In the BAT Cave #85: @RaposaCoffeeCo - Coffee, NFTs, crypto and more.

Recorded: Feb. 2, 2024 Duration: 1:04:31



good afternoon everybody hey how's it going good good good I'm on my third cup
of coffee however my bugs my coffee mugs are probably like the equivalent
of three measuring cups or like three and a half measuring cups so really
we're pretty deep in the coffee game this morning
hello everyone hopefully hopefully soon it's some repulsive coffee I guess yeah
I'm excited I'm learn about it and hopefully consume it very soon welcome
soak sock what should we call you welcome hey thanks for having me yes sock yeah
happy to be here happy to talk about riposa coffee brave anything anything
under the Sun awesome we're so we're so eager I'm trying to hide how wired I am
because I've already drank so much coffee this morning not riposa coffee
but we'll get there I'm gonna just mute for a second share this link around in
our community to make sure that people know the space is happening and hop on
and then we'll kick off in a couple minutes sounds good what you been up to
gear not much today I had like a big duvet that I needed to wash so that's
basically what I did this morning and then I did some infographics layout and
not much not a very interesting day mind you hey it's Friday though it's all
that matters got a point
it's a sock it would just be you from the riposa side today yeah I think for
the first little bit and then treats is just finishing up a meeting he's our
director community he'll be joining I think with the riposa account once we
get them in here yeah but I get I get I'm one of the founders I could talk
about anything and everything awesome that's cool yeah I'm interested to hear
a little more about it I actually met treats there in Miami at the God's
house you know they're kind of up here there to make him coffee and stuff a
little fan and just started talking some here we are now yeah I was there I was
there I don't know if I was there at the same exact time because it was a long
long two three days I try to pop out a little bit but yeah it was a lot of fun
that was a great event for us really good exposure made some awesome
connections for some partners for this year so yeah that's art basil that's
what I'm saying I had met treats there at the God's house they had a stand there
they were doing coffee and stuff so that's where I met treats and then you
know it's now we're here oh that's awesome I watch but I didn't have time
you guys posted a recap on your YouTube it was a riposa coffee at Solana
breakpoint video recap I guess like well we'll get there but it looks like you
guys were serving coffee they're keeping everybody going yeah we partnered
with Solana for that we were we were actually like one of one of ten I think
coffee stands the other ones were through like the catering the bigger
catering company that was you know the vendors for the actual conference but
Solana had invited us kind of give us our own little section so we could
showcase Solana pay which we can talk about a little bit but funny enough like
be even being one of like ten little areas where you can get you know an
actual espresso or latte or flat white or any of the you know barista drinks we
accounted for 85% of all of the Solana transactions for Solana pay during that
conference which was just pretty cool yeah people really love the coffee they
love the experience and yeah we kind of built on that for Art Basel and started
going outside of the Solana ecosystem as was our goal from from day one with our
partnership with d gods and you know our collab collab d coffee by reposa
which was a lot of fun and like I said yeah we made a ton of great connections
in the eth ecosystem just in the art world in general and yeah coffee is
coffee is not a not chain agnostic you know are you guys going to be in eth in
Belgium this year we don't have plans yet for that but we we might we might
all right figure out we have a lot of events solidified so far some of them
announced some have not I could talk about the announced ones but I don't
think right now we have that on our radar but we we definitely might
definitely might if you change your mind or if you find going that way send me
a message because I'll definitely be there yeah I personally love Belgium so
would love to love to check that out what do you know the dates of that was
some time in July I believe 20-something oh that might work out we're doing an
event and London July 5th through the 6th so yeah we might we might be in the
area in July so sounds wonderful you know if you're there I'll love to meet
you in person that would be wonderful awesome okay let's back it up a little
because the rooms full now so let's kick off welcome back everybody to another
Friday space today we are sipping more mugs of Joe in the Batcave with repose
a coffee and they are a global coffee brand built from the grounds up get it
they're a vibrant breakfast blend of art coffee and community hey I didn't come
up with that don't thumbs it down it's on their website but anyway I'm I'm
excited and I think everybody else here is very excited to learn about them so
let's power through the intros and then we'll hop into the Q&A so we always
start with a little bit of background on the back community for anyone new
and for anybody who might be tuning into the recording later so whether you're a
regular listener here or you're visiting for the first time thank you we are so
happy that you're spending a bit of your Friday with us so thanks we are the bat
community and we're all about the basic attention token which is an ethereum
based rewards token integral to the brave web browser and brave is a
privacy focused web browser that blocks YouTube and other third-party ads by
default no extensions required it also rewards users with that for opting in to
seeing privacy respecting ads and allows them to support their favorite content
creators or causes with on-chain bat or other crypto contributions the brave
browser also comes pre-loaded with tons of privacy features like a private
search many others also it has an AI assistant named Leo which just got some
fresh updates a nice makeover about a week ago very cool you should check that
