Ignite DAO: Building out the DAO Infrastructure for Zilliqa🔥#ZIL #DeFi

Recorded: March 13, 2023 Duration: 1:00:00



Hi there Milan, how are you? Hello, I'm good. Good. How are you guys?
doing pretty good. We just got out of another AMA. It was a great talk with the founder of ICP DOM. But we're here today to learn about Ignite Doub. Milan, before we get started, do you want to give our community a quick background into yourself, your career
trajectory, your origin story, and also how you made that leap ultimately into Web 3. Sure, sure. So I joined the industry in 2017 back when not this last bullmarked the bullmark before, where
where I was having an existential crisis as I was finishing my master degree in business, not knowing what to do in life. But then once I saw kind of crypto growing and seeing it change from just like an experiment towards actually admitting
that has potential use cases and kind of a big future ahead. I decided to work in industry after I finished my degree, so around 2017-18.
I have an interesting business background so I started kind of entering the space with helping Chinese or Asian projects internationalize the Western market and helping them with marketing, business development, community management and stuff like that.
Then I jumped here then helping projects and in 2019 I ended up at Zylica which is a lay one blockchain platform. I think probably most of the users might know it from
with the coming to market with it's being the first that implemented charging. And I was leading partnerships there. And in 2021,
I decided to work on my own project also on Zellica starting at Zellica, which is basically the down is also the first legalized down the Netherlands to kind of create kind of new
solutions, bottom-up approaches in DeFi and NFT market. Since then, I've just been working on building recently, launching our smart contract wallet.
we have some other stuff coming up but that's basically a summary and journey since two months until now. What I've been doing. Thank you Milan and let's dive in. Tell us about Ignite what it is. Once we go through the high level overview we can kind of jump at the Nonsign vaults.
Sure, sure. So basically, Ignite Dow was inspired by this was kind of pre-Dow era when the word Dow was really used, but it was inspired by a city of Zion of Neo. I remember back in 2017, 18, some people might have heard about it.
The idea was, you know, you have a lot of people kind of sitting there, right? They have tokens, but yeah, not really doing a lot besides, you know, communicating about it and the idea was like, hey, instead of a top down or
where the main foundation of a layer one or protocol does everything. Why not have a bottom-up approach as well? This is background. I studied a lot of different organizational designs. So think about different
incentive mechanisms and the example of the city of Zion for Neo. I really was like intrigued by a douse and seeing that kind of a new way of having a lot of people from all over the world working together.
To kind of help build out the protocol, but also help build out the applications and support. So basically based on that kind of inspiration, I pitched to the kind of the core team of Zylica that I wanted to start this project.
I wanted to have community members with like Bouties and AirDops at first to kind of incentivize them to also work on a kind of business marketing project but also technical projects. And we started kind of very small just to see where it goes, right?
Then I met my co-founder, basically he was a community member and a kind of early investor in Zellica, and he introduced the idea of non-Costodial staking. And back in 2021, Zellica also was implementing kind of staking.
he was really a big fan of knock-a-soto-staking, especially because of his also heavily involved the rocket pool and all the Ethereum kind of knock-a-soto-sake solutions. So the idea was kind of joining forces as a project to create that knock-a-soto-staking node on Zellica.
with so community members and that kind of blew up. Got a lot of liquidity. We did some investments from that money and that kind of creates a treasury and based on that idea we created smart
contact wallet because we're kind of very kind of bullish on smart contract wallets and it also helps our staking to attract more stake as towards a doubt, as a note. And just to summarize basically the idea behind Ignite
is that we have a stake in it. So we're tied to our spherical layer and Zylikazov's moving towards proof of stake in the next, like a station, yeah, after. And then we have our smart contact wallet on the wallet layer.
And because smart contract wallets have a kind of different design right where you could kind of keep innovating and and and and and adding infrastructure tooling that normal wallets like men and men can't really. And then on the layer above
that we have the application layer where we try to integrate different dApps or Dexas like for example, ZilSwap which is inside our wallet. So we want to be on all three layers and the DAO is basically the legal infrastructure
where we try to create different projects and make sure that everything is connected from a protocol layer where all the kind of defile liquidity is from staking. Then towards the wallet layer where we try to create the best wallet that where we can integrate different depths.
