$HBAR DeFi & HTS Heatwave 😎🔥 - Kabiplaza Weekly #58 ⛲️

Recorded: Feb. 22, 2024 Duration: 1:33:01



Well come back everybody
Welcome back to Kabi Plaza Weekly
We have a few guests still to arrive
But we're going to get this party started
This is episode 58
And we have a hot topic
We have a hot panel
We host these spaces every Thursday
With the community for the community
Each week I try to pick
A relevant and interesting topic
To explore with our guests
And the community
And the goal is ultimately to continue learning
And growing together within Hedera
Within web 3
As we carve out this new future
That we're all here together for
My name is Jack
For those of you who do not know
Behind the Kabbalah PFP
I take care of the content and marketing here
And for those who do not know
We envision, similar to Lehman
A future where
Everything of value is tokenized
And that includes communities
We're very much focused on
The tokenization of communities
And these creators, the founders
Taking back control
Of the value they create online
Of their communities, of their followers
And audiences
So we're building tools to support that vision
Of tokenized communities
So from everything from a wallet to tooling
And a big pillar is also education
Hence why we host these spaces
Every week
And produce content
And have the Kabbalah Academy
With all of that being said
The topic is
And what a week
I've been wanting to do this topic for a while
And the day before we had
I think it was Tuesday
When HBAR kind of took off
A little bit
I kind of planned it for this week
And I was like okay
That was unintentional but perfect timing
I'll take that
And it's Hedera DeFi and
HTS heatwave
We've seen a lot of action
Over the past days and weeks
It's been a great build up
We have lots of tokens
Either gaining traction
Or launching
So I thought a great opportunity to bring
Some of the founders together
And those of us who are passionate
About these use cases
And the advantages also
Of using the Hedera token service
We'd also delve into maybe token launches
And strategies
We have people like Head Styler here
Who help people with these things
And we have Kona here
And only laughing from Karate
Which in my opinion are great
Use cases that have really been taking off
We've got Dovu
And we've got Warlock here
I really want to delve into the different elements
Of HTS and DeFi
And why is it taking off
Why are we seeing this heatwave
So that's the plan for today
We have quite a big panel
So I'll do my best to manage the flow of conversation
I would allow us to go sideways
Like Patrick likes
I also like
You can find some gems sometimes
When you go sideways
Before I welcome our guests
If I could just ask those of you
In the spaces to give it some love
Maybe comment
Hashtag HTS
Or hashtag hbar
And any like or retweets are much appreciated
To bring more eyes to the spaces
In the conversation today
I think it's going to be quite interesting
So let's get the word out
And without further ado
Patrick, my loyal co-host
How are you doing this afternoon?
Yeah, hey, sorry
Immute, unmute
Yeah, doing well actually
Got no banter to start off with
I'll tell you something
So someone is looking at this space
Someone who's new to crypto
Or just investigating things
And he sees this space pop-up
Hbar, DeFi and HTS heatwave
Do you think he knows what it means?
That's a good question
A very good question
There's three words there
That if you're not crypto native
Or you're not in web3
You're probably like what on earth is that?
Yes, so we need to make
I always plea for making things
And more understandable
So if you google it for instance
Even then
So I know what it is
But it took me a long time
To get it put in my brain
So I'm doing banter anyway
So anyway, it doesn't matter
So Google would say for instance
The Hedera token service enables configuring, managing
And transferring native, fungible and non-fungible tokens
On the public Hedera network
We can do that shorter
We can do that better
It makes it able to
Send NFTs and
Tokens because that's crypto tokens
All for the Hedera network
I guess that's the short version
But am I saying it wrong?
But I would love someone
To explain the title in detail
Look Matt Smithy
What's behind the name one second
He will probably say it the right way
But that's something that we still need to work on
Jack and I blame you today
For this difficult title
That most people won't understand
But I still love you
Still be best buddies forever
Matt can share some light on it
I think I will reduce it down to one sentence
Hedera HGS tokens
Are so accessible
It enables anyone
To rug retail
Faster than ever before
And thank god
Well this is
We've kicked this off
In an interesting way
I'll take the constructive feedback
Patrick on the title
And we'll delve into
The accessibility of these tokens
I think what I'd love to do
Because there might be someone tuning in
That are not aware of the panelists
Or what the projects that you run
Or who you are
Before we delve into the topic
Let's do a little one minute
Nutshell introduction
And I'd love to welcome you as well
We have some people that have never been
On Kavi Plaza so we'll start
With Matt, shall we?
It is your first time on the show
It's great to have you
And as you put your hand up
The mic is yours
Give us a little intro
It's great to have you
Thank you so much Jack
So my name's Matt
I am the CTA for Dovu
And what we do is
We're basically creating
The operation system
For kind of
Sustainable action
So what this means is
A farmer or any project can come to us
And they can unlock the soil
Underneath their ground
And use that as a mechanism
To create new income streams
But we can apply this technology
To not only small holders or farmers
But anywhere
Where there is sustainable action
That needs to be measured
From the individual to businesses
To country-wide
These huge, huge projects
And that's basically us in a nutshell
Thank you
That was a great nutshell Matt
Love it, let's keep the nut shells going
Only LARPing
Karate Combat
Big event coming up
I'm excited
I'm ready to pace my bets
But tell me, give us a little intro
Welcome to Kavi Plaza
Yeah, Karate Combat
For those who don't know
A professional sports league
We've been around for six to seven years
We built the thing from the ground up
To appeal to younger audiences
So all the events are streamed for free on the internet
The rulesets are really fast-paced and entertaining
On the production side
We try to make every event look like a real-life version
Of Mortal Kombat
Some of us have been in crypto
Going back a decade
And a couple years ago we came up with this idea
To do no-loss gambling on every fight
To try to really supercharge
The super fandom around the league
Financialize things a little bit
Get people a little bit of financial upside
On every single fight
So that they really, really care about the outcome
And we've got our
Second event since the token
And our apps
Went live tomorrow
Here in Mexico City
God, you guys are good with these nut shells
I'm loving it
Thanks, sir
Thank you
No problem
All right
Next we've got
I'm trying to bring you up, Kona
I just accepted
Maybe you're glitching
Feel free to drop out and come back in if it's not working
Warlock, it's great to have you back
How are you doing?
I'm great, thanks for having me back
It's pretty simple
I'm behind Grelf
An ugly bald man token
Based on a character I created named Gerbert the Grelf
That's currently the number one meme coin on Hedera
Been here for a few years
And looking forward to supporting it into the future
Nutshell, nutshell, nutshell
Loving it
Keeping it concise
It can be rare on spaces, you know
To have such a concise panel
So I appreciate you, guys
Tudor, behind Headstarter, I believe we have
Welcome back to Kaby Plaza
It's great to have you again
Give us a little intro
How are you doing?
Oh, my God, the pressure
Thanks for having me back
It's always great
You're doing a hell of a job here with Kaby Las spaces
Kaby Plaza Jack
Actually, at Headstarter, we're right now looking to find our own Jack
If anybody wants to apply for the job of communication specialist
Feel free to do so over Discord or on our LinkedIn
But, yeah, my name is Tudor
I'm the founder of Headstarter
At Headstarter, we work with the leading projects
Employing tokenization on Hedera
And we help them out with token launches
Whether it's through fungible tokens, non-fungible tokens
We help them with acceleration services
And recently, we announced our zero-gravity grants program
For new upcoming projects
Employing DeFi on Hedera
So very excited to be here
And it's been a long time coming, I'll tell you that
I love that you're looking to, I imagine, you know
Have someone hosting spaces and whatnot
We can never have too many web-free H bar spaces
So it's great to hear
I'm excited for that
And it's great to have someone like yourself here
For the topic today
Last but not least, I still see you down in the audience, Kona
I'm trying to get you up
But we're struggling
We'll make it happen
But we have the one and only H-Bubble, Brandon
It's great to have you
I watched your weekly update last week
And I could feel the passion
When you were talking about HTS and DeFi
So I had to invite you today
It's great to have you, man
How are you?
