indiGO ! Kids AMA

Recorded: Aug. 12, 2022 Duration: 1:17:55



look who it is but I want to invite Nathan to speak I have to accept being a co-host yo yo
Look who the cat dragged then. Look who the little dirty cat dragged down the well. It's me. It looks like a little mouse lost as well. Little mouse got his tail chopped off and I'm here to fix it.
Here. Looks like a little mouse got his tail in a twist. Tail in a twist. Well, how have you been? What have you been up to? Been all right, man. I've been, uh... Honestly, I've just been drawing. That's what I've been doing, honestly.
tattoos not just illustrations like just getting back into illustrating things actually really want to show um but I don't know I'm waiting for the the right moment I want to have like a good amount of works you know because I don't like like posting something and showing something and then like
taking forever to make another piece. Could you send it to me directly though? Yeah. I'll send you the first one I'm planning on. But what's good, you guys are minting? We're honestly, I think we're going to have a release date today.
We're gonna for sure mint this this current month, so we're just we're just spam posting ship posting. Oh, yeah, that sounds awesome. That's good for you guys you guys are finally getting out there. I know it's been so long I mean it's been it's yeah, it's been so long but at the same time
I'm not thinking about length because I want to keep on doing stuff with idiot kids. The IP of idiot kids is just genuinely fun. I don't like repeating things too often, but there's just so much room for
interpretation that like it's actually like a Yeah, just keep on the world building. Yeah, so like I don't I'm not even concerned with like finishing Indio kids because like I feel like I'm just gonna keep on drawing Variations of like what that means to me, you know, so
I'm excited to see what happens in the future. Actually, Robert and I were talking like since the beginning of the project, we want to do Indigo's after Indigo kids, which is like teenage 20 year old Indigo kids that are like more like adult like badass. I think you told me about slightly
before. Yeah, and with that one, we want to experiment like a continued experiment with like collaboration and like see what other maybe like 3D mediums or like mixed medium like we could we could do. But yeah, I just see this shit is like an excuse to like work with
people that I really fuck with and just yeah there's like a degree of separation from my personal work to an extent so I feel like I feel like with this I can just really just like see what other people bring to the table as well I'm like really excited. Yeah that's for sure a good thing to have because of
It doesn't cause a weird block when it comes to making your own work. You can be free when it comes to doing your own stuff and then to go kids is more like that world, collect your consciousness type thing. Yeah, yeah, 100%.
I do really want to explore animation like when I have more time I've been I like the only animation I did was just this like like little little little little fight gif but I take your time with it all you're looking up fast it's not too
difficult you just need to like do more and then you'll start to understand like the physics of animating. Yeah I actually have a book that I've been always I've always had that I pick away at. It's the guy who was he was like have you seen the thief in the Cobbler I feel like you would really like that.
I don't think so. I sent you the pictures by the way. Oh no, I haven't watched this. It's like it's this animated film that was made by this like animation goat but it never got fully finished because it was kind of like two-and-b
But people like stitched together, it was like 80% finished, which is the crazy part. So people like put together all the footage and then like the places that weren't finished, they just added the storyboards or like the rough animations. But it's pretty much finished.
you can find it on YouTube I think or like online but it's so fucking good. In this guy was like one of like the great American animator type heads like before Japan like took the sauce and he has a book that the Naruto one of them one of the most renowned Naruto
animators like deem this is Bible. So I don't know he's just go to and I've been I've been looking at his book and he like breaks down like so much like movement and he like yeah it's just so cool to me like these these animators like I was watching the documentary about this guy it's called it's called
called the burden of the burden of passion or something or like no it's called like a fuck I'd have to like think about that more what it's called but these animation guys with like fucking sit down on a park bench and just watch people's like walking patterns and just like
Yeah, they just sit on the bench and just be like, okay, this guy he's like a limp. He's that kind of fat. He's like and like it's just so cool to me like Movement is like literally like downloading a physics physics engine. Yeah, and like I feel like they were so limited on like resources. They couldn't just like flip out an iPhone
and record. So like, like their brains would just like capture things way different than we can capture shit today. Well, the key frame makes so much sense because like, if you just focus on like the three iconic, like distinguishing before and afters, you could really
fill in the in-between. If you're looking at something, just the first impact, the second impact, I slide those as images and then using logic to be like, "Okay, obviously, to get from point A to point B, that path is not that
complicated. But yeah, it's so interesting to me like the way that I guess an animator would view the world as he gets better, you know, because when I got better at painting and when I got better at whatever music, I started like paying attention to certain things.
differently. I just remembered the name of a documentary it's called the "The Persistence of Vision." That's the one. The Persistence of Vision. Is that like on YouTube? I forgot where it's on. I think I watched it on Amazon Prime or something.
I forgot. But dude, that documentary is so sick. It's surprisingly similar to Jotarowski's "Duned Documentary" in the sense that like, and also there's a third documentary about that animated film "The Emperor's New Groove".
Have you ever seen that? No. The Emperor's New Groove was in. Oh, Emperor's New Groove. Yeah. Of course. It's like such a good movie, but it almost never got made. It was like such an uphill battle for these guys to get this movie made because the way that it was like Disney or Pixar, I forgot what it was.
I love that shit. That was good. But in the studio or in the industry, they only make films that are like a combination of like two previous successful films that like they did before. And Emperor's New Groove was just so different. So like, yeah, it's just, it's on as a, I
I want to rewatch that shit. It's so fucking good. But yeah, so there's a documentary on that that is also kind of just like an interesting look into like how fucking deranged people are when it comes to like, you know, what they're willing to do for vision. - Yeah, it's so funny.