And then on the application layer, yeah, where we turn help innovate. And I think what might be interesting for readers is that we have something I guess unique that nobody else really has from a double perspective is that basically if you stake you earn reputation points. So
So let's say you say 100,000 zil, you earn, let's say 100 reputation points and we say 50,000 you earn, let's say 50, right? So the more you stake, the more reputation points you earn. So we haven't lost your token yet, but this way we can kind of, we people have to work based on
So, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you#
come up. So I know I might have overloaded everything with all the different aspects but that's basically the intuition right now. We want to be at all the three different layers and we want to have a system in place where you can just like bite tokens and
like you're a loyal Dow member, you have to earn it to kind of showing that you have committed staking rewards for the last year to build points and with those post-weenilk at this community member is kind of on a higher tier and we can give him more value back. So it's just kind of a reputation system.
Yeah, it's you certainly went right into nuts and bolts which is fine with me one of the first questions I had was why is there like a?
Yeah, so basically because of lack of competition. So some people might find that bad, but I find it good because I don't want to be the third, fourth, fifth, I guess smart contract wallet.
And because you know I have I've worked at Silicon I know kind of the weaknesses the pros and cons So usually when when you go like large on a project on a specific chain, especially in crypto as you may know like if you
are not the first or the second, it's really hard to get market share. We can see it with a lot of Dex's, a lot of wallet, a lot of like barring lending applications, right? If you're an early, I guess one of the
the first, it gives a lot of advantage. Even if the market of the protocol is just one protocol smaller, if you just aren't the first, we have a superior wallet or that, you just absorb basically the whole
market, so to say. So as a starting point, because we do want to go multi-chain, we wanted to launch on Zellica, because we saw basically a lack of a good wallet or infrastructure. So it gives kind of a gap in the market, which is why we decided to build it on Zellica.
first. And tell me a bit about the reputation point. So I got it conceptually, but the idea that the longer
time you spend on the platform, the more, or rather the more credibility and the more reputation you have, therefore the more access to different features you have and different tokens.
Yeah, exactly. So the general idea is we want kind of we want to have you to become sticky right because as you may know with farming liquidity mining whatever once we works are gone, people just leave right. So we thought what kind of incentive mechanisms do we develop?
But fully archaing where we can kind of track different people and make it to, I guess, civil resistance where we know they can't fake being loyal, so to say, right? So the idea began with we are
kind of allow people to stake with our node and we charge a commission. And instead of having them stick on other nodes, we tell them, hey, you stick on our nodes, we're building on the ecosystem, so you kind of reinvesting that commission and your reputation points.
which is kind of a loyalty program thing. So the only thing the user needs to do is just stake at our note and it automatically kind of adds to their balance, their reputation balance, so to say, inside their smart wallet. And as time passes by, you know, there's like seven levels.
And each level gives a little bit more discount. Like you said, for example, we developed also this new feature. I don't think on other chains this is available as always, which is in set on staking. So usually you have like a bonding period of let's say two weeks on the silica and on other chains perhaps.
as well depending on the design. We created a kind of a single set of pool where you can instantly on stake and avoid the bonding period, but you pay your commission for it, which is now like 2.5%. So you don't have to wait two weeks and you know some traders or people just want their focus right now, right? Just to be
Because let's say something goes up 100% or 200% you don't want to wait two weeks because if it just goes down 5% or 10% or 20% you kind of lose at the timing to sell. And with the reputation score, basically let's say you are level 2, you get like
10% or 20% discount on that instant on staking future. Similarly with trading and some other features we're going to launch in the future. So the idea would be to we have a certain amount of features that they get with their reputation or they can get discount, but the more we build, the more we expand.
