Hypersign Community Call 2023, #1

Recorded: Jan. 19, 2023 Duration: 0:33:18



Hi everyone. Welcome to the first committee call of hypersine for 2023. We are going to discuss what went by in 2022 at hypersine and what to expect from hypersine team in 2020.
So welcome everyone, it's going to be your interactive session. So feel free to ask any questions, anything that you have on your mind. We have Vikram that is co-founder of HyperSign and also Vishwaz who is the CEO of
Hi, Psynam. I'm going to just add them as speakers. Give me one second. Hey, hi, Vikram. Yeah, hi, Pankaj.
Hi, hi, hi. So I guess let's begin. What do you have on your mind? Feel free to share your thoughts on what happened at HyperSign in 2022, your achievements, learnings, and then
What can we expect in this year from HyperSign? Thank you everyone for joining today. I know last quarter have been struggling for most of the Web 3 projects and Web 3 community.
But most importantly, you know, as a founders and as a team working in Web 3, we know that there will be challenges like this. So we kept our heads down and you know kept on building because we all know that.
Web 3 is still an evolving technology and immediate adoption might not be there but if the product is in the right form and there is the right demand comes in and we are ready that's when the actual adoption kicks in. So we have to be prepared
prepared for that. So, which means, until then keep building and improving your product and keep getting customer feedback. So, just wanted to start the discussion with this thought for all of us to be who all are here, either you are
are entrepreneur working in the web 3 space or you are a DGEN or a trader or an investor. So we should not lose hope and keep working. So not to take too much time in too long or
your time, I would quickly run through all of us with what we have achieved in last year, mostly in three categories. First is related with product, the second one
would be partnership and third one would be notable milestones which would probably involve everything in general like community events and whatnot, everything together. I hope punkage this is fine or
Do you think I'm not something?
Sounds good. Cool. So in 2022, you know, our focus was in twofold. One was that to build the team first,
you know, when we say team, so we have to think, especially when you are building a layer one blockchain, then you have to think in all the aspect of team building. So it needs not, it need not have to be like
100 member team but it has to the team needs to have all the skills that is required all the way from core protocol development to business development and marketing so we wanted to you know fill in all the gaps
And have a very small and agile team, but they should have as a team, we should have all the knowledge that we would need to build.

FAQ on Hypersign Community Call 2023, #1 | Twitter Space Recording

What is the purpose of the committee call for Hypersign in 2023?
To discuss what went by in 2022 at Hypersign and what to expect from Hypersign team in 2020.
Who are the speakers during the committee call?
Vikram (co-founder of Hypersign) and Vishwaz (CEO of Hi, Psynam).
What did the team at Hypersign do during the challenging last quarter of 2022?
Kept their heads down and continued building and improving the product, while getting customer feedback.
What is the importance of being prepared in the web 3 space?
To keep improving the product and keep getting customer feedback until the right demand comes in for actual adoption of the technology.
What were the three categories that Hypersign achieved in 2022?
Product, Partnership, and Notable Milestones.
What was the twofold focus of Hypersign in 2022?
To build the team and to have a small and agile team with all the necessary skills required to build a layer one blockchain.
What was the team's approach towards building their product during 2022?
To keep building and improving the product while getting customer feedback, as web 3 is still an evolving technology with immediate adoption being uncertain.
What were notable achievements by Hypersign during 2022 related to their product?
Building a layer one blockchain and filling in all gaps necessary, having a fast and secure consensus mechanism, and implementing an innovative identity protocol.
What were notable achievements by Hypersign during 2022 related to their partnerships?
Partnering with organizations such as MSMEs, educational institutions and events such as Web3 Summit, Chain 2022, and EDCON 2022.
What were notable general milestones achieved by Hypersign during 2022?
Launching their own testnet and mainnet, conducting virtual and in-person community events, and getting featured in various media publications.