out it also comes with private video conferencing VPN and native and
extensionless multi-chain crypto wallet plus a brand spanking you self-serve
private advertising manager for brands super super cool so you can check out
Braves full suite of features over on features you want to
dive right in and for more on basic attention token you can head over to but after the episode of course and as for panel
intros I'll kick us off my name is Jenny I am speaking from the bat
community account today I have been immersed in the bat and brave community
since late 2017 and today I focus on running our bat ambassadors volunteer
program and I also focus on building out partnerships that drive bats growth and
adoption I just want to add before I hand off the mic during the event your
input is totally welcome if you have questions you can leave them in the
thread just type them into the thread beneath the spaces link or you can raise
your hand and when we have time we'll bring you up to the mic so without
further ado I will hand it off to Drew for his intro all right yeah I'm Drew
and I've been here the community bat and brave community for several years now
and working with the team for a couple years doing the navigate discord doing
spaces finding ways to integrate bat and things like that into different things
so it's really cool to see you guys with an actual product that can be purchased
online or you know in person whatever it is and also having the ability to use
crypto to do it but it's a lot of pay or however but so I'm excited about that
excited about kind of where we're going as a space finally kind of making those
you know steps towards that progress it's good to see love to see it but I
will say I'm not a you know big coffee drinker so I'll find my ways to support
maybe buy some merch you guys got some pretty cool stuff on the shop there
anyways that's me Guillermo let you go ahead and then we'll turn it off
hello everyone name is Guillermo I am the community artist for brave and basic
tension token do illustration and design such as today's POAP which you can claim
by the end of today's spaces and I don't have much to add I just will say that
professionally I think that the design and the proposal is really really slick and I
really love the Victorian look on their logo so I'll just end it over to them
and let them introduce themselves thank you guys my name's sock I am one of the
founders and creative director at Reposa and yeah been building this baby for
well over a year now we started as a an NFT project back in we minted in April
on Solana and kind of used those bootstrap funds to like Jenny said build
a coffee brand from the grounds up we realized that not too many projects
especially when the bear market was starting we were starting to see a ton
of projects leaving projects were running out of money you know they got
these mint funds they kind of had this pile of money and try to do some cool
stuff with it whether they rubbed intentionally or not they just were
running out of money and our goal was to like kind of prove what's capable with
NFTs and crypto in general and you know being kind of collectors in the ecosystem
for for several years you know saw kind of this opportunity based on our real
life experience and kind of professional experience and saw this opportunity that
you know we can do something real and provide value and bring more attention
back to the ecosystem while building sustainable revenue streams to keep the
project going keep the community going keep the community happy and kind of
build this this this utopian coffee company idea together you know with with
the community so that's what we did we we built a two-story roastery started
actually building it out before we minted and then continue that process
and we're specialty coffee bean focused we also launched seven flavors of nitro
cold brew with industry leading shelf life which I'm happy to go dive into
we're using some globally patented nitro cold brew machines and canning
mechanics so we actually have the longest shelf life in the US right now
which is pretty pretty cool on top of like the the taste is incredible so you
know we really built this to be competitive with other web to coffee
brands like lock alone blue bottle and you know prove kind of the
possibilities like I said with with crypto and you know specifically and
what an NFT project and community is capable of in the real world so yeah
that's kind of kind of the intro happy to talk about like my personal
background a little bit or we could kind of stick to to the project no please do
tell us about your personal background yeah we like to hear where you guys can
problem yeah absolutely so I'm one of three founders we have a we have a pretty
big team now but we definitely run lean my personal background is funny enough I
went to college got my master's for accounting worked in the accounting field
got my CPA for two years realized I absolutely hated my life and but learned
learned a ton of ton of valuable things of course and you know realized that I
kind of wanted to pursue my passion which was always kind of the creative
side of things I was always in a photography videography so I started as
a freelance photographer in New York City with the focus in food and
beverage restaurants hotels food and beverage brands and kind of seen that
side of things getting into the digital marketing side of things content
creation and turned into a you know built up a creative agency around that
so having that experience kind of led us again into this like kind of nice
synergy of us the founders my my co-founder art who's down there
listening and he's been doing coffee for 14 years he's running our kind of our
day-to-day he helped lead the the roastery build and kind of the creation
the equipment sourcing all that that fun stuff and then our other founder Omega
who's got financial operational and kind of CPG like fulfillment experience so we
have like a nice little trifecta going and realize that you know this was a
really good place to kind of put both our love for for crypto NFTs are are
like frustration with like constantly being rubbed by projects that didn't
actually do anything and you know our in-person expertise to build something
