Guild Community Standup #8 with Mellow Protocol

Recorded: March 30, 2023 Duration: 0:53:18




Okay, Twitter is started.
Hello, hello.
Hi, hey Nick. Hey how are you? Can you hear me? Yes, I can hear you. Can you hear me? Yes, yes, perfect. Hi everyone. Super. Hello, hello. How are you?
How was your week? Actually, we are working on some updates, so we are going through some new stuff very soon and yeah, all good. Oh, sweet! So spicy new updates are coming, right?
Yes, yes, that's right. Super. Looking forward to that. I hope you can, you know, share some alpha with us today also. Hey, Alex. Yes, I think so.
Alex, can you hear me?
Let's just wait few more minutes until
there are more and more people in the audience and then we can get started. I'm really looking forward to this episode because this time you know it's special because I'm having both of you on stage so it's not just
the 101 conversation, it's going to be like a group, like a collective of chats. In the meantime, I'm checking the chats also whether people can join
in the audience.
And so basically I'm just asking like both of you will be talking and sharing some details with me and answering the questions or how it's gonna be.
Yeah, I think I will start with some introduction and then Alex will speak Some more on the products and on the text side and then we can switch to the part about the community It's a little bit about how we're shaping the community and working with the
people who are getting involved in working with us, working with Mellow, and basically I think that's it. Okay, super. Yeah, actually when I sent you the agenda, I put one more extra thing there which is
an extra for myself so there's nothing extra that you miss out on on your side so basically I want to touch on you know how your community objectives aligned with your guild like how these two are you know intertwined so I just want to you know just look at your guild
sharing the details like what other suggestions we have as a team for you, as the guild team, and talking about a great community use cases, as like an inspiration.
Yeah, that would be super interesting and I think this is a good conversation because right now we're hitting a focus a little bit more on the community and working with Giotta is very helpful on this side and if we'll discuss some suggestion I think this will be super helpful for us.
I'm glad I'm glad to hear because we have some really good use cases that I just have on my mind now that I would love to share with you. So basically it's O5 so let's get started. I started or also the
Twitter spaces. So basically we are broadcasting it all together. So it's happening on Twitter and on Discord at the same time. So no matter where you are, hello. This is the eighth community stand-up already. We are
cool hosting and this time we're having the mellow protocol team on stage and basically the whole idea about like behind this event is to get a better sense of like how you know projects who are using Guild are working
how they are doing in the moment, what kind of spicy details we can get from them, from the new improvements, and then also we just want to touch on how we can improve their guild, the team skill that's actually on the stage at the moment. So let's get started, what are you saying?
Yeah, sure. So let me then just start and say a couple of words about ourselves and about what we are doing. So hi everyone and my name is Nick. We're building the Melopropyl. Also we have Alex here, he's my co-founder and our CEO.
It's great to join this community stand up today and thanks to the GIL team for inviting us. I also wanted to point out that we enjoy using GIL.Lots in our community and it's really great products. We're building
Melo protocol is the permissionless system for active on-chain liquidity management. On my side I'm working on the operations BDE and product. Previously I was working in finance and big tech before crypto and I'm in the
I was working on some projects in building the system with the North for the infrastructure for Ethereum and some other projects. Alex had a great background in tech and finance.
So I think we can start with some product details and discuss what we are doing, what kind of strategies we propose, how the protocol works. And I think Alex will give some more details on this part. So Alex, please go ahead.
I cannot hear you Alex actually I'm really curious about this because as a non-tech person I always love to have you know like D5 projects on stage so I can actually
get a better sense of what you're doing exactly and also the audience can you know understand it who is not yet in your community or you know contributing to your project.
Yeah, maybe then I can start when Alex will check the connection then we have some more detail. So yeah, basically we're building the system for activity management. It consists of
several major parts. The first part is the vaults contracts that integrate with other protocols. We also have the system that orchestrates all these vaults and we have the strategies contracts that implement different math models for managing the liquidity. And we also have one
our side execution that works with our boss system. The system is also permissionless so everyone can come and build their strategies on top of Mellow and right now we have both the strategies built on our side and the strategies
is built by other teams. We have the strategies, different kinds of strategies. We have some strategies that are more focused on your generating. It's the more retail focused strategies and we also have the strategies that are built
more of the protocols, those are the strategies that manage the pools on the Dexon. And they're also different types of those strategies because we have the strategies that work with correlated assets and the strategies which work with volatile payers.
