I fucked up

Recorded: March 18, 2024 Duration: 2:19:42



Okay, it should be working now.
Slurf, what is going on over there?
Dude, I have no idea, can you hear me?
Yeah, yeah, can you hear me?
Yeah, I don't know.
Okay, make me a call so I can bring up some other people, but we gotta get you on a phone charger pronto.
Yeah, I'm on it.
We gotta get you staying by the wall or something, try to get you some AirPods, throw those in so you can walk around.
Yeah, I'm using AirPods, I don't know why I'm bringing my phone with me when I stand up.
Oh, then just leave that thing on the charger.
There we go.
Here we go, here we go, we're making progress here.
Let's see.
All right, a little technical difficulties never stopped anybody.
We're back, we're back.
Look at us, Po. Who would have thought?
Bro, I've never seen anything like this in my entire life.
$400 million mark cap.
Hey, Slurf, Bozo's pumping too with that.
I mean, that's a good thing.
It's fucking D-Gen hours.
Like, people are fucking not sleeping, bro.
This is the fucking bull market.
This is crazy.
This is fucking insane.
Overnight, bro, people have made millionaires within the past fucking 20 minutes.
How much you got, Po? You put a bag in?
I don't speak about my bags, bro.
Oh my god.
I don't speak about my bags, bro.
But they're big bags.
These are no grocery store bags.
These are no grocery store bags, bro.
Are you the mainstay?
Mainstay co-hosters.
What is happening?
Mark is on the Slurf team.
Mark is on the Slurf team.
I wish, right?
He's got the entire airdrop right now.
And he's not telling anybody.
I'mma boot Sonny right off this stage of crazy SOB.
What's this going at?
Following it up by asking what it's at.
Fucking 5-bit.
5-bit just fucking tweets Slurf.
They love the Slurf.
People at the exchange are picking up on this fest.
This will probably go down in history as one of the fastest meme points of all time to hit a building.
Po, I'mma need you to put in like half a milli.
What you got?
Half a milli? Some light?
I already max-bid this shit a long time ago.
I mean max-bid?
I don't know what your max-bid is.
What are we working with? You didn't tell me your bag size, remember?
I don't discuss bag sizes, my brother.
Me neither.
I'm not up here for no reason.
I'll tell you that.
What do you mean?
Let me ask something.
What is going through your head right now?
How are you feeling?
I'm feeling hopeful that with these exchange listings and shit, maybe people will make enough money that they will contribute to paying back to pre-sailors.
I don't think that's-
If you think anybody's contributing to the pre-sailors that's in the cord right now, what's the whole fucking way, my boy?
Yeah, probably not, but-
Them pre-sailors better be hoping they're buying the token right now before-
Bro, it's not even money.
Are we being fucking psyched right now? Is this really fucking happening?
Yo, the exchanges are freaking buying-
Say give it back to the pre-sailors, bro.
This is crazy.
Obviously not.
You better give it back.
No fucking way.
I just can't believe this shit's true, bro.
I still can't.
My brain cannot process.
My brain is having trouble processing this information.
Bro, you know what?
My brain's glitching right now.
I'll be honest with you. My fucking brain's glitching right now.
How the fuck did this happen?
Bro, you should get that checked out, honestly.
It literally happened really easily.
A fucking misclicked.
He said I've got a finger 10 million.
Listen, by the end of the bull run, that'll only be like 100 million.
Oh my god.
We've had the worst day.
Solon Cinderade.
What'd you say?
Yo, no way. My bitch.
Bro, I was telling you, this is the greatest marketing stunt of all fucking time.
I'm at the side after right now.
I kid you not, bro. Binance is buying the tokens.
They just-
I'm telling you guys, bro, this is going to be the biggest fucking meme of all time.
Solon Cinderade said they had a feature that makes sure you don't.
What he said was they have a feature where you can burn LP tokens.
But literally, that was kind of what happened is I couldn't see the LP token on there.
So I was like, fuck it, I'm going to go back to this, but I'm going to clean out these shit coins
and I slid in my wallet and-
I'm up like four mil.
I give a fuck.
I brought back, just, yo, back, can you deploy another five million right now?
I'm up four mil right now.
I mean, what else you want me to do?
Slurf went over to Solana and put it in pro mode so we could fucking burn all the shit.
If anybody does not need to be in fucking pro mode on any application, it's Slurf.
Oh my god.
Slurf wants to give-
Bro, in all-
In all realism, we-
In all realism?
It's funny, but fucking-
A lot of people got fucked.
Yeah, yeah.
So I'm trying to hear from some people who got fucked up.
So they can get it off their chest.
I actually sent 40, 50 soul.
I feel like shit, bro.
I think you guys just send me some soul.
I'll give you my wallet.
Yeah, so just send me some soul.
Send you some DZ.
Hey, I'm gonna send the soul right now.
Just drop your wallet in the chat.
Yeah, I'm joking, I'm joking.
I was fucking- I didn't send shit, but-
He was joking, too.
Go ahead, Ortoshi.
We need some more fucking anger in here because people are feeling really bad and that's what they want to get off their chest.
No, but I do- I want to say something.
I know some people that sent and they actually feel like shit.
Even in my chat, they're like, I don't know how to feel.
I don't know if I should feel happy or if I should cry.
Salona is winning, but they're crying because they lost their soul.
For some people, it's a lot, even one soul.
Yeah, exactly. For some people, even one soul is a lot of money.
No, it's not funny.
It's really not fucking funny. I mean, you guys are joking about it.
But I know-
I talked to rookie XBT and he said his mom put 10 soul and that was all she had.
Bro, that is-
My friend called me up today and said, he's like, bro, I got like 500 bucks.
Could you like trade for me?
I was like, bro, 500 bucks?
Like, what are you- why are you asking me 500 bucks?
You know, it's a lot of money to people.
It's a lot of money to some people.
Oh wait, I thought you were going to say the same thing.
Sorry. Come on, bro.
I thought you were going to call it that story.
Okay, okay. We got some other speakers up here.
I want to hear what they had to say.
Hey, how's it going?
What's going on, Waffles?
Hey, so I'm one of the lesser known soul incinerator people, but I'm glad that you decided to stick around and see this one out.
But it's kind of funny that we locked the LP behind to kind of avoid people from doing, you know, mistakes.
Yeah, for the most part, it kind of did.
But I mean, I'm not going to- I'm not going to blame it on anything or like try to- like, it was 100% my fuck up.
Like, I was- like I said, I was trying so hard not to fuck shit up.
Like, whenever I was adding the LP, I took like- it literally took me 20 minutes to count the nine digits of the fucking-
I counted it like so many times to make sure I was putting the right amount of tokens in the LP.
Because we had to use some for testing, so it was like nine hundred million, nine hundred ninety nine thousand ninety nine or some shit like that.
And I was like making sure I had all the digits for like 20 minutes.
And then, like, I was just trying way too hard not to fuck it up that I think I made myself fuck it up.
All right, I got a question. Waffles, you're on the incinerator team? Is that what you said?
Like, how hard would this be to pull this shit off and actually burn it all on accident?
In terms of the tokens?
Well, I didn't burn- yeah.
I mean, I just went through really fast and it was just like clicking all of the- because they were just like-
Like, 40 or 50.
Slurf. I'm not asking you. Waffles.
The hook.
Yeah, I mean, if you're talking about like, just going through and clicking it.
Like, it's just like any other token, man.
It's kind of why it's got to be important. It's like why we have three different screens of confirmations of like, make sure you- make sure you know what you're doing.
Yeah, I think what happened was I had so many of them pulled up that when I got to the screen where it shows all the tokens, like, I don't know.
I guess I was in a rush kind of, but I wasn't. I don't know. I didn't- like I said, I fucked up. I fucking-
It didn't even cross my mind that I was possibly burning the token.
Bro, is this bullish or bearish for Soul Incinerator? Because I'm feeling bad bullish for Soul Incinerator.
Soul Inciner- that's literally all I use, which is like, I went to the other app because I couldn't find the LP tokens.
Like, I literally used Soul Incinerator to burn everything and screwed up.
Does Soul Incinerator do, like, brand ambassadors or anything like that? Because I feel like there's some opportunity that it feels like it's tasty, you know.
We certainly talked about that before. We don't have anything in place right now, but that's definitely been in the plan.
I feel like this is a good- this is a good synergistic moment.
That's a great collaboration. Slurf and Soul Incinerator.
Go ahead, Brandon or Rich King, somebody. Somebody knew I wanted to hear from somebody.
Look, I think we need to stop.
I might have heard Chris.
Chris is fine on Slurf. I think he's a legend now because he has just created the biggest narrative in Solana history.
I think it has the potential to go back and be the only one anymore. So let's just stay positive.
Me specifically, I dropped some Soul on the presale, but now it doesn't matter anymore. The only thing that matters right now is for Slurf to, you know, Slurf up. So let's just Slurf it up.
Oh, yeah. I appreciate that.
Can you all hear me, please?
Yeah, we can hear you.
We can hear you, Rich.
Oh, okay. Thank you.
Slurf, I understand what's going on and I feel like shit happens.
I just really want to ask some questions, right?
Yeah, go ahead.
And your project is already doing good, despite the shit going on.
Well, it's not my project anymore.
Anyway, keep going with what you're saying.
Yeah, oh, it's both negative and positive at the same time, you know, burning everything means that even prisoners can't dump on the market, you know, that's some good stuff.
But I need to ask you, what's your plan?
You call these guys to send phones to the counter address, sending some phone. They need to be compensated. What's the plan?
That's currently the issue. Obviously, I don't have $10 million in my pocket to refund everybody or I would 100% do it.
So it's just like that is what I'm working on. I'm working on a plan or trying to figure something out.
Then can the contrast here receive more funding?
I mean, the best thing that the best outcome I see is somehow refunding the presellers their money that they put in.
I mean, obviously, I can't get them the tokens because like there's at this point buying buying $10 million worth of tokens would be fucking they would they would be worse off if they just got their money back.
I don't know.
I don't know.
Sorry, you can confidently refund presellers. Is that what you mean?
I mean, I'm not going to say I can confidently do it, but I'm going to do my best to find a way to do that. Yes.
I'm not just going to be like, fuck it. I fucked up. There's nothing I can do.
Y'all are screwed. That's not at all my mindset.
Bro, do you have any Xanax at home?
That's what some means that no more tokens can be minted at the contract.
When I was preparing the launch, which is like I added the LP. I set a timer for like 45 minutes.
That way I can make sure that I revoked the authority.
I burned the LP all before we launched. So like whenever people went to trade, there wouldn't be any flood, any like anything to scare anybody away from the token.
So I was trying to get all that done in that little time frame or whatever after I put the LP in on the timer.
And I just like, you know, that one part where I was burning the LP, I just accidentally burned the tokens whenever I was clearing out the other ones.
Like, obviously, I wish I could go back in time and just not pay attention to the other tokens and be like, fuck it.
I'll do it later. But it's just not what happened.
I just think shit happens, like I said earlier. I need to ask, do you still have some long time goals for this project?
I mean...
Rich is a shit coin.
Yo, he has zero coins. How are you going to land?
Yeah, we just... What are we doing, Rich? What are we doing?
He's a community man.
He just wants to know, does the movie just became you?
This is what we want to see another day.
This guy is getting slurfed.
Yeah, I mean...
This is pumping everyone's bags.
Yeah, it's pumping everybody's bags unless the pre-sellers bought some more of them.
The people who got screwed are the pre-sellers, and that's what's fucked up.
The people who got screwed sent an arbitrary amount of money to a random wallet on the internet.
You know what I mean?
Yeah, but I mean, we both...
They're like, play stupid games, play stupid prizes.
It is what it is. Those people are probably buying now, too.
So I think that all you can do right now is just keep hosting Twitter spaces, keep pumping people's bags,
signing up for these fucking listings, and that's the best play that you can do right now.
Anything else, just like icing on the cake.
We have no tokens to sign up for listings.
They're just all listing for free because this is probably the safest bit out of anything.
Yeah, the bottom line here, Slurf, is it's out of your hands.
Yeah, exactly.
Hold on, let me finish.
You completely, unironically, made yourself into a meme that will live in internet infamy.
And the reality for everybody on stage, the reality is...
