INDULGENCES, the newest Division of Cherubim ♣️😇

Recorded: June 19, 2023 Duration: 0:54:39



Let's up everyone. I'm just gonna send this link around and then we'll get started in a few minutes.
What's up Vivic? How you doing? Long time no see. I'm excited for this. This is uh...
You want to get those those choirs on them while we send this to them? Yeah, yeah, I can. Just so people kind of know, well, I'll wait until we actually get into it to shit up.
If you haven't yet, can you click that bottom right corner and retweet the space or comment or like get some engagement there and let's get some new faces in here.
about 3 more minutes. Yep, perfect.
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
All right, should we get rolling? Get it. Okay. All right, so this space is to celebrate the launch of one of our newest divisions.
of Charibem called indulgences. And we're going to get more into detail of what that is in a little bit. But, Vivek, if you want to start with a quick recap of what we've been working on and what the direction of the project is.
Yeah, of course you'll be kind of started off if you want to. Yeah, you want to just work through like what we've been working on last few weeks and then yeah go through the vision. Yeah, of course. So we've been doing a lot of stuff in the past few weeks. We've been one of the main things is we want to make sure that
Anybody that joins the ecosystem. It's pretty clear what it looks like right and so It's getting really complicated and we know that when people join in they're like oh my god There's so many different things going on or they just don't end when they come in They don't have an idea of where to start and so we're figuring out first what's
the best way to onboard and we thought, you know, presenting ourselves as the social club, which is what we talked about last in the last two or spaces, is the best route. That way there's no web to, there's no web 3, there's no distinction between what's in real life, what's in online. It's really just a social club, right? And each
you own is a membership pass into the social club and so that's how we really want people to enter chairroom over the long run is get these angels as a membership pass and they get access to all these benefits and perks but as you know you know we've been here for two years building so many different
different products, different lines, and so we're at a point where we are dividing up. Chariburm really, it's one brand with four different wings and each of these wings is a focus that we're trying to pull. So one wing is the social
The third wing is the actual IP, us building businesses and as well as the community, leveraging the networks we build to build their own brands and businesses.
which we haven't really shared much on is the chair of a media. And so we're talking a little bit about that as well before we dive into talking more about indulgences. But that's really the core of what we're doing is bringing this ecosystem into making this ecosystem into something that's more digestible and clear to everyone.
that's joining it and everyone that's already here. So within each wings, we're going to be calling them divisions. These would be different sub-businesses that we'd be building across inside each wing. So do you want to talk about each of the divisions in
social club, the tech, the IP and media. Yeah. So most of you guys know who like the social club aspect, the events and business discounts and travel upgrades and stuff like that. So those are the divisions within the social club wing. But what we've really been developing heavily the last few weeks has been
the tech wings, the IP wings and the media wing. So tech will just do a quick run through. Genesis you guys are probably aware of. We launched that four weeks ago now and over 200,000 ADA has been converted and there has been onboarded into
Toronto through the platform, which is incredible. I think we're probably the reason a lot of NFT projects and a lot of tokens have had liquidity is because of that, those onboarding efforts. Indulgences, which you're going to hear more about, in probably like 10 minutes
it's Exodus, which you'll hear more about too when that launches in the next few weeks. It's kind of an extension of Genesis, so that's, we're really excited about too. The IP wing, that's essentially a combination of us leveraging
the business of the Charibum IP and allowing for individuals to develop their own IP of the angels that they hold and with our help and the community's help. So extensions of that are the Club of the Charibum clothing line which profits are going to be
funding the blesslp toys action figures i i talked about this i think last time on the twitter space where we are going to be approaching video game creators and meta versus and seeing if they would sell uh... skins of people's angels in their games and if they
Want to they'll choose which angels they want in their games and whoever the holder of that NFC is will get their portion of the royalties of each sale That also extends to wine and olive oil and any CPGs in industries that I'm connected with from my previous work experience with
or anything new. And that's probably going to be leveraging the one angel that you guys have seen as kind of a test study and showing how it's done and then extending to individual holders after that. So as the summary
Some of you have access to our networks to build their own brands, leveraging the Charibum IP, whether it's an overall company or their individual angel. And then the media wing, that we're really excited about, we recently hired a new
