gWeAKLi: eP.11 - aLL pEEinG eYEzzz

Recorded: Jan. 5, 2023 Duration: 0:46:58



Does everybody
Everybody have a snack? Raise your head if you have a snack.
Coming to you from the Shrivel Green Heart of Goblin Town live from the GTN Queen Towers. This is Bob. Weekly.
Garby thing, kiss n'ers. This is I, Miller, coming to you live from the basement of a murky, black obelisk, which mysteriously appeared earlier this week near the Dittlestick forest on the outskirts of town.
While the authorities have pleaded we steer clear of the alien vessel, the soothing hum peep-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-#
to get a closer look. I happened upon a crack in the shell of what appears to be some form of extra terrestrial egg. One thing is for sure. It certainly smells like eggs. Oh, sorry, that was me. Ah, was the light
switch him as dancing. Anyhow, as I attempt to illuminate this situation I should point out a gaggle of triangle-headed humans was peep-ordered lurking around Toyota Hinge on downtown Island chanting something about a grand
emerging and tagging the number one eight seven on the end of the motorway talisman. Who are rather what are these pointy-headed interlopers and why have they landed and are tainted little town? Is this the fun that will finally take our week?
means to zero, or is it a moment of enlightenment leading to the ultimate TRUTH? Hopefully the rest of the GTN team can help shed some light on the matters in this tonight's episode of Goblin Town Weekly!
Before we get to the shrouded secrets of the underworld, it's time to pay the bills and a word from our sponsors. With so many Trojan condoms to juice from. Look at all these condoms. Which one should we use? You're gonna want to try them all. Trojan, ultra rip. Trojan, her pleasure.
armor oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh#
The Gobbin Town Zone PDL-Alogist Ice Cream Sandwich with this week's forecast! Thanks, Boomer! Happy 2020 P! There you go, this is Ice Cream Sandwich people in life from this
see what a giant pyramid heads have randomly appeared floating over the cryptic chambers. It's been extremely bright as the pyramid heads are illuminating the sky, causing it to be extremely hot on the east side of town. If you have to go outside
side, make sure to wear some protection on your eyes. Thanks to our sponsor Trojan, we are loaded up with protection! I'm seeing it how the birthday hats on over the floor, so I'm guessing it was someone special day recently. Happy birthday! I can't see what a fine
out with these pyramid heads are doing here. They keep chanting. "Downward for the elders! We are the secret society." Pumple scoop has never mentioned anything about these things before. In fact, he promised he's definitely not in a secret society. So I know he has no idea what
a dao is. He's always telling us he's all about the truth. Later this week, Spin backwards will be hosting his first annual Kaploni Winter Sports event on the gory mountain outside of Alcy's backyard. So make sure if you want to shred the narrr.
to bring a jacket. It's expected at six to nine degrees. What's all for this week, Miller? Back to you at the station. Hey, thanks, I see. I've been practicing my loose routine all year. Can't wait to show the judges my moves on the...
There are highly secretive
They acknowledge they keep to themselves, they operate clandestinely, and they practice ancient, mysterious rituals. What if I told you that secret societies are real? Hi, I'm daytime Emmy award-winning actor, Monk the Goblin. Join me as I investigate the truth behind a secret society, operating in the very shadows.
Well, Discordianism is a really
And what about these apples? What do you people do with these apples? Is it a sex thing? I'm sorry. Who do you say you were with again? Goblin tell him what the hell is that? Whoops, that's my boss. I gotta go back. Don't miss this season's most explosive new series.
Secret societies. Exposed. Hosted by DTEM, Emmy-word-winning actor, Monk The Goblin. Only on the GTN Network.
Now it's time to flip the script with our favorite intern Gary P on tonight's PMC! God beavening ladies and gentlemen Gary P here bringing you this week's highlights and entertainment and growing fares. Ahah gasping generally.
seems to be around and who taken your death on Berg. Take tried to troll a thundberg by flexing his car collection and Greta shot back with a quip saying that take give off small dick energy, which offended people with small dicks everywhere. Many folks online joke that they should stop flirting and just get it on, which made me ask myself a serious philosophical question if given the opportunity what I actually bang Greta Thundberg.
