How do I monetize NFTs without selling them? Gnar AF DAO AMA

Recorded: March 17, 2023 Duration: 1:16:52



Let's go on on happy Friday.
So let me see if I can't find some decent music to put on while we wait for people to trickle in. The four options built into Twitter are like, "lullabies."
Alright, I'm getting my Spotify up, so I'll have something on here.
on, actually, be real tricky, go ahead and sign in under my other account on my computer.
What's up, Dan?
Thanks for joining, fam.
We're going to get some music started and we'll wait for everybody to trickle in. We're going to keep this to an hour today. Just to, I know lots of other things are happening here today on Friday. I know there's some poker games going on. I just got
I don't know what from what's a group was that I don't know I just signed up for a game it was the the glue factory they're making a TV show with crazy horses so another one of those projects that is
bringing in some revenue outside of what your, of just the project itself. So again, another one of those things that I kind of saw as as I was developing to developing the Dow
and making determinations on what was going to make the most sense. I certainly was impacted and influenced by the different collections that I had been exposed to, different founders.
What's up Galactus?
GMGM. How are you doing bro? Doing pretty well. I'm just sharing the space link to some of my friends. By the way, my team members just invited him as well.
I'm just sharing this facelift to some of my friends meanwhile do you mind if I play quicksaw? If you got it perfect because I was trying to get something lined up. Yeah, go ahead buddy. No, no, I do have some music lined up.
Just a sec. Here you go.
I'm wet in the back of the taxi, typical kitchen, bar structure, junk care, junk sex, I was like a farmer who was on the same pay, he has packed an intro, back to the box, and the baggy, and the whole toes are all clean, 'cause I don't wanna feel how I did last night.
I wanna feel how I did that last night, to cook, to cook, to cook, to cook, to cook, to cook, to cook, to cook, to cook, to cook, to cook, to cook, to cook, to cook, to cook, to cook, to cook, to cook, to cook, to cook, to cook, to cook, to cook, to cook, to cook, to cook, to cook, to cook, to cook#
Good morning, Tola Fue. Good morning, Nightman. Good morning, Big Bear. Good morning, Dahan. Good morning, Feels Fun.

FAQ on How do I monetize NFTs without selling them? Gnar AF DAO AMA | Twitter Space Recording

What is the host doing while waiting for people to join on Friday?
The host is trying to find decent music to put on while waiting for people to join on Friday.
What is the host's plan for the podcast today?
The host plans to keep the podcast to an hour today because there are other things happening on Friday.
What project is the 'glue factory' working on?
The 'glue factory' is making a TV show with crazy horses, which is bringing in revenue outside of the project itself.
What influenced the host's determination on what was going to make the most sense for the Dow?
The host was influenced by the different collections that he had been exposed to and different founders in determining what was going to make the most sense for the Dow.
What is Galactus doing?
Galactus is joining the podcast and sharing the space link to some of his friends.
What song is being played during the podcast?
The song being played during the podcast is QuickSaw.
What was the host's experience in the back of the taxi?
The host was wet in the back of the taxi and experienced typical kitchen, bar structure, junk care, and junk sex.
What does the host want to feel?
The host wants to feel how he did last night and not how he did the previous night.
Who are some of the people the host greets in the podcast?
The host greets Tola Fue, Nightman, Big Bear, and Dahan in the podcast.
What service does the host use to put music on during the podcast?
The host uses Spotify to put music on during the podcast.