What would you call her? She's a brand marketer who works at an agency and a brand consultant Who is building our brand package to keep the feel of Charibem across each wing If you're building your brand to leverage your angel's IP you'll have access to her and
and her skills across brand marketing and art direction for that. So we're really creating this like powerhouse of a team of marketers to be able to help you and grow whatever ideas that you have within the cheruban ecosystem. If you want to talk about the others,
One time on the media. Yeah, for sure. So we're going to actually so first of all The person we brought on is Katrina She and I went to the same school and she's been killing it at the aid at you see New York she's been working at and
She has no experience in Web 3 at all. So this is all new territory, but she has a crazy awesome entrepreneurial mindset and has a background in art direction and brand marketing. But we're also going to be bringing starting two different things. So we talked about the podcast and in the podcast
We're going to be bringing on successful high net worth slash high network people across industries to essentially discuss how they got to where they are today. We're entitling that becoming a Titan. And so the whole podcast premise is about their journey to becoming a
Titan in their industry. And so our goal is to be able to bring on these different guests and essentially teach our community other people across the internet how these people got through their journey but also leverage this connection that we built through the podcast and bringing them
into the Cherubbom social club. The second is Cherub chats. Fett and I will be hosting that on Tuesdays and Thursdays, depending on our guests. So we're going to actually be hosting our first one this Thursday and we'll announce what is tomorrow. We want to make sure we get
the focus on indulgences, but people look out they are a big doater in the space founder of a pretty big project is really well known. Yeah so just in general we're pretty much growing the team, we're slowly growing the team with people that have that entrepreneurial and driven mind
So we not only want to build a community of creatives and entrepreneurs, but also a team full of them. And we're intentionally bringing people who might not have their like full immersion into the Web 3 world because we want that outside perspective. And we want them to be monitoring our
blind spots as a brand because it's really easy to get deep and kind of lost in the sauce of Web 3 and they're keeping our perspectives fresh and exciting and they're coming into these positions with forever and with dedication and it's really exciting to see. So we have Katrina doing the brand marketing
We have Mike who is also recently joined the team who is focusing on events and then we have Richie who is creating music for us They all have interest in Web 3 but little knowledge so again that fresh perspective and Endspare is gonna keep our team in
excited and growing in the right way, where we're all dedicated and focused on the right trajectory of growth. And I think that you guys have seen just in the past few weeks, past month or so, a new focus and a new direction for ABAGES or what's
becoming the cherubim and like the launch of genesis and now the launch of indulgences. And this is a new found focus on alternate revenue streams for the project so that we don't have to rely on NFT sales or we don't have to rely on royalties of the NFTs trading on secondary to assist
our cells and keep our project alive and thriving. Now we have these really nicely packaged solutions, not even solutions, just things that are presented well and packaged well to offer to the community and that's going to keep us rolling and not only rolling but strong.
So with that being said, I think it's a really good overview of what we've been working on and over the next few weeks we're going to release more like just have more consolidated information and so we actually launched a medium blog that way we can
start posting on there and whenever we have people come to the community they can go through that. We're going to again, we mentioned this before, revamp the discord working with SICK right now, I think having different sections just for each of the wings and having subchannels within them where we talk about
these divisions going to help people really keep up with all this different stuff. But also we want to obviously your insight, your feedback. I think we know we're going in the right direction because we've talked to tons of people outside of the space, inside the space, and also within our
Ambassador's group chat we've seen a lot more excitement and feedback given to us which has helped us a lot in terms of the direction we're going to. So with that you want to announce what we're going to add. Yeah well first of all with that with the medium we wanted to release the medium I recalls as long farm
content so that people could either consume the content through Twitter spaces like this or Discord announcements or we could just point them to our medium page and then that's kind of a consolidated place for people to land and get the premium like exactly what's needed as opposed
to a sometimes discord can be announcements that aren't extremely important to you or Twitter. A lot of tweets get lost in the algorithm and now Medium will be a nice place for everything to be consolidated into. But yeah, let's announce indulgences. Do you have the link?
