ImpactDAOs: how do they work?

Recorded: Sept. 29, 2022 Duration: 0:21:51



Hey, how's it going?
Yeah, you can hear me. I just hope more people don't ask today.
Yeah, I'm too. Good, be good. Just finished eating some ice cream. So I'm feeling pumped. Oh, that's nice.
So that's awesome. We've got like really full conversation.
without vendors and it's being served with people so long but now we are finally getting them out. So hopefully like three podcasts a week. Mr. Rampoff.
Oh wow. Yeah. It's a lot of podcasts. Yeah, I mean, then great conversations, then great. So it's way no friends. We don't have music and stuff, but it's great to be this.
Yeah, I can start somewhere. Yeah, I mean, that goes straight into the conversation, right? Like you don't waste time with the mail like.
So I think we'll give everyone like a couple of minutes to pop in. Yeah, somebody pops in. Yeah. Should I tag people maybe other tag my team? Give me a second.
Maybe I should invite some Aussies into the podcast, since it's 90 a.m. for them, they should be able to come.
I don't know what I am.
weapons and weapons and weapons and weapons and weapons and weapons and weapons and weapons and weapons and weapons and weapons and weapons and weapons and weapons and weapons and weapons and weapons and weapons and weapons and weapons and weapons and weapons and weapons and weapons and weapons and weapons and weapons and weapons and weapons and weapons and weapons and weapons and weapons and weapons and weapons and weapons and weapons and weapons and weapons and weapons and weapons and weapons and weapons and weapons and weapons and weapons and weapons and weapons and#
I had, I used to there.
Oh, sorry, is on mute. Yeah. Yeah, I'm just talking to you. I don't know what kind of an idea, but I haven't this person from my dear daughter. Who else? They're like so many people.
Let me just start with then a beat off that's in my heart.
We're early. Still early. In general, in time, the world for impact. Oh, yeah, totally. I feel like we are living in the future. Nobody. I'm not understanding what they're saying. I try to come up with friends that.
You know, I made somebody great friends on the English. They're like really? Really? Oh my god, really? I made a great friend on the English. Are they real? Are they in the room with us?
I'm not a them now like I'm con so I had like in real life interaction with them so there are people yeah and my team and I tell them that I'm without and that I know them really well and I've had many other conversations with them over the
the past months and they're like, I assure that they are who they are. So it's all, it's all fundamentally, you know, that you can have working relationships with people on the internet.
Yeah, it's still very early for that.
But in crypto it's so normal. Oh yeah, seriously. That's why I say like, so they have to catch up with all of this. Like it'll become a norm soon, but yeah. For now, this is the other crazy ones.
But no, what can you start today?
Probably at like five or six in the morning. Yeah, that's great.
I don't know what time it is in Nigeria though then.
I think he was first. I'm like, oh god. This is like, you don't think I'm not a like, I don't sleep at all or like, I'm totally, and you help. Yeah, that's startup life.
Yeah, I've heard of it. Yeah, this guy, he's been in crypto since 2016 and they did like an ICO and stuff
And so he's done like a lot of things and then he realized that it's not what they want to do up at the ICO. And so they pivoted and they started something called like a they want to start like a doubt the public. Like something similar to what value is for people.
is all about. And so he's very kick that the biology book is like a validation of what they're trying to do because they've been working on this ideas in last year. But he looks so exhausted, like not exhausted, but he looks like
I'm tired, you know, like my husband having a conversation, like, make only like a person who's building something can understand his life because it was like he was having a conversation, it was great conversation but he seemed like he's had many meetings so swirl.
Okay, let's see who comes.
So how's it going with your startup?
Good good. I'm doing another fundraising process starting in like a couple of weeks so I'm wrapping up for it Okay, so I'm just researching
a bunch of people.
Otherwise, there are like, I can give you two names like two places where you can probably go and fundraise from. One is, I'm sure you know them already, but one of those being that noun, I think the nouns are noun or whatever they are. And then maybe that's not it. The public noun.
project. Yeah, what was the thing that they launched today? They launched something today but they've always been finding public goods. So I met this guy, he presented at Encon. He was part of the core announced team and they've been like, they build these daily options
And they've been funding projects like do good projects like public good projects for a while. So today maybe they just want to emphasize on the fact that they do this and they've done a separate launch, but they've been funding public goods for a while.
And yeah, I met him after his presentation was really cool and he talked about it. So it was like the whole public goods strategy.
So you can definitely go and fundraise there and I actually also want to go but I just want to have time right now. And then the meta-factor. Yeah, it's a full-time job to do like.
get going and I'm exhausted with the whole process. Yeah, that makes sense. So I think I'll see how to book then that will itself like
Well, give me some more questions. Exactly. We can then put up the book in front of us. But then this Metacacel, you can go to them as well. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know a little bit about Metacartel. There is body contrast.
I want to stay away from VCs as much as I can. Maybe at a later stage when we have more say in how we want a structure to be with them, but not right now.
Yeah, the mic signs. Plus, like, in order for there to be impact on media, there need to be more impact doubts first too. Oh, no, there are tons of impact doubts actually. 32 has been, uh, has been the year of the countdown. And, uh, and the whole idea is that you want to
more people to be building that impact now. So we actually have a multi platform strategy like we didn't want to focus on crypto to there, but the there people are already they kind of know they know the
value of the three. There's no point showing them again. I just finished setting up accounts on tip top,
Instagram and LinkedIn. LinkedIn is great actually because there's a strong network, you know, like people profession network, you know, so yeah. So we have this entire strategy of spreading a content across these platforms.