Nobody died, Slurf. Nobody died.
Yeah, everybody...
The internet comes for everybody, in one way or another.
And you didn't wake up today and choose to be a meme forever.
The internet chose you. You understand? This was destiny, right?
So the reality is, we're not going to sit up here and try to spin this into anything.
You fucked up, right? You completely fucked up.
Let me say this, some advice you didn't ask for.
Don't try too hard to fix it, because that's going to fuck it up more.
You understand? You gotta just let the power of the meme compel you, my brother.
You understand? It's out of your hands. It's out of your slothy hands.
You know what I mean?
Bro, you literally sound like your PFP. You gotta keep this shit running.
I am my PFP.
You have to keep this shit running.
I am my... I mean, it's literally me in crypto punk format.
Oh, no, I'm talking about Slurf.
I also look like my fucking PFP if you've ever seen me.
I was like, damn, you're gassing me up.
Anyway, how you doing, Slurf?
Well, I just had somebody who fucking put 50k in the pre-sale
and he bought more when it launched and fucking now has six figures.
That's a true believer, Slurf.
Yeah, the reality is, you're a part of the street matter.
They would never live there for you, Slurf.
The Slurf name will be a part of history forever.
Yeah, people are gonna be like, man, I slurfed that one real bad.
I already hear, bro.
Slurf the dick.
Slurf the dick.
Yeah, it's like the opposite of mugging.
It's kind of like, you know.
And you know what's tight about it, too, is...
I can't tell.
I really, like, for the first hour of this,
I could not tell if this was a marketing thing,
but as we've sat on spaces, it's just definitively not.
Which makes it so funny.
And the other thing that's funny about it is
everybody is such a fucking degenerate gambler
and they're trying to sit up here and spin it.
Like, this is...
I mean, if anybody, and I want to be clear,
if anybody has any pity,
and I mean, like, the tiniest sliver of pity
for people that lost money on this,
I want you to look right in the fucking mirror right now.
And I want you to think of Zootopia.
And I want you to think of that scene from Zootopia.
And I want you to imagine somebody walking up to the register
of that sloth from Zootopia.
And just...
And just...
And just yeeting money at them. You know what I'm saying?
Anyway, man, this is good.
No, Bongil, Bongil.
I gotta hear what Bongil has to say.
Yeah, we gotta hear what Bongil has to say.
Bongil, how do we fix this?
What the fuck do you mean fix it, bro?
Bongil, you didn't even get a salary.
You didn't even get a salary, man.
Like, I just went and checked on, like, bird eyes.
Like, Karina has zero tokens.
I think, look, this sucks.
This sucks for the presalers. Don't get me wrong.
But do you think it would have done anywhere near these numbers
if this shit did not happen?
Do you know what I mean?
Like, this is insane.
I have been in stitches for the past, like, two hours,
or whatever the shit started.
This is fucking amazing.
And, dude, what fucking phone do you have, man?
I have an iPhone 6, but I never have it.
It's literally all in 1% right now.
What enough?
My bad. I'm bad. Not a 6.
A 14 or a 15. I don't fucking know.
Okay, okay.
It's still on 1% right now.
Yeah, but for real, I'm saying it's crazy.
That's a lot of crap that I was expecting.
Bro, the top 10 holder list is so bullish right now.
I kid you not. No one has more than 1%.
This shit is going to frickin' trillion of dollars, bro.
Like, what the fuck?
We're gonna rally the lilies.
Dude, I can't believe Binance, uh, not Binance,
but Binance listed it.
Binance is buying two right now, bro.
Binance is listing it within two hours, motherfucker.
They have to buy it, because there's no tokens to give them.
That's what I'm saying.
They can't buy their shit.
I've never seen anything like this before.
They slurp on the positive though.
Bozo's pumping too, so the OGs are getting hooked up.
Yo, that was a secret, bro. Come on.
Yo, relax, Mark.
Mark, we already tweeted it.
You really are on the team, aren't you, Mark?
That's why you told me.
Yeah, the Bozo will come back to you.
I wish I am a Bozo, but...
Mark co-hosting this confirmed simulation.
I'm not even gonna count.
You feel like, how the fuck is Mark co-hosting the slurp spaces
after he just burned 10 million?
This shit doesn't even make sense at this point.
What the fuck?
Who burnt the 10 million on me?
Mark co-hosted or burned 10 million?
Mark burnt it.
I'll be back here, bro.
You found that right there, slurp.
I'll put your time out so quick.
Yeah, yeah, slurp.
Tell everybody how Mark burned 10 million on his faces.
He's paying me to get on this account.
Holy shit.
He's coming up now.
Flip it, Danny. Flip it.
No, but for real.
Let's hear from some more people there, for real.
Mark is the real slurp.
Let me bring up some new people.
Let me bring up some new people.
Bring up some new people.
I would love to hear from someone that ate the pre-sale
and didn't get their tokens.
That's what I'm trying to find.
Can we find someone?
Bro, I don't think anybody in this spaces was in the pre-sale.
They have to eat.
They're eating it right now.
I just wanted to ask, just to be clear,
there are two slurp tokens that are pumping on Sol.
Which one is the actual slurp token?
What? There's more.
There's already a bullet.
There's only one slurp, bro.
There's one that did like 750 million.
I think this is the one, but just to be clear.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's that one, bro.
I'm pretty sure it's not the one.
Should I trust you?
I'm pretty sure, bro.
Thanks, man.
I'm going to slurp with that thought.
When are upgrade?
Slurf, do you mind if I ask you a couple of questions?
It's a little bit late here.
I just was interested in finding out the answer to a couple of things.
Yeah, go ahead.
When you guys were promoting this and pushing this,
did you guys explicitly try to raise the amount you did?
Like, did you try to push the raise as much as possible,
or was this unanticipated?
We had a soft cap at one million that we were going to...
We did not expect to raise as much as we did.
Like, you can look on our site.
We have a...
There's four different lines on our site.
Why didn't you close pre-sale at one million?
No, that was like a soft cap.
Go look at the site and you can see how it was set up.
It was mainly like, if we started losing traction,
we were just going to close it and then launch it.
It's almost a dollar, by the way, just saying.
Yeah, I mean, this is absolutely insane,
but for the pre-sailors, I'm just like sick.
I've literally been crying.
I fucking felt like I was almost thrown up like I'm so sick.
And I just didn't...
I want to hear from the people who bought the pre-sale,
to be completely honest.
I'm trying to bring out some people slurp,
but these phones be bugging when you get this many people in here.
You want to still have some shit to fix, too.
Maybe he can figure this out.
Let's see.
Why was there no concern for quality control with the amount involved?
And this isn't like me saying, oh, you're so dumb,
you're so this or that.
What you did wasn't atypical for the space.
What you did was normal behavior for the space.
I'm just wondering.
I'm not super...
Like I said, putting in the LP and shit,
it's obviously not that hard, but yeah,
it was stressful to be messing with that much money.
But I mean, I launched my project perfectly fine with 2 million.
I'm perfectly capable of launching a project.
It was just an honest mistake is all.
I literally was worried about, even though I trust my dev 100%,
I was literally worried about sending him all of the airdrop tokens at a time.
So we had it set up to where I was going to feed the wallet 10% at a time.
And as they were getting sent out, we were going to add it up.
So I mean, there was quality control taken.
It was literally just like obviously like burning the tokens
and like not burning the tokens was an easy thing to not do.
But it was just a fucking brainless mistake is all it was.
I mean, have you thought of reducing the supply to one slurf only?
I don't have.
It's not possible.
I don't have any slurf.
Actually, someone did it.
They made one potato like they made the supply one potato.
Maybe if you do that.
I think most of us have more slurf than he does on this call.
Which sucks, man.
I mean, I don't even think it wasn't about the money.
Like it was more of a marketing thing to help.
Like I figured it would be big.
We made a good meme.
I figured it would be big.
We would do well.
We get some attention and then I could kind of leverage it to get more eyes
on the people who have been supporting me from the beginning at bozos.
So, I mean, it was just, it was literally mostly just for marketing
and for fun and obviously it didn't turn out.
I mean, it turned out well for a lot of people,
but for the people who believed in the beginning and they put their
money in or whatever, they did not help them out at all.
Slurf, this is crypto though.
This is fucking history.
Like, I think they'll be honored at this point.
Like this is some crazy shit.
Let me tell you something, Slurf.
You could probably launch a coin tomorrow and people would
buy the fuck out of it.
Oh, that's for damn sure.
Oh my God.
Maybe that's what you should do.
I don't know.
New coin, airdrop, everyone that sent you money and everyone on max did it
and people will be made whole again.
Slurf fat.
I think that's a good idea, honestly.
More tokens, bro.
Yell motherfuckers are just like trying to ape some shit.
Go ahead, Sheevas.
And somebody who I just added, they're not even hearing.
Slurf, you're making history tonight, bro.
You sacrifice the lamb, but your name in crypto history will be there forever, bro.
Go ahead, Spider.
Slurf, I think it's still connecting for them.
Twitter's bugging like crazy right now.
I mean, I can't see them.
I think Fast has got his hand up.
Is Fast there?
Hello, Fast?
Yo, what's up?
It's Fast.
Wait, somebody, I have a question for you, Slurf.
Did you buy pre-sale yourself?
Did you buy a thousand soul worth?
See, this is what happened.
Nobody tweeted that.
The reason that you were crying is because you lost your own money on the pre-sale.
No, honestly, this is what happened.
I'll put that out there because I actually took it out.
Some people were saying that I did it on purpose, so I can clear that up right now.
I was like, nobody's going to contribute if they don't.
It's like a starter or whatever because nobody's going to fucking put any money in if there's no money in there.
So people started putting in money.
And then once it got to the end, I left like 15 or 20 soul in there and I took it out.
So it looks really sketchy obviously.
I have so much proof that our intentions were to do everything correctly.
I have so many messages from what we've been working on this entire time.
So you lost a thousand soul, right?
Oh, what the fuck?
I put it in there and then I took it out.
But yeah, that's going to look sketchy, which is like one thing I was worried about.
I was like, everybody's going to think I fucking did that to be sketchy.
But I did it because we fucking...
I don't have a thousand dollars to play with.
I don't know what the token's going to do when we drop it.
I just put in my 20 soul like everybody else.
Finance is listening it.
Jesus Christ.
Rolled it, just tweeted about it.
This is crazy.
Welcome to history.
We're making fucking history, bro.
You're making fucking history, bro.
God bless you.
You changed people's lives tonight, man.
You should be proud.
I changed some people's lives.
Yeah, it just crossed one dollar.
It's Robin Hood.
This is literally Robin Hood.
The question is, I'm getting some questions in the ends about a previous project called
Bozos or something like that.
They asked me, you know, I don't know what happened with Bozos.
Is it still active?
What's going on?
Isn't that going to the fucking grave?
No, shut up.
That was my main collection.
This was just something that we did on the side.
I work on that every single day.
I have literally a cult holder following in there.
Everybody is great, is literally a great community.
And I fucking was just doing this on the side.
It was just supposed to be some little fun thing while we waited on some of our projects.
Some of our products to get finished that we have developers working on.
Bless you, Slurf.
Wait, can you guys hear me?
By the way, if you add another co-host, you can add more to more people.
And Slurf is right on Bing X.
Slurf just got listed on Binance.
That's crazy.
Congratulations, man.
You're a legend, dude.
You do the service that everybody loves so much.
I love it when the dev rugs my ass, dude.
I lost in the presale because I'm a fucking degenerate.
I buy everything, dude.
You did the whole entire playbook perfectly.
It's amazing.
We're so blessed to have someone like you.
It's like picking up a person at the club or some shit like that,
and you just play all the rec cards for the degenerates.
And I'm one of the degenerates.
I'm so blessed.
Slurf isn't a dollar.
Just let people know.
Slurf isn't a dollar, boys.
Everybody hold up for a second.
Go ahead, Ansel.
Is that what you mean?
Wait, hold on.
This shit is a dollar.
Mark is really behind Slurf.
This graphic is crazy.
Sunny, let me speak.
Yeah, man.
I mean, I just want to ask the boring question.
Why wasn't the dev in charge of the funds?
I mean, because...
When you moved 10 million dollars worth...