should we like tweet that this tweet out just a little bit about it I'm about to post it right now awesome all right cool so what is indulgences it's so for people who don't know indulgences is an illusion to basically way back when they're
is a way for you to buy your way into heaven. If you're a bad person, you could pay and you'll get your way. And that was called indulgences. So we wanted to make a little fun play on that. And in this, this is, indulgences is a crypto lottery. So in the bear market, we're all like,
not having fun. And we want to degen and bring back that fun to us. So indulgences is an on-chain biweekly lottery where you have the chance to win ADA and other prizes. So you go to
It's a very cohesive website. Minimum entry is 7/8. Every ADA is a ticket and basically every Wednesday and Sunday there will be a drawing and one person wins the pot. The pot is broken down into 0.5% fee to the Chargum team, 0.5%
25% fee to the blessed liquidity pool. It's not a fee because that's actually just supporting the blessed liquidity pool 0.7% to developers and then the really exciting part is 3% going to future game builds and 6.34% to surprise bonuses and then 88.89% going to one
winner each Wednesday and each Sunday. So in total 11.11 percent going to these alternate places and then 88.89 percent going to one winner each Wednesday and Sunday. And as we grow more through the indulgences platform, we're going to release new games such as like high low or
What a bunch of other games that we can come up with funded by the 3% and then the 6.34% will be random surprises. So maybe we do a big drawing at the end of the year for a large amount where we throw in space buds or ape societies or mutants, mutin NFTs.
as bonuses to whoever is participating. So if you enter in one day then you might not win that drawing of the week but you might win one of the future bonuses down the line. So don't count yourself
out if you lose one week. You're always going to have some chance of winning something. So yeah, that's the idea of it, and it'll grow as we continue to grow over the coming week.
The website is live now if you wanted to check it out, I think that Thivic just tweeted it out and pinned it on top if you guys could re-tweet that and let people know that we have a fun new lottery website for everybody to participate in.
I'm super excited about this and some of the game mechanics we have coming down the line are going to be really exciting. We're already working on the second version and what's actually possible with this. But in the next six months
We just think of not only the products that we have, current that we're building, but what we will have, and a lot of these will become more interconnected down the line even if it doesn't make sense just yet.
But if there are any questions, feel free to come up. We love for people's insights and to see how people are thinking about this. And go ahead and put this click the link above and enter the lotto for Wednesday.
So as you see, we have genesis every month that's going to be contributing to the BLASTLP. Now we have indulgences as soon as we exit us to the clothing line. And all of these are tried and true methods that we feel very confident will lead
our project to success and as indulgences grows that allows us to keep improving indulgences. As Genesis grows that allows us to keep improving Genesis. So I'm extremely excited about the future of what we're building. I think we're incredibly on the
right track. What's up, Eva? No, what's up, peeps? Happy Monday, not even a Sunday, but a hope all as well. I just went up. I retweeted the indulgences, which the site looks super clean. I like it. It's very straightforward and intuitive for anyone that wants to use it.
Yeah, that's exciting. But we talked about it on our last Monday team meeting when we all jumped into discord where we were talking about the utility of either Genesis or Exodus or the ability to use tools and the value that brings not only to a project or to the founders or to the
budget, but to the holders vicariously over the span of time. And I think that the timing of all of these different updates kind of coincides with that whole idea that people are ready for functional utility. And we saw that play out with another project in tap tools just over the course of the last two days.
many of the criticisms that I remember Angel Baby hit squad getting for the art over the course of the last 18 months to almost two years at this point. Not only will that be fixed alongside Alexia in updating the art and the rebrand for Club of the Cherubim, but for utility of whether
whether it's tap tools and their site and the sweat equity that they put in, or if it's all these different platforms and utility based tools or websites that ABHS and DHS can build and take advantage of along with the rest of the community, I think that not only is it going to have it all, but it's going
to have it at the right time. So I am endlessly excited. Every day I get more excited about the the vision all coming together and I think that it's it's so nice. The direction that's going in and I want to reiterate that this is version one. This is just the very basic lottery and you can essentially see it as we are
We're leading down the path of becoming this in-house gaming website where not gaming like you're gonna be playing with an avatar or something like that but gaming as in as in you're gonna be just having fun and playing like different different games like high-low or lottery or whatever and Being an angel baby hits quad holder or a demon
Hitsquat holder, you are essentially a part of that because of the contribution to the BLSLP, not to mention the 6.7% going to or 6.3% going to future bonuses and the chance to win one of the bi-weekly drawings. So it's only
up from here and this is allowing us to keep having fun and keep enjoying the process. I mean we already have three contributions into the pot for the first drawing which is going to happen Wednesday at 5pm EST, so every Wednesday at 5pm EST and every Sunday at 5pm EST.
