Hit Send 🎯 v5 - NYC Rats

Recorded: Feb. 14, 2024 Duration: 1:23:19



Time to go like Green Arrow!
Leave some quine a wheelbarrow!
Hey, that's me!
Time to talk like an arrow.
We're gonna narrow.
Check it.
Time to talk, time to talk, time to talk.
I want to say light it on me, light it up.
Please, then, this is the master.
We're not pulling it on us at all.
This is the arrow.
Mind to talk like an arrow.
I told you!
Tell them this.
Listen, they won't play this till I ain't gone.
You are cool, they're broke.
Them are chroma, I ain't broke.
Them no read this script.
I them never get the right book.
Tell them straight, though, they won't play this till I ain't gone.
This, they won't play this till I ain't gone.
You are cool, they're broke.
Them are chroma, I ain't broke.
Them no read this script.
I them never get the right book.
They don't talk like that, right now, right now.
Call this type of stuff.
We're not gonna stop them.
I'm gonna run up the moat.
I'm gonna run my eye, bro.
Listen, I tried to watch you like this.
Call this a fella.
They fall by your eye, crap.
They don't come.
Definitely frightening.
Find them, I break it.
You know, find them enlightening.
When we get mad, I'm gonna strike them with lightning.
Look, I'm gonna chop them like some old-time lady.
Listen, they won't play this till I ain't gone.
You are cool, they're broke.
Them are chroma, I ain't broke.
Them are chroma, I ain't broke.
Them no read this script.
I them never get the right book.
They don't talk like that, right now, right now.
Them are strangers.
The group, I did not worry.
Everything locked down.
Who can make a way?
Hop them, I panic it when we start rallying.
Cause we everything.
Them put them in with it all in.
Them not take my soul trickily.
My selector.
Eh you lama?
I'm gonna kill you now.
Two of them of me, now we're on our own, saro.
Hand it off, hand it off.
Hand it off.
I want me to lighten off and lighten it off.
It's been so long, sir.
We're not pulling on our toes.
This is saro.
Hand it off like a arrow.
I told ya.
Tell them this
Tell them this
Tell them this
Rise up, rise up, rise up
Tell them this
Oh God dang, this alive or God dang
Yeah, always
Well God dang
Tell them this
Should we change the name of the path to
Solomente Bangers
Solomente Bangers
Solomente Bangers, mucho gusto
Tell them this
Los gientos, gientos, gientos, zingos, zingos, zingos
Tel amundo
Solomente Bangers
This is kind of scary
Can you turn off my headphones a little bit?
Tell them this
Just a tad, just a touch
Is that you? Is this one you?
I'd be there
Yeah, that one, that one
Yeah, that's good
These inhalants are kind of scary
Those are smelling salts
It's ammonia
You can order it off of Amazon
This has become like a thing
On podcasts
Who was it? It was Baker Mayfield
That was just like crushing them
In the play-offs
He was coming out of the tunnel
With like nine of them
How was that allowed?
I don't know
It's just ammonia
It just smells terrible in your brain
That's performance enhancing though
That is performance enhancing
I don't know, I've never smelled
Smelling smalts
You think that
football players are zining out there?
Yeah, absolutely
They're zining out there, right?
Who's the kicker for the 49ers?
He hit the Sebastian Janikowski
Remember him?
Yeah, he was a monster
He was so fat, he was the fucking man
Like from 60
Go out there, he was like yeah
This is wasted
I feel like it's more possible for like baseball players
To be like dippy
They can be degenerate but we don't
And hockey, I feel like the hockey boys
Baseball players used to just repeaters
In the dugout
None of them were ever in shape
It was always just some man after his shift
In the mill
And they'd be like get him out there old hank
And he just
He just would beat his family at night
And had a drinking problem
I'm going to be a fan this summer, that's awesome
David Wells throws the perfect game
Hungover as fuck
But there was also like
I think it was
Headphones a little bit
Turn them up
Damn Daniel
Oh, we got damn Daniel
Is that one on?
That one, that one requires a little thing
Let me set you up
There is a
With Kurt Warner from the Rams
Talking about how Marshall Falk was just like a
Kind of like a flubby boy
And like the best athlete
His dad bought it
He would come in
Reporters would come into the locker room
They're like who's that sitting in Marshall Falk's locker
He's like that's Marshall Falk
And he was like
He was like the best running back for
Many many seasons, right?
Marshall Falk was
Eli Manning, two times Super Bowl MVP
Marshall Falk was in 96 overall
In Madden 2002
Are we only going through this?
Why are you speaking through this?
Yeah, the audio is
The audio is a little weird
I'm only hearing Thomas
I'm not hearing Aubrey
But Marshall Falk
He was very very talented footballer
We're going to have to get this figured out
You've been talking to no one
Can you hear me now?
Thomas has been shouting into the void
God, I've liked my jokes
Yeah, that was my best material
I'll give you a fun tight comment
It's so hard
Do you save?
I'll just keep drinking
Speak, Drew
Speak, Drew
Can you speak?
Yeah, do you want me to?
No, I hear him
Wax poetic for my infomercial
Can somebody throw up a heart
If they can hear Aubrey or Jerk?
The Jerk store called
This is Strobes
Oh, okay, great
I have no idea what just happened there
Hell yeah, dude
We're good
It's Ash Wednesday
Fuck, we need a producer
We need some sort of a production producer
If you're interested in a job, it's J-O-B
Every one of these Twitter spaces is a catastrophe
Don't look at me when you say that
At least we're drinking so it feels okay
It was your idea to open a bar and a radio station
Simultaneously, it's a media company
We could have just opened a Hooters
We'd be like, no, no, no
I've got to have a radio station, too
That's the differentiator
I tell people, I'm like, no, yeah
We open a sold bar and also a media company
They're like, of course it is
Every company is a media company
Every one
It's also a media company
It's really important for
In online magazine
It's really important for businesses
to be able to craft their own message
and put out their own narrative
and then protect that, right?
And defend that as they grow
Where did you learn to talk about that?
Who are you selling this to?
He will switch that shit on
Did you get coached by someone?
Sounds like it's investor talk
That's his pitch
Who coached you?
It's my consultant's wife
She coached me
Shout out to consultant was
She made sure I could code switch
Yeah, code switch
And she has a little ruler that
She smacks you on the knuckles
when you don't use the proper buzzword
Exactly, exactly
When I had an erection when I was a child
Wow, this is early in the career
The correction's already up
in the first few minutes
I used to freak out
and my mom would come
and she would hit it with a pencil
to help ease the stress
To help what?
Because I'd be like, it's up, it's up
Okay, okay
Where are we starting?
Happy Valentine's Day
Happy Ash Wednesday
Where are we starting?
Let's start with God
Let's bring God into the room
Yeah, we need to
We need to palate cleanse this with God
But thanks for sharing
I really love that
I love that story
A little anecdote for everyone
It is Lent
It is the first day of Lent
I'm sorry, that segue
I couldn't do it
There was a number two pencil
Oh my God
Are you giving up?
Can we not?
We can't hear you
Okay, still can't hear
Damn, that's sad
Well, I'm not giving up drinking
I'll tell you that
I'm having to guess
I do think I need to get off my phone though
I'm chronically online
Just the memes are so good, you know
So I think I have to put my phone up at night
for, you know, I don't know what time
20-24, you know what I mean?
How do I just, like, put my phone up?
Imagine missing the Tucker Putin interview
How you got off
Did you watch the whole thing?
Not the whole thing
But I watched a good part of it
It's so good
He takes such a beating
And I'm actually proud of Tucker
So I went to the same college Tucker
with my alma mater
Wait, did you go to Trinity?
Yeah, yeah
This is a man who has a murdered journal
For an extended period of time
that must have been an extraordinarily scary time
that that nice boy from the Stover's frozen food fortune
had to have, had to endure
How does that even happen, though?
How do you even get that set up?
He probably just, like, threw it out there
It was, like, in the DMs or something
It was just like, hey, can we have, like, an interview?