Tates initial trolling campaign led authorities to arrest him on unrelated charges of human trafficking. Rumors are Tate lured in women romantically in order to pimped them out on only fans while taking a cat. I'll say this, I tossed more gallblins salads than I care to remember, behind the owing gallblins dumpster, and I never even got an air drop. Decaus decided to pull the rug
not on decads but on Salano ecosystem. And decads moving over to it and with decads moving over to EF and euth moving over to Polygonna in March of 2023. Salano took a huge nose dive on the news and to single digits and looked like they weren't coming back. The chain recently dished out of Hail Mary, Dogecoin derivative called Bunk. The coin was air dropped to Salano holders and
as a way for them to relive the good old days of the 2021 pumpamentals. SPF is out on bail and pleaded not guilty to charges against him. His trials expected to start in October of 2023 and faces up to 115 years in prison if found guilty. SPF has proven himself to not be a flight risk thanks to his mitigating
makes things to the mitigating evidence of political campaign contributions. I think he might have the schedule and other White House meeting with President Joe Biden to discuss issues related to the pandemic. I'm not making that up seriously. Look it up. A Bitcoin core developer and hardcore anti-establishment enthusiast was hacked for $3.6 million with a Bitcoin. He quickly became a
establishment believer, but the FBI did not let that receiver when he asked for help in tracking his stolen funds. And finally, influencer scammer Logan Paul squares off with coffee zilli, the internet detective, and accusations of fraud regarding his cryptos you and a T game. The game was essentially abandoned and left degenerates run, got a millions of dollars. Logan continues to defend himself against the
against rugs as it seems. Gary, you always bring the heat and I'm hoping that your glory hole is going to finally open later this year because I still have all those rusty tokens from the last time you were supposed to run that shindig.
All right Johnny, let's give them spots. All right. Oh, he's fast. That's the all of goblin. Nobody loves a hearty gobby pasta quite like we do. Welcome to the all of goblin. What can I get for you? Hi, I was looking at the gobby pasta lunch specials and I was thinking of ordering the insanity. I have to say this but I have not
I'm gonna get a few. Oh yes, that's the one, Mootia. Wow, you guys are more ridiculous than I originally thought. Go ahead and assume me. I have to practice all of yours. And I know why more of yours than you, though, so go ahead with your friends. Freedom of speech. And if you guys want to keep coming at me.
I'm so, I'm your business! Oh, I didn't realize that one had so much horseshoes in it. I can't have that on vegan. Give me a minute to look at the menu again. For a limited time only, order a signature Gabi pasta lunch special with unlimited soup salad and bread sticks for just 6.99. Okay, I'm gonna have the, uh, I hate carbon talent and it's going this
The merch is just what the deaths are using as a distraction while they're ruckus. Please follow me thanks and everyone. And if I can have that without the meat sauce, that'd be great. Um, the liqueuse! One Johnny Valentine Gabby Pasta Lone Special, no meat sauce, come right up! I'll try a new Gabby Pasta Lone Special today. They're a mouthful. Only a
the All of Goblin.
Good evening. This is Dad Mord and welcome to this week's edition of Sirius Investor. On the last show we interviewed Elon Musk.
Since then, Mr. Musk collected yet another financial first. Yes, that's right. The first person in human history to lose $200 billion. Anyone else think the timing of Elon liquidating Tesla shares to buy Twitter was interesting? Nobody.
Yeah, I don't want to get canceled either. Tesla shareholders got rubbed out of them Gary P did just now. Anywho tonight we have an extremely exciting guest with us tonight. Ross McDonald, can we invite Ross up to the stage? On my little thingy do Hicky here. It's
that he's still out in the listeners and I want to make sure I get his peanut up here on stage. Yeah we just got him in by the rust get on up here. Come on up Rossi Poo for those of you who may or may not know Ross Mc Donald he works over there at Goblestein Media and in the early days
of Goblin Town. There were quite a few spaces where him and David David David David David David David David David David David David David were up on stage with us just recounting what the hell we were doing talking about peace and weeness and Goblins and burgers. So Ross, welcome to the stage.
Thanks for having me. We are very excited to have you here today. So you are the what the COO over there Goldcunstein Media is that correct?
