Incognito mode on #Aurora ⚫️

Recorded: Jan. 10, 2023 Duration: 0:36:58



All right, all right, so
Yes, thank you. Thank you for your time and you know welcome to this a.m.A. My name is Ryan. I'm the developer in bonito also a quality member of the
in good nature. You know, appreciate your time and tune up for this AMA and thank you for your hard work for hosting such amazing space for me today.
That's great to have you here and I'll just get started with this by asking you to introduce in cognito. What is it? And why has it come to Aurora?
So in short, incognito is a layer 1 proof of stake blockchain that aims to bring privacy to both crypto assets and decentralized applications. Incognito will
We have a goal to integrate as many EVM or non-EVM compatible blockchains as possible. We have bridges to Bitcoin network, Ethereum network, B&D, JN, Polygon, and this time Aurora.
Aurora is always having a very special place in our heart because you know, Aurora is such an amazing community. You guys are doing really great job in building this amazing ecosystem, bring a lot of builder in.
I would say Aurora is one of the most active Web 3 Builder out there in the world right now. So having this privilege to build on your platform and have support from the foundations from Day 1 is such an amazing experience.
So something that I would be interested to know is how incognito differentiates itself when it comes to its privacy approach from, let's say, monero or other privacy chains out there.
That's a really good question. I think you guys are aware of some of the privacy or layer one privacy power blockchains like Monero or let's say secret network. The way that we different ourselves is
risk-free forward. We don't create a new privacy tokens or like privacy coin that are trying to substitute or try to replace the existed tokens like Ethereum or like Bitcoin or like Neorora. What we do is we build
a privacy layer on top of what has been built. So we build a privacy layer for Aurora, which means that you guys can transact or transfer Aurora coin with the incognito mode. So think of us like an incognito mode for the blockchain ecosystem where you can
turn it on or turn it off, just simply turn on the switch. So I think that will help us give us a little bit more room to flexible and also give you a benefit of still using the same blockchain but still be able to use the equal need to move when you need it.
So that's a very interesting approach because it really resonates with what other blockchains like modern blockchains are trying to do with solving the interoperability problem and that's really great to hear that
you are developing such approach. And before we go a bit more into details about the solutions that you're trying to build and develop on Aurora, I would like to ask you what
Why privacy is so important? Because it's an aspect that is not very much talked on for blockchains, but luckily it's becoming more of a discussion today. So I would like to ask you why privacy is important for blockchains?
Right, so yeah, that's a very interesting question. So I think like you know step aside from blockchain let's let's look at the whole you know Like digital space right now, right? We have Facebook. We have
a big tech company like Google, they are mining or like, you know, they monitor our data every single day without our notice or like permission, right? So in Web 3, what
I really want to emphasize is you need to be understand that you have all rights and you all your data even it means the transaction data. So the problem we are seeing right now is the transactions
on the blockchains. Let's look at all of your transactions are public and on the blockchains that everyone can see that information. Well, this features makes the blockchains a little bit more secure and is easier for the buy data to buy the block.
However, you know, every single person out there on the internet they can look at the Explorer and they will know exactly how much you transfer or who you transfer the money to. So, for us, privacy is not a, you know, it's not a some sort of like,
You can ask yourself, "I have nothing to hide. What should I care about privacy?" But for me, what I'm seeing is the nature of human rights. We inherited that right. And we have all the power to disclose or also reveal the information whenever we want to.
So we can choose who we shared this information to and we can choose like what time information we want to share right right now we don't have the power on the public blockchain. So that's why we think like privacy now a day it becomes a little bit more you know concern in the blockchain world simply
because of all the big tech companies are trying to get into the blockchain or web free world and they try to monetize our data. So, Chennai sis is one of the names that I really want to mention. They are trying to analyze the data like on-chain data and right now they try to target people
with as or like they provide a data for marketers or like you know marketing firms they try to target these users with their data so I think like I mean they could totally have the right to do it but for me like as they as they you know web3
So for me, privacy as always, always be a great part of digital security. But for now when crypto is booming, it's even more
problematic if we don't address it, you know, from the better beginning. That's why, you know, it's a common handy and we work really hard to, you know, come up with a solution and try to execute that as, you know, as best as possible.
