Insights and Innovations: Exploring New Dex Fronti

Recorded: June 22, 2023 Duration: 0:30:51




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Good morning, good afternoon and good evening. Welcome to another edition of Sellers AMA. And today we have two special guest with us.
from FORGE contributor and Cody, the head of community from FMOS, have joined us this lovely evening to speak a bit about
What's going on with forge and ethmos and things that we can expect from their ecosystem? So without much further ado, see you and Cody. Thank you for joining us.
Hey, this is close. Speaking. Thank you for having us. It's a pleasure to be here.
Okay, so let's get started. Maybe what we can do is just give us a quick round of introductions about yourself and the projects that you represent. Okay, I'll start on this. So my name is
I'm from the Orwell-Lapes team and a Forge contributor. So Forge is a joint effort between the Orwell-Lapes and the FMOS-DOW in the FMOS-Chain. And it's a community-funded DEX, it's a Univ3
We're one of the most advanced decks in the cosmos and we deployed with concentrated liquidity and we've made an effort to provide the best infrastructure we can for EVMOS.
My name is Cody. I'm the head of community for the of most core development team and you know, I've most one of the things that we really strive for is you know making lives easier for everyone that comes from an explorer perspective.
of just looking around using the chain, or that comes from a validated perspective, or a builder perspective, we're a very future forward looking and looking to make things easier for everyone as of most develops.
I think I can speak more about Forge. So right now it's a community funded effort so the EFMOSDAO has helped FMOS acquire some new protocols like through Forge with all
been working on attracting new protocols to launch. Some of the recent ones is Reverit Finance, which we also helped pass a community proposal and they're now live on EFMOS. This is a deep analytics tool for liquidity providers, so people that are currently
providing liquidity to Forge can use the benefits of this platform. Then we've also brought along Steer Protocol, which is an automated liquidity manager for users. It's also live on ephemus and compatible with Forge at the moment. So any user that provides liquidity there can
and automatically manage their positions and makes it easier for everyone. So now, like, we're continuing to build new partnerships and our interesting thing about Forge is that even with low levels of liquidity, thanks to concentrated liquidity,
manage to get some of the best suprating evmos, we don't have much slippage because of content trade liquidity and in terms of our pulls where even a similar rate as most is so it's very encouraging to see the effect of content trade liquidity in evmos and we hope to continue attracting
talent and more people into our protocol. Interesting. So what sets forge, which is based on F-MOS apart from other Dexas in terms of technology or maybe product features user experience?
Okay, the fact of the forge leaves inside of FMOS and we can harness the technology from the chain already sets us apart because it's able to interact with both the EVM and the cosmos side. So we also decided to bring some of the best features from
a theory by fork in univ3 and this comes with things like concentration, liquidity, adjustable fee, tier, single, side, liquidity, provision and some others. And this way, like through concentration, liquidity, we can maximize the efficiency of capital allocated and the
platform allows users to concentrate everything they have in a very small range. So their capital is always going to be in use if they apply the best strategy. So here, unlike other decks like Osmosis where you're providing the credit in the full range, you're concentrating it
and it's extremely efficient. The best example would be in a stable coin pair where trades are going to happen usually between the 0.99 and 101 price range. So if you manage to concentrate all the liquidity
you're providing to that range, then you're going to have the most efficiency possible, and this is what's happening in other assets as well. We've had users learn a bit about the content-trail liquidity in Cosmos, and we're having amazing results. Also, we chose to follow up different
strategies and other decks is in the past. So we have a big focus on liquid-take assets and this is we also made a partnership with Stride and we decided to make STF most of the base pair for the decks. What this enables us to do is
to allow users to still enjoy the APRs of changing cosmos. Like, FMOS has a very high APRs, so it was in the past it could be a bit difficult to pair it with defy protocols, but with this focus on
Liquid take pass, people can have their APR while still using their assets in DeFi. So it's something that we're pushing towards to and it's gonna have a great effect in EFMOS because it's the best of two worlds. You can use your tokens while enjoying the APRs.
Interesting. So we all know that Unisop has recently released the version 4 which has two major optimizations, Hooks and Singleton. What impact do you think Unisop V4 will have on the DeFi industry and how can Forts
Maybe leverage on Ubisoft V4 to introduce some new different features, for example. >> Yeah. So hooks and singleton provide way more flexibility than what's available in Unity 3. Like hooks, for example, will allow developers to add custom contracts to pulls.
