Recorded: Feb. 1, 2024 Duration: 1:09:09



Yo, what's up guys?
How's everybody doing today?
This is a fucking monumental day, man.
A monumental day.
I saw this shit early.
Luckily, I live in crypto, right?
I live in brief crypto.
And if you want to catch things,
you just got to keep fishing.
You know what I mean?
You can't fish when you want to fish.
I mean, you can, but if you want to catch a high yield
of fish, if you want to feed the family,
if you want to feed your community,
you got to keep fishing, man.
You got to keep fishing.
Anyways, I'm a fisherman in this space
and I was fishing around today
and I found this beautiful gem named Hodl.
Luckily, you know, I caught it early
between like 60, 90K, posted it on my channel at 90K.
Nine mil, I think was the top, maybe not the top,
like the official top, but obviously we keep climbing.
But man, man, a hundred X.
What a beautiful day so far.
I think there's many more X's to come though.
But listen guys, just want to say,
what a glorious day and it's so early.
I've honestly haven't seen any coin explode this fast.
I think it's only been what, like three, four hours?
I haven't seen anything explode this fast.
The Telegram chat had like 200 and almost 50 people in there.
That never happens, let alone even on a space
that's hard to happen.
But man, like when something like this
is exploding in all different angles on the charts,
the volume was off the charts, the chat was off the charts.
Everything is just aligning together.
It's beautiful.
And I'm a person who likes to recognize greatness
and give respect and take my hat off
to people who've done great things.
So I'm not gonna sit here and say,
all I'm trying to say is we have to give kudos to GME.
I know this is token is called HODL.
We're not competing here, but they started the meta.
But it doesn't mean if you start something,
you finish it, right?
I honestly think this is a stronger,
maybe if not as strong as GME
because HODL has the crypto,
that crypto cool, what's it called?
It's not a slogan, but I guess
it's one of the most known crypto words out there, right?
You got wag me, you got HODL,
you got so many other words like that.
It's part of our lingo, it's part of our vernacular.
And it's used by everyone, whether you're a DJEN,
whether you're in the altcoin space,
it's used everywhere, right?
So that's good for branding
because all over Twitter,
you're seeing hashtag HODL for years and years on Twitter,
and you'll continuously see it.
So the branding is spot on, right?
The branding is spot on.
And then the genius dev or team or whatever,
they added the logo of Keith Gill,
which is the guy from GME, right?
Which makes perfect sense
because he's like the king of HODLers.
He held that stock and made like hundreds of millions
of dollars from that because he kept holding it
and he created an entire community across the web,
went from something to nothing, you know?
So that something to nothing story is all embedded
and packed into that one word HODL, right?
That's one of the meanings of what HODL means
to a crypto investor.
And now is the time guys to HODL.
It's HODL season.
So the branding is already, it sells itself.
You know, you got Keith Gill as the face of the logo,
which is good.
And then it's also HODL season.
So this is gonna invite a lot of people
to potentially wanna invest and take this even further
because HODL season is here.
That 2X G mentality is gone.
And now we are here to take over.
Let's bring up my boy Dynasty.
I think Frank, he's coming a little later too.
Let's bring up Dynasty here as a speaker.
What's up CTM?
What's up Cora?
How are you guys doing today?
Hey, what's up?
Doing super solid.
I'm just fucking pumped looking at this chart right now.
Holy fuck boys.
Bro, I am pumping on belief, but hey, listen,
let me just help you guys out here.
I wanna throw up the links to this
because I want also people to also see why
you're so pumped about the chart.
Okay, I just threw up the links there.
You have to telegram, you got the CA.
Just put that CA into DEX tools, DEX screen or whatever,
and you'll be able to see the chart.
But man, it is insane.
300 people here and there's a lot of people still in the TV
just going crazy.
You can tell when you found the next big thing.
And it's not even day one, it's like hour what, six,
hour five, and we're already heating up like crazy.
You've got so many big heavy hitters
who have already called this so early on.
So you know something is up, right?
Yeah, man, I'm stoked, man.
Let's try to bring up here.
Let me see if I can add Dynasty,
if he's trying to request to speak.
If you can co-host me actually, that will make it easier
because then I can bring people up here.
All right, I'm accepting the co-host.
Takes a minute here.
There we go, perfect.
All right, I see a lot of people
who want to come up and speak.
Let's follow Ralph and bring him up as a speaker.
Let's add Dynasty as a speaker.
We got Croc, I'll add you on, too.
Let's add him.
Yo, what's up, Dynasty?
How you doing, man?
Oh my God, what is happening right now?
What is happening?
The next big thing, man, it's hard work.
Oh, man, look, look, look, look.
Time out, time out, time out.
This space was waiting for something like this to happen.
Look, this space has been waiting for this.
It has been yearning for this type of reaction to a team,
to a project, to the amount of liquidity being pumped in
with the Jupiter launch today.
I mean, we got 17, 15, 13-year-olds
making seven figures today.
Off an airdrop, off an airdrop.
Come on now, man.
And guess where all that liquidity is going?
Solana chain, meme coins, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,
on top of that.
It's helping all of us.
It's helping all of us collectively.
It's helping teams.
Good teams are coming out of hibernation.
They're sharpening their swords.
Iron sharpens iron.
Diamonds are, pressure makes diamonds, blah, blah, blah.
But you know, like, yeah, it is what it is, man.
You don't wanna hear all that shit.
All people wanna see is their money go up.
And you know what?
It starts with a little education, a little knowledge,
a little patience, and a good connection.
A lot of good connections.
And this entire bear has been,
building you up has been creating skills,
has been creating connections, or it should have been.
This bear should have been helping everyone
get their P's, you know what I mean?
Get all their ducks in a row right now,
and figure out the best teams, the best communities,
the best people to follow, the best wallets to follow.
Like, you gotta take it a step further, man.
There's no surface level shit.
You gotta work.
You gotta grind.
You gotta educate yourself
in order to make money in this space.
Everyone thinks like you just hop on
and you follow some calls and you're gonna get rich.
