In the BAT Cave with DeFi Land: Gaming, NFTs, & Metaverse in one game

Recorded: Jan. 20, 2023 Duration: 1:00:39



Hello, hello, good afternoon. Hi everybody. Hello, hello. Hi, DeFi land. Hey, can you hear me? Yes.
doing. Good, how are you doing? Welcome. Well, thanks for the invite. Actually, kind of new, if all this kind of new to the Twitter spaces, we've been doing like quite a few Discord AMAs and a lot of things, but like we're getting known to the Twitter space as well. So yeah, happy to be here.
- Oh, that's great. By the way, is this Erwin's theme in the D-File? - Yeah, it's D-File Erwin.
Perfect, perfect. Awesome. Okay, we're just gonna give it a couple of minutes. Sure. Let people join and then we'll take it off. Awesome. Yeah, the Twitter space is on quite as good as brave.
talk, but you know, it's nice to be here. >> Actually, a big brave user for many years actually. So I love all the products around brave.
No way, when did you first start using Graves? I do believe it was 2016 in the time. Oh my gosh. So yeah, I kind of been using the Chrome for a long time, all kind of browser stuff and like that. But like when I sell the brain,
The canate was pretty, it was working with the best on my laptop. I had a really old laptop at the time. So the canate was pretty, pretty awesome to use that. So since then, I've been actually using Bavis for the work as well as for the personal use. Pretty happy with everything you guys are doing.
Hey, that's great. And my gosh, she's been around since like the beginning. I think the browser first, I think the earliest version of the browser came out in like it was either late 2015 or early 2016. So you're like an early early early adopter. Yeah, actually, I've been I have since like I tried to be always following the tech
like whenever there's something new better watching I've been always trying some stuff out like that's like actually I have got in the crypto and like the same with the Brave right like yes it just came out in the open I actually tried it out and yeah I really love the product and since since there's the time I'll be next year there are
Actually, the first thing that caught my attention was like, I feel like a lot of days, like the screens when you open the new tab, like having all the different stuff being there is something that I really appreciate. Even the ads, I really love the ads as well. Pretty happy
with a lot of features, but that was my favorite since the beginning. Yeah, the new tabs. I love the photography that we feature in the new tabs. We've got a rotation of photographers that get featured and the rotation changes every so often, but the images are beautiful and then of course you know like every
fourth new tab, there's a sponsored image. So those are big full page ads, except, you know, they're designed in such a way to be like beautiful and eye catching and, you know, not disturbing to the user, but more so like something that they could, you know, enjoy looking at like eye candy that also, you know, then leads to a
And then of course there are like the widgets on the homepage and then, you know, all your top sites and then your ads and trackers blogs, bandwidth save, time saved, brave stats. If you will, everybody loves the brave stats.
I mean, like hopefully soon we're going to be, they're going to be also there on the brave ads and stuff as well. I've actually we have tried that before as well and we it's actually not going to be honest. It has performed the best out of the old ads that we have done. So we're doing some even more as well and collaborating on that as well.
That's excellent news. That's amazing news that you've had great experiences with Brave ads. And yeah, I would love to see DeFi land on the new tag page and Brave. I feel like with your artwork, like the DeFi land artwork, I can just see it looking really nice on a nice big spread on the on the new tag.
I look forward to it. Oh, we have the basic attention token account in the house. Hello, everyone say hi to bat. So another room's a little filling up. Let's get started. So welcome everybody to another back community Twitter spaces today. We are in the bat.
with DeFi Land, super exciting. DeFi Land is a unique multi-chain agriculture simulation game created to gamify all aspects of decentralized finance. The main goal of the game is to make it easier and simpler for individuals to take part in the exciting world of DeFi and crypto while also having
the opportunity to have fun. Now for anyone, I see some new faces here today. So for everyone joining from outside of the bad community, I'm just going to introduce ourselves quickly. We are the bad community, of course. Welcome. Basic attention token, sorry, bat stands for basic attention token.
which is a Ethereum-based utility and rewards token in a new blockchain-based, privacy-respecting advertising platform piloted by Brave. You can think of that as a unit of account between users, publishers, and advertisers who Brave considers to be the three main participants of the web. If you don't already
You know, Brave is a fast and secure web browser that blocks creepy third party ads, including ads on YouTube and trackers by default. Instead, it enables users to earn tokens, that, of course, by choosing to see ads that are privacy-respecting. And that can be used for all number of different things you can use it to support

FAQ on In the BAT Cave with DeFi Land: Gaming, NFTs, & Metaverse in one game | Twitter Space Recording

What is Defi Land?
Defi Land is a unique multi-chain agriculture simulation game created to gamify all aspects of decentralized finance.
What is BAT?
BAT stands for Basic Attention Token, which is an Ethereum-based utility and rewards token in a new blockchain-based, privacy-respecting advertising platform piloted by Brave.
What is Brave?
Brave is a fast and secure web browser that blocks creepy third party ads, including ads on YouTube and trackers by default.
What can users earn by choosing to see ads on Brave?
Users can earn tokens that can be used for various purposes, such as supporting publishers or converting to other cryptocurrencies.
What is the main goal of Defi Land?
The main goal of Defi Land is to make it easier and simpler for individuals to take part in the exciting world of Defi and crypto while also having fun.
What caught the speaker's attention when they first started using Brave?
The screens when you open a new tab on Brave, which features various things, including sponsored ads and beautiful photography.
What is the name of the Twitter space in which the recording was made?
The name of the Twitter space in which the recording was made is the BAT Community Twitter Space.
When did the speaker first start using Brave?
The speaker first started using Brave in 2016.
What is the rotation of featured content on Brave's new tab page?
The rotation of featured content on Brave's new tab page includes photography, sponsored ads, widgets, top sites, and Brave stats.
What was the speaker's favorite feature on Brave since the beginning?
The screens when you open a new tab, which feature various things, including sponsored ads and beautiful photography, were the speaker's favorite feature on Brave since the beginning.