The more valuable I guess the repetitions point will become Which allows users to become more sticky and Which allows our wallet users to increase and our revenues to increase to then kind of keep building and kind of creating this positive loop of loyalty and also expansion
So I'm not super familiar with the Zilica ecosystem, but I'm assuming there are other DeFi applications being built is Torch going to be able to interface with other DeFi applications. I know that it has its own proprietary
and I was going through all the different things that you guys offer, swaps, limit orders. You mentioned the instant unstaking, but would love to know how it works with other DeFi Legos.
Yeah, so I guess the main bottleneck last cycle for Zylica was that it had its own smart content language. So, so as you may also know, if something is on Solidity or Cisco, bad with Solidity, you can just
fork it right on your chain like avalanche dead like you know fact only like a lot of other chains get that possibility. So that was kind of the main limitation we had to write everything in Silla which is kind of a smaller language and where the bear and trees a little bit higher from other developers.
So we basically did integrate the kind of the biggest decks, kind of the stake, you know, some other applications we're working with, but I guess also the next step for Zil is because
which is going to be very soon and torch will then also become if you am compatible. Which then allows to I guess.
help us but also developers, much faster launch depth but also for us the integrate depth. That's kind of also the main vision, right? We want to interconnect as many useful depth as possible where users just have one wallet, so to say.
And then a browser extension is coming up and they can kind of switch between different depths to then yeah easily make use of our August D5 or an official kind of metaverse application being developed on Zylica and then again yeah go
back to as a Dow, we kind of can't tie to reputation points as well. So the more users will also benefit for kind of connected to these steps and getting like maybe airdrops if you're like a level two reputation for users that we could kind of give them extra advantages that could compound from from
different deaths for our parking show to say. What's liquidity like on Zillika? I know I'm asking Zillika questions but that's a pretty much the torch. What's the liquidity of tokens like and how many different tokens that folks are familiar with are on the DEX and on Zillika?
I guess the liquidity is okay. I'm certain that it's exchanges like I guess the main applications people might know is ex academy which is like a fan token engagement platform for for youtubers which recently just launched and then
you have Lunar Crush, which is basically a data analytics platform that a lot of people use, they lost their talks on Zylaca, then you have a stablecoin, they're singing for a stablecoin, that
So, I'm looking at a lot of people use because it's differently backed, like still a bit more stable, so to say, the same $4.00 dollar than other currencies. And then you have some other stablecoins like Indonesia,
Asian stablecoin. So those I guess the main I guess, the people might know that are from the outside, but yet then again, the token economy is I guess if you have to compare to a lot of other L ones.
a little bit nascent and I think again it comes back to the language, the smart contract language, and launching that. But as Zilikov is becoming, is going to launch is the, if you have compatible
soon and they also develop their own projects that are going to be launched on Zileca. I think the token economy will kind of go through that similar bull effect as happy to other L1s, wants to become even compatible.
Milan, are there any other products that Torch is currently working on that you're able to share with us?
I'm sorry I meant ignite I mixed the names up. Are there any projects?
Yeah, I guess just short term. What I can say right now because some things we're working with silica itself is that we're launching kind of a browser extension as well in the next weeks to allow for NFTs to be traded directly with
wallet and a state direct with your wallet and become kind of the main browser stage as well because we're fully mobile right now. So that's kind of our main focus so far and then it's the EVM, EVM allows you the EVM wallet and
And kind of going, I guess, to what's a multi-chained direction as well. So those are, you guess, short term, what Ignite is working on. And then once kind of the browser extension is there and the EVM wallet, we're just going to work with a lot of kind of partners that we really have.
And also, maybe potentially some esports teams because Zelica also signed kind of deals with esports teams like Ninja Sampagamas that are going to develop or have been developing some stuff on Zelica, mostly like gaming entertainment metaverse stuff.
And then we have some parts like a gore, which is like an NFT kind of Instagram like Web 2.0 company and Web 2.0. So we kind of talk with that, but they have some kind of needs to onboard more people from Web 2.0 to Web 2.0 to kind of a sustainable wallet.
that also is kind of user-flangly but also supports users on browser and has some very easy onboarding mechanisms. So that's kind of our main focus for the short term I guess. It's just making our browser, making our
wallet, more user friendly to allow more web to put all people to enter this space through our wallet and then also expanding towards desktop and making that as user friendly as possible. So we could kind of create kind of a sustainable wallet solution for users.