They'll be a drawing. And you can see when you go on the website, the instructions kind of in the beginning. And then you could click history, which doesn't have anything there now. But every Wednesday and every Sunday, you'll see who the winner was. You'll see how much was in the pot.
And yeah, so you'll always be able to go back and track who the winners were and who entered and how many tickets that they entered with. So it'll be a really cool thing to see that traction over time.
I thought you were gonna talk and every time I go to speak when someone else is unmuted, we always like play this game of like silent chicken. So go ahead. Not go ahead man.
I just love the idea. Like I said, I think the timing works out. I think even in the concept of lautaries, which usually is on the absolute lowest tier of the things that I usually look for because I'm a broader picture in the ecosystem.
a project, you have people that are already committed investors and that understand the longer vision of what you're trying to build out, but the entire space is going through this other miniature hype cycle of mean coins and all these different tokens launching.
I feel like there's not a lot of random occurrence when it comes to those either you're incredibly lucky or there's internal information, at least in a lottery if people are going to gamble or they want to try and put some aid up and have a chance to participate.
paid and possibly win. I think that it's the same sort of outcome, if not a little bit more fair than if you were trying to shoot for like these OG meme coin tokens that are just popping up. So again, it's a good timing thing.
Yeah, all I was going to add is with with indulgences and with all the tech that's only one part of it, right? So eventually we'll be growing our team and we want as as FET mentioned, we want to bring people that are like minded both in our community and on our team. So if there are
any ideas from the community on events we should hold on different sub-dises we should build we want you by all means to take initiative and reach out to us and we'd love to be part of that in any way and we can figure out how we can work together but we are on the track
to essentially building a community of people that also want to build alongside with us. By no means want to pigeonhole any of our networks, any of the distribution, any of the manufacturing of whatever we build out. And so, like Fett mentioned, even with Katrina, who's our brand marketer, brand consultant,
You will have access to her as well and other people that we bring onto our team as well as within the community. The goal is for this to be the best social club in the world, the best community in the world. We want everyone to try and build their own brand if they're interested.
For those that don't know and set correct me if I'm wrong, but I think your calendar is still in your Twitter bio. So if people have ideas or want to partner up, that's still accessible right on your main Twitter.
Exactly, 100%. And most people are like, no, when two creative minds come together and their brain's starving, like just the fact that Vivit came to New York and we spent three, four days locked in and actually coined down there. This thing was there too.
And the fact that we were able to connect and brainstorm and come up with all these incredible ideas in new direction and new, uh, for, for ever. Um, can you imagine what we could accomplish with 2000 holders, um, coming together and collectively, uh,
pushing and supporting each other and coming up with creative ideas and accomplishing whatever we could put our minds to. That's the idea of the social club and how we can leverage each other and our networks and our communities into growing collectively.
That's the idea of the social club in each of these little build-outs that we're doing in dologens, which is little now, but it intends to become a lot bigger and a lot more robust. Genesis, Exodus, the club of the Charibem, clothing line, all of this is
fuel to the power of what our social club could be. Right, and to add on, I come from a startup background, Fed has worked in some really notable places. I think we both know that if we try and put all our eggs in one basket,
If you try and hit a grand slam, you have to take a thousand bats. The idea here is to do it out. These different little products that at first may not seem like a lot. But as like Genesis, for example, we see the success of it and we're able to read
invest that money into it and be able to grow it. And so the idea is, let's say product does end up failing, well that's perfectly okay because the whole goal of it is to learn what works and what doesn't. And the ones that do work are able to reinvest and grow it even bigger. And that benefits the community as well, right? Because we're going
be putting the profits into the BLESS LP. So this is exactly how I have been framing get to everyone I've talked to outside of Web 3 is we're not trying to build one product and try and make it the best product of the world
We're trying to build the best social club. We're trying to build the best membership pass and in return by building these little products, we want them to be self-sustaining and grow slowly as opposed to trying to grow super fast like a tech startup. And so we're taking both of our experiences from the team and trying to build some
that is both sustainable and can grow. And we have a longer term vision than what maybe Web 3 and the crypto space can have as it's so volatile. So that's why we're also doing different products outside of Web 3 and tech outside of Web 3 down the line as well.