- Yeah, this running day-to-day operations here, just trying to keep babysitting adults. That's basically what I do. - Yes, we, or Goblins, know all about that, seeing that none of us actually ever get to the adult stage.
Clearly. Anyways, I'd like to maybe go back to those initial early Goblin town days. It seemed like you might have acquired your Goblin maybe before that space that night. Is that fair? Did you do it in the space?
I think it was during one of the spaces and we were just riding the train and just enjoying the entertainment because it was great how everything was designed with like Alex says, you know, the anti-design, you know, doing it the opposite of people, other people are
saying buy this NFT and Goblin tell never did that and so I was like I'm in. I love that. Yes, Miss, Miss Dick Reaction is definitely what we do here. Don't do this. Do do that. Hope the floor goes to zero. Right. Don't we go
Well, 2022 was a big year for you all. So I saw it wrap up with your web three awards. Is that correct? Correct. Tell us a little bit about that. That's pretty neat. So we decided to do our own web three awards because we were tired of
And you're like, "Well, which of these people paid to be on this list because I've never heard of them before in my life?" So we did our own awards and we let the community vote on it. And those, that is how we came to have the winners there.
even allowed the community if someone was not on the list they could pick someone who wasn't on the ballot so everything panned out everything was community voted and we were very proud to announce that the top mint here was ding ding ding goblins town I love that we love
hearing that don't we go bloney's it definitely changed the meta for a while and we we certainly kind of have foreshadowed living here in goblin town I think that's a Billy Joel song I'm not exactly sure anyways so now with 2022 in the rearview mirror what does 2023 look like for you all
Right now I am writing out a lot and finalizing one of our all business and marketing plans with our team, but what's really interesting to me are the companies that they need to be doing things a little different in 2023. Things don't stay the same in Web 3.
And so we're watching that closely. That makes a ton of sense. Is there any particular theme or a couple of themes that you see maybe like what was the meta that changed in terms of running the businesses? What was 2022 like versus 23? What where do they shift? Well keep having customers or brands that come to us and
essentially what we do a lot of the time is review what they're doing. And I think the days of projects just chilling there what they're doing is over. And it's funny because I'll use Galban Town as an example to say you need to tell a story and you can't tell your story if you're just showing people
list of, oh, we're on an exchange, we're on another exchange. Who cares? Tell a story, be interesting. And it is so far out of people's comfort zone to do that. Like it's almost like they need to go to therapy to be able to unlock themselves and do this. It's like pulling teeth sometimes. So that's what we're telling our
customers and I think everyone else here agrees when you have a brand that comes to you and they're just doing similar things that happened in 2022-2021 back in like the ICO stage. Oh, we're going to do a pre-sale with a token. It's like, okay. No. Yes, I think all of that needs to change.
very good reason. I think the other thing that I see at least in my circles and squares of piss, or that failure is not an easy thing to deal with, especially for first time founders. So when you go to them and you start asking about, well, how do you bounce back from this? What are you going to do? What's next? Do you get a lot of pushback or feedback from
these folks who maybe don't know what to do next? Oh, 100%. They want us to fix their problems right away, but we have to fix small things first before we can do that. So it takes patience and it takes time. So, you know, a lot of what my job is to
When we're working with brands or when we're doing marketing campaigns or we're hosting events is to just hold people's hands and get through it. What's really, really, really interesting, most projects, whether they have a token that hits an all-time high or they have an NFT floor price that hits an all-time high, they don't know what to do after that.
Like what goes up has to come down now. What do you do? Right? And it's it's different for every project, but it all comes down to community and to branding and some people they just they're either pushing so hard they don't have the stamina to continue or they push so hard and they lose interest in their own projects, which is
really scary. Yes, yes, I think that resonates a lot. I know my bags are full of shit. As some other people hear maybe on the stage, I don't know naming names, looking at you, Gary P. Also, if you do need help with the mental stability and also the
Stamina portion Dr. Grubler actually is really good in both of those areas. He might be able to prescribe some of your clients some pills So just a you know a thing that we could take in the back channels if you'd like Serious pills sounds good to me. Yeah, see I'll see I'll see I'll see I'll see I'll see I'll see I'll see I'll see I'll see I'll see I'll see I'll#
that there's the good doctor glad is you back doctor uh... you know the the uh... the legal proceedings aren't going to move forward i guess you you're out don't worry about it okay that seems where that seems very bad thank you for on a couple for paying his bail are we really appreciate that so ross in terms of twenty twenty three what are you most excited for
I have gone down the rabbit hole into AI. I don't know if many other people have and I am having a ton of fun with it. I love that. We've been playing around with chat GPTGTTRTPPT. Is that one of them? I think it is.