you know sustainable and and you know that has legs okay this is all awesome
so all right I was I was gonna ask like you know specifically why did you opt
for coffee you know of all real-world value props but I think you you kind of
painted broad strokes that that explain why so you know your co-founder was in
coffee for about 14 years you're all coffee fans you have a background in the
food and bev industry plus accounting that's awesome you wanted to create some
real-world value for your NFT holders plus you wanted to you know compete a
little bit with web 2 brands and show off the potential for web 3 products
creating real-world value yeah and I think I think at a broader level like I
could dive into why coffee but at a broader level like consumer like CPG
like consumer facing goods I think is one of the best and most applicable kind
of real-world revenue streams for crypto like the loyalty platform that we
actually have really seen in the next couple weeks is like completely it's
gonna be like a basically a web to like app but it's gonna be built you know
with a like blockchain backing so the end user you know like Joe Schmoe or you
know whoever who's never heard about NFTs or crypto every time they sign
up will actually be creating a wallet they'll be there'll be transactions on
chain and they'll never know about it which I think is one of the ways that we
need to start by onboarding people into the ecosystem it's like first and and
we've done this kind of strategically with how we've built our branding to like
we we really we're not like putting our our NFT characters on our coffee cup on
our coffee cans right like we're we're targeting these products to the masses
and you know with with as we grow and as kind of the space grows and like I
said we kind of built this like at the bottom of the bear market the word NFT
was like kind of like frowned upon right in the general public I think even
crypto you know and so like it's starting to come back as we've seen like
the last several months so we're starting to kind of introduce the
narrative a little bit more tying things together but yeah we we really believe
that like the loyalty aspect of blockchain specifically has so much room
for growth and like we kind of want to be almost like the poster child for that
yeah yeah that makes a lot of sense I do very much agree with the idea of
onboarding by keeping things very simple for the mainstream and allowing the
blockchain stuff to occur behind the scenes at least in the beginning keeping
the you know NFT stuff the web 3 stuff largely separate from the branding at
this stage makes a lot of sense you mentioned your two-story roastery
switching gears where is that yeah for sure our roastery is actually in Europe
in Czech Republic so my partner art is is is based there we've known each other
for a long long while and his family's actually been doing hospitality in the
hospitality space for you know 40 plus years he's been working in or around a
coffee shop since he was 17 they've you know started operated sold different
different cafes but we've never kind of went vertically you know the other way
into a roastery so it's in Carlovi very look it up it's a absolutely beautiful
picturesque city it's actually home to like the second biggest film festival in
Europe behind Khan happens in the summer we're gonna be doing something
really amazing for that whole week so yeah and then we so we roast there we
distribute from their import to the US and then we also obviously sell and
distribute within Europe with an EU as well where would one be able to find
their opinion distribution yeah just just on our site on our normal website
shop like we have kind of on the back end it'll track the
address that you put in it'll show you shipping based on where you are it'll
calculate it from our if it's a European address it'll calculate it from our our
roastery so yeah it's pretty pretty cool we're actually this year gonna be also
turning on Amazon EU I know it's not as big over there but we've gotten approved
we're just finalizing some things there but we are on Amazon Prime in the US
and on obviously on our own site where we do accept crypto like that was
mentioned before but that's fantastic I'm just seeing it now sorry to interrupt
go ahead Drew oh no no no I was just gonna say that's funny because the other
day I happened to be using the Brave VPN and was in like the UK or something
for the VPN and forgot that I left it on that I got the ad on the Brave you know
ads for reposa and clicked on it I was like okay why is this all in pounds and
stuff like that and then I had a little trouble getting it back to the US
currency and stuff so that's kind of funny so yeah it sounds like it's
available in a lot of areas yeah yeah for sure and we're turning on more we're
expanding our distribution like a lot this year so we have another like
beautiful thing about our community is like we're trying to provide
entrepreneurial opportunities as well for for our holders that's not just like
more active right like being part of kind of maybe the supply chain like
opening up distribution within your region your city we have a ton of kind
of regions opening this year Asia is gonna be one of them with you know
Solana breakpoint being in Singapore this year we're gonna try and tie in
that's a little bit alpha tie in our distribution launch with with that
something in Australia potentially coming up and Canada Amazon Canada will
actually be on in the next you know actually this month so that's something
that's kind of easier for us but yeah that's we're we're trying to be
strategic with how we expand initially I think a big mistake that startups
usually make is trying to do too much too early instead of like perfecting
kind of the distribution and logistics of a certain city or a certain region
first so yeah we're really excited about that but we are being very smart about
how we how we kind of expand our reach yeah it's definitely a challenge you
know you don't want to you know spread yourself too thin those kind of things
sure so I just wanted to kind of go back we've mentioned like you know you guys
started building kind of you know bottom of the bear when you know NFTs
