Helio Spotlight

Recorded: May 4, 2023 Duration: 0:54:18



Hey guys, give me a thumbs up if you can hear the music. I'll come down.
I know. I know.
Hey, Jane. Hello?
How you doing man? Good, so are you. Not too bad, not too bad. Yeah, don't be bad. All good. Yeah, keep me busy. Perfect.
I think we have like a couple of minutes right? We are going to wait. Yeah, it's not even seven yet. Let's just wait for everyone to come in. I'm trying to figure out the music, but I'm yeah.
real new but this connecting the music I was gonna next play an external speaker but it sounds terrible so actually I'm gonna play some music right now just just tell me if you can hear it or not okay
No. No. [CHUCKLES] Failed.
Maybe I should sing or you can sing. Everyone's gonna leave the spaces. Yeah, definitely. Caps club, I'm trying to invite you up if you want to jump up. I accept the invite.
(sad music)
Hey guys, how's everyone doing?
I'm rocking a different handle so it's kind of weird but anyway. It suits you anyway.
It's well. They don't let me loose on the Helio pay handle because it gets out of hand pretty quickly.
Yeah, this space is should be recorded. People are asking me right now. I definitely said it's a record. So yeah, that would be good.
Definitely. So we've got gain high, we've got Caps Club, Rav3 waiting for. Rav3 is...
Hopefully you're going to come and then
party as well.
Hopefully everyone joins from the project handle so it makes it easy for me. Trying to remember a million names in the space.
Julie, I see you in the crowd. You jump in up or you can speak from Caps Club. Sweet. I'm on Caps Club. Hello guys. No worries. Hey man, welcome. Hello.
Alright, it's the top of the hour now, so let's just give it a few minutes. People obviously just getting pinged now. So, apologies there's no music, or maybe that's good, I don't know.
If anyone knows the best way to play music on the spaces, please let me know.
playing through my laptop sound shit apparently. Let's give it a try.
No way for the code.
I might as well talk about the giveaway now actually so we're on what made the fourth so is our fourth day of the giveaway. May the fourth be with you everybody. I know that was coming. Thank you for that. So yeah this is the fourth day trying to make
it up a bit obviously with the time zones and the part of me and the format as well of how to actually win a Helion and just get the name out there a little bit more actually so distribution. A pool party you're here now. Welcome welcome.
Good. And today, gentlemen. Hey, man. How are you? Sounds like you're outside riding a bicycle, isn't it? I actually was kind of riding a bicycle. I was riding a electrical scooter, you know, those who can rent with the app, but I figured I should stop that so I don't crash while talking in the
space. So what's up guys? We don't want any visit swire on those spaces. But I would be a new one though. Maybe we should try it in the future sometime. No, it's not worth it. No, definitely looking forward to it.
got to say so please yeah stay on two feet not two wheels okay that's what the heck it's a hot guy somewhere yeah all right if I think we're waiting for Raven
but we can start anyway and then hopefully we'll turn up. So yeah, welcome everyone. I'm Adam from Helions. As you most you probably know already. So we're going to be doing this every week now, same time Thursday. It's basically called the Helio Spotlight. This is where we feature
a few projects that are up and coming that are actually benefiting from using Helio on a pre-sale. Just dive deeper into the project, what it's about. Talk about the pre-sale and then you can make your own decisions on whether you want to invest in the pre-sale or not.
First of all, I think we'll just do like a one minute pitch, just like an introduction. Jen, we'll start with you from Gain Hive. So I'd just say hello to everyone who you are. Don't go into detail just yet. Yeah. Hey, everyone. First of all, thank you.
team to have us here. We are building a web3 based online multiplayer RPG and strategic game hybrid which consists of systems for PVP, PCOM, but
me in diplomacy. To make it fast, let me give you some game features information. Like our game has dynamic and reactive worlds, which means the game map changes and evolves based on the actions of the players.
Like the players needs, it has tactical combat system, a deep and complex combat system that requires players to use strategy and tactics to succeed. Diplomacy is another key, a real strategy
experience with animated diploma s action in the game. Customization and progression which is a clear path for progress as the players advance to the game. We are also
So just a quick intro and we'll dive into a little bit. Okay, just want to say hello. So let's get from gain hive. Gain hive is the online gaming platform. It's play to earn right? Play to earn actually. Yeah. Yeah.