It's like each new film is like becoming more and more of a remake of past stuff Yeah, the other day I watched pray, you know pray the new predator thing. Oh really? I don't even I've been so out of the loop. I didn't know that was the thing Yeah, so there's like a new
Predator movie and like the concept is fire like it's like it's like in the past I'm pretty sure it focuses like I'm pretty sure these people are Native Americans so it's like about Native Americans and Like pretty much the predator comes to
America during this time when the Native Americans are still like living their life and the Predators goal is to like you know fight warriors and shit like that's all they want to do and it's it seems like a cool concept because it follows like the These natives and shit
But the fucking like way the movie is like made and like written and shit is like so fucking like modern and gross and ugly like you could tell how like it's just so bad is it like is there a lot of things that are like okay wait let's add this to like acknowledge the old predator fans and like give them like some like yeah
There are a lot of parts like that for sure. Yeah. And also like it's just like the it's the type of movie where like you can see some corny things in the beginning and then you could be like, oh, this is what's gonna happen at the end. And literally. Yeah, just like like.
If I follow this girl, this little girl that's whatever, every one of her, and it's like, "Oh, okay, let me guess. She's gonna fucking kill the predator at the end and have his fucking head." And, "Sweiler, who gives a fuck, he does." Because you already know she is.
it fucking already tells you in the beginning when she's like being I don't know like the what's the called the fucking uh I'd be forgetting words what's the called the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the#
Oh my gosh, it's very cringey. And it's like at the end she like, okay so in the beginning she's like really weak in shit and out of nowhere like in the middle of the movie she starts doing like crazy assassins creed like murder techniques and shit and she's
somehow like knows how to use the predators fucking weapons and shit out of nowhere she gets like fucking downloaded information from the matrix it seems like and I don't know just becomes opi just like like that is like the biggest main character power to do person I've ever seen yeah
I noticed this trend of just, I don't know, it's just movies reference themselves, they get into this like self-referential kind of like fetishization of the movie dialogue and like movie art, like things that just happen exclusively in movies. That's why I find it so refreshing.
like midnight gospel and like this new Nathan field or show this new Nathan yeah it's this new show where he's just like it's almost like a psychological operation like it's like I wouldn't be surprised if fucking like simulation like running simulations of like a situation over and over and over and over
again and it becomes like moment there's moments where it's like inception where he creates these fabricated realities. What's it called? Oh, they're rehearsals. Oh, great. He creates these fabricated realities for non-actors who don't even know really what they're signing up for and then kind of just like psychologically just like makes
as a weird landscape. But uh, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very,#
You hear the way people talk in Marvel movies. It's like all punchy one-liners, like the perfect thing at the perfect time. Like I want to hear more like stumbling speech patterns more like, you know, and really good actors do that in like films, but it does it compared to like what we're doing right now. Like,
you know actually thinking of what the next words we're gonna say is is unrepuncatable. Something I watched recently on a plane was turning red the Disney movie and that movie like they only dropped it on Disney Plus they didn't want to drop it in movie theaters
I don't know why, but it's like just so different than what you would see in the movies and it's funny because they didn't want to show it in the movie theater. It's like the dialogue in that movie is different the way the characters act are different. It has like a weird level of like maturity for
kids I noticed but it sucks that that wasn't able to make it tip the eater because that movie was actually pretty fucking good compared to like a bunch of the shit you would see yeah at the end of the day at the end of the day it's it's just like people view art as investments these days they view art as you know a business
and the movie industry has become such like a goliath like you know ship that people are fucking scared they're like I don't want to put however millions of dollars into you know your what you deem is just like creative
like visionary like you know things like your art yeah I want my money to double my money to triple make spider-man 17 make Batman 32 make fucking superman spider-man X star wars or some shit they should just add it
everything in a movie like Spider-Man, Star Wars, it makes a multi-verse movie where they just put all their IPs in just like that's what they're doing now and they're making that well in the spiderverse they have like 17 I guess it's one Spider-Man it's like one IP but they have like
so many different. Who knows where they're taking the stories. They could be like, what a Spider-Man Matt Luke Skywalker need to feed Darth Vader together. What? Anything could happen. But dude, like honestly, that's something that I could see on FTs infiltrating in the movie industry.
is like actual, because that's what fucking anime is great at. That's why I pretty much mostly watch anime when I'm like thinking of like wanting to entertain myself is because they make films after successful mongos and mongos are the greatest artists of like our time and they fucking create
stories with such like a sharp subjective vision with like not like 70 cooks in the kitchen like a Marvel film and then they just make an anime out of it no matter what it is and they stay super true like like absurdly true to the manga and I'm like I want web to
to do that with like comics. Like I want there to be like a web 3 comic animation like funding thing where like people like just fucking I don't know there has to be a new movie industry that's like not this fucking remake factory.
I see that happening with the NFC space honestly because you guys are like in a way doing a multiverse thing when it comes to allowing holders of other NFCs to mint your stuff and it's like combining communities and I think the what really is going to bring it together at the end
is like the content that you make out of it, such as like the imagery or animations, because I see like this space as a bunch of worlds being built already, whether it's individuals or collective people doing it,
And I don't know I feel like it's weird too because at the end of the day like we're individuals trying to like do all this fucking work and We are like making that work, which like you know is still not at that level where we can like make full fucking films and shit, but I'm pretty sure we would if we could
Yeah, I don't know. Yeah, I always get I always get put myself down when I see something like fucking, you know, a jibbly movie and I'm just like, okay, that is like a herky land like impossible task. But then I'm like, Miyazaki didn't do that.
that by himself and also like, I don't know, like something I think about is like, sometimes I just look at like the entire completed thing and like quantify it's like, you know, the quantify my ability to do something like that based on like what I could do like right now or like the next month or whatever.
But then I think about it, I'm like all the disjointed paintings and drawings that I've did within like a two-year span. Imagine if I like all of that effort and time was put into like a single, like a single animation or like a single film.
Like it's definitely a different way of thinking. It's like a different reward system for like, you know, sometimes I just want to finish something and like just like have that pat myself on the back. I'm like, oh, I finished something. But like I feel like as I mature, I'm like, I'm actually interested in like, what if I just stuck to this vision for like,
an absurd amount of time and just completely concern myself with the process and not like the reward of completion. Like what could it look like, you know, that's something I'd think about. So think all the things in between like all the separate projects and drawings and stuff.