Love it. So you guys seem to be big on education. You have a tab that links to learn blockchain.org. Is this
content that's published by the IgniteDow team and also what kind of content, what kind of educational content can readers find.
So learn blockchain at work. It was pretty good use kind of domain name that I think the Zellika team bought a few years ago. And what I noticed is that's what work in Zellika is that a lot of people just have a super hard time understanding blockchain, understanding how how applications work.
work, maybe not like hardcore DJs that use DFI every day, but we talk like traditional companies or people are a little bit not that deep into crypto. There's so many barriers, especially when you want to close some of these partnerships, is that
a lot of these things are not that intuitive, right? So learn blockchain.org is basically what we're trying to do as well from a Dow perspective. This education hub and hoping that more community members under the Dow will study, try to educate people and you know what staking is, how this works.
and everything kind of crypto related just to onboard more people and also yeah educate more people and make them quickly understand how these kind of things work and ideally again how to incentivize people right how to kind of create this community under a doubt without just
focusing on money. Obviously money is for a lot of people because they invest and that's how they get in. But again, what you think about if you write pretty good educational material, you might be selected to kind of boost up your reputation points and then we can kind of differentiate that user again by helping creating educational material.
And maybe giving like NFT badges and giving them extra advantages for example, with one of our partners. So we try to, yeah, education is foundational for us. And that's why we created that website and launched this education portal, so to say.
It's a lot of work as well because we did a lot of some of the articles and some used it as well, but you ideally want continuously to have education material being written by people and to help other people as well. And we think that's really important and we're trying to work on that as well.
Beautiful. Well, look, Milan, I have some audience members that want to come in with questions that's okay with you. And then if there's anything actually that we haven't discussed with respect to Ignite Dow in Torch, I mean, it's pretty straightforward and you did a fantastic job of breaking it down. But if there's anything that we miss, you can go ahead and share that with us.
Um, let me take
Let me just ask you some community members questions first and then at the ad maybe I'll think of something or to say that maybe some people won't ask or haven't asked during the question round. Perfect. Let's start with Aisha.
Yeah, thanks, ma'am. I can see in the Google Play Store data safety section that Torch wallet app collect location and device or other IDs. I was wondering why is Torch wallet app collecting this data?
I think we only, actually we don't collect that much already like IP addresses. So we're definitely trying to be non-custodial and not collect anything personal. But I guess going through the Google Play Store, we did select some of these things that are important just so we
make sure that we're not getting in trouble legally speaking. And also for tax reasons, we might have to know where our users are located. But generally, we're not really collecting anything, I guess, what's going to be considered private.
So it should be okay.
I also want to know whether ignite tau is exclusively designed to facilitate the dog women's ocazileca blockchain or if other apps within the zileca ecosystem can also leverage ignite tau for their gondens needs.
So I guess you can see it as like the main headquarter would be at Celica, but steadily we will have subsidiaries on other chains.
So it's we're still kind of thinking about which chain would be I guess first or second or third But we're definitely gonna go multi chain and we we do want kind of a seamless experience through the wallet to kind of Interconnect with other chains and other depths. So you just have one wallet that kind of
Can be used from a user perspective and then you can think a little bit similar in I guess as an inspiration is how we chat Is designed we chat does a lot of things in one wallet, right? It's not really comparable with what's that with telegram. It's like what's ever just a mess here, but we we check
You can do everything right you can even I guess borrow money pay for everything whatever entertainment and that's kind of the idea of our smart wallet is that we just want to make sure that we have I guess one wallet that uses a comfortable with the larger or
And then they use different applications. And then, steadily, we integrate more and more applications and go more and more multi-chain. And then under the doubt, I guess we can differentiate between different people whose value or not. And then kind of give them an example.