But yeah, feel free to come up and ask any questions. I'll let you Viva talk after. But yeah, if you have any questions about the platform or the future buildouts or what we have planned with indulgences, please feel free to come up and hand them a mic over to Viva.
Let's go. I'm incredibly jealous you guys got to hang out with coin. What's up man? If you want to come up, share anything, feel free. We didn't have a chance to go to NFT and YC, but whether it was that or a separate event, I know there's a lot of people in Philly currently out there for governance meetup.
and what not. But yeah, I'm incredibly jealous. Did you guys got to hang out? And for my end, I think now it's just- - It's funny because we in fact were literally going somewhere and we ran into coin. And it was just like, we just
like you want to come with us? He was like, "Yeah, let's go." So I always think it's when you're in New York and you run into someone not intentionally meet them, that's a sign that you have to meet because that's only happened to me twice in my whole life. Yeah, no, that she was really funny and it was actually the day before I met
out. I was walking, I was going to get a brunch or something, and I fucking ran into fat and she needed to get sick. And I'm a little pissed though because the day was moving out, I literally didn't get any sleep. I went to bed at like 2 a.m. that morning. Or I actually don't think I'd win the ball. I just packed on my shit through the bag and just
and then I went to sales meeting out late the entire week. But the M and I, you know, I got to talk to these guys and see a lot of insight and meet a lot of people in a short amount of time. And the one thing I've always appreciated about FEDA Sheen is he's always been transparent. He has a really good team, team around him, his Viva, Vivek.
He's not hiding anything, man. He's going to be transparent. He puts a space out there, which is a lot more than other people could say. I think if anything, a lot of these ideas he implemented with the cross-chain and everything really is. It's almost like he started a little too early.
I always have my full support, love these guys, and I'm a firm believer in what they're building. I would get more involved if I could, and I'm always going to show my support when I can, but I'm a huge supporter of what they're building and the transparency, and it's incredible to see so.
I appreciate you, Brother. Thank you for coming up. What's up, Ada?
How y'all doing today? I just want to say I've been doing a phenomenal job over the last couple of years. I've been following Fettuccini in this project since 2021 and I first found out that there's going to actually be some type of coming link between Ethereum and Cardano and I just
just gonna say it's been amazing. But one thing I would like to I'm curious about is when I look at a project, I'm always looking at that show long term value and then short term. And for the project, there's a lot of growth potential that you all have been developing
like nobody else in the space. But when we look at actual short-term current investor benefits, I just see that there's something missing from it now. When I, something's missing and one of the things I was taking a look
at everybody knows snake and everything else and they came out with the one part about the credit stake pool and I was curious does Angel Baby Hissport have a stake pool on Cardano or do they have anything like a validate of service on Ethereum?
That's a good question and something that we myself and Vivick have been discussing. It's far you look at our calls man. It's funny you brought it up because we were just talking about this yesterday actually and probably the day before and the day before it says it's something that we're really
So, it's all about the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the,#
most likely will end up happening, just a matter of when. And we have a certain amount of the blast token allocated to a state pool distribution. So whether it's in house or we come up with a partner state pool, then
there will be distribution of bless through that. Well that's great and I guess another question I have for you all in the team is when it comes to all the developments you all have and it seems like a lot of more on separate websites in the future is any plans to actually have all of the actual like the
The champion the genesis everything on one site. He's listening to our calls. Call Fedichine like like probably like a hundred times a day and it's like a hundred different things that say this is like one of the things that say like
One of our biggest pain points and it's absolutely recognized is that it's not really like the user journey isn't cohesive. It's you have to go here then you have to go here you have to go here and we're cleaning up we're in the process of cleaning up everything so you'll see our Twitter change.
our Discord change, you'll see our websites change over the coming weeks and it'll become a lot more easy to go through everything. So you'll be able to seamlessly switch back and forth between indulgences and genesis and our core website and the Demon website. So yes, you're very on track.
with what we're trying to do. It's funny you and AB down there. Every suggestion you guys make is like it's as if you listened to our most previous or our last call that we had. Yeah, I mean for me usually I just sit in the background and just analyze everything that's coming up so I definitely see everything
that you're going to direct your intake in is phenomenal and just keep up the great working. Once you get everything else ironed out and yeah based optimized the ecosystem is going to be phenomenal and nothing like this. I appreciate that. Yeah I really feel strongly about the way that we're building now.