So we have four projects on today and they're all quite different. So that's the number one gain hive. Second one who's been weighed in patiently, Caps Club. Do you want to introduce quickly? Just give us a 60 minute brief of what Caps Club is, please. Yeah, sure. So we're second.
Okay, perfect. So we are a team of five builders and we have been around for almost one year now. We have been building a repository platform with several applications that were gamified wetless process, mission when you can earn experience.
reference and our last application is called challenges. It's a easy question, yes or no, you deposit money and if you find the right answer, you obviously win the money that people didn't find the right answer.
Our art is a fully 3D eye resolution and everything on our website is around this futuristic design, HD design. The art now is just going to say the art is sick, I'll check it out.
Yeah, thanks. We did one and one today for the force of mass obviously, but we have a full time designer so we can really do some really fun and cool stuff. And yeah, we did also we introduced a dynamic NFT. We did a free mids to
months ago. So we introduced like dynamic NFT or NFT meta data, but also design evolve. So as you can see, we developed some many constructs and which project to have some people playing with it and give us feedback to really propose some applications that people love and use every
we had like 13,000 unique tools on our platform. So it's been a long time and we are still here. Very nice, very nice, thank you. So welcome Caps Club. And next one, waiting, Poole Party. Come up and introduce it up please. Hey, what's up friends? So,
this is cryptic behind this this pool part logo type here. Pool part is all about gamifying stake and defy yield and what we're doing is we have what we call savings pools and also call us no lottery, no last lottery pools and the way works is people deposit their funds to this
and we automatically put this fund in the world defy to generate our yield and then one lucky person in the pool wins the yield from everyone from the whole pool that is why it's on the whole last lottery you never buying a lottery ticket you just deposit your funds and hope that you win the yield from the other one else now
Now we're taking this concept to NFTs and we're doing a pre-mint right now using Helio where 50% of the mint proceeds is deposited into a pool which we call the NFT lottery pool and then this pool was generated yield in DeFi and one NFT holder a week
We will win the yield from the whole pool. So taking the concert we already tried in DeFi since December and applying that now to NFTs. It's a fun ride and grateful for being in this space. Appreciate it. Thank you. Alright, so I want to kick off with Gain Hive.
will dive into a little bit more about what the gaming platform entails and how you can earn by playing on the platform. I had a read of the white paper and checked out what you've got come in and it seems interesting. I'm not a big game myself but if there's any gamers out there listening then I think you'll be interested in
what Gain Iver doing. So, Jenk, do you want to take the stage and then we'll just dive in and basically talk about Gain Iver for the next 10 minutes? - Sure. I'll take it again. I'll continue when I was in the beginning.
So yeah, as I said, like dynamic and reactive world tactical combat diplomacy and customization and progression are some of the game features we are building also social and competitive gameplay.
have like factions and clans or alliances to encourage players to work together and build relationships in the game. We are implementing in-game events and content updates to keep the game feeling fresh and keep players engaged over the long-term.
and also Web2E integration for sure. Actually, GainHive is a Web2.5 game, but right now we are working on pure Web2E teams to implement into the game.
How the players earn from the game is we are mostly focusing on giving the control of the economy, the game economy to the gamers, which means as with two games
they are going to be able to craft and breed with the in-game resources and then they are going to be able to take them out from the game, uh, game pool out of, uh, out of the game pool and they will take it today.
here, blockchain wallets. And then the economy or the values of the elements they created in the game will be determined by the players, by the gamers itself, actually.
This is a game-high business model because game-high doesn't want to sell anything to the gamers. We are focusing on creating a real strategic game that they can enjoy while playing.
like communicating to each other or building tactics to fight the other factions or clans. And the value that they want to earn, they will make it out of game and they will
determine the value of the things of the creations like vapons or like token generations, the SDTRO, so everything in the game is NFT smart NFT, they're going to be upgradable smart NFT's
So they can't hold it, they can upgrade it, then sell them to others or they can just use them. One of the features that we created in the game is if you have a consumable
If you use it, it's going to burn for good. So the circulating supply of all the resources and NFTs in the game will decrease in time. But we are giving power to the players.
to create new things, new VPONs buildings, vehicles, even their skins, they can create and then they can put the value on them, they can keep or sell or use it in the
game. This is this is the model of Web 3 we're creating. So I read something about sorry to interrupt I read something because I think the most interesting thing obviously with gaming like I say I'm not a huge gamer anymore I used to be but if Web 3 gaming was round when when I was a teenager then
I'm sure I would have been all in for the play. You're still team. I'm not quite. So what I read, what interest me was with the reward system from the AI.