And he was just like, yeah, come to Moscow
Come on, the pod
It's actually truly amazing what Tucker is able to do
with VX, where he's just, it's not even comparable
to what Vox was doing at the time
So, I mean, crazy interview
I don't even know what the view count is on that now
He's posting video game numbers
Yeah, it's crazy
I think 200 million views in the first 48 hours
If that was on 60 Minutes, I think that they would have been
super happy with close to a million
Like, on first broadcast
So, like, it's just absurd, the numbers that he's posting
I did respect Tucker for trying to sort of lobby
the Wall Street Journal reporter
for praying him
I hope you do
He was definitely, like, shaking
but, you know, you shoot your shot
You go to shoot your shot at Vlad
He's like, we will think about releasing him
And he goes, I hope you do
I hope you do
God, I hope I get out of here
He's like, am I gonna make it out?
So, how long does this radiation T take to set in?
I also love the long about stories
where, like, Putin's just flexing his historical knowledge
on everyone
We're like, all right
Also, can we just get him, like, can you just speak English?
Like, why do we have to do the translator thing?
If you're that fucking smart, sorry
He does, he absolutely does
And he's fluent
This is a KGB agent that was stationed in Eastern Germany
Like, this guy has been prepared his entire career
to do this, like, counter-propaganda thing with Tucker
He's been calculating this all along
But that was the most entertaining
I don't think I could give up, like, Twitter
when something like that hits
It's just like, oh, fuck
I just get dragged, pulled back in
So, that will be tough
It's like when a sneaky night comes out at Pubkey
and Megan's like, what the fuck
And it's just like, well, TJ Miller came in
and I had to stay for, like, a little bit
And he was like, you know, we're having fun
Yeah, sorry, babe
She's like, was this for the business?
She sees you on the bar
Yeah, babe, all for the business
So, what's top of mind?
Well, we did have Valentine's Day
We didn't touch on that
We do also have Bitcoin price because we can't ignore that
Where do you want to start?
It's a big day
Valentine's Day
What are you doing for Valentine's Day?
First of all, you know, I actually
I want to know
I want to hear this answer
I really want to hear this answer
I'm going to hear it
I do this every year
I got blackout drunk last night
Until 4am
I forgot that today was Valentine's Day
Woke up on the couch
My dog licking my face
She got me a bagel
Happy Valentine's Day
That was nice of her
So you did nothing
And she got you a bagel
There's still plenty of time
Day's not over
Yeah, absolutely
Plenty of time
Until tomorrow, basically
What are you going to do?
Do you have a plan?
Do you have some bodega flowers?
Make a nice little meal
Josh Hartnett movie
What year is that?
Lucky No. 11
That's so 2000s
Lucky No. 11
It's a great movie
You never saw it?
Who's Josh Hartnett?
Josh Hartnett
It's from like the 90s, 2000s
Is he in screen?
No, he was in the faculty
Do you remember him?
He used to wear a t-shirt over his long sleeve shirt
That's everybody
Paul Rudd did that
Yeah, but this guy, he did it well
He stopped making movies though
What are you doing for Valentine's Day?
We're making a heart-shaped pizza
Oh my God
That's a man right there
That is a man right there
That's a family man
Oh my gosh
We're giving grandparents to Mexico
This weekend, and it's my wife's birthday this weekend
Oh, double whammy
So it's a, we're gonna celebrate sort of a combined Valentine's and birthday on the weekend
But tonight it's the heart-shaped pizza
God bless America
Any toppers?
Probably just pepper onions
Pepper onions?
Aubrey, what are you doing for Valentine's Day?
I'm pre-gaming right now and then I'm at Pubkey
And then I'm gonna go have a Galentine's Day with my girlfriends who are in this city
A Galentine's Day?
What does that entail?
Sometimes, you know, if you're not in the same place as your significant other
Or you just want to get together with your girlfriends
You just gather all your girls
And I get, I don't really know, it's kind of like a new wave thing
You just, I think you get your up
Put your shoes in the, put your shoes
Oh my god, oh my god
Okay, for people listening, oh, jerk
Jerk, jerk just like the salts or something
Okay, that sounds like a fun evening
Explain, explain
You're gonna put your shoes in a circle and dance
What just happened?
But is that what that is?
Exactly, all the gals get together and it's like a hoedown
It's real fun
Is this okay? Is this bad for you?
I have no idea
Jesus fucking Christ, that's awesome
It looks like the thing they put in electronics that they say do not eat
Yeah, the silica packets
Holy fucking bananas
That's a great meme, speaking of like not being able to like detach from the memes
Like the, oh god, oh god
That's rough
I took way too big of a little taste
Oh my god
I, I'm not gonna try whatever, they're like sniffing some shit
It's, I'm like
Smelling salts
They're, they smell, it's just ammonia
I'm gonna make some, this is zen brand
Is it zen?
Brought to you by Tucker Carlson
You crack when you sniff it and you're gumming
Okay, what are you, what are you doing for Valentine's Day?
So we had a lovely sushi lunch
We took our baby giana
And we got sushi for lunch
And then we went to a new brew pub down by us in Tribeca
And it was lovely
Wait, you already sell, you did it all last night today
We have three kids
You're like, we're ahead of time
We did it last month
Yeah, exactly
On a Tuesday
Yeah, exactly
Just to get ahead of it all
No, no, no, we knew, we knew this was probably like the easiest like line of sight to have some like us time
But it was still with the like three week old baby just passed out in the stroller
Me, you don't own it though
Yeah, we had some good sushi
When you get to a third kid, it's like, you know, in the first one, you know, you want to keep them at home for like three months
You don't want to get any germs around them
You want to be really careful
But by the time you get your third kid, it's like, oh, well, if they're not bleeding, it's fine
Yeah, pretty much
This one already got like, you know, a trip to the hospital
Everything's fine
Everything's fine, but yeah, we were trying to aim for no germs, no viruses
We fucked up
It's okay though
Just rub some dirt on it, kid
No, it was fine
As soon as she got a little bit of talent, all everything was okay
But we already did, we already did our Valentine's Day
We got to like, look, we get up early
It's grind culture over in the Pacquiao household
Fuck, all right
Yeah, up at 5am
I'm impressed because you're ahead of time
And jerk over here doesn't even know what fucking day of the week it is
We have each other out
But I do have a question for the men here
I guess everyone else that's on the show
Do you think Valentine's Day is a Hallmark holiday?
And do you actually low-key hate it?
Or are you cool with it?
What is a Hallmark holiday?
Mother's Day
What does that mean?
It's like big corporations just throwing down a holiday in your throat
So you'll just buy stuff
And you think it's actually real stupid
I think if you live in America, every holiday is a Hallmark holiday
But this one actually has real historical significance, right?
There is a Saint Valentine
Hundreds of years
And there was really like a Saint Valentine
And there was like, they started doing chocolates in England in the 1800s
So, you know, it's not like it's a brand new holiday
He's not even reading the Wikipedia page
He just knows the facts
Well, there's also a massacre that took place on Valentine's Day
In Chicago
In Chicago
It always happens there
Was it Chicago?
It's like historically, like, you know, ancient Europe
Was it like a British...
Oh no, wait, wait before that
No, no, no
I would have thought it was like an Irish-British thing
Well, there might have been one of those too, but...
I think this goes back back
This is like a long time ago
You have to actually have maybe a degree in history
God damn, ask Putin
Putin knows
Putin would know
I know that, like, Whacking Day in The Simpsons is supposed to be for St. Patrick's Day
But I, for whatever reason, I associate it with Valentine's Day
Do you know that episode of The Simpsons
Where they have to, like, beat the snakes out of Springfield?
