Honey x Sweep n’ flip

Recorded: June 9, 2023 Duration: 0:28:58



Hey everybody, thanks for joining. There's some technical difficulties at the beginning. We're going to go ahead and get started. First off, I wanted to thank everybody for joining us on this for a Friday, a little bit of technical difficulty starting up.
But, Bobby guy going and we wanted to welcome sleep in flip. So, everyone make sure that you retweet and like the space with the new link. We'll make sure we'll get that posted right up and
Yeah, there's got a lot of cool announcements coming up and a very cool person to co-host with so very excited and Thanks again to sweetmen for joining us and why don't you start us off? Why don't you guys tell us what your story is, which remission and what you guys are building?
Good, nice to be here. Thank you for this space. Okay, let's go let's talk about super flip because I think that super flip is you know revolution in the next trading market. Yeah, our platform offers a variety of features including automatic flip
traders for liquidity providers, the new experience and every benefit from the fire you can also have in NFTs right now. I don't know if Vinicius wants to add some commentary here but
That's it. In a short. Yeah, perfect. We started back in 2020 by founding a protocol called NIFT-Fight. That was a fractionalization protocol for NFTs. And since 2020, we've
been developing features involving the fractionalization of NFTs. But since October last year, we have a new view and a new vision of this Dify and NFTs space.
And we started building this protocol, which initially would be a flipping tool for NFTs. And now we have this AMM.
Oh, rugged. I think he I think you just rugged. Um, always from to get back on, but in the meantime. Um, so first off, I want you guys to tell us where you where you guys are building. I've been the tweet above, but you guys are on polygon. Where else you guys want to get the issues back up here.
Great, we have applied on polygon recently because we are discovering that the polygon ecosystem is huge. We of course work in Ethereum and we are aiming to work also in Navitrum, but yeah, we can see
the polygon next system getting bigger day by day. So now we are deploying here and aiming to build in this huge ecosystem with great NFT collections such as I don't know, Udds or Rectodogs and Polygon Monks.
because we want to offer this solution, all the benefits from the fight to these NFTs holders throughout the collections because we know that the fight is amazing and we want to bring it for the NFT ecosystem.
Hey guys, are you back with us? Yes, sorry for death. No problem. We were just talking with Supernflip with the account about Polygon and for some of our community
that started on Salona, some of them are already familiar with NFTMMs and they've been around in the space on the Salona side of things, kind of since the beginning. And then when we went to Polygon, we saw that it was missing. Do you guys maybe want to talk
a little bit about what it means for an ecosystem to have this kind of AMM, this kind of trading infrastructure and what are kind of the externalities that you think you can generate in an ecosystem.
Perfect. I guess two of the main things that we can offer in our protocol is first of all a good experience for the users because we all know that people want to be trading or
using a platform that offers a good UI, a good UX, and we primarily focus on bringing these smooth experience for the user. We provided a platform that is
very like Uniswap, PancakeSwap, so people know how to use it very well. And then we thought a way to bring the liquidity to floor price neftis, especially
those collections that people are in this very good hype, you know. So people can instantly buy and sell their NFTs without having to lease them on other books like on OpenC or
or blur. So we provide a technology that people can instantly buy and sell their NFTs and provide liquidity as well. And once they provide liquidity, they will earn fees by with the
transactions, no, these swap transactions. So yeah, I guess our main tension here is to have is to be the pricing model for NFTs. So we aim to have this AMM
this AAMM to be like a tool for people to price their nefties. And having liquid-repeap people will always be having the opportunity to trade them instantly in our booths.
So if I can, oh, sorry, go ahead, sweep it up. Sorry, just a quick comment right here that I think this is amazing because the liquidity pool allows people to trade NFTs quickly. Does that track to more holders to the collection since they don't have
to wait for someone to lease, NF2 for sale, and the availability of these NFTs and maybe another token trading for this pool is made possible by the liquidity providers and the liquidity providers can earn fees on every transaction of
the pair they have joined, of course from that pool. This incentivizes the big ways in the collection, not to sell their NFTs. So this is good for collections because now they are earning fees from the liquidity pool. And also, of course, these are
new holders as the collection provides valid and utility and of course also the floor price remains good with fewer people selling their NFTs on the secondary markets which further attractive more new holders and for me this is awesome.
Yeah, I think that's a great behavior to incentivize within these collections. I'm just curious, how does it work with the fees? You mentioned that that was something for liquidity providers and yeah, we'd love to discover how that works.
Yeah, so in each transaction of swapping NFTs there, we charge a fee of 2.5%, being 1% going to the collection, 1% going to the liquidity provider, and 0.5% going to our platform.