Okay, I can answer that right now.
I can't answer that right now.
There's nobody that I trust more than myself.
Obviously, it's a dev.
He's a known dev.
He works for Brohala or whatever.
And he's a good friend, and I trust him.
But at the same time, I can't just send him $10 million in tokens
and hope that he doesn't just be like,
fuck it, I'm going to take this $10 million.
And then I would be in the same position I was in right now.
So I was just trying to be safe is all it was.
I was like, I'm not going to fuck it up.
I did fuck it up.
I'm not going to do anything malicious.
But I don't know when that much money is in play,
it's hard to trust anybody, right?
So that's understandable.
Yeah, okay.
No, I mean, dude, if you work with that much money
and you go through UI, shit is going to happen.
You have to know the exact token.
What happens if somebody sends you a copy in your wallet
with the exact same logo and stuff?
Well, none of them had the same logo.
It was literally just like...
I don't know.
I just clicked too much.
I didn't notice that I clicked it.
Or maybe the...
No, no, but I mean, what I'm saying,
I mean, I think for this project, it's, you know,
your work is done.
But for the next project that comes up,
don't go through UI to burn $10 million
of liquidity or whatever.
Ask someone to write a script for you
that you can test beforehand.
To burn the tokens?
On D-Day, you just play the scripts.
But, yeah.
I mean, that's...
Or, you know, you can just send, like, I don't know.
You have to work on that beforehand, I guess.
But, you know, it has to be done through scripts
to make sure that there's no mistakes,
that you don't misclick, like you said.
Because that's a lot of...
It's a lot of money.
There's a guy who said he sent wanted souls
to the preset he wants to come up.
His PFP is one of those cats on crack.
Wait, I sent money in the pre-sell.
Honestly, for a reason, I paid attention to his launch.
And it's so huge, like...
I feel like sometimes when you just invest in shit,
you pay attention way more.
And, like, damn, man.
I lost money on the pre-sell,
but then when I knew this shit rubbed
and no one was getting the pre-sell tokens,
like, there's this guy named P.O.W. Gemcalls,
like, shout out to him.
One of the greatest telegrams out there.
Shout out to pal fucking gems, dude.
Pal fucking gems is fucking dope, dude.
You're a goat.
I don't even know if you're here right now,
but I swear to God, dude,
I'm lit as fuck and I fucking ate the shit of everything.
Bless you, man.
All right, all right.
Let's go to Mr. Kett with the actual question.
Holy shit.
Mr. Kett?
The overall got a question for slurs.
Go ahead.
That's all, bitch.
We're going to figure it out, man.
We're going to work it out.
We'll figure something out.
Did you not use Deanne on this?
I feel bad.
Did I not use what?
No, don't do it.
Yeah, you're not going to get me.
I got you.
Slurp would let you go down like that.
You should have at least let him get you.
No, I can't let.
More proof that Mark is on slurp team.
More proof Mark is on slurp team.
Mark can't let his fandom be caught like that, dude.
For real.
He can't let you.
I got you.
What are you?
I need to run the podcast.
Why are you going in, bro?
What do you got?
I want to know.
Why are you fucking?
Why is anything?
I love you, Mark.
I love your involvement with the slurp.
Spider crypto.
Go ahead.
Did you have something to say?
Oh, I'm sorry, Mark.
You're a legend, bro.
We're going to take care of you, bro.
Hey, set up a donation wallet.
I'll fund that shit right now.
I'll throw a hundred grand at shit right now.
I'm going to wait.
I think if you do it, bro, just fucking do it, man.
Honestly, I'm so lit right now.
It's the best time.
You got to take advantage of.
Take advantage.
I'm fucking nervous.
I don't even want to.
Solidify yourself as a legend.
Take your fucking mantle, dude.
You got to listen.
I'm finance.
Do you know how many people try to do that shit?
And you did it in less than four hours, dude.
It wasn't even three hours yet.
And you fucking did history.
Like, take pride.
Bro, I'm going to send you a hundred grand.
Take that shit.
Come on now.
If you're going to throw out a hundred grand, at least give me 10.
Bro, you can choose to give it to charity.
You can choose to give it to charity, though.
Charity is the pre-sale holders.
They're digging like the pre-sale buyers.
They got fucking screwed.
And everybody is out of the...
Everybody's fucking...
They just went from $20 million market cap to $600 million.
Someone is saying that the radium contract isn't immutable.
All is lost.
What about that?
It's not immutable, but that is only to change the description
and the picture and different shit like that.
Like, I can't mint any more tokens.
We can't be changed with that picture.
That picture is too beautiful.
This is the cutest community takeover, guys.
This is really cute for us.
I really love it.
$640 million, Marky.
Yeah, this is the same.
Mark, what is your involvement with the team?
Dude, I... Bro, I got...
What is your involvement?
He is the team.
Not nearly enough.
Like, I've got...
I wish I bought, like, a thousand soul
right when the space started.
This is the funniest damn shit I've ever experienced.
Slurf, you're good people.
You're gonna go down in history,
but as, like, the most beloved character
in all of Solana.
There's 25,000 people that are gonna disagree with that.
25,000 people who sent money to a random wallet
hoping and wishing and praying
have also gotten in on the shit that's happening right now.
And if they haven't, they're even more stupid
than we thought that they were.
Someone's gonna wake up tomorrow,
be real confused by surface edibility.
I have friends on my DMs right now saying
they're up a million dollars right now.
That's me, baby. That's me, bozo.
We got punk-ass shit, too.
No wonder this can't so fucking happy, bro.
He's up a million years.
Yeah, bro, it's in my journal, dude.
I posted it right away.
I was like, oh, my God.
Fuck it up.
Fuck it up.
Fuck it up.
My slide go, fuck it up.
This is insane, dude.
You got to give a speech, man.
Like, I've never seen a founder do this much
in this short amount of time.
I haven't done anything but fuck up.
Motherfucker slates for months.
You just spawned, bro.
You just spawned here,
and your coin is almost a billion,
like world record, any percent.
Do you understand?
Put your hand up in the audience
if you put it in the presale.
That's who I want to hear from.
I'm looking.
Chivas, can you speak?
What's up, Slur? What's up?
All right.
I got one question for you that might be,
or maybe a solution for you,
and one thing that I want to give to you.
Look, bro, do you know what the microwave,
penicillin, Post-it stamps, tea bags,
you know what all of these things have in common?
They were all fucking made by accident, right?
And they're fucking epic.
Everybody uses it.
Everybody loves it.
The best fucking things are made by accident sometimes.
You just got to embrace this.
You know, it is what it is.
It happened, and you're making everybody happy.
Look, you made a bunch of people sad
that maybe missed out on presale,
but look at this fucking space, bro.
You got 10K people in here,
and they're all fucking happy.
They're having an amazing fucking time.
They're enjoying everything that crypto
has to offer during the bulk, right?
They're going through this emotional fucking rollercoaster
with you.
Just enjoy it.
Embrace it.
Don't be too harsh on yourself.
Accidents happen,
and sometimes the best things come out of them.
Then, regarding your people that you want to take care of,
you set up the LP, right?
So that means you're making the fees on the LP.
I don't know if it's all burned.
I don't know.
I don't have any.
I would say so, but Slark, maybe you know better.
I can check the wallet and see.
No, I don't think that happens when you burn it.
I think it just goes out.
I honestly don't know.
I don't know.
I couldn't be the one to answer that.
All right, well, I actually have one LP token left.
That's the market.
I may have started.
I may have started the payment, dude.
You have the back?
I'll pay my payment.
We'll push it 100 times.
You can't find.
Dr. Peach.
Dr. Peach.
Yo, yo, yo.
This is the most fun I've had in crypto ever.
This is drama.
I'm loving it.
So I ate like five soul into the presale,
and I woke up this morning like,
fuck you.
I'm going to wake up to generational wealth.
See this shit.
This motherfucker burned it.
I'm like pissing myself laughing while I'm having my coffee.
Like, oh, fuck it.
It's just five soul.
This is crypto.
This is what happens.
So I ate another 10 soul into that shit.
And now I'm up, baby.
Let's fucking go.
Oh, my God.
That's the best marketing.
That's real slurp believers.
Mary Slurfmas.
Let's go.
Mary Slurfmas is insane.
We're going to hit 1 billion within five hours.
It's really insane.
It's the best marketing in the mimic coins history.
So it's going to be great for real.
I bought every fucking one of those coins,
the one on presale on secondary after they launched.
I lost money on all those motherfuckers.
This is the only one that's actually printing for me.
So, yeah, I mean, you know, apparently this is the way, right?
All the other shit wasn't the way anymore.
Like, you can't just have that presale and air drop it to the people
because everybody on secondary is going to get fucking burned.
And you made everybody on secondary win, right?
So you turned it around.
That's fucking epic.
Let's fucking go.
Genuinely, like, I don't know many people that have the balls to open up
this Twitter space and just kind of take it on the chin.
And this is the best thing you probably could have done for yourself
right now.
So, I mean, that's what I said, too.
I mean, I was talking to the people who were helping me make this.
And I was just like, I don't know what the fuck to do.
I'm just going to hop on a space because I don't want people to feel
like I rigged them or I did something malicious because I didn't.
Like, it was literally an honest mistake.
Been up for three days.
Like, we literally did all this in three days.
From making the character to building the website, the fucking everything.
One second, I'm talking something.
If you really want to make it up for your syndrome, just order some coke.
Stay up all day.
You got to keep this phone active.
Make sure you rotate the co-host from time to time.
So we punt these fucking backs and get these exchanges.
This is your only responsibility now.
The dev, DM me, I want to be brought up.
Can you bring up default, D-E-F-A-L-T?
Yeah, default.
He's the one who's been helping me with this.
I just want to let you guys know.
I just checked the charts.
Like, Solana went up to $210 because everyone wants Solana to buy your token, bro.
Well, maybe not, right?
But maybe as well.
Who the fuck knows?
This is fucking amazing.
I think OK, Solana listed the tokens.
Maybe you can ask some help from them.
If you need, I can help you to collect the token list manager of OKX.
To see if we can provide some help.
But I'm not sure.
And I can't promise.
But this mimicoid is really insane.
I think they may pay more attention to it.
Wait, you said I'm lost here.
What'd you say?
I mean, if you need help, I can try to collect you to the token list manager of OKX.
I think they're going to list it.
And if they can provide some help to you, maybe I'm not sure.
I can't promise.
Then I will try to collect them to you, okay?
That sounds good to me.
Did we find DePaul?
He needs to pop up again at speakers.
So, don't request again.
DePaul, if you can hear us, request again.
I'm going to send a message from the Chinese WeChat to him and wait for his response.
To see if he can give some help.
Because it's really...
Yeah, my God.
I don't know how to explain that.
But you made the best mimicoid in history.
Well, you guys heard it here first.
Slurf is the best meme coin in history.
Meme coin, bro.
Meme get it right.
Meme coin, yeah.
Meme coin.
Got a few more people to request.
Put your hand up if you were one of the people who did the pre-sale.
I need Turk.
I need Turk up here.
And I need DePaul up here.
Mark, put your hand up if you're the one that actually wrote the $10 million.
Sonny, I'm going to put your ass down.
I'm going to write.
That's fun.
Slurf, Slurf, I'm going to pull you down for a second so I can get DePaul and Turk up here.
Slurf, Slurf, can I talk at another co-host?
Yeah, yeah, go ahead.
I'm actually going to go to bed.
Do you mind if I ask you one last question and I'll step down myself?
Can you repeat maybe with bozo coins, the people?
If it wouldn't be equal to $10 million unless it just goes insane.
But potentially that could be it.
Potentially that could happen if...
No, you made a mistake.
Don't kill yourself, okay?
You made a mistake.
That's great advice.
I don't like the people in here like PoE who are making fun or Amy who are making fun about the people we invested to.
Yeah, that's what I'm saying.
That's not funny, yeah.
The people who...
So respect the pump.
I respect the pump too.
I made a bit of money too.
But you have to think on the people who lost a lot of money, yeah?
That's literally where I'm at.
It's like, yeah, it's all fun.
People are making money.
But at the same time, a lot of people lost money.
25,000 wallets.
Yeah, it's fucking sad.
25,000 people sent money.
Obviously, it's fucking sad.