No, no, no, I'm done, I'm done.
I'm done hearing that shit.
This space is no longer about luck.
It's about perfecting your craft.
Get yourself a set of guidelines,
figure it out what works for you,
and follow them to a T.
Follow them so hard, be so disciplined
that you don't get to enjoy anything
because you're so disciplined.
Be militant, work surgical, follow good teams,
check the top wallets, see what they're investing in,
make sure they're good wallets,
make sure they're alpha wallets.
If you think you're an alpha coin
and you're not, and the top 10 or 20 wallets
are an alpha wallets, you know,
I'm sorry but you're just in the wrong coin
and you may hit a 10, 20, 30, 100,
actually you may get it, congrats.
But this space is about consistency
because what happens when you hit a banger,
you lose it on the next six, or the next 10,
or the next two, whatever it is,
you gotta focus, man,
and the times are changing in front of all of our eyes.
And if you don't focus on that,
and you don't dig deep to help yourself,
you're gonna, like, you're gonna continue to lose
and you're gonna get pissed off,
you're gonna lose a lot of money and you're,
you know, you're gonna be one of those, you know,
haters in this space, I know in life, blah, blah, blah.
But yo, I don't wanna get too deep into it,
too crazy into a butt.
Yeah, I'm gonna add on to this, man.
Listen, guys, if you're in this space right now,
we got a bunch of fucking ballers in here.
You guys already know, we're all working together,
we're working for our bags,
and we're making sure that this is gonna be
the next big fucking project, man.
Who's with me?
Oh, let's go, we're gonna go.
Let's fucking go, baby.
Yeah, there is another thing-
And this is the thing that Jup Airdrop was today.
Corey made like 200K off that absolute fucking whale, man.
And on top of that,
we're making sure we're in the right fucking projects.
And Hoddle here, let me tell you guys,
if you're not fucking in it already,
grow the fuck up and tune in right now.
Let's go.
Yo, you gotta follow the voices, man.
There's a reason why people talk the way that they do.
There's a reason why the chart
looks the way it does right now.
There's a reason, there's a reason, man.
Yeah, and also another point is the GME,
the project at 60 mil, that is trademarked.
So it's gonna be very hard for that to get on big exchanges.
And here on Hoddle, there's no issues with that.
Honestly, I could see this being just as big, if not bigger.
Yeah, what he said.
And that's the thing, guys,
like you guys saw a fucking GME how it ran up, right?
I mean, it's not just me
who saw the fucking chart go crazy.
So everyone who's in this fucking space right now,
listen up, all right?
Hoddle right now, we're doing a crazy space.
How many people are in here?
We got 337 fucking people up in here, man.
All the bowlers are in here right now.
All the whales are in here.
You guys know what the next fucking project is gonna be.
And let me tell you, you're not missing out
because you're exactly where you need to be right now.
Yo, Ralph, yo, Ralph, yo, Ralph.
How about this?
What up, homie?
How about this?
We got 340 people in here and we have 30 comments.
We have 68 likes and 48 retweets.
That's it?
That's all we can do?
That's it?
Are you kidding me?
Are you kidding me?
Are you kidding me?
Yo, everyone who is in this space right now,
let's see though.
Oh, hold on.
Get the back on this.
Oh, get back here.
Yo, but for real though, check this out.
Check this out.
Hear me out, hear me out, hear me out.
342 people.
Guess what?
When shit was fucking sending, part of my language,
when doze was sending, when your colts and your cause
and your whatever other insanely high market caps,
guess what?
There was never a shield bot.
There wasn't a force people to shield,
force people to raid Twitter.
People understood what it took to fricking send coins,
to build a community, to be savages.
They knew where the big investors are sleeping.
They're living, sleeping, breathing on Twitter.
They're waiting for heavy communities
that are heavily active, watching them and hawking them
and finding them in order to ape their one or 2%
at 500K, 1 million, 2 million.
You want to attract investors at a higher market cap
because why?
They're looking for higher Xs.
They're looking to make real money, not 10K to 20K money,
not 20K to 100K money, not 100K to 1 million money.
They're looking to make real money
that is so possible in this space.
They live on Twitter.
You have to be savages, man, in a community.
Wild animals, wild animals you guys gotta be.
If you're not fucking getting excited about this,
then I don't know what else is there to get excited about.
You gotta be hungry, man.
Yo, there was no shield bod, bro.
Let's cut the shit.
Let's get back to work.
Let's change the narrative.
Let's help each other.
Let's help each other's bags.
Let's help each other, help each other's families
and make generational wealth
because it's gonna fucking happen.
It's going to happen.
Check this out on the chart right now.
Look at this shit on the chart.
I just wanna break this down for people
who are just a little slow towards
the number part of things
because you just weren't given the right information
when you hopped into this space.
But right now, right now,
the total pooled soul on this chart is 811 soul, okay?
811 soul.
If we put $81,000, 811 soul times $100 USD, right?
On the chart right now in buys,
we will 4X.
Let me break this down for you.
That's $81,000, guys.
Look at the one hour volume.
The one hour volume is 4 million.
We only need $81,000 to 4X, you mother frickers.
Talk about it.
But listen, everyone in the space, there's what?
400 people in here in the pin tweet
only has 77 retweets.
What the fuck is that?
Everyone right now, who is listening?
Go to the main account, the hodl,
H-O-D-L underscore soul, follow it.
Set 600 and I'll get it to like 1000.
And go retweet the pin tweet
if you haven't done that already, all right?
I mean, I'm here listening to the space.
I'm talking as well to you guys.
I mean, there's 455 people in here.
We should have at least minimum 200 retweets right now.
So retweet it.
Shout out to Po.
Eyes up on the stage.
Shout out to all the people at our space.
Listen to me, shout out to you.
Yo, you guys want to know something crazy?
Actually, go ahead.
Yo, I just.
Can you hear me?
Sorry, I've got a phone call missing.
Yeah, we hear you.
I, on God, I was on a flight yesterday
and I sat down in my seat
and I was scrolling through the movies.