So you have, is it in the metaverse first world? So you have hexagonal tiles. And you touch on these hexagonal tiles. I wouldn't call it as a metaverse, but yeah, we created a planet. How big is this planet?
of 28,000 approximately to 28,000 hexagons. And they are all, all the hexagons are controlled by the artificial intelligence system that RCTO created and designed.
The hexagons are accepting your second base injection, like token injection, coin injection in game resources and everything. So when the injection begins, the height of the hexagon increases.
When the gamers or players minds minds from the hexagons the height of the hexagons decreases so the gamers will understand During during playing time that if they see mountains They will know that there are lots of things to mind to hide
Harvest. If they see autumn, river or water level, then they will understand that those places were already harvested by the others. So this is the basic of how the planet works. Yeah.
That was interesting to me, definitely. I would also like to underline one more thing. If any gamers are listening to us, they might know the game.
Our game development team is from that game, Mountain Blade. They saw millions of copies worldwide. So we are at our CQL, John. He's also my partner in the project.
And he is managing the team. Yeah, there's another team that I would like to underline. Yeah, I was going to ask something. So it sounds like you guys have got a ton of gaming experience. So you mentioned a previous game there, but how many years experience you've
you got in the gaming world and how has that helped you in Web 3 and how did you come up with the idea for this project? Okay, so our game development team and my partner, he has been in the gaming industry for more than 13 years, he is one of
One of the most wanted artificial intelligence experts in gaming industry in Turkey. We are based in Turkey. And his team also has more than a decade experience in the gaming industry.
Our team also, like one another, partners of the project is Karam, Mr. Karam Gurkuchuk, he has been in the financial industry for more than 10 years.
He is managing the financial instrument department of one of the biggest national bank in Turkey. So yeah, we have lots of experiences in these areas like financial and gaming.
Awesome sounds sounds like you guys got some really good experience there. Yeah, definitely. I think when I first spoke to you, Jenk was you told me there's 19 people on the team. Is that right? Actually, yeah, more than 19. It's almost like 30 if you're
also working as a game studio, like 29 current between 9 people we are in the team, but 10 of them are based in contract based like
the artists and like some of the designers but the others yeah we have onboarded them. Nice. Alright that's Jenk from Gain Hive so everyone check out Gain Hive. You're going to be minting
in the end of this month, right? Yeah, actually we have begun building our community and the premiums will take place next week for our partner projects. So any of
You guys would like to join our premium. You are welcome. Just join our Discord channel and prove that you are one of these beautiful guys, communities, members of these beautiful projects. We can provide the role for you.
and the means will take place on the 17. Awesome. How much is the pre-sell price? It's going to be 19 USDC. The mint price will be 23. Awesome. All right. Thank you.
I'm just looking at one of your tweets from a few days ago. Are you doing a minute revenue lottery? What's that all about? Yeah, yeah. We have created the mini-staring model. And these NFTs are early adopter NFTs are all subgradable. We have true rareities.
like Genesis, Silver and Golden. So the owners of the NFTs can upgrade their NFTs and get more value from the NFTs and we will be sharing 20% of the revenue
that we got from the that we get from the mint we will share with the community and it's going to be a raffle for 200 holders. Nice. Awesome. Now, now we're Adams getting some of his ideas from.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.#
One more thing actually one more thing I would like to talk to pro party whenever he is available after the space We might we might be able to get us something in our game So I would like to talk to him. He just wanted to say right now
We're already reaping the rewards of a helio spotlight space. There's a connection made. Excellent. Thanks for your patience, Caps Club and Pool Party. Let's go to Caps Club next.