I mean, other people to buck, some of us can laugh though because I'm pretty sure every single person on this stage has been rugged at some point in life.
I mean, I got rugged for $20K the other day trying to chase that down with the meme derivative or whatever.
I mean, it happens.
Yeah, I mean, it happens.
It's just like...
It's not coming back, so you could really only laugh about it and make your next play.
That's all I'm saying.
It's not that we're laughing in the faces of the pre-sailors and like,
ha ha, you lost money.
But it's just like, this story is fucking insane.
Like, this story is just fucking nuts.
Turk, Turk in default, request to speak because I cannot find you guys.
Slurf. Slurf, bro.
Yeah, they're not popping up.
Slurf, bro. Like, oh my god, I'm literally shaking right now.
You've run? Okay. Holy shit.
I put my dick on the table. I fucking ate it.
I'm up. Teen fucking grand right now.
Okay, holy shit. No, no, no, no, no.
I can't miss this opportunity.
I just pinned the tweet to the space. I've sold 1K USDC.
1K USDC. Go, go, fuck off, bro.
Oh my god, you are your fucking legions.
Jaz, I'm gonna need you to spit it out.
Okay. Okay.
Everyone, go follow, go look at the tweet I just posted.
I'm gonna give away fucking grand with this shit.
I swear to god.
Fucking go look at the tweet I just followed. I'm giving away grand.
I swear to fucking god.
Jaz, you gotta give that to the pre-sailors. Come on now.
Yeah, okay. If you're a pre-sailor, look.
Okay, can you guys... Hold up.
How do you reject requests?
Who are you trying to bring up default?
Yeah, and Turk. But they said there's max requests right now, so...
Okay, let me try to...
I don't know how to do it.
Yeah, let me see if I can remove...
Can some of y'all unrequest real quick?
Yeah, if you guys can unrequest real quick.
Okay, there's default. I found default.
Okay, can a couple people unrequest? We'll get you guys up here.
We'll get you guys up here. I'm not going anywhere.
Goddamn Jaz, man. He's always up here.
He's just literally like finding opportunities left, right, and standing by my guy.
Well done, Jaz. He always finding the opportunity, dude.
If a few other people can unrequest, it would be appreciated.
Yeah, just for...
Wait, do you need unrequest to get up and speak?
No, no, no. We just need a few more people to unrequest.
Oh, okay. Cool. All right.
Gotcha. I have just one last question and a comment, and then I'll step down.
I'll go to bed for the night because it's 4 AM.
So you had no malintent, and I do believe you.
And you even had quality control in place, and I do believe you on that as well.
But you still ended up doing maximal damage to people in the sense that they got nothing for their funds.
What sort of created the circumstances for this to happen beyond an accident on your part, right?
Do you feel like this was enabled in part by people?
What do you mean by enabled?
Do you feel the people who participated created this set of circumstances?
No. I mean, people do this all the time, and they don't fuck up.
I mean, there's probably been 10 coins dropped today that all raised $10 million,
and a lot of them went to zero. A lot of them are just moving sideways.
But I don't think that I'm not going to blame it on them for sending too much money or anything like that.
It wasn't enabled. It was just my fuckup, and that's just what it is.
Gotcha. Well, thank you for letting me come up, and I would definitely contact a lawyer
because this is exploding in terms of media attention, I assume.
So I think you would want to talk to one because there might be some liability here.
I don't know. I'm not a lawyer myself, but...
Yeah, I don't know. Hopefully not, is all I could say.
But I mean, I'm going to do my best if I can try to fix the pre-sellers and get them right the best I can.
I mean, that's all I can try to do.
Slurf just got listed on Soul Casino.
Tell this, I mean, they don't even have liquidity, I don't think.
He said, what the fuck does that mean, Mark? Get the fuck out of here.
They just tweeted it out. He said that doesn't mean shit for Slurf.
Wait, what happened to the default? The default?
Yeah, he was just up here.
If a few more people can unrequest...
There's just too many people in this space.
If a few people can unrequest, you can request back up in two minutes, but we need to unrequest for a few minutes.
So be a gem.
Yes, please. Just like if you're requested right now, just please unrequest. There's two important people I got to get up here.
Please, unrequest.
If you have like another co-host, like one of the people...
No, no, that's not the issue. We have too many requests to speak, Jared. That's the problem.
It's not speakers on the stage.
Oh, sorry, dude. Didn't mean to enforce your employee, man.
We need a few more people to unrequest.
I can probably add him as a co-host if I can find him among these 10,000 people.
You know, you can just search it in the requests.
Oh, really? Well, he's not in the requests. That's their problem.
There's like a search thing and you could type it by name and find it.
Amy, he can't even request. There's too many requests. That's the problem.
Wait, let me see. I think I figured it out.
Wait, see if he can request now.
Default, if you heard that, try to request or turn somebody.
I feel like it just fills up instantly.
Default, try to request.
Let's see.
I'm just removing the bots that are requesting.
Default, try to. Oh, there we go. Okay.
I think he's getting brought up.
Yo, hello.
Default, can you hear us?
Yeah, yeah, what's going on?
There we go.
Yo, finally.
Yeah, my spaces were rugged.
Yo, Slurp. Firstly, bro, I can say from experience, this was absolutely a mistake on his part.
Dude's got a heart of gold.
He may be like an idiot for doing this, whatever.
But I mean, shit happens, dude.
It's not the end of the fucking world.
At the end of the day, we're all just degens sending money to a fucking wallet.
Gambling, right?
Bunch of fucking gaming addicts, all of us.
I sent money to myself, fellow degen.
I mean, he spent, default spent like 48 hours, like, of non-stop coding.
And getting deciding and getting everything ready, and fucking writing a custom script for the airdrop, and just all type of shit.
I don't think he slipped in the last three days.
No, not much.
Yeah, but I mean,
there's not really a lot you can do now to make everyone whole again.
Like, there's nothing.
You have no money for LP.
But I mean, something that you could consider is something like what they had been mocked you, right?
Where they just dropped a token with no LP to a bunch of people and just sold with the community.
And like, I've got all the code ready.
I've got all the past transactions ready to go, everyone's allocations based on everything.
So if we wanted to just spin up a token, drop it just to those wallets, add no LP and let them rip, we could do that.
I mean, I don't know if that's going to cause more harm than good, but it's just an idea.
Yeah, I think it will require some brainstorming for sure.
I think you've done enough brainstorming today, my friend.
I want to get Turk up here, but I literally look for an OMB profile pig with the fucking.
Charfoons in here.
I know he's going to talk some shit.
Yeah, we'll try to get Charfoons up here.
Charfoons with Turk.
Charfoon with Turk.
Turk has a OMB with the tennis racket.
Looking for that.
Guys, if you can on request right now so we can bring up Turk and Charfoon, that would be appreciated.
So what do you do for fun, Slurf?
Like, what are you all using shit?
I sit on my computer all day.
Here we go.
Brought Turk up.
What the fuck?
Oh, we got biped it as a speed.
Oh, is biped it on the stage?
What the hell?
What the hell?
What's going on?
Mark, what's the baller you in these days?
Wait, didn't Turk request words yet?
It's, uh, Turk, can you speak?
Yo, what's up, guys?
Can you hear me?
I don't even see him.
Oh, I see him now.
Yeah, we can hear you.
Can you hear him?
Hey, what's up, everybody?
First of all, thanks a lot for having me up.
Mark, I'm a big fan of your podcast.
I've been listening to you for pretty much as long as I've been in Web3, and I love what you do.
Basically, I came up here, basically, to say that I don't know...
So you can confirm Mark is on the team?
You can confirm Mark is on the team.
He's on the Slurf team.
You can confirm, nor deny, because I actually have no idea who's on the Slurf team.
But what I can say is that I have no idea what the fuck is going on.
But what I can tell you is that, first of all, I just wanted to come up here to commend Slurf for actually being on spaces after this crazy mishap.
You know, I'm personally quite shocked because this is something that I've never seen before.
Like, usually when a fuckup like this happens in the space, generally the founder will disappear.
And, you know, never come back.
Here we have someone who's really taking accountability for the mistake that he's made.
And in the process, managed to create, you know, one of the craziest meme coins to ever exist.
Like, if there was ever a narrative for a meme coin, how could this not be it?
Like, I've never seen anything like that.
The guy burns a big amount of money, more money than I could have ever seen in my life.
And, you know, this is the real meme coin.
And, yeah, I just wanted to say I respect a lot the founder for actually being up on stage, you know, taking questions, trying to, you know, speak to people who are people who pre-sailed into it.
I was one of these people who pre-sailed.
I didn't eat too hard. I went in with three Solana.
But, like, probably never seeing that for the moment until a solution is figured out for pre-sale buyers.
But, like, I ended up buying into it and now I'm up 10x, so I'm pretty happy.
Appreciate that, Turg.
Yeah, we agree with that.
I think we have seen a lot of troubles recently in the space with also scammers and hackers.
And we would like to say, you know, for the transparency that is here live in Twitter space after something happening like this, it's the right way.
I can assume that there are a lot of thoughts and things happening right now with the developer, you know, what happened.
But, yeah, great to have you here.
Hey, Florif, can you explain the thousand Sol again? Because people have questions about that.
That seems to be the only thing that people keep asking.
Okay, so initially when we started the thing, I put a thousand Sol in because the plan was that there needed to be a little bit of Sol in the wallet for it to look appealing.
You know what I mean? To at least raise whatever we're going to raise.
And then obviously it looks super bad now because I refunded that wallet shortly before all of this took place.
But it wasn't on purpose like I didn't plan to.
I just don't have that much money to like a thousand Sol is like half my net worth.
So it's like I don't have that much money to play the game with everybody else.
I put in like fifteen or twenty Sol for myself.
But that was initially just for it to look appealing when people when we first launched it or whatever.
I didn't take a thousand Sol out of the thing.
It was a thousand Sol that we put in at the beginning just to like make the wallet look decent.
Go ahead.
What's up, bro?
First of all, congratulations for the coolest, funniest lunch ever.
To everybody that's not you, you're a dumbass.
I don't know why I'm the only person not getting psy up on all of Twitter.
I just woke up like ten minutes ago.
I don't really know the facts.
I saw the burn transaction.
Doesn't matter. All planned for sure.
Finance is not listing this shit the same day came out.
One hundred percent was not planned.
Well, you're going to say that, I would say that too.
But I know this shit's planned, bro. I know you're a chess guy.
No, that's literally retarded.
You don't even know me. That's literally retarded.
I can scroll up this whole group chat of how hard we've been working for the past three days.
Why would I work hard? That's what I mean. You're the bozo guy.
I know you work hard, you plan shit well, you always have weird approaches, there's curveballs.
I think it was all planned, bro. I saw some Chinese shit that said Binance on it.
I know they're going to list it. I don't think they would list it if you just fucked it up this bad.
They wouldn't list it three hours later.
Come on, bro. You can't fuck with Kuk here. You can't psy up.
Bro, you sound retarded, to be honest.
Dude, I am retarded. You know me too, right? Like I know you.
I think you're just trying to get some attention or something. I don't know.
I'm trying to figure out who to stop.
I'll scroll down through every single one of these messages that we have in our group chat.
There is no ill intent whatsoever. This was not planned. We benefited nothing from it.
I'm saying it's a good plan. Like it was a good plan to have the best marketing.
No, it's not a good plan to burn 10 million of other people's dollars. It's a dangerous thing.
Yeah, but you burned the supply, right? You didn't burn the soul, so it's pro rata, whatever they're fixing.
I think this was all a psy up for the record.
Yeah, it wasn't a psy up, but I mean, everybody can have their own thoughts about it.
100% was just a literal fuck up because of, I don't know.
I didn't fucking... I felt like that was the easy part or whatever. It was burning the shit enough. It wasn't paying attention.
But I like it though. You can tell I like it. I think it's a 10 out of 10 job here. I'm very happy with the way you've done it.
But you can't trick me, that's all. That's what I mean.
I'm not tricking anybody. What the hell?
You're tricking 10,000 people at least, bro.
Literally, I was crying in here like five minutes ago, like legit tears. Nobody's going to cry. I'm literally in here, was about to throw up until I started hosting Space.
I cried when Frank bought an equal, so I feel you on that.