were just kind of a you know frowned upon thing and I actually hate to admit
it but I had a white list for your NFTs but I didn't end up meaning I think I
forgot or whatever it was but I have since picked up some NFTs but I kind of
wanted to ask I see you guys did it in a tease first I guess and then I did
so making the coffee and or how did that work and how does the NFTs relate to the
in world in real world coffee business yeah for sure so in terms of like the
progression we actually started building Reposa back in December 2022 literally
I think that was almost peak peak bottom like $8 Solana I forget what
each was that but we kind of started building then we signed a 10-year lease
on our roastery in January and we started to get we didn't renovate we
didn't do fully we didn't do much but we invested in some small roasting
equipment some small batch kind of equipment for R&D purposes we did our
first few can product runs and we actually introduced the cans in NFT NYC
in April early April of last year and then we didn't mint until later that
month so we wanted to again like I think this was a pretty new concept for a lot
of people that and and there was a little bit of rightfully so because
just from the past there was a little bit of lack of of faith and you know us
being able to kind of pull this off right so we knew that we were kind of
fighting against the current and needing to show people like upfront what what
we were building the quality of our product so I think that helped a lot
like people actually tasted the cold brew at NFT NYC and we're like damn this
is this is really good and yeah so we I mean we minted out our 10k collection
you know almost almost like really deep in the bear market which I feel like
something that we're pretty proud of and you know fundraised what we needed to
and and then went ahead and got like our right now we have like a 25 kilo
D drink roasting machine which if anybody knows much about coffee roasting
and it's like I wouldn't call it the Lambo of coffee roasters but it's
something that can kind of stay with us for many years as even as much as we
scale so it could roast about I was I always get the estimate wrong but I
believe it's like a hundred pounds of coffee an hour so like we've we've
invested in the roastery where we don't necessarily need to reinvest in
equipment for a long time like we've given us a lot of runway to scale so
yeah we're super excited about that yeah it's on the Lambo of coffee roasters
that's funny okay yeah no that's awesome so you guys could kind of already make
of the copy and stuff and then did the NFT so question oh yeah I definitely
missed your I missed your the second part of your question like how does it
tie in yeah go ahead yeah yeah sorry about that yeah so so right now we we
treat them kind of like any other NFT collection we have our kind of staking
we have on chain reward points well I'll talk about what's the same and then
where we differ we have on chain reward points we have a we have a reward
platform where we do we give away discounts we give away gift cards we
give away free product like free six packs free 12 packs free you know coffee
beans for the month we have a giveaway going on right now for free coffee beans
for the full year which is pretty cool so we try and tie in and then we have
like your normal like you know NFTs the more digen stuff that that holders love
like for you know quick reward quick flip power however they want to do it but I
think the beautiful part is is that we have kind of this reward vault of you
know that we're continuing to grow the pie of as we grow as a business right
we're not necessarily giving back we've said from the beginning like we're not a
rev share project again SCC if you're listening you know this is this is not a
rev share project by any means but that doesn't mean that like we're not gonna
give rewards and benefits to our holders like the more we grow the more we can
like give out in rewards so yeah right now we have also a leveling system for
our cups or NFTs so with the beans that you earn you can actually level up your
cup to five different tiers that tie in with rewards the basic idea is like to
hire the tier that you have the the better more robust rewards are and the
less competition if it's raffle based so that's been a pretty cool feature and
those levels stay with your cup when you sell it so you could actually see on
the marketplace like the different tiered rewards and some of the some of
the high ones I think Maniac is the highest one you know they fetch we we
try to build in a mechanism where you know you can kind of increase the value
of your of your cup by participating in the ecosystem so I think that's gone
over pretty well and I think it's gonna continue we'll see kind of a bigger
spread with those tiers as the reward pool grows that's this cool interesting
approach you know I guess bottom line would you say the energy side thing is
more you know kind of building your community and those active members of
the community where they can get those rewards things like that and then the
coffee is kind of a almost a separate deal but obviously it's connected
because they're earning you know coffee beans or whatever those kind of things
but it's where they really kind of come in and engage and things like that
within that community on the energy side yeah exactly it's I mean not too far
similar from from Pudgy right like you know there's there's revenue generating
streams through the toys the vinyls and collectibles which we actually are
starting we have our first vinyl figurine dropping this month which is
really exciting but you know I imagine I'm not extremely extremely familiar
with what the inner workings of Pudgy but I imagine like that revenue stream
helps obviously fund the business funds you know community activations and
person activations you know rewards and I know that there's that ability for if
you're featured in one of the toys you get some some sort of royalties or
licensing I think that's really cool that's something that we're also
implementing with our figures so there's there's opportunities I think for it is
separate but there's we we treat our community as kind of like we've built