On this part, we have a lot of different integrations. It can be different decks like Unisho, QuickSho, Kiber or other decks as we also have the integrations for the leverage with Gearbox and with some other protocols.
And the main idea behind the protocol is to build some kind of integration layer for DeFi that already has the infrastructure that can be used by anyone to work with major protocols and to build the strategy Smisepaster.
That's what we're building. And also right now we're working on version 2 of the protocol. Version 2 of the protocol will be something that will make all the system much more robust and also will make the integrating process much faster. Because right now for us the new integration
takes something around one or two weeks, see if you want to integrate the new protocol for some type of strategy. And with the next version, we hope that this will be the matter of several days or even set several hours. So that's what we're working on right now. Let's check
Maybe if Alex is also, Alex is like maybe he's trying to reconnect. Yes, he's reconnecting. Then I just have a quick question. Yeah, of course. I'm really interested and really curious about your
thoughts about it because you said the layers are already existing and all these things and I'm just really curious about how do you view the current state of the fight? What role do you see actually meloprotocol is playing in shaping its future?
Yeah, I think there are a lot of great protocols right now in the ecosystem and I think the whole D5 becomes more complex and the goal for us is to simplify the use of D5 for the end-uners because the strategy is
that we are implementing, they are pretty complex and they work with complex products and we make a product that should help every user to use all these complex systems without going deep inside on the hood.
So that's one of the main goals for us. And for the builders, it's the system that can help to make the development process of the strategies much faster, straightforward. And those developers who want to build
some kind of strategy. They want needs to implement all the infrastructure to integrate with the protocols. They can just use our role system and implement only the strategy parts, so only the model that they want to use for liquidity science.
interesting, really interesting what you are saying. Basically, when you just said like how complex it's getting, like more and more, you know, the complexity is just growing and with all this complexity and making it more, you know, easily usable for
are the users, like with all this, you know, how do you actually ensure like the security and the whole reliability of your ecosystem? Do you have any measures in place where, you know, to product user phones and all these things?
Yes, of course. On our side, the protocol itself, the core of the protocol is also the security layer and it's part of the system that gets some restrictions called strategy to make it
more robust and using the whole system, the strategy can't do anything better for the user or for the creating it. And the core part of the protocol is solidated by chain security and by blocksec. So when you use
protocol for building strategy. You can build the strategy the way that the host system will protect you from losing funds. This is one of the goals that we have and it's already in our current
implementation. Got you got you. Yeah, actually security and reliability is a really big point for, you know, for any kind of project that you are building and especially if we are talking about DeFi. So I was really curious about this one.
Got it, got it. Yeah, so in terms of the security, I think for the next version of the protocol, we will have the code base that will be much simpler and this will make everything even more
robots that then we have right now. But anyway, the system right now is not the thing that can be hacked in terms of the strategies because
Because every time you use the strategy and every time the strategy makes any actions, the ball system checks if all the states or the parameters are correct and if they are not the transaction guess would work.
So that makes sense this way. I hope everyone in the audience also understand it and familiar. If you are not familiar with medical protocol yet or any, you know, the security things that we've been talking about, I'm highly recommending you to check out their Twitter. I even so that
that on Twitter, you were leaking some things. Alex was tweeting about the new design for ORACLE that you are having for the upcoming upgrade. So I'm suggesting everyone to just check out the snake pigs.
I was checking in the back if everything is okay, but maybe we're gonna go and continue this conversation just due to your fuss.
Yeah, of course, of course.
Yeah, let us check maybe Alex tries to raise hands here in this room because I think he's connected somewhere.
I was checking our DMs and I can see that unfortunately he cannot join today. There's something with Discord.
unfortunately. Yeah, we're gonna get going. It's gonna be okay. Let's just go ahead. Yes. So basically, thank you so much for this. Speaking of Twitter, I just wanted to
say something, I just wanted to highlight something. I just wanted to say be congrats to the latest strategy release that you had it was a month ago. Would you share some words about that one also?