And the first thing that came up was dumb money.
And I said, fuck this, I'm going to watch it right now.
And boom, I fucking, a day later after watching that movie,
I was so inspired.
I saw this huddle shit at like 3.5 mil.
And I just said, fuck it, I'm in.
This is a sconkey vibe.
And honestly, like it's like a few year old
to fuck really, who doesn't want to fucking huddle?
Doesn't want to fucking huddle.
Yeah, I'm feeling like the main guy.
Dude, like the kitty guy with the headband on,
like that's how I'm feeling right now.
That's how I'm feeling right now with this token, man.
I'm fucking hyped up right now.
This is, this shit is crazy.
This shit is going crazy.
Let's go.
You heard it from the man, Poe, man.
He calls a lot of bangers, you know, he, he's got,
Poe said he's changing his name to the Midas touch
because everything he touches turns to gold.
So man, if Poe, if Poe bought in, man, I'm following, man.
I'm already in, but you know, I'll buy more now.
I'll buy more.
But listen, man, I'm fucking ghoulish on this.
I don't know who is saying that this can go further than GME.
I honestly think it can because yeah, he's right.
The trademark issue.
And we have the hodl symbol, which is a, you know,
which is a symbolism that reigns deep into the veins
of the cryptosphere.
And then we also have,
we have the logo of Keith Gill himself on this.
So very, very wise choice.
You savvy, you smart son, SOBs, you developers.
We can use that.
Guys, I'm not saying we can do this next thing
I'm going to say, but maybe if we try hard enough,
we can actually get the attention of Keith Gill somehow.
I'm sure somebody here knows somebody who knows somebody.
If we can do that a hundred million instant, baby,
maybe even a billion, who knows if we can do that,
then anything is possible.
That should be our goal.
Get Keith Gill to come hodl with us.
Cause he's the king of hodlers, right?
Let's bring the king of hodlers in our house.
And let's take care of the guy, obviously, you know,
if we have to, let's do that.
Like let's try to make that our goal, our goal.
We're about to break 10 mill mark cap.
I'm fucking hodling so hard right now.
You guys totally understand this.
You hodling your balls right now.
It's so hard.
You hodling.
Oh my God, man.
Yo, this is no Solana chart, bro.
This, this isn't even an eighth chart.
I don't know.
I don't know what kind of chart this is.
What did we, yo, this shit just launched, what,
two hours ago, two hours ago, 16, 17, 18, 19,
almost four hours, almost four hours in four hours.
We've put over 10 million in volume on this chart, man.
Yeah. I mean, get a round of applause for that guys.
Like if you're in the space right now,
how many people do you just got up here?
Shout out to Dogen.
There's like 500 people listening to space right now.
Ape the fucking, if you haven't copped the bag yet,
now's the time to go ahead and get in.
Cause let me tell you guys like, fuck,
you're going to be sitting on the sidelines.
When you see this fucking pump up and you're like,
Oh, I should've got in.
I should've got in.
Listen, this is a announcement.
Let's fucking send it, man.
And can we just appreciate the amount of fucking chads in
this space right now?
Look around the room.
I haven't seen more ballers in, in one space than this one,
man. This is like, this is like whale central here, guys.
Shout out to all the whales, man.
Yeah. And shout out to all the whales.
Yo, I think Dogen unmuted his mic.
Did you want to say something, bro?
It's fucking hodl season guys.
It's that simple. It's hodl for the culture.
It's the name of the space.
It's the name of this fucking community.
This is what we're doing. It's simple.
You hold and the fucking price goes up.
We've seen it already with many runners come before.
We're in the right place on the right chain at the right
time with the right fucking community. This is it.
Keep holding the TGBCs down when we're off the spaces.
The liquidity's there, guys. We knew it.
We're in the right place and time,
and we can send shit way past a hundred million.
You get to 10, we got to 10 this fast.
Where are we going to be tomorrow?
Where are we going to be a week from now?
All you have to do is hodl and bring your friends in.
That's it and fucking work for your bags. It's simple.
Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo. It is hodl season, baby.
It's hold season, not fold season, man.
Put your cards together.
Play the hand the best you can.
Bluff that shit because guess what?
Your bluff's going to win. It's going to win.
It's time to win.
It's time for everybody to reap the rewards of hard work,
to reap the rewards of the perpetual losses
and the perpetual shit-ass crap teams
who have been trying to take over this space
and make money in the wrong way.
The times are changing, baby.
The times are changing you.
The times are changing.
You want to know something crazy, Dynasty?
There's a guy in here named Mad Villain.
He doesn't have that many followers
because he doesn't go on Twitter that much.
He's on Telegram, but he's never on Twitter.
So I'm like, what the hell?
You know who that guy is?
This guy, he invested in GME
during the Keith Gill times.
Oh, shit.
And he only has like nine followers.
Nobody really knows.
He invested, he made like, I don't know how much he made.
But yo, if you're in here,
can you just tell us a little bit about the whole GME thing?
Because everybody here watched Dumb Money.
Everybody here loves Keith Gill.
I mean, this is what it's about.
Can you tell us, how did you hear about it?
Oh, yeah, what's up, guys?
What's up, bro?
Welcome, man.
What's up, man?
Man, I've never seen somebody else in a while, man.
This shit is crazy.
You know, I invested in GME a while back.
Like, not just me, though.
Me and my friends, they pulled together,
made a lot of money, man.
And this shit, with this amount of volume this early,
and man, just the way this is looking right now
is exactly how the GME went, man.
I'm telling you guys, if you guys work for your fucking bags,
man, and push this shit.
Bro, anything I'm going to tell you, I've been on Solana.
I've been on Solana for the past two or three months.
I'm pretty new here.
But at the same time, I learned it extremely fast.
And I've been in fucking, obviously, win early.
I've been in Miro early.
I've been in used car early.
And Hoddle is just a fucking no-brainer fucking Hoddle
diamond-dicted shit.
Yeah, what Poe said, man.
Like, dude, I also got on win early,
called it at 600K, went to fucking,
I don't even remember.
