Guild Community Call #25

Recorded: June 28, 2023 Duration: 0:38:30




Pretty good.
And yeah, even though this is a community call, we'll definitely have some time to answer questions. We have less product updates, although I did prepare a little bit of a more like thought leadership thing to say, as I think we haven't done that in quite a while.
And I have some new ways of putting what we do with Guild and about communities and and automation. So we'll have a tiny segment on that, but we'll definitely have time for a lot of questions. So make sure to put them in the event stage and as usual,
There's going to be the secret chamber where we're going to post the things that we're talking about up here in the stage screen shots video.
posts, links, everything. So if you're in or discord during the call, make sure to keep an eye out on there so it makes a little more sense what we're saying up here.
on this stage and thanks everyone for joining. We'll wait like one or two more minutes for everyone to tune in who wants to come. The recordings are ready started or be made sure of that. So even if someone misses this, we'll have it in the recording as usual.
The Twitter space is also up.
So we are all set to go. Cool beans, cool beans, thank you, North
I just realized on Twitter also so I'm gonna check out if like how many people we have there and all these things I totally forgot about the road streaming. It's about 50 now.
Nice, that's a cozy group of audience.
Yeah, but like the space I think is mostly for mobile users you can't even set up one on a desktop
where you can listen in from desktop.
But you cannot, which is key at spaces when you are sending the hearts, the lights and all these things.
But, me myself, I would rather go to Discord on desktop than to listen on Twitter.
And are you just posted a dog pick in our general chat? Yes, we're here. I had to skip
the office day today because I'm dox sitting so I had to be here but he came with me to my trading session so he was staring at all of us
lifting but yeah he is here exactly next to me for the cold also. He's just and waving. Primary attendee. Okay
We waited a few minutes. Thanks everyone so much for joining. Here in this court and over on Twitter spaces. As usual, we're recording.
The call, this is community call number 25. It's been a while since the first one. A few of you have been here for quite a while, so you remember. I see it almost every time because every two weeks it shocks me how time's flying and these are actually really great check-ins or checkpoints for us too.
can be all of us here and keep track of what's going on. We also post the summary of these on Reddit frequently, so if you like to see things written out, head over there as well. So we'll start with the usual product update.
And then I prepared a little bit of a section of smart thanks to say about their role of roles. And then we'll get into a little bit about the campaign that pins and what's going on there. Some about support and then our usual community news.
I think today will definitely fit into 30, 40 minutes, so prepare for that. Otherwise, let's jump right into the product of dates.
So first things first, as always, we are tweaking the user experience and the interface of guilds to make sure that all the feedback we're getting from you gets implemented and it's the easiest to use. It's very, very important value for us still. So we made a few changes. We redesigned the account.
count like pop up window that you see when you click in the right top corner to see your account. It's more compact. It fits more accounts essentially because you know I kind of grew how many things are on there. And it fits the overall design of the user interface everywhere else more.
It shows all the connected addresses as usual and the social accounts, which connecting and disconnecting social accounts is temporary disabled for a few weeks because of security reasons. If you have disconnected your social account, you can still reconnect the same one that you disconnected previously.
because of the pens and security reasons with that, we disabled this for a few weeks, but it will be back up soon and we'll let you know. We also made some improvements to the flow when someone joins a guild. It didn't specifically have any indication if you weren't
your connected accounts, it just kind of closed the model and now we give like an extra little message there about satisfying the requirements specifically. So before that it was more just connecting the accounts and now we also put in a section about the requirements as well so it makes more sense.
that they're together. Not being eligible for requirements is not actually a problem with how Guild works and I know it might seem some way and we got a lot of messages and misunderstandings from this, but it actually indicates that the product functions as intended because the main use case for Guild is to give the opportunity
community to community builders and managers to create these requirements to get spaces and activities for different members and different type of participants in their communities based on what assets they hold, how they participate in crypto in general and what their internet history is.
So this way everyone can find more of the spaces that are relevant to them. If you face this, don't take it too hard.
that stress how the tool is being intended to use to be used. More about the requirements here. So as you know, we have three visibility options for requirements. We have the public visible ones that everyone can see. We have the secret ones that remain unknown until
you satisfy them and we also have the hidden requirements which will never be shown and they are strictly for purposes of having like markers in the community. They're more pointers for our admins to know who does what and how many engage kind of how many people would be in a role without confusing anyone and making it public.