Yes, of course, those were the strategies that we built for LIDO. And these strategies were managing the liquidity for RET state on the Venezuela. So one of them is for a pair of RET states into Venezuela.
is correlated pair and another one is the strategy for managing the volatile pair with the use this. These strategies are incentivized with the LDOT tokens and we see pretty much liquidity going to these strategies. We're the thing that we're working
right now is the updates on one of these strategies to make it more capital efficient. So I think some of our next week we're going to release the updated Pulse strategy for a wider and I think we'll have pretty good standards in Elbio.nst there.
Okay, okay, that's really good to hear. Like you are sharing the alpha now with us. So stay tuned everyone in the audience. It's happening. Is it coming the next week? You're planning?
We're next week or then the week after, but I think this will be next week. Super. Thank you so much for this part. I would love to jump on your community part because this is something that I feel like
more familiar and more familiar in this space. So I'm really curious to know more about your approach of community building. So if you're okay, we can get going with this and cover your experiences.
So basically what your community is actually like a pure D5 community and can you describe your entire community or members like what do you do what makes it unique in this space?
I think in terms of the community we have really different people and I think we already have some contributors who actually discuss different things about the protocol and use the protocol itself. We really appreciate the users who are getting involved in what we are doing
and I think we have several core directions that we want to evolve in our community. So the first one is the core users, the liquidity providers who use the strategies and these are the people who are mainly interested in putting the liquidity to work in some
protocols, so we provide the strategies, we provide the details on how everything works, what's under the hood of the strategies and all the details. Another part is builders and other protocols, so this is the builders core core going to build some
something on top of Melo to build the products that will be used by their users or by our community. We already have this type of product built by other team. It's the strategies built by both protocol and
These strategies are aiming to simplify the use of their protocol for copying because they have pretty complex technology and it's used by very sophisticated users who understand all the details. And using the strategies it's become
comes easier for everyone to use the protocol itself or liquidate spread providing. And I think this can be a really good use case for other protocols. And also we're interested in everyone who is interested in technology that we're building and wants to know more about the protocol, about
the math behind the scenes or discuss the strategies for liquidity management. I think this three types of users in our communities like the core audience. So one of our goals is to simplify and sophisticated of being strategies for the users and we're really love to see
people using the products and asking questions because this helps a lot to build better products and when we are getting some feedback it's always very helpful because we already have implemented something that we're just suggested by our community and we want to expand this experience.
As far as I understand it is, your community is pretty defy-heavy and I'm really curious about this. Do you have any part of your community where people are just coming there? They are interested but they are not, you know, experts in the overt and in your space. Yes, definitely. We have plenty of experts.
I had a community and I think this is also because we started the community, I think I can say later a couple of words about how this was happening. But we also have some people in our community who are curious about what we are doing and they're just asking
some questions of the straight keywords or something like this? Yeah. Is there any opportunity for them to get more involved, get more, you know, education and onboarding into, you know, deep into the FI in your space or how does it work right now?
Yeah, we already tried to do some things in the direction we made some quizzes, we made some educational materials on 101. And I think we'll be doing some more educational things in the space to explain people how everything works on the side of our protocol.
and also in the defined general. Even when we started and we were going to launch the protocol, we had a long read on Medium about the opinion on the UNICE talk with lots of details, math and charts that explain
how the whole thing works when you work with Uniswap in terms of your team. Education is really essential, especially when you're building a community and what I think every community builder has to keep in mind is whenever you are educating your community it's never
and then with your onboarding process. So it's always you need to take care of the people who are interested in your project and in your field and they want to get more involved and take a bigger slice of the project that you are working on and to contribute but also as a community builder I would say it's really really
important to just keep up to date with your old timers and with people who are already your contributors. But there's always an opportunity to get more and more involved. So there's an extra on that one.
And we're preparing the content for different people in our community and we're also going, I think later we will make maybe some kind of video explainers or some more details on how everything works because it's always easy to
explain the things in terms of math behind the protocol and it's much easier because it's much easier when you can make some kind of illustrations. And how does it work? Do you have any contributors who are helping you with content creation or is it mainly your core team?