this up together right like we couldn't have done this without them my goal is
to continue to reward them as much as physically possible and and and giving
them even higher level like business opportunities to grow the brand right so
like I said like distribution I think there's gonna be some some licensing
opportunities not just from the NFTs but just from being involved in the
community you know more token gated entrepreneurial opportunities I think is
a good way to say it yeah that's awesome and it's really cool that I see these
different projects take these different approaches to kind of some of these in
the real world you know things products issues whatever it is so that's a cool
approach I like it I think that you know that's one of the beauty beautiful things
about web 3 is just the communities that go behind projects and all kind of
coming together with this shared you know interest and incentives and things
like that so kudos for you on that man go ahead
Judy I think you had some questions as well yeah also looks like Luke and so
I'll bring them up but um yeah I just want to hop back to your web store
quickly so I believe you are part of our brave web 3 commerce merchant program is
that correct yeah yeah we actually just started that with you guys this week
we're super stoked about it and yeah we're really excited to be to be working
with you guys on that awesome awesome yeah so for people listening who may not
know this program of Braves is a new initiative where we're encouraging
merchants across the web to promote SPL bat or salon or apt that payments via
the salon a salon of pay integration which they may already have on their
web stores however I am on the checkout page of your web store currently and I'm
seeing options to check out with D pay I'm seeing the other one coinbase
commerce is is would it not be popping up for me because you're still working
on getting that all set up or maybe your your website currently only ships within
the US and I'm in Canada what could be going on here there you mean the
specific kind of checkout program mm-hmm yeah I think we still are waiting to
implement that I'm waiting I think for some final instructions but with D pay
currently you can you know pay with crypto I think there's I don't know if
it if that's accepted yet but you could pay with Solana eat you know Bitcoin
USDC there's a bunch of options and coinbase as well so I think that was the
initial like brave reached out to us because we do accept crypto to kind of
get involved with the merchant merchant program but yeah like I think we're
still adding that I guess that additional option so I don't think it's
just you I don't I think it's I don't think anybody can see it just yet yeah
yeah just to confirm to you like hey by the way like an awesome thanks for
thanks for joining the space and also for her to sitting in the program just
for folks that are are less aware around this this merchant pilot program
we're doing it's basically like you know we saw over the past year a bunch of
announcements from like from Shopify and Solana pay and then even Visa and other
folks around you know web3 payment deals that were happening and one thing
that we saw that was missing that we were really well positioned to help
with in this area within web3 was you know as a browser where people are
making ecommerce payments at the wallet etc like and an ad platform we see that
there's a big opportunity for us to help like show some wins and put some points
on the board and show demand for for these web3 like crypto payment options
and so you know reposia that you guys are have crypto payments integrated I
mean initially it's just to get any crypto payment data like just just
numbers right like on like you know how how much demand there is or you know
showing that there's like you know interest around this and then you know
the a lot of these web3 payment options like Helios pay and and and Solana pay
already natively support like SPL tokens and some of them support like ERC 20
tokens too and so that just kind of comes for free as a payment option with
those and other ones it's like we're just interested at this stage because
it's super early right like to get to get whatever numbers up we can and then
obviously like as as we move forward with these partners like more
opportunistically if things come up where like you guys if there's like you
mentioned token getting earlier and things like that like I mean we've got
like you know close to half a million holders on chain of bat to you I'm sure
there's areas where we could potentially brainstorm on you know bat holders
getting you know coffee or whatever figuring out like deals or promos or
whatever where we could collab on that stuff to you longer term but I just
wanted to chime in on that on the program in case anybody was unclear on
like what that was so basically like we were you know part of the the program is
is giving these partners some advertising media to run so that we can
kind of drum up interest on the platform and let folks know I think the part
that's missing is that people aren't really sure what the state of these
crypto payments are like that they're available and and that merchants are
supporting them and so that's kind of part of the effort to you and and we're
super stoked that coffee and what you guys are doing is like is one of those
one of those you know options in the program so thank you all for joining the
effort early really appreciate it absolutely no thanks for having us I
mean what better way to kind of onboard people than through through coffee right
almost no better way in my opinion but super helpful context also Luke thank
you so much and and yeah just going back to you know the checkout page on your
site like it's really incredible to see how like seamlessly you know crypto is
is integrated with checkouts now at least on this you know website it's it's
amazing that it's just as easy to pay with crypto as it is to pay with you
know PayPal our credit card it's great it's great everybody should check it out
yeah and I think I think for us to it like it just I mean regardless of us
being you know born in crypto and NFTs like it also just like made sense being
kind of like a global ish brand like going through like we still accept you
