Inspect Council Welcomes Waleswoosh 🔥

Recorded: April 21, 2023 Duration: 0:52:18



Testing 1, 2. Are we here?
How you doing, whale?
And good, thank you. Are you?
the space let people come in.
What's up everybody and welcome to today's inspect space. I just want to thank you all for joining us today and coming to hang out with us. I'm Oliver and I'm here with our new community council members, Whale Swoosh and Elina, both of whom need no introduction. And yeah, I just want to say really excited and genuinely
happy to be here. We got a great space upon the head and it's going to be a lot of fun. Quickly before I pass the torch on just a quick public service announcement. For those of you that don't know us, inspect is just the best social intelligence platform in Web 3 right now. And if you haven't already, go download our tool
bar at We got some really incredible and exciting things in store for you all this year. I'm not going to give too much alpha right now. So why don't I just give it over to Whale Swoosh and Elina? Why don't you tell us a bit about how you guys got involved with us and a little bit of your background story.
- Yelena, do we want to go first? - I'll make it go first.
All right, first of all, thank you so much for having us. I think it's really a great opportunity today to kind of go more in-depth into this community console role that's both Elina and I are taking part within NFT inspect. Maybe we'll have time to answer a few questions.
from the audience later. But yeah, we're looking forward to it a little bit about my background with NFT inspect. When you know my content, you know that I use NFT inspect for quite a while, especially when it comes to researching communities and their presence on Twitter.
Yeah, the thranks, the strengths of their community members. That's something I really always was interested in. So when, when NFT inspecting, it brought me a few, a few weeks ago about joining the console. I really, when it was excited to do so.
I think NFT and Speck is a great platform for Web3 and I think it's valuable for Web3 and it's so blit that this collaboration maybe brings even more value to the community to Web3. I think that would be, I think that's the goal of this collaboration.
Awesome, awesome. Alina, how about you? I'm actually very excited about this collaboration that we have and our role in the community council members for NFT Inspect.
I started writing threads or anything I used to use on a team spec to learn about different communities because like the thing about an FT is if you're a good content creator who's consistent you're going to be on that list. So it was very easy.
for me to find information and find content, so the way of writing that I enjoyed from NFT Inspection tool, and after that I kind of started writing my own threads and got reached out by the NFT Inspection team a couple days ago, and when
I talked to them. It was like a whole different experience because they told me how the new NFT-inspec team is now all going to be about the community and there's like so many exciting announcements and partnerships coming up so I'm actually very excited about this collaboration.
When you guys started off using the platform, we can say you really started from the bottom and ended up in the top 10 in our inspect platform. Why don't you tell us a little bit about that interaction?
I think Elina had a great feedback then, which says started from the bottom now here and it featured a picture of her atop of NFT inspect. I pretty much felt the same like when I started out last year, it was really a slow
climbed to where I am today at the beginning or at the end of last year, I had less than 10,000 followers. And really the first time where I really saw that there's something special here when I went top two or top two.
in maybe even the top spot on NFT inspect, but what really the first time where it really clicked for me and where I saw, hey, maybe there's really some stuff here and maybe you're on the right path. So that's like my first wheel interaction with NFT inspect.
Um, well for me, I started using Twitter just to like find information about certain projects, announcements that were bullish or like things like that. And during that time, I'll like tweet out like certain things like once a day or some random thing. And after that,
And I started tweeting out daily rewinds because I thought that's something that's really going to help people and it's educational. And there wasn't anyone out there posting things like that. But then a couple of weeks I saw myself getting up towards the top.
And that's when I realized I got so many DMs and everything and they're like, oh my god, your content really helps and things like that. So yeah, that's when I actually started seeing like the how NFT inspect like benefits people in like getting more reach, getting more
more eyes on them, even if your content is really good. Sometimes it's really hard to get a reach on that content. And I feel like NFT and SPAC really helped me in that way. And when I was like, we were doing a Twittering out more threads every single day, and it really helped with that.
Yeah, and if you want to admit it or not like every calling creator is looking at it looking at NFT inspect no matter how big you are like I looked at it when I when I had two K followers and I'm still looking at today because it's always like a good indicator Selena set on how how your content is performing more than just likes and and we do
reach with this great as well, but something like the global reach is still more in-depth. So yeah, I think it's especially when you're currently creating a space and you're looking to grow and to create content, I think it's really an important platform.