And the secret requirements, they were a highlight in the part of a campaign when Linia had to pin. And there were kind of a black box for members who are trying to join that men that members who are trying to get in didn't have any
insight into how many requirements are in there if they meet any progress on it or how are they on their journey to satisfy the requirements or if they've done any of that. Now there's a tiny little information window on them indicating the number of secret requirements that are in there and the progress or status that each number
or each user has with these. It's a little more information without, you know, telling what the requirements actually are because that's kind of the purpose of keeping them unknown. We also made an update to the error page which ironically you probably have seen
a little off and we had a little downage last week. Before this update, it was directing everyone who were on this page on third discord where we haven't done any support in quite a while. That's not the purpose of our server, as you know, it's very inefficient to keep support
there and answer support questions. We won't have any insights or data about support. And we also like to keep the server more of a place for community where conversations can happen outside of the context and of support questions. So now the error page with the update directly
direct everyone towards our support window on our user interface, which is the place where there's the best, that's the best place to get help. If you have any issues with the product, there are any questions or inquiries, that's the best place to do so. We have a pretty good flow set up there and HANA.
is behind the keyboard every day to answer all of your questions and get you help. And we also have terribly good insights there about what actually are main issues with the products or main questions that users have. It gives us like much better insight of what to do next and build our roadmap and make our improvements.
Another update is we talked about this before that it's coming up. We gave a heads up I think the last time and maybe the time before as well. That Wallet Connect has launched its second version or V2. I think the thing we said last time is that
the first one and now that's shut down and only version two are available for the first one.
that's about that. And then a little bit of, that's actually all of our product updates and a little bit of Rebecca really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,#
The reason why they're last week or the last community call two weeks ago, we had a sea of updates and now we have less is the usual is we work in abs and flows of shipping and stability. So we like to have review product development community and everything in
a way of weak grow. There's a period of growth and many in terms of product, many shipping and then there has to be a period for stabilizing that and making sure, you know, everything works. We do that a lot in community as well. I can think it's a good way to think about
creating anything, if it's a product, if it's community, if it's content, if it's relationships, or like your network, it's great to think, "Oh, do I need to focus a little bit more inward and stabilize things?" So that's what we turned our attention to in the past two weeks.
It more on our backhand actually so that's the updates aren't that visible but there's still some things that we can update you about on that front as well. We refactor the whole API again and we're going towards the version two of that. So I acted community, Maxi builders are already included in testing out these
new versions of the API, the broader testing phase starts soon, which many of you will have the chance to do that with us. And ideally, many of you won't notice anything changing actually on how the product works or anything. But
over the summer we are updating more of the AI and transfer AI, oh my god, sorry, the API and transferring more and more of the site's functions to the new version to make the whole app and whole experience smoother and faster and better and all of the, I think at this point
we have a thousand downloads in our API or SDK as well per week. So make all of those partners and users of our API happier as well. So stay tuned for that. Hopefully you'll see like, "Mmm, good, much faster." I'm hoping this will be you in August. Good,
like 2.1 seconds faster than ever before. Alright, next point is we also migrated the whole infrastructure, so like the big robots back end of Guild in the past few weeks, which is a large and necessary task for our Deaf team since
The user base is expanding and very good things are happening. We're growing as a product and everything. It's all good. But we need to make sure that we have a strong and stable foundation where we can build the app on top of. So these little periods of strength
are absolutely necessary. And one more thing which then and it will expend on in a little bit is the Twitter rate limit seems to have gone away which was the main support question for a while and that was the main error message actually. It's very very happy news
and the team worked super hard to work on it. As you know, the Twitter team has gone under some changes recently and the API shipment that they were about to do got postponed by quite a few months, but hopefully we have found a
also hopefully permanent solution to this. But yeah, Panama say more about it in our support section a little bit later.
We've been all in our waiting for this. So I'm so happy. But yeah, as you said, we are just, you know, show my excitement at the support section about this.