Yeah, that's pretty neat. We are actually the entire script tonight is all AI derived. So there's that. Excellent. Excellent. Well, any advice for the good bliners, I want to make sure that the good doctor and all of our other co-hosts here on stage have ample time to report on their very important things. So any sage is
advice from Ross McDonald as we go off into the Verizon in 2023. I would say just make sure that what you're getting involved in with your time or your finances, make sure that you like it. And you know what, it takes time to like something. So if you're making that decision on a short term or if you're doing it, you
feeling pressure to make that decision, don't do it. I think that's totally fair. And then one last question, "Gobblestine University, is that opening up this year?" I'd like it to. We'll have to talk about that. We do have a page called "Learned Crypto" maybe that could be taken over or taken hostage at some point.
who knows? I smell what you're stepping in. I'm particularly perky for the parent-teacher conferences myself. But that will be for another day. And with that, goblonies. Don't take a life too seriously. You'll never get out alive. This is Dad Mod with this week's edition of Sirius Investor. Thank you, Ross.
Dad, thanks for pulling rocks down through the hole. So nice to hear your voice is wrass even though we know how deep your goblin vernacular runs. Brake next time we can get a glimpse of your two form once again, maybe.
It's also nice to hear that Gabelstein University just signed on as our newest lead sponsor for 2023. So I just sent the invoice to David, David, David, David, David. So you can be sure to let him know Ross. It's in the mail.
Now before we lose another sponsor due to perfectly timed Twitter rugs, sorry Gary Play that funky music with you John Don't miss Friday nights at Goblin Towns favorite nightclub the newly renovated go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go#
3 djs we've got something for every go plus every Friday it's ladies night welcome to our free friday 9.45 pm for the ladies sponsored by ogerson's barrel aint to work me we will see you at the go
Light to wet your appetite from the fastest food critic in all town. Let's slide in between the buns with coal.
Thanks, smearler. Happy New Year and welcome back to Between the Fun. Well, you don't need to be in a secret society to know that 2022 is more like 2020 poo.
But as we enter the new year, everyone is wondering, what's in poor? I mean, store.
Most analyses are suggesting that while we may be coming to the end of interest rate hikes, given inflation stays under control, we must now prepare for the damage done to set in and keep a close eye on earnings reports.
On the other hand, the Federal Reserve said in a report today that their worried markets might incorrectly interpret slower rate increases and repeated their fully committed to wrestling inflation.
Let's pray and Flasian continues its way down, down, down, when we get the next CPI death January 12. Regardless of rate hikes, many would argue massive layoffs are still needed by most common
companies to succeed going into this new and uncertain environment. Don't worry though, Megaddenberger is always hiring. In other news, two of the most influential cryptic
Hachto hot shot CEOs are duking it out with nearly $1 billion of customer funds at stake when Gemini founder Cameron Winklevoss blasted digital currency group founder
Barry Silbert in a public letter accusing Barry of "bad faith business practices" he gave Barry until January 8th to commit to resolving this issue.
I wonder what happens if they don't. Well, maybe let's not think about that. Now, if you excuse me, I need to go get a chicken wrap. Man, I just love these things. New year, new me. See you, cops, next time.
between the finds.
be working on the plot from the inside. Good thing these sponsors all live in Govintowney. Let's run the schlock, Johnny. If you were hospitalized or of someone you know died from contaminated ogre juice, call attorney Devin Govapine right
have been hospitalized, keep to carton and call attorney Devon Gopelping right now at 1-800-GOB-LOG. Can dev do something? Yes, he can! All of this from all over the floor is gotta be... Dablin Town, weekly! Hard in the GTN network.
Time to take your brain pills, pistols! For the prodding of your cerebral pudding! Let's jump on the couch with Dr. Grappler!