Did you guys ever see yourself being at the top of the platform?
I was on Tower to Blood, when I think it was a few days after I signed the signed with Suzuki for the research and residence. Well, I remember being on a space together with them. And while we're on the space, he
told me, "Hey, Whale, you just reached number one on NFT inspect." I stayed a four-year-old for a few days. I remember that moment when Dem told me that I'm number one on NFT inspect.
Well, for me, I think when I first started using NFT, I didn't think I'd be on top of the list because I used to see like, Frank D. Godds, Minister of NFTs, and like all these amazing people. And I was like, "Oh my God, it would be such an honor to
to be on top of that list. And it was really amazing and exciting experience for me when I got signed with Zuki and after that I also similar to Well, I saw on that list top 5. So I thought that was really good.
Why don't you guys tell us a little bit about how a community can play a big role in Web 3 social intelligence and how you see that playing out with NFT inspect.
Yeah, so like my big thesis about NFTs has always been that it's community first whether you're building a project or you are a clinic reader. I think it's so important that you put your community in the first place I always think about how you can provide value to them like when you look at the big
projects who are successful right now, I think that's really strategy that brought for all of them, really providing value to their audience and to the holders, to the community. So yeah, and especially when it comes to strong communities in the space, I think the top ranked
community is on an if to inspect pretty much correlate with the top rages in the space. You see body piaque left there mutinate left at the zoo key of course. Cepi seals are very very strong as well and D-guards. So it's it's always good
like whether you're a trader or really just trying to make content or running a successful project, I think it's important that you're saying touch with your community and if the insight gives a good feeling of not only your community but also how your community is performing in comparison to other communities.
Okay, so yeah, I completely agree that for every single project community is very important because like you're like everything about your NFT is dependent on your holders your community so it's like it's important for the founders to be like
I'm aware of what the community wants and I think I have to inspect it's like a very good tool to see like which members of your communities are doing well or like what kind of content they're pushing or like Like in general like how strong is your community and it also helps
like for founders to like be in touch with those community members and like get other community members to like post similar kind of content or like take similar approaches to even like push their contents even up like out even more. So I do feel like community plays like an important role if we're like any project.
When we bring some people on in the stage and see what everybody has to say, love in the community action and we're all about community here. Let's hear from you guys.
Alright, so I'll go ahead. Let's hear it from me. First of all, congrats, whale, congrats, Alina, massive doves for I would say, NFT inspect, not for you guys, you guys are absolutely crushing it, but this was a great pick up to say the least. So I'm definitely bullish as
fuck now. And what's funny, one of my first threads, I used to write threads a lot before I went and jumped heavily on spaces. Yeah, I'm like the grandfather now. But yeah, back in the day. But now I do have these spaces. But one of my first threads about tools was NFT and specs.
And I covered a lot of it and I can say like from the top of my head. So like there are a few things that people can use to like really take advantage of an iftinspect like for the first things like if you go in the first page you see like the top daily movers and Movers have been like pf
P changes like the amount of people that have changed BFBs it has a direct correlation with the floor price so if you see like a Movement there like it's trending for like two days or two three days you will see the floor price go up like directly like I have witnessed it multiple times and I was taught I even like gave a live example of
a space. So that's a really powerful tool. Second also like you know one of the biggest things is like you get to really empower the community members that are really like championing your project. So like in this case like for example, Izuki you have Alina and Whale, you have like in the if you look at the bean
It's all the golden beans and yeah, we're out here golden beans. We're in the crowd We pull up in numbers and yeah, you know I showed up they showed up we're here But yeah anyways back to what I was saying so like you know if there's a lot of things that that can be done from like just the project page alone like if you see like
What communities people are coming from to X community and why are they leaving and why are they going to? If you analyze it on a broader scale, there's so much data that can be used by project founders, even communities in general.
For example, regular people is like, "Who do I want to connect with?" And there you go, go on that list. Those are the people you want to connect with because those are the guys that are making the most noise. And yeah, anyways, back to you guys, but again, massive dubs for NFT Inspect, congrats, whale, and Alina, let's fucking get it.