100% legitimate, 100% an accident, but I mean, it was my fuck up.
I mean, I guess somebody could plan this, but I definitely am not the one.
I'm a fan either way. I think you're based.
My friends, I've had friends, like even Turk asked me if he was going to put in or whatever.
Obviously, I would have told my friends not to put in if I was going to burn their money. I don't know.
No, that's not what I mean. It's not burning the money. That's part of the SIOP, right? You burn the supply, however it's going to happen.
I'm not sure. The radium pool is not immutable. Whatever it is, it's a grand chess game. You did what you were supposed to do. It's for marketing. It's beautiful. I'm proud of you.
I know that people didn't get fucked here. The presales are going to get some. I know it. You just can't sigh off me. That's all. But I like it. Continue to roll it out. Trick all these people.
Cook, did you put money in? Be honest.
I put money in and I ate. I sold everything. I don't give a fuck. I said he ate the presale.
No, but I bought it too. It's not about that. It's just...
I know, but if you're not right...
I know this guy. If I'm not right, I got a bag.
I got a bag. Come on.
Trying to make sure you're good there.
This isn't about me getting presale. It's more about trying to do a Babe Ruth call when everybody thinks that this guy...
I took one look at this. Come on. It's marketing.
It does seem like a genius marketing play in hindsight, Cook. But if you know Grumpy, you know that he's someone who does not want to...
You can see what he's done with Bozo. It's a free mint on Solana.
He constantly worked hard from the beginning to add value to the project by creating tools and non-stop building with pretty much zero mint funds in the treasury.
He's someone who does want to add value to every single holder that incorporates his ecosystem.
I'm speaking from an unbiased perspective here. You just have to look at the track record, Cook.
I love the way you come up and you have your words. I love listening to you, bro.
You've got to look at the track record of this guy.
We're saying the same thing, man. I'm looking at the track record. That's why I know it's genius marketing.
But the track record has never been to affect anyone.
In this case, one could potentially say that if no resolution is found for presale holders, you do have a lot of people who may be affected financially.
Yeah, you said if and may. You said if and may twice, bro. Come on.
If and may.
So you're up to what you're assuming could be a sign up, you know, time will prove that whether it's the case or not.
And I hope that it's the case. Like, I hope it's a sign up.
But for real, like you can tell from the sound of this guy's voice at the moment, like he's not in a good place. He's not happy.
He's not happy with what's happened. So I don't know. I remain the captain of team.
Bro, the owner, I'm the manager, general manager of team.
It's definitely a sad entry and give me a job. Give me a job in your team.
I don't know. Spy. You seem to be friends with him. Go be a double agent and hit the DMS.
No, I like it, though. It's fun. When was the last time 10,000 people were on a space that wasn't a fucking Mario scam?
It's pretty good, dude. You're killing it.
Um, go ahead. So, man, he's been waiting for a while, I think.
I don't know if there's somebody out there.
Okay, well, I guess.
Twitter is bugging. Yeah.
I'll try to get somebody else.
I'll try to get somebody else.
Leo, chain, soul's egg, whichever one of y'all want to have something to say.
I can vouch for soul. Zach, he's a good guy.
Hello. What's going on?
What's up, man?
Slurf, I just wanted to ask you one question. When your phone kept dying earlier, how was your charger working?
Do you have to like hold that shit in an angle or like what the fuck was going on, bro?
She was not working.
What happened was I had to put I have the charger that you plug into the back, but it's like the magnet or whatever.
And you put on the back of your phone and I like when I'm stressed out, I pace.
So I was like I kept getting up away from the charger and walking around the room and I just kept dying.
Is that what it was?
Did you have some socks on earlier and you're rubbing your feet on a carpet trying to charge that shit up?
Because man, that was horrible.
Yeah, it was terrible for sure.
Go ahead. Who else is up here? Leo, go ahead.
I don't know if we got Leo.
By the way, this should just hit a billion volume.
That's kind of crazy.
That's crazy.
That is not Slurf.
I picked a real weird night to take an edible. Tell you that.
One billion dollar of total volume trading.
We live in the fucking simulation. What the fuck is going on?
Yeah, it's just not.
I'm bringing up a couple more people.
Slurf, what time is it where you're at?
It's 5 a.m.
Whoa, sleep is important, man.
Like hydration, sleep, healthy nutrition.
You got some water?
No, Slurf, my man.
My man, Slurf, I want to thank you, man.
I bought the pre-sale a little bit, but I ain't mad.
You're a legend, man.
Don't listen to that cook. He's a faggot.
Don't worry, bro. You're good.
Bamboo, nice words. We got to use nice words, Bamboo.
Sorry, Mark. My bad, my bad, my bad. Yeah, you know, it's 5 a.m., man.
Yeah, those are some harsh words at 5 a.m.
Bruh, he came in so high.
Okay, raise your hand if you bought a pre-sale and you got some shit to say.
Yo, the passion in this room around Slurf is crazy.
Send this shit to fucking 2billy.
Would anything shock you nowadays?
Nothing. Nothing at all.
Actually, this shocking, though, today, honestly.
I thought I was going to see you as a marketing stunt.
I got to pull some people down.
Slurf, credit to you.
Just put me down, legend. Just put me down.
Keep it up, bro. Keep it up.
Hold there some cocaine. It's your day, bro. It's fucking go.
We can't have a lot of cocaine. We need his heart to stay intact.
It's your day. Have some cocaine.
Maybe a water would be good.
I'm just going to try to go in order.
Yeah, don't don't.
Don't take the guy.
I'm going to have my plate, my guy.
What do you mean? It's his day.
That's what he said.
Go ahead.
Slurf a line.
Yo, what is good?
What's up?
Slurf a line is crazy.
What up, Mark? What up, Sonee? Hi, Amy.
I did buy Presale.
Oh, yeah. How are you feeling? How are you, man?
Nice to meet you, too, dude.
Sonee, are you slurfing a line?
Hey, Sonee, can you let Sonee respond here?
Dude, yeah, I'm about to slurf a line.
Have none of us slept yet?
Dude, I bought Presale.
Got rugged.
It was like, oh, man, fuck this coin.
Saw that 40 mil and said, you know what?
Fuck this coin.
I'm going to buy it.
Everyone's going to hate this shit.
I went up like 1300 percent.
So I obviously made back the money that I lost.
And I also just bought that fatty dip at 58 cents
and went up another five grand.
So we're doing fine.
We're doing fine.
That's for damn sure.
Keep this shit rolling.
But let's let's let's go.
Let's just do the thing.
Are the people who participate in the Presale
going to be compensated in some way?
Is there some way that's thinking?
That's the main objective.
And I'm happy everybody's making money.
But yeah, I do feel for the people that like put like a hundred
plus soul in there, if they're not like, I guess, trading and
for the people who just haven't been awake for this shit to
write like there's a bunch of people that haven't been trading
it at all.
So they're going to wake up and still really not know what
has happened.
So yeah, I'm not sure.
I know you guys have been trying to come up with solutions
and shit, but I I can't think of necessarily one.
I did like a default idea of doing some token with no LP
and kind of let the community see what happens and do the
regular drops of stuff.
But yeah, maybe just talk about that more in detail and
everything before that would happen for sure.
But I mean,
I do think that would go down.
That would go down as pretty good.
I don't know.
I feel like that would maybe I don't know.
It's an idea, but I don't.
Slurp at some point to you do have to get some sleep.
So you like I do.
I'm I'm up.
I'm not going to.
I'm not sleeping.
I've been sleeping all day and working.
Burning his brain cells by not sleeping.
What do you mean go to sleep?
Does it like stupid thing to say?
What's your main soul, Zach?
Okay, go ahead.
CP says hand up.
Yo, what part of the country are you from?
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Well, we can't we can't do all that right now.
Right now before I can get you like you sound like you're
from like South Carolina, maybe like Tennessee.
Wait, bro.
This guy's a dog.
Tyler PFP.
Classic PFP right there.
Look, the reason I'm asking is because I'm originally from
that area.
I know people down there aren't going to fuck fuck people
over, but I do want to know where's my fucking money boy.
So I need to send my brothers down there.
I got my 16 brothers.
I'll see them all down there.
Yeah, that's that's a lot of brothers my guy.
Yeah, your parents are busy Jesus.
How much the cost the average cost on that like per day
breakfast be like fucking insane the coffee.
Oh, they can't afford it now Basil because they didn't get
their their allocation if they bought today.
All right.
All right.
Let's get more people up.
I need to hear from people who aren't who aren't super
up off the fucking launch.
What I what an interesting idea like these people are
waking up right and they see this at like, you know,
what is it 600 million mark cap or whatever and they go
Yeah, I'm up a mile and then they realize that they're
actually not up anything.
There's a guy who made 70k we can bring him up in case
you want to.
He spoke on your first base is called low for I'm not
sure if he's right now here, but if you want I can tell
him to come up.
Buckets is going to have a title.
He didn't want buckets brought up buckets buckets.
He made profits on this so I can bring like I can
invite him if you want to.
a little fucking buggy.
Yeah, the space is rugged.
It's a space.
Couple things.
I'll spit it out.
Are you slurp buckets?
I yeah, you know, I'm having that.
Your reaction from slurping too much of this dip.
I'm starting a charity wallet.
I'll drop it in the comments very soon.
I don't want to send it.
You good right now.
it sounds painful.
My guy slurped up.
Don't be tripping.
I'm slurped up bro.
Like why you Mark, are you on the team for slurp?
So go ahead.
Good things have you been working on this one?
Are you the community manager?
What do you mean?
You wish because I want a big old bag.
They don't have any allegations.
What are you talking about?
I mean, we're doing this case for free.
They got no allocation, dog.
That's the whole reason you up here.
This shit bird.
This shit is.
Is it just me or it feels like no one fucked up?
Well, I mean, technically.
Ten million dollars.
Ten million dollars was slurfed.
Are you an actual sloth?
I heard some rumors.
Do you hear that voice?
Go ahead.
Good things.
Yo, what's up?
Yeah, man.
It's been absolutely wild to fucking watch this whole thing, obviously.
I didn't buy it on pre-sale because I don't fuck with a lot of meme coins.
But I did buy a little bit of slurf just because I'm fucking pulling for you and all
the fucking all the all the slurfs out there.
I do appreciate your work, obviously, as part of the bozo collective.
It's a it would be insane if this was a marketing stunt.
So if it is hats off to you.
I actually don't think it is because it just doesn't make sense right now.
It might make a little make it a little crazy to to be asking this, but I know you have
the bozo.
We call it fucking ordinals collection coming out, right?
That's coming out in like two weeks.
Yeah, it's launching on magic.
You didn't know 25th.
Yeah, so that's crazy.
Were you at all thinking about doing a room's because if you because I literally
saw a fucking no, I do not understand a damn thing about rooms at all.
I have no idea what I don't even know what the fuck.
I have some room stones that I got air dropped.
I don't know what the hell that even what rooms even are to be.
Why are we advising him to launch more tokens?
Yeah, everybody's like everybody's like everybody's like everybody's
literally like fuck the pre sellers want more shit.
We try to go.
This could be so that the only real option to fucking make your pre sellers
whole is to give them something right.
You're trying to come up with 10 million dollars, which you're not
gonna be able to come up with like unless you fucking do something else.
So it literally is the only option.
I don't know exactly what it looks like.
I'm not gonna sit here and tell you I have a fucking blueprint for it, but
launching a rune is not the same as launching a fucking meme coin on soul.
And so you have these people you got their fucking addresses.
You could fucking it's a possibility something to think about.
I don't even know where I would start with the runes.
I don't even know how I can tell you right now.
There's a fuckload of people that would help you out like a fuckload of
And if you need to know who those people are, you know, we're a DM me.
I appreciate it for real.
Are those people in the room with us right now?
They probably fucking are probably quite a few of them actually.
But I don't I don't see any right at this moment.
Good things.
We need you to focus a little bit more on Solana meme coins, though.
And I mean, look, it'd be making it yourself, dude, like if you're
in on this coin, like I don't need to know much about fucking Solana meme
I know enough about crypto works.
Like this shit's already fucking taking care of itself.
So he is embodying 10,000 people to ruins to ordinals.
So man, you know what he's doing.