And it makes it possible to target a specific portion of the cycle of the pool. So instead of what currently happens in Unity 3 where the pool is created, you add liquidity and then the sequence goes on, you're going to be able to add events within the function. So what this will allow is to do
something like an automatic dollar cost average into a position or to create dynamic fees that adjust based on volatility or even limit orders built on chain. So all of these some of these features are already available through 13
providers like through other protocols as an addition to to univ3 deployment, but to be able to have everything in a single platform at security and also in process like user experience. So this is something we're open to exploring the future. As of now we deployed this univ3 fork when
the license expired because we couldn't go through the process of governance, but this is something we're completely open to in the future. Like if the community in EFMA wants to go through UNICEF governance and acquire a license for EFMA, it would be something amazing.
we could explore all of these opportunities as well. For the moment, we've partnered with Reverit and Steer to help add some of the features to Forge, as it's a Univ3, but in the future we're hoping to add these natively.
So Cody, is there any intention of bringing Unisop over to F-MOS?
Yeah, you know, there's there's been a lot of speculations about that and you know, will Edmos bring in the uni swap or but I think that was you know originally intention and who knows future forward thinking it might happen but Edmos
I believe at this point in time is more concerned on the deliverables and the innovation that comes around Uniswap Uniswap Uniswap Uniswap Uniswap, we have other awesome teams like Forge that take advantage of Uniswap Uniswap Uniswap Uniswap Uniswap Uniswap Uniswap Uniswap Uniswap Uniswap Unisw#
So will it happen in the future? I have to say it very well might it may not but we're definitely looking forward to seeing other teams come and contribute on EVMOS and capitalize on Univ3 and potentially even Univ4 in the future whether that is or is that Univ5 who knows at this point.
Thanks for the answer. So let's get back to you. So you mentioned security earlier. Would you guys see a protocol? What sort of measures do you guys have in place to ensure the security of the chain and the protocol that you are in, for example?
Yep, so for us, what we've deployed is a modified UNIV3 contract. So we have like all the security audits and everything that UNIXWAP did. It's one of the most battle tested protocols out there. So we pretty much have the same levels of security as them as we brought this to F.
Then also one of the different things about Forge, aside from other Dexes, is that we don't have a token and we don't charge protocol fees. So a lot of vulnerabilities may also come with issuing a token from the Dex, which is something we don't do.
And we also partnered with Stride for the assets that are going to be inside of Forge. For example, the STF must that we're promoting and we set us a base pair and we believe Stride has taken some great measures for security and they're continuing to improve on this. So we feel it's a
very robust protocol in terms of security. Nice. And Cody, how about FMOS? How does FMOS approach security of the chain? Yeah, security is something that we take very highly. When it comes to on-chain
security that's a little different because you know, cosmos and sovereign L1 chains and ethernet and all that. They're fairly secure at the gate, but you know moving past, you know, just typical chain security and audits because we've had
you know, ongoing audits and previous audits, we have we've had bounties in our testnet, we had security vulnerability bounties and we've had plenty of other different initiatives that we put up for, you know, on-chain security, but looking past the chain even as a core development team.
We require physical authentication keys on our person for different kind of accounts and login access. We take security very, very seriously. >> All right. It's always good and reassuring to hear that people take security seriously.
or whether it's a protocol of luck chain because security is definitely a key thing in this space. Okay, so getting back Ethereum has done its merge and L2s have started gaining in popularity. Has that had an image
impact in the development of the Cosmos ecosystem and what is your view on the current relationship between Cosmos and Ethereum? Yeah, so like any advance in Ethereum, it's of course the biggest blockchain and the biggest space in terms of
But any advanced in Ethereum actually may inspire people from Cosmos to more development and more integrations. And this is something we see with EFMOS, for example, where EFMOS acts as a bridge between the IBM and Cosmos. So it's actually encouraging because anything we have new in Ethereum,
There's potential to bring that into the Cosmos side. So, ephemeral, for example, has a cross-chain thesis where the protocol is being built to interact with other chains through shared security. And this is something extremely important because you get to use the different specific point
of a value of different chains, all through the same chain like FMOS right now is working on the EVMP compiles which enables these to a different level and it's very encouraging to be able to access all of this. The fact that something is happening in Ethereum doesn't exclude cosmos from it because you have a chain like FMOS work.
It will help you interact with all of this. When it comes to forge, we always try to provide the most advanced capabilities. And we brought Univ3 from Cosmos, but we're also working from Ethereum. And we're also working on some features to better fit it to the
a Cosmos site. So for example, integrating with Kapler and this will enable us to attract these users and connect them between both sites. So any development, whether it's in Ethereum or the L2s, is encouraging for Cosmos as well.
Nice, your customers has definitely been around for quite some time and they've definitely done a lot of great things in this space. So it's good to see a lot more things happening on the customer's ecosystem at this point in time. And also what we recently noticed is that Apple's
was organizing an EVM extension hackathon hosted by I think it was DoraHex. Could you maybe share any interesting innovations that you observed during that hackathon or what types of experiments or attempts do you encourage developers to explore an F-MOS?
