Imagining Futures for DeFi & DAOs - StakerDAO x Wonder

Recorded: Aug. 17, 2022 Duration: 1:09:51



Hey, welcome. We're just getting started here. I'm going to be sending out a tweet. So be a little bit quiet. Victor, I already sent you an invite to speak. And if you'd also like to join the stage of the video request, super stoked to hear from folks.
GM GM Welcome to the stage. G await isn't money. Why I just say GM breakfast on to end dinner so
Okay, cool. It's great to see you all on stage. Waiting for a couple more folks to join in. Okay, Mack.
Also, Victor, congratulations ICKB7 in your bio. Congrats and welcome to the Colonel fam. Thanks, Mel.
I'm also very happy to be part of the current community. And actually, yeah, very fun story. I think I also watched your story a little bit.
I think you're writing your business. I just found my end.
Oh. Can you hear me? Sorry, I can hear you now. You're rugging up there before I'm on. Oh, okay. Yeah, you're you're cutting out a little bit. Do you want to maybe do a test sentence like the quick brown fox jump over lazy dog?
Okay, can you hear me now? Yeah, you're good. Keep talking.
Okay, yeah, I also remember like seeing your story as well like Because like I was also part of a cello and Also like see seeing like a dick coin where you were racing for your project black magic and it seems like you know even
even though we don't really know each other, but somehow we always wait a minute. Actually, we met in maybe some pitch event or at some grants and then you realize actually, mostly you're dealing with people that you already know before. So we are still a very small community and
but we are still growing and we also see with kernel that new faces are coming who never had a chance to be at this web3 community and this is a great place to, you know, on botan and to be part of it and give you some guidance because like I didn't have like guidance and I was like part of this web3 just like no
The pen name would happen and I had so much time to go on online and trying to free it out and then stumbling into Rep3 in a very diffused way but we all find a way into this space. Absolutely. Yeah, it's great too.
come across again. It's so funny, you know, Black Magic. Maybe it's a project and the future I'll start up again and I have more expertise. But yeah, as we now have to wonder and excited that we're doing this joint space. Defined hours are quite relevant. So excited to chat. Also welcome, Kim.
Hi everybody.
Have you guys started already? We're waiting on Juniper. I think she's posting a tweet. I'm going to retweet the space real quick right now. I just noticed that.
amazing. I will invite Graham up to speak and yeah thank you so much for your patience I was something to tweet out. It's like you know I feel like I'm in that era where I might have to get a second phone like a work phone and like a life phone you know because I get so many notifications and like
It's just as I'm typing, it'll cover up what I'm typing. But, anyways, that's a size of quite. I invited up Graham. If you want to go ahead and accept the invite to speak, I know Victor Corosh said that they might be joining a little bit later. So once Graham jumps up on stage, we can get the space started. And then, yeah,
We'll just start with introductions. I want to let folks know that Steakerdow has chosen this space to be more of an open conversation. So if there's any point throughout the space that you want to jump up and ask a question, add input, it is an open conversation today. So there's no queue when I at the end. It is completely open for folks to jump on stage and join in.
And if you've noticed Twitter spaces also have this new comment feature so you can drop any questions. It's in the lower right hand. And you can also come chat with us in the discord as well. And then I are live in there. Always love that. Yeah, I do.
just made a thread, staker down chat. Also, I just want to say Logan, hey, or it's Logan not. Thanks for joining our Discord earlier this week. But yeah, if you want to chat in the Discord, we're there too. Or if you're going to do it in the Twitter comments, feel free to do that as well.
Hey, they're just checking in with Graham. Graham's going to join on the stage crack.

FAQ on Imagining Futures for DeFi & DAOs - StakerDAO x Wonder | Twitter Space Recording

What is the purpose of the space in the podcast recording?
The space in the podcast recording is intended to be more of an open conversation.
Is the space in the podcast recording open for questions and input?
Yes, the space in the podcast recording is completely open for folks to jump on stage and join in.
Does StakerDow prefer an open conversation format for their podcast recordings?
Yes, StakerDow has chosen this space to be more of an open conversation.
What is the new comment feature on Twitter spaces?
The new comment feature on Twitter spaces is located in the lower right hand corner and allows users to drop questions.
What platform can users join and chat with the hosts in addition to Twitter spaces?
Users can join and chat with the hosts on Discord in addition to Twitter spaces.
Is it possible to add input at any point during the podcast recording?
Yes, users can add input at any point during the podcast recording.
Is there a queue to join the conversation during the podcast recording?
No, there is no queue to join the conversation during the podcast recording.
What type of format does StakerDow prefer for their podcast recordings?
StakerDow prefers an open conversation format for their podcast recordings.
Who has chosen the open conversation format for the podcast recording?
StakerDow has chosen the open conversation format for the podcast recording.
Which tool can users use to chat with the hosts during the podcast recording?
Users can use Discord to chat with the hosts during the podcast recording.