And before that though, here comes my little interlude of big, smart, nice sounding things to say, not product. Maybe I should have put this in the community section. But anyway, it's kind of more about like guild vision and ideas, what to use
and the role of roles, if you need inspiration of thinking of what else could you use Guild 4 or what else is possible in the future of the internet and online communities. This is a little something, something for that. So it's about the role of roles which we posted that
Twitter video about yesterday as well that you can see in the the Secret Chamber as well or on our Twitter. And the question is really why are roles so important in a community because many of the product in communities and
growth products and everything, they don't have roles built in them. It's just kind of like there's stuff you need to do and then you get a reward. And why does Guild think in a way that there's also roles in the middle? So, you know, the Guild model of having requirements and then you get roles and those roles enable you to have
rewards. So I'd like to expand a little bit on this. There's a saying that I've heard over the weekend, or I don't know a few days ago, that their dictatorship at the door and democracy on the dance floor. And it really stuck with me for a few days. And I was just like eating this phrase of, I thought it's
really interesting and can be applied to so many instances and it really reminded me of how even a year ago we were thinking about community management and as you know among my personal journey as well I was learning more about communities and community building especially online it's so different.
the notions of curation and how strict that should be or not are a really interesting topic and how you layer those doors as well where the dictatorship happens or the curation happens.
So this sentence, by the way, that the dictatorship at the door means or indicates that there's a strong curation system at the entrance to something and then let crowds kind of self-organize and act freely once they're in. And this is reminiscent to the early days of social cryptographic
communities where there was a high barrier to get in financially with the token. And then there's like absolute sometimes chaos, but mostly just like free organization on the inside around the special interests. And that's a really interesting point, but the importance of having grows though
is that there isn't just one room or dance floor, so to speak, but many in this building that fit members with different interests, statuses, assets, contribution, and internet history in general. So it's not just like one thing, a one big barrier, but ideally it should be
much more small interest-based, much more versatile basis for curation to getting into these rooms with other people. And having these rooms be as overlapping or segregated as in each community will be very different based on what the goals mission and purposes for these communities.
They also say another saying here, I know I'm like saying number two, drink every time I'm saying a quote or a saying, but yeah, it's a general truth that the most successful conversationalists have the mindset and interactions with others of assuming two things, one that the other
Everyone has knowledge or information that you don't and you should be curious of learning from them and finding out something that you haven't known before. And the second thing is you also have something in common, even if it's not something obvious. If even if a person looks nothing like you comes from a very different walk of life,
You should go into a conversation or an interaction assuming you do have something in common which is always true. So, yes, having said that varies. Thank you, Rhaika, with automation and curation systems and the technologies that are in our hands as tools
right now already and they're just getting better by a minute. We can make these commonalities so much more obvious and in these interactions with others so much more intentional and contextual. Imagine that like all the other folks you see and talk to in this concert hall back room that you guys
in because you're a super fan of this band. They're not only also the super fan of this band and got in like this, you know, private back room of the concert, but they also have the same top three artists in their top 10 on Spotify and they have been their fans as well and you have so much in common not only to talk about but
that gives such a general sense of safety and commonality.
Yeah, so interactions can be much more contextual. And I think that just sounds extremely cool to know that about others.
It's in the sense of online communities and in person as well as the community be able to drop to decide what the curation is going to be based on. Out these rooms or spaces should be designed how they should be layered to in regards to each other and then also
what happened there, which is one of the most important things. And these decisions need to be revaluated very frequently to make sure it's aligned with participants and the original plan or is there a need for change or switching up something. And guild.
Yeah, yeah, we're in the guild committee class, so we're going to insert guild over here. Guild helps with automating this process as much as possible. Since online communities are much larger on a scale than local or in-person communities usually are.
To our benefit, there's so much data that we leave behind or actively and purposefully create. Off-changes on an internet in general alike. These are super useful to establish these systems in human organizing.
Yes, kind of that was my little monomag on the role of Rose. I don't know what you think, share your thoughts in the chat. I'm also planning to talk about this next week in Barcelona if any of you are going to be there. This is going to be a thumb part of the...
each there. I don't know yet, but I want to talk about community automations and making every community builder's life easier, not just with Guild, but generally through building more rewarding and intentional experience
and leaving more time from the manual tests of community building to actually curating the experiences and creating cool spaces and events and activations for each other. Yay!
So that was that. And that can move on to
Okay, I'll have one sip of water before we go into cough town again.