We want to hear more about what you guys are doing. So come up please. Yeah, sure. So I will start from the beginning. So we launched capslope, one year ago. And the whitelist process was really going on, only like grinding for our on this code.
So we wanted to have something really fun. So we developed a gamified platform where you had to do classic mission, like what we did with some friends, these kind of stuff, but also really fun mission around the Easter eggs. We work with Spacial, we develop like a meta-
that they are Swiss on Cypher code to unlog. We are like many community members helping each other to find this code and find the final solution. And following that, we launch a free means in January. We are like 13,000 people
connecting for this launch. We did a 3K supply and from this NFT with this platform you earn experience and you can spend this experience on your NFT. So your NFT evolve. You have like a new design and new metadata.
we developed for them from this NFT. And if you're there, you can participate to different raffle. We had like raffle for many NFT like Primads, World Capital. We have still one for you. So like big price. And you can also spend your experience on wet list for
project. So it was a really fun experience. And now we are on the phase two. So we are launching what we call changes. So changes, so easy question yes or no. So for example, the floor of a plate of the, we'd be more than
70 Solana at the end of this week. Yes, on how you deposit and if you have the right answer, you win the money that is deposited on the other side of the pool. And you can create on the big particularity is like how on air can create this change?
and they take 10% of the fees directly as creator of the challenge. So some of our really are pretty good ideas on these challenges. So you can also do challenges on if the project will record notes, if the project will mean tower notes, we also using the
So for example, from the code we change this pfp this week, yes or no. Elon Musk would tweet about Dodge. So we had all these kind of funny questions. We are seeing close better and we have around 30 people testing it right now and we want to go
in public really quick so maybe into our three weeks we will open to everyone in the community. Awesome. Are you calling this "Predict the Future"? Is that right? Yeah, exactly. Yeah. So anyone, any holder can create the
the question basically. Yes, you need the challenge of us. So pass from this. And you need to stack it and you will be able to create one or two points depending on the type of challenge of the challenge of us.
Nice man, that's pretty unique. Cool cool cool. So I'm just looking at some of your tweets as well, Captain Club. So is this on Sui or is it on Sol? What are you doing a bit mixture of both or what's the deal there?
So no, we are only on Solana, but you can ask question because yeah, we had like a yesterday question, what was the price of three would be more than the 0.5 dollars. And yeah, but the
And everything the connection is doing with on Fountain. So everything is on Solana. But you can ask questions about the iPad project right now and obviously it was free. So we have some on now that's wanted to ask about three.
Nice, nice, understand, thank you.
Yeah, it makes sense. So you're also using Helio, right, for your pre-cell. Do you want to talk about the pre-cell? Yeah, of course. Yeah. So we will do a PSP collection. So 3D, 3D PSP and 2K revolution.
This PFP collection, we will launch in this month and we started the press side with the Lyod course. And for now, it's only for our best orders and the coming weeks we will open it to many other projects and whiclist people.
I'd love to see a one-of-one Helion. The R is pretty sick, like I said before. If you haven't seen it, just go to the Twitter, Caps Club, and what is it? Caps Club underscore
Yeah, it's pretty pretty epic. I've seen it. I've liked it before. So what was the inspiration there and if you got in the house artist or how did they kind of seem for the outcome together?
Yeah, so we are the in our service that is working for us for almost in the start or not so when he is full time on it. So it was a big work that we really wanted something 3D and we wanted also to use the crypto Twitter code so every cut is unique
And you have like some name around it so like GM, uh, apparently all this kind of funny meme around the crypto Twitter and you have like five different characters and yeah like our our slogan is pretty good for future. So it's like robotgy
and futuristic characters and also everything on our website is like around this futuristic design. We have like a really good UDX designer. So yeah we really want to stay on this universe and this role about the future. Yeah it's pretty
epic. I'm just looking at this Johnny D. God's kind of like tribute one-on-one whatever it is. So I mean it looks pretty epic. I mean we looked at 3D for heathyons and decided that that's a massive challenge especially in the timescale so I can truly appreciate how much effort you guys have put into this.