Let's go thank you, thank you demon and it's just you may really really great point like when you when you go on NFT inspect you really see like the big accounts in in each community and I think that gives a good indicator on who maybe as you said to connect
or who look up to in this community who ask for advice on the collection or stuff like that. So really great point. And one of the things I'm really excited about.
Let's go to the next 10. We got Rainy up here from the youths profile. I don't know how you ranked in the youths' NFT inspect ranking, Rainy, but I guess you're on top.
I think I was second at one stage, it was me and Smoker I wanted to, I think I've dropped out to five now. But I'm gonna get back on that grind now. But congratulations on the new role. I want to ask a question to Bo-Ki as I wanted to say, what advice would you give to small time creators right now?
One point you remember looking at yourself at 2000 followers and I obviously maybe your rank was smaller on NFT inspect then what advice would you give them and What contribution do you think you can make to the community now that you use on the console and what changes would you like to see at inspect?
Yeah, I think when it comes to small creators, I think something like upcoming accounts or accounts that really maybe small accounts but whichever high reach compared to the following I think that might be something interesting I haven't talked with NFT inspect about it yet, but when I
when I think about useful tools that could be one thing because I think there are many great accounts out there which will produce great content which don't have a lot of followers so I think that might be something cool because if you try to rank in the top 10 that's hard without the lot
of a lot of followers. I think the first time I got in the top 10, I had like 15,000 so it's really hard for small accounts so maybe we can try something like that. I don't want to want to put too much pressure on NFT inspect here, I want to public forum but I think that would be a nice idea.
I'm going to answer any questions. I just want to add on to what you said. So I feel like if you're a small content creator, you need to find a niche that you really enjoy.
And you can make it your own way, like use your own way.
own words and put it out in a way where it matches your personality. And you feel like consistent enough, I can assure you that it's going to blow up at one point and you're going to be on top.
Let's go to to legendary not a great great con creator, which I saw a lot of his his treats recently a lot of great threats. So legendary go ahead Thank you and GM. Thank you for the kind words. Just wanted to add to that to be
the question, you know, what small content creators can do. I think what Yusad Elina like finding your niche is so very important. It was a couple of days ago that I came across like a content creator. I don't remember the name, like I will look for the thread and share it if I can find the next couple of minutes. They had like
two three K followers and really we're looking for a niche for their threats to share and kind of tapped into a couple of Japanese NFT influencers and catered the content to make it more interesting and appealing to them and started to pick up a lot of volume
in that sub community, the loads of retweets and basically increased the reach massively by that, that they managed to break into the top 100 with 2-3k followers and just experience that trickle down effect from there when the global reach
was big enough that they made it into quote unquote the mainstream NFT Twitter section so to speak and managed to build their whole account from there. And I think like NFT InSpec can be a great tool especially if you look at the top couple of hundred and try to identify what communities or subcommutes
is there from there's like so many niches that people are not catering their content to that you can leverage and foster as a smaller content creator when you specify and really target that content for that specific niche to to grow from there.
Yeah, I agree. And I think there's like, Eileen and I both talk to the new team of NFD inspect. And I think there's a lot of, a lot of, they're really open to requests of the community, to stuff that they want to see improved. Like, it's really about the community focus. So I think
spaces like this one where we discuss with people I think are really a great benefit to to find have ideas to find ideas so it's really about rolling out the new the new NFT inspect I don't know how to call it NFT inspect 2 or an experience big V2 which is more about or even more about
like community focus so I think that's cool. I got Jimmy up on stage next. I guess I already know what your question is based on your profile picture but go ahead anyway. Come on man don't get ahead of me. What's going on whale? Elena you guys are legends much respect to you guys.
I've gotten to talk to you guys before, specifically on this topic. So, animated digital collectibles. We know we have a lot of really great communities based around those, namely, invisible friends, you have cleaner source, most recently, Adam Mabes.
They take advantage of the full body to show motion. The one thing is that the perception of breach is hurt because we tend to use the close-up PFPs versions of the art that we collect.
plans or any ideas on how we can somewhat recognize those alternate versions of a PFP or collections like that. Because we definitely have a lot of those projects, they have really strong active communities. It's just not translated very well in NETS, he inspects currently. Any thoughts on that?