Um, like, is important because at the end of the day, like, it's what's gonna add value to that one project in the future because, you know, you still need that concept art and you still need the practice of like, oh, what are these characters gonna look like? What is the world gonna be like?
Yeah, that's exactly why these studios need all these people because then each individual can focus on each one thing. And I think it's cool seeing what you guys do because you guys have a couple people focusing on a bunch of things.
I see the world being built out of it and not only that but you're able to outsource too. So it's cool seeing other people do their interpretations and kind of like create a type of canon for your stuff. For example, I forget what the dude is called.
do that moves the beat of house yeah like you know just the act of getting someone to animate him like creates so much information for the world because it's like I feel like it's important to see like how it walks and the size of it and stuff like that
That is what I like that like I never was in this super heroes and Marvel really, but that is what I liked about but I liked Hellboy I thought Hellboy was cool, but What I liked about the Marvelverse or whatever is like a lot of artists that I really respect all did their take on fucking
Batman, they all did their take on Spider-Man and it's almost like the 007 of the you know how all these different directors like take on 007 like oh it's like a different James Bond it's a different director it's like a it's like a different this classic character and in anime there's a
loop in the third where you have like Miyazaki takes on loop in the third. You have this other crazy director takes on loop in the third. It's just like this passed down like IP that like you want to see expressed through like you know whatever. What I like about Marvel is they have like such good illicit like mobius did a spider man take you could like Google it
like Mobius did a fucking sick ass Spider-Man. I think it's like the best illustrator Spider-Man. Yeah, that's my favorite Spider-Man. Yeah, it's my favorite. I'm overrated. You can also overrate. Yeah, and David Cho did, uh, fucking. He's a good man. And a lot, but he did like, he did actual covers for Marvel. Uh, yeah.
I think a few years ago, I don't know when, but it's just so cool because he's just like a fine art, just like comic book fan, and he does like the super expressive, whatever fucking Superman. And I'm like, "Oh, that's so cool, even though I don't watch any of this shit." I still like that.
But yeah, it's just great to see people interpret stuff, I guess. I guess that's like the whole reason I want on that feel. It's definitely entertaining. Yeah, yeah. But I'm honestly really interested in comics, making comics, especially with Indigo kids.
because I think comics is like the OG storytelling device that's like like mad. It gets like such a message across in like the cheapest way and um fucking yeah I just think uh once you make a comic so much as like possible because you've already
you already visualized it in such like a detail. It's like beyond a storyboard. It's like a high definition storyboard and people could do that in like live action. You could do with animation. It's just like such as like people have been doing fucking comics since like the Bible those like opening triptics.
They've opened the trip to pick the picked like some like Bible scene. They like drew a comic but now we like I feel like a Yeah, I just feel an attraction to comics right now. Yo comics Yo, by the way, hello. What's up, bro? Yeah, Stein of peach. I hard to show
What up fam yo, so NFTs are great way to kind of explain what NFTs No, no, I just want to say like I was lost about this
Talk about IP, comics, and the Go Kids world building. I think that's something to think about with the comics or any other IP that or any other product or service that has like in the Go Kids IP, like because
NFTs are a way to bootstrap liquidity or crowdfund like any product or service. Yeah, I don't know. Maybe once the first thing to go kid, comic book series comes out, and to go
okay to hold theirs get free access to it or I don't yeah I definitely were one Robert and I were always talking about ways to reward fairly holding this and hold theirs because yeah and I think something I'll just have to top my head like I'm not like saying
any official sauce right now just like thinking out loud. I've been scrolling through that we're like on our final gen like we're like currently on our final gen before we give it a release date and I'm just scrolling through this shit and I'm like oh my god like that one has such a story and
I would so see myself just like arbitrarily selecting someone's PFP that I just think is sick and just making like a three panel comic just like trying to understand what's going to go. So true. Yeah, imagine if you own that NFT and you see them in the comic I now I wonder like if there's a way to
to give like royalties to the person who owns the NFT of like a crazy comic that sells out or something. Yeah, yeah, that would be so sick if someone could like make money off of the fact that they're there. They just fucking had their, their, their, their, their end-to-go kid used in like maybe
be like a clothing article or like a fucking car banal. I would love that. That would be rude. Because honestly what inspired me about that, what inspired me about like hand selecting Indigo kids and doing stuff with it is honestly the fucking board apes because I went to this craft beer
Place and there was just like this board ape that made like some like craft beer like board ape number one three seven beer IPA And I'm just like bro like at this point It's out of my hands like we like gave we gave birth to
kids like this is the way it could be you know it could exist. Yeah yeah because that's the the CCO Creative Commons license or whatever like you have any you can do any commercial use of your of your NFT because that's another thing with the restaurant that opened up like
Bored or you galabs board a pesno affiliation with with that beer or with that restaurant Mm-hmm literally just the owner of the punk or the the ape. Yeah, and I really have you ever seen the gorillas documentary No, oh shit. That's probably good though. It's on YouTube
I honestly the world building for gorillas was so convincing that I didn't even question that they weren't real until like last year. Like, oh yeah, gorillas, like, like, those four, like, animated, oh wait, someone made those people and then I looked into it and it's just these like two British bloke.
this like genius musician and this like genius illustrator and they just made this entire world like so ahead of their time and then and I'm just thinking about that with like Indigo kid and anonymity like I would be so honored if someone made like a band
are like made like you know something creative and used the indioca for anything like that in like an ability or are you guys going with those names there isn't going to be numbers um honestly I didn't we didn't do a name gen right now but I think
it's really simple so I could see I could see us doing that still yeah that's another thing that would very much but we just with just yeah we ran into a couple problems with that like tried it out it wasn't working
But uh, that's always something we can update the NFT with in the future update the metadata Oh shit, I don't know you can do that True because that would make them so unique and individualized like rather than having a number Yeah
I thought that was such an amazing idea. I really want to do that. By the way, congratulations, Army in on the foundation drop, bro. I love it. Thanks for it. It was inspired by your motivation. Yeah, dude. I think it's a great platform.
form and it'll it's good provenance and it's not the type of thing though that you just throw out there and then like expect it to go like definitely market it and put it out there and and once that collection is a few other pieces in it yeah be fire actually pin it in here is that that painting
Dude, that thing was so sick. I just saw that. That's incredible. I'm still loopy because I stayed up all night painting. I love the perspective, bro. Do more oil painting with crazy tweaked perspectives like that.