But let me just tell you, 85 mil.
Yeah, 85 mil, man.
It's nowhere near dead yet.
This is the next fucking call out here, all right?
For you guys listening, all of us
have made fucking insane calls.
Like, dude, listen, this is the fucking call out
you don't want to miss right now.
Hoddle, we're fucking sending this, man.
Load up your wallets.
Get your boys in here.
Everyone right now, 500 people, follow the main account.
So click the Hoddle icon.
Click it.
OK, follow it.
Retweet the main thing.
There's only 100 retweets on the main fucking thing.
Get it to 500 right now.
And let me tell you, guys, you want to follow all of us
up here, follow the main account,
and let's fucking push this thing to the moon.
Listen, guys, there's a lot of fucking crypto investors
out there from Bitcoin maxis to altcoin guys
that are going to sit around and get bored with Bitcoin.
They see what's happening on Solana.
And every single one of them knows Hoddle.
Every single one of them knows Hoddle.
I wouldn't be fucking surprised to see the Gemini brothers,
the fucking Vinkle Voss brothers tweeting Hoddle
in the coming days.
It's the perfect narrative on the perfect chain.
I'm telling you right now, this is early.
Yo, man, you got to follow the money in the space.
You got to follow the volume.
You got to follow the education, follow the knowledge.
Look, there's a reason why these big dudes up here
are talking more talk, man, and walking their walk.
There's a reason why their followers are here.
There's a reason why they created a name for themselves.
So when they talk, man, you have to just put your pride aside.
Forget the MCAP.
Forget the market cap, because guess what?
$1 million to $20 million is way easier than $100k to $1 million.
Because of the size of the buys are exponentially bigger.
The quality of the investors are exponentially bigger.
The quality of the community gets exponentially better.
You get better in numbers.
You get better in volume.
You get better in trading.
You get better in teams.
There's levels, man.
It's a multifaceted approach here, man.
So focus.
Dig deep.
Exactly, guys.
Education's important.
Whenever you see big dogs like us up here on stage
telling you guys and giving you guys and putting you guys
on game, you want to take this info.
With our track records, it's clear to know
that we fucking called multiple big whales sent in place.
And you guys already know, whenever
we call a project like this, and especially if we take
our time out of our day to host a fucking space
with the community, obviously, we're
going ahead and making sure that this is a success.
So for all the people that are listening to space,
follow the main account.
Follow all the people that are talking about it.
Let them know that this is the project you guys need to ape
Pick up a bag.
Get your friends in on it.
Because let me tell you right now, 500 people are in this space.
And it's only going to get more and more and more exciting
for all of us.
So again, it's really important you guys get on this right now
because, man, let me tell you, you
don't want to be on the fucking sidelines for this.
Yo, I just want to add what Rap was saying.
Yo, guys, if you don't know, you
cannot go against the adventure.
If they say you load the fuck up, you load the fuck up.
These guys, bro, I've been on multiple projects with them.
I seen them do magic to a token.
And guys, Hado is making bang in the space right now.
Everybody's, every single lounge that I'm in, I've seen it.
And I saw now that I saw some of my boys, Sonic and Dynasty,
representing for Hado too as well.
I ain't, bro, I got a couple here.
And I got to tell you, boys, we're early.
We're fucking early.
Let's go, baby.
Let's go.
And yeah, exactly, guys.
Shout out my Asian friend.
He sounds smart.
You guys want to make smart plays.
Ate the fucking right now.
Yo, baby, let's go.
Let's go.
Let's get hyped up, man.
Everyone's got to work.
We work together.
We grind together.
Let's fucking blow this space apart, for real.
Yo, shall we fucking roll a track right now
to celebrate this Hado moment?
Let's go.
Let's go.
Let's fucking go, guys.
Yo, no fee picks.
Here we go.
Let's go.
Yo, Dynasty, where are we going?
Where are we going, Dynasty?
Yo, can we get a round of applause for everyone
in the fucking space right now?
As a matter of fact, I'm going to be in my cell.
Yo, for real, man.
Everyone's got to buy into this shit.
Everyone's got to buy into each other,
afford each other, work just as hard every fucking day, man.
Let's make one high.
Hands up.
Hands up, boys.
Let's go.
Yeah, I mean, my hands are up right now.
Let me tell you guys.
My hands are up right now.
Let's go.
For new things, couldn't take it all, so I can't go.
Yo, we're about to break all time high.
Let's get fucking excited.
Yeah, I got a few rings in my hands.
Let's fucking go, guys.
Come on, smash it, dude.
And you can stay up.
Everybody, hit the pin, hit it.
The point to the hill to stay.
Go all the way up.
Hit the pin, sweet baby.
Go all the way up.
Everybody works.
I'm all the way up.
Let's do it, GME.
That's one.
I'm all the way up.
Nothing can stop me.
I'm all the way up.
Just left a big house to a bigger house
and have a girlfriend, but the bitch is out.
Chanel, crock back, shit ain't even out.
With the gold chains and my lingon, Birkin, cocaine,
lit it up, let's fuck shit.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Oh, I love that verse, though.
But yo, look, look, there comes a time in this space
where there's always time for a new project
to take the spotlight, a new next shiny, brightest thing,
a new narrative, a new community.
The time is fucking now.
It's right in front of you.
It's right in front of all of us.
We can all literally grab ahold of this fucking thing,
buy the balls, and fucking create the next biggest 2024
coin, if not the biggest.
We're coming out of one of the biggest liquidations
with Jupiter and money flowing into the market.
That's where it's coming, man.
I don't want to talk shit on other tokens.
That's not what I'm up against.
But it's Max Wing.
We're blowing them up.
It's GME.
We're taking it over.
It's Kalana.
We're taking it over, man.
Let's face together.
Let's go.
Yeah, man, this shit, man.
This coin is crazy, man.
I remember meeting my friends.
Guys, we just have 10-0 mark cap.
Me and my boys used to watch Keith Gill every day, man.
And, man, just seeing this right now,
this feels like the beginning of GME, man.