I'm doing good, yeah
I fill a bunch of different roles in this space
I work with the H bar foundation as a contractor
Doing all kinds of stuff
Working with the community
I'm a co-founder of a project
That's been built on Hedera called Twigital
And that allows you to pretty much create 3D assets
From any physical object
Just by taking a bunch of pictures
I'm a huge fan of karate combat
And Hedera, DeFi in general
Love what Earthlings is doing
Especially with the airdrop that they just had come out
Just a huge fan all around
And as you mentioned, every week I do
Hedera news pretty much show
It comes out late Friday afternoons or Friday afternoons
And we try to cover everything that's going on
Within the Hedera EK system
But it's getting tougher all the time
So much going on
It's hard to keep up
It's up to you, huh?
I just wanted to say, speaking of the episode last week
Of the H bar bull
Isn't it funny that Hedera had so many announcements
With enterprise applications
Crazy amounts
You name it, right?
All the amazing milestones we've had over the past three years
But the thing that made it through to the coin bureau
Space is about Hedera is that Earthlings is doing an airdrop
So pretty amazing
Congrats, guys
Yeah, it's pretty awesome, I must say
And it's actually the first thing on my list to touch on is the other bags
So we will get into that
We've got John, though
I'm not sure if I see you disconnecting, connecting
Do we have you on stage, John?
I don't think so
We're struggling today with spaces, guys
I'll bring you up
But Brandon, I saw you on mute
You wanted to jump in there?
No, all good
I'm just looking forward to getting into the conversation
So let's start with John, do we have you?
I think we have you now
Just in time for your nutshell introduction
Before we dive into the topic
Nah, you're disconnecting again
We'll get you up
Only laughing, coming back up as well
We lost you earlier
We'll manage, we'll get there
I wanted to kick off with the bags, right?
Because as you were saying, Brandon
And you talked about this in your weekly update last week
It feels like it's a new airdrop meta
That others could either replicate or feel inspired to do something similar
So I'd love, Patrick, first of all
If you could give us an overview of this bags drop
What inspired you to do it
Yeah, give us a little intro to it
And then maybe Brandon can share some thoughts as well
Well, I don't want to take the credits for that
So it's more something that Joey and Brandon
Figured out, they are a great team there
So I'll give kudos to the team for that
But yeah, if you hold
So I'm going to tell it a simple way
You hold H bar in your wallet
And you are eligible to receive our Steam tokens as an airdrop
And so this is, I don't take credit for this asset
But I loved it when I heard it, of course
And it's going actually beyond expectations
We have over 22,000 wallets who already associated the tokens
And the back NFT
But I think that the beauty of this is that more
I'm hoping so, at least, that more projects will follow suit
And will put H bar Hedera even more on the map
Because we even saw, for the first time
No, not the first time, but well, anyway
So there's even articles now going all over Google
About this airdrop that we are doing more than we ever had
Going around with any other promotion
So can you imagine what happens if more projects will do these airdrops
In the Hedera ecosystem?
It's bound to get picked up by more influencers as well
So it's not only, of course, for us, it's great
That we have more wallets now as well
And we're spreading out the token
But the whole initiative, if more projects pick this up
It will set Hedera on the map also as a more retail-focused project
And not only on these big enterprises
So yeah, I love it, but no credits go to me
I just said, yes, let's do this, I love it
And I'll make some trailers for it
But yeah, I love the concept
I'll post something on top, by the way
Please do, please do
Anyone on the panel, if you want to post anything to the top, feel free
But yeah, I can tell you that when Manu saw the
I don't think it was the first tweet
It must have been the one where you kind of explained what it was about
He sent me a screenshot and he said, Jack, do you see this?
He was like really excited, like, this is a really cool idea
So I think we'll definitely get some inspiration from it
And I think many will
Yeah, not everyone
Well, we're inspired by it
We're going to follow suit as quick as possible
There you go
We've got you up here, Jon
It's great to have you
How's it going?
Good to hear
Great, thank you so much
Thanks for having me
Before, we've kind of started with the topic guide
But if you want to give us a brief nutshell of who you are
Bank Social
It's great to have you back on the spaces
Feel free to give us a little nutshell
Yeah, great
So, yeah, Jon, Wendy, President Hodel
I'm the founder and CEO of Bank Social
We essentially have created a token
We've created a DAO, BSL token and the BSL DAO, the Bank Social token
Which has a lending component
We recently, just yesterday, I think we now have almost $400,000
In the Hedera H-BAR lending pool
For loans to start going out
That's actually going to be staked
Liquid stake, the H-BAR
And then that will generate for BSL token holders
In the staking app that's about to come out
So a lot of cool and exciting things we have here
That are unique in the Hedera space
And certainly focused on DeFi
And then more generally, integrating these tools
And these systems into credit unions
Of which we've already got
A pretty large number of credit unions
That the Bank Social app and Exchange experience BSL token access
Are integrated into
So it's really exciting
And you say we're going to be seeing bags of BSL drop from the sky?
Yeah, so we've been talking with H-BAR Bull
And we're looking at how we can be the next
Or one of the next projects to roll out an airdrop feature
To wallets across the H-BAR ecosystem
We're trying to think of some unique ways to do it instead
Of just a straight airdrop
As you know, the token associate kind of makes that a little hard to do generally
But more like a claim your airdrop type situation
But with some gamification potentially built into it
So we're looking at some different ways to go about it to make it fun
So Brandon, are you coordinating this new meta?
It sounds like
You want to add anything to the whole conversation around these bags and how exciting it is?
Sure, well I mean the first thing is you can't have value unless there's projects with valuable HTS tokens
Which of course get their value from valuable projects
You can't do something like this that has any value
Unless you have those teams
So the credit, despite what Patrick says, needs to go to the teams that participate in things like this
And what Earthlings I think has done here is
It's an acknowledgement of how strategically important the H-BAR is
And the H-BAR holder
We know that we have so many entities that are doing great work in the space
You know, Hedera itself, we have Swirls Labs
We have the Hashgraph Association, the H-BAR Foundation, the DLC Science Foundation
I mean, I can go down the line
Well, the main thing that allows them to do their work, the resource that they have is the H-BAR itself
And that resource isn't worth anything unless without the H-BAR holders
So the H-BAR holders are absolutely critical
And for all of these projects, the H-BAR is strategically very important
As an on-ramp and off-ramp into our DeFi ecosystem
It's important, you know, for the grants that you might receive from these different organizations
And so forth
The number one thing that's going to attract people into our space is pretty much
I'm sorry to say, but the performance of the H-BAR
So the more strength we can give to the H-BAR market, the better
So teams like Earthlings who do this H-BAR-weighted airdrop
Are just incentivizing those H-BAR holders that much more
And we have so much value that's being built by those HTS token issuers throughout the entire space
That to tap into that just absolutely makes sense
And it just makes a flywheel effect of how much stronger our DeFi ecosystem
And our entire ecosystem can be
But, you know, it really does go back to the projects
They're the ones that are bringing the true value
And we do want this to become a trend within the Hedera ecosystem
There's a lot of H-BAR holders out there that, you know, I look at a DeFi portfolio
Kind of like as an options portfolio
If you have a larger portfolio, I'm talking about people with, you know, 1, 2, 10 million H-BAR
We saw Credible Crypto put out how much H-BAR he holds
He has 10 million H-BAR, and I don't know if he's looking to add
But he seems pretty excited about the space
You know, they're going to enter our DeFi ecosystem potentially, you know, with a percentage of that
But not all of it
I want to go after that other 80% or whatever it may be
That's just being held in H-BAR and incentivize that portion as well
So that's kind of what we're doing here
It's just exciting to see how much it's resonated with the community so far
And like you said, it's a great promotion opportunity
Not only for the teams that might participate, but for the entire ecosystem as a whole
Yeah, if it was like win, win, win
Toodle, I saw you had your hand up there throughout
Did you want to jump in and add something?