Yeah, really agree with all you said it's really important that we work on privacy solutions as we grow and I think that it's also going to be what? Markly different will differentiate Web 3 from Web 2 and
And that's really exciting to see that there is a lot of work being done into this direction. So I would like to ask you now to tell us about what you're building right now in Aurora.
the bridge, the incognito, or a bridge went live not so long ago, just a few days ago, and I would like to ask you to tell us a bit about these and how can people interact with that.
So yeah, let's break it down to like two section where I would you know go into the first one would be What we built you know on Aurora so like you mentioned what we built was the bridge right initially it was a bridge to Aurora blocking which means
that we can have some kind of interaction with Aurora applications or the Aurora token itself. And then, we hope that with this bridge, we will have more tools for developers to eventually develop a private
layer for their favorite applications and their favorite. So we did one recently with Chrysolaris and what we did was you know to create a privacy layer for Chrysolaris which means that you can swap your token privately on Chrysolaris, a utility line there
liquidity. And we hope that you know, four developers out there, if you are watching this AMA right now, if you have time, please take a look at our documents and you know come to us with some of your suggestions like what kind of like application that you want to build and we would love to support you on building that
you know, privacy applications. So yeah, that's what we have been done, you know, up till now. I'll go in the next couple of months, we'll be enrich this category of applications on our ecosystem. So we are going to build more than just, you know,
one or two application, decentralized applications on Aurora. And I think what we're going to do next is probably going towards to, let's say, your favorite D5 protocol, like origami or yeah, and try to build a privacy layer on
top of that and this will give you a little bit more room and like you know a little bit more flexibility when it comes to you know transactions on Aurora right so you can have all the protections that you need or like privacy layer that you need when you want to have that equalizer mode on right so
So the second part is like what can you do and like as the users as the crypto user what can you do to be able to use utilize this bridge and use that this proxy app. So the first thing you need to do right now is to go to Equinito website and download the
wallet on our website and install the wallet. With the Incognito wallet, what you would do is you can move access from Aurora to Incognito and Vibersa, right? So it can move back and forth. And within Incognito, you will inhabit all the privacy features
from the blockchain. You will have like your address is hidden, your transaction amount will be hidden, your tokens will be hidden, all the information will belong to you and you can reveal that information later on if you need to. Right, so when you have the wallet on Equinito, what you can do right now
it to send some Aurora from Aurora blockchain to Ignito blockchain via our bridge, you know, the one that we built a couple months ago. And then inside Ignito, you can interact with applications from Aurora. So you will have also have the benefit of
using all the V5 tools and also receive the benefit of privacy on equal nature blocking. When you've done all the reductions or when you've done all the swap-a, you can transfer the money back to your oral account.
So this process right now, it looks a little too much, but trust me, if you take some time just to sit down, try to transfer some token, try to swap some token on Trice Solaris, you will see
compared to a lot of multi-chain bridges out there and also on top that you will receive the benefit of privacy and also hidden transaction information using our platform.
So you mentioned that you are going to integrate with Trisolaris. What is the development on that? And also do you have any other projects in mind that you would like to work with in the near future?
Yeah, so Trisolus is online right now. We tested out a couple weeks ago and we had some people actually, you know, come in and help us test the product. So right now it's live on ManNet and use right now you can go inside Iconito and try
to use the criteria application right now on our website. The, I think, you know, one thing that I mentioned earlier is the, you know, what kind of like, you know, application that we really want to build. So this story depends on the audience, the committee of aura. It depends on you guys. If you have
any suggestions like feel free to reach out to Incognito, you know, using just text out DM out Twitter like you know I will reply to you directly or if you have any questions feel free to you know shoot shoot it to our Telegram channel but
The next big application that we are going to build or provide a privacy layer to it would be origami. Maybe privacy landing, privacy borrowing would be some kind of interesting idea to explore. That would be very fun to see.
I think in the next couple of
months or what we would do is, you know, trying to explore a little bit on what we can bring to Aurora ecosystem. But this looks like really, you know, really promising, you know, from the Aurora, you know, family that you guys are doing really great job and you guys are supporting us, you know, from a very early stage.