Yeah, and it's Whacking Day
And there's like, there's a romantic tie-in to that
Well, because there's no snakes in Ireland
They said St. Patrick drove out all the snakes of Ireland
Yeah, but for whatever reason I associate it with Valentine's Day
Kind of like in Korea where Christmas is Valentine's Day
It's like sexy Christmas time
So, jerk was right, there was a massacre on Valentine's Day in Chicago in 1929
Wait a second
If you Google, if you Google any holiday massacre in Chicago
There's a massacre every day in Chicago
That's the South Side
Every day
Unfortunately, cover evil
I would say the Catholics kind of run holidays, though
I mean, low-key
No, the Jews
Dude, Kripmik
Chinese New Year
St. Patrick
Chinese New Year
Very Catholic
It's year of the dragon
Didn't that just happen?
Oh, it's today
God damn, yeah
I think it's today
There's so much happening today
Are we the wood dragon?
No, it's not today
It happened Sunday
What is it?
How do you say it?
You know how to say it
Say the thing
Goin' hey fuck choi
Why do you know that?
I'm in on the culture
I mean, Wohop
I love Wohop
This is New York
This is New York
This kid's a niece
She is, yeah
And so once you're married
You have to start giving out these little red envelopes
They have five, ten, twenty dollars
Depending on how much you like the person
How close they are to the family
So go ahead and have that choi
I get like a stack of them every year
Because we're not married
But we've been together for like twelve years
So I'm getting a little like
I'm getting some looks now
They're like
You guys are the only people getting them
And all the kids
It's like
It's time to get married
I like that
I'm like no, we're engaged
I don't know
I'm like hey
I feel like you're like a stack
So go ahead and have a choi
I don't give
Until you marry then you give
And you start giving
Are you on the WeChat?
That's a real good strategy
The WeChat?
The WeChat
You know, the red envelopes on WeChat
No, you don't know about that?
It's like
He's gonna lose his mind if he has to download another like messenger app
Well this is like the official, you know
All these big corners are like get telegram
Get signal
I think you need an invite
I have a Chinese company that like a factory
Like a lady who works at a factory
She's like anything you want
They call MeChat
I can make anything
You want me to make a person?
I make it
I make a child for you
So Gong Hai factory
Literally translates to I hope you get rich
That's and that's basically like Happy New Year
They nailed that one
That's great
I love that direct translation
I hope you get rich
I hope you get rich
I hope you get so much more rich than these motherfuckers
Yeah I love you too
I hope you get rich
I love you too
I hope you get rich
They nailed it
And then like as soon as they separate it's like man I hope he doesn't get rich
I hope I get rich
Well it's a lot nicer than have fun seeing porn
We're all gonna make it is just the same thing
Dude this fucking chemical bullshit is all over my mic and my lips
And I just can't stop smelling it
I can't stop smelling it
It's awful
Guys I'm a little tipsy off like half again is right now
I don't know why
You should crack one of these things
It's we're early
We're early
So there's no prohibition on drinking on Ash Wednesday
Uh they're just supposed to fast
And to my credit I've only had half a croissant
So I think I'm doing it well
That's close enough
Yeah for sure
Yeah I think I'm on track
Um Guinness always hits me
It's so is
What's the alcohol content in it?
It's quite low actually
I think it's under 5
Wow this is so embarrassing
This makes it low
But I mean it could be something else
It could be like psychosomatic or something like that
But like the alcohol content is is under 5 I think
That's why you're supposed to have it for lunch
Or breakfast
Or maybe the only thing you have
Over the course of awful days
This is what's going to get me through the rest of my fast for today
What did you give up?
It was that well I haven't started it yet
But it's like at night I have to put my phone away
Oh this is the thing
Which also is just a way for people not to contact me
And be like I had to put my phone up
That's nice
And I'm like sorry I didn't get back to you
My cell phone
Yeah because God wants me to be a better person
So you can blame him
They couldn't get in touch with you anyways
Are you guys going to join me in a 40 day you know challenge?
40 day challenge?
Is this what the Wahlberg thing was today?
Well it's Lent
Lent last 40 days
No but what did Wahlberg do this morning?
First of all there was a lot of God ads in the Super Bowl
He had an ad for a halo
Yeah the feet washing of the feet
Even the Church of Scientology was in there
Every year they do a couple ads
Every year
Was it funny?
It's just like great stock imagery
Unbelievable stock imagery
It's trying to be like a cognitive emotional
Getting images of troll footage
But it was funny because it was like
I saw a great meme that was like
Christians join us
You know Scientology join us
And it was like Jews leave us alone
Leave us alone
No because there was an ad obviously
Because of a lot of the hate going on right now
So it was a very interesting meme
Jesus Christ
That's what
That was the Super Bowl
And then there was a nice little dash of China
And the CCP putting out like five Teemu ads
I don't even know how to say that properly
Thanks Teemu
It's Teemu
It's Teemu
I hope you get rich
If you keep shopping Teemu
It's funny so yeah
My girlfriend's father
I go to his house
And I see that he's been shopping at Teemu
Because everything is like
Does he help you too?
Little samurai swords
Can someone explain Teemu to me?
It's a cheaper
More bullshit
But it's not Alibaba
I don't know
It's a good way to light your house on fire
It's garbage
You're gonna get like an iPhone charger
Or something like that
And it will like light up the entire apartment
Why are we taking this money in our Super Bowl
Why are we taking
Why are there L-Fars everywhere?
L-Fars aren't the most illegal thing on the planet
There's one right there
What they did to Jewel
They're fucking all over
They're surrounding us
Someone had to go down
Jewel went down
But like Jewel
Jewel at least was
Made in America
Had like quality controls
Now it's just like
DMT vape pens
Bring them in
It's not working with kids
It's like losing their minds in high school
Like hitting a DMT vape pen
DMT's not supposed to be that ubiquitous or available
It should be a journey
You should have to go see a shaman in the jungle
We had the silk rope for that at one point
Use for Bitcoin
It's just like
Can I have a DMT vape pen
It's like
Do you want strawberry banana?
Doesn't make any sense
That's Teemo
Yeah, that's Teemo
There's nothing better than just ripping vape
I mean it's the greatest like luxury
A man can do
And then you just
When you're not doing it
And you see like a 40 year old dude
Hitting a banana pancake
And you're like
You fucking idiot
Let me go up for a comment on this
Because he had a really good post a while ago
About like a 40 year old banker
Just hitting like a strawberry banana
Like Elf Bar
That's probably where I got
Outside of Goldman Sachs or something
I probably just stole that bit from him
It like absolutely is spot on
That's me
He's talking about me
Are you there sweetheart?
No, that's it
That's the tweet
That's the tweet
Why are you as a 40 year old man
Sucking on a baby blue elf bar
But I'm happy for you, Jer
I'm sure you tore it up in the hookah bars
Back in the day
So it's just a little hookah bar to go
I did dude
Oh my god
I love a hookah
I think we all did, Loki
Jer, are you going to be able to join us for tomorrow?
We have a big day tomorrow here at Pubkey
What's happening?
Can you come up, Drew?
I'd be up
Sell me this pen
Sell me this pen, yes
This is Shark Tank
It's just me giving you guys my best ideas
And you guys all dunking on them
I mean I don't actually know what tomorrow is
Thomas knows
Thomas, why don't you give us the pitch
Why don't you sell us this pen?
Drew, you're so unreliable
So there's a vent at Pubkey
The Thursday Bitcoin programming is
the Human Rights Foundation and Pubkey series
on FreedomTech
We're going to be going into
the CBDC tracker
which was co-developed by the Cato Institute
and the Human Rights Foundation
That's the main event
Before the main event
we are going to be unveiling as Pubkey
This has nothing to do with the Human Rights Foundation
But as Pubkey we are going to be unveiling
a new Bitcoin artifact
that sparks pure joy
and TJ Miller
from Yogi Bear 3D
and Silicon Valley
and a couple of other films
is going to be helping us actually unveil
this truly amazing artifact
That's all we can really say
What time should I show up for this?
6pm sharp
6pm sharp
Is it free? Are there tickets?
It's free
Free to the public
Free open to the public
We're going to be overwhelmed
So the article is going to hit tomorrow morning
We have an exclusive of Bitcoin Magazine
to help us
Because we don't know what we're doing
We're kind of idiots
So we had to pull in
Wait, are you kidding me?