Yeah, so again, it's an amazing initiative
And I think obviously for Earthlings, it will work perfectly
And it will really help set them even more as the blue chip when it comes to GameFi on Hedera
So I think it's a great initiative from Earthlings
And as soon as they're going to have their property GE for the Steam token
It will be the talk of the town in Web3
And we're putting all our resources to make sure that that happens
But wanted to make sure that also one important topic when it comes to H-BAR weighted airdrops
To John's earlier point, the factor that people need to associate a token address
I think that actually might be a positive when it comes to the association, manual association event
Being as a proof of attention towards the protocols or the projects that are launching this type of airdrop
So it could be better because the people that do this manual activity have a vested desire to participate and get involved with the project
And that's why, Tudor, I would say as a builder, if you're considering doing this as a builder
That's why I mentioned kind of gamification because it is proof of attention
If you've gotten somebody to token associate for the airdrop, proof of attention
And so you have to focus on ease of onboard, ease of use
We have to, I mean, things like Wallet Connect 3, which just got released today in our wallet
Everybody needs to start adopting this from the D-App perspective because these disparate systems are going to make it super hard to have an easy onboard experience for these people dipping their toe
So make that a focus as you're building these things out to have a nice, seamless, welcoming, feels like trade fi experience when these people come in
That's what we're really focused on and I would encourage everybody else to focus in a similar manner
I love that John, yeah, couldn't agree more
I see some hands, I also want to, before I get to the hands, I just want to welcome our last guest who is struggling to get up
And I believe it's because he was on desktop
We now got you on mobile
Is this, you can tell me, this is your first appearance on a Spaces, right?
I know, personally, I received my Kona coffee yesterday and it just excites me to see a token with coffee utility because I just love coffee
So it's great to have you, I wanted to invite you and have you on the panel
Welcome friend, how are you doing?
Hey, what's up everybody, thank you so much for inviting me to speak today
This is my first time speaking on Spaces, so forgive me for trying to do it from the desktop
And yeah, it took a little arm twisting for me to get on here, but I'm super glad that I'm here and I really appreciate the opportunity to speak to everyone
So I'll just give you a quick little rundown of Kona
It is a community focused token that has the utility of being able to purchase 100% Kona coffee beans at a very discounted rate
And I started getting this coffee from this lady in Hawaii several years back
And I was sending it out to community members in the Saucer Swap community
And everybody seemed to just absolutely love it
So I didn't launch the token until recently because I knew I had a lot to learn
But the fundamentals of it is that you can purchase this Kona coffee with the token
And then there will be more things that you can purchase down the line
But a community focused project with all around coffee, all around 100% Kona coffee
I think your space is natural, man
That was a great nutshell to kick it off
So it's great to have you and I'll enjoy having you here in part of the conversation
I'm going to welcome Tatsuwaki
I see you there with your hand, brother
It's great to have you back
How are you doing?
Did you want to jump in and add something to the convo?
Yeah, super happy to be here
These cabilla spaces are always super fun
I remember the space we did about CBDCs
And I was at some crypto event standing in the toilet talking to you guys for two hours
Because the conversation was so much fun than the crypto events I was at
So I always loved being here
Thank you for doing this and your commitment to the ecosystem
I just wanted to reiterate what Brandon, or you might know him as, the H4Bull just said
I think the opportunity within the DeFi ecosystem of Hedera is just massive
I mean, my holdings there were about I think $14,000 or $15,000 earlier this month
And I just checked my wallets and they're at $35,000
I mean, that's some pretty damn good returns
And yeah, my biggest holding is Headstarter as well, full disclosure
I'm still looking for a good entry point with BSL
Definitely going to buy some there as well
But you know, generally I think what's so unique about our ecosystem and the projects that are popping up
Is that they're all so full of quality and amazing people behind them
I mean, if you spend half an hour talking to John Wingate
You realize this is one of the smartest people you've ever met
And you know, same goes with people like Tudor from Headstarter
One of the most genuine people I've ever met
Definitely also extremely smart
It's just, okay, he's crying because I didn't say he's the smartest
But you know, John Wingate, that's just hard to beat
I'm really, really sorry, but John Wingate's genius is just, you know, beyond anything I've ever seen
So yeah, but I don't want to play, you know, favorism
I love all of you guys
Just, you know, really happy to be part of this ecosystem
Seeing so many great projects
And yeah, just would love to know what else you guys are looking at
What are some upcoming projects to get into?
I'm going to throw the mic to Tudor, then we'll throw it to John
Yeah, thanks a lot for that
And thanks for the kind words, Tatsuaki, as usual
I didn't cry because you missed a compliment there
Actually, I don't deal well with compliments
So that's some person on my side
But yeah, so one of the things that I wanted to get to when it comes to Hedera ecosystem in general
And when it comes to HTS projects
And I think Tatsuaki made a perfect segue into this line
Is that Hedera has a cult-like following
The Hedera maxim of this, so to say, are the people who have been in the ecosystem for a long time
They call themselves the H-barbarians, right?