incentives to keep growing and integrate with different partners. Your website indicates that Ignite does the initial decentralized autonomous organization officially registered in the Netherlands.
in knowing that the I'm interested in knowing the advantages of obtaining legal registration and do you believe it could result in a night job being subjected to regulatory scrutiny? Yes, so I think this is a pretty important point is that
If you're not, I guess, from my perspective, if you not have the legal infrastructure to back up that you're kind of decentralized, then you always have this, I guess, confusion if the DAO is actually decentralized, right? Because it could just be an LLC that runs everything and they can always stop the DAO, so to say,
because you have to trust the people that are behind the doubt and paying taxes for the doubt, whatever. It's not going to go corrupt or anything that's going to happen. So it took us a long time to think of
a design that allows community members to have legal rights, so to say, for voting and then making changes towards the doubt. We haven't gone live yet with the voting mechanism because we want to start first small because I took part in other doubts and know how
How you don't want to take big decisions first, so you want to first start small with okay, how much should the fees be for Isitant? Staying for example, just see how people interact with each other with one another and then steadily kind of give them more responsibility. But yeah, we are the first I guess legalized down the Netherlands.
There are not a lot actually in the world. I think some are in Wyoming. But I think that could give us an edge also as blockchain because we are going to work with more partners and have to work with government and governments.
to show that everything is by the books. If they see from the get go, we have this infrastructure in place and everything is kind of skillable from the legal perspective, which gives us benefit and also makes us a role model. I have also some of some
university professors tried to know about our infrastructure, how we did it, because it's always difficult to an experimental to create a legal infrastructure for this. That's why we also partnered with one of the leading law firms, Dutch
offer, not leaving European and even for a world perspective, for blockchain and also a tech specialist, leading tech specialists in blockchain to help build this, they're actually also part of the Dow itself. So it's a very interesting journey.
and probably we're probably going to write a little bit more about this to give people better perspective on what does it actually mean to be a dial right you can say you're a dial but we do have to have the legal infrastructure ready as well to make sure that you distribute power in the right way as you skill operations
Okay. Your website also states that you invest in cryptocurrency projects through your thesis driven investment vehicle
Ambert Capital. Could you please elaborate on Ambert Capital and clarify whether you saw the invest in projects on the Zileka blockchain or considered projects on other blockchains as well?
So, Amber Capital is basically investment vehicle under the Dow where we indeed can invest in projects.
If you see potential, we don't just invest in Silicon parts, but we have mostly, but it just depends on the potential and
And yeah, the value we see. But in the future, definitely if we increase our treasury, increase our revenue, we just keep on injecting capital to say back and invest in project build more stuff and making the down more valuable. So it's definitely open towards--
All projects, so to say, on every chain. And then we can also make strategic parts, if so to say, like, hey, we invest in project, they can integrate that maybe do an air drop part user, so to say. But yeah, yeah, we're definitely open towards investing in different projects. Right now, obviously, we had a heavy
bear market. So a lot of our funds were just going towards development but the industry started to pick up. Fortunately today was a really good green day so it gives us a lot of footage for hopefully a kind of a steady growing trend which gives us also the possibility to invest more in projects.
Okay, best wishes. Okay. And related to my previous question, will the decision making process for investing in specific projects be determined by denied dog ones?
Right now, me and my co-founder basically mostly decide if you want to invest in projects, but it could be like in the future. Like I said, if we see that we can give community members more responsibility, we definitely might do like a voting process, so to say,
where people, for example, that have a specific ignite, the settler's ID or token or NFT can vote on if this project should be accepted to get capital and the project is out of need to pitch.
I guess I'll add a later stage where we want to steadily discheck last more because obviously this is a lot of responsibility, right? So we want to, it's possible, but we want to see first what kind of difficulty community members decision-making and
collaboration can be for like the first three months, the next three months and so forth. And the last thing for me, I want to know, will Jesus take us, be able to participate in voting process through torch wallet?