Dude yeah, I agree. I think I think the next level is a fucking playing with like fisheye perspective, right? Yeah, yeah plus like the new phones added to fisheye like this this painting was all done with just like a photo like
I was just looking at my phone. I was gonna ask you that. Yeah, I like I have the phone that does the fisheye and And it is yeah, I said not like Yeah, and then I wonder what painting with like a 360 cam photo reference would be oh my goodness True, that's like crazy
fish eye. Yeah you can really tweak it out. So from start to finish how long did that take you to make? That's actually a harder question than... wait let me actually like look at my photo real one. It looks like I started painting this
Here I started painting this on July 1st. I started painting it July 31st and I would just like pick like oil, oil is like a very slow medium.
And I just picked I just picked away at it from July 31st to now When I would find So it's really hard to like do that thing is so cool. Thank you. I Love the color scheme - I love your face
face. It reminds me of the blue face painting you did recently. This kind of like looking down, eyes down. I'm really into that. It's so sweet and beautiful about it though. Yeah, I'm so into that expression. That expression to me is like,
I feel like it gives me a feeling of just like acceptance or something. It's like Mother Mary. Like you have, have you seen version Mary? She's like, you know, looking down holding the baby or whatever. I want to do that. I want to do it. I really see it. Look up like Mother Mary. Oh yeah.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, like the very soft light Yeah, I'm looking at that right now. Oh wow this one this one of Virgin Mary go row really cool like that color that's something
I always think about when I see these types of paintings, I'm like the fucking use of that color was way more cloud than using a color now. Like I use deep indigo right now, it's like okay cool, you like that blick. But like you look at this Virgin Mary painting at the time, it's like
I like got that photo or you got that pigment like from all the way over there or whatever. Ta-ha! I actually like, I romanticize colors being really rare.
all the time. Is it purple like what was it was like hard as fuck to get? Yeah, it was like some like weird like sea creature that they would have to like smash with their feet. The fuck? She's like a rare lapis lazuli. It's like some like snail thing.
Some fucking rare ancient snail shit that they would they would actually like fucking kill people that were purple that like weren't of like a certain status They'd kill them. Yeah, cuz there's like a real color. Yeah, like if some like Imagine like in this day and age like someone like wears like bullets
see August. They could be headed. But yeah, apparently, like, if some like peasant was wearing, it was like drenched in purple, they'd be like, ah, hell no. Some fucking haters, dude. Yeah.
Color work, but I romanticize that though. I'm like bro. No, it's kind of fucking cool. The colors way more seriously than we take colors right now like Yeah, right now. It's so we have so much access to colors that like It's just kind of cool to think about Maybe slap and shit together now
But that's something I always think about is like we now that we have like such an abundance of like color the way that color is used is like completely different like you have people like splattering it all around like stomping it all around yeah it's all sort of a flexion of like our times like our instead
historically you wouldn't see that happen 300 years ago because of the access Yeah, colors. Yeah, I saw a video speaking about how when they started making these industrial paints It was so different because it was so gooey and liquidy and artists were just
Making like splatter our in shit with it and that's kind of why it was a big deal because it was like a new thing was like a new medium of paint to use Yeah, bro. Yeah, I wonder what the next I wonder if the second next medium of next There is wait, so there's like okay, so there's water
There's like watercolor. There's like a there's like computational. There's like air. There's like airbrush There's fucking oil Compute there's there's digital digital huge window are you came at pro create?
Procreate has like brushes that I can't even fathom I'm thinking more along like algorithmic like machine learning then there's 3d to yeah, I was just gonna talk about that like I saw painting the other day that was like 3d like they just layered pain on top of each other and it's like it probably extruded
like three four inches off the page. Yeah. It was just like over a long time of having the pain dry. That's crazy. No, I was I actually was thinking 3D in like the the VR. Oh, okay, okay. But yeah, that's sick too. I was like trying to visualize what you're saying. But yeah, the
3D, then there's VR3D. What's next? Recently, I don't know where I heard this. I think it was in a podcast or something, but it was like how technology dictates human behavior and how new technology changes the way that we interact with each other and with the world.
If you think about that with art, yeah, new medium or new technology completely changes like an artist process. And recently I've been working with machine learning a lot and creating my own data sets. And it's crazy just to like now like have an understanding of like
Why or how I can like extend my process with dude? Adding on to that I was we added again into our discord yeah that I was playing around with and It's a very different way of creating I feel like it's a very feminine way of creating like in a way like I feel this
the text to image? Yes, text to image. Right. Okay. And and and I feel this feminine energy creating because like there's a lot of receiving. There's a lot more receiving than I'm doing. Then when I'm typically I'm typically like pushing and pushing and pushing and I like see something I like
I'm very like hands on the wheels just like driving forwards like a car and when I'm working with again, it's like a lot more like I give and then I receive a lot of information and I curate and I receive more information and I curate and it's more of like a inwards feeling like the energy feels like it's like going the
direction and I might listening more. That makes a lot of sense. You know and it's so interesting and it's definitely like fucking trippy. It's like really trippy. I can't get myself to pretend like this is not the craziest
thing ever. It's like Dolly too and shit. I could holy shit. I've been using like a lot of mid-journey just to create different like fucking sigils and symbols and stuff with certain like intentions behind them and plugging that into my artwork and it's I that fucking love it dude is very fun just being a brand to
and ideas and having to create something out of noise. It's very different. I'm currently in the stage of just seeing if I could build a relationship with it. I feel like I romanticize
like craftsmanship and and this is like so so new to me I'm like trying to find a way where I like feel comfortable using it in a way. No dude you know you shouldn't feel comfortable using it actually that's how you grow so much as you're like in this new terrain it's uncomfortable you don't
understand it. But as you start to work with it, work through that, you start to revise ways that could assist your process or extend your process. And this is like a photo I shot and edited with Dali. Well I shot and then edited with Dali.