And now by getting some feedback from some collections, we are implementing a feature that we will allow the collection owner to set if the pool will be charging a full royalty or these
1% the full royalties, because some collections they strictly depend on these royalties to survive. So they talked to us and they asked if we could add this feature to
to allow them to charge these full royalty system for them. So they will have this possibility to change if they want to charge a full royalty or these four royalty of 1%.
Okay, that's really cool. And so for those of you in the honey community who are wondering, maybe why we're hopping on this sweetened flip, we've actually been partnering with them and are going to continue to partner with them on the back end of honey's liquidation infrastructure.
To allow us to basically sell our liquidated NFTs, add that to part of the order of a tree go through as some of you will know in the community. We usually go to our bids on our honey's liquidation site and then usually we find an AMM or marketplace to liquidate on. And thanks to sweetenfoot.com.
being both deployed on arbitrage and polygon, we are actually queued up to have them integrated into our back end to be able to liquidate NFTs through their curves. So it's very cool. Tom, if you have any more questions? Yeah, there's them for people who, I
Yes, they're familiar with market making and has us, I'm sure you guys are there's kind of three famous models of market making in D fire. There's the order book market making model the Univ2 model with kind of a single LP curve that X times Y equals K and then the Univ3 model where everybody
has kind of their own curve that intersect. So when it comes to NFTs and NFTify is there one that you think is more successful than the others, is there a reason that you guys decided to go with one over the other? How do you guys kind of see that fit into the NFTs space?
So we chose to implement the UNISWAP V2 curve, especially due to the possibility of having this liquidary for half an FT and half another ERC 20 token.
With this curve we have the possibility to provide the user the LP token as a as a fung both token so all the liquidity providers will have this LP token and they can use them as Maybe in farming company
campaigns. So let's suppose we have a collection that is offering more tokens or some native tokens that they have in other for people that stake their LP tokens in these campaigns. So people can
provide liquid equity on these posts, earn fees from these swap transactions, and then they can stake these LP tokens to earn more tokens in a kind of farming campaign. So we have these possibility and
by having this Uniswap V2 curve, we allow this pool to balance itself in a very smooth way. So as long as people are buying fts into this pool, the price will always
increasing a balanced way and when people try to sell their next days to the poor the price will decrease in a smooth way as well. So that's why we chose these Uniswapi B2 curve to work with.
Yeah, hey, it's Nico. So I was robbed at the start, but I'm glad to be here. Yeah, I mean, we had a call the other day and then you were showing off the sweeping flip.
and what really stood out to me was the UI. I mean, it was just like a super user friendly. I don't know if anyone here has used it, but it's very similar to Uniswap and it's just very user friendly. So yeah, like
What were your inspirations behind that? And why'd you end up going with a very familiar interface instead of making your own, for example?
good Vino as rugged. Yeah, I think creating this familiar interface, it's good when when you're talking about another defy or NFTs protocols, we can see very difficult to manage platforms there.
For example, I cannot do exactly, I don't know how to do exactly with some other protocols like curve and this familiar interface like Unistrap is very good and you want to bring this great usability to an FTC system. I think Vinicain can speak better about it.
We have a great art director, a very good team from the product. So they are doing their best. Yeah, one of the reasons for choosing these interfaces, these young students
to app like interface is intentionally to allow users to understand well what they are doing because we have some platforms that offer these AMA, these AMM, and
Most of them they have a very complex interface, a very difficult usability. And what we wanted to provide the users is a way to trade nifty easily and stretch for words.
We wanted people to go to our platform and be familiar with this interface that they are used to. So people know how to use UnSwap, PancakeSwap, and they will also know how to use our platform to do
almost the same thing but with neftis so that was our main thought here our our main vision to bring interface to bring this experience that the users already know we don't want to complicate their lives we just want them to
to provide liquidity in a familiar way, in a nice way. And we wanted to make this process as easy as possible. And having this interface, we think we got it.
Yeah, we are so being here to to huge problems related to the file like the negative experience well, the real estate newly prison of these for state and time, times, and some process and also of course the numbers of cell orders higher than by orders and
And they're all liquidity related to the NFT market. So yeah, we are merging the best off of two huge ecosystems, which is defined empty. And just to pick up on something you said earlier, you mentioned that before you were working on fractionalization and that now you're focusing
a lot of your resources on the AMM space. So is there, do you think that there's room for factionalization in NFC5, or do you think it's better to focus on AMMs, can they both coexist? Do they kind of substitute each other? How do you see kind of both in the NFC space?
Well, I think they can coexist, but for us right now we are totally focusing on this new technology. We are letting the fractionalization aside and focusing on this
to boost the ecosystem. Diffractionalization is a very cool feature, very cool protocol, but it was a step further on the time by back in 2021.