Let me help on the PR side
I invited you to do the spaces
with TJ Miller tomorrow
If you want to join us
On the PR side
We don't know what we're doing Aubrey
And you're just jet-setting
God dammit
You don't text your messages
You're like, it's Lent
You think you're a lady tonight?
It's Lent
I'm not reading text messages
It's Lent
Started today
Put me in coach
God dammit
We do need
We don't know
I'm the head of PR
Officially I hired myself
At Pubkey
They needed the role
They didn't know they needed the role
It's a community effort
No, tomorrow is actually going to be fucking phenomenal though
I think this is going to be national news
We're very, very excited about it
So for anybody listening
You know, stop by
Get here at like 5.30
Because we're going to start the festivities at 6
And then we'll take a brief intermission
And we'll have the Human Rights Foundation
But we're getting a little bit far afield
This is not a Pubkey thing
Hit send is mostly about shit talking
What about the after party?
We're getting too noble
We're getting too noble
What about the after party?
After party is K-Town
That's right
That's right buddy boy
That's K-Town
That's right
We're going to hit some golf balls on the 8th floor
The salts will be there
The 8th floor on 13th Street
Bring your number two pencils
Oh my god
Bring your pencils
What are you talking about with this shit?
Did your mother
Never hit your little penis
What are you talking about?
Why were you hitting it?
How old were you when you were getting these erections?
Does it happen?
Does it happen?
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
You've never seen a baby?
Look, look
Can we please move on?
I was actually driving to college
And I was in the car with Mother
And that was the first time in a half hour
It's getting like very Freudian
It's getting Freudian in this weird way
You put that on my head
You could not
You could not water board that piece of information out of me
I'm an open book
I'm an open book
And jerk volunteers
They caught a jerk
What was like that?
The nanny
Anyway, let's do the price of Bitcoin
The price of Bitcoin
The price of Bitcoin to the mother god
We're moving
We're going up
On like a semi-regular cadence here
It's like before market hours
There's just a fucking buy order
And we have these like step
I hope it dips so hard
We've had a 12K month
There's no such thing as a dip
It's a 12K
Yeah, it's crazy
We've had a 12K month
And it's like no one has texted me
Like I'm not getting any calls
Be thankful
Some people are talking about it
Well, Panda's back
Fred Krueger's talking about it
Fred Krueger
Who's that?
Peter Schiff
Who's Fred Krueger?
When do we get Peter in here?
Peter Schiff?
He's here every Tuesday
No, there's a little massage parlor
Fucking with me?
He's at the massage parlor right there
Right around the corner
Yeah, yeah, yeah
You guys' spot
Mr. Peter
He gets a pedicure and then he pops in
So how are you feeling now?
They call him Harry Toes
No, he gets the Robert Kraft
He gets the Robert
Harry Toes
What's the sentiment?
Like on a smile scale?
You know, when they're like
How's your day, you know, one to ten?
That's the pain chart
Where are you?
The what?
When you're in the hospital
It's like how bad is it?
Is that a smile chart?
Nobody asks how good you are
based on an emoji
It's how bad are you?
It's the pain chart
You're right
It's super bad
Sorry I'm an optimist
Sorry I'm an optimist
How bad was your bathroom experience today
at the airport?
You're thinking of like the checkout screen
at like the coffee shop
I'm just thinking
Is it an 18% tip?
Is it 20%?
I went straight to the hospital
I'm gonna be so honest
I was thinking about the pain chart
You were thinking of the hospital a lot
I was thinking about the pain chart
Yeah, yeah
What is Bitcoin without pain Aubrey?
I don't know
It doesn't really care
I will say this one thing
When I was in third grade
I moved to a new school
I didn't have any friends
The counselor was like
Hey if you're new
You can join the friendship club
And you can come in
And like whatever
And so I go into the class
And it is a class
Of five other students
Special needs
Very, yes
They would put up the pain chart
Every time
And I would have to like
I was like wait
I thought this was like a networking thing
In third grade
Like I didn't know
And so then
And so like
So I didn't really pan out
But I still see that pain chart
In my mind
Very clearly
I did end up making friends
They would call me out of class
To go to that friendship club
Special music
It was a special
I was like oh
She's offering help
I need to make new friends
I'll join the
Like just little third gradeobs
Just thinking that
It was the right move
To go into
To network
Just networking
Trying to like
You know close deals
Shake hands
That kind of thing
So anyway
So how are we feeling
Price wise
I would love to have this thing ripped back down to like 13
That's not gonna happen
This is totally not gonna happen
I think the ETFs are a scam
Oh my god
I think the ETFs are a scam
And that's not gonna happen
The ETFs are just like a pure buy wall scam
Yeah but that's what I want
The ETFs are for chumps
It's probably not gonna happen but I'd like to see it happen
And for the illiterate
It's unlikely to play out
Well it's also for my dad
Right cause he's not gonna like open a Coinbase account
Anyone who likes to pay a lot of fees
Paying the fees
But also like
I mean if you're dealing with millions of dollars
And you don't wanna have it on a fucking USB thing
In your like
Junk drawer
It's so hardcore
In your house
Then like
That could be a good solution
That makes me feel a lot
So reckless
It's insane
It's like a motorcycle without a helmet
I've got it on a hardware wall
It's like that's fucking cool
How about my ledger password is 12345678
Ledger already told everybody that's your password
They told everybody on the mailing list
That's what Ledger does
Yeah so you never really feel 100% safe
So it's like
When have you ever felt 100% safe though?
That's true
Well I'm living with the apple
Would they
Would the
I feel safe in K-town
K-town does feel safe
I agree with that
One buck north not too safe
Alright let's get like
Are we gonna continue up the way we did back in 21
I remember I like woke up every day in 2021
And it was like up by a thousand every day
Like we're getting speedy right now
I think we
We haven't seen a God candle yet
I know we haven't seen a God candle
Do you think
Where do you think we'll see that God candle?
What do you think?
Probably before the having
We're already kind of ahead of schedule
It's getting pretty frothy
What's a God candle the other way
A 10k month is not the same as a 10k day
Still a God candle?
That's a dildo
Red dildo
Red dildo
I mean for the number two
I mean for the number two
I think so
A God candle
There's a bunch of different definitions
But it's like 20% in an hour
Or something like that
Or four hours
What a beauty, Mike
And that's why I can't have my phone away
I shower with my phone
I do too sometimes
Dude I watch Kitchen Nightmares
I watch Far Rescue
Everyday, three episodes
Far Rescue
In the shower
John Taffer
As hot as possible
If I just have the desktop version up of Twitter
Then does that count?
That's how far away you are from your computer
Because it's streaming
TweetDeck is moving too fast
You gotta use the woefully inefficient x.com
In the browser
So do you tweet every day?
Is that like a thing that you do?
You could say it
You could say that I think
Like on average
I think I've ripped like seven tweets today
Oh my God
Do you feel good about all of them?
Seven tweets
Any bangers?
My last banger was actually like a serious one
I hate when like a serious one goes like kind of viral
It was just like how people don't ask
I said the biggest ick from any human
Is when you're in a conversation
And realize they haven't asked one question the entire time
It's like 1.6k but like
I actually like that
I totally agree with that
It's like so icky
I was in a conversation I was like
Am I interviewing you?
Like what's going on?
It's very ballsy to just be active on Twitter
Because I'm like
Yeah, when I wake up the next day and like all the conversations that I had last night
Go through my head I'm like
What the fuck did I say all that shit?
That's Twitter
That's Twitter
Yeah, it goes away
I don't know
I used to actually last bull market
Like I started a company
Like I don't tweet all the time
That's bad
Hopefully that doesn't go
Does it still go?
Oh, it still goes
Can I just?
It's done now
But you'll get like a little
You gotta just crank a little bit
Very popular on podcasts
Is this ammonia?
One time in high school
Chemistry class
The teacher
He was like
Alright guys we're gonna mix these two solutions
Whatever you do
Do not smell it
As soon as we mix it
The first thing I did was take a huge whiff
Of course you did
He was like
You need to go to the nurse
Okay, you need to go to hospital now
You're fucking done
You're done
Alright, what's next?