Make all slurp.
If you guys if you guys like fucking coins on Solana, you can fucking
assure you're going to love runes.
Only we're there.
Yeah, we're not turn about it and do off about Bitcoin.
What do you mean?
Or go ahead.
Can I have an idea?
Why do you think he's an orange slot?
Go ahead.
I have an idea of something you can do to try to rectify this.
So I'm thinking is why don't you you launch a token, you airdrop all the
people that were in the pre-sale and then you find your own you find your
own LP to make up for the fuck up that you did that thousand soul that
you sent back to your own wallet.
You burn that LP in and then you airdrop all the pre-sailors and then
everybody's going to buy that token.
I'll buy that token because of all the hype surroundings left and the
pre-sailors will all get a pump from it.
I think that'll be the best thing you can do for the pre-sailors.
My opinion because I get it.
It's a mistake, but mistakes have consequences and I get it.
You guys are all trying to make him feel good, but like he can't just fucking
like, Oh yeah.
All good, man.
You just spent 10 million dollars.
So at least you can do in my opinion is that thousand soul that you sent
back to your own wallet.
You burn that as well.
Just like everybody else's money.
That got burned.
You burned that into the LP.
Everybody gets airdrop tokens and then that will be the next
fluff and everybody will get a pump and the pre-sailors will be the
first guys in there.
That's just my take on.
I'm totally okay with that, but I feel like it still wouldn't.
They still wouldn't be made whole unless it just unless the
token just goes insane.
We'll go.
And the surrounding what just happened with fluff.
I feel like it will go insane.
I'm going to keep it a buck.
That's not a guarantee.
There's no way that the guarantee you can never guarantee your second
token is going to go crazy.
Even though Slurf is going insane.
There's no way.
Let someone else do it.
By the way, Mark will Mark be on the team for the second token.
Jesus Christ.
What's Mark's token?
All the cases.
Can you create a poll?
Can someone create a poll?
Let's see what Lbank has to say.
We got exchanges.
One in the top.
What's up?
Yo, guys, can we appreciate that your phone is working for
one hour straight?
I mean, that's crazy.
So, yeah, I just want to say that and shout out to your
I mean, we did list you guys and, yeah, to the moon.
Did we just get an exchange up here trying to get everybody
to buy the token on their site?
Yeah, pretty sure.
They're sure.
Listen, the best thing pre-sailors can do is buy Slurf
and send this shit to a trillion.
Shout out to Amy.
All right.
This is his name is lost money and Slurf.
I'm adding another speaker.
The poll is live.
If you want to add Mark to the next project team.
So, guys, it's been up there.
We have 10,000 people.
Let's see.
I think most everyone would love to have Mark.
That's the next part of the project.
But what the fuck is it?
Can we make the Mark meme token?
No, we ain't doing anything like that.
Lord Mark would be a really hell of a ticker.
I'm not even going to...
Lord Mark.
Slurf, would you launch that?
Yo, you got to send Lord Mark to your pre-sailors.
All right.
Raise your hand if you want to be brought up
and you got some actual shit to say.
Jax, what's good?
How's everyone doing?
How bullish on Slurf are you, sir?
Do you have jokes?
It launches like this that remind everyone here
why you should never take a day off
or a night off or ever leave your computer
or your phone.
This shit, it's around every corner.
I was actually bullish.
I threw into the pre-sail.
I love the guys that Bozo collected.
There was actually rumors that I was part of the team.
So I loved this.
As soon as that shit rugged, I aped at like 80 mil.
And yeah, we're cooking.
Shout out to everyone that's been up here, though, all night.
I mean, I came home drunk at midnight
and I'm totally sober now,
but fucking Jax of the tits on this fucking chart.
But this entire story
that has unveiled over the last three hours
is just absolutely insane.
And Slurf, you're a fucking legend.
Don't ever change.
And don't let people make you feel a type of way
about what happened.
Shit happens.
Dude, the paradigm shift is...
This is it.
This is it right here.
Go ahead, Basil.
Oh, yeah.
So actually, yeah, yeah.
Actually, I got another question about Bozo Collective.
And they're saying, you know,
there were some funds that were collected
around 35 million.
What was done or what is planned for that, too?
35 million?
I've never seen 35 million.
I don't know.
This is what I got in the messages with...
I've never seen 35 million in my whole life.
One second.
The hell?
I can tell you the person.
Maybe you can bring them up.
And that 10's gone.
Yeah, please tell me.
Please, somebody tell me where we waste 35 million,
I have no idea.
There's a guy called Christopher Wales.
Is he requesting Christopher Wales?
Christopher Wales.
Not seeing Christopher Wales.
I'll ask him to request to come up.
It's like if I pin some inspo to the top,
if you want to know what...
For the next coin, I think it's really good.
Jesus Christ.
No fucking way.
You should be arrested, Amy.
I think it's a really good...
I just think it's really good.
Alright, wait.
I didn't have this already prepared for 30 days.
That's the ugliest thing I've ever seen.
Get that off of the bin.
Well, damn, Slurpy didn't have to say it like that.
That was disgusting.
Slurp thinks that's disgusting.
That's tough.
That's tough.
Kick me while I'm down.
Lost money on Slurp.
What's good, sir?
How much money did you lose on Slurp?
Yo, yo, what's good, everybody?
Can you guys hear me?
All right, so first of all,
second of all, and third of all, Slurp,
we're an absolute degenerate.
I'll get the bad things out
before I have to say the good things,
but yeah, so we have $11 million missing.
It's not missing, it's burned 100%.
Yeah, yeah.
We're at $210 a lot.
But yeah, we have $12 million burned.
But the good thing I want to say is that no matter how vast or crazy
the mistake may seem, it's still an honest mistake.
It could have been one soul or a billion soul in there.
But what we need to move forward as the Slurp community,
I didn't buy anything on launch because I was absolutely pissed.
I sent in like 300 soul in total,
and I was like, fuck this, it's going to die.
But I forgot what type of world we live in,
like the fucking Matrix is insane.
So for some reason, your token has a billion dollars in trading volume,
and I missed out on that.
Going forward, I believe what I was suggesting to my friends
is launching another, if we were to launch another token
to raise something like $15 million,
$10 million towards pre-sailors,
and then $5 million going towards the LP,
and then see what happens there.
I will never raise that much money again without what?
Well, at this point, our options aren't too vast,
you know what I'm saying?
If you have another way to prove $11 million into thin air,
then we're all ears for it because of the people who have lost $11 million.
I think people just better let it go.
It ain't coming back.
I like your thinking, whatever woman that is speaking,
because she probably bought at launch,
as did every 90% of people up here,
and they made insane amounts of money up here trolling.
Technically, you had the choice to also buy at launch.
No, I did, but the pre-stars didn't have a choice to get their airdrops,
so I don't think that's a fair argument.
For everyone up here trolling and shit,
just for the sake of argument,
yeah, you bought at launch,
but please do not be insensitive towards the people who sent money.
I've made and lost a shit ton of money in my life,
but losing money in the fashion that this has,
I lost $5 million to FTX alone.
Losing money to FTX and losing money to sending money to a wallet
that you have no idea what's going to happen with it.
No, actually, we did have an idea.
No, you did it.
You just sent it to a random person on the internet.
You play stupid games, you win super prizes.
Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.
That's the game. We're all gambling here.
It said 50% OP and 50% airdropper.
You could have said it's going to the Queen of England.
It's all fucking Twitter games.
Yeah, it's Twitter, you know what I mean?
Amy, once again, you're being very insensitive
because of the fact that it shows what we're purchasing something.
I sent money to the presale too, my guy.
Good job, but you also bought...
Did you or did you not buy at launch?
100% I bought at launch because I'm playing the game, my brother.
Okay, now stop being insensitive.
Good job, keep playing the game.
You made money, other people lost.
Good job. What do you want, a cookie?
No, I'm up money.
We're playing the game.
Bro talking about you.
Alright, well, I got a mute real quick.
Lost, we got to chill for one second.
Let's keep the conversation cordial to keep it respectful
and we can go back to it.
Bro, when I act like nobody on this stage has lost money before.
Everybody on here has lost money and been rugged.
I think the point is that this should happen three hours ago
and these people are devastating, a lot of them.
I think this one is very biased.
Telling them that it's their fault,
that they lost money is definitely not the way to go
because it's not their fault, they lost money is my fault.
Because the intention was to put it in the liquidity.
I mean, it was put in the liquidity,
but the intention was to airdrop the half of the tokens
to the presailors.
So, I mean, lost money is right.
Go ahead, Blue.
Blue, yes.
Or Polly, somebody.
Yo, yo, yo.
First and foremost, just want to say,
I've dumped a few tokens and sold not into your project in particular.
And honestly, even if I did, I wouldn't be terribly bummed.
But, you know, again, a couple sold here and there for me.
Isn't that big of a deal?
I know that you're here to support and respect all the communities
who do struggle after a couple of sold.
I just want to say, bro, first and foremost,
I thoroughly respect your approach.
Like, it takes a lot of fucking balls.
Like, my brother has been in a decent amount of trouble over the years,
and every fucking time he got in trouble,
the first thing someone would say is,
and a lawyer would tell him, is,
dude, shut up, don't say a word.
And in all honesty, that was the first thing I thought.
You know, I personally, like, after hearing you speak,
I'm like, dude, you seem pretty fucking honest.
And I'm pretty sure what you're saying actually happened.
And so, normally they tell you to shut the fuck up,
but in this case, it's the funniest world we live in with crypto,
how you're able to come up here
and do what every lawyer in the world will tell you not to do,
and somehow the fucking token pumps.
So, respect to you and props to you for having the balls to do that.
I'd probably be trembling and pissing my pants,
hopping on a space with this many people to tell them,
I am actually a fucking idiot, and somehow I burned $10 million.
And in all honesty, you're talking to a bunch of fucking idiots
because we're all buying the token that you just burned.
So, respect to you, respect everyone on the space.
This is the funniest shit I've ever heard.
I've never stayed up in my life for anything
till four o'clock in the morning,
except for potentially a woman I was interested in.
But, dude, this is the best space I've ever fucking been on.
Period. End of story.
I just bought Slurf Pro over and over.
I'm slamming the buy button.
And I hope this shit hits like $10 billion.
Slurf, how we feeling?
Slurf, what do you expect me to feel like?
Hold up. Parma wants to speak.
What am I supposed to do?
What's your profile pic right now, Parma?
I don't see you.
What's the name you're looking for?
Parma P4MA.
Slurf, you should tweet something
so that the people who are not in the Twitter space
know you're alive still.
I don't even know what they say at this point.
Your voice and just how you approach the space is very soothing.
If we're all fucking going wild and crazy,
I feel like you'd be able to just bring the tone back down
and bring us back to reality.
I used to be a kindergarten teacher,
working the music business, and got to have the vibe.
Yo, what's up?
What's up, Parma?
Why can't I hear him?
Are you talking?
Parma, are you talking?
We still can't hear him because...
I think he's driving right now.
Is it the 4?
Oh no, we can hear him. Parma.
Don't mute.
Parma, pull over on the side of the road.
Go ahead, Lord. I don't know.
Do you know who I'm driving?
How did you know I was driving?
You can hear it.
Oh shit, yeah.
Anyway, listen, I just want to say, man,
there's like fucking...
There was almost 10,000 people here,
so like I'm bullish on grumpy, man.
Like you brought a lot of people together.
I sent in like 33 Solana,
but like I'm not too bothered
because it was always a risk.
Like you send money blindly, like you can lose it.
So I'm not really too annoyed about that.
What I am annoyed about is that I dumped Bozo
and that shit pumped,
so I'm fucking pissed off about that.
Anyway, I just want to say grumpy,
you're a fucking legend, man.
So keep doing what you're doing, man.
Thanks, Parma.
Bozo the Alpha.
Bozo is the Alpha, man.
I think I lost out on like 35K in profits
because I sold early, but anyway, shit happens.
Before I go, I just want to now talk about the positive
just for a moment.
I appreciate you and commemorate you
for coming on the space, as everyone else said.
Accepting accountability.
You didn't run away from your problems.
You went through with this type of mindset
of yeah, what's done is done
and we're going to look for a solution, get feedback.