Yeah, the only real part is like the very middle where like the doors are dying and then like all extended it Yeah, and I extended it outward I was I put like weird ancient vintage fucking race car and shit Wow That's a really bad ass wheel
Love that yeah, we along the back Dude that's a really smart idea. I love that you did that It looks so it looks so cartoony, but like realistic style It's so weird. It would be interesting to do that with portraits too to have like a section of the portrait Real and then have you seen those videos were
like they have a artwork and then they did it with one of DaVinci's works and I forgot which one it was but they pretty much like cropped the outward so there was like a bunch of alpha space on the outside and then
the dolly can just fill the gaps in and then with that image you do it again and again and again and then you put it all together and it's like a huge zoom out of like what the AI thing is. They always end up the AI always ends up like containing it in some way and then like like it
goes out and out and out and then they have it be in a computer screen and then it goes out. It starts to restrict itself. It's like, oh, this is not realistic anymore. Make it look fake by putting it in a screen or a frame or some shit. It reminds me the way that it starts composing is it ends
up always looking like a samsara wheel like how the samsara wheel like when you extrude dolly out infinitely it just turns into a samsara wheel it's like the visual of a fractal. Can you send me that? Sorry I can look at it. Dude, now I fucking get dolly. I'll post a video on it. I can see
You're collaborating with fucking ocean a shard of God Yeah, it is pretty weird how like some of the stuff is like kind of like it's kind of like a prophecy or almost like I don't know like some of it's like weird Yo, I think a
lot of this is going to change the relationship that we have with AI and with machines because like a lot of the conversation around it is like dystopian or it's like scary or it's like oh god they're just gonna you know destroy artists or you know it's gonna take over but I don't know I think it's going to actually change our relationship a lot
with these technologies and maybe make us more open. The fuck up part is like we're living in a digital era and artists always are constantly posting their work online. The fact that we're constantly feeding the machine, like the machine is going to have enough data to replicate
Oh true. Yeah, true. Yeah, but is it without the human though? Is it the same? Does it mean the same thing? Yeah, is the art separated from the artist? It doesn't but will we like end up creating a world where like artists are gonna be less wanting to share their work on life?
And more, you know, I don't know. Do you think it will cause like a like a rarity of artists eventually? I know. Do you like, but what you make me think of saying that is I was thinking about like the whole concept like there's no such thing as like an original idea or whatever and then I was like,
Yes, there's no such thing as like a original idea, but there is original experiences that like have never like things happen in your day-to-day life and things happen in the world that have never happened before in the same way and you know interpreting
experience and actualizing an experience is such an unpredictable thing that you're replicating that like that's not based off of previous data that's based off of the current thing. But your experience is based off of previous data though. No, the
The interpretation of a current event is something that I'm saying an AI can't touch basically. Like an AI can't interpret something that it hasn't seen yet and there's a lot of stuff that we
see that an AI can't see on the internet or based off its data pool. I would say they're not there yet but like I could see that happening. I really know how they would compute it but I can see it.
Can a model learn like what it feels like to be heartbroken or what it feels like to fall in love y'all ever seen that movie that movie her with walking Phoenix Yeah, I know what you're talking about great movie I Watch that shit again for like the fucking 10th time the other night
and I was like, shit man. I don't know, I feel this creep in further and further. It's honestly happening. I think we're having relationships with robots like in the other side of the world. There's like robots like prostitutes, you know, like sex toys.
What you said the other day what you said the other day where people will be able to Generate any porn they want based on whatever desire Whatever character whatever fixing a character like with Dalie you're just like Create like the most perfect like woman that you want to have sex with and then you just like
like the VR goggles and like and then 3d printer I know like hook up like all the weird like sex toys on to your body and like I like the best crazy experience of your life I don't get that kind of a replace anything though I watched something on that the other day and so
like, yeah, you can have all these sex toys and stuff, but that still doesn't replace the experience of what a connection like that is. There's no energy transfer. Yeah, but what is going to happen, which is going to happen for anything, whether it's like games or porn or anything, it's going to be like this weird direct link
to your fucking consciousness where you can, and like it's gonna happen, like it sounded weird and abstract, but like that shit's gonna happen where you can lick your fucking mind into a system and be in that shit. Oh, like you feel it, you feel it like it's like you're actually in that shit pretty much. Oh, dude, I just, what if in the future?
like put your consciousness inside like a porn star. And I feel like, "Hell shit." - No, but actually, imagine in the future, imagine? - Imagine in the future, it's not sex toys for like physical pleasure, but it's some sort of like neural sink. So you're like the giver and the receiver when you have sex. - Oh, you feel gosh. - Oh, gosh.
Dude imagine the future sex toys. It's like not like fucking butt plugs and shit. You're literally you're just sitting there and you're just receiving signals Yeah, you're like that's like the anime we've been watching kai ba how
There's that scene where that girl like steals a body and like she's her consciousness to the to the other boy and like she like doubled down like the body. Oh Yeah, I remember that scene for some reason I was
thinking of a kimono zoom or mono's whatever with the other one but yeah yeah kaiba yeah dude kaiba I recommend kaiba to especially Nathan I don't know why I think Nathan your style like specifically Nathan you should watch kaiba but uh yeah
K.A.I.B.A. Anime. It's very dreamlike and the character design reminds me something that you enjoy. But yeah, dude, it is like Kiva. Imagine you're having sex. It's like not a... You're fucking just synced. It's like an enhancer. You're like fucking...
You feel like a female orgasm and you get to blow a load at the same time. I need their female orgasm. I feel like I'm so down to feel. I'd be so down to feel what a female orgasm feels like. And be able to bust enough at the end, like at the same time.