Did we see
Did we talk about the lift situation?
Did you see it?
Alright, so they accidentally
tacked a zero
into their earnings report
Who's this?
Their lift
They added a fucking zero
This is attention to detail that just is insane to me
Are you kidding me?
How many people saw that before it went out?
How many eyeballs?
And no one was like
I mean supposedly
Like there should
There should have been audit
Like we can bring Drew up here
Again he keeps getting disconnected
A guy like me
As somebody that runs a public company
Drew, how many people were supposed to
Check this
It's public filing
I can't believe it was real news actually
By a factor of 10
Like they fucked up by a factor of 10
It's insane actually
A favorite meme
Drew go ahead
Tell us what happened here
How many people had to sign off on that fucking thing?
At least five
I don't think the auditor signed off on the press release
Some former investment banker is getting fired as we speak
It was last night
Things have happened to the world
That might be karmic justice
A guy like me made that mistake
Is this going to be like a new nightmare for you?
Uh no it's not
Although yeah
One of the two
Who type all of our press releases
Uh yes it's very fun
Although I mean it's kind of
It is comical
Yeah I think it is mostly comical
I would love to know who
I care more about who lost like
Millions of dollars on this
Than whichever investment banker gets fired for it
Well it's back up today
I mean it still went up
It's not like
It went up by
They're back to the same values of
It's up like 13%
I don't know I haven't checked in the past hour
But it was up quite a bit
Well because they were being honest about the situation
Like what is this?
Like brownie points?
Or is the valuation of the company
Back up to like
At a zero
I mean it's probably at a zero
Jesus Christ
That's bad
It's just like
You pay attention to detail
People just don't give a shit
Like I can't believe you
Yeah I want to
I want an audit
And I want to know who was wrong
If it was the comms person
Really bad
But it's worse if it's the legal person
You want to be audited?
Well I want an investigation
I want to know what happened
Oh for them
I just want to know who's fuck up it was
You remember when Tom Green released the phone number of Glenn
One digit at a time
In Times Square
We should do that with a seed phrase
And put some money
You know just like
Make the address public
People can donate to it
And then we should reveal one word at a time
Or one letter at a time
Well if you make it public
And people are donating to it
It's going to get swept at some point
What do you mean?
Pretty quickly
Well as you get to
Let's say it's like a twelve word
If you get to ten words
You'll probably get swept pretty quickly
Well you still need the checks on word
Still need the checks on this
Okay but you could put them on the window here
No it should be in the bathroom
It should be in the bathroom
Or is it on the bulletin board?
Oh you're making people come in
It'll be a seed phrase
Or we just hide it around the floor
A seed phrase every Friday
At some point
There's going to be like five bucks in Bitcoin
In the bathroom
No no no there's
Can I use your bathroom please?
There's tons of prizes
Are you a customer?
No you can't use the bathroom
Get out of here
It's by a shot in a beer
To go use the bathroom
I do that all the time dude
I'm not above five beers
You like the hotel?
I do like the hotel
You're a big hotel right?
I can't do a number two
I don't like to do it outside my house
It's such a guy thing
I have a bidet though
I like to you know
I like to keep it clean
I like to keep it clean
Just a little pat track
You're talking a little about your genitals today
I also get
It's hard to hold
It's kind of
I'm sorry I'm still drunk from last night
Why were you so drunk last night though?
Oh my god cards
I was working
Are you allowed to
Are you allowed to
Docs the events that you were working?
I was working in the Michael Kors runway show
I do every season
Oh yeah I forgot you guys do that
No invites ever but okay
They won't come
Yeah that is true
They'd be like what?
Who the fuck are you?
I've been doing this for ten years man
Yeah so we like to have a couple after
But I have no like off switch
If I start drinking like
It goes until the bar is like
Time to leave
Thanks so much
There's a word for that
I have no shame here
No shame at all
Yeah I mean
I'm functioning
It's a problem
As long as wrong
The gambling
The drinking
The gambling
The tobacco use
The whiskey
The cigars
The smelling salts
At least it's not the women
At least you're like a
Hopefully faithful
He's such a bad
Like I'm such an awful single person
I wouldn't know what the fuck to do
We gotta go to the next one here
Super Bowl ads
Taylor Swift
That's what you wrote
I wrote this
I'm the person that puts the notes together
I just said
I just have a thought of like
It's getting
It's getting a lot
The whole
And maybe people don't even want to hear about it
But are we just fatigued on the whole
Taylor Swift like Travis Kelsey thing
Like I'm a fan
I've seen too much
She's terrible
Are we tapped?
She's terrible
It's awful
She's great
She's great
The whole thing
The whole package
I'm tired of Jason
Are we tired of Se ?
I'm tired of Jason
I'm tired of that like
Wall race
Of a coach
The mustaches
Daddy Reed
Give me a break
Andy Reed is a saint
Andy, yes
He has the wall race from the
Alice in Wonderland
He looks like that
He's a bitch for yelling at him like that
of each other. I'm tired of all. Yeah, they do. They do. Kermit the Frog. I like his wife.
Brittany is going to be in the swimsuit model. It's just or the swimsuit magazine. It's terrible.
Does that just mean we have nothing else as a society to focus on because we're just so
focused on that. We love the distraction. Always have like the distraction. What about
Sydney? Madam web. One of the worst movies ever made. Have you seen this? No. Yeah. Sydney
Sweeney's new movie is like one of the worst movies ever made. Oh really? I haven't seen
it. We need to move on to that. It's going to be horrible. Is it in the theaters? Like an old
fashion? I think it just got released. Straight to DVD. That could have done more movies than
anything else. If she didn't have those tits, no. Sydney? Yeah. Okay. She didn't have those tits,
I swear. Now look who's talking about genitals. No. Are tits genitals? I don't think so.
I think she's wonderful. I'm sure she's great. That shirt off and show me your genitals.
Sydney, send me a pic of your genitals. Someone pray for me. Pray for me men, people out there.
Jesus. All right. I'm tired. I'm tired of Kelsey. I'm tired of the Kelsey family. I'm tired of the
mom too. Uh, wow. The mom, the mom, Donna, Donna, Donna. She's, she's out. It's just enough. Yeah.
Let them hit the wide receiver. 123.4 million views on the super bowl. That was more than the moon
landing. Yeah. Would you believe in the moon landing? I'm not saying I do or not. I'm just
saying that you don't know. I do. You do. Well, I do. I could go either way on it. It was Kubrick.
Yeah. 123.4 million people tuned in. We can't, we can't gather that many Tucker. Tucker. We can't
gather people. We can't even get us together in a room. Just think about those numbers. Yeah.
Yeah. That's not that surprising. What? How many Tucker? 123.4 million. How many American are there?
320. 300. So what the fuck? 200, 200 million New Yorkers? 300 and something million. 300. Is that
with or without illegals? Oh, we're not talking about buses that have come up from Hawaii.
Yes or no. Have you seen the, I'm tired of Taylor. I think Roosevelt Avenue stuff. Roosevelt Hotel.
Roosevelt Avenue in Queens. No. It's like a open market. It's on the Twitter's. So open market,
brothel, like red light district. Whoa. A lot of a legal and it just got like a rated it and shit.
And I just signed up for Twitter and someone has jerk milk and I followed him and I'm like,
yo dude, I'm like, come on. What's up, dude? You don't follow anybody. I've been using this name
for five years, son. Longer than that. I've been kicked off eBay because of time.
Milk jerk milk has. Yeah. That's my name. I got to get it from this kid. Anyways. Yeah.
Roosevelt to have. Shit's going down there. We should check it out, Thomas. No, please.
