Hustle Fridays with Menthol Protocol: Future of sustainable web3

Recorded: Dec. 23, 2022 Duration: 0:48:28
Space Recording

Full Transcription

Hello guys! Let me give you a mic. Oh, Munir, good to see you here man!
Hello, you, sir. I'm Friday.
How are you doing? Good to hear from you again. Wait, let me hear you have another request.
I invited you also, Amira. All good. How is it going on the east coast?
Now better than Ashley, Amir, Monir, so it's the dream team. Likewise, likewise, likewise.
So very excited about the space I've been looking forward to this one I have to say with so many different talks and meetings and things to discuss and to share. We've been cooking, we've been cooking this in a very long time.
time as like between Berlin, the panels, the meetings and this is also just a warm up right with what is still coming next. I invite also Dreamboy. I left ya.
I just shared this again in some relevant groups, in Telegram and everything. Check Telegram you'll find a radio message that I prepared with a link that sends directly to the
to the Twitter space.
So that we can have more people in.
Awesome, we're sharing it. Nice, let me let's all tweet this. We can also like share via if you see like up there there is like that share via tweets.
Yeah, let's retweet the space. I got also my account in. There is a... Ah, you said he's here.
So, use of you will be in Switzerland as well in mid of January.
I'm just trying to figure out when we'll teach other the next time. I was sharing the space in Telegram again. Hopefully yes, so it is 70% yes.
The idea is Davos, Samorits and Suresh, starting from the 14th or even before, like the 13th, the 12th and then staying there over the week, there is quite a lot going on. But what is motivating me is I hear you are going as well, right?
Exactly exactly I heard you are going I say that I have to go Nicholas was like I followed his advice and came to Miami Although I was thinking not to jump out anymore and was so much worth it So I'm here at Drugs all the VVOGs and and
and they be players, especially art biser. So it's great for business, just like even though not directly if I'm okay, use Ks or partners, you really extend your network with quality people. And you know, like in business that's very important. So art biser,
So, Nico was also planning for example, like the central and then joining like Bangalore and like we say they look that is art basil, I think it's very worse and I saw a lot from the German community there so people have been keeping bumping into like throughout the year or rather they are
Miami during crypto I will really describe it as you know when the flies see something like three and then they all get get in there so it's like a hub you just go there and everything everyone comes to you yeah it's actually it like saves a lot of time it's like good to be fast and
in understanding different solutions on the market and discussing getting first hand feedback. I was very grateful of also having met you guys. I met Nicolas in New York four months ago at an event through a
Lexus from Light Note Media who also brought me to an event in DEF CON in Columbia which was the Meta Game Hub event where you had I think 1500 people there which was amazing and that's actually where we really talked a bit more again because the German side was everywhere. Yes exactly.
I was there exactly. The meta game of event was really like you had the Fabian Pokestela the founder of the ERC 20 token. You had like the central and co-founders. We planned like to have like between 1000, 1500 but you know at the end that
Not everyone could like we had more and then that's the end we had to not we're not be able to have everyone inside because there was definitely more than than than one K5 yeah and the thing is like it's just a little bit better you guys happy to get in.
you are VIP you get in like at the time at the time but mental protocol like gets in the rest of the events and the thing is like I don't know if many people know but in parallel we also have like a decentralized event so like we had like the real life event in the in
Bogota and on the same time in the central and there was also like a Kind of like twin event going on of course not as many people as in Bogota. Yeah We had we had more more like people in the in the real party than then than actual
connected users at that moment in the central land. This hints, right? So this was one of the first metaverse events we do and what I'm happy about is also we have one coming up next, almost like on the 31st, but I'm not going
As Paul, everything, right? So we start from the beginning. The good thing I'm recording this space. So this will stay also for future years, almost like a podcast for everyone to plug it in.
But you know, I like to start with the basic basically. I think like we as meta game hubbers like know quite good mental so far, but how would you phrase and explain mental to to to someone still new now to it's someone like hearing us who
haven't had the chance and the honor to meet you guys yet. How would you explain mentors? What are you? What are you doing? Yes, I love to jump in. So basically we are a one-stop solution, an end-to-end solution for sustainability from calculating your
carbon footprint, your non-avoidable carbon footprint which you are having every day through every activity, on a company level, on an individual level, on an event level. So for different things, we can create a digital car might be showing the carbon footprint. And now the interesting thing is that we give access to environmental projects.