But January 1st is a good time to set goals or the New Year's resolutions as the Normi say. So we got some callers and they have some questions for the Dr. Grubler about the New Year's resolutions and I'm just going to respond to them. So let's jump right in.
Dear Dr. Trawbler, my name is Barry, long-term listener first time caller. My goal for 2023 is to spend less time on social media. Do you have any advice on how I can keep a healthy balance between real life and Twitter? Oh, okay, yeah.
have some ideas Barry. Well it looks like you are screwed up because we're live on right now you idiot. What kind of back with that's great something is this Barry. Oh yeah I need to spend less time on social media. I got it. I'll ask a goblin cell pissed on Twitter if you do it
If you were trying to stop drinking, would you go to your local bartender for advice? Geez! And also, this is a very boring problem, Bailey. So my constructive feedback would be to change your goal to be more interesting. Maybe that way you will have more fun on social media. Okay, next caller.
Dear Dr. Graber, I moved into an apartment with my partner and it's really brought to light my issues with executive function and organization. My nearest resolution is to spend five minutes a day cleaning. What else can I do to stay motivated and being organized? If I do plan is to clean for five
5 minutes a day, what the fuck you, you're such a nasty little sloppy man, it sounds like. What are you gonna claim up in 5 minutes and eggs that you drop on your feet and then it also yoke goes in between your toes so you have to lick it off. So you can't do anything in 5 minutes maybe. Your goal should be to suck less as a roommate. Okay, bye bitch, next caller.
Hi doctor, I'm always very tired. It's gotten bad enough that my friend group even nicknamed me sleepy, Timmy. So my linear resolution is to try to get some more
regulated sleep in 2023. Any advice for someone trying to fix their sleeping habits? Oh yeah, that's a really good call, like a good New Year's resolution. I think a lot of people don't get to sleep these days.
Good sleep is all about building a ritual that helps calm your body down, your nervous system and grounds yourself and be very careful of a habit forming sleep aids because they're not a long term solution. But your friends are probably going to still make fun of you because you kind of have the
energy where it's like not to lose the group but like I can't think of another word like it is the loser of the group since you guys make fun of so um godforsair's Farber as far as problems cause this one isn't super cool either maybe the next one
You're Dr. Crawler, my goal in 2023 is to please Eris the goddess of chaos. Any tips? You want to play- that's a stupid fucking question. If you have to ask how to please the goddess of chaos, then I could tell you
tell you right now that she's already very mad at you because you're not at a very decisive person and you only have to do it's great, create all of the kiosks that you can think of. She's pissed at you right now. Have you even tried giving us some apples? The goddess of kiosks
What's your taste of the streets? Bring your bundles of dogs! Your bundles, dogs, your soups of cans that you feel with milk. Bring out the dancing lobsters in Manifest Kaya since the year 2020, Sleeve. You think the world is gonna get worse? Where you get worse faster, it's a race to the bottom baby, I know. I'm for one and
going down down down of something or someone and uh yeah that's all we got for new year's resolutions right okay uh uh we got there's no show for therapy coming up on what is the January 21st someone's got in the space okay love you guys bye
(laughs) Doc, what such poignant advice as you offer. I have to believe they're going to have more impatience than ever this year. (laughs) Pistons, be sure to set your p-minders for the next therapy session as the Doc said you.
Anyway, 21st. Don't miss it, okay? Alright, Johnny Boy, let's cast that chakshawies sponsor! There are highly secretive. They acknowledge they keep to themselves. They operate clandestinely and they practice ancient, mysterious rituals. What if I
I told you that secret societies are real. Hi, I'm Date Time Emmy Award-winning actor, Monk the Goblin. Join me as I investigate the truth behind a secret society, operating in the very shadows of Goblin Town. This is Secret Societies. Exposed. Critics are raving about secret societies exposed.
Gary P. of Gotland Town Weekly declares, "Monks Hardheading Investigation leaves no stone unturned." So tell me more about this Discordianism. Well, Discordianism is a religion, their philosophy. Senator Rout, RS also known as Discordia, the goddess of chaos. And what about these apples? What do you people do with these apples?
Apple, is it a sex thing? I'm sorry, who do you say you were with again? Goblin tell him what the hell is that? Whoops, that's my boss, I gotta go back. Don't miss this season's most explosive new series, Secret Societies. Exposed, hosted by Dave Tim, Emmy Award winning actor, month of Goblin. I'll buy you a million tickets, who loves it.