This shit, if you guys just hold, man, and push,
we're going to the moonboats.
Yeah, I mean, guys, listen, all right?
So a lot of people are probably in the space wondering,
like, dude, what even is this?
I'm in the space right now.
I just joined a brand new, like, man, I probably
missed out already.
It's 10-0 mark cap.
I'm looking like a moron.
No, you're not, OK?
Listen, this is fucking sending even higher.
Everyone in here right now, follow the main account, OK?
Follow the official HODL account.
Get it to 1,000 followers.
Retweet the main fucking tweet and tweet.
Retweet it, all right?
Share it with your boys.
Follow all the speakers.
And make sure you guys are engaging with all the tweets
posted by the main account, all right?
It's very important that you guys share
love with the community, because this is fucking ripping,
and you guys want to get in on the action.
Everybody works, baby.
Everybody works.
Everybody's got to fucking chip in, man.
Do your part.
Do your part.
Work harder than the next person.
And work just as hard the next day.
Be better each and every day.
And yo, that is how all of these huge coins prosper.
That's how they build.
That's how they all make money, man.
We got so much happening, man.
It just started.
It literally just started.
Like, this isn't even like one of these hype talks.
Like, it just started.
Yeah, I mean, if you're looking to Jeep for a 2, 3X,
get the fuck out of here already.
We're three hours into this.
Come on, guys.
Be smart.
What Courtier said, if you guys are Jeets,
get the fuck out of here, man.
We only want winners.
And guess what, guys?
Everyone here that is in the space,
just look at the ballers that are in here.
We're all fucking winners.
We're making sure that this is a success.
You don't want to be on the sidelines, all right?
If you want to be a moron, get the fuck out of my face.
I want everyone right here to get hyped up, get excited.
Not only am I hyped up for this, this is no hyped shit.
Like, this is going and sending guys, all right?
I'm hyped up, and I'm going to be even more fucking hyped up
when this goes ahead and sends to 50 mil, man.
Let's run it.
Yo, yo, this is an open space, man.
Everyone, feel free to.
It's an open space, guys.
Speak up, guys.
Speak up.
Come talk about your OnlyFans account.
Guys, give a fuck.
Let's go.
Yo, shout out to Casey, dude.
Let's get him up here.
Bring anybody up here, man.
Whoever wants to be up, whoever believes in the Keith Gill
huddle movement, come on up, guys.
Bring Keith Gill if you have to.
Yo, we need Frankie to talk again.
Frankie was a spitting game, dude.
Frankie, speak up, bro.
And keep wanting to hear you, man.
Yo, I swear, bro.
Guys, like, you know, when I come to a space
and you're kind of speechless because of the name,
the legend, oh my god.
Like, you know, you got every guy.
You got the adventure here with you guys.
Like, what more do you want?
And you got, like, one of the most foolish, you know,
just straight up ticker right now.
Bro, it's huddle season, guys.
It's fucking huddle season.
I'm telling you.
Bitcoin can do all this shit that it won, bro.
But, you know, bro, it's going to go down.
It's going to go up.
Do whatever, bro.
But we all know what is coming.
People from 2017, right, they make a fortune
when Bitcoin started running, you know, in 2021.
And I was, you know what, I was the guy who came in there
and became excellent liquidity, all right?
But the thing is, like, I learned my lesson.
And through all this fucking PTSD bear market,
now I'm receiving my reward.
I get a chance to catch huddle below, like, fucking a million.
And, bro, bro, I feel so good.
You know why I'm coming up here and I'm
talking about confidence?
It's because I got to be a part.
I ate it low.
I come up here.
I got to be, you know, a part of what my friends
saw in the dynasty.
And now I got to be a part of the adventure.
You know what?
Because now we are holding a huddle back,
and now we're fucking going to huddle this shit to 100 million.
Let's go, boys.
Vax, take it from Frankie, guys, all right?
He's literally Asian.
He sounds smart.
Don't be fucking stupid and fade this one, all right?
Do not fade it.
Just use your head, all right?
Asian person's talking.
He's smart.
This is fucking sending.
All the people are talking by right now.
Shout out to my boy, Frankie.
Everyone, right fucking now, follow the main account.
Follow all the speakers.
And make sure to go ahead and ape in.
Get your boys to ape in, guys.
I can't say it enough because, guys, listen,
550 people are in here.
We need to get the main account to 1,000 followers right now.
It's currently at, what, like 700.
Go right now and message five of your friends
the official Huddle Solana account and say,
yo, get the fuck in.
You're not missing out.
Go follow the account, all right?
And make sure to go retweet the pin tweet, guys.
Make sure to follow all of us.
Shout out to everyone talking and speaking.
Go ahead and request, dude.
We want to see some new people speaking, man.
I know Frankie's killing it.
He's letting us know how smart he is.
But, man, listen, we want to get everyone's input
and kind of idea of what they think about this, you know?
Shout out to you guys.
Yo, yo, yo, guys, I think one thing we need to do
alongside what you said is 100%, yeah.
We need to just keep this,
we need to keep the attention machine going, right?
Because it's all about attention.
And I mean, the narrative and everything here
already sells itself, right?
So that's easy.
It's an easy thing to sell.
But I think we should honestly start trying
to really get the attention of Keith Gill.
I mean, he does have a Twitter, Roaring Kitty, right?
He still has a YouTube channel and stuff.
I think we should really try to capitalize on that
and start smashing some tweets.
Obviously, not to be over spammy.
You gotta be clever about that.
But we need to definitely try to get his attention,
which I think we probably could
because he's active on Twitter.
Yeah, I know, I know.
Listen, dude, listen.
We don't even have to spam him.
We're already gonna get his attention, dude.
We're gonna get his attention.
Oh, I know we are, I know we are.
He's gonna know about this, regardless.
But yeah, just something that we can do on the side as well.
The point is, be active as much as you can.
I like that, I like that.
Yo, who likes that?
If you guys are up in here, man, 500 people listening.
Let's get a 10,000, share the space with a friend.