We basically allow you to set the goal of for example 500 percent climate positivity We cat with your carbon footprint and now we give you access to transparent verifiable environmental projects which have been tokenized Increasing increasingly like monitor then verified by other technologies coming into place like
You can see like satellite data, drone data coming to waste actually verified those environmental projects which meant that we could obviously access to. So that's mental protocol in a nutshell. It allows you to be climate positive with the quick clicks. Our vision is to make with three the first climate
talk to this industry like we basically segment our market and how we're addressing it in Web 3 B2B and B2C as well as non-Web 3B and B2C so like having partners such as Meta came up who have
Basically also a very strong offering for basically, yeah, the new Internet website as Nicholas explained it to me and I think also you use it when explaining what how to explain me the best in a short way. So that's what we hopefully want to be at the edge of sustainability and leverage
all of those web 3 advantages. So there's like a whole movement over here. Yeah, which believes that tokenized public toilets and other new technologies that they will all go on trade and to the easy verifiable access. We hope you integrated anywhere. So like a long explanation on non-mental from the end
and to end service and different things over here. That was helpful. But my question also, like, how did you come up with this idea? Very sorry. Let's go into that. Basically, we had the pleasure of meeting
a few gentlemen and from black to set, the 12 double software as a service company. I think Baba, can you turn off the audio yourself? I think there's some sound coming from there. Oh, sorry.
So basically talking about the story of mental protocol. So block set being since four years in the space of doing provenance tracking of renewable energy credits using blockchain technology. They had this idea of having a protocol
which is basically doing more than just provenance tracking of renewable energy credits. That's also where I had the pleasure of meeting them, having worked on different other projects jointly. And they're a mental protocol as a plug-and-play solution for literally the whole world starting in Web 3 was like a
very convincing and cool idea, looking at the market and looking at the amount of carbon credits and renewable energy credits which are there and which are so difficult to access. So it's like an important stepstone in the climate crisis. When taking the story in the context of climate crisis,
We have a two-step solution to the climate crisis, which is reducing the carbon footprint. And the second step, which you still have to push forward, is creating revenue streams for environmental projects, which have a positive climate action, which is verifiable. So it's about calculating your non-avoidable carbon
footprint and compensating for it through different ways. So, Karam credit is one example of positive environmental action, which you can use to offset your non-verbal carbon footprint. So, although this is so important, this is what the block, that team specifically, very, like mentioned very much so when wanting to offset their own
companies offset was that it's tough to calculate. It's annoying to calculate and it's really difficult to get access to those renewable energy credits, although they are so much in the space and basically sell this as a service to the energy industry. So they're like really in the space. So at the end of the day, this struggle of getting access to those very important
like assets was like a point where like from a technical perspective and also from a strategy perspective more our CTO had a very good idea of how to really solve the usability issue and make it really accessible for the
and integrated to everybody's life having this as a part of the vision, climate action and also social action. So, yeah, actually we're leveraging a lot of this space. We're like a demand-sided automation tool. We're leveraging a lot on this whole space of tokenized carbon credits coming up and we just wanted to give a whole nice access to those.
tokenized carbon credits which are already improving a lot and now making it even more easier. So that's like the story of mental in short and what happened was that I think we're like on a similar timeline maybe a bit younger than you guys. So this year we started the foundation. We were working on the Stodix since last year though.
So, yeah, we got funding, got a team together, a lovely team of, yeah, to work jointly working on launching on January. And I can identify about this list. Thanks a lot. Yeah, thanks for letting me explain in such a link.