And there is this, you know, sustained commitment and conviction in Hedera
And the projects that are leading on Hedera
I would say that even some of the projects that are built on Hedera have cult-like following
Earthlings have developed something I'm always surprised by
The number of people that always tweet about Grelf, about Dovu tweets, Karate Kombat
So there's really a lot of conviction when it comes to these projects
And also, you can see that in the price action of the tokens
The sell is not that, whenever there's a top, there's really not a lot of sell pressure
Because there is conviction between the holders of these projects
So the rippling conviction from Hedera and H-bar towards the leading projects in the ecosystem
Is visible through the growing DeFi ecosystem and let's say portfolios of these founders
And Tatsuaki made a great point
And one of the great things that the price appreciation in the tokens that you hold can bring
Is exactly this reinvestment cycle that you can have into upcoming projects
Into the next DeFi primitive on Hedera and contributing to their TVL
And since you mentioned about the upcoming projects
One of the first grantees from the Headstarters Zero Gravity program is
Serial Finance, and Serial Finance is a project that will likely be the first lending and borrowing platform on Hedera
So people will be able to use their H-bar, their sauce, their HSD
Towards lending and borrowing on Serial, contribute to the growing TVL on Hedera
And likely farm some points over there
But yeah, happy to talk about some of the other projects as well
Love it, yeah
I see that the panel is filling up
I think we've got a full panel right now
So I appreciate everyone on the panel and everyone in the audience
We've got like 100 listening in right now
So it's packed spaces
I want to give a shout out to everyone down there in the audience
And I do have a couple of questions that I want to throw to a couple of the guests
But I do want to get to the hand first, John
Jump in, the mic is yours
And then I'm going to fire a couple of questions
So just thank you Tatsuaki for the kind words
I always appreciate talking with you and around you
Tutor, I think if we're talking about
I don't know if there are other DeFi borrowing the four bank social on Hedera
But certainly I think if not, we are probably the first
So you can go right now and go anywhere in the world
Take a loan out, quite the novel approach
So that's what I was referencing earlier on with the
I think right now there's almost close to a million dollars
Or three quarters of a million dollars in borrowing funds
That are able to be given out to people anywhere in the world
So super excited and happy about that
I want to talk about some new features
So Tatsuaki, we were on a call yesterday
We're one of the initial use cases
And premier use cases for D-Rec Alliance
So I love projects
I try not to talk about them too much
Because then if somebody puts money into something
It goes up, it goes down
I always somehow get dragged into being the root cause of that
So I try not to talk about projects even though I love tons of projects
I love talking about just the forward-looking approach that Hedera's taking
And I think one of the most recent things we can talk about is the D-Rec Alliance
We had a great meeting yesterday
I think over 80, 90 people from companies
And people just from the general Web3 community
Both in Algorand and the Hedera space came together
It's super exciting to be one of the first commercial implementations
Of a working version of D-Rec with institutional players
And having done that in close kind of working relationship with Lehman
And the team over there at Swirls
But not stopping there, I hinted at things like Wallet Connect
Being a front leader just in TPS and Ease of SDK
Those are great places to be
The rest of the DeFi space though has other things that make it easier for people to utilize the ecosystem
And for the DeFi ecosystem to really take hold like it can here in Hedera
That whole decentralized community coming together
Especially I think what Hashpak and all the other wallet providers did in creating
Initially they were talking about creating a version of Wallet Connect that was specific to Hedera
And we talked long and hard and finally they came to the right conclusion of
No, let's put it in Wallet Connect so that we can have people come from Ethereum
It was so easy for us as a community for BSL to migrate
Because our wallet was cross chain and it made it easy for people to connect
And for us to do all these things that made it almost like a Web2 experience
But in this Web3 world versus having to go here and copy here and go put your keys here
And hope it doesn't work there so you got to go to this wallet and then that wallet
That's not the way that DeFi is going to proliferate here on Hedera
And so I would say that above talking about just specific projects
We're more so getting ourselves familiar with how DeFi has proliferated on these other chains
And leading like no other chain can to enable these cross wallet, cross dApp, cross experiences
Because we can do it in a way that is so much more cost effective, so much faster
Both from a faster of transaction finality and faster from a development
And faster to prototyping a development with the SDK, with HTS tokens
With non-fungible and fungible HTS tokens
We've got the opportunity as a community and as an ecosystem to build things faster, cheaper
Both from the operations and capex side of a business
And for the user who's using it from just his ability to transact
And to do so many more things behind the scenes for the user
I think those are the things that as builders and as people
That's where the focus for DeFi to proliferate on Hedera is going to get supercharged
And things like the DREK Alliance and Wallet Connect 3.0
Those are going to prove out to be like massive stakes in the ground for this community
Talk about passion
Can I say something regarding DREK?
We've got a hand up
You actually answered part of the question John already
But I will get back to you Tatsuaki
Because DREK is definitely a big deal
Like John was saying, allow that seamlessness
And remove friction
Which is a big thing that we're always trying to solve in this ecosystem
More risk and security
It more solves the risk and security problem
That safety net that we've been all looking for
But John, I wanted to ask you
I had only laughing up here but he's struggling to stay up on stage
Because for people that have the token
You've come from ETH as well
You still have part of you
Still exists on ETH
The advantages of coming to Hedera or using Hedera
Even though you just mentioned a lot of reasons
I'd also like to ask Matt from Dovu
Like the reasons to build on Hedera, right?
John, is there anything you'd like to add to what you just said
Or I'll throw the mic to Matt and then to Tudo
No, go ahead and throw it to those guys
They have great insight on this too
I think I've given my opinions a lot
So Matt, the mic is yours
And then I'll come to you, Tudo
I think, Tudo, you might have a hot mic
I see it's unmuted
Maybe not
Matt, it's yours, the mic is yours
So, we have been building on Hedera
Oh my lord, how long now? Probably 2021
Maybe actually, no, that's a lie, actually
I think I started working
I've been messing around with the technology on Hedera
kind of as well as technology since 2018
But in 2020, I kind of was a bit more serious with it
And at the time, it was all consensus service
And that just kind of fascinated me because I was like
you know what, if you have this consensus service
then you can basically build your own chain on top of it
And it obviously turns out now that with patches and everything
what's happened is you have HCS20
and you have the H-suite guys doing their thing
just on the consensus service
But at Davu, what we wanted to build just wasn't possible
We were looking at so many other options from like
Ethereum, Binance, even trying to deploy contracts
for Ocean Data Marketplace
It just wouldn't work the way it wants it to work
Even when we were trying to stake in rewards on Ethereum
to deploy contracts would cost like $2,000 in gas fees
It's like how are you supposed to create a business
where the gas fee changes by 200% in a day
or 1,000% in a day or whatever
And so this is one of the reasons why we came over to Hedera
And we just kept on building
And I think everyone, well, for some context
we released one of the first marketplaces
and this was before any wallets existed
and it was all kind of like log in with your email address and things
and trying to sell tokens
trying to push what NFTs could be at the time
And from our end, we're just trying to kind of stay with the times
build in our own bubble but still interact with everyone else
But nothing can really beat low-cost fixed costs in USDC
so you can actually predict the cost ahead of time
and the throughput is unbeatable
We've proven to do 300 TPS
but we just cannot do that on any other network reliably
even back then, a couple of years ago
Matt, you said low-cost in USDC
Can you go into that a little bit more?
Well, all H bar fees are pegged in USDC
Wait, I don't understand that
Help me understand the USDC portion of the peg
All H bar fees have a price in USDC
What are you saying like USD versus USDC?
Do you mean US dollars?
Well, I just wasn't clear that
We're saying US dollars, not USDC as the female
Okay, I thought maybe something new came out that I couldn't know about
That's fair, because the USDC had confused for a second
That's fair
I'm so used to seeing the acronym, but yeah, US dollars
Low-cost fees
And nothing really beats that
Some great points there, Matt
I'm going to go to the hands now
Tudor and then Tatsuwaki, and then I'd love to welcome Patches as well
We have you on stage as well
So Tudor, it's yours
And thanks for accepting the co-host
I was running out of spaces on the panel, so I thought
If you'll accept, I can bring one more person up
Thanks for that, Jack, appreciate you
I just wanted to quickly touch upon the point that John mentioned about
access to development resources
and onboarding new developers, new users into Hedera
We recently launched a repo
where it's easy to integrate wallets like Hashtag, Blade, Metamask into your DAP
and interact with tokens and contracts on the Hedera network
Our wallet integrations are also possible for Wallet Connect or Coinbase Wallet
And the code is publicly available on the Hashgraph DeFi Alliance repo
So that's github.com
Hashgraph slash Hashgraph DeFi Alliance
And over there you'll see some other useful resources from the Hashgraph DeFi Alliance members
to the people who are not familiar
The Hashgraph DeFi Alliance is an alliance of DeFi protocols on Hedera
co-founded by Headstarter, SaucerSwap and Stader
that also has a few new members like Hashport and Hashpack
So we're welcoming and inviting everybody to apply to join the Hashgraph DeFi Alliance
and have more contributors there
And as important as it is, as I mentioned earlier
the reinvestment cycle of funds in the Hedera ecosystem equally is important
the open sourcing and enabling compounded innovation on our network
Hey Tudor, can you just, as somebody who's kind of got interest
as maybe there's some developers or people building businesses
maybe just a little bit more detail about the differences
between what a Wallet Connect 3.0 integration would be
versus maybe, sounds like a super app that you've built in the form of an open source project
that would enhance, well maybe just some feature sets that you can call out for us
give people some insight into why they should use it
I would love to have a follow-up on that John and bring my technical team
I'm pretty sure I won't do justice to their work
Alright, Tatsuwaki, the mic is yours brother
Cheers, yeah I wanted to kind of hop back on to the point John just mentioned
regarding yesterday's meeting with the DREK Alliance
and you know I see so much potential in DREK because of what I'm seeing in the cybersecurity industry
with our company, you know we're basically getting rid of passwords
so you know right now you use a password to log into your Google account
and then maybe you have multi-factor authentication to make sure that no one is hacking you
or no one is getting illicit access to your account
no one can do phishing attacks on you
so you add these layers of verification on top
but what's happening is that this password layer of your authentication
is becoming more and more irrelevant as AI advances forward
and also you know in a couple of years we're going to have quantum computers become very accessible
so you know passwords will pretty much become irrelevant
and everything will work more the way you know it works with crypto with cryptographic keys
now the issue is that you essentially do not have a recovery mechanism in that world
if something like DREK doesn't exist
so right now we're looking at it purely from the perspective of
okay this could help people recover their private keys if they lose their account access, their wallet access
but I can see this totally expanding to pretty much every single aspect of life
where we have some secrets that we want to somehow be able to recover if we forget it in our heads
and just think about how many use cases there are for that
you're talking about your credit card pin codes
you're talking about your passwords
sorry John are you saying so sure?