Shout out to all the homies that are here.
I mean, we've got so many fucking amazing people
just listening in the space.
If you guys are brand new, man, enjoying the space,
make sure to follow the made account.
Follow everyone up here, man.
Share everyone this project.
Make sure it's sent out.
Guys, people that are tweeting it out,
send them a follow, like show loved each other, man.
That's the biggest thing.
Community comes first, guys.
And you guys already know,
huddle community is already fucking growing rapidly.
You don't wanna be on the sidelines, man.
Like a lot of people are constantly like,
like fading projects, like man, I'm guilty of it myself,
but I learned my lessons a lot.
And that's the thing, whenever I see something
that's gonna go absolutely fucking insane,
I go ahead and just fucking ape in.
Just cuz, just cuz.
And I know with huddle guys, it's gonna be amazing.
So if you guys are kind of considering it,
like man, just fucking pull the trigger,
get your friends in on the action.
And man, let's fucking ride this to 100 mil, ace out.
I like that spot.
Oh, shout out to you, Cory, man.
You're a beast, man.
Ring, ring, it's fucking huddle, all right?
It's huddle, that's who's on the line right now.
I like that sound effect, yo.
Who likes that sound effect, guys?
Let's give a round of applause.
We've been trying to reach you
for your car's extended warranty.
Let's fucking go, baby.
Do you guys even know the story of huddle, by the way?
Dude, tell it to everyone listening right now.
That way we all fucking know it.
Okay, I'll condense it down,
but basically it's time stamped 2013 on Bitcoin talk, right?
Well, Bitcoin came out 2009.
So anyways, oh man, imagine we can go back to 2013
and get that price of Bitcoin, damn, that'd be nice.
But the point is, there was some guy on Bitcoin talk,
some drunk guy, right?
That's where people used to communicate.
There wasn't really anywhere else.
They would just be there.
So there's this Bitcoin talk for him.
There's one guy who just had a rant.
I think he was just expressing his excitement
about Bitcoin and like how it's whatever.
And he was just typing,
like he was just typing like a maniac while he was drunk.
And anytime he said just huddle, like Bitcoin,
or when he mentioned to hold Bitcoin, he said huddle.
Instead, like he typed huddle instead.
And then it just became a meme
in the Bitcoin talk ecosystem.
People were just, people, because you can comment, right?
So people were commenting through his message,
but like, yeah, let's fucking go huddle.
And they would just say all this like shit.
And then that's literally the birth of huddle,
some drunk guy who was typing with his excitement
about Bitcoin on Bitcoin talk.
And now huddle is one of the-
That's a crazy narrative, man.
Like this narrative is so perfect.
You guys don't understand.
Like not only are the memes so fricking good,
but listen, man, whenever you guys see a project
with a really good narrative, that's a great indicator
in seeing whether or not it's something worth aping into.
And also whenever you see a project getting called out
from like a ton of people,
you guys already know it's gonna send.
So not only am I picking up more bags along the way,
but I'm sharing it with my boys.
And I'm making sure that they're in on it too,
because not only do I see this having crazy potential,
but man, people are gonna consistently continue to push it
because they know that the community is growing.
And that's the number one thing in the space.
We've seen it time again, like, man,
when there's a big community coming together,
working together and making sure
they have the same goals in mind,
it's more clear than ever
that it's gonna be a success, man.
So shout out to everyone in the space.
I don't know how many people are in here, 500.
Man, this has been amazing, guys.
And I appreciate you guys for having me up on here.
I'm gonna go ahead and head out.
I'm gonna go hit the gym,
but man, I'm gonna be looking at the charts, guys.
So thank you for having me on the stage, man,
and shout out to everyone in here.
Shout out to everyone listening, man.
Appreciate you guys.
That's why.
Yo, yo, what's up, guys?
Hey, yo, what's up?
What's up, guys?
I'm just huddling.
I'm gonna tell you the truth, guys, how I ate this, okay?
I was on a date with a girl.
I saw it was like 3.5.
I saw both with it.
After I see both with something,
I first ate, then I researched.
Then I saw after like half an hour, 40 minutes,
I saw like three eggs, like three eggs.
Yeah, nine million.
And it was like, oh, fucking God, I'm so hoot-a-less.
I'm so fucking hoot-a-less.
Guys, I'm so fucking hoot-a-less.
We're going to the moon, I can feel it.
I love you guys.
Let's fucking go.
I love it, man.
That's the power of huddle, guys.
You see, the huddle, the huddle lives within you, man.
It ignites something in a person, you know?
By the way, a huddle is not just used by crypto people.
CNBC uses it, all the news channels uses it.
Elon Musk uses it.
CZ from Binance, he has shirts,
a bunch of like, you know, merch that says huddle.
Huddle is everywhere.
It's not just in crypto anymore.
It's become a meme beyond crypto.
So like, the branding is worldwide, baby.
And we love, in the meme world, we love worldwide brands
because it sells quick and it's, you know,
easy to get on.
But what's up, kid?
I see you up here, man.
How you doing, brother?
Dude, I fucking ate this.
I called it, I was just in a private conversation and stuff,
just going out looking at the market.
I seen this thing three minutes from launch.
I ate that fucking 30K.
I've been DCA-ing up on this.
I've been seeing the community develop.
I'm fucking absolutely fucking pumped.
I wanted to actually extend the invitation to tomorrow's show.
If you guys want to come by,
I would absolutely be thrilled, man.
But, man, I'm super bullish.
I'm hyper bullish on this right now.
And this is awesome, man.
Awesome, kid.
I appreciate the love and support, man.
And I think without a doubt, yes.
Is that even a question?
Of course.
Oh, yeah.
Just formalities wanted to come up
and, you know, ask and stuff like that.
But yeah, man, this right now, guys,
what we're seeing,
especially with the Jupiter airdrop, right,
is we're seeing an injection of almost $90 million
worth of, you know, liquidity in the market.
A lot of people holding,
a lot of people are selling and flipping them into there.