It's partly the core team but we also have not some contributors that help us to prepare some materials. These are just the people from the community who reached us out and they just started doing something.
and we appreciate this out so this is really great. Wow. I think it's great that we see that community is getting really involved not only in terms of the use of the protocol but also as a part of the building team. Yeah, yeah, that's important is
When you are not only having your users, having your members getting involved in the project, but they are getting involved in the community and you just encourage them to create this sense of belonging and sense of helping one another.
which is really important. So this is really great actually if you have already contributors. Can you share some words, some sentences about like how it actually started when you didn't have the contributors yet? You were just starting as a smaller theme. How was it?
Yeah, for us it was more on working with other already established communities and when we were launching the protocol we were aiming for the users who already work in deep fight for some time and very close to working
the protocols are already doing. So we had a white list and the start is with lobster Dow and Digest Core. So we white listed the users who had lobster Dow and the Digest Core because and I think those were the people who
in our community from the start. After that, at the same time we launched the integration of our discord with guilds just to mark the users and then we started some more experiments with some quizzes for the white list
We also had the Galaxy campaign, one-on-one campaigns, and I think we'll just continue experimenting and, according to all these things, about the community. And as you mentioned, it's really important for us to educate the community
and film what's that thing? You just mentioned now some integrations and some use cases like guild use cases and I'm just really curious about this one. Have you started your community out on Discord or have you ever tried Telegram also?
We started Discord, we had a telegram group at the Sun, but it was closed and we decided to go all into Discord because it's much easier to extract the conversations in Discord. Yeah, yeah, it makes sense. They say that Telegram is more for, you know, more
intimate kind of communities who are having like a smaller group of audience. So I get your point. And since you started growing, and actually you already have like over 1,000 members already, right?
I think it's already maybe close to 10,000. 10,000 but 1000 in your guild as far as I know. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. Sorry, I forgot about that part. So you already have like 1000 and 10,000 there. So now it's time to you know
funnel them into your guild and actually have them to become your guild members also. Do you have any, you know, talking about your, like covering your experiences, do you have any
you know best practices on growth like how do you actually foster a sense of connection among your committee members let's just say on Discord for example do you have any particular activities or events
So from the start it was a bit chaotic and we tried different tools and approaches to involve the community. And I think the best way is just to make a good product and create content around the product itself. And also I think
think it's great to work as close as possible with different communities and try to explain what you're doing, what's the reason for them to come to your community and start contributing or discussing some topics. We are right now shifting some more
focus on the community and we're going to make some more public activities. So I think for the community it's almost the real start right now for us and we're trying to structure everything what we're doing and pretty soon we're going to roll out the community
program with some more details on how everything will work in our community in Discord in general. So new announcements, big things are coming in the community side as far as I understand you. There's more for that. Yeah, that's great.
Yes, do you have any for example, like for example examples for that like how your committee actually Has been involved in shaping the you know the direction of development of Mellow like how actually the committee participated in it
We had really great cases in the terms and we had lots of feedback from the user since the start. So some of the suggestions were already implemented. And as an example, when we launched the strategies for repositions management, we had a feedback on the representation
of the current strategy status because for us it was very obvious how the interval looks like and we didn't think that we really need to represent this somehow in this strategy and when we got some feedback from the community we added the beautiful charts with those details on the current
and rebalance triggers. And I think this just made all the strategy much more transparent for the users. And this is one of the examples. Another example is that from the developer perspective, we also had a bunch of suggestions on the integration sites with our whole system.
and we're already implementing some ideas from this conversation in version 2 of the protocol and this should make the work with the protocol much simpler. So I think the developers will see this in several months when we will start rolling out the next version of the protocol.
We're going to continue working closely with the community and we're always very happy to get as much feedback as possible. Yeah, it's really really important actually when you are building with the community and you know you want to create a product, a project for them to actually for you know fit today use case.
So you want to make the most out of your product also not only for yourself but for them. So it's really great to hear that you are incorporating, you know, their feedback, their suggestions into your project. And I'm just really curious, like as far as I understand it then, you are building it publicly, right?