At the same time I think I like shut down bro That is gonna like fuck up the way people think that would that would completely fuck me up dude. I can't bro am I am I like gay my boy what am I like
the future in the future everyone's trans in the future everyone's trans and we just clone ourselves. We just have two versions of ourselves are like three depending on how many binaries we want to be.
Imagine a civilization like that there probably was a civilization in this like fucking infinite amount of time where everyone's trans and they just clone themselves when they want to like have a baby. Is that what seahorses do? Yeah, have you seen a seahorse convert though? They just like spray all the shit.
machine gun like rapid fire so hard so fucking hard I want to fuck a seahorse I'm joking yeah but on a different subjects because now we're just going in for a few time right now we're never gonna stop but hold
showing work and stuff that I don't even know how to like show something at this point and be like, "I'm gonna mint something." Where are you planning on minting it on foundation? Yeah, this one collection I have to mint on foundation because I have this collection on foundation and I can't believe
the collection so I'm just gonna complete it. I'm like re-making it. Oh I tell you. Yeah I'm gonna make like four pieces and if it's really well then I can make more but like as of now I only have two pieces. I don't know if I could finish making four pieces and then start
I would say you can start showing the pieces now, but I wouldn't I wouldn't mint them until they're all done. So you have like one big final drop. And plus it'll give people like some time to do that.
Start liking the work before they you know before it's available for sale mm-hmm Yeah, I mean I'm talking about like the I'd damn do the these pieces. I want to like show and mint Oh, yeah, okay, I'm looking. Oh, these are sick
I don't know how many of the shit works. I was just like making shit. And then just came up with a quick concept that
I never really like kept up with called Kings with no Kingdom. Oh, I remember that. Yeah, so what I'm doing is I'm like completely remaking the vibe of it So that I can like fill up that collection on my foundation instead of it being empty And yeah, I just want like you know since it's a collection
I wanted to all have a concentration like look similar in the way That's my yeah, I know I just like haven't like posted like working well or like minted anything in a while so I'm like I just feel nervous But I think I
I've seen the there was like a bull one right yeah, I like remade the yeah, I like the edit them up. I'll send it to you. Yeah, it's always such a predicament like
It's just a weird thing that I've been doing with 3D. How many are you doing this style? Like how many are you doing like this? I think I want to do for, uh, to complete the collection and honestly, or honestly, I feel like not posting these at this moment, but like,
I haven't done this yet, but this is something that I want to start doing. So maybe I'll just share this thought with you. I want to start doing collections and then having a trailer for the connection.
Maybe one of the things in the collection, I have some animated element or some motion. That's what I was kind of thinking, just teasing it a little bit at first. I was kind of thinking, you know how the foundation, you could put a picture for the collection and a background. I was thinking I would make those and post those things
first and start talking about the world. And I was thinking of starting with like, starting to teasing with like, aiming character, like a guy with a sword or some shit, like a slayer, and pretty much like it's the story of this guy or this person that has like killed
or captured or like like because pretty much like all these kings are gonna look defeated like that's the point of them they're all gonna like be fucked up like the bull is like in chains and the flies like shriveled up and fucking old and it's like I don't know I want to I want to somehow tell a story of this world
of these kings that were defeated and they just like aren't shit anymore. So cool. Yes, that's a great idea. I think of so much when I hear kings with no kings in them, I think of so much and like the symbology and stuff that you're putting here gives me so much to latch onto. I really enjoy
this. But like this is like the Minitar, I'm getting like a Minitar vibe and like a like a I don't even know like a fly like a queen. I don't know they're inspired by different things like the Minitar was just inspired by like a shape like they don't want it to do.
And like it ended up becoming like this cow thing with arms and the fly I was playing Dark Souls 3 and I like Got the DLC and there's this like weird fucking fly enemy and I was like, oh I want to make a thing out of this like a queen like a lord of flies I'm trying to think of what else I
I don't want to be just animals, I want them to be more abstract. What reminds me of after men, have you seen that? It's like a book. There's a lot of illustrations of sky that just saw.
Millions of years in the future like what the are animals like evolved to or like what like Like subhuman species like oh wait, yeah, I've heard of this you've been back that up like in like a planet like 200 light years away what humans like evolved into over there, you know, and that's like
Crazy like abstract like forms that you would have never thought of and like there's like a there's like this bad creature that It is like disguising itself as a flower and like eating like this bug. They like it's so see a bat as a king or whatever
Yes, dude. Wait, what was this? What was this book called? Because I remember seeing this somewhere called after and but if you look at there's two videos there's there's people that like narrate the book and it's like really good. They show the images to like It's really really cool like sci-fi
Wait, I think I might have been thinking about something different. That's the guy that's by the artist that ended up designing like most of like what dinosaurs look like, right? Really? I don't know. I think he's been doing dinosaurs as well. No, because there's this guy. Yeah, no, I'm like 70% sure.
sure that's what you're talking about is the same guy because he designed what what life looks like after man and like how it evolved. Yeah, he also like reversed the bones that they gave him and like ideated what the dinosaurs could have looked like. Yeah, thank you.