well yeah I was just going to I was going to just interject here and say you know
it's more about you know there are a lot of password recovery systems
centralized password recovery systems
it's more about so we have this great DeFi mechanism of having our own keys
and if you lose that right now the only way to recover it is to rely on a centralized custodian
and there are plenty of those
pretty much every wallet that's a custodial wallet has that feature built in
so it's more accurate to say that what DREK is really about
is the ability to decentralize the recovery of that and not allow if any the way we've built ours
is that it doesn't matter we've built ours into the credit union ecosystem
so when you send out your passwords, versions of your passwords
those passwords are protected and even quantum resistance
and to the point to where even if all those credit union cores got hacked it can never be brought back together
right now to say that passwords are going away that's kind of a hard one to solve for right now too
because you know even if you use a one password or some type of encryption key
that's still indicative of a type of a passkey to gain access
but what DREK is more about is the distribution of recovery to not be reliant upon a single
or a centralized custodian who actually gives you access
and for you to be able to you know send your passwords or send your private information into the
in our case credit union ecosystem
and then nobody can ever recover it except for you or as Dr. Baird was saying
this was actually one of the use cases we have an in-person interaction that uses kind of an atomic
multiple key turn from multiple credit unions and they all have to go through the processes
so it's it's quite about the distribution of the decentralization of recovery
than it is about you know this mechanism not being available right now from a from a recovery of key
John I need to I need to add one tiny point regarding you know passwords disappearing or not
passwords will definitely become dynamic rather than you having one password
that you're going to use to access something so you basically have a
distribution network generate a key that you use to access a system
that's definitely where things are going to move towards because this current centralized version of
you know identity it just doesn't work when you have you know strong computers coming up in the next
five ten years together with AI just won't cut it so I think passwords will disappear and they will
be replaced with dynamic pass keys love love love the back and forth guys I'm gonna bring this bring it
back to the topic a little bit I think the wreck is a revolution and I think we're all looking forward
to it but I really want to bring it back to the topic of today and also get to some of our guests
that are with us we're talking H bar define HTS course the wreck definitely brings a lot of value to
the whole space but I want to I want to switch gears I want to talk grout I want to talk meme
coins because they bring a lot of fun and they also bring a lot of heat to the HTS heatwave that
we've seen that over the past few days right and we have warlock I'd love to hear your thoughts
on how meme coins fit into you know the heatwave that we've been experiencing and the HTS kind of
ecosystem at large so the Hedera ecosystem is very unique and I've talked about this this previously
so I feel like we it took us a while to even kind of get like a breakout meme coin with with growth
last year and I think part of that was because most people in the H bar ecosystem are rightfully
so very tech focused you know we've got fastest network cheapest network it's it's the tech that
brought all these people here what we're seeing now in my opinion because for a while I thought
with growth that the way to kind of grow things and grow my base was to try to convert people from
other networks show them how great the Hedera network is because it's a great onboarding mechanism
you know you buy some dumb token of a bald guy you immediately see while you're doing that how fast
and quick and responsive our network is what I've learned this time is that I think there is a massive
amount of untapped potential just with our own ecosystem I've learned that a lot of people in
our ecosystem are just just holding H bar and compared to last year we're getting a lot of people
who are starting to dip their toes in HTS they're like is it safe is it okay it's it's okay and
what I love about that is you know we always talk about the tech we always you know shout from the
mountaintop like look over here how are you not looking at Hedera look at our tech and the truth is
that people need to use it the truth is people need to find out for themselves and so I'm seeing a
lot of people who previously you know they love all the blog posts they love all the GC announcements
but they don't use the network and we're seeing that change slowly but surely so in my opinion I think
that this this new heatwave is not really coming from a lot of people from other networks it's really
just our own ecosystem adapting and changing to the times and waking up in a lot of ways for HTS and
in my personal prediction I think that you know there's much more to come I think there's a lot more
people in our own ecosystem that can be converted that can be brought into this and I think this year
for me is really going to be the expansion of DeFi I think we're going to see a lot of things come online
new projects new things from the HPR Foundation funded stuff and otherwise it's really going to leverage
DeFi in a new way so you know stuff like lending protocols are coming we know obviously you know Oracle
functionality is on the way perps you know futures exchange lots of stuff is going to be coming and
it's going to expand DeFi in a big way give people more to do on the network and hopefully teach people
who have previously just been holding H bar that there's a lot going on in our ecosystem that they can take
advantage of. I'm actually a great example of the people that only held H bar up until like two
months ago that's the only coin I really had in my wallet and for some reason over the past couple of
months or month and a half I've started to play around with these tokens so it's definitely something has
been shifting and as you were speaking I was just reflecting on that myself how you know I was mostly focused
on NFTs and H bar and now suddenly this whole world of HTS tokens it's just cropped up or maybe it was
already there I just didn't realize or something shifted something's changed that's really pushed me to
explore it and it's just been really exciting it's been a lot of fun the last few weeks got a lot of hands I
think Tudor you were first and then patches and then we'll get to the rest of the hands but yeah
Graf really just started a rally of hands and I'm seeing him in the comments as well so shout out to
Graf. I wanted just to say on that point that it's true Hedera has a very interesting demographic and it
goes back to the... Am I the only one who's hearing him? Yeah I can hear Tudor. I don't hear him either. No I can hear him.