And we think that it can be huge in the near future, but nowadays it's not the right moment to focus on fractionalization. And we believe that this new
new technology of the provided liquidity to NFT collections has much more space, much more demand in this ecosystem right now. But they can't quite exist. Yeah, I know one example that Honey worked on last month already was at
ability to use some of these fractionalized NFTs to actually use as a liquid token which you would price for options. And off of that primitive you can build options, you can build credit default swaps. There's lots of really interesting stuff they can be built in NFC lending around that. So yeah, I hope to see people
keep building around the fashionization space. But by the way, just we're going to open up questions to anybody in the discord or who wants to speak up and hop on stage for free to do so. Nice. I just wanted to add something. Is there
our technology when we add these NFTs into the poll they work as fung both tokens. Although they are NFTs inside the poll they work as fung both tokens and we allow people to
to they, they, we focus on floor neftis just because they, they work as the same inside the pool. They, their rarity, their, their ranking space that doesn't, doesn't matter.
because they are all the same there. And by having these fung boat tokens inside the pool, we allow some protocols, some decks, I agree, I agree, I agree, I agree, I agree, I agree, I agree, I agree, I agree, I agree, I agree, I agree, I agree, I agree, I agree, I agree, I agree, I agree, I agree, I agree, I agree, I agree, I agree#
having this connection we allow all the five volume to be connected to the NFT space. So all the the the the transactions of one inch or other
I feel like Twitter is not being the best friend today. I also got to run a few times. I guess I had one last question and then we'll let Twitter have its way. I really recommend people go check out the project or you can
tell them where they can learn more. I just had one question regarding floor NFTs in general. Do you see that with your AMM you're able to target most NFTs at the floor? Or do you think that we're going to need to come up with some way to target the more rare NFTs? Have you
heard from user feedback or anything like that, there's a short coming when it comes to rare NFTs or do you think that targeting just the floor is good enough right now? We asked first about the floor NFTs because the pool set the price for example, but of course we can start to think
about rare NFTs, but yeah for now it's just for this floor price NFTs because if I'm a whale I'm a big holder, I want to receive some utility, I want to have something, I need the financial incentivize to keep holding them and of
Of course, if I have some hair and FTs, I need to hold them. I will keep holding. But the other ones that you have the possibility to put into a pool. That's really awesome for those who might not see how it integrates directly into honey. Basically, what we could imagine is like pools for a rare NFTs, but not only do
we have liquidity for these rare NFTs and something like Honey would be able to land at these higher rates. There is also now an incentive to provide liquidity on these rare NFTs. So for protocols like Honey, this is a huge deal and it's super exciting to see what you guys are building.
So, sorry, as we close out, I wouldn't invite anymore of the sweet food. People would like to speak about anything. Later, that's all that you joined us a little later. But if you guys have anything you'd like to add, before the end.
And if not, I don't see any more questions in the discord or in the comments. I will promise. Why don't you guys let us know where we people can find you. Your Twitter is linked above guys, so make sure you guys give them a follow. But yeah, give us the plug.
Perfect. First I want to thank you all for this space again. We are on Discord, of course on Twitter, making some memes here. We have the Discord community which is very cool, very nice. And every Thursday we have Twitter
space called Wagumi time when you give some inputs and some tips and advice related to NFTs. And I think that's it. I just want to add that's awesome to be here with you guys. And yeah, we are here to provide some benefits for collections as liquidity incentivized to earn fees.
instance per shades and sale, attracting more holders. And of course the benefits for the chain which is upscale, ecosystem, more transaction numbers which is awesome for the chains. And of course, green then FTNDFI ecosystem because that's why you need to do.
I was recently at Ipilgray talking about connecting the wires of the ecosystem. I was just be here there and I was talking about this topic. You know, we need to connect the wires of the ecosystem because this is a real thing, you know, connecting the wires of the ecosystem.
of the system we are going to have energy to grow. So that's it. Let's connectify and NFTs. Yeah, that's it guys. Thank you. Guys, I just want to say that I'm sorry for these technical problems that I had here. I'm back.
And I want to say that we really appreciate your time and we are very thankful for having this partnership, you know, because we strongly believe that having this partnership will
be such a good thing for both of us having this connection of protocols, these money lag with things. And we are open to discussions with your community to solve some doubts, some
and let's connect more often and stay tuned because we have some new features to launch and we're very excited about these partnerships. Yeah, stay tuned at Power Twitter.
Next week probably we're going to start a honey week in on the shipping fleet. So yeah, you all going to see lots of honey in our our Twitter. Let's go. Yeah, glad to be building with you guys in the space and you're looking forward to growing the NFT 5 ecosystem across the multichap
So again, thank you guys for joining. For the honey people, make sure you check out the release notes. They'll be a little bit of alpha drop there. Make sure you grab your alpha tester roll. That's all I can say for right now, but make sure you grab your alpha tester rolls. Thanks again for switching flip to joining us today. And everybody have a great weekend.
Yeah, you two guys, thanks so much