Yes, we're really happy to support this kind of project as privacy is really important. And on this note, I would like to ask you, apart from spreading the word and giving us your feedback, is there any other way in which the community can support
in Coignito and also what how can the community get engaged with in Coignito. I think I saw about an incentive program that in Coignito rolled out, then I would be interested to hear more about that.
Yeah, so like you mentioned, the way that you can interact with EqualNitzo is send us or DM us with your Twitter account. So that will be my first one. The other one will be trying to reach out to us through
telegram channel so you can go there and drop your message, say hi Ryan, you know, and I would love to answer all of your questions. For the incentive program, so since we are expanding and trying to build bridges and trying to increase our network
capacity, having more validators would mean a lot because it will help us decentralize and make the network a little bit more decentralized compared to previously. And having more validators will make the network up to much more consistent.
also adjust our core team like reward from the blockchain side. So right now if you want to become our validators, the reward will be really good. Like if you can stack in the privacy tokens to provide
to become a node operator or like a bi-data on our blockchain. I think the total AP order you will see is up to 85 or 87% on your privacy token. So this will be a part of our initiative to
expand our capacity and also our network to different blockchains. And you know if you want to have more information, feel free to check out our Twitter account. We got that information right on our Twitter. But if you have more concern, you know, you
want to know like, oh, do you want to operate that note on yourself or you want to delegate your share or your stake to one of our partner stake in services, feel free to reach out to Ignito Twitter, DM me, I will send you some kind of information for you to look at that. But yeah, that basically like what we're trying
to do. And in the next couple of months, there will be a lot more people using agonizzo from Aurora and from near. So please take the chance now and support us in increasing number of biologists and also increase the power of the network.
Okay, great. So I think that at this point I might open the floor for questions from the public if there is any. So please just raise your hand.
And I'll let you speak and ask your question. Otherwise, I'll go ahead with some of the final questions that I have for you.
So I see that there are some requests that is respect.near.
I just invited you to speak, so you can ask your question now.
Hi, I'm very wonderful hearing you speak. I have some questions. Can you hear me? Yes, we can hear you. Okay, so first off, I want to know what guarantees users
safety in the sense that like how does incognito interact with for instance a user's wallet, right? And also I have I want to know you know I imagine that the dream for incognito is to be like the
privacy, layer for as many web 3.000 as possible. And I just want to know if you guys are kind of looking at like the use case of web 3 games, right? And in Cognito being involved in that, is it clear?
Yeah, right. So thank you for your questions to answer that. You know, I would love to address a little bit. So like I mentioned very early, you know, in the AMA, you need a digital wallet to interact with the digital blockchain. So because
So we use a very different architecture and also very different crypto, cryptography technology on our blockchains requires you a very different wallet architecture. So if you have an aura on your wallet and you
let's say ether or like nail or or your wallet. You want to use that in in NATO. What you need to do is to bridge your assets from Aurora to in NATO. And then you can do all kinds of like privacy transactions. You can swap for tokens with Trisolaris. You can swap for
You can lend out your money on origami and then you can when you receive all the tokens on you know, eco-nato blockchains you can move your fund back to Arora, right? So it's a little bit like Equinator mode on Chrome browser when you need to
open a new tab, do all kind of thing there, and you get back to the original browser without any problem. So that is what Econito is doing, and it should be the way that you should use Econito. For the second part of your questions, like
Can you mention again a little bit more clear on what you really want us to build in terms of applications? Because I have mentioned we build Aurora or game. So we've been building a DeFi project on
However, gaming or game fire would be very interesting. I don't want to see a lot of application in terms of privacy for games. I don't really know, do you really need privacy for transfer assets or transfer tools on game fire?
If that's the case that we have the whole framework of SDKs for developers to implement. So if you are the game developers or like if you really want to implement this features on your application, the core team of the application or like independent developer, they can use our
platform and develop their own privacy applications on their own. They don't really need to go through us. They don't really need to go to our team to have permission. They can do it on their own. It's open source. Everyone can do it. It's blocking. So I think that would be something pretty much alive.
with a lot of state blockchain out there is we encourage you guys to become a builder right we're not here to you know tell you like what to do or what to use we encourage you guys to become a builder come to the space build product and use the product yeah yeah thank you so much 100 I actually to the second
question was more like just trying to nudge in that direction and see if like that's a use case that's being considered but based on your your response it's very clear I think it's thank you thank you for responding
Okay, then we have another request from Thomas.
and now you should be able to speak.