Yes, so we probably will allow yeah, Gizel token homeless to take part in voting. So our kind of voting portal is kind of finished right now. We haven't lost yet. We're going to probably start with
Just to give some context to people, Jesus is basically the governance token of the Zilica protocol. Usually people are just governance tokens for I guess Dow.
But what's interesting here is that Gizel also helps govern the protocol, the Leu1 itself, which is very new, right? No other Elu1 has that. But creates an interesting dynamic. So we do want to have Gizel hold this participating decision making as well.
Thank you. Thank you so much for answering all my questions. Yeah, no worries.
All righty, let's go to Captain Levi next.
Yeah, thank you very much, Noah. Okay, so I do have a few quick points from one of ICHAS questions where you made me mention the fact that you're actually collaborating with some professors. Please, could you tell us more about that? I respect professors as highly intelligence individuals.
for professors to show interest in the blockchain space. It means that there must be something really unique about this project. So what aspects were the professors interested in and were they willing to, how was the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the#
Yeah, so I guess our communications mostly was about Dow designs and creating like yeah legal infrastructure around it right because How is the main bottle like I guess with with Dow's?
What kind of struggle is that okay, you can let's say you you let's your Twitter account or website you say okay, we have a doubt you lost your token, right? But how do you make sure like legally it's decentralized right because if it's legally not decentralized
So, you have to create a design that doesn't
really exist. So far, I mean, it's starting to exist. We're one of the, I guess, the first dows they created to then allow people to have voting rights and also make sure that
It's kind of legally decentralized so to say so that there's it's a very complicated Infrastructure I'm probably gonna create like a post about it so to explain people how they kind of legally are covered but the idea is that if you vote you it's actually
It's not just saying that you're part of the DAO. Actually, you have legal rights. Let me just Google the, I have the Dutch word.
I'll make a blockbuster. I'll split it complicated on how all these different parts work. But yeah, so you have legal rights and the professors, I guess, looked around or found us or had discussed where we're interested in how do we set it up and
I guess users as a case study for their students of Dows that are legally registered so they find it interesting because there are a lot of examples if they would talk about Dows for example in their lecture series How they are how they are actually Dows from a kind of legal perspective. Yeah
That's quite interesting. I'm really happy about the fact that no one that really left behind in both providing and giving education. My next question is about your wallets. I can see that you already have the Android and Apple wallets.
The first question actually has is concerning the Apple related wallet. It's actually not an easy fit to pull an application on Android iOS on sorry on Apple iOS, especially a wallet or a web
tree related application. So how are we able to bypass all the drawbacks and how are we able to go through all the hassles of putting this kind of criteria of application on iOS store?
It wasn't that easy compared to Google, we just took a few days, I think even less, and took like months for Apple. It was mostly, I guess, the biggest problem was NFT related stuff, and we currently do not directly support
NFTs inside iOS, although we have everything ready, so we might kind of try again. But that's why we're also going to work on the browser extension, so to say, where you've got to display the NFTs and work with NFTs on the browser extension, and then still may be able to side-trend
actually mobile wallet so to say. So we're trying to work around it but yeah ILS Apple is kind of very strict and we're definitely kind of thinking a little bit ahead like what how do we kind of make sure that we're not going to get in trouble right with with the
with Apple all of a sudden next week is going to change their minds again about crypto. So that's why the browser extensions also way of putting some of the code there and then use the mobile applications a little bit more loosely just to start transactions where we don't have to kind of
block people from access to their funds or not being able to show the NFTs so to say so it's got to work in progress and we do have a lot of team looking and every time something changes from Apple site and we try to be a little bit ahead of the curve but so far
It's going okay, although the NFT stuff is a little bit gray area, but I feel like because of pressure, I think we've put a lot of pressure on some other companies in changes from Apple, and I think they're becoming a little bit more loose. So let's hope for the best.
To be honest, I am really amazed you guys could actually pull it off and I really hope that the great areas become resolved as quickly as possible. My next question is about your medium article. If my browser is showing me the correct
I can see your last post was October 11, 2021. Have you guys discarded updating articles on Medium? I still feel Medium is actually a good source of providing information.