I had a similar situation done in like early 2021
when I just started dropping tokens and shit
and I quite literally could not breathe.
Forget about speaking to 10,000 people.
Right when it happened, I was literally shaking.
I was about to throw up.
I'm like crying.
I don't know what the fuck to do
and this will seem like the best option
because I don't want people to feel like
I really fucking did this shit on purpose.
Of course, I've been there, done that.
It's just like, it was literally not even,
I don't even want to say an honest mistake.
It was like a retarded mistake.
Like it was like the easiest thing not to fuck up.
Of course, but I'm sure you already know this by now.
This was part of the simulation.
You fucking up, making headlines and all this shit.
We're just living a destiny that we did not create in essence.
This shit was going to happen whether you try to do it or not.
Just want to keep that in mind.
Also, keep your chin high.
Shit happens and this is coming from someone
who didn't even get into lunch.
Yeah, keep your chin high bro.
Everything fucking happens for a reason.
I appreciate it.
You just made fucking breaking news.
That being said, if anyone wants to give me my 94th soul back
from the fucking new millionaires,
please click on my fucking profile.
I sent 300 total.
If anyone sends at least one of the wallets,
I'll fucking, I don't know,
fly out to you and give you a back massage or some shit.
Yeah, I appreciate it guys.
That's the people that I'm most concerned about
are the people who put in an insane amount of money.
Yeah, of course.
Into the pre-sale.
I mean, there's a lot of people that put in like one soul.
And like we said earlier, one soul is a lot to some people.
Some people are fucking, they can do a lot for them.
Yo, I also just want to make a note of,
as I was talking about the whole lawyer up thing,
genuinely bro, if any, and this is not legal advice.
I'm not a lawyer here, but from my experience,
bro, there's a lot of shrewd people in the world.
And if there's just one person on here after you,
if you know, quote unquote,
you could have said anything on this call that could be used
in a court of law at some point in time by someone who gave you money
because now you're basically, you're going to,
it'll be easy to dock you in some way, shape or form.
There's fucking sleuths, bro.
And so, no, I totally hear, just hear me out, bro.
Just hear me out for just a second for your own,
for your own good here on this.
Like it, there's going to be a lot of fucking attention tomorrow.
You're going to wake up if you're even able to sleep.
Right. And you're going to have this shit, this story everywhere.
You're going to have normal outlets that you did not expect to pick it
up, probably picking it up.
And so my personal,
my personal opinion in what I would do in this situation is,
even if you're not like,
I don't have a fuck ton of money to drop on a lawyer.
There are lawyers are going to pick up a case like this for the
attention alone.
So they will do it, you know, like for free, essentially,
and help you out.
All I'm saying, bro,
is it would be very wise to start making some fucking calls tomorrow.
I understand the Twitter space.
I understand everyone's being cool right now.
I understand some people are out,
but there are shrewd motherfuckers that are down and you will be,
you know, there's 25,000 people that are here.
Hear me out. Yeah.
You apologize.
One thing, but dude, they don't give a fuck.
And so it's really important that you just make a few calls
Trust me on that.
It is the smartest thing you can do at this moment in time.
Yeah, I appreciate that.
I appreciate the advice.
Also a therapist, man, you really,
you would really need a therapist right now, man.
Like it's not an insult or anything,
but this is not a usual situation.
And to cope with the situation,
to know what to do,
to stay concentrated because not going to be an easy run.
So, you know, as he said,
lawyer up,
seek out the therapist and, you know,
let's see.
Appreciate the advice, guys.
Bringing up a few more people.
Grumpy, you can take me off stage, man,
because I'm just driving now anyway.
Okay. I appreciate you coming up.
Took them off.
Got a few more people coming up.
Let's see.
Dr. P.P., what's good, sir?
Hey, guys.
This has been very interesting the last two hours.
But just listening to Slurf and his state of mind,
as much as I'd like to come up here and have a fun time.
With y'all, I would maybe recommend that you maybe not do this anymore, Slurf.
Just for some of the lawyer implications,
I'm just thinking of you well-being.
But up to you.
Is he okay?
Yeah, I don't know.
He probably just sent too much on that pre-sale.
But I just wanted to say, Slurf, shout out to you, man.
You're just making history right now.
There's fucking 11,000 people in a lot of space.
Who the fuck is on the east face right now?
So, like, dude, you're killing it.
Just, you know, try to write down your thoughts
and get some shit out of your head,
because no one here can imagine how you feel right now.
There's a lot of advice going on right now,
but you're the only person who can actually make moves.
So, just, I got some for the culture,
and I'm just fucking happy Bull Market is back, bro.
Let's fucking go.
Yeah, just, man, like, yeah, it's fun and all,
but Slurf, please, like, try to keep your head in earth.
You know, I know, you know, this coin is pumping and so on,
but as Paulie, I think he's gone.
So, yeah, he mentioned, like, yeah,
you have some serious shit to deal with,
so make sure you think about that.
Yeah, exactly.
I'm definitely thinking about it.
Because just from being up here for, like, 30 minutes,
just from being up here for, like, 30 minutes,
I saw, like, 30 different pieces of advice,
and all of them have their own, you know, good and bad part.
It's just about what, you know.
I'm sure you're in this space for a while.
I'm pretty sure you know who to talk to, you know, so.
Yeah, I mean, I have people messaging me,
giving me advice that are in law.
So, I mean, I could...
I would say that, like, for the people that are in here,
like, everyone here, like,
I think they could hear it in your voice,
that, like, where you're coming from,
and, like, the truth that you're speaking on your own behalf,
and I think that part of the reason you might be in here
is to make sure that other people can understand
where you're coming from,
and I think there's people outside.
Man, like, if you end this space,
like, people will definitely, you know,
not defend you, but understand where you're coming from.
So, like, you know, if you wanted to cut things off,
and maybe, you know...
I mean, there's nothing that I haven't already said,
and honestly, if whatever happens and I end up in court,
or whatever,
I didn't make any funds off of this.
It was... I can clearly prove it was an accident.
I don't think that I would go to jail
for an awesome estate, to be completely honest.
I think so, too. I think so, too.
I mean, it's possible,
but I mean, I don't see that happening,
or even if I end up in court, or whatever,
I mean, it is what it is. I fucked up.
I'll have to deal with the consequences.
I'm not gonna run from it.
I'm not gonna act like it wasn't my fault,
because, I mean, it was.
I was in control of what happened right there.
I mean, it's provable.
I mean, the only thing is, I didn't make any money,
and it was an accident.
So, that would be my only defense,
and if people feel like I should go to jail for that,
then I mean, it is what it is.
No, I'm going to jump in here just to quickly
give my perspective on, you know,
any legal arising issues, for sure.
You know, we have a decentralized nature of Web3,
and such a monumental fuck-up,
I don't think there's any legal precedent
for such a, you know, burning a liquidity pool by error,
but, you know, this is something that, you know,
can be proved, because, you know, the blockchain does not lie.
And, you know, in this case,
there was no enrichment whatsoever,
whether, you know, one can be shown to have been enriched
by such a mishap, you know,
now you're talking from a different legal perspective.
But in this case, there was no enrichment,
whether it's illegal or legal enrichment.
In this case, there was no enrichment,
so, yeah, I don't think a legal case
can be drawn in this situation.
But this is my opinion.
Okay. I appreciate that, Tert.
Uh, maybe let's bring up a couple more people.
Yep, on it.
Bringing up Riddick.
Riddick, can you speak?
Hey, hey, can you hear me okay?
Oh, how we doing, guys?
Oh, I can imagine.
I've been on the space listening to the last couple of hours
and what a blunder it is,
but also a great marketing stunt to begin with anyway.
But, you know, I've heard both perspectives of the situation.
I was a presale as well.
Due to time zone differences, actually,
I wasn't awake by the time I was up.
The pump had already taken place
and seemed a bit silly to kind of jump in.
So, you know, at the end of the day,
it is crypto.
Don't gamble what you can't afford to lose.
You know, we're all in this game.
We're all responsible for our decisions.
But, you know, also there's, I guess,
a responsibility on the actions of founders of different projects.
And, you know, I'll disagree with Amy on this one
in the sense of we're sending it to random wallets.
No, we were sending it to the reputation of Bozo Collective
as, you know, prior past history
to get some sort of a representation on the future.
And, you know, I understand shit happens,
but there are solutions to the problems.
You know, my perspective,
I've messaged a few people in here
just to say if they could mention it on stage.
But, you know, I think the whole situation itself
is a meme in itself.
And I support the idea of a secondary token.
I've heard people commenting in here
that they would make donations to the funds
to be dispersed to presalers.
You know, I think that's a bit ridiculous.
I think it'd be better off suited to put into the LP.
So if anyone does want to make donations,
put it into the LP.
You know, I'd even throw more in
because of the meme ability of a,
hey, slurf burned or some sort of, you know, meme token 2.0.
And, you know, you can sit there and say,
oh, you know, I wouldn't raise this amount.
Well, hey, doing nothing raises a lot less.
So, you know, there's definitely actions I can feel for you.
I can hear it in your voice.
I know it wasn't done intentionally.
But, you know, I definitely think there's moves
that can be made to at least try
to make it up to the community.
I know there's been people who have been
very fortunate in the trading.
Again, I've been fortunate in crypto.
So I'd throw in a little bit to donate.
But, you know, there's definitely moves you can make.
I just wanted to jump in and then throw that out there.
I appreciate it, man.
I'm sorry, I'm trying to type up a tweet.
I'll bring up a few more people.
Let's see.
Yo, Mark, what time is it for you, dude?
4.18 in the morning.
Oh, dude, you're working overtime, man.
Congratulations on the pay rise, my guy.
The fat allocation.
All zero of it.
Fat slurf allocation.
Slurf, did you burn Mark's share as well?
Yeah, everything was burned.
One hundred percent of it.
I mean, there's like nine hundred token slurs
that were used for testing.
All right, bring up a few more people.
Slush in lines.
Hey, good morning.
What's good?
I've been listening for a while.
I've heard a lot of good stuff.
I agree with what Riddick was saying there.
I love Bozo Collective.
I love what they've done for Solana.
I believe this was an accident.
I think it's a real integral move to hold the spaces
and hold yourself accountable.
I do have an idea.
I don't know if it's possible.
I'm not a dev.
But instead of doing donations,
would it be possible to add like a very small
by sell tax?
No, because it's not a token 22.
It doesn't have a token extension.
So I can't add tax to it.
And I also don't have ownership.
I revoke the ownership.
So there's nothing I can do on that.
And otherwise, if I didn't revoke the ownership,
I would have been able to just mint the other 500 million tokens
and we would have been all good.
But I had already removed that in anticipation for the launch
to make sure that nothing looked sketchy
to where people would be worried about buying on secondary.
I was trying to make people as comfortable
as they could be whenever the token launched.
So I took all the precautions to make there be no ownership,
which actually ended up biting me in the ass.
But I mean...
All right, man.
You know what?
I thought it was like maybe a simple solution,
but that just shows how little I know about that side of things.
All I'll say now is just keep your head up
and hopefully everything works out in a positive way
for everybody involved.
Have a good day.
Appreciate it.
Slurf, what are you getting ready to tweet out?
I just tweeted it.
Just for the people who haven't been in the space
or heard what's going on.
I'll read it for everybody who's in here.
Slurf just tweeted,
However I fucked up, we will keep grinding
and do whatever I can to make this right.
On a positive note, we made history on the negative note.
A ton of people have lost their money.
We have full intentions of making this right
the best we can for the pre-sailors to make them whole.
That was Slurf's statement.
Super quick.
What about just adding a Slurf collective NFT
to commemorate the situation at hand
and issue them out to the pre-sailors?
I think that'd be a meme FT.
I've yet to see too many of those coming around
and I think that the Slurf itself could be very interesting.
That just popped into mind.
And also thank you for the 75 people
that just followed me from speaking on here.
What the hell?
I mean, that's an idea.
If we could figure out how to
work out the supply on an NFT that would
be able to work out with
the amount of people that put into the pre-sailor
because I mean, there's 25,000 wallets
so that would be a pretty huge NFT collection
and not to mention that a lot of the wallets
sent a lot of souls.
So I don't know the best way that that could go about.
I mean, I don't know.