And so right now the market is in a frenzy,
almost kind of like it was in the summer of 2020
when Uniswap did their airdrop and there was meme summer.
So right now we're living in the moment
of almost kind of how 2020 had meme summer.
And I think the potential and the amount of meat on the bone
is plentiful right now.
And I think we can see an easy boom to this 100 million,
you know, very, very, very soon.
You know, I expect there to be a lot of winners here
on Solana the next week.
Awesome, man.
I mean, hey, you have a good eye for things too
in the space, right?
You guys have called a lot of good stuff.
So, you know, you saying that
and a lot of other Chads in here
that keep saying how bullish they are
and why they're bullish,
just it lets you know that you found the right,
you found something good here, right?
I mean, I remember, so we were in the VC
and the telegram chat,
there was like 250 people in there at one point eventually.
It was just crazy.
Well, 70 was a lot and then it was 150 and then 250.
I'm like, what the hell is going on?
And it just caught on so quick, man.
It caught on so quick.
I've never seen anything ignite this fast so quickly.
Like obviously we've all seen 10 million market cap coins,
but not in an instant.
Like this is literally something to nothing in an instant.
And that tells you the market wants it.
The market wants it.
The big boys want it because they're all in here.
They're all calling it.
Everyone wants this.
They want a piece of this.
And I'm just, you know, everyone who's in here,
congratulations for finding a gem.
I don't know when you guys caught it.
I don't know when you caught it,
but I feel like it's still early.
So congratulations for finding a gem
and just keep hodling, my friends.
This is the life of a hodler.
This is how it feels.
Sonic, this is what I think the entire speaker cast
is referring to in terms of a movement
that is gonna change people's lives,
which honestly, this has been the fastest life change
for most people that were in this cap under 100K.
Like congrats to you guys.
Do write, spend write, sell write, respect each other
and enjoy it, right?
Cause this is just a glimpse of what is going to come
to this market in due time.
And it's just a glimpse
of what is gonna come to this project.
This is just a spec on the radar of the progression,
the advancement, the goals.
It's all in line with what is deserved, right?
What you put into something is what you got out of it.
You have to reciprocate energy the right way.
You have to transfer things in and out the right way.
And it starts here.
And I think this is gonna be a very
eyeopening project for the space.
I think it's gonna change a lot of people's minds.
It's gonna change a lot of people's narratives
and it's gonna change the entire space collectively.
Yeah, no, I absolutely well said, man.
What a great time to be in the market.
Congratulations, everybody that's been in the trenches
and stuff from bear market or maybe coming in now
and stuff like that, we are waking up.
The halving is just around the corner.
Solana is leading the way.
It's right now outperforming all the other chains
and it's not even close right now, guys.
So just congratulations, everybody that's been
in this moment, take advantage of it.
And it's a holders market right now.
And that's why HODL is gonna do big things.
It's built into the name.
Nothing is more synonymous in regards to the GameStop,
which is obviously the supreme meta right now.
So I mean, you guys are about to see magic happen.
I'm happy to be along for the ride.
I've seen it pop up.
I just ate a soul at it just on an instinct.
And man, I'm fucking happy I did.
And I'm gonna HODL till 100 mil on this
because I believe everything's gonna be running
and this is gonna be one of the top runners.
Well, isn't it crazy how patterns work?
Isn't it like you sort of have to go through these things
in order to understand them.
Like experience is the best teacher.
You have to fail multiple times over until you succeed.
And it may sound like such a cliche saying, cliche saying,
but in this space, it holds so much water because I mean,
all of us can attest to the fact of you came into the space
with a bundle of money, you read all these reviews
or all these people's tweets,
you thought you studied the game and boom,
you just threw a grand out the window, two grand, 10 grand,
whatever it is, it goes so fast and you have to be careful.
That's why people get PTSD.
That's why people have 2X mentality.
That's why the entire space is the way that it is today
because we just went through some of the driest
barest markets where people were literally slaving
over a computer screen and being something that they're not
in order to support their families.
And it's not the right way to do things, but yo,
like this is what it is in this ungoverned wild, wild west
of a world, but what's coming is going to be
the changing factor for everyone.
And regardless of all the ruggers and liars, deceit, fails,
lies, cheats, deals, all that stuff,
everything's going to change.
And all of those people are not going to make it anymore
because the majority of people, the entirety of the space
is going to catch on to their bullshit because it's going
to be a lot easier to spot the fakes.
It's going to be a lot easier because things are going
to die much quicker, much faster.
And everyone's just going to hold, they're going to hold.
And that's the entire point of this coin.
That's the entire point.
And this is an everlasting narrative.
Just like Sonic said, there are so many things in real life
that go off of this acronym, this term
that is a forever lasting narrative.
It's a forever lasting meme.
It will never, ever die.
Some of the biggest people in the entire world
use this day in and day out.
It's the easiest narrative in the space.
It's better than an Elon tweet that you get six tokens
that launch at once, and you got to try and close your eyes
and throw a dart and hit the right one.
Like, come on, man.
It shouldn't have to be this hard.
And we're going to change the space as a whole.
We're going to change the entire space.
I'm calling to see if there's anything out there
that I can hodl, because I'm looking to hodl.
You know, I heard it was hodl season.
Do you have anything?
You can hold my balls.
All right, thanks.
Let's go.
Come again.
Hodl, hodl.
Let's fucking go, baby.
Nice to see you.
Nice to see you.
Nice to see you.
All right, thanks.
Let's go.
Come again.
Hodl, hodl.
Let's fucking go, baby.
All right, fellas.
I just wanted to stop by, show some love, man.
Excited for hodl to be on the show tomorrow, man.
This thing is fucking looking Cindy, so let's keep it up, guys.
Boom, man.