Yeah, and uh, yay, so I'm pretty sure that's the same person. So that'd be really cool if it was. I'm pretty good. Yeah, I think it's a good like I'm actually gonna watch one of those videos today because I forgot about that. It's been a minute but like Nathan what? What what like when it comes to like
I seem like a serious like that like what Like what is the pricing like like like what would you say like those two pieces would be like the same price because you put like a different amount of effort and like time into each and You just consider different things for the two different pieces
you know, so I don't really have no idea. I wonder if you said you were wanting to do four or something? Yeah, that's quite a lot. Oh, definitely. Price and maybe you have one that's like the most like, you know,
Yeah, the most prestige like piece you know, then that's what I'm saying like choose your favorite one and like make that the like advertisement for the collection and like Maybe like one is animated, you know, just the idea just an idea or or one has like music attached to it because I know you're on like digit tag dude. I love that
this fucking like this 3d like language you got going on yeah so sick yeah I've been out in that lots of couple of pieces I've been doing that's just a thing on doing that like on an iPad as well I did that on an iPad
Did you just shade it really nice? It's kind of weird. It's a pen I use. Is it brush? Yeah, it's a brush. That's it. It looks 3D. It looks really 3D. Oh yeah, it does. I thought it was modeled like I thought you made it in the
I'm trying to like playing with that technique a lot with this weird brush I found Yeah, and the doing making shapes out of this 3d thing so I've been like Trying to like figure out how to do other things like making plants and stuff out of it Just the concept of 3d
graffiti is really interesting. Because graffiti is always trying as hard as it can to look 3D with everything that it does, everything about the way that it's designed. I want this to look like it's exploding out of the wall. But it's actually made of
That's like really exciting. Like I want to see the art come out of the walls. Right. That's what I'm thinking. Like graffiti wants to be 3D so bad. So like I really want to see more 3D graffiti throw ups and stuff. Like something like topographical, maybe like even a
sculpture bro imagine like a throw up sculpted in like 3d like like a 3d printed that'd be crazy yeah imagine like you seem like the katsu but like the drones that just like Funken graffiti imagine a drone that is like 3d printing on the side of the wall shit I saw this one dude
I went to I went to you and Emma with him and he would make like sculptures of his like full-done pieces and all of his throw-ups and stuff and it was really cool He would do like miniature sizes like huge sizes also with like just wood and it was amazing Yeah, that sounds really cool. What that reminds me of his
When I was in art school, we liked a field trip to the psych foundry for metal casting and I saw a retina piece that was being sculpted, those being casted out of like a shit ton of metal and it was like huge and it was just like retina, calligraphy type language stuff.
wait until I have like the studio to where I can start working more large scale work. Yeah, I'm very excited. Yeah, I'm excited for you for that. I'm excited for you. I really want to see everyone like evolve like more and more. It's going to be so interesting. I already could see, I could already see you guys
evolving, but like imagine like, yeah, imagine just like down the line a little bit more like a few years. Yeah, I'm so interested. I'm so curious. That's what I like about like this like this like friend group, this like predominantly online friend group is like we
get to like fucking see what each other like do I so much fun so sick yo arm in this fucking embrace the dream piece I was peeping in yesterday it's fucking amazing dude thank you thank you so much I'm really happy I love the like skewed perspective
Thanks, Graham. I had so much fun making it. I was like, uh, I was like, uh, it was like effort to like not be working on it because like, uh, there's times where I just needed to let the paint dry. And I was just like, really just like wanting to like go back to it.
Is this are these oils? Mm-hmm. Okay, so it took fucking forever. I'm just yeah, I was like picking away at it for like for like I think I started like the 31st of like the last month so so yeah
But honestly, like, more and more I'm understanding that the best thing to do with oils is not care about finishing. That's why I always have to be doing other stuff at the same time. Because that should just wants to go its own pace. Oh yeah, I feel you.
It's definitely a ritual. I did like a few oil painting classes in college and like I could do figures and shit but oils was definitely not my thing dude. Like it's the process is too daunting for me man.
Like I don't know I don't know what it is about it Dude I know exactly what it is about it. It's stinky. It's fucking you're working with like gam cells Oh, well, I do the same thing dude like I work with fucking shop equipment that are like shop chemicals Basically to make all my work so like the the chemicals and stuff doesn't bother me. I think it's just like
the drying process and like having clean up as a new link to yeah and I really don't have like a studio just to like yeah set up like a whole paint booth you know and I kind of feel like that's what you need if you're gonna be if you're gonna be oil painting like that you know yeah it's it's otherwise it's just too much to like too
many variables that just get messy. For sure. And plus like back to like all of the mineral spirits and shit, it fucks you up if you don't have like proper ventilation. But honestly, I feel like I feel like it's so much
fun to figure out like a set up for like different mediums. There's like such like a like right now I'm currently really interested in creating a medium, sorry, a set up for like on-site like like painting stuff whatever it's
put in either your watercolors or gouache or whatever you're working with. It has these straps so you can tie them all down to the bottom of the box. Then it has backpack straps on them. Once you unfold it, it becomes a little easel. You can set up canvas or you can put your paper
on there. Where did you see this? To be honest, I think my grandma got me one whenever I graduated high school. I think it was like a Monet, like a fucking Monet e-sort. I was walking in New York like a few years ago and I walked past and I did this double
take and I realized I just walked past this guy that was just standing doing this watercolor life but he was like so like set up like he like just seemed like a tree or something and he looked at his setup and like to talk to him about it he had like his like Instagram like on like the side of his box or whatever but
It's so hard. You are good for you to come up just come up. Yeah, exactly. He's like this a not an object. Yeah, you don't even have to talk to him like an ask and like annoy him about like all your questions. You could just like take a picture and like fucking see his Instagram and he's like super clouded like he's like a great water colorist and his son
setup was like this box with like a camera tripod, like secured to the bottom and like he just made his own thing and apparently he makes them four people too like he sells them but they're like custom and like really expensive but it's so
I'm trying to really do that, bro. I love painting and love. I'm doing the sprints. I saw a lot of them. Yeah. It's such a different experience.
I think drawing from life versus photo references like night and day. Dude, I haven't painted and fucking forever. I need to get back into it. Yeah, that's a great idea. I'd love to go on a trip to a museum or in a aquarium or zoo. I'd like to try drawing from life because it's
It's so hard drawn from life when shit is like moving Dude that'd be great through the comics and stuff. All these animals like stop Dude imagine going out and doing lots of like still lives and using them as backgrounds for like indigo kids comics and stuff would be sick because like I
I feel like if we were to go to a fucking aquarium, I just want to make an idiot writing like a fucking shark or something. Like, co-fish. Whenever I do stuff these days, I like
I don't want to do studies. I do studies, but if I'm really trying to finish something, there needs to be an imaginative aspect to it for me to feel like it's mine. If I'm going to spend a lot of time on something, I want there to be something that is beyond real,
just like an element. Like even when I'm like even in my sketchbook I like do a still life and like I like add things that like aren't there just to like practice that that exercise. When are when are the when are the end to go kids drop down?
this month. I think we're gonna have a release date today or tomorrow. Like we've been doing
some major tweaking the past week. Did you all move over to ETH finally? Yeah. Okay. I was wondering that also. Yeah, we got it. Indub. Fuck yeah. Yo, I would fucking love to hop on an indigo kid design. I love everyone that I see.