Hello. Hi. Hi. So please, ask, introduce yourself or ask your question for in cognitive. Yes, obviously, thank you. Thank you for this presentation and the
I was a bit late and I presume I suppose that it's with the 8K zero-knowledge proof to make incognito mode. But I have a few questions. The first one is
Is it the same technology of ZCoin? Like in the sense, can we use clear transaction and like how do you say, like shielded transaction? Like, you know, we can't check who
who had made or not. And second question, is it a special language or is it solid to code and to program smart contract? Is it like solidity or is it arrest, which is used or another language, and especially with SDK on all of that. Thank you.
So yeah, thank you for your question that we're interesting. So to answer your first part of questions, you were asking if the Eagle Natezo technology are similar to ZCash or ZCash. The answer is
a little bit. I don't really know for sure about the ZCAS applications, since I'm not looking into that they're source code, but I can tell you, like, ZKP or zero-in-a-lotted proof, there's a lot of variety of different ZKP applications out
there. And I would say like, you know, from the bottom of the perspective, we are using a part of that calling bullet proof. And this will basically allow us to, you know, some sort of hiding the transaction information like, you know, incoming
address or receive address, the token amount, what type of token has been transferred. So this information has been hidden and the way we are trying to do is by building the whole blockchain from ground up and those privacy features
are natively enabled. So you cannot turn it off. It's not like you can turn it on off with your switch. But whenever you transfer the money, it's all that information is hidden. There's no way for even a quality member can look at that transaction and tell who or what kind of token they use.
About the developments, I think we still provide a lot of open sources to our program. So with the smart contract, we deploy on the blood chains. If that EVM you have to use that.
So I think with Aurora, what you need to do is still have to develop that using salating. But from the application standpoint, if you're writing a web app, you can use JavaScript or like TypeScript.
to develop your web UI. And you can interact with us. About SDK packages, we still in the development. So I cannot disclose the information. But soon as when we have everything ready, I would love to make announcements with our families as well.
And I hope that answered your question Thomas.
So thanks a lot for this question. It was really interesting also because we didn't touch that much upon the technical aspects of incognito, so that was nice.
to talk about these a little bit more. And now we have another request from Level Up Trading.
Hi there.
you can now speak so you can ask your question.
actually add two questions. What's the biggest difference between EGNITO and Tornado Cash, for example? The second question is EGNITO ran on IPFS. Thank you.
Okay, so yeah, this is pretty interesting questions. No one really asked me what's different between us and today's look at. But I would say for sure that I've been thinking about this issue and there was some concern when it comes to prophecy.
people are trying to hide something because they do something back. So that's why they use Tredo Cash to mix in their token and try to clean it in some case. But for EqualNitle, what we did before is we have a front layer.
We bridge or shield token from outside to imponerate, let's say Bitcoin or Ethereum, we have an outside layer to detect the coil or the crypto from the bad water addresses or like, you know, blackless water addresses. And whenever it got that
what address detected we will reject the transfer and the user cannot move the fund into Incognito. So I think that would be the very first layer for us to protect, you know, baths or like back actors to come into our platform to clean all like to
do some kind of illegal activities, right? The second part is for the way that, you know, tornado cache works is to allow you to mix in your token, you know, with bat token, with, you know, good tokens. So,
I think right now what even it can do is to have the ability to disclose your privacy information if you need to. So let's say the authority come to you and they want to look at your history. You have all the rights to do that because you hold the private key.
and on your side you have all rights to disclose your transactions, informations. So I think those two things would be very different, would make a difference from Fernando Cash. However, we cannot guarantee 100% like someone would come into the economy and do something bad simply because we
We created a tool and it's up to people, users to really use it. We did some measurement but we cannot, you know, countermeasure everything with aspect when it comes to blockchain and like, you know, cryptocurrency. If we do that, it means that we are interfering with the blockchain is it will, you know,
bring a lot of centralization decision to the blockchain and that will make the whole cryptocurrency, will defeat the purpose of the whole cryptocurrency thing. The second thing is will IPFS come to, you know, Ecuador? The answer is yes.