Okay, nice. Yeah, but the idea would be and I would see like the big potential would be like to open this also beyond Web 3, you know, like to enable also like normal, accessible to normal companies, imagine like even I have like a call mining or like an item.
the idea would have like the bridges enabling mental also like the access to there and then through that we have like the the billions of users possible. So really looking forward as well. No thanks a lot. No that's like like I come specifically
from the non-web 3B2B market. So I'm really looking forward to having the solution implemented there, like having next-generation corporate social responsibility here as a phrase to explain what we're trying to do in a customer-engaging way. So yeah, very, very interesting. And I think they don't need to be to web like blockchain heavy, right? Like two to two.
to also utilize or profit from the solution. So the idea is really to make it accessible even without too much, you know, like, save blockchain or Web 3 knowledge or integration in the companies. No, definitely. So we
definitely on a Web 3 level already have a no code integration approach, trying to live up on a technical level also to this depth friendly user friendliness. But for non Web 3 companies, we sooner or later are like thinking of the first of all, in the approach, we already learned that we have to change. We can't come with this Web 3 advantages.
stuff. We have to explain the clear value proposition without Web 3. So in our case, that's transparent, verifiable, and customer-engaging climate action. And if you like consequently think this through, you might as well have a new brand, a new solution which is customized to it and also offering value added
services for like custodial purposes and stuff like that. As menthol is basically a foundation like an open source technology things can also be built on menthol, for example, also in respect of using this as a tool kit for to sell to companies at the end of the day.
a different brand under accent hood. It's like an automation layer which basically also we would like as many people as possible to use as automation layer and get access to those great refi projects. Nice and the foundation you want to do, you're basically now somewhere like geographically so to speak right?
Exactly. It's like the company forum is a foundation. So that's how the structure is. So it's a no equity structure. And basically we are 19 people from all over the place from San Francisco to Asia.
Ashley is just tuning in from San Francisco. And now I was in a court with you yesterday with different people from the team. It looks like we had like five or six different time zones. So people from the team were like in the morning, where others like me or like you were ending the days. So it's like a global exposure already like in place.
No, definitely team wise already and then crew, many travels and also lovely partners such as you. Like I got so many lovely introductions and like points on how to sharpen our approach and strategize on on a green meter versus strategy. So I'm already like this is not anything. Something will be happening in this hinting it. Yeah.
We didn't deploy the Super Saiyan mod yet. Nice. One of the most things I'm looking for, then I got interested in all the cool projects, like the CoolBot, the CoolPool, the CoolReserve,
So from what I understood really, offer almost bespoke and specialized solution for almost anyone that might need something in that direction. And one of the things actually that we are pushing soon is the cool pools from mentor.
And yes, also from that direction, which is linked of course, like to the metaverse events that we're going to cover soon, stay tuned. So yeah, tell me more about these cool products. So to speak. No, we'd love to.
Actually also our city okay, I'm up here with the name of cool pool we changed from man Paul pool. I believe at the time to cool pool so man I'm here in marketing also I'm not good with names personally so for me it was like
really really cool to see you're like to hear this name have such a cool it's really easy you know cool it's from inside you know when we talked about like cooling the planet you know from like warming it is like cool from you know it's amazing so yeah
I would try to bring the cool brand I hope you didn't patentize the cool brand. No, we want many cool things to come around. We are here. Happy to have you here.
you use cool as well. Nice. More than happy. Nice. And about this this this puts on this cool. Well, how can I how can I like access now this now and how how when can I can I can I can I use them I'm very excited.
would love to like basically the cool pool is our main product suite where you can also access the other features such as cool save or the cool bot is basically based on the settings of the cool pool. So basically what is a cool pool?
Cool Pool is a user account on mental protocol, allowing to represent any individual community and organization, showing on the one side their carbon footprint. So that's the first data point we need. The second data point we need for the Cool Pool is the sustainability goal. What is the goal of the company or the community?
of making this 100% is not so interesting carbon neutral. We're doing since a long time and we don't see any carbon neutral. We see like that the carbon footprint is raising over time. So we have to do more also looking at the time and create a better incentive. So basically it's about creating a 1000% offset of
example, the very low on chain emissions, which you can also choose as a goal here. So that's the second data point, the sustainability goal. And the third point is basically adding liquidity to the school pool. So this school pool represents your liquidity towards climate action. Now, as
we don't want to as we are also like here from the web 3 space and are using different like innovations around here, amazing innovations such as DeFi. Our cool pools will also be integrated with different yield bearing protocols, which allow you for example not to
the liquidity you put into the cool pool, but just to use the generated interest for your offsetting purposes. So that's like a specific B2B feature with a big benefit for them as they sit on a lot of liquidity and have a treasury in place. So now they can put that into use for power
climate action and involved the community in a way where we say that even if we had a 20% of your marketing on the budget on the long term we would make an amazing marketing out of this regenerative practices and customer engagement on this level as yeah we hope. So basically this cool pool has those three things
What is the carbon footprint, what is the sustainability goal and it holds the liquidity. Now after that, another setting you choose, what kind of environmental projects do you want to use for offsetting? Like sooner or later, we'll hopefully see sooner, but we'll work towards a good market during more than 70 impact tokens.