Yeah, we're going to do a collection after that's a collection of interpretations that we want like you guys and our friends to like do do something to make money. It's derivative one of one.
Hell yeah, they'd be wake up. I'm always down. Yeah, well update you right now. We're just trying to launch back. I'm really excited to see I love seeing what people did for that first art contest that was like the like so cool to me. I was just looking and scrolling yesterday and I was like fuck I can't
I don't even think I saw all of the entries. Where can I look at that as a Discord? Or should I just go check the hashtag?
I think they're on the hashtag. Actually, we did a thread. But we're going to add a gallery, I think, on our website that just adds a whole bunch of like art contest stuff as well as a concept art tab, I think.
But yeah, I want to centralize all that art. It's a little bit scattered.
Dude Nathan look at this fucking wizard I'm sending you dude. No Okay Wow, that voice you know, it's okay. I like it
Yo, Armin, what's up with the tats? Huh? What's up with the tats?
I want to tattoo. Are you tattooing? I haven't done tattoos right now, but I'm still looking at... I'm wondering, I just want to do it the right way and I get paralyzed at like
all the stuff there is besides just the act of tattooing. I'm wondering does it really matter to have a complete like official thing going on? I mean really? I think it's
to be on who you're tattooing. Yeah. Because I'm in the middle point of like wanting to be like very like official and like well educated and like also just wanting to just do it. But yeah right now you kind of do it. That's why like when I started I like
like had to tattoo myself like that just kind of broke the eyes for me like you need to break the eyes somehow you can't like stay tattooing fruits and face skin and expect it to be an expect yourself to be good when you come on skin yeah yeah like you're gonna kind of have to do something small on someone or something
something on someone to really see how it feels. I've done tattoos with a machine before and learned a lot from those two experiences or three experiences. It's less about that but more about the actual legal stuff. I don't want to get
like sued because someone like I don't know. I mean if you're testing people to fuck with you, they're not gonna like do that. Just print out like a just print out a form you know like a like a release form. Yeah. Yeah. All right now I'm just looking at a whole bunch of YouTube videos and shit but
I'm probably going to be tattooing like very soon. You can like look up a form of a tattoo shop, like see what they use or just look up something on Google and it will work. Like as long as you read it and it says oh yeah they're agreeing to this and they sign
it like that's all you need. Yeah. I was just seeing stuff with like every city has like like things and like in New York they were saying that like you have to be like a verified New York like that. I think that's just if you're like if if you're trying to enter a shop. Oh I see I see that would that would make sense.
But yeah, I'm like pretty much ready to get started once I get some some stuff. Dude, I fucking I love tattooing I tattooed a fucking a baby doll the other day. I'm just I'm so shit at it. What are those dolls made of? This one was just like a rubber and it was very hard to get like
the ink to actually hold. So it was like nothing like skin or like the fruit that I've done before and shit. But yeah, I can sing Jell-A-Picture whenever I fucking get home or something. Do you have tattoos? Do you have? I'm assuming I have tattoos. Me? I have like six
7 maybe Nathan hit up my leg whenever I was in New York dude I'm still sad that I miss you guys yeah me too dude what the fuck what happened I was I was in LA and it was just too nice I get you I was just there I
And I was there and I was just like I really just want to like draw this out for as long as possible. And but we're going to have a reunion maybe in Miami for our Basel. I just bought my ticket.
Yeah, so yeah, I'll be I'll be there around art basil times Yeah, maybe that's when we all see each other That's whenever you're gonna you're gonna tap my fucking my whole back. Yeah, that's why I'm gonna do your Yakuza back Giant piece in one sentence. Great
I hope our club is running by then because our club hasn't been running for a minute. We should do something like one if we're all there we should do some like Interesting thing our club. I don't know. I don't even know what I'm thinking. I just want to do something crazy. You know, we definitely maybe like a mural maybe like some sick mural would be done.

FAQ on indiGO ! Kids AMA | Twitter Space Recording

What has Nathan been up to?
Nathan has been drawing, specifically tattoos and illustrations.
Why is Nathan waiting for the right moment to show his works?
Nathan doesn't like posting something and then taking forever to make another piece, so he wants to have a good amount of work before showing it.
What is Idiot Kids?
Idiot Kids is an IP that Nathan wants to keep working on because it is genuinely fun to work on and there is a lot of room for interpretation.
What is Nathan's plan after Idiot Kids?
Nathan and Robert want to do Indigos after Idiot Kids, which is like teenage 20-year-old Indigo Kids that are more adult like and bad ass, and experiment with collaboration and mixed mediums.
Why does Nathan like working on Idiot Kids?
There is a degree of separation from Nathan's personal work, so he can really see what other people bring to the table and work with people he really likes.
What is Nathan interested in exploring in the future?
Nathan is interested in exploring animation, specifically keyframing and learning the physics of movement.
What is the name of the documentary Nathan recommends about animators?
The name of the documentary is 'The Persistence of Vision.'
What is the name of the animated film that was never fully finished but was pieced together by fans?
The name of the animated film is 'The Thief and the Cobbler.'
What other documentary does Nathan recommend about the making of 'Emperor's New Groove'?
Nathan recommends the documentary about the making of 'Emperor's New Groove.'
What is the concept of the new 'Predator' movie?
The concept of the new 'Predator' movie is that the predator comes to America during a time when the Native Americans are still living their life, and the predator's goal is to fight warriors.