Great prevention. So, last little section, I'll say a few words about how the guild pin campaigns going. First of all, it's been over a month since we started it and the support has been overwhelming. I honestly did not expect, like I replant so much of how this is going to be the coolest campaign in our
as so far and how we're going to make it the most fun and exciting as possible. Which I think worked out pretty well. We stopped making the clues that we had initially to give all of you a big unfair advantage, how ours have been the advantage of claiming the earliest pins with the earliest ranks.
over the general public. We stopped that, but since it's still pretty fun and many of you have minted early shout out, I know you're also here, shout out Exodus, you're still on the very top 10 of the leaderboard as well, pretty impressive. I don't
know how you do it, but it's crazy. And thank you again. So a little about the pins, they are, I think most of you know, by just if you know, they are non-transferable, so so bound and FTs, they are on three chains now, polygon, finance and arbitrage as well, we'll put it on more
to be more inclusive for users of other chains as well, but you know, we're shipping at a steady rate. I mean, three chains in like a few weeks is pretty good still. Anyway, they are a proof of join signaling the long gang from wherever you go. It's going to be in your wallet. So everyone
who or any other app will show what pins you have in your wallet or on your person, which just means that you've joined the community at some point, that you have the pinup. And I think that's a very nice way of belonging. It's similar to what Pooh apps are doing for us already in a sense of
They mark a certain time or like memory, perhaps usually 40 bands in person or online pins are for joining a guild. They're really cute little collectibles. And for admins, they're also give this like great building block to use in their community strategies so you could know
on chain who has entered your community. Possibly use this for token gating and other application that requires or allows you to create token gating, which is a lot of web platforms already luckily. They allow that feature.
Yeah, and the little update of how the campaign's going We're almost half a million pins minted which is insane in a few weeks I did not expect this we did have some goals, but Jesus Christ. This is crazy and we've partnered with
So the strategy was that we have sometimes super weak, sometimes one per week project that we partner with, that we choose to support with this campaign with some growth preemptively. And there's already nine, including Guild itself that has launched this Guild.
Today, just today, like an hour before the community call, Arbitram has launched its spin as well. Arbitram is one of our largest communities and they've been around for a while showing us how to nurture fully-cooked
system with the roles and setting requirements according to these roles. So if you haven't already grab your pen there, if you're already a member in their guild, you have it on chain as well. And
Tomorrow we have another pin coming. So there's so much demand, luckily, from communities that also want to participate in the campaign, one of their own pins, that we decided to change the ones a week to
fly this week. So they're next ones coming tomorrow. So stay tuned for that. And the race on the leading board is getting still pretty fired up. There's so many, so many of you that are very close to each other.
the top participants in the leaderboard, we're already preparing some little special gift for those who are in the top. So yeah, that's just a little something, something, but otherwise
Yeah, that's been an interesting and great journey with the pins and thanks everyone for the overwhelming support and patience while we change things up and being so agile, we try to let you know everything in advance that it happens.
Yeah, so thank you. I'll give it over to Hanna to talk about support a little bit. Twitter, for example. Yeah, so let's get into the support part. Actually, it kind of
I think on the community goals now to just have a full-on section for the support because there are so many things happening. We have so many conversations, tickets coming into our way and also like just two weeks ago, something like this, we had a live support event,
also on our Discord server, which was really helpful for some of you guys who just actually joined and were so active asking different questions. But let's head into the Twitter thing. So great news. The Twitter API rate limit has been many
on our end. So basically it means that connecting and checking your accesses is smooth again on guild. So for example if you ever got error rate limits, status codes with like 403 or something like this, it's all gone now.
So thank you so much for being with us. Actually, what I wanted to say, oh yeah. So basically, as I mentioned, you're not gonna see these error messages anymore, but there is something which is still happening and it's really
really good to know about. So if you ever see couldn't check access at your requirements, if you just put your cursor at the triangle, there is this yellow triangle at the couldn't check access sign, you will see that it's being greatly limited. So it's
still happens from time to time since we can still push through a set amount of requests with their APA which might not be enough at peak times. So this is a limitation on Twitter's end. So if you see this, what you can do about it, you just wait 10-15 more minutes and try
again. And what is really important with that, because it's kind of in connection with the Twitter connections and all these things, is disconnecting social accounts and walleted vases is currently disabled. On Guild, this is
for a few weeks for different security reasons and this feature will be reactivated in few weeks. So you will be able to disconnect your social account and you know link what it address is off the verse and you can just connect the new one. What is really important about is when
For example, you see at your account, at the requirements, a reconnection needed button. If you are trying to click on that and by clicking that, you are trying to connect a different one, not the one that is already unicronected, you will get an error message.