Yes, yes. Do you have by any chance like a roadmap that others can look at, you know, they can see like how you are doing with the different tasks and where the... We don't have the public roadmap yet, but
But I think this is a great idea to make this public. And I think we will just discuss this strongly with the team. And it would be great to incorporate this and make the public road maps with the development timelines and directions and some features, some
or features that are going to be released. And I think this will help to discuss the future products and maybe add some more ideas to what we are doing. Yes, I can just recommend it. I highly recommend it for you at Guild.
the very beginning, we had a road map, a public road map, but basically we were using it for a space, just a page where people can actually come and share their feedback and suggestions. And what was really good of all that one, I can send it to you.
afterwards. What was really good about that kind of roadmap, it wasn't that we were working on something and we are putting it out there. Whenever they have a feedback or a suggestion, they can upvote it. So we could see this like someone suggested making the allure lists prior
or anything like this and then just 30 people just voted on it like yeah they wanted it and they left comments there and for us as a team it was really good to just actually see like what kind of directions you know actually they are outside of our project is seeing
Yeah, I think this will also be a part of the down. So right now we don't have the public down, but we're going to want it also maybe in several months. And when we will have the down, we'll start the public
research forum where all the ideas can be discussed. So this definitely will be done and we're going as fast as possible to the state when we will be ready to launch the Dow and this will be
I think this will be very helpful for the protocol. Interesting. And what would you say? What's going to be the biggest difference if you are launching a dough considering like how your community is actually now with the whole structure?
What's going to be the biggest defense? I think the Dow will make the process of developing the protocol, my support transfer, and I think we will start the process of working closer with the developer
through the dawn. So right now when someone wants to build on the top of the hill here, definitely can't do this by himself, but usually we make some suggestions or calls to help to get started. And I think
And also we're getting the feedback and some feature requests directly. And I think this will be much better when we will be able to start the DAO and the developer things will be able to make some kind of catchings in the DAO about what they need
from the product goal or what they're going to implement and it will be easier for us to help the developers. Absolutely. That makes sense. So basically you will bring the developers like Closer to your core contributors and your core users, your power users of Mellow.
Yes, yes, that's one of the goals for Kodav. And it's coming in few months, as you said, right?
Yeah, I think so maybe it sounds like late summer or beginning of the autumn, so that's the goal for Africa. Super, keep us posted. We want to know it. We want to know it's fresh. That sounds good. Thank you so much.
for this section also and do you have anything else that you want to do out to the committee side whether you have any future plans you want to share with us about your committee building tips and tricks
I think I can just recap a little bit that we can make a short teaser that we're going to launch the new community program and we're working right now on the community activities and this program will cover different aspects like
the work about the product on getting more people to know about our product and at the same time we'll definitely try to get a more feedback on the strategies and we'll make some more activities for those who are already using the product to call and the strategies themselves and on the side of the
will create separate groups where more technical questions can be raised and where the developers will be able to get the faster response and we'll definitely use Guild for shaping this program. Perfect, perfect the LDO. I
love it. Can you just share like you just mentioned the new program for the community and the news about the developers? Can you share like how one can learn you know more about Melu and join your community? Like what's the best way to get you know a better sense?
I think the best way is to join the new squads, to join the guilds and ask the questions about the protocol. Take a look at what we have in our deck. Check the strategies, the descriptions, because we have a lot of materials there.
Or from the developer perspective, we have the public GitHub and the documentation. So this is the greatest point to start and we are always here to help and to discuss any questions if you go to our Discord
or TLC the questions with the, that we're discussing with the developers. Just feel free to reach us out and we're always here. >> Super, thank you. In the meantime, you were saying it. I was sharing actually three links in the event stage chat.