of not only having carbon credits, but also water credits, soil credits, animal credits which represent like nice things for animals or social impact tokens which tokenize maybe pre-financed and through defy yield generating constructs of supporting social projects.
So also social projects, any positive call to action can be tokenized and offered, so to say. So to this cool pool, we want to give you basically a very easy way of getting in touch with those projects. And like just to mention one more important point hereby, we
basically want to allow the people to connect more and more direct with those environmental projects instead of having in between structures where the impact of the money is going away into sales, you know, like middlemen, you can say. So out of different reasons, verification and also
We shouldn't like we sure there of course different ways in this market to make money also with this environmental things, but we want to optimize the market so Yeah, that's a summary of cool pool and also the refi space behind it nice. Yeah, I don't know the Loki Interesting things
about it is since you know we're tracking everything or so on Jane and having like a full transparency. This is a strong tool against like you know green washed initiatives to you know like fake, the fakely offsetting carbon from one side. So this is like very transparent and for us
a solution for it, not only that, but on the other things. When you talk about it tracks the carbon footprint, the goals, so it holds the people and the holds, the owners accountable for like baby, baby, this is tenability goals.
So I foresee, like for this in the future, even like apps, you have like the app in the app store of mental that you don't know, it's connected to the company or it's connected to your dow or your project. And it's this, yeah, I've big potential for like the mass.
adoption and easy to use, so to speak. So it runs in the background, right? So as you said, mentioned this also like a lot of plug-and-play in this solution. So no one has to be like a tech savvy or like a coding pro or like a blockchain pro to use, utilize these solutions.
Exactly, that's what we're striving for, like thanks for the lovely summary here. And that's what we hope to do. And that only works with having partners who want to do this together. So we're very grateful of having you guys on the side and like carrying this out jointly and integrating that in smart like solutions. Of course, the idea is
is where we like a meta game comes in action into this is like from the metaverse side right so which is from one side a touchpoint and entry point like to too many brands and companies now also to users
but to meta versus themselves because we know that the events hosted there are the transactions or that's that's out-collots like energy heavy you know energy war and having such a solution
or such like a joint pool, a refi that we can integrate for that area, it's gonna enlarge. And it is more than win-win, it's a win-win-win, like from like the metaverse sides to make it a more attractive, sustained
place and for for MJH and mental to to to to to to expand you know the division of of of of a regenerative finance yeah and basically basically also of web 3 in general right what you are doing at core as well
with the meta versus. So that's like where we also line 100% out of the company structure and approach. Absolutely and we are showcasing this very soon Amira. So like a bit more is it like where the 23rd today?
So yeah, in a week and one day, so it's almost a week from now, I'm very excited. I'm not going like 2-2-2 party or anything like this for New Year. I'm spending it together in our metaverse events where we are expecting
also like quite a lot of attendance. We'll also like let's say have a before party in Twitter space here. I suggest if you remember like the reply panel of Berlin, for example, and all those projects, you know, to Kanye's G, et cetera, that would be amazing also.
also to have these representatives on board next time because I believe, if you watch the film "Planets of the Apes", we say "Apes Together Strong". Yes, yes, yes, no, love that, love that.
Also like was looking forward to be there unfortunately I was at the life event of your of your in Bogota And not in the metaverse event at the time, but the life event was already We did the metaverse event for everyone that was of course
like not able to join or what was not there geographically or was like entering the other side of the planet to have also their part of joining and so we cut the formal through that and it shows the point.
the potential of like ready border breaking possibility when we have like such decentralized man-hours events like a hello your localization or time zone doesn't matter anymore I think we have to wait for a second what happened
So one click and you're basically in.