Basically, we mostly want to use our kind of the Learned Blockchain Hub, Education Hub for our articles instead of Medium because we want to make sure that kind of gets more populated. So we might post
as well as medium the same article but we think that you know Lord Blokshin also the name and SEO and making kind of this educational hub where people go there which will also then help promote I guess I can I down because we kind of launched
website ourselves to then onboard more people. So most of our, I guess, education material is right now going there. But if, let's say, if a lot of people want us to post on Medium as well, we might post this in the future.
Sounds good. I understand the fact that you need to have traffic to you know the your own personal website. Here's my next question. I I wanted asking about your wallet extension. You already touched on that.
Now you said you're going to be integrating it with your iOS. Is the word extension going to be a featured copy of what the Android touch wallet will be? Or is there going to be some enemies and particular differences?
So basically, yes, there's kind of a browser schedule, right? And it's going to be, I guess, somewhat similar like MetaMask for the people that are listening or are zilpe for the people that are
with kind of Zillika Abrajek sessions, which is basically just show your balance and trading tokens, but then also there's going to be like an NFT section where you can see your NFTs and
Yeah, basically it's going to be, I guess, similar to those extensions, just as a reference point in how it will look like. So, and then your mobile wallet will be like an authenticator. So you don't have to save your
private keys are your browser and so there's going to be like you can use your non-custodial wallet to to to side I guess every transaction which you know makes it also easy for users to not worry about
If your private keys have to be logged in with your private keys or whatever on your browser which somethings could be an issue, right? If you brought somebody actually computer or whatever. So it will remain non-custodial as well. So that's kind of how it will work.
Sounds good. That's actually a brilliant plan. My next question is still regarding your education. Provided education is one thing, but implementation of that education is another student who actually go to school, actually hope to graduate to, you know,
to bring changes to, or upgrades to current world problems and being able to use innovative ideas to solve world problems. I do not know if Ignite Dow has any plans to provide support for any innovative ideas or are there any
partnerships in place. So you know provide support for any new ideas that may come up in the near future. I guess not like very short term but I guess medium term the idea would be that I think learning
is best by doing this space. So kind of working with, I guess, maybe universities or hackathons, we're probably going to start in the Netherlands to then create features or depths under the Dow. So we kind of fund them. We help them with economics and
and ideas and support to then see if they can launch something useful. And then we can kind of interconnect that to the wallet, right, to bootstrap things.
The main ID behind everything right how do you keep you just sticky and then once you have a lot of users coming back You could kind of traffic all this used towards different to adapt your application bootstrap there, right? So just imagine This is gonna be a boring lending app this I think is illicit ironized
Let's say they do liquidity mining. What if you have like a few thousand users ready on day one to take advantage of that right it just increases bootstrap liquidity creates a possibility loop of maybe the price going up or the marketing or did not run Twitter which then helps the application
So that's kind of the,
The idea behind it, the more money we can build on our treasury, we keep just injecting that and interconnecting everything under the Dow, right? Because if we have more community members and more developers and more interesting people and all
So with the reputation points, the freight chain in between who is valuable or not, we are better able to be all more valuable stuff. And then keep bootstrapping these new features or applications. And then as you bootstrap more stuff,
And in your credit time towards the smart wallet, you create this kind of synergy and win-win effect. So that's kind of the vision. So yeah, education is good, but it needs to be practical, right? So if we work with like university
we need to find talents that are very ambitious and young. Where they're like, yeah, I just want to build stuff. And then we help them with their gaps and ask we build this knowledge hub inside the DAO. We want this chance to
success increasing as well by working together and collaborating with different people inside the down to make sure these projects succeed which then gives the future projects also more case studies and examples and possibilities to grow and build careers inside this down.
I really want to appreciate you for providing this detailed answers to my questions. I really hope that the Ignite style, Blue Prince, the Rodmar Blue Prince schools are going to plan. We should have very best and I hope Ignite style projects this position award. What's your know up? Thanks, Noah. Thanks.
Thanks Captain Levi. We got Venice next.
Then it's you there.