So if you're curious about Medo Protocol and you want to join their community and the project, just go ahead, I shared the guild link, I shared your website and also your Twitter. The only thing that is missing from here, and if you have it in front of you, I would appreciate the GitHub.
open GitHub. Oh yeah, of course, I will share the link just a second. Super. Thank you so much for the TLDR talking about your protocol and the community, like what your goals actually are, because now like hearing these and knowing these things, like what are your plans, what are your current
doing. It's easier for me to just get a better sense of like what, like how we could, you know, maximize your guilt and how we could make the most out of it. So I just wanted to include just a few minutes of sharing some suggestions as like community builder to community builder.
about your guild. So what I wanted to share, I'm gonna start really easy and then we can go into the oh thank you so much for the link in the meantime. I just want to start really quick so I checked your guild and I saw that you already have your PM
your they have your descriptions and even the background picture so plus one on that one and what I wanted to say is as since you have more roles I would highly recommend you to just create more you know PFPs and edit them just upload them and for example
have one kind of symbol for the male members and the male admires and I know that like these roles are also on Discord so they can even be a match and for example I highly recommend it to everyone like who is managing a discord but it's really cool because in the discord
server settings. Actually, you can set it up. I don't know if you know about it. I just figured it out recently. You can just get a role icon. So for example, if you set up something in your... Oh, it's really good. I love it. It's really amazing. It's like whenever someone is texting, for example,
someone's eye can is like a sword or anything and once they are texting a message, like you're going to see it there. So you don't even have to click on their page, like I mean on their profile, like what kind of roles they have so you can actually have it. And it can be totally same to the one that you have.
in your discord and in your guild also. So it was the first one that I wanted to share and let's get into you know the requirements. You mentioned it already that you just created a training course you were using 101 and I just wanted to
give you a heads up about this. Like, unfortunately, one of one is not available anymore, which we are really set about because it was something that we used also for educating our community members. So currently you have one role which has the one-on-one requirement there.
to qualify and I can give you an example like how to do a very current. So people who already created, I mean sorry, already completed that 101 course, they're not going to lose the role by if you just go to your guild and as a guild admin you just
scroll down and you can see one button there which is export members. And if you just select the role which has the 101 requirement width, you know, attached to it and then you just copy those wallet addresses, you're going to get everyone's addresses whoever completed that 101.
And if you will come up with another idea like how to you know get the education going and what kind of other requirements you can choose for that. For example a galaxy or anything like this, you can just mix two different kind of requirements. So first when you just download and export these members address
you can just simply put them on an LList. And for example, if you come up with another option, another idea for the requirements, you can just put one LList for the ones who already, you know, educated or already completed or you can have the other option, which is going to be the new one. If it makes sense this way.
Yeah, there's definitely a sense and we'll do this, we'll do all the stuff. Thanks. I would love to help you. So if there's anything, you know, you can hit me up, we can manage it.
together so it's all good. I just want to jump on the... Thank you. Actually, I'm very impressed on how the Guiltym is sponsored and we always went on and had some questions. It was like
We are trying our best. It's a really good feedback for us also because it feels good to hear it. People actually realize it and feel it.
Because we are actually here, like that's why we are here to help you to make the most out of guild and if we see anything, we can just report it for you, you can report back anything. So it's all good, we are here for you guys.
So basically after there was one more thing that we talked about already, which was you mentioned that you were posting announcements and post some on medium, right?
Yes, yes. Yeah, I would like to just suggest you for some options for PR reasons. If you would like to, you know, get more PR in your community, in your guild, I would just suggest you to use any kind of mirror required.
Because I don't know if you know about this but now on mirror it's available to you know subscribe and then mint an NFC for that and even include the NFC in your article that you just posted and what is good about it is on on gill
You can actually set those NFTs as requirements. And also, if we are talking about PR, there is one more which I would highly recommend you, which is basically the lens integration. There is a lot of kind of option.
We have, we have whether, you know, the types, whether you have a lens profile, you follow someone, you just collected a post or you are actually followed by someone. So there's like, you know, a bunch of different options and actually, I just want to
give you one example. I've just posted here in the chat because we are using it with Guild and we just experienced a really good, you know, I mean we had a really good experience with, you know, the PR and with all the reactions
to our feet so I'm highly recommending you to start using it. I don't know if you guys have a profile. Do you have it for your project or how is it?