I think we had a small lack there or at least I was out for a bit just here in New York. So it's Mexico vibes hurting a bit. And to give us sneak peek and like describe a bit so
next week our Revi Maniverse event is going to be not one two but three floors, three different floors with three different features where from like a in one floor perspective will be able you know to network watch videos and content about to adaptable
what it is about, what are the vision and the goals of what we are trying to achieve. You climb in there, second floor, you have even more insights about the cool pool, how to utilize it, how to contribute to it, how to even connect with all participants and
people and for like the party people for the like me also we have a third floor which is gonna be a party floor so you can I'm not gonna like spoil too much but you can expect the DJ there as well you're gonna have a music
party floor, go to action, revive contribution floor and networking and informational floor. Yeah, let's say go big or go home. Amazing, amazing, amazing, I'm so much looking forward to it. Do you have as much floors in the party?
So we will have one, two, three flaws for sure maybe four. I'm looking back, I'm looking back like we are like we have like a very dear friend advisor and also angel investor, Evan Lutra, who kindly is going to be one of the first cool
He already bought the flowers NFTs offsetting 5k dollar worth of carbon footprint. Basically this is a multiple X of a usual carbon footprint but also there we're going to be refining it in the cool pool and like the official cool
Poul Poulonch will actually be here in the Metaverse but also here at his New Year's party so we greatly look forward of having yeah this this this mixed party so anybody nearby sent me a DM and yeah I'm having so much and I think I would fly like to
Yeah, please do so then. It's like it's not bad I'd say like unfortunately like I was really planning on being with my dear friends and with the fam over New Year That's when you get the chance to catch up but why is money in in Mexico? Let's go
Mr. Moneer, let's go together now from Germany. Let's go for years there. He's four more in me. I can just say yes to do so. Anything else would be very interesting to say because it's lovely here. I'll check Visa and everything.
something for me. It's a problem we don't have in the metaverse but in the Reed world and I will see man, I'm strong in short term decision making. Awesome, same, same, same. And worst case like we were meeting in
in Switzerland, Switzerland, at the beginning of the year. Looking out for that exactly. And in the metaverse, that's like the first time I'll be personally in the metaverse, although I'm so long in the space, so very sorry for... It'll be my first time in the metaverse, like I, although being since
like four or five years in the space, I basically was always reading academic literature, trying to write to PhD on it, which I quit after one and a half years after I thought now it's time to jump into the practical life after having a better and understanding. Finally I was writing about sustainability at the time as well as one of two use cases next to data
marketplaces but yeah I very much know more in a practical level. I also bought my first NFTs one week ago like quite a few also flowcar, NFTs are 75% are going to the proceeds to offset the growth.
I mean, my mental NFTs are there in open sea or I can find is that the mental NFTs are still in the cooking as you said so nicely and they've been cooked over a few times in different directions. The flowers is not of mental. That's actually of our dear partners and supporters early on.
on Flo carbon. They basically set a landmark and inspiring and giving trust to the refi space, having raised 70 million by A16Z to tokenize carbon credits, so really having trust in this whole idea of that value chain
of carbon credits, which is a 7 billion one going on chain. So them having now different like we are like application layer on them, mental protocol, we in the sense of utilizing their they are tokenized assets. And now they've linked them to NFTs, which will also be
working on as a few integrations on integrating with the cool pools. So now currently if you get the flowers and ft 75% of the first initial purchase of the auction, I went in with the with the quite a bit of amount to offset all of my different flights I took and also because I like the project I kind of aped into it for the like I got the fun feeling.
of actually looking at collection, I have like 40 out of 200. So I like to have different collections, I like the views, I'll try to get a few more of them, maybe I'll sell them, but maybe not one or two of them or I'll actually give them as presents. So I was thinking for New Year, a few people.
So I'm having them introduce the NFTs. So yeah, looking forward to their NFT project to see that evolving more. Also around the cool pool, which will also be in the meter in the in the metaverse event where you can see it online.
you raised the phone now you remind me of something when you told you know about like giving you wedding NFTs or like you know like maybe you have so many FTs you want to talk to all those apps I came across something amazing this this past week you know from like a community I engaged in which is basically a secret center
for NFTs. The website is and it's basically in NFT, gift exchange, where you deposit an NFT in the pool. You come back on Christmas morning to open a new random NFT. So basically people that are now almost 2000 NFTs
in the pool. So imagine that, you know, you're connected, you drop like an NFT or in the pool, you come back after Christmas, which is in two days, and it's basically decentralized secret center. So we want to participate there and see what we win.