No. Is it like an investigative? Oh, there's dumplings. Get Sydney Sweeney over here showing
me her dumplings. No, I meant like soup dumplings. Oh, absolutely, dude. Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. No,
no, it's not. It's not a flushing. It's not. It's on the other side of city field. I had
no concept of how Queens works. Yeah. Well, they're sitting for most of Brooklyn to be
on their city field. There's pitch and putt and then there's nothing. There's Delta. You've
got this like an intersection where you've got 31st Road, 31st Avenue, 31st Street, 31st
Lane. They all come together at one point. What do they call it? I don't know. 31st.
Who came up with the grid in Queens? Like it makes no sense. So it seems like it should be
like a four corners, like sort of site. It's like every road has the same name in this
neighborhood. And no matter where you go, you're on the same block. We really complicate things,
you know, here in New York, tried to make it easy. Like numbers, it gets weird. Yeah. They
tried to make it a great system. Yeah. They love red tape here. It is what it is. I grew up in
Arizona easements and everything. Well, yeah, Arizona is all just on a grid. It's total grid
and it's just everything's a square mile, square mile, square mile. God damn square mile. No
culture, nothing. Just a wasteland of just no culture in Arizona. It's cowboy culture in some
areas. Like, you know, there's open carry. What is the third one? How often does drew fat? I didn't
write that. I didn't write that. I did not write that. What is a fat? Why do they call it fat?
Who is that? I think that's the sound it makes.
I'm not here to defend himself. I don't know why Aubrey wants to posit that question, but
I did not. I know I'm running late. You can't do that. Your lovely wife chimed in. It's 330 million.
300 million residents of this country that we know of. Since which sense?
Does she have an answer to the Drew question? How do we really know how many people are in this
country? Can she like sign you coming to Roosevelt Avenue and just checking it out?
She allowed that. No, I think that's horribly depressing to me. Totally. To be totally honest,
I think it's awful that this is just that people are trying to make a living. Huh?
That people are trying to make a living. Well, I don't think that anybody aspires
and then get like the wave of only fence. I'm going to tap out of this conversation.
I'm going to tap. I'm going to tap out of this. That's not what this show does.
The show dials in. I mean, yeah, you know, there's probably a lot of issues there, but
probably a fair amount of desperation therein. And it's not a good situation that is just like,
you know, open and ubiquitous and getting cracked down on. They created a fucking disaster.
You know, Mayor Adams and the rest of, you know, the city and pretty much every borough
has invited this absolute catastrophe. It would be nice if there was a path to
hire some of these people. Yeah. Like, why is that nothing? Yeah. What are they doing?
They just walk around all day. Yeah. As as New Yorkers, do you what do you feel like your
quality of life under Mayor Adams or the past like few years have been better or worse? I can
speak to it on the on the rat index. Yeah, because I believe the rats have gone up substantially
since the rats are. Yeah, I think so. Oh, yeah, absolutely. No, there's rats everywhere. There
are rats everywhere. I you think it's going up. Oh, it's. Yeah, you know, because I sent you that
picture of my my car. Yeah. My wife had COVID through three days left the car on the street
and I came back and there was there was rat shit in the engine like all caked over the top of the
engine under it. There was like little bits of nuts. And yeah, I mean, if you have a car in the
city, it's it's a house three days and the car was was a rat party. Yeah. So I've never seen that
before. No, it's not like that level. Do I actually heard the other day that there's like rat
families in the city and there's like different sort of tribes. Like there's a bigger rat up in
like the Upper East and they're like they actually have their own sort of there's like they're
genetically different than matriarchal to Harlem rats are different than the Lower East Side rats.
It's like gangs. Yeah, they're all gangs, but they they don't travel outside their neighborhoods
because they smell with each other and survive and survive. This is amazing. So like the next
story is just pounding the the the West Village rats like he's like throw he goes over there to
check to see if he hears anything. He's just like, we're going to put another bomb down there.
He just drops it every like two weeks. He's just like, I can't stand it.
Which rat neighborhood, which breed do you think is the strongest? Oh, oh,
definitely the Bronx rats. Well, what you don't know in pub key, we actually have like a Michael
Vick style rat situation going on. So if anyone wants to bet any ponies tomorrow, just send some
cash my way and throw us the farthest. Should we have rat fighting competitions here?
Yeah. There's room up here to do so. Do they fight? Do you think? But where do you think
would be the strongest rats like Harlem, Brooklyn, Brooklyn are like they've got Brooklyn's got it
easy. I think they're all artists over there. Yeah. Good Williamsburg rats. I'm going to say
it's probably the if we have to talk about Brooklyn, it's going to be the ones near Coney
Island. Right. It's going to be the right. The Russian. Which one's getting pumped by
town rats because there's so much food going on those sidewalks. Have you seen the video?
Have you seen the dude like trying to break the block of meat that's frozen on the sidewalk
and just like on Mott Street? Oh, my God. Are you guys on Twitter? He's just out there. It's
like noon and he just slamming like a piece of meat on the ground, on the sidewalk, on the street
that like six a.m. Kind of break it apart. Clearly we have different feeds.
And then this guy's following him or filming him and he's like, yo, like, are you going to serve
that? I lived in Hong Kong for a year. The stuff that they do with food in Hong Kong is shocking.
Who's they? The people that live in Hong Kong. I'm saying the Chinese people in Hong Kong. Yeah.
Like, I mean, there is there. There are completely different standards. Look,
and you look jerking the face while you say it. And to be honest, I only got sick three times,
violently ill three times. And then my body was just like, that's how we do it.
That's how we do it here. The oil that they use a little while. But I think that's sick as fuck.
And as you're walking through a farmer's market or like, you know, a meat market in Hong Kong,
it's just like this is why I'm I had like kind of bad five days, guys. Like that was awful.
And that's how we got cool books. It was like it was different.
Yeah. What about the sewage oil?
Just like the dead fish in the bucket. It's just like I can't have that tilapia.
You can touch anything, too. You can just touch anything.
Yeah. That's how you know if it's good or not. Hold on. Chota mate.
What now? And you can touch anything. Yeah. When you go to a seafood market in Chinatown,
you can absolutely just pick it up, like jiggle it, like hit it like a melon against your ear.
A lot of that, like it's it's you got to be such like a confident
shopper in the U.S. to do that. I do see that at grocery stores, like people like touching
things that I would never touch, you know, like then I get or like at the farmer's market,
tasting something, you know, like, oh, she was just stole, tasting a little blueberry.
Like, yeah, that's like a 50 year old Midwestern white woman just having a grape.
Yes. She's like, mm hmm. That's correct. I will buy that.
Those are the cotton candy grapes. Those are delicious.
Like lady, what are you doing? The same the same type of lady that sends the wine back.
I don't like that. That's me only knowing that full body enough for me.
And let's just send that back. We're going to try something a little lighter.
Oh, all right. Well, I guess that concludes the whole how often does Drew have.
If I just do we want to guess, you know, he does.
I think he's like a soul bra. That's what I'm saying.
He's like a wellness guy. Like, yeah, he'll like wellness guy.
He could be like, dude, I don't fap. I challenged you to give it up for 40 days.
He's not even on. He's not even on it.
I put my money on him having this like hard line like I have in 30.
Yeah, exactly. He brings his own lunch to a puppy. Yeah.
He's like, that's so endearing. He's so goddamn cute.
He's got like some lentils. Yeah. He's like, dude,
I just don't feel very good when I eat a puppy food. So I made my own food.
Yeah. But then he'll haul off and have like a triple smash.
Have we gone to the cheeseburger or the grilled cheese tomato soup combo on the menu yet?
We don't have the tomato soup, but we have a grilled cheese.
I know, but we're, we're talking about that.
We did. It's okay.
We do need the grill. Yeah. And those patties, the patties come in.
What's your favorite break them right outside on the sidewalk,
you know, into a bunch of different pieces.
They do come frozen into an entire brick. Yeah. You got to break them.
You got to break them on the sidewalk every morning.
We should do like this. Did you see what went back to Sydney?
Sweeney. Remember when she did like the
mean that went crazy with the chicken or whatever they do the hot ones,
the hot ones. Yeah.
You Puck, you should do its own with something and just bring people in here.