Cool. Yeah.
Yeah, nobody comes. It's funny.
It's weird. 12 people at RSVP. So I figured like half of them would show. It's, yeah.
Maybe the conversion rate slower. But last thing is this great, like when Sadis and all came and we talked about the tooling, maybe we should try a different topic next time. Maybe the topic is not as hard as we think it should be. Though it's very important topic, like how is that work? I think it's important. Yeah.
Or maybe we can like pull different people that we want to be a part of the conversation and be like, what what time works for you. Yeah. Yeah. Twitter space during that time. Yes. And why did you talk about it? Maybe. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Personal. Yeah. That would be great.
I put some like an entire strategy for spaces. One is I want to highlight new dolls. And then I want to do one like building together sessions.
where all the downs impact those who are building the downs come and talk about the challenges, the frustrations and all the great things that they've got. Like just like you know, like merely online like I want to do that. Do you want to be, do you want to go set on the thing?
I think let's try that one out. That will be in white space. So I'm going to invite the dows to come and talk about it. And then every VVP in my VVP 3 and then 3 or 4, I think that's good to get our conversation going.
And then I was going to join them and listen, maybe like three or four thousand building together sessions on tourist spaces. They just talk about everything. Because there are many challenges. And then it's a startup type.
Yeah. So there's constant things on fire that nobody really knows about, unless you're like, you know-- And sometimes you want to make it up too, right? Like, maybe not to-- maybe not to a team. So it's like, maybe you want to make it up as strangers, maybe.
Yeah, or other people in the same space. So that's one and then there's another one there. I want to put a spotlight on the in-boarding those that are interesting categories like this one in Tampa Bay Florida, which is a city based high
open the house and so I want to invite them to come and talk about how they're building a city. I think those are going to be the future and then you print out. There's also a packed pack which is like a mutual aid down in New York City. So they were part of a study.
Yeah, there would be court beyond it. And then there's another one in Oakland that's coming up. They want to actually launch their own currency. So, it's a great app. And then there's one in Belgium. And so I, so that's one category, but then there's another disaster category.
up called Puduri Kodal, which is around now. You can actually happen to them because you can now have that experience on setting it up quickly and driving initially for.
So, like looking at different categories, I even want to do regional, like invite dogs from Sich-Japan to come and talk about what they're doing in the country. Yeah, like verticals, like the base of the field. Yeah. The same.
It's really great. I feel like a lot of relationships with these people have been out of it. And probably especially in Korea, Japan, Singapore, what's happening.
There's a lot of scene happening in India as well with Dallas. And they're interested to call people from different parts of the world to talk about the Dallas-based in their country or in the region.
Yeah, I got to learn like five more languages first. So we got away. No, I'm totally kidding. It feels like that's not fair.
How to say hello and KM and whatever language? Yeah right. And then you're vibing, then you're good. So yeah. Okay.
You want to call it and then we can sync up and figure out a time and who to invite for these. So do you want to do building together session next time? Something different? Yeah, sure. So maybe I'll invite people for this. So it's the next week we can schedule something and then
I can't because we just launched our alpha in Baltimore. So I got to like build up users and like get members of the Dow go on and things like that in Baltimore. So I will unfortunately
miss it, but I hear it's going to be epic. Oh yeah, I'm just worried about just the safety issues of being in South America. I mean, there's safety issues going to any crypto conference, right? Like
It's like you're saying you're kind of a target because you're out of crypto. There's tons of people there with all sorts of ledger and stuff. Leave your ledger at home.
Yeah. So do try to fight the chain link founder outside of a McDonald's city.
I think it was in New York. Oh wow. Like this past week. Yeah. I don't know. I saw like some kind of like video about it and I was like this is wild. Well, this is scary actually. I actually think about it. Yeah. You can see a couple of them move from the bridge so far and there are a lot of grudges like people who
lives are being destroyed because obviously people are angry, they put everything into one like instead of like slowly yeah like that like terror like the research right they just get hyped up by seeing some people video and that's why we want to be a big talk actually
Yeah, there's only one kind of fun thing and dumping kind of talk that goes on and on crypto, but we want to talk about the social impact side of crypto. And so nobody's talking about that and we want to be the voice for that. So it makes sense. Yeah, absolutely. It's important.
Yeah, I like just started being on TikTok recently and I just discovered ASMR videos and I didn't think that I was going to like them and then all of a sudden I was just like asleep. No. It was amazing.
Also find out some dark humor on TikTok. I don't know, TikTok's very interesting. It's short-term video. It's just a different audience. I don't watch, I mean, I don't have the app on my phone. I just actually just created an account on my laptop.
But there are other people who follow me some TikTok videos and then lyrics. Some of them are so funny. Some of them are really funny. But it's also very... I don't know, there's so much shit on it at the same time.
Yeah, that's real. Okay cool. We'll let's coordinate and figure out a time sometime next week. Next week we do building together kind of session. Do you like building the impact that you were something?
I don't know, I think we should ask the people that we want to come. What's a good time for them? And then like, you just let us meet or something like that to like, hammer down a common time.
Yeah, let's I'll open it. I'll try to get some people together and then be because I can accommodate I can be flexible. Okay, great. So let's do it. Yeah, so great chatting with you. Okay. Awesome. Good chatting with you too. Okay, bye. I'll talk to you later.