Awesome awesome. Yeah, I would send you a send of the detail. I think I participate also there. Yeah, the big the biggest the troll would be like someone pulling like a blue chip there or something. Then it's gonna make someone happy for Christmas.
but I'll be very happy to have some questions, not tickling my mind directly, but thinking of people maybe not so much familiar with carbon offsetting and how this concept work of purchasing
and buying the footprint. So what does that money actually foster does it flow back in sustainability or also the
concept of carbon offsetting by paying like the money basically to offset the footprints. So you know, like by buying the certificates, how is the model actually there? So for anyone who is not very familiar with the offsetting?
We would love to jump into it. So from a conceptual level, we have to understand the carbon offsetting market as the most important tool in the coordination issue of climate crisis. Besides reducing the carbon footprint through new technologies and innovations which
is like the furmost, but the second step is also very important. So can you just rephrase your question because I don't want to like explain too far away from it or I want to explain it.
I'll jump into it at a very high level. So we've got the climate crisis going on basically because of an economic system exploiting nature and making money out of it, right? The chop of wood and sell it and make money for example as a thing.
So now it's about balancing this out with an economic model which is on a global financial market. That's the carbon credit market. Here we basically have as a carbon credit, one carbon credit represents one ton of CO2 which was saved so to say which
You can use to compensate your one of a ton of CO2 cause through your actions. As an average human being, we have 15 ton of CO2. As a European, if you don't travel normally, and you can use...
If you multiply it to the people running around, that's a bit sweet. So this 15 ton to offset is not huge though. So one ton of CO2, there are different carbon credits and different qualities there. There's a voluntary carbon credit to
where you as Google can go and offset and be climate neutral by purchasing those voluntary carbon credits. And there's a mandatory carbon credit market where governments come and say, hey, Volkswagen, you have to have your only allow to emit 100 tons of CO2 if you
do more than that you'll have to purchase carbon credits of for example tesla which gets carbon credits or other credits assigned so not only how can we dodge you know and in this situation how would you think we can dodge the facts you know like we can also keep talking for hours so I
I have one of my last questions. Avoiding the fact of let's say the corporations who have the cash, they basically have reserves or they budget in their yearly expense budgets, they budgetize for the carbon offsetting.
They continue basically, they spend what they spend, they consume what they consume. They release whatever they have to. And then offset and just by in the same way, like Google, for example, has let's say a fund or like a part of the budget.
especially just like for the finds, you know, for like just paying the different finds of data breaches that appear in the year. So I think through this solution, like there are ways to counter that, right? Definitely. So we like through the
transparency which comes along with showing the carbon footprint, not only the positive climate action. We already have a certain level more of transparency and now we're putting this in a search engine in an industry, fair clash. Now I'm just missing the word
in English comparison in an industry like comparison, you'll see the carbon, you'll see the different suppliers, not only the, yeah, in the whole picture, so to say, the carbon footprint, as well as their positive climate action. And of course, this first carbon footprint data is
That's what, that's what like a friend of mine actually taught me about the ability working in this field where he consults companies within the job he's working also, yeah, having digital solutions to allow companies to measure their carbon footprint, but not only their carbon footprint, but their whole ESG.
Let's say target a KPIs and reduce it every year. The sense of reducing, for example, the carbon footprint, the water usage, the electricity usage. And so this is like, it's like a complex thing over here and it's quite also new. So this guy, for example, he inspired
me actually for sustainability, Chris Senhollandar from Fiori Digital. He basically did not go to McKinsey or Boston Consulting Group although he was really good. He said no, I'll go to sustainability. And at the end, at the beginning it seemed like a lesser paid job but he grew into you.