I mean, just you could see the effect that Genesis alone has had in the space over the past few, over the past four weeks. 200,000 ADA is nothing to shake a stick at. It's a serious amount of liquidity that's being brought into our space. Not to mention the hundreds of users directly through the project.
and each of our other plans that we have coming soon, I think that we're really making our mark on this on the space in a positive way. Yeah, we want to we want to chose an or horse east the best way that we can and I think that once we do the weeb, now I think I know when we do
the rebrand towards chair bomb and we do the art upgrade that's going to be easy win for us when it comes to pulling a bigger east community pulling in east and a tee d jans and holders into the community as well as bringing a lot of people outside of web 3 into the social club because
a lot of the stuff we're building right we want to be able to actually work with people in our community and work with people that want to build alongside us in developing this tech out that we are building on these product lines. So once we have the Chairboard Rembrandt, once we go to the Chairboard Rembrandt, all the concerns of like these
user journey, the website is going to all get consolidated a lot easier to navigate. >> That's great. >> I mentioned this on our last call. When you have projects building out over the span of a couple years,
which everyone here for the most part has very quick expectations when it comes to their investment horizons. But the majority of projects, at least in the CNFT space, launched after like the very top of the bull market across all markets. So regardless of
of either the cycle that they've gone through, the ups and downs that they've gone through, 99.9% of the valuation of those teams, protocols and projects are down currently. When that money comes back into the space, because we're 311 days out from the next having, then where are people
will get invest and they're not going to go back and just assess 10,000 different PFP projects without stuff built out that's still applicable with the current time. But you also can replicate that just having a pop up NFT project and all of a sudden you have either the tech or different things built out in
with genesis specifically when I look at the use case of it, it does make it easier to move the eith over into eta or cordononate of tokens, but at the same time you have a catalyst where it's getting harder and harder to find on ramps and functional ways to transfer your currency or to swap
it on centralized exchanges. Now, it's not necessarily applicable globally at the moment, but I know in the US whether it was Binance redoing their website, you had to re-upload the terms of conditions. I had to recent my bank account, Coinbase is currently in a lawsuit with them. They're going after Kraken for the
staking and everything else, it's very apparent that it's being monitored and it's being difficult as far as like accessibility goes compared to what we had. And if we continue to trend in that direction, being able to directly swap it, eat the data without interfacing with a
Centralized Exchange, I think that that value hasn't been priced in yet. I don't even think it's really been considered by a lot of people that aren't looking at the implications of what these currencies do or how this economy is going to develop in tandem with the changes to come with traditional finance.
I'm beyond excited. I keep coming back to timing because whether it's the timing of the tech being built or the timing of the market turning up or the applicability of the things that you built within that market, either being more relevant than when you built them as opposed to an oversaturated
or something that's already been done or something that people can replicate and concept alone in a day. There are plenty of things that I think set projects like us apart in ABAHS or DHS or just Cherubim in general that whole umbrella and although
Although FET was early to the premise of cross chain, maybe by some definition, all the people that were early in just the cryptocurrency market to begin with had a lot of shit come from just about every critic and every confused journalist, everyone
One just does that they do do not see it. They don't understand the direction of things. However, if they kept paying attention and they applied themselves and gotten the mix, then not only would they understand it, but they could have taken advantage of that for about three full cycles at this point.
It's more so a product of time in necessity. But yeah, I know I tend to ramble on if you haven't heard me speak, but I think just the applicability of what these tools can do generates that continued focus for the project moving forward.
1000% and anything that we're going to be building will have a purpose. I feel like earlier on in the space, when we first dropped ABHS, we kind of
We're just doing collaborations here and there that didn't really further us collectively as a community. And I think that a lot of wasted time went to those. And I now feel a lot stronger in the fact that
Everything that we're doing has a purpose and it'll help us succeed as a collective group in some way. So I feel really good about everything that Viva just said and about the purpose of what we're building out now.
Does anyone else have questions feel free to come up and ask or if you want to say anything? We're also just about to pass a hundred tickets entered.