Only on the GTN Network.
Thanks Miller. Good evening everyone. I'm Veronica Bonersone and this is Winners.
and losers. Happy New Year goblins, mids, grumbles, and so many other crypto motherfuckers. 2022 certainly finished strong with its normal levels of idiocy, wash trading and tax harvesting. I really hope that grinding for those blur token air drops pays off and brings
you all the generational wealth your tiny little brains desire. We were going to try something new this week. Last time I gave you clues is to who the winners and losers are. This week I'll play a short music clip and see if you can guess answers. We'll start with the winners. Okay, here we go.
When you go stop playing, yeah, she I could be a fantasy I could tell you got beat, beat energy It ain't too many young, that can handle me
Okay, you couldn't guess from the song.
This week's winner is Greta Thurmburg. I couldn't care less what your views on climate change are. This is not about that. Andrew Tate is a 36 year old social media personality entrepreneur and formal professional kickboxer. He is also a self-described misogynist.
In true alpha male fashion, excuse me while I throw up, Andrew directed a tweet toward Greta boasting about his car collection. First things first, we know you have cars, you post them all the fucking time.
And while I do admit there are actually some great pieces in your collection, you're doing a better job attracting dudes than, and that's totally okay I guess. We also don't care about how much you bench, what time piece is on your wrist, and how many homes you
own. I digress. If you want to talk about your cars, then whatever, that's on you. But to bring a 19 year old girl, a young woman into the fray. Oh boy, feeling ignored, Andrew. Engagement of a mean levels low.
What else do you do to feel big, sir?
Greta could have ignored it. She could have responded with her counterpoints and views. Instead, she fired back in kind, asking Andrew to send her an email directly
Moving on to the loser this week. And trust me, I wanted Andrew to win the title, but Greta already buried that body. Okay, here's your next hint.
That was us, you've been living hell to me You've been robbing me since 1913
In a stunning move, the Federal Reserve and top bank regulators announced that they have significant worries over crypto assets. They want to ensure that the risks related to crypto assets do not migrate into the banking system. Here's a doozy of a direct quote. Given the significant risks highlighted by recent
failures of several large crypto asset companies, the agencies continue to take careful and cautious approach related to current proposed crypto asset related activities and exposures at each banking organization. That my friends is boomer for I just don't understand so it must be bad.
not to be agist as I'm likely older than most of the people in here, although I would never admit that. But until the Fed officials, top bankers and elected politicians can prove to me that they can successfully print a document to PDF, I do not think they deserve
of the ability to determine the future of decentralized banking. I mean, come on. You've got Mr. Cleaver making jokes about changing cryptocurrency to repeat a currency. How many times have we in the United States alone been burned by lagging politicians?
My segment just isn't long enough to do that list justice. And let's remember, the failures here are human. When these agencies decided to operate behind closed doors, ignoring the decentralized decentralization principles, they represent, well, that's when things went
sideways. The difference here is that instead of the life of the U.S. economy hanging in the balance, please refer to Too Big to Fail and the 2008 housing crisis, we have a relatively small group of people and institutions who believe in reducing frictions and banking and who promote the freedom to transact.
Get back in line and on. Your experiment was tainted. Step aside and on. Let us write the rules to yet another century of this fight for financial freedom.
First, they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. They are laughing right now. So get ready to fight a nun.
All right, until next time, this is Veronica Bonerstone, GTN CEO with this week's episode of winners and losers. Back to you, Miller. Thanks, Veronica. I'd say we're all winners after hearing from you. You always just take us out in the best possible way.
And well, Gabbo's brings us to the clothes of episode 11. As always, thanks for joining us here on Gablin Town Weekly. A special thanks to Dad's mods, guest Ross McDannels, and be sure to tune in.
and to Dr. Grabler's next therapy session on the 21st. We will be back again on the 18th as usual for episode 12, where the mystery will undoubtedly continue to unfold. All right gang, let's give them a big GN shall we?
Good night, good night, everybody. Good night, everybody. Good night, God bless. As always, keep the floor dirty, prisoners all the way to zero. God night, and we'll see you next time.