But it will take some time for us to develop. We have some plan to implement Toro and IPFS on Equinator. So I think we will put that in a roadmap this year and you know, public that in the end of January. So I hope that answered your question.
Yes, you did. Thank you very much.
Okay, great. These were really good questions from our audience today. And so to bring this conversation to a conclusion, I would just like to ask you to make
be a recap on the ways in which the community can interact with incognito and what they can expect in the very short future when it comes to Aurora and yes.
Right, so in the capri, if you want to use incognito mode, what you need to do is to download incognito wallet, create a wallet, and then she'll open your access from Aurora to incognito. Incognito website, you can go there and open our decentralized applications on
Aurora, like Trisolaris or Origami, and you can interact with the app directly from our website. When you finish your transaction or your swap, you can move your phone back to Aurora using the bridge as well, moving your phone from your Ignite wallet to Aurora wallet. And that's it. Simply,
It's a lot to how you can I will crawl is a NATO mode, you know, opening a new tap turn on the NATO mode and access if you need to. In the next couple of months, the team will focusing on developing a little bit more and explore a little bit more.
more on our ecosystem, we will try to deliver applications, probably see applications for your favorite app like, you know, organ, me or try solarish, the try solarish applications already live right down.
So if you need it, you want to give it a try. Go to our website. It's there for you. If you have any technical questions, if you have any questions at all, feel free to DM me or reach out to EqualNATO team using our telegram and forum.
Awesome. Thank you very much for coming today for this Twitter space. It was really interesting. Thanks everyone for your great questions. And I'm sure that this is not going to be the last conversation.
We're going to have about privacy. There will be more to come. So make sure to stay tuned. And I wish everyone a great day and yes, have a great day everyone.
Right, thank you everyone, and like I mentioned, see you guys later.

FAQ on Incognito mode on #Aurora ⚫️ | Twitter Space Recording

What is Incognito?
Incognito is a layer 1 Proof of Stake blockchain that brings privacy to both crypto assets and decentralized applications and aims to integrate as many EVN or non-EVM compatible blockchain as possible.
What is the goal of Incognito?
The goal of Incognito is to build a privacy layer on top of what has been built by integrating different blockchain networks and allowing users to transact or transfer assets with the Incognito mode.
How does Incognito differentiate itself from other privacy chains like Monero?
Incognito does not create new privacy tokens to replace existing tokens but builds a privacy layer on top of what has been built, allowing for greater flexibility and use of the same blockchain while using the Incognito mode.
Why is privacy important in blockchains?
Privacy has become more important in web 3 as users have all rights to their data, including transaction data, and big tech companies are trying to get into the blockchain world to monetize user data. Privacy protects human rights and digital security.
What did Incognito build on Aurora?
Incognito built a bridge to Aurora blockchain, allowing for interaction with Aurora applications and tokens, and a privacy layer for applications, such as a decentralized application on Aurora, Chrysolaris, that allows for swapping tokens privately and securing liquidity.
What is the plan for Incognito on Aurora in the coming months?
The plan for Incognito on Aurora is to create a privacy layer for more decentralized applications on Aurora and D5 protocols, such as Origami, to provide greater flexibility and protection for transaction data.
What can developers do on Incognito on Aurora?
Developers can suggest and build private decentralized applications on Incognito on Aurora and utilize the bridge to Aurora blockchain.
What is the purpose of the Incognito mode?
The Incognito mode allows users to transact or transfer assets privately and securely, protecting transaction data.
What other blockchain networks does Incognito have bridges to?
Incognito has bridges to Bitcoin network, Ethereum network, B&D, JN, and Polygon.
What is the vision of Incognito for the future?
Incognito hopes to bring privacy to the entire blockchain ecosystem by integrating as many compatible blockchain networks as possible and becoming an Incognito mode for all cryptocurrencies.