Yo, kid, yo, kid, yo, hold up, hold up, hold up.
just want to give you and Sonic and guys everyone else who's up here you guys are like you deserve
a round of applause for what you're bringing to the space man and Poi and Dojin and Crypto and
Chrissy and Little Moozay and obviously the dev and the team like there's certain few
peoples out here like who are doing things the right way and trying to project uh the right
mentality the right character the right integrity and um it doesn't go unnoticed even though you
may not hear it enough so I just want to give you like a form of respect that that is out here that
is due to to the good people left here because it's gonna pay off to everyone tenfold a hundred
fold so yo much love to you bro I tune into your shows all the freaking time we're always talking
about you guys so bro much love to you and of course every other KOL up here and every single
one of your community members that are here listening man it's so much love and appreciated
and it doesn't get spread in this in like in this space enough anymore so let's start bringing it
back and support each other and protect each other and and we're all gonna win more together
yeah man thank you man I appreciate that man that you know at the end of the day it's just
you know I love this place man it's fun for me you know the the friendships that we make
um you know some of these people that I spend time with in crypto are more important to me
than people in my physical life right and you know as far as like you know what we've been
building from bear market here man it's been tough road man and you know to be able to enjoy
that with everybody and to see the market swinging back man it's all worth it man all the ups and
downs and all that to be able to truly have you know retail start to move in and us building like
this man that's what it's about man and uh you know we're just at the foothills of the bull run
coming up and it's gonna be a bunch of days like this guys so uh get excited man I'm having fun
awesome brother looking forward to see you seeing you tomorrow at the space uh we're gonna we're
gonna end this space here a little shortly um and then I think the TG hold on the TGVC is still on
right now this is what I love man I love when communities do this shit let me see yeah man the
vc holy shit the vc in the telegram is still on they have 115 people in the vc in telegram
so we're gonna shut this down shortly but before we do we want to make sure all 400 of you
are in the uh the telegram so you can jump on on the vc and hang out with the community there
guys I think it's clear to see this is there people are actually doing what the what the
name of the token is called they're hodling they're actually hodling um it's didn't hit
10 million if people didn't hodl right but the whole dumb money man dumb money is such a good
movie by the way if you haven't seen it but when you see that movie it it ignites that inner d gen
inside you or it's just it's just such a satisfying movie to watch now to people who aren't in crypto
and who didn't who weren't in that experience like the d gen experience in stocks or in crypto
when they see that kind of movie they're like yeah this is a stupid movie and like these guys
are all d gens and retards right like some of the critics would say things like that obviously they
didn't say the word retard as a critic that they have they use fancier words but you know like
people like that movie didn't have a good review because of the whole d gen uh aspect to it but
you know what fuck it we are d gens and d gens are the future my friend if you haven't if you
haven't entered the meme coin space yet you are missing out uh and i used to miss out a lot
because i was in i was in crypto this is my third bull run coming up and i missed out a lot because
i i just didn't want to enter the meme world because i just thought it was a joke and it
it was um i i just i looked at it i looked down upon the meme coin world a long time ago i'll be
honest because i thought it was a joke and they're making fun of like real projects and like uh real
utility projects but you know what i realized underneath it all meme coins is just a bunch
of people a community coming together believing in one thing and that's that's all it is it's
all about a community coming together and dumb money is a perfect explanation about that it's
about saying f u to the establishment coming together i guess making our own money in a way
and uh just you know doing what we want to do like that's the whole meme coin lifestyle so don't
miss out on meme coins guys don't miss out on a huddle which just came out today and i think it's
going to be going on long term baby jump into the tg because we're going to jump in the tg here
shortly okay i'm going to read out the tg for some of you guys who don't look at the jumbotron okay
don't miss it the tg is huddle token soul right it's on salana so huddle token soul hodl token soul
if you don't uh if you're more of a clicking type of person click the uh the host go to the huddle
twitter follow it and then just you can redirect to this type of telegram right there don't miss
this guys there's something crazy going on here all the big dogs in crypto are here they're calling
it left right in center this is this is the season guys this is the season to huddle but yeah dynasty
any you guys you guys want to say anything else before we shuts down on the next five ten minutes
of course bro hold your fucking bags baby let's go huddle love y'all yes go you don't know bro
sonny you hit everything you know you nailed it and bro i have nothing to add to this because
i'm speechless right now the fucking momentum that this project is having is fucking off the
roof so for me bro like bro it's it's never a bro this is this thing is gonna send like
you know you just gotta huddle your bag though the bull run spirit is coming back and it's gonna
come sooner than you think so make sure you huddle that bag because you don't want to fucking you
know be on the sideline guys exactly guys i want to say something they hold we huddle love you guys
so huddle it huddle it so bro so should we roll the national anthem
sonny let's do it let's go boys
don't ever see it's over
father breathing raise it to the moon lighting i'm speeding i'm ready to the stars ready to go far
we'll start walking don't ever see it so
father breathing raise it to the moon lighting i'm speeding i'm ready to the stars ready to go far
we'll start walking on the mission make it high up and know that i'm a guy reaching for a life
that i don't really need never listened to replies learn to listen from the wise you should never
take it fast from a nigga that ain't dry they said i wouldn't make it in that life
they told me i would never see the rise that's why i gotta kill them every time
gotta watch them bleed too don't ever see it so father breathing raise it to the moon lighting
i'm speeding i'm ready to the stars ready to go far we'll start walking don't ever see it so
father breathing raise it to the moon lighting i'm speeding i'm ready to the stars ready to go far
Don't ever say it's over, if I'm breathing, raise it to the moonlight
And I'm speeding, I'm ready to start, I'm ready to go far and start walking
Been a nigga since I came, my, my, mama Thinking God that he never wore a condom
Prove along every time till it's normal Why worship legends when you know that you can join me?
If these niggas don't like me, they don't like me Likely, they wanna fight me
Come on, try it out, try me, they put me down But I never cried out, why me?
We're from the wise, don't put worth inside A nigga that ain't tried
They said I wouldn't make it out alive They told me I would never see the rise
That's why I gotta kill him every time Gotta rock and bleed too
Don't ever say it's over, if I'm breathing, raise it to the moonlight
And I'm speeding, I'm ready to start, I'm ready to go far and start walking
Don't ever say it's over, if I'm breathing, raise it to the moonlight
And I'm speeding, I'm ready to start