It would be the largest NFT collection
and if, again, if you've got the sales tax on the NFTs,
that's what triggered the idea.
You do that on an allocation.
You do that on an allocation for Arata.
So the more soul you put in, the more of these NFTs you get.
It's going to be a massive fucking collection.
But you guys can also develop a way to condense
and basically burn those for whatever ways.
You know, upgrade your NFTs.
That's just something to toy around with for you guys.
Make it a SPL 404.
Throwing up a few more.
Alright, or not. Fuck you, Mark.
My Twitter messages are never going to be the same.
Yeah, because you're on the fucking Slurf team.
Everybody wants to know where they're fucking pre-sale.
How much percent was your application, Mark?
Doesn't matter if you got burned.
You get the customer servicing.
How much Slurf did you get, Mark?
Hello, this is the Slurf hotline.
And we are sorry to inform you that your pre-sale has been burned.
Oh my God.
So make a complaint.
Pre-press one.
If you would like to buy Slurf, please press two.
If we want to participate in the pre-sale, please send ten.
To talk to the one representative we have, Mark calls it.
Please press three.
Well, you got to come up with questions when we got to jump here.
Come on now.
Jaz, you got a question.
Jaz, I know you got a question.
Jaz don't have no question.
He's going to tell us how he made like 25,000.
Buddha's ass.
Real quick.
Wait, wait, wait.
Yo, yo, what's good?
First of all, I just wanted to say this reminds me a lot of like the ECX spaces.
Or a chill, chill, chill.
He asked for a question, dude.
The man asked for a question.
Wait, wait.
Come on, Jaz.
Wait, boys.
Oh, we broke Sonny, Mark.
We broke Sonny.
No, Sonny, bro.
My phone.
I swear to God my phone is that you're going to crash.
I'm not even kidding.
Jaz, this is...
Jaz, do you have a question?
I have a question.
Okay, wait.
No, no, no.
Sonny, honestly, we used to...
Boss, please, dude.
Put us all in our misery.
All right, Jaz.
Jaz, nope.
He's booted.
He's booted.
Can't have it.
Jaz, I need you to come up with a question.
Of course, dude.
The Slurf Council is tight.
He's got to do better.
He's got to do better.
Boss is running his parts here, dude.
He just slurfed him off the stage.
All right, Brandina.
I know you got a question.
Let's hear it.
It's going to be a banger.
Yo, hello.
Do you have a question?
Can you hear me?
Can you hear us?
Yes, I do.
It's not really a question.
Actually, it is a question.
Would you be...
So, basically, we produce merchandise.
And I was interested to see if Slurf would be interested in making merchandise, have the
profits, give it to pre-sailors.
Dude, that would be an awesome hoodie.
I'd burn $10 million.
That is a hoodie.
I mean, it starts from somewhere, right?
I mean...
Yeah, I mean...
Honestly, like, I'm literally brain dead right now.
I've been up for three days.
Yeah, but it's fucking 16.
People have ideas.
Maybe just...
Maybe just contact me.
Like, I'm not...
I'm obviously not gonna go to sleep because I'm...
Yeah, collapse right now wouldn't work.
Literally have to figure out what the fuck to do.
And I'm gonna be thinking about this for...
Yeah, I get you, man.
But it's like...
Weeks at this point.
It's just an option.
It's just an option.
Anything to help, you know?
Anything to help raise the money would be good.
Could just fucking...
Like, this whole thing was fun as fuck.
Where am I fucking talking?
I ain't been too sold.
I lost my shit.
Alright, wait.
We had to mute you real quick.
Morph, I need an actual question here.
Concise thoughts.
Okay, Morph.
I haven't heard from you since the last bull market.
So, Morph...
Control yourself.
Where's my Pelican bitch?
Oh, Jesus Christ.
It's not what we're looking for here.
Get me back my tensile bitch!
What the fuck?
Alright, Morph.
We're gonna have to...
Gonna have to boot you.
You don't have any questions?
Nah, we were supposed to hear from the pre-sellers.
This is the pre-seller vibes.
You feel me?
That's how we do seller vibes.
Let it off.
Give me my pre-seller vibes.
What the fuck are y'all doing?
What the fuck is going on with this face?
What are you talking about?
You did not sell any tensile.
Come on, Morph.
Morph doesn't...
She only buys Bitcoin.
K. Money.
What's good, sir?
Hey, guys.
Yeah, I just had a tweet idea for Slurf.
Instead of posting, like, you know, a super lame announcement, can you just tweet, like,
you know, does anyone know a good lawyer?
Because I just think that would be a better tweet.
Is it the name of the new token?
Like, fuck a new token, bro.
Like, what do you mean?
You have a token here that has the attention of, like, every tier two exchange.
You know, like, let's fucking put the pump on the coin.
You got to lean into this shit.
Yeah, bro.
Like, instead of, like, you know, pouring your heart out in spaces, like, let's turn
up the fucking memes, bro.
You think so?
Yeah, bro.
I feel like this is...
Who wants to read a fucking thread?
Like, you went viral for saying, oh, fuck.
I don't like this.
I have a solution.
Go ahead.
What if we can...
Well, if Slurf can actually do a token on another chain and then drop the people...
Not another chain.
No, not another chain.
Wait, let me finish, please.
Then we can actually have the exchange actually does partner.
I don't know if it's going to make sense, man.
But now that people can actually use same liquidity also.
Oh, yeah, bro.
It's a stupid idea.
It can't work, man.
It can't work.
Did he just say an idea at the end that he concluded it wouldn't work?
That broke my brain.
I had to take him off.
How is this the type of Bronx legacy?
It is tarnished.
He sounds like a person who would, you know, create something like Slurf.
Because that question was not a question.
I need questions.
If you got a question, let's hear it.
Okay, money?
No, I just want to say this is a fucking nightmare blunt rotation.
Except for Slurf, because I know he keeps the lighter on him.
Holy shit.
I definitely don't even smoke.
No, you get the joke there, Slurf.
No, I didn't.
Trust me, you'll start smoking after this.
Oh, yeah.
Brother, like, you know, like, I would suggest some meditation.
Maybe some fucking yoga after this.
Yeah, something.
I don't know.
A fucking microdosing mushrooms, maybe.
I don't know.
Slurf, you might actually want to tweet out what Kevin said about the lawyer.
Like, it's a troll post, but also like could be could get some good legal advice.
Yeah, I mean, like, honestly, yeah, you're just being a conduit for information.
So if you want to go ahead and like, you know, just give me the log into the account.
I could just fire off some tweets, too.
Honestly, fire idea.
I do not want the Twitter account.
Like, bro, just just fucking just send some shit.
Bro, I got I got a few messages like people are saying, please don't talk about the lawyer is stanking the token.
Like people here are I don't know how do people think like it's a it's an actual facts or an actual person's.
I mean, I mean, considering the fact that like the token full set because the guy accidentally burned $10 million in pre sale tokens.
I think like whatever you you're thinking, Basil, just do the opposite of that because that's how the market's trading.
You can't you can't mid curve something that's retarded.
That's true.
So the curves work.
All right. Well,
we'll be thinking slow.
Let's bring up a couple more people and then I'm going to hop off for a while and try to get my brain together.
And that's good.
But yeah, this space was a slow.
go from there.
All right.
We'll bring up two more people.
How can we help you?
This is one of the most biased spaces I've ever experienced in my life.
What would you like us to do, sir?
We're saying collectively.
The conversation has been like consoling him.
What else?
Where was he going with this plan?
Raising money.
Is this your first meme coin?
I'm not sure.
Since 2012.
Very experienced in this.
I'm not sure.
What do you mean?
Where was that?
Where was the aim?
It was the every conversation I've had tonight around you has been it's okay.
It's fine.
It was a mistake that the security regulators are not going to be okay with that.
So where were you going with this?
What do you mean?
It was clear.
It was supposed to go into the actually did go into the LP.
But we burned the other tokens on accident.
It's just like what it is.
People are going with the race.
Where was I going?
I don't know what you mean by that question.
The fun is it's a meme coin again.
You said you've been here since 2012.
Yeah, I'm not getting doesn't doesn't sound like he's been.
What do you mean?
Where was it going?
It's a mean clean.
It was going into the token.
We gave that guy way too much of a chance.
This is going in circles.
This is where.
Why are you sending everybody to the incinerator?
I just slurfed and fucking burned enough.
You just cheating.
He has spiral means because we need real questions.
That's a dumbass question.
What are you planning on doing with the race?
Brother in Christ.
Is this your first meme coin you've ever heard of?
He said he was here since 2012.
You didn't even hear about one.
He's collecting his thoughts together.
Last person.
He's going to bring up somebody random.
Where are you going?
Just decide investments in here.
Yo, what's up, boys?
I just I'm not going to lie.
I agree with Coop that this is like pretty much planned slurf.
You kind of sound a lot.
About to be I definitely think you said what it was in a simple mistake.
But respect.
I hold a huge bag.
My my my opposition to that is if it wasn't, why would I put my freedom
on the line for something that I'm not benefiting in at all?
So you're going to benefit tremendously from this.
I'm the developer of GME GameStop token.
You're going to benefit tremendously.
How can comprehend?
It makes no sense to establish forever.
What does that have to do with anything?
If I'm in a fucking fight in a lawsuit or something, what does that have to do?
Yeah, exactly.
What is that?
I don't get why somebody why anybody could think somebody would do this
on purpose whenever we we have a Twitter account with a gold check mark
has all my information.
Like it's not obviously nobody is would do this on purpose.
It doesn't it doesn't make sense.
I mean, I just have my opinion, but I mean, yeah, I mean,
yeah, they're entitled to that.
But that's just doesn't make sense.
If I was going to if I was going to do this on purpose, I would be.
I don't know.
It wouldn't be.
It wouldn't happen this way with my information being all over the place.
You got to factor in, though.
It doesn't matter if it's done intentionally or not.
Either the place that you're in, there's a certain responsibility there.
And I speak from this as someone who has experience in this area.
And I definitely say seek legal advice.
Doesn't matter if it was intentional or not.
And I think that's what he was just trying to say.
No, he was trying to say that he thinks it was intentional.
But either if even if it wasn't intentional or not, I agree with you.
I definitely need to talk to a lawyer.
Because like that, like it's what you can prove.
And at the end, you know, the transaction happened from what you control.
There's no way that you can prove you're conscious or unconscious.
While you made that decision.
And so if I say if you do need some specialty in this, shoot me a DM,
because I've actually got contacts in the US that specialize specifically in
this area.
It doesn't hurt to kind of branch out and at least get multiple points of avenue.
So I can, I can kind of set you up there if you want someone to talk to just
about the options.
All right.
Well, I appreciate it.
I'm going to close this space for now.
I may open one back up later.
Oh, go ahead, Bobby.
Straight out.
It's 100% a mistake, but you should not have held this space.
I get you trying to like do this in transparency, but like boring pulling $10
million out of your fucking ass and sending it back to everybody.
There's absolutely nothing you can do.
And if this space is recorded, I would delete it.
I don't know if it's too late to do that, but in the like best cover your
Do you mean not fucking hold this or admit to any of this?
But it's kind of inspiring that someone so retarded can raise $20 million.
So I think this should get everyone else up off their ass and in grind and
possibly possibly do that as well.
All right.
Well, anybody else before I hop off?
Slurf, take care of your mental on a real note, talk to a lawyer and take
care of your mental, but like get some actual sleep tonight and like truthfully
though, do both of those things, like talk to a lawyer tomorrow.
Again, it's just to cover your ass.
And then you should also document whatever you've done.
Like you should do that ahead of time because the lawyer is going to ask
you to do that.
Document everything you've done and then and then, yeah, man, get some
sleep and take care of your mental because again, mistakes do happen
regardless of what people think.
You know, mistakes do happen.
Take care of yourself.
I appreciate it.
At least I'll host more and try to get some more feedback from pre-sale
I feel like everybody, like with how much the token just bumped, I feel
like everybody's in here trying to see, trying to just talk about bumping
the token.
So I mean, I'll host one and maybe a couple of hours if I'm still awake
or something.
I know people think that's a bad idea, but I mean, at this point I've
already done it.
And at Burnt Slurf on X, we're running it back.
At Burnt Slurf, run it.
Let's go.
All right, guys.