of seeing who supported us early. And, you know, they might as well be our community member.
Although I do believe at this point we know a fair amount of our community members pretty well and the 500 did not include most which is a little sad to me but we'll change it for next time. We'll improve get better.
Moving on, the next thing which it has been a month since this has been going on, the new workshop that we introduced weekly is the journal club. So far so good. It's been on an uprise, well uprise.
Maybe that's not the right word, but it's been on an upward cycle and up for a time. There's more and more members attending and it's very very wholesome to kind of dissect these pieces in a small workshop and hear each other's thoughts and experiences about the
different topics that we have. So if you guys don't know the core idea of Journal Club is that we collectively curate the best pieces from every month and the best five I think and then we go through four of them in the next month in a weekly little 30 minute to 45 minutes little
session where we usually have the opportunity to also invite the author to participate in the discussion, which has been such a wholesome experience. So if you haven't yet, I encourage you to come there, I think at this time, at the same time is this one, no, sorry, an hour earlier than the communicator usually is.
12 PM ET on Thursdays. It's really awesome, very cute. So you should, you're more than welcome to join tomorrow, we're dissecting a research article on air drops as it means to grow and engage community. If a few of you have been on the RACA's rodeo yesterday as well, we also talked a bit about air drops in there.
important syn incentive mechanisms. So this fits the week. It almost feels like I knew which article we're going to talk about. And we went through kind of like a prediscretion. So I'm going to welcome happy, happy if you come tomorrow. Otherwise, you can, you're free to join every time. We have that every Thursday.
It's for wardens and nights in the community.
And then, yeah, Hannah, I just wanted to add that also like you were mentioning monthly, we are creating a bit of five articles and I just wanted to grab the opportunity and say that actually
actually today we released the best of five articles from April. So this month articles are out on Twitter so you can find it and this session tomorrow
will be the closing session of the previous batch, but from next week we're going to kickstart it with the top best from top five best articles from April.
And I think I will just keep talking. You wanted to say something, Asraika? Yeah, let's jump into this little mysterious event that we have tomorrow. I think you wanted to say a few words about that. Yeah, yeah. I just stopped for a second and I was like, oh, wait, this is my turn also. So let's get
into an exciting new event that's happening tomorrow. Actually our very own community team has organized a Star Wars theme challenge that's sure to get everyone's brain working and I just want to shout out to Nora before that because he's been pretty active
creating a fun and challenging mystery for you all to sort. So here's what we can share so far. Stay tuned because more info is coming tomorrow. So if I were you, I would keep an eye on this board and Twitter. So what I can say is this is going to be a Star Wars
theme event which is launching tomorrow late after noon/night and it will require guild members to solve a serious of encrypted messages and riddles in order to unlock a secret report in a different guild. But that's all that I can tell you.
What's coming with this is the first 100 contestants who can solve the mystery can actually receive a reward. So make sure you keep an eye on Twitter and Discord and to get them early. This event is not only fun and exciting,
But it's also like this is why I'm so excited about it because this is also like a test case for us to explore You know new and innovative ways that guilt can be utilized So actually we are testing our own product like what else we can you know make them make out of it like what kind of you know
Secret mysteries that you know challenges for the community members to solve. So we are really excited to see how the challenge goes and you know just to learn from it as we continue to grow and evolve. So mark your calendars and get ready because it's happening tomorrow.
I hope you guys are good at riddles because it's going to be exciting.
Yeah, I can't wait, honestly. I'm not that good at riddles, honestly. So many of you will probably have better solutions than I will, but that's my best.
Okay, so the new little segment that we're introducing on the community calls is the appreciation time little kudos to everyone who who helped us with anything in the past two weeks a little shout
out session, a little appreciation, a little what other word would fit. Anyway, it's fine this way. Let's leave it this way. So to this week, this past two weeks, we have three
Thanks to give thanks to or thanks about one is a brainwashed who helped us start using this statbot in our discord. It was a great recommendation. We started collecting a little bit of
information about the most active channels and what's going on in where it's been pretty useful. So thank you for that. And of course, as always, shout out to Logano for having so many interesting suggestions to us in our night chat and also to
to kick for catalyzing tomorrow's Star Wars event. It was fully his initial idea that we just ran with really quickly because I think we made it. We decided that we might want to do this yesterday. So thank you so much for bringing this up as the idea. Last year we had
a metaverse event in party space where we had like a quiz night and it was really cute and were interactive. So this week we're going to scavenger hunt route. And the third thing is I really want to thank the journal crop curators who tirelessly
read through as they're expanding their knowledge themselves and read articles from this past month in April. And we want to thank them for gathering and curating the best of the best articles.
so we can also learn and be really smart together. Thank you, Loco, now a brainwashed and actually Hannah, Louie and I. If you guys want to hop on this train, more than welcome to join and submit for
Next month's journal club. All these articles. It's really, really interesting to see what everyone's choosing and why. There's many, many smart things being written. Yeah, I think that's from the community side as well for closing.
as little closer, because I think we're done for today. If you guys don't have anything else that's stuck in you, I think we're up with our updates.
As a little what's coming next, the journal club tomorrow, like we said, it's at 12 p.m. ESD for the wardens at night. Please, if you come and the mysterious Star Wars Cypher event with the reward at the end that Hannah was just talking about.
about. Norby, how are we with our little pull-up for today? That's the last item on our agenda for today. It's a little collectible for being here in the audience as we strike through the bear market and still stay together and update each other.
Yeah, it's probably gonna run a little late this time too, because of the new Poe Up system. But I think it's either today's at night or tomorrow at the evening. It's gonna be out, I'm gonna give out an announcement again that it's meant to be.
Awesome. Okay. And as usual, you guys will find it on our guilds page as the source for the collectibles. Yeah, so thank you everyone for joining this week. It was actually short and sweet this time.
If you have any more questions, suggestions, or feedback about this event or the product, let us know here in the chat or in the general chat. And we'll see you in two weeks with our next community event. So thank you everybody. Have a wonderful day wherever you are. Good night, good morning. Good day.
Thank you and see you in two weeks or tomorrow if you're coming. Take care everyone. Bye bye. - Bye. - Bye bye.
- Bye, bye.