know credit card payments and PayPal and all that stuff but like just from an
experience of being you know starting this the the process for getting you
know accepting let's say like check check crowns or you know British pounds
like the conversion loss is like still pretty high you know going through these
these payment processing that like crypto is just to me so clearly the
future of like a global any kind of global brand that's that's that has like
an e-commerce store that yeah I mean it accept payment literally in one to two
seconds and goes right to your crypto wallet where you know we can do what we
need to with it
amen hey I wanted to ask about something that you brought up earlier this is kind
of moving off this topic to another one but toward the beginning of the
conversation you mentioned that you guys are using like some globally patented
nitro cold brew mechanics which I think can I think you mentioned contribute to
your coffee's extended shelf life is that correct can you tell us more about
that I'm super curious yeah yeah I'd love to nerd out for a second yeah so
we're using a a globally patented machine called hard tank we're actually
have like a pretty exclusive partnership with them especially when it comes to the
u.s. they help us kind of can brew and can our our beans our recipes our
ingredients using their globally patented machines so what it basically
does and kind of the simplest sense is it reduces the extraction time for like a
typical brew from three hours to 45 minutes which actually it lowers the
oxidation risk of the brew and the injection of the nitrous holds much
longer so for just from like a consumer standpoint like we have some of the I'd
say like truest tasting cold brew that where you can actually get you know
flavors of beans like we have a one of our specialty cans is panna magaecia
which is one of the more exclusive coffee varieties in the world and you
can actually that can itself actually tastes like a pour over like a freshly
ground pour over where there's nothing but coffee and you get it you're getting
kind of the true flavors fruity floral notes that is kind of unheard of in the
canned coffee category so flavors incredible taste is incredible and then
for us the shelf life is industry leading so what is typical for like a
let's just say a normal canned nitro cold brew that is just black coffee you know
not mixed with any kind of milk or oat milk or anything like that would typically
have a shelf life of about like three months ours has a shelf life of 12
months and for any kind of like latte based drinks you could see probably
anything from like 30 to 40 days ours have a shelf life of six months so all
of our lattes are also like vegan they're they're made with oat milk so
that also obviously lends to a longer longer preservation but yeah we're happy
to say that just from a business perspective having that industry leading
shelf life has given us opportunities that other startups wouldn't normally get
where we're having very serious conversation with like big distribution
companies because they're willing to take a little more of a risk on us
because they have a longer time to kind of flip that product right so they have
a much longer time to get it from from us to the distributor to the retailer
to the customer whereas you know in the normally in the category distributors
might not take that risk if you don't already have the reach yourselves so
we're already doing pretty well with wholesale we're starting to try and
solidify some like larger contracts with bigger distributors and getting our
our products and stores so I think people start to see a lot more of that
this year that's awesome yeah there are definitely I can think of multiple
business advantages to an industry leading shelf life six months that's
pretty crazy and also a major selling point for consumers but let me tell you
they would not sit on my shelf for that if I had reposa coffee cans in my house
they would be drank up pretty quick um I can't I really am super excited to try
it out for real I don't know if you mentioned already I may have missed it
your your brewery is in the Czech Republic or Croatia check checker
public and is that also where you source the coffee beans or do you source those
from elsewhere no no coffee beans come from all over the world I don't think
the Czech Republic is not known for their their coffee farming yeah yeah it
just so you know like it just so happens that's where art but you know my
founder is is from where they have experience great connections and I think
the quality of this space that we were able to get for I think our cost is you
know in this global world like made a lot of sense so yeah we're super happy
with with with the roastery and the build-out and I'll try and pin some
content from it so you guys could see sure yeah please do or treats is here so
maybe maybe he could pin some stuff what's up treats hey treats hello have
we talked yet about the relationship between reposa coffee and helium I don't
believe so we we haven't so like helium helium so while you are on your in your
Twitter bio it says that y'all are powered by oh oh that helium yeah it's
funny we have a we have something else coming up with the different yeah I was
like who told you helium studios is is kind of my like before we built reposa I
tried to essentially bring my creative agency over into web 3 working with like
a ton of digital artists like brand designers that I was already kind of
working with and then start bringing that level of quality into the web 3
space so that's kind of like just back-end creative essentially
encompassing me our artists and you know so on and so forth so we called it
helium studios and that was before helium mobile announced or helium you
know network announced that they were coming over to Solana so yeah gets a
little confusing now with multiple heliums being there I got a good
follow-up question but before I do I just want to mention because Jenny
mentioned that it would not be on her shelf for long if she bought a can of
coffee but I assume that the biggest issue would be during distribution
before it ends to the end user and that's you know can take some time so