Sorry about that. I can hear him. Alright well I'm just gonna add just a couple more points I'm gonna have to drop at the top of the hour if you don't mind
it's been a great spaces I wanted to agree fully with the warlock there that Hedera has a unique demographic that appealed to
a lot of people so a lot of people might be of the of the perspective that Hedera has such deep institutional and corporate ties
with governments with CBDCs that their main focus is that H bar might become the currency of the internet in its new form and it's true
and we see this that there's a very high demographic of Hedera users that don't or have been reluctant to tap into even into NFTs
and even more so into DeFi and I'm so excited that finally you know the hard work that everybody on this panel has been putting over the past few years
is is finally being appreciated from from from a lot of perspectives I remember in early 2022 and Hedera made it possible for there to be DeFi developed on chain with smart contracts 2.0
that we were looking left and right and it was Stader then headstarter then saucer swap launching one after the other and now finally we've done with we've stated the track over the bear market
and we've done it into existence not only talked it into existence because finally we have all the primitives and the foundational let's say primitives so that we can support a growing developing DeFi ecosystem on Hedera
and I totally agree Oracle's has been a big hurdle and now we're going to see I'm very very excited for lending protocols for perpetuals and yeah the space is going to be finally more active and I've been we've been saying this into institutional investor meetings that we've had with a lot of people that are curious to tap into Hedera
that Hedera in its essence as layer one has offers a asymmetric opportunity when it comes to the overall market cap and the potential of the layer one network comparative to the assets on chain the TVL and also the market cap of the HDS assets on chain so we're definitely going to see a lot more interest and growth in HDS as the year progresses I'm sure thanks a lot for having me
thanks for joining us if if you're going to drop down I'll probably invite another co-host I'm surprised someone but thanks for thanks for joining us today to door and maybe it's not heatwave maybe I read a tweet I can't remember who it was said we don't really want to heatwave we want to climate change right it's kind of this shift in where we're going with HDS we've we've we've we've laid the foundation now we can really run with it but Patrick I see you do you need to drop off
yeah I'm gonna drop I didn't hear to the result but I just copied all you all the things that you did love love for 100% thumbs up so just to give her to do some love as well but yeah so I'm gonna leave you with my buddy Joey and so give him a turn please I want to wait I want to see what he says and then I'm gonna jump off but I'll stay up as a co-host you know so that you can have more people on there as well you already have another course as well so I'm
looking forward to the next space I'll be listening in for just a few more minutes wonder what so if I can hear the recipe okay thanks again Jack was amazing as always thanks Patrick have a lovely evening and yes with two two co-hosts I can have an extra person so if you could stick around even if it's just the account and you've gone for dinner that's fine it's super helpful all right so patches I believe you are that you're you were the next hand the mic is yours brother it's great to
have you how's it going yeah great space great great conversation love growth horrible take it's sorry it's like 50% of a good take but you have to just looking at on chain data on February 12th 19,000 new accounts were created on February 13th 21,000 new accounts were created Hashport in one day had $700,000 of liquidity come from Hashport into the ecosystem so I'm
so this is not just our own people starting to engage with liquidity I think there's a section of that and like maybe 15% of it, but just any metric you're looking at on chain data you're seeing massive account creation and those accounts are doing things
most of those accounts have at least one to five fungible tokens so you can attribute it to this this kind of swell of HTS you can see the TVL in saucer swap like that that TVL didn't come from nowhere it came from I think outside the network and we need to just continue this you know being able to show and demonstrate what we've known as a community for a very long time which is what what
Guelph did say that I agree with you know our technology is awesome and we talk about it a lot but you have to use it to get it and there's not really any incentive to use it if all you care about is price action and so the second that HTS started to heat up and we could see these really crazy cool numbers that people took screenshots and put it on Twitter
of like hey I'm up 900% that's what gets attention and then that's what gets account creation and now we have arguably over 70,000 new accounts that have some fungible tokens and some inch bar.
So I think what we need to do to make this because a climate change is not a heatwave is to engage new users and you know I think that's the easiest part because the Hedera community is quite open and welcoming.
But also have on ramps to other sections of our ecosystems from NFTs to lending protocols to other things so that it's not just okay I bought this growth coin now I'm just gonna wait for it to moon and I'm done on Hedera.
It's I bought this girl coin and instead of waiting 10 minutes it happened instantly.
What else is in this network and there being some really nice on ramps and education to easily engage with other fun parts of our ecosystem and everything.
And that is where I'm building currently. I think that this hashinals.
This hashinals might be a method in which we spark another huge excitement curve inside of Hedera and I think that's when we release what it's got to be will make a lot of sense to everyone on how this is going to greatly impact both our network and then just web three integrations
as well and bringing to light and a possibility and a trajectory of where does Hedera play in the market in three years and what's our importance and to me.
And what I think we can create is it's the inner workings of all of the networks, talking together, and it's the it's the glue of a one web three browsing experience and user experience on on chain data and interactions cross chain.
I'm super excited about it, Denver. I'm talking way too much, but I just wanted to say like, and it's fair, like, again, girls not wrong.
Warlocks not wrong. It's just, this is not just our own liquidity being passed around from ourselves. This is absolutely massive tens of thousands of new people coming in here with millions of new dollars into our ecosystem.
I've got to run guys all the love all the power. Thank you so much for having me. You guys have a fantastic Thursday.
Appreciate it. Thank you.
Time. Can I just double check my audio because my earbuds just died. Is it all good? Thumbs up.
Sounds great, brother.
Yeah, perfect. Thanks for bringing the numbers patches. That was awesome. I love everything you're doing. There's so much going on. I feel it. I feel like it's hard to keep up.
I was on those 80s 20s and then it was Hashina's and then I was going, okay, I can't keep up. That's exciting, right? And you can't keep up. It means there's definitely something happening.
Thanks for accepting the co-host brother.
Yeah, brother.
You did have your hand up. So yeah, take it away and then we'll get to the next hands.
Yeah, I'll comment. There's a echo, I think coming. So if you have your mic open or probably echo. So I'm not sure if you could like exit and come back in really quick and then your audio is like slightly low.
So either fix it or maybe talk a little bit louder. I don't know if anyone else is coming.
This is earbuds disconnected. Yeah, there's an echo.
Gotcha. Awesome. Okay. Yeah, so I'm glad patches responded right before I did because I thought he he said a lot of what I was about to just kind of jump in on on growth.
That's why I raised my hand. It's exciting, right to see and I agree with folks that really seeing how all of the tokens are taken off and sauce and all that kind of stuff, right?
But people are going to get curious and say, well, what else is there, right? It's easy. It's fast.
It's maybe they'll ask some questions about the tech. That's why a lot of us work here this whole time.
But I think more so than saying, hey, like what else is there on the tech, which I on the developer side, obviously, I'm going to think that way. A lot of us are thinking that way.
But most people are just going to chase where is that next 10 X? Where's the next whatever X, right?
And so that they're going to look at what's the next growth, what's the next whatever when these tokens do start to moon. And that is going to be most at least on the retail side.
That is going to be most people's focus. Almost every alpha chat that I'm in, every DJ that I see talking, all they see is, OK, this token went up. This one went down.
I don't care too much about maybe much outside of the narrative. And so seeing that and seeing the narrative of sauce going into the top, I think 15 recently in terms of TVL, that's going to change the game for a lot of the tokens in the ecosystem.
If we continue with what Patrice was saying, bringing on more liquidity from Hashport and other places to have people from other chains start to engage with the network.
So both of them are completely right. Ralph and Patrice saying, hey, you know what, there's people dabbling and whatever reasoning that they have.
People want to look for fun ways to engage with the ecosystem. And a lot of times people are going to have the most fun when they're making money.
So I'll leave it at that. But that looks like what's happening right now. And if it continues at this rate, we're very primed for something special for sure.
But Jack, I appreciate you shooting me the co-host.
Can you hear me now? Is the audio good now?
It's still like slightly low.
You still got the echo and it's the same.
All right. I'm going to go straight to the hands. Kona.
Hey, thank you. Yeah, I just wanted to chime in real quick and say that I totally appreciate what Patrice said about the new TVL coming in and how, like, in my perspective, it feels like this heat wave or climate change, whatever you want to call it.
Is like some it's like it feels real this time. And I had the idea to do Kona a couple of years ago.
I've been in the Hedera network for about two years, two and a half years.
And I just but I didn't really know the best way to go about it.
I had a lot to learn about HTS. And then as the development has gone on in the ecosystem, I just felt like, man, like they've built this out so well that it's worth taking a look.
And so I went to go do it. It just seemed like it was so easy that the software that the developers in this network have created was just so easy to use that I just really wanted to thank everybody for building it out.
And I think that the HTS ecosystem offers so much. It offers businesses so much variety and innovation that with the oncoming TVL we have right now.
I mean, the sky's the limit and I'm incredibly excited. So just wanted to say thank you for all the builders for creating such an awesome ecosystem.