All right, if anybody doesn't, if nobody else has anything else to say, unless am I am I not hearing somebody because I see you guys reacting? No, I think you're good. I just didn't want to be that person that just ran for 10 minutes and immediately unbeknownst to keep
I can't take uncomfortable silence, but no, I think the lottery system is very straightforward, but it's a nice addition to everything else. And then, of course, if anyone has questions even after the space or if someone goes back to listen to it, are D.A.
are open. You can read me. I also forgot to mention that every winner every Wednesday and Sunday until the end of the year would get a demon head squad white this token to on top of the daily on top of the bonuses the surprise bonuses, which I think you guys are
going to be pleasantly surprised with when those drops. So you definitely want to take part to have a chance at winning those. But yeah, I'll let Vivic and Viva close out with a state of an each and then we'll close out the space. I'm excited for everything that we're doing.
building the building in the next three to six months.
start to see what I was brought in to do and then also what we've been working on in the back end for months now. And I guess the last thing is we want to make sure that not only does the community know but also people outside the community understand the work that
being put in behind the scene. So we're going to start recording some of our meetings. We won't share what's actually being said in them, but like speed them up, have some videos across like us working together. We forgot to do that when we were in New York. We were supposed to showcase us working like 40 hours or whatever.
But we're just so in the grind that we forgot, but also showing the process behind everything, right? With the branding, we've asked Katrina to take notes on the process with the events that Mike is planning, right? He's actually texting us every day and we can share those out and how he's thinking about
how we do these events. It comes to the music side. I'm actually going to be going to the studio with Richard Richey on Wednesday and we're just able to show the whole process for every single touch point from us. We don't want it to be where we just launch our product and that's it. We want the whole community
We end outside the community to feel like they're part of this journey because it's a journey for all of us, right? Like everyone that bought angels way before cross-chain was even a discussion, a lot of them are still here, right? And so we want you all to feel as if you're part of that journey because you are.
Well said, Vivek, and for mine, I'll try and keep it concise, but I always talk about this space or anything that actually brings value or that's worth doing. It's a game of endurance. So when you are so desensitized to quick money to fast return,
I think a lot of the people that I've spent time with in the NFT space over the last two years compared to my time in crypto before. It was a very odd paradigm shift to then have everything start to go down. But the people that understand their end goal, their
principles, business, budgeting, and not getting stagnant, not being complacent, not pulling the rug. Those are the individuals that I still see here. And they're still building, regardless of what time in the cycle or what time in the year it is. And then the end of it.
innovative ideas, they take time. And usually you wind up being early or to a point where people don't quite understand why they're important yet. But I've always said that I invest in concepts and ideas first and then I invest in team second. ROI is just a byproduct
of understanding what the space needs, whether you understand it before they do, it doesn't matter. The end result is still the same. So, you know, just in general, whether it's within cherubum or within your own portfolio, your own decision making, you know, approach it with that same mindset.
set of it is a game of endurance and I know fat and vivic and everyone up here and down listening could probably give your own, you know, sycophist journey of pushing the boulder up the hill every day since you've entered this space and it still gets hard. But the fact that progress is being
made makes me so incredibly excited for not only the rebrand but this entire year to come. So thank you to FET for all that you do and for trusting us to do what we do and to everyone else, you know, we'll be here every single day, pushing forward and fighting to bring a better ecosystem forward
And just something funny to close out the space to you. You might have seen that indulgences was on our roadmap from way back when. And this wasn't the original intention of what indulgences was going to be. This came from a conversation with our
developers and their capabilities and what they wanted to release and one with VIVIC and was really like a quicker release of version of indulgences that we're going to be really happy with in the future. But the original intention of indulgences that still become
a new name. I think that this was a little bit more fitting of a name for this one. So we decided to steal the indulgence name and put it on this activation instead of the future one that's coming up that formerly known as indulgences. But yeah, we've got some awesome
things rolling. Genesis, keep using it. Let's try to break that million-aida mark. I think we'll do that before the end of the year. Exodus, we, I don't know, that should be like a week or two probably to release that.
upcoming, what's it called, art upgrade is going to be September, give or take. The clothing line is going to be released in September as well. We're trying to center this around NFT Las Vegas, so we just come in with the bang clothing line
art upgrade, everything rolling all at once. So I think that that's a serious time for us. You're going to see some major waves and this is the this is the calm before the storm for the charibur. So thank you guys for listening. Thank you for being along the ride. It's been a long ride, but we're going to be going for
Many years to come and we're excited about it as excited as when we first launched, if not more, especially with this new track that we found in this conviction that we have in what we're building. But I appreciate you all and we will talk soon. Peace, everyone. Peace.