actually finding oxidation could be some cool thing because it can produce
acidity on a coffee which can also destroy the other terpenes for other
flavors that are added so that's really really cool that is something that is
thought about and that you're fighting against and that you can preserve much
much longer than other brands so my question regarding the follow-up on
branding is why the the Repoza why the Fox in is the Repoza meant to be
Spanish or in Portuguese because they both spell the same way yeah yeah so it's
meant to be in Portuguese a lot of our beans from the cans are Brazilian
so we wanted to play on you know a little bit of that we knew that we
wanted to have some sort of animal figure just from like grand concept
where we could tie in you know an NFT character that doesn't necessarily have
to be the face of of the brand like we kind of made two pretty distinct brands
within Repoza right Repoza coffee itself and then cups by Repoza is is our NFT
collection both foxes so yeah when we when we were thinking about it we wanted
a distinct name we wanted it to be a character we wanted it to be centered
around kind of where our beings came from which is generally South South
America but predominantly our cans six out of seven of them are Brazilian high
quality Brazilian being so it's kind of kind of where it came from that's that's
a really cool fact and Brazilian beans are having strong I mean I can't have
Brazilian coffee because it's too strong for me that is really cool we have in
Portugal a brand that is called well the translation is the thief of the apple
cider for a cider drink and I think it's really cool the the use of the fox and
it just gives that more established traditional coffee brand which I really
really love
should we open the stage for community questions Jenny sure we definitely can
yeah if you have a question raise your hand and I also have a couple more so I
can just shoot them off yeah so does Repoza coffee contribute to sustainability
and you know ethical practices in the coffee industry yeah absolutely all of
our coffee coffee is sustainably sourced like we're pretty strict with
like where we get our beans from and the highest quality and making sure that
those suppliers are abiding you know with with the the necessary regulations
and just you know ethical practices one thing that we're starting aside from you
know trying to be sustainable and everything also our our new coffee
packaging is is all kind of craft this is like it unannounced but it's way more
eco-friendly than our current packaging so we're trying to do things properly
from like a global perspective we understand that like our beans come from
the earth you know it just makes sense to take care of it aside from like the
millions of other reasons but from a from a you know making sure we're not
doing more harm than good so yeah our new packaging is gonna be is super
eco-friendly we try and reduce the amount of even shipping doing bigger
shipments from Europe to the US we try to be mindful of that and then
additionally we're trying to start an initiative and not me specifically this
is like one of the sub-dows within trying to empower the community to do
this but a you know a more ecological focused sub-dow that is charitable where
I've mentioned before that we as a team would kind of match and give back to
whatever that sub-dow would would try and try and do whether it's planting
trees or you know anything under the Sun that benefits the earth so yeah we
try and be pretty mindful of that stuff that's beautiful that's really nice to
hear additionally the the cans of course for your canned coffees are already fully
recyclable so that's that's great so you're you mentioned earlier and I mean
you just spoke about it again a little bit community community is a huge part
of your story you mentioned that your post a coffee was built you know
alongside the community could you share any I don't know success stories of how
your community maybe the cups holders have come together through you know a
past initiative or something cool that they've done or anything I don't know
anything worth highlighting that's come out of the community to date yeah I mean
I feel like it's kind of endless and like as as a brand from a brand
perspective we're like extremely spoiled I always think to myself because like I
think we did a really good job from even before event trying to curate a
community of people that really like believe in the vision as strongly as we
do kind of getting rid of or turning in a way people who were looking for like a
rev share type of project people who were who didn't have like more of a
long-term vision so I think that those early that early curation really helped
us and helped the the community find like like-minded people who either enjoy
coffee who believe in like this larger vision of of what crypto is possible of
you know capable of and yeah I think and then just more specific things like
I mean the amount of like unsolicited user-generated content we've gotten from
the community like is like something that's like people don't really think of
but because we actually have products that like people could hold in their
hands like we we have just a massive like database of content that other
startup brands like typically need to pay for right so that's it that's a
massive when you know unsolicited community like reviews like leaving five
star reviews on our Amazon listings leaving reviews on our website just
just ordering you know again like our goal was never for our community to we
weren't building this project to rely on sales within the ecosystem or from our
community let alone but like they've just they just continue to show support
on like anything new that we put out whether it's merch we have coffee
accessories now fully cut that we spend a lot of time developing so if you're
into like making your own espresso we have like portafilters like super high
quality portafilters milk frothing jugs tamper screens
tampers sorry portafilter screens tampers and I'm forgetting super high
quality hand grinders so yeah they just continue to show support I think it's
again like it doesn't go unnoticed and even when we see someone from our
community like place an order online I know my co-founder Omega like always
