How Wav3s is reimagining paid marketing in Web3 social🌊

Recorded: April 28, 2023 Duration: 0:01:18

FAQ on How Wav3s is reimagining paid marketing in Web3 social🌊 | Twitter Space Recording

What is the text about?
The text is a recording of a podcast.
What is the format of the responses?
The responses are prepared in JSON format.
How many questions and answers are required?
A total of ten questions and answers are required.
What is the structure of the JSON?
The JSON should be a list of objects with two keys: question, answer.
What is the purpose of the text?
The purpose of the text is to create questions and answers for a podcast recording.
What is the recommended response format?
The recommended response format is JSON.
What information should each object contain?
Each object should contain a question and answer.
What is the role of the response prepare function?
The response prepare function creates the JSON list of questions and answers.
What is the expected output of the response prepare function?
The expected output of the response prepare function is a JSON list of objects with question and answer keys.
What is the importance of using JSON for response preparation?
JSON is important for response preparation as it provides a standardized format for data exchange.