That would be, I mean, CK on Twitter spaces, drink a pleb, a dolphin and a,
yeah, he's the orange pill trifecta and that was very impressive.
You know, three very boozy plus the cocktails and a bottle of the half bottle of move.
You know, oh my gosh, that's so that's a good pot.
It's like, that's such a, you just get peep. That's, that's what it is.
But that was over the course of like an hour and a half too.
And he was bombed. Yeah. And he had to go straight to dinner.
I'm sorry, I'm going to dinner. I'm out of here.
What's your favorite bar food that we don't currently have on the menu of Pocky?
You guys have nachos. We do.
We're going to take them off though. Okay.
Not a lot of people order them.
Yeah. I don't love our nachos. We got to recalibrate the nachos.
I don't think we need nachos, dude.
Good nachos are good, but ours are like sloppy nachos.
You got to make it different than the other people's nachos just to bring.
I know a lot of nachos fans out there. Okay.
I'd like to see a steak on the menu. Just a little strip.
Oh, of course. It's a fucking Bitcoin bar. What are we doing?
Like a prego, prego denial. Okay. That's a prego.
I did try, um, when I was out in Hawaii recently, I tried at that Maui venison.
They just shoot deer out there. You know, it's the ad they do on Huberman labs.
They're like, it's an invasive species.
It is. Yeah.
It's swaying from, uh,
What do they fly them on a plane?
Uh, let's take it back to Pangea and, uh, how the earth separated ships.
Have you ever seen Moana?
I have seen Moana. I only see kids movies now.
It's like the pig. It's like the pig and the chicken in Moana.
Yeah. What's the chicken's name?
I don't remember.
Not retaining anything in Moana. Anyway, I tried, I tried the venison.
That meat, that good meat looks purplish, reddish, reddish purple.
That's how you know, you got that good, good compared to like what you get.
There's also, there's, there's parasites in them.
Rogan's like terrified now because he was eating a lot of like elk and venison,
but the vast majority, some obscene number, like over 80% in America
has this like really awful insidious like brain worm.
In the meat that doesn't really cook off.
Did see that.
Brain worm?
Yeah. Like venison's pretty fucked up.
You have to, you have to like be careful with venison like strip.
Yeah. No, I have a friend who used to go hunting upstate and he's like,
you have to cook it really.
You can't eat it.
No fucking way.
It has, it has to be like obliterated into the sun.
So like raw venison actually can.
They didn't cook it.
They didn't cook it that much.
You got rabies now.
You got rabies now.
Do I got, do I get the brain?
That's the number one sign of rabies.
You get afraid of water.
How can you be getting away with this?
Hooverman's an idiot.
He's talking about alcohol being bad.
He's talking about like zinn's bad for you.
Ammonia salts.
He's telling everybody eat like poisonous venison with brain worms and shit in it.
He doesn't know what he's talking about.
Is he a doctor?
I don't think so.
See, that's the problem.
He's a professor.
Did you read the story about the guy who was attacked by a warthog?
It was kind of a crazy story, but he had...
Did he make it?
Just barely, but it's a wild story.
So he had raised the warthog from a tiny little baby and treated it as a pet,
but he lived on a farm.
And this warthog, which was his best friend, one day decided to try to kill him.
And warthogs are...
They have these really sharp tusks.
Like they can just tear you apart.
And yeah, he barely made it out alive.
This kid was like in his 20s and he got his neck cut, his legs cut,
his hands cut trying to wrestle this warthog.
What wild animal...
I wouldn't let a warthog take me down.
No, he didn't.
Like what wild animal do you think he could beat in a fight?
Like kangaroo.
I run away from fights.
Run, run.
No, no, no.
If you have to, if you're like in it and you have to,
like I think cats and bears probably the worst.
No, the real question is which one can you have run?
I think like a koala, like you cannot take on a dog.
What if you just like press in its eyes?
Yeah, that's that is the move.
But you really got to rip its ears or something like that.
You put it in a choke hold until it falls asleep.
No, seriously, if I'm getting attacked by a dog, what do I do?
I feel like this could happen.
You look at the owner and you go, excuse me.
Can you put a leash on this thing?
You know, you let you have to do with a warthog.
I don't know where even to like pull or like poke.
You run, huh?
You run, but they're fast.
They're probably faster than I can.
You ride that.
You ride that.
Yeah, just start singing the Kuna Batata.
Yeah, have you ever been attacked by an animal?
Have you ever been attacked by?
I used to get chased by a German shepherd when I was little.
Like a big one.
They had a maladjusted like gold, like not gold and a German shepherd.
You just see the dog, you're like, fuck.
It was terrible.
The thing that they hated me.
I was just on a bicycle.
I never fucked with that dog once.
And then they were like, there was a blonde kid that fucked with this dog when he was a little puppy.
And forever, if I was on the bicycle and the dog saw me, I had to like get the fuck out.
I had to like zoom where this dog is going to get you on the bike and never got me.
I got the fuck out of there.
Like this was like this was like, you know, but they didn't.
They never got you.
They never actually never got me.
Don't we get you?
No, but I had an umbrella.
So I would just like stab at it.
And eventually I got away.
Yeah, you got to poke at it.
My favorite moment was I was in Puerto Rico's in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
And I was this is this is back when I had a had a baby.
He was in a stroller.
And so I'm walking with my my wife back from dinner to our hotel.
And it was like a construction site.
Did you put the stroller in between you and the dog?
Yeah, of course.
That's what I did.
No, so we're coming out of the construction site.
And these these two pipples just start tearing out of the of the opening.
Because they're there, I guess, either living in it or guarding it.
There's a lot of stray dogs in Puerto Rico.
And so I picked up the stroller and I look at my wife and I'm like,
fucking run.
We got around the corner and they didn't go any further than the end of the sidewalk.
We got to the hotel and I'm like looking back and go, fuck, I lost my sunglasses.
Did you go back?
I went back the next morning with it there, but maybe four hours later.
No, they were like a jogger.
Pick them up.
They were.
They were gone.
What about a ram?
You think you take a ram?
No fucking way.
Also, you guys wouldn't even make it a day in Arizona.
Hit you right in the dump line.
Javelinas, Gila monsters, tarantulas, scorpions, rattlesnakes.
What the fuck's a javelina?
Isn't that a rabbit?
That is a wild pig.
Oh, oh, that's different than a warthog.
They have like they have a Spanish kind.
I guess the Mexican kind.
That's the kind.
Do they taste better?
Those are the ones that are like brain drugs up in Mexico.
They thought of everything.
That's awesome.
They thought of everything.
And so Arizona is basically like the Australia of the, you know, like, I guess for E.B.U.S.
You know, we just got like a smaller just anything.
Like what's a Gila monster?
It's just this little mini Komodo dragon.
We got just like a little guy.
We got a Gila monster.
She runs the community board of the Scottsdale golf course.
Her name is Jennifer.
I did get stuck by a scorpion as a child.
And that shit, it's not good.
I got bitten by a brown recluse spider in the back of my leg.
I thought they were going to.
Well, I mean, I thought they were going to have to answer.
Yeah, that that'll.
No, it was.
I just had to go to the hospital and get like the hole.
There's a hole in my in my leg.
The size of it like a paint.
Keep Thomas from that hole.
It was just like the venom was like spreading out.
And I got to the hospital.
You could see it.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, shit.
And they they they patched me up, but it was that was pain.
What about a raccoon?
A rabid raccoon.
What would you do?
So goddamn cute.
That's hard.
I actually think fighting.
I could punch it.
I could punch in the face.
Throw it.
I was watching Soul Surfer the other day.
But it's going to get you a couple of times.
If your hands are on it, you've already lost.
Like if you if you're holding rabies, dude, it's going to be.
Instantly, because suddenly it is so fast at your legs are really short.
So you have to have it.
If you're not if your point of contact with a rabid raccoon
is not your foot in a shoe, you have already lost.
Like you got to hunt it.
If a squirrel decide to fuck you up, it's at your face instantly.
I'm not talking about a squirrel.
I'm talking about a rabid raccoon.