Yeah, 3D is making some really complicated, but we love the result. It will make real life easier if I do it. But also the good point of 3D is we also did some teaser and 3D videos, so we have like the football of the carcass. We have some trailer
our characters, our working into a city, all these kind of things are only possible in 3D, but of course you need the way more time and a guide that really knows it's Robyan. Yeah I like the, all your trailers actually you know you can tell you some work in
to them. That brings me to, I can say something about Helio now. We have a feature that not many people I'm sure that we're aware of. The possibilities of it is called Helio Play. So basically you could take your latest trailer that say you're going to drop your trailer next week.
you can lock it behind Helio play, basically you can lock it to your community to a certain discord role or NFT collection and it don't have to actually collect funds, it could be free but it's basically watch to earn so as soon as someone unlocks that company
with their crypto wallet then you capture their discord username, twitter username and wallet address and then they can be you know also assigned maybe a role in your discord or you can just reward them with a discounted pre-sale price or a white list or something like that so yeah watch to earn via helio play
Maybe some digital. This is actually what we did. We will use the audio for that. And our local special trailer. And on this trailer we hide the code and all the way this sort of some of our other sign this code and we did like a roof of the of the
I love this functionality. Did you mean it? We like it. It's super cool. And if you really that interested, you can listen to our co-founders, Stein, give these monthly update on it as well. So we won't charge you very much for it. Three. Solana, Translator, and so on.
Hi, Cap's Club. Awesome. Sounds interesting. Anything else you want to touch on or we'll go to Poo Party and then we can come back to you later on. No perfect. Andrew, jump on our best call. We are giving some watches. So, all good. Thanks, man. Poo Party, appreciate your patience, man. Thanks.
a lot of David Jorz. Thank you, thank you. Is it possible to bring up Ethan Sigmund, who has that monkey with Vietnam-style helmet on him? Here's the co-founder of Full Party. We'd love to have him to speak a little bit too. There you go. I've invited him. Come up Ethan.
Welcome to welcome up. He's on a you better be on the phone otherwise you can't come up I think that's the best description of a send me a bird Yeah, it's a little bit bit non-styled right isn't it like the camouflage that's the feeling I get anyway But yeah, let me let me talk about what we hear
That's pool party. And as I said, when we did the quick intro in the beginning pool party is all about gamifying stake and if I yield. And we have a lot of cool plans. But the way we went about this, begin with is our savings pools, which works as a no-look.
lost lottery or you could use the more fancy way of explaining this and call it like a price linked Web 3 savings account or something as such. Because the concept we're using is price linked savings and if you didn't hear about it you can do a quick Google on it because it's existed in tradfice since the 60s. It's been a way for
trade unions and banks and even governments to sell their bonds to incentivize people to save or buy bonds etc. And the way it works is kind of like I touched upon previously. We have our current savings pools, we have a bank pool, we have a soul pool and we have a USDC pool.
So the way it works is when you deposit to any of these pools. The fun scene the pool is deployed in DeFi, generating yield, one person wins the yield from everyone or the yield from the whole pool. So we played around with this concept since December last year when we launched on
the main act which was probably the most like the worst timing you could have, launching a protocol on slano because that was like in the middle of you know the hellfire apocalypse and you know protocols here and there, shut down and hey like we didn't even know if slano was going to exist but we believe
in in Salona what we do so we just model through and together with our community we try this concept on Salona and it's worked out really well so we feel confident to you know start with our next product which is the NFT pool and it works the same or similar to the current savings pool
So 50% from the NFT mint, 50% of the proceeds are going to go to this NFT pool and then the NFT holders are going to win the yield from that pool once a week in a lottery fashion. So if you have an NFT, then
NFT represents a lot of ticket in a lottery that never ends. So it's a draw every week and so you can call it like an eternal lottery which is a little bit fun and another. Yeah just by holding the NFT and one other fun aspect of this is that
But as the NFT pool with the funds from the men is generating yield in IndyFi, 50% of this yield goes to this weekly lottery price and the other 50% goes back into the pool, which makes the pool also grow in time, which also makes the prices become
larger and larger over time as well. And we also apply like a marketplace fee or royalty fee on the NFT of 5% and half of this, this fee, half of this like royalty fee will also go back into the pool. So get like a good like trading volume on this then yeah the price