I think you might have be having issues with this connection, but I also know that we're closing in on the end of the space, Milan. I wasn't sure if there's anything else that you want to touch upon.
that I didn't ask or the community members didn't ask if there is good and share it now otherwise it's been a pleasure having you on.
Are you Dennis?
I think someone just... I think you might have disconnected.
Okay. Sorry, Bill, I'm going to go ahead. Yeah, so yeah, just some maybe some, I guess, closing remarks that there aren't any more questions for people that are staking at Zylika.
You know, we'll be appreciated to stay at our node because we can use the commissary to reinvest in the ecosystem and build more stuff and as we kind of grow and expand we kind of keep current is reoccurring revenue streams to create a positive loop and
Our aim is just to build things from the ground up and keep interconnecting things to make the Dow environment more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more#
And it's hard to have people collaborate, especially if there's money involved with tokens, where the incentive alignment is hard to make stable, especially if something goes up a lot or something goes down a lot. But I do think
going to be part of the future and as more tooling infrastructure and experience as being had, there's going to be endless of possibilities for people all around the world to build careers, build innovations and work together with like-minded and interesting people. So I hope people like what we're doing
want to kind of help and then think about kind of the things we're doing and you know if you guys have ideas or whatever you know you can always DM me or ping me on telegram and all's around yeah well thank you Ken Milan and thank you Will
talk community for joining. This is another episode of the aquarium. My name is Noah and remember everything you hear on these broadcasts meant for educational purposes only nothing is financial advice. We'll see you all on the next one in about two hours. We have Kevin from Teslas coming on. Stay tuned.
Thanks a lot, everyone. Bye-bye.

FAQ on Ignite DAO: Building out the DAO Infrastructure for Zilliqa🔥#ZIL #DeFi | Twitter Space Recording

What is Milan's background in the crypto industry?
Milan joined the crypto industry in 2017 after finishing his Master's degree in business. He started by helping Chinese or Asian projects internationalize the Western market and eventually began working on his own project, starting at Zellica.
What is Ignite DOW?
Ignite DOW is a decentralized autonomous organization that is focused on developing projects in the Web 3.0 space. It has a stake in Zilliqa, a smart contract wallet, and is looking to integrate different dapps or dexas.
What inspired the creation of Ignite DOW?
The creation of Ignite DOW was inspired by the City of Zion for NEO, which had a bottom-up approach to helping build out the protocol and support applications. The idea was to create a similar community with incentivized members to work on business, marketing, and technical projects.
What is non-custodial staking?
Non-custodial staking is a type of staking where the user retains control of their tokens and has the ability to withdraw them at any time. This is in contrast to custodial staking, where the tokens are held by a third party.
What is a smart contract wallet?
A smart contract wallet is a type of wallet that is built on a smart contract platform like Ethereum or Zilliqa. It allows for more functionality and tooling than a traditional wallet and is often used for yield farming and staking.
What is a reputation system in Ignite DOW?
In Ignite DOW, staking tokens earns the user reputation points, which indicate their level of commitment to the community. More staking equals more reputation points, and higher tier community members can receive more value back.
Why did Ignite DOW choose to build on Zilliqa?
Ignite DOW chose to build on Zilliqa because of a lack of competition in the smart contract wallet space, which gave them a good opportunity to absorb the market. Additionally, Milan had previous experience working at Zilliqa and knew their weaknesses and strengths.
What are the three layers of Ignite DOW's infrastructure?
The three layers of Ignite DOW's infrastructure are the protocol layer (related to staking and liquidity), the wallet layer (which focuses on building a superior wallet with innovative features), and the application layer (which integrates different dapps or dexas).
What is the benefit of being an early project in the crypto industry?
Being an early project in the crypto industry gives a significant advantage in terms of market share, even if the market is small. It is much harder to gain a foothold if there are already several competing projects on the market.
What did Milan do before entering the crypto industry?
Milan finished his Master's degree in business before joining the crypto industry. He had an existential crisis and wasn't sure what to do until he learned about the potential of crypto and decided to work in the industry.