Yeah, so that's the that's the that's the crocs here isn't it with you know, at most being an EVM everyone's you know talking about a bridge between the EVM and Cosmos or you know other people talk about bridges between
and you know, one place it, you know, token A and token B or whatever, but at most exists mainly as a bridge of talent and developing and getting people, you know, from Ethereum developer world into the Cosmos developer world and in Cosmos
even into the EVM developer world because both ways. And I think that as we come out with the tools and utilities to make lives easier for people, you'll see a little bit more adoption going both ways. And I think in the future, you might see some well known cosmos development
developers may be developing EVM extension related stuff. And you might see the EVM developers that come leverage EVM extensions for Cosmos get more into Cosmos, I think. In the future, you're going to see a lot more cross-chain and interchain development, which that would be amazing for everyone.
So speaking about cross chain, I know FMOS and FW are both partners of seller. Maybe because you guys share what your collaboration with seller is like currently and what the future plans are in terms of how you planning on working together with seller.
Moving ahead. Yeah, so for us we partnered with seller for like first of all, thanks for hosting us here. It's very welcoming for you to give us this space to talk and the seller is one of the major providers of breached assets to FMOS. So for us, it's very important
important to have as a DEX, it's very important for our users to be able to come easily into FMOS. So what Cellar is doing is allowing them with allowing users to come with very reduced fees. Like we've seen comments from our community that in some occasion Cellar has been
has had a great difference in terms of fees for bridging assets into FMOS. So this is encouraging. And in the future, like we would also like to maybe incentivize some polls if it's together with seller or something like this. But yeah, we want this partnership to keep on growing and expand the areas we're working at.
Yeah, exactly that. These partnerships and integrations are all about collaborative works and seeing what can be contributed to each other to make the entire ecosystem stronger. When you talk about simple integrations and you talk about
of transactions between different places and stuff. A lot of times the focus is on, oh, it's a new team or oh, it's a well-known team or whatever, it's an integration. But at the end of the day, it's about the collaborative process to help push all parts of the protocol forward.
Yes, definitely in the space working together makes a lot more sense than going at it alone. Is there any insights that you could provide our listeners in terms of what your upcoming plans are with regards to new features or
technological expansions on both FMOs. Yeah, so for us, when we deployed the protocol, we were very attentive of feedback that people would provide. So every problem or every request that people had, we
We took a note of it and we started compiling a document that would give us a roadmap of what people wanted to add to the platform or any improvements. So we're currently working on that compiling something where we could deploy a second version of Forge where we address all the issues or the request that we
people may have had and deployed to improve the user experience and make forage better overall for FMOS. So that's the current plan. We're revising this feedback, determining which points are the most important and starting work on that.
Yeah, we've got a ton of stuff going on on the EVM side on technology, developments and stuff like that. Our main focus right now is on the new EVM extensions, which we've talked about quite a bit. We talked about it in Gateway. We've done some presentations on it and some live demos and stuff like that. But with EVM extensions, we're hoping
to let that bidirectional flow swing Cosmos in the EVM be leveraged even more and more specifically the IBC function so that the anything on the EVM can access the wider Cosmos giving everyone larger and more grand use cases.
I'm actually an early adopter on F boss, so I use it quite a bit and I stake as well. So it's good to see the F boss is actually starting to
to get moving a bit more in comparison to the past. And looking forward to what you guys are going to be rolling out in the near future, that's for sure.
So that's pretty much all the questions I have on my side. Maybe we'll take some questions from our audience. So if anybody has a question, I would like to ask our guests for today. Please raise your hand and I'll invite you on stage.
Does anyone have any questions?
Please raise your hands and I'll get you on the stage so you can ask our guests for today. The questions that you have.
Okay, I'm not seeing any questions from our audience at the moment. What do you guys think of the current crypto space at the moment in terms of what's going on with regards
to Bitcoin's movement. I mean, you can't really speculate on anything, but at least something confirmed that happened like it's the BlackRock filing for a bit going into F. I feel like
This is very encouraging for the industry. They have one of the best track records at getting ETFs approved. So I think this is moving some momentum and then some other investment funds that follow on filing their own ETFs. So I think this is good news and very encouraging for the industry.
Yeah, I would I would tend to agree with that. I think one of the most encouraging things is who exactly is moving on it like you said with BlackRock They have a lot of political power
And BlackRock making a move like this makes people more optimistic for regulations, especially in the United States and what that future looks like. So I mean, I think that that's probably the most promising aspect of it.
Yeah, I tend to agree. So I'm looking at it more in terms of basically the traditional rails and how it's going to connect with the crypto rails in terms of that movement. So that's more my
you on it. But thank you guys for joining us today. I don't really have any questions and I don't see any questions from our audience at the moment. So without much further ado, I think we can call it a night.
Thank you very much. Thanks guys for joining us and to everyone listening, please join us again on another seller AME. Thank you for joining us this evening. Good morning, good afternoon and good evening, wherever you are in the world. Have a great day.
- To you everyone, thanks.