It can be misleading since the option is disabled, but for now, remember, this just means that you are trying to connect a different account, which wasn't connected before. If it makes sense this way. So when you are trying to reconnect, please just reconnect the one that is already connected.
I think that's all on my end. One more, you know, note on the end. If you are just connecting our support and you're asking us to disconnect your social accounts and wallet addresses, unfortunately we cannot help you at this point one by one.
So just bear with us please just wait a few more minutes and next month if we have the all activated again and I will pass back the various to reg up. Thanks for the thanks for the updates on support see this as
also another reason why the help through our website is so useful because we have such a well organized info about all of it that's causing issues. It's great. I can't read about it enough. Let's jump into the community news. Shall we? The first one is that
the second Guildeth article is about is out, which is essentially the fantasy name. So Guildeth, it's the fantasy name for our kind of use case article where we the events, the community stand-ups that many of you know where we invite community admins to
talk about their guild and how they build it up and what it's used for for them and their greatest wins as a community and you know all those things we usually convert those sort of very strategically done those events they re convert those into use case pieces because
Many people need a lot of inspiration of how to use Guild and also community building is hard and we should collide and use our shared knowledge accordingly. And you know, kind of pool of everything that we know. So in Fight for that, we
publish the second one with Louis helping us writing it. It's on our mirror and in the sacred chamber as well for the link. If you want to read it, yeah, great. The other news is the what I've mentioned already.
that the massive list of updates that we had two weeks ago is up in a shorter format on our Reddit. It's called Guild Log, usually. We put it out every two weeks for ourselves and for you and for everyone to keep track of all the things that, all the changes, all the growing pains
the guild is going through over time. It's actually a pretty thick one compared to the normal size, but we try to keep it brief but informational. So there's the link for that as well. And we have the first actual team
section of our Nights in our Discord server. The Dune Visords. So for a little while, for a few weeks, Rusty and Batal have been our Dune Visords creating cool dashboards for our pins, for example, that are minted lives since, you know, they're the first ever
on train things that Guild has put out. You can follow them there. And yeah, so we decided that every dune with is also going to be a night, but not every night is a dune with. If that makes sense, like every insect is also a bug, but not every bug is
No, every bug isn't insect, but that every insect is a bug kind of I. And yeah, so that happened. So that's on Rusty, have been knighted and yeah, appreciation as always. And that we're rolling into our last section of our community.
section. I don't know. I'll just use that word again. The special appreciation part.
to repeat myself for Rusty and Vethal. They have been answering, especially Rusty, have been answering terrible amounts of questions in our server. So huge thank you for that and shout out. And Mir 0x who pointed out to us that because of a bug with this chord, many of our community members in the guild server were unable to see the
event in our event calendar. So we quickly fix that and thank you so much again for bringing that to our attention. And of course, we're all of you for being here. You're amazing. And I think we're done with everything that we prepared for today. So if you have questions or
Anything that was the time we can take a few minutes to do that but in other news we'll start with the closing. Also we have the cute music going on if we stay on later the elevator music.
Can we make it here? Can we music? Of you too? Let me see. I think you can only hear this through my mic now. No way, yes.
So that's cute. It's very fun. We should, I should have done this in the beginning, so I was waiting. So cute. The next song of guild. Awesome. In the meantime, if you guys
don't have questions. And then the closing is there will also again, like every time will be a poep for the community call. I've seen the the pictures of it. It's a very cute animal. So stay tuned for the
that will be an R-Gail this usual and in the secret chamber with the button. And those who guild news is coming later out this week so that's going to be on I think on our Twitter and but most importantly I
read it. So stay tuned. Thanks everyone so much for joining. I'll turn them into a couple. Thanks everyone so much for joining. And yeah, see you next week. I mean, two weeks from now. Next week, I don't think we have an event.
Yes, thanks for all the other support and we'll talk to you soon. Do you win a week or two? Bye you guys. Thank you for being here. Bye bye. Thanks guys. Bye.