All right. Can anyone else hear anyone? Or am I rugged?
Nope, I can't hear anyone.
Okay. I just want to make sure. I'll fill the space. Kona, I'm not sure if Jack disconnected. Maybe it's this mic. I'll jump in. Kona. Yeah, I think all the builders are incredible in the ecosystem.
I think that's just a clear testament to the power of the retail side. But man, all of the creators such as yourself as well and Graf and a bunch of us really here are also building on the backs of these absolute legends.
So Jack, I'll throw back to you if you're back. I'm back. Is it working better now? I left and came back. Yeah. Yeah, it's good. Awesome. All right. Cool. We're back in the game. H bar. Joe, you had your hand up, but you put it down. Did you want to jump in?
It was up in the air for so long. No, this has been amazing. And what everyone's saying is spot on. And I try to keep it simple for a lot of people like me that aren't as smart as the developers and people that are building the things behind the scenes to help bring access to us.
And I think for me, a lot of what I see coming from outside of Hedera three and a half, four years ago, and then falling in love with it era and sticking around. It comes down to access and and personally, I think a lot of it is from is going to be from these centralized exchanges.
If we have our HTS tokens there and people can grab those from other chains because they see them pumping or they see a tweet about one of our tokens, then they'll come in. They'll interact with saucer swap and stay because, let's be honest, our attention is pretty good for intelligent people, especially because it's such a positive place to be.
And you can look around and see that there's so much room for opportunity. So it's a lot more simple for people that just want to know why to say access. We're gaining more and more traction because of access, whether it's because of Hashport or it's because of meme coins and funny tweets and more people coming in and sticking around.
So you can go get many HTS tokens on other exchanges and there are a ton more more tokens coming to some of the bigger and mid-sized centralized exchanges, which brings people right into our taxes.
And that's where to me the future lies and why I think there's so much sticking. As someone said, it feels different this time because I think we have sticking power and we'll have eyes outside of our community. So we're not just swapping the same poker chips on the table over and over and over again.
Yeah, I love that sticking. I feel like the same is happening with NFTs as well. Not to go off topic, but when it comes to tooling infrastructure, I wasn't around, but people two years ago or even a year and a half ago were selling them in DMs.
And now we have all of these tools available and marketplaces and whatnot. So both HTS and NFTs, they're just ready to, it's not even a heatwave, it's climate change coming.
Safe Investor. It's great to have you back on the show. How are you doing, brother? What do you want to add? Mike is yours.
Hey, what's up, brother? How are you guys doing? Thank you so much. No, I love a lot of the subject you guys are talking about and I wanted to add three quick things.
So Earthlings, hey man, if you send me a merch shirt, I will do some crazy muscle up workout, bro. Film it and then I'll upload it to my Twitter account and then you can even, I mean, I'll wear whatever you need me to wear.
Just throwing that out there. Don't feel pressured. It'd be cool if you do. I mean, if you can do it, bro, I love you a lot. No pressure.
Anyways, so there's a lot of, it's undetected, but very felt hype that meme coins bring. And I know my name is Safe Investor and after all the deep dives that I've done and I mean,
hours per day. And I mean, I'm talking about like, like I started since like a little longer than a year ago. And so and I would cover each project and then just read their white papers and, and then, and I noticed there's there's always a fan base of each project, and they were a track new fan base.
And they in the header ecosystem would get new investors and new fans and they would stay just like I forgot who said that IPEX or Kona, I forgot who said that, and they would stay. And so, but there wasn't really one that would trigger a massive, you know, formal into this project.
And so, and I mean, I kept track of tuna, fam, galaxy, all of them. And then, for example, like, they were all supposed to, can you guys hear me?
Yeah, we can hear you.
Sorry. Okay, so there were and then there were a lot of investors that would have hundreds of thousands 500,000 millions of H bars. They would look also for smaller cap projects, you know, to throw some of the profits into because they, they have just, you know, extra profits.
And so they will look for projects, smaller caps, and then so they could throw in once you two x three x five x get out their initial capital plus some profits and put it back into H for their safer bag or sauce.
And so that was one. So I noticed that was a habit of a lot of heavy investors.
And then, but there's there's one thing that I noticed and I kept noticing, looking at all the history of all the projects that there's something that memes can bring that not even utilities projects can.
And that is undetected and unmeasurable hype.
And, and which is why, last, you know, last March when I was looking for projects, you know, okay, you know, which project should I, should I buy and if properly strategize I noticed, one of my first memes that I bought in was growth.
And it had an amazing creator homeboy it's he's got good ethics. And so I figured, you know, you know, I think this is it with proper strategy, you know, me as a marketer, kind of, you know, kind of a, you can say the best way not really shielded but
officially shielded and to catch people's attentions and then suddenly okay bought a bit, and then I noticed it kept exploding it was in the sub pennies but a little more and then it just exploded, and then suddenly you saw other influencers with their eyes on it.
So, the, the, the marker and beacon of eyes being on graph already was sent.
And there were people that kept their eyes on growth, it never went back down to the sub pennies. And then once once once you set eyes on growth, how can you take them off.
It was funny like I asked him bro, like why growth bro why did you make that guy look like that was funny.
And so, and I was convinced that it would be H3 because they were going to go through the audit, and then I was convinced it would be jam because jam was going to get their, their DAP published, and then so I was convinced it would go into order, but, but it didn't.
You know the market wants what they want, and the market doesn't want what they don't want. You cannot force anything to the market. All you can do is go and flow with the market.
And so, and people would DM me, you know, hey hey what's the next graph I'm like, slow down there man slow down you know and she's like wasn't, I got a bunch of dms I'm like there's not about what's the next graph.
Okay. You know, keep your bag.
You know, you have to take, take, take it one step at a time. And so, but there's something that people just completely leave those factors out of off the table.
It's the potential hype, the meme coins bring, and I kept seeing that in that same cycles over and over, which is why I realized, holy crap, you know, it's gonna be, it's gonna be a meme, but I still think I might be wrong just, you know, but it just has the same tendency, it's crazy.
And then you ask the buyers, why'd you buy, I don't know bro my friend told me to buy and you know, it's like Black Friday, they go into the store to Walmart, they see something 50% off, they just buy it, because it's 50% off.
Just, you know, they see a toaster 50% off they buy that toaster. So why'd you buy that toaster, I don't know bro, it was 50% off and I just bought it.
I saw my buddy buy it, so I bought it. They have no reason to buy it. And that's the hype that meme coins bring, and it's immeasurable, it's explosive, and it's crazy. I just wanted to add that.
And so I think it's there's a lot just to add to your point. I think the hype is, it's, I can't remember the word you use, but it's also incomprehensible. I find it hard to wrap my head around it, right? And I think that's, that's also the beauty.
Like some things just don't make sense. They don't need to, they just bring what they bring. And I think that's, that's, that's what we see with growth. Like, I don't know if you tried to explain that to someone like why? I mean, maybe warlock can help but like,
No, no, I can't. I try to explain it to my friends and family and it doesn't work.
No, I asked him the same question, bro. And you know, when I interviewed him and no, I could, I was asking him and I understand if he can't come up with an answer. I can, bro.
I'm trying to understand it. But yeah, that's, that's all I wanted to add. And so don't, don't, all I can say is don't, don't hate on memes, because memes have had more games than any other.
Any other utility tokens, the proper means have had more games than any other utility tokens and in history, you know, I thought galaxy was going to explode because solo got screen time on Fox TV, bro.
What CEO from Hedera has gone screen time? And I thought it was just gonna explode, but he didn't. It had all the proper and logical factors to explode, but he didn't.
And comprehensive design again, it's like you can't wrap your head around these things.