We have the lens handle but we did start accidentally using it but we were going to do this and in terms of the mirror we also were going to switch the contents to mirror from medium and I think for the next start because we will raise
I can just, you know, recommend it for you because I was talking with others recently and everybody was telling me like they are shifting, for example, to New York from medium and I was before like team medium, but now I'm starting to
you know, fail the value behind the new updates with the subscriptions and the NFTs. So yeah, highly recommended. Yeah, we will definitely give it a try and thanks a lot for all the suggestions that that's really very
Sure thing, sure thing. I mentioned earlier just one more thing before we wrap up to give you some examples and I just want to show you for example or talk about like how for example hope protocol is doing it.
Oh yeah, someone, I'm just reading a comment, someone is also highly recommending you to switch to mirror. I just want to talk about, for example, about one use case, which is basically the whole protocol, like how they are using it. So there's two things.
that I sell at their guild and I would highly recommend you to check it out. One is they actually have one role for liquidity providers. Basically they are using different kind of ERC 20 tokens with or options and also
So this is more for the deep-high part and the more tokenized part of the community building. And also there was one more thing that I wanted to highlight is the whole protocol is actually just doing community calls where they are distributing calls.
And they are distributing Poops by GILDXYZ. And what they are doing every single time, they are holding a community call. And once someone is sending a pop, they are actually getting a role for the pop. So they set up Poop requirements for everyone.
one who you know ever attended a community call and this is how they are you know like giving more you know attention to those roles also so if someone ever went to their calls and someone ever supported them by that way they are giving them that extra attention.
cities too, I wanted to mention about whole protocol. Because I just-- Yeah, this is the great idea. And we also attend some conferences sometimes. And we are chairing some talks there.
This can be also the case for the people who we met in person someday. And I think we also can make some rules for that that would be a regret. Yes. Yes. Thank you so much. That's all. I wanted to
you know, include today. I just wanted to ask before we wrap it all up if you wanted to say anything else or I want to say ask the audience also like is there anyone who has like a specific question to Nick?
before we wrap it all up.
Because if not, I just want to say thank you so much for being here with me today and Thank you so much for everyone who was attending it. I can see actually in the audience here on these court days over 300 people and there's on Twitter
which is crazy and this is thanks to you for your team but we actually have over 700 people listening to us on Twitter and I know that you are using another platform for announcing your events so this is going
Great, actually I did not expect that big audience because we usually have like a hundred or something on Twitter. We usually have like you know more on Discord. So tell me tell me your secrets like how are you doing it? Yeah, actually I'm also very impressed
on how many people came here to hear what they were talking about and to speak about mellow. So yeah, I'm also impressed that I don't have any secret here. So we just made a couple announcements
So people are just interested in hearing about Malo getting a better sense of what you guys are working on and actually hearing about the alphas which you shared quite some today.
Thank you so much. We will have some more releases, just keep an eye on our Twitter and join the community. Also, I wanted to thank you for this event. It's really great to be here and thankful.
Thank you so much and how I want to say thank you to everyone is with a nice little pop for being here attending our event. So what I will do after this call is that
I will just activate but if you have a minute I'm gonna do it now. So then there's gonna be no confusion about it. So I will just go to our guild and activate our pot.
a plop that you can just purchase for supporting us and supporting us for creating these events for you and taking these on an x level.
just give me a second.
I will just click on... I will just send it.
to our secret chamber and if all is true, you will be able to see it. Let me just give you some permissions to see the messages. Can you see it, right? Yeah, you can see it.
So thank you so much, Nick again. Thank you so much for everyone for coming here. If I'm just telling you to the guys on Twitter also, if you would like to commemorate to this event and you just want to grab your badge, you can
can just go to our guild and you will be able to see this at the the rows that we have in our guild or if you just hop on our discord you can check the the claim embed in the secret chamber.
So yeah, that's all for today. We're fitting one hour. Thank you very much. Thank you. Have a nice day. Thanks everyone for coming. And by the way, I wanted to mention one more thing. Yeah, I'm the one. With this call, I think we'll create the role for everyone who
Come to our events and I think this will be the first pop for this show. Perfect, perfect idea. Yeah, so we are doing you know some cross-gill, you know, thing we're integrating each other's field. Super. Thank you so much.
Have a nice day everyone. See you next week.