should be larger as the poll grows over time. One interesting aspect of this is our governance plans because we want to give the NFT holders full ownership of NFT pools specifically. So ultimately, the NFT holders will be able to vote if they want to liquidate the pool and claim their
of the pool and we have our plan for a 5,000 collection or like a supply of 5,000 so 1NFTs represents like 1NFTs in all NSHs of the pool so that brings it like kind of a bond characteristic to it you know no financial advice but it gives like the NFT
unique characteristics to it let's say that doesn't really exist today in NFT space so we hope that we create a fun experience and also make general like savings more engaging and firm. Ethan do you want to add something to this? No I just
saying that, yeah, it kind of gives the NFT a backed value by the funds that are held in the pool. And so, you know, our hope with this is that it, you know, gives an inherent floor to the collection that the floor should never be lower than the backed value because if it goes lower, then hopefully
people arbitrage and pick up NFTs knowing that they could vote to liquidate the pool and make some money on it. Super cool concept. So how do you get the yield apart from generating royalty revenue and things like that? Yeah, so the yield is
generated in the world of DeFi which is a very vague explanation. Currently for our existing savings pools, we partnered with a couple of protocols. We partnered with Solend for the USDC pool and Myronade for the Soul Pool and then with the Bunk team for the Bunk
The bank pool is not used in DeFi yet, so the price pot there is actually provided by the bank team themselves. Because they really liked our concept and wanted us to spin up like a savings pool for bank. So with the coming NFT pool, we're going to keep it in Seoul.
And most likely we're gonna continue work with our dear friends at Marinade and my background, you know, prior to pulled part of it, is Marinade. I was part of the Marinade core team and built that out before I decided I wanted to build my own little pulled part of it here. So, probably using in Marinade. So yeah.
Yeah, right now we're doing like this pre-ment utilizing helioservices which so far has been you know 10 out of 10 to be honest like I've been in in the crypto space for a long time and I've seen it all so it's just
super nice to be able to work with people that are both mature and also have like proper professional experience not only when it comes like they're actually like program or product but also when it comes to the way they also deal with their clients so being just super grateful for for all of that because that has made
me and the whole full party crew, super comfortable. The current mint is strictly for our existing community, but because of this really good experience with Hadoj Helio, we're like, "Okay, well, let's do another move with Helio here."
Do a pre-mint event for people outside of our community before we do like the actual public mint. So It's a great work guys. I really appreciate what you guys have built and also heard that from a lot of other people I know in the ecosystem too, which was why we show to you guys. We should have gotten word, man. Truly appreciate it.
that. We're just trying to make it good for everybody, right? And it's really interesting because you can do a lot of things with the platform that nobody, you can use your imagination to, if you have a great experience, why not share that around and get more people into your own project using Helio and
and making that really pleasurable experience ahead of the lottery of doing a public mint. So if you're in early, you get great opportunity and you don't have to worry about anything. It's just very well done. We're really appreciating the way you can get.
access to the pre-mint to specific discord roles as we started with pooled party in December last year, right? So we built up like a really cool community and other solutions don't really have like as good of our discord like integration as you guys have as
So that has been really good for us as well. So yeah, good job guys. How much do we owe you for this great plug? Well, you could buy me a beer at breakpoint. Oh yeah, but we'll get the drinks. Oh, no, it's up to them, right? You could buy me a joint in breakpoint. Don't you, don't you, drugs,
But yeah, if it's legal, my problem. So it's been a really good experience working with you guys. And if any of you in the audience or you guys yourself, the hosts are interested in acquiring one of these very experimental like NFTs that we're working with.
Simply join our community and stay up to date. If you can't get a board in the current pre-mint, we're most likely doing a second round, like I said, because the experience with Helio was so great. So just stay tuned for coming updates. If you already participate in the pre-mint, we are doing something within this lottery
theme we're having. So one mad led NFT is going to be ruffled out to one of the people participating in pre-min. So we're going to host that event after the weekend as the pre-min now ends tomorrow, tomorrow evening. So you should send me that pay link ASAP then, right?
What's the pre-sale price? We priced at two sold. We could have tried for something bigger, but this is not really a traditional fundraising event like most of the tea place out or place out.