throws in like some extra cans or like an extra bag of beans whether they've
used like a code that they've received or not like we're just like always try
and give back where we can and you know and I think the key thing is then
understanding that like we're just starting to operate this is that like
there's always been this immediate need or rush when it comes to NFT projects to
like see returns right so I think do we've done a really good job of kind of
instilling this long-term mindset that you know this is actually one of the
projects where like the long-term holders will be rewarded and and not
just saying that right so yeah we couldn't be more grateful for them I just
want to jump in real quick Jenny and may I just made the mistake of trying to
place an order while on this space and meant to use crypto but I didn't but I
ordered a hat so if you want to throw some extra goodies in there you know
feel free I'm at the order again just to use a krypto but also yeah I love that
you guys are looking long-term look at a you know help holders and whatnot that
are you know big with you from the from the start so appreciate that yeah and
actually I wanted to shout out your holders because I see a bunch of them in
the audience what do you call them like cuppies
thanks for joining thanks for showing support for reposa and also for the
back community it's awesome to see you faces in here cups very cute actually
we're coming up on time but to end on a high note and this kind of dovetails off
what drew was just asking or saying for those of us who will soon be trying
your pose a coffee for the very first time which blend is your favorite where
do you recommend we start it's a very good question so I from the canned side
of things it really depends on like what you normally like like I I like to say
that we have something for everybody so you like you know black strong coffee do
you like latte with no sugar do you like a do you like a latte you know with
some sugar do you like a caramel latte do you like something different which it
would be I'd recommend like the Panama geisha if you like if you are like a
coffee snob and like pour overs or something our newest flavor is the cold
brew tonic which is like pretty I'd say like very different I think we're we're
ahead of the curve with that one it's it's getting a little more popular in
Europe and I think we're just starting to see some of it in the US but it's
such a unique flavor we actually created that the label and branding to be
focused a little bit more towards like nightlife a little party-esque because
there and I say this cautiously but like they're really good mixers like with if
you do drink they're they're really good with some vodka or gin or even
tequila and way healthier than like a Red Bull so little espresso martini
action or something exactly yeah also they designs on the cans and the
packaging in general beautiful like really really nice but I would say as
far as I go for coffee the stronger the better pure undiluted like black no
fillers yeah I probably I probably need to go with like just a beans try some
beans yeah the beans that that's what I was also gonna say is right now so we
just finished production on our new packaging so right now the ones in the
store we only have our sunrise blend which is like a really good like all
around it's a blend of Brazil and Colombian beans kind of it says dark
roast but it's a little more like medium to dark roast but it's but it's just
really good for for basically anything it's kind of our evergreen blend but
towards the end of the month we'll our new coffee will be our new coffee beans
will be live on the site so if you want to wait to try a few of the new blends
or single origins I think that'd be that'd be really cool awesome I need to
try guys you heard it here first if you love coffee if you love crypto oh my
god I should have thought have you guys thought about collaborating with
hashoshi no tell me more well he does this crypto over coffee segment I think
he has a YouTube channel podcast but I I don't really watch I usually listen on
Apple podcasts but I believe he sips different coffee brands like during his
segments where he covers like the latest crypto news and stuff like that I can
send you guys the link I'll send you his links I think he advertised with us
at one point nice guy yeah that'd be awesome yeah we're always looking for
that we've been on like coffee with captain we've been on that space we've
been with like the nifty guys we try and do like a lot of the morning shows
obviously but yeah it's always been a good time well I hope this won't be the
time that your background is a little loud sorry it's all good it's all good
yeah no but this was a great intro and overview and we hope to have you guys
back again at some point and it looks like we'll be working together since
you're part of our merchant program and I'm sure there are other ways that we'll
be able to collab down the line but yeah thank you so much cups family for
joining us this was really fun really interesting and I can't wait to try the
coffee I can't wait and anyone you're listening in the back community if you
haven't tried or post a coffee yet now's your chance visit the website they're
available on Amazon to coming to Amazon Canada as well which I'm excited about
cuz I mean and you and Europe yes and Europe but yeah this is wonderful thank
you guys for joining and for being with us here today yeah of course thanks for
having us and I'll also say if you want to join the community either try the
coffee first or if you want to just dive in you could search us like on any
of the Solana marketplaces magic Eden or tensor just it's cups by reposa pretty
good entry right now not financial advice obviously but yeah we'd love to
have you and you know continue on this journey together amazing amazing all
right guys so check them out tensor magic Eden online store for coffee
helps with a K I should have helped me to K thank you sock this is a ton of fun
let's keep in touch and have you back on sometime in the future and in the
meantime everyone have a wonderful wonderful weekend and don't forget it's
all gravy baby everyone we have a wonderful week