opportunity. So that's like if you follow your passion, that's always a good thing. So this sustainability angle is like just a complex thing and like needs many service providers for that. So this transparency layer of the carbon footprint and showing that in the cool pool is like one measure of
Not only having green washing where you just like do whatever you want and Yeah Of course, there's the and then just pay you know like pay you be a little and move on exactly exactly so we're trying to do more about that Nice looking forward and that's why we that's why we are
we are pushing this together so we love the vision and we see like the impact that this can have you know to another day like you know I want to leave something from my children and my kids to see and to breath so yeah this is this is
the right way. I'm here I'm gonna tell you like we have noticed the time but we are already like 50% extra time so you know like we can already wrap it up. I haven't felt that so I was planning to have
like a half an hour space but yeah we couldn't stop it there getting more and more interesting. So start dropping it up. Looking forward to the meeting of the event and having there latest the next follow up but I know that we're having a trip to space before that and if you are the thing so yeah thanks a lot
That's one of the exact same. We pushed it with the participants, with the past panelists we went, like the different actors of like sustainability in the space. And we'll be like let's let's call it kind of like a before party for the actual metavers party.
Awesome awesome awesome thanks lot. Yeah Of course like anyone I want to hear Mr. Muneer again before before I before I close the space just like saying hello at least if all of it's possible
Absolutely and it's a pleasure and it's an honor and I'll tell you that I believe the oldest in the group 63 years old. It's very very encouraging for me to see how
how all the young people are moving towards making this earth a better place, bringing in climate positivity and also aiming for at least climate neutrality.
You had mentioned that you're looking for your children and grandchildren and so am I and also I'm looking for my for your children. I'm also looking for my grandchildren and it's absolutely been a player and I hope I'm able to contribute my two-seater
sense into your endeavors. Thank you so much. Thank you, thank you, you are always like to bring us much more days into the first further in this space. And Amir, I hope you understood the message. I think it's going to be time soon for
for the kids. No looking forward, looking forward. Perfect. Thank you. He reacted. Thank you very much for the insights. We recorded this space and we will share it again so everyone and anyone at any moment can
you know like replay and then know like what mental protocol is about what are the next steps what is like the event going to look like and much looking forward for next steps and of course like obviously like very excited about this partnership
Fantastic, nothing to add on. Thanks a lot. Thank you everyone. Thank you very much. Okay. Cheers and have a lovely Christmas. Enjoy some Francisco and I think we have everyone in the planet in this space.
We're covering all the continents. - Three-net. - Yeah. - Bye-bye. - Bye-bye. - Bye-bye. - Bye-bye. - Bye-bye.

FAQ on Hustle Fridays with Menthol Protocol: Future of sustainable web3 | Twitter Space Recording

What is the name of the protocol the speakers are discussing?
The protocol is called Mental Protocol.
What does Mental Protocol offer?
Mental Protocol is an end-to-end solution for sustainability, offering carbon footprint calculation, access to environmental projects, and the goal of climate positivity.
What is the vision of Mental Protocol?
The vision of Mental Protocol is to be the first climate talk of the Web 3 industry and to leverage all of the advantages of Web 3 to be at the edge of sustainability.
How did the idea for Mental Protocol come about?
The idea for Mental Protocol came from Black Set, a software-as-a-service company that had been doing provenance tracking of renewable energy credits using blockchain technology for several years. They wanted to create a plug-and-play solution for the whole world starting in Web 3.
What services does Mental Protocol offer?
Mental Protocol offers end-to-end sustainability solutions, including carbon footprint calculation on a company, individual, and event level, transparent and verified access to environmental projects, and the goal of climate positivity.
What is the goal of Mental Protocol?
The goal of Mental Protocol is to make an impact in sustainability by using the advantages of Web 3 and by being the first climate talk of the industry.
What industry is Mental Protocol targeting?
Mental Protocol is targeting the Web 3 industry, as well as non-Web 3 B2B and B2C markets.
What was the Meta Game Hub event?
The Meta Game Hub event was a metaverse event with over 1,500 attendees, which was attended by prominent figures in the industry, such as the founder of ERC-20 token and the co-founders of The Central.
What is the significance of Art Basel?
Art Basel is significant for networking, as it allows connections to be made with quality people in the industry, which is important for business.
What advantage does being climate positive offer?
Being climate positive offsets an individual's or company's carbon footprint by supporting environmentally friendly projects, which helps to reduce the impact of climate change.