Exactly. Great, great point. I really want to get to the last hand because it's coming up to the hour and a half and I am going to wrap it up on that time we've been going for nearly an hour and a half.
It's been a great, great conversation. I personally really enjoyed it. My earbuds enjoyed it so much that they died on me.
But Tooting, welcome to Kavi Plagg, it's always great to see new faces. Is there something you wanted to add? Thanks for coming up.
Yeah, thanks for things for having me. I've kind of been around in the shadows, if you will, since 2019.
And so a lot of the stuff that folks are saying here resonate. I go by Mansa for the folks that are in Earthlings.
So, you know, just leave it at that. So the question or at least input I've had, or I have, I know I've been a couple of spaces.
I've asked a few questions. I'm kind of in the same boat. I think I feel like I'm in the same boat that Kona was two years ago, where I have a business idea.
But the infrastructure is not there, but it feels like it is there now. And so where I'm struggling with here is having that technical support because I'm not a developer, right?
So writing code and getting all that stuff set up, I have no idea how to do that. But the business idea is there and trying to bring it on the blockchain or on, in this case, Hashgraph.
You know, kind of asking for pointers here. How are you able to get that done, Kona? Is there a place where you can go find some awesome developers for there?
I just kind of steal them? Or how did you get that set up?
I think, sorry, was that question directed at Kona, right?
Well, Kona or anyone else that I can kind of point me to in my direction.
Feel free to take the mic, Kona.
Well, for me, so I've been in the network for about two and a half years now. And my first and largest investment was with SaucerSwap.
So kind of being in the engine room of the Hedera DeFi, I was privy to all the developments that were occurring and different projects that were launching.
So I think in my experience, it was just based over those couple of years of experiencing different types of projects, different rugs, different levels of complexity.
And for myself, one of the most beautiful things about my project is how simple it is.
Like, I don't have a dev background, but I have a lot of business background.
So just based on the ecosystem being so easy to work with, even for a dummy like myself, it was like magic.
So I actually didn't have to go look for any developers just because in order to build my business, it was so easy to do that I didn't even require that, if that helps you at all.
No, no, that's good. That's good. I'm assuming my mind need a little bit more technical stuff. I mean, apart from the total limit, there are other things that I would need to do.
The token creating token part is straightforward. There are all the intricacies that I might need to help with.
Yeah, I think just to add to what Kona said, it depends on the nature of the project, obviously.
I assume it's a token project, but there's definitely a ton of people within the community.
I've been playing around with tokens myself over the last few weeks and just trying to learn.
There's obviously many different components. And like you said, the tools are there to really create the token.
So that's quite straightforward. But a ton of people within the community that would happily help answer any questions.
Feel free to reach out to us at Kabilar or myself. The H bar foundry is also a great place to connect with developers and other people, other builders.
But if you put a tweet out, I can guarantee you, you'll get more than one response of people trying to support your mission and helping out.
The software Discord server is a good place to go for a resource as well. A lot of smart people over there.
No, thanks for the tips. Appreciate it. Maybe I'll come back in the next year or two with the project. We'll see.
Well, when you're ready, we're ready. Feel free to reach out at any point.
All right. That was a good space, as I'd say. We've still got quite a full panel, but I'm going to wrap it up.
So any closing thoughts? We've still got Brandon up here, Ipex. I know Earthlings, Patrick's gone.
We've got Kona, Warlock, Matt Smithy, Safe Investor. Oh, sorry. I missed Professor Kobashi as you didn't put your hand up.
I didn't realize you were on stage. Did you want to add anything to the conversation before we go to what you can do?
Be part of the closing thoughts round. Professor, I see you down there. Do you want to add anything?
Maybe not. All right. So Warlock, and then to Ipex, and then anyone else who wants to share any closing thoughts?
My closing thoughts are this. Hedera is set to massively expand. We are set to get a massive inflow of users.
And I would encourage everyone to be a part of it, to engage with it, and get some skin in the game.
Get some hands in the dirt, because our time is coming, baby. And it's coming soon.
Let's go. They're like the best closing words. Love it. Matt, what's he got?
So what I would say for those out there to the end, if you haven't made it into the Davey Staking platform at the moment,
I would highly recommend that you do so, and that we may or may not be having an airdrop campaign coming soon with a large partner.
Dot, dot, dot. You heard it here first. Alpha's been dropped. Love it. You said it, Brandon. The airdrop season's upon us, right?
Any closing thoughts, Brandon?
The main thing is I think the success we're going to see in the months and years to come is because Hedera attracts the best builders, creates best projects.
And that's why we're seeing so much success in our HTS ecosystem is because the best projects are going to have the best tokens.
That's pretty much all I have to say.
Love it. I think you did have your hand up. Do you want to jump in?
Yeah, brother, I think we have some breaking news. I'm not sure if for Hedera specifically, I'm not sure if any of you guys believe in global warming.
But if you don't, there is just in across the country, direct your attention to the Jumbotron.
Meteorologists are forecasting an extended summertime Hedera heat wave is now upon us.
So if you don't believe in global warming, some massive global climate shifting is occurring here in Web 3 only on Hedera.
Watch out for you guys. That was a great space. I hope you guys found out.
Yeah, definitely go check out the video. Let's get a forest fire.
Love it. Loving the energy coming to a close after an hour and a half.
The heat wave is truly here. Save investor and then Kona.
Just last words. Do not be afraid to be made fun of. I'm outspoken, obviously. I don't care.
Don't be afraid to tell your families, hey, crypto.
If they make fun of you, you're going to laugh at them at the end of this year.
You know, it's it's OK. I look like the wild guy in my family, but now I'm I'm laughing at them.
So it's OK to be the odd man or woman in a group because eventually you're either the first one or the only one that's the genius.
And it's OK, guys. Tell them to.
Yeah, just just be growth and be OK with it. That's what I say.
Look at look at people like growth looks at you on the timeline.
Dona. Hey, yeah, I just wanted to chime in one last time.
I just wanted to say thank you for the opportunity to speak today.
And if anybody I like sorry for the show, but if anybody is interested in these kind of beans, I like this whole project is community focused to get them out to you guys.
So if you love coffee, please give us a look.
And for any of the builders, I would love to send you guys some samples.
So try and just get a good name in the in the network. That's all.
Thank you. Love it.
I did try my Kona for the first time this morning.
And I will say it's it's kind of special. It has it has a color that I've never seen.
It's like very dark and rich. It's nearly syrupy. Special special coffee beans right there.
But yeah, that's that's a wrap, guys.
I appreciate each and every one of you on the panel and everyone who's tuned in throughout the last hour and a half.
This is recorded. So feel free to retweet it and share it with your friends.
If you thought it would be if you think it'd be interesting for them to learn about everything we've been talking about, including growth.
And we'll be back next week with another topic.
Now, actually, next week is the open mic. So next week is going to be crazy.
The last open mic was probably the biggest we had the panel filled up twice or three times.
We had a few hundred tune in. So next week could be bigger.
And it's your chance to come and introduce yourself to the community.
Talk about a mint that you maybe have upcoming something you're working on, something you're excited about,
or just simply gossip about Hedera or anything else outside of Hedera Web 3 in general.
It's an H bar open mic, but everyone's welcome.
We want to cross pollinate and bring new fresh people into the ecosystem.
And I was talking with someone earlier that, you know, we could well be looking at a interchange future.
Right. So why not start building those bridges during these open mics?
I feel free to invite anyone from Hedera or without to the to the open mic next week.
And I very much look forward to it.
Thanks again. Everyone have an amazing rest of the day or evening, depending where you are in the world.
And I will see you on the timeline daily, whether it be in the comments, in the posts, in the DMs or in spaces.
Much love, everyone. Take care.