It's more of like we want to build this concept with an NFT. So we just want to have just enough so we can cover for this NFT. And then we'll see. We have the party talking coming up in the summer as well. And then 50% go into the pool. Precisely. 50% into
the pool and the other 50% is going to be used for like to the treasury. Awesome stuff guys, really like it. Yeah I love it. I think I actually first reached out to you back in December I think it might have been
I was thinking of like in real life. I jumped on it and learned about the projects very early. I love what you're doing guys and I've already had a go at the lottery and I'll be definitely taking part again in the future.
to me, I had the same thought, but to now understand what it is, I get it. I was ready to pack my speedos and come and join you guys. Well, I mean, we had some fun discussions, it turned to the within the team, it's like, okay, what kind of merch? We need to have merch. What kind of merch do we have? What are the lenses?
Yeah, swim suits, speedos, whatever, like it's going to happen. So stay tuned for that as well. Pink is the color, right? Yeah, definitely 100% will up pink. So when you're at breakpoint and you see all the girls in pink bikinis walking around with cool party logos, you guys know who to think. Oh, yeah.
We got to follow it over to party as well. Obviously, if you cheer like events, we want to host going to be within the team pool party. So yeah, if you haven't checked out Pulpide platform yet, just go to it. It's all live. It's active now. You know, it's been going since
since December, January, so go have a double. We actually have our draws tonight. So you're eligible as soon as you deposit. So if you want to see how the random mechanism works, et cetera, you know, throw $10 or something into a pool and you could potentially win tonight.
Awesome. Usually when we do this draws we also host a stream event on Twitch with our party crew member BBJK and in the stream like we sit there and talk some shit and
And we see the draw happening so it's kind of fun and we also host like in stream games on a twitch this marble game is really popular and there's always sold in the price there So if you don't have anything to do just chilling at home, whatever like join the stream and have fun with us and
Yeah, see if you win in the draw or not. Appreciate it, guys. One thing I wanted to touch on with it with the I think I did mention it to you guys, poor party. When you when you're trying to get people trying to grow your discord, you don't necessarily
So we want to lock the pay link to a discord role or an NFT collection so you can use an access code. So that's the third option we have. So just like the pin tweet in the spaces right here, I have already tweeted this and the pay link one hour ago.
before the space is started but obviously nobody can purchase on this a failing because I've got the access code and only I've got the access code so that access code is going to give you access to join the raffle to give to give you a chance of winning this hilly
on an FT which you can see a nice purple background, it's got his face mask on, not completely sure about the hair, obviously everyone knows I'm bald so I'm not big in that hairstyle. But anyway, if you want a chance to win this NFT, you can hit the access
code and it's a free raffle for you listeners only. I appreciate everyone joining. The access code, I'm trying to think of it. I've already forgot it actually. No, it's capital letters. All capital's uppercase, Helions, 555.
There you go. And also you have to retweet that tweet as well. I'll make sure you're following Helion's obviously and tag a friend. So it's all about the community building. What is it again for those at the back in Khanhia? Helions 555.
Nice. In uppercase.
Caps Club, how are you doing? Thanks, thanks to your patience. Hope you enjoyed what Puele Party had to say. What's your thoughts on that? Yeah, I really love it. I was using this kind of food on polygon and yeah, we were missing that
I really like Solana for that because we have so many new projects and people who really dig in here and really like this kind of projects, reference, pools, everything. So that's nice.
Awesome. And when is your mint again, CapSco? In the end of the month, we don't have the date fully planned for now, but in the end of the month, of this month.
Awesome. So any more details that can join your discord and yeah, likewise for Pool Party. Anything, Pool Party or Caps Club anything you want to say before we close this out? I think Gain Hives already dropped off. Well from my end, from the pool party end.
I want to thank you guys again at Hideo for the great work you've done and the very very useful services you provide. So thanks a lot for that and also thank you Capscrup for the current words. See you all at the pull party. Thanks, man. Awesome guys. Thanks for coming on.
and good luck with the projects, good luck with the pre-sales and thanks for using Helio, I really appreciate it and for everything you guys do in the space as well, it's great to see some of the projects that being very innovative using the blockchain, kind of like coming up with some cool ideas.
and just generally being super pro about everything. So great to be associated with you guys. Yeah, I can just take all that. Thanks everyone for coming on and we'll see you next week. Thanks guys, see you soon. Bye.