All right, squirrels, you're going to have a different approach.
You got to get your hands on it and you got to twist.
Twist and pull, twist and pull.
You get the baby gun out, huh?
If it's at your face, twist and pull.
No, you just chuck it down.
And then you and then you suck up the mustard.
So this is a day about love.
Okay, guys.
So what are your feelings on the sharks?
I was just thinking about sharks.
I've been in Hawaii a lot this winter and I surf and I go out there.
But I will tell I do.
I haven't seen you get up on the board.
I was waiting for the shot of you getting up on the board.
And it wasn't the shot of you getting up on the board.
Because it wasn't about me.
It wasn't about me.
By the way, I get like tagged in the video every week.
They're just showing it in Berlin and all these Bitcoin meetups,
which is so fucking cool.
Like in the beginning of just they're like, oh, that's good, though.
It's really cool.
It's just like it's just random, though.
I like every they'll be like, we started our Bitcoin meeting in Berlin
with like the like a feeling like that's fucking sick.
So cool that people know if you if you were going to go in like an attribution
I think it's amazing.
There's a lot of pride that people take.
And that's awesome.
There's actually a Bitcoin film fest right around the having time in Poland,
which I might go to because they're showing like it's like the official
and they've created now an official Bitcoin.
Dirty coin, I think, is launching for that.
And Mike, what's the other one?
Yeah, very excited about unbanked.
Tom, can we go to that?
I didn't know you were in that.
Well, Warsaw.
I'm excited about it.
Yeah, there's too much.
We got we got to figure out our calendar.
And if I go to Warsaw, I want to go to concentration camps.
But back to sharks.
Watch how she does that.
Back to sharks.
I just want to get the good bagels from Krakow.
The originals.
They're big there.
But like, OK, I want I want.
What do you mean?
They're like bigger bagels.
They're like they're like they're kind of like bready rings.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
It's more like a Canadian, like a Montreal bagel.
The Montreal bagels are there.
Montreal are a little bit like shorter and smaller and like flatter.
Like the Krakow bagels are like basically like red rings
that you could probably like, you could like get somebody with it.
Like if you were to throw like a frisbee.
Like an ultimate frisbee.
You were saying the sharks.
Oh, that's my concentration.
I did say I was actually just taking a sip of the whiskey.
OK, so when I'm out surfing sometimes in Hawaii,
I think about the soul surfer movie Bethany Hamilton, who's also a Bitcoiner.
Did you know?
She's she's the girl who's like the soul surfer movie that's on Netflix.
She actually got her right arm, left arm bitten off like while she was just casually out one time.
I think she was in quiet at the time, but she's from the North Shore where I serve.
And I there's like times where I'm out there and I'm like, fuck,
like what if a shark came out and I heard they feed at night?
Like I get really freaked out by it.
Like I think that truly any animal we talked like about a bunch of animals,
a shark coming up and just like they're so powerful.
They're so big, especially like a great like 500 million years of evolution.
Like a shark is they haven't changed much.
They're just really efficient killers.
They're so efficient, but they're actually the great news is like sharks don't really.
It's not like they're going for humans, but like animals are a little like the R word.
Like they don't just go after anything like they just, you know what I mean?
Like this one looks tasty.
They would just buy any.
There's no rationale behind what an animal does, you know?
So anyway, that's my.
If a shark were to have an accent that wasn't Australian, what would it be?
South African.
Like Kiwi.
Yeah, it's the shark from Finding Nemo.
Yeah, Bruce.
Does he have a.
Fish are friends, not food.
That was good.
But like you versus a shark versus a shark.
It was just like a French shark or something like completely like, you know,
smoking a cig.
A Russian accent.
Lashes are French.
Oh, my God.
A Russian shark is scary.
The scariest.
Or just give it like a nice, like.
Like an Eastern European, like Romanian something.
Any Eastern European shark without that, that doesn't really exist
because it's not bordering any water.
Just going into all the shipwrecks and taking all the seats and totally.
Oh, my God.
I'm screwing it all.
All right.
So you versus a polar bear or you versus a shark, huh?
You versus a great white or versus a polar.
Great white.
Yes, absolutely.
There's stuff that you can do to a great white that you simply cannot do to a polar bear.
Like what?
Punch it in the nose or punch it in the nose.
I think the water like stop you from you can hit it.
They're like really sensitive.
They have like radar and shit.
Like there are points where I think that you can hit.
Men think they can fight anything.
Yeah, exactly.
I can also take a polar bear.
I need to see that like acupuncture diagram of the shark.
I'm done with this.
Men are so confident.
Jerk couldn't even get past a raccoon.
Men are so confident.
They're like me versus a polar bear.
I'm slid.
No, you can't take a polar bear polar bears.
You're done.
This is what I've recently learned.
Like it's polar bear.
Like if a polar bear wants you like it's over.
It's over.
There is no winning.
There's like.
That's why they use the polar bear in high school.
They're so fast.
They're so strong.
They don't feel pain.
They're in the cold.
They're rushing like it's over.
But if they're so like cute looking, like why so bad?
The real question is what animal would you make love to?
That's a great question.
Which one are you making love to?
You have to make love to one.
It's like fuck marry.
Fuck marry kill.
You know.
I think it has to be a panda.
Well, I thought panda.
That you know.
I hope my marrying panda's are really dumb.
No, the pandas are not married.
No, no, no.
There's no marriage.
There's no man.
This is purely this is bait.
Thomas is going for a horse.
Some community out there is going to be like,
oh, I heard you said this answer because you like the tail.
You like the big bud.
No for marriage.
No, no, no.
Good partnership.
A good a good horse that you can partner with.
Old school humping.
No, you have to choose an animal.
I'm not going there.
You have to choose an animal.
I'm not doing it.
Oh, so you'll fight.
You'll murder, but you won't love.
You'll murder everything.
Murder polar bear raccoon squirrel.
We're separate from animals.
You have to pick one.
I'm picking a bird.
We have free wealth.
We have free wealth.
No, I think a pan does a great answer.
It's like soft.
What are we going to get some ads on this?
Email sponsorships at pubkey.
Actually, this.
It doesn't exist.
I'm smoking a smelling salt.
Dynarex gave out a fake email that doesn't exist.
It doesn't exist.
Dynarex smells.
You can also email me.
Aubrey struggle at Aubrey PR at pubkey.com.
You can just slide in my DMS if you want with ideas for pubkey
as I lead public relations efforts for the company.
All right.
Let's do some final thoughts.
Tell me what animal.
What animal are you banging?
I'm going to go for like a cat, like a big cat.
A quantum cat?
Because I think like I was definitely attracted to.
He doesn't know what he's talking.
You're talking about the Nala, right?
Nala was sexy and I would probably go for.
That was a sexy.
That was.
When they tumbled down.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
And she made that like sexual look.
Oh my God.
Never forget it.
That was the first direction you had with the like.
Mom came in, busting in the door with the pencil.
Let me see it.
Stop hiding it.
She had a whole box of number twos.
Is that sort of like a Pavlov?
Like, do you have like a?
No, it's like a negative loud, you know, in the house.
So sexually now, sexually now, do you feel like you can't get an erection?
Because it's like bad.
So yes or no?
I'm not going to lie.
I've had an erection this entire podcast.
I am full board.
All right.
Three hundred and seventy three.
Time to go like an arrow in a narrow.
Check it.
Time to talk.
Time to talk.
Time to talk.
Right now.
I want with the light and only light it up.
Please, then.
This is a massive.
We're not playing on a dial.
This is a zero.
Time to talk like a arrow.
I told you.
Can I read the script?
I never get the right.
I don't know.
They won't play.
I don't know.
They won't play.
I don't know.
I pulled them.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
But if they write.
All this.
I bust it.
We love the style.
I don't know.
They won't play.
I said I ain't done.
Who are you?
I told my aye bro.
The read the script.
I never get the right.
I don't know.
Right now.
Right now.
Right now.
My friend just.
The group.
I did not worry.
Everything locked down.