Yeah, it's funny. I saw, I don't know when I think two days ago, I had an exchange with Marcus on Twitter. And after that, I talked to the team and they actually said that they are working on it. It's kind of hard to, how to implement because it's a lot of death work behind that, but they're really working on it right now.
I think at least what they said to me when we talked, that's something they are working on. And I think it's important because, like I said, invisible friends is a great community, Klingasaurus and Saul is really making waves right now. And I think it would be important to integrate
great those communities into NFT inspect as well. So I hope to see this feature soon. And as the team said, the DEFs are already working on it. So I hope we will see it being rolled out soon. Love it guys. NFT inspect huge frosty you guys on reaching
out to Wales and Alina. You guys are big brains for that. So thank you for the opportunity. I'll be hopping out now. Later guys. Have a good day. Thank you, Jamie. Have a good day. We'll go on to Kielano with a psychedelics and
Thank you very much.
posted about it recently and we've seen all the drama on the June charts that we have like five or seven thousand active one it's right but for me for example I haven't taken a trade in a couple of weeks right but I'm still on Twitter I'm still active etc and I think there's a lot of benefits of using NFT in spec2
go on or all these data of people were actually active in the web 3 and that could be a much more positive number compared to people who are actually taking trades because in this market, you know, not a lot of people want to risk their money right now, but I think an advantage in spec can paint like a really different picture with active accounts, you know,
So do you know if that's something that's maybe in the works or that you could have influence on? I think we can give it to the team. I have talked like around that. It's yet, but I think NFTN's biggest lesson
and they're, I think, integrating this community council shows that they are focused on community right now. So I think, yeah, I think I can comment on that, but I think it will come into fruition soon.
No pressure on you, no pressure of course.
So let's go to to Schnäffler. I was on his space earlier today. Young kid 17 years old, but already crashing it with his beans. Perfect picture. Go ahead man.
appreciate you letting me up well congratulations well Elina on the council inspect them very glad you guys did this I think I have a really quick
Question for Lena and you well if you were to start your your your account again from zero What's something that you do to regain attention?
I want you to want to answer that I think I answered this question already on his faces. So what's the question that I would have done differently? Yeah. So when I first started,
It took me a while to find what kind of content I wanted to create. So I used to like put out different kinds of things and I was trialing and airing a lot for like two months and after that I figured out like what kind of content
is working. So I feel like if I was trying to start out again, I would see like what kind of contents are like working. Like what kind of content is getting a lot of reach and make my content towards that? That makes sense.
Yeah, we're getting.
Yeah, I think that's the same for me. Like when you start out and you try to improve your content, it's really a long journey to make it from your early beginnings to really creating good stuff. Like when I looked back at my early threats, they weren't really great.
Yeah, I think that's that's great advice. Let's go to to primal key and then to demon with the next next question. Hey, well, thanks for taking my question. Congratulations to you and Leah. Is there a way we can see the number of times our PF P's been seen or the
I'm gonna make a metric to show us that because you know what I've noticed is like I'll go like real volatile like I think I was at 5% like a couple days ago and I felt a in the 3% but I noticed I got shadow banned by Twitter so I'm thinking my pfp is being seen less and it would be interesting to see if there was a metric that said your pfp was seen like 3000 times a day
a real time that alerts me, but it must alert me that something is going wrong with me being seen. That's actually really interesting. We haven't thought about doing something like that before, but it definitely is an interesting feature that I think it would be useful to the community. That's kind of why we're bringing in people like
like whale and alaina because of the community that you guys have and we really want to, we want to make this a community, we want to make this tool for the community so ideas like this are always welcome and really appreciated. If anyone else helps us ideas like this, feel free to reach out where always here.
Let's go. You're just hearing Mike, which is the charge of marketing and NFT inspect for those people who don't know yet. We just join us. Let's go to Demon. Yeah, welcome Mike.
Welcome Mike, but yeah, what I was gonna say is like this is really cool to see from you guys like you know the team really this in the trenches listening from the community and you know first your first two hires like that's fucking crazy like you weren't for like the top fucking big dogs for the council like bullish as fuck on the count
But also to the point of like you know improvements and like features like this is something I wanted to bring up to the old people like whoever they were They're not gonna make it but you guys definitely are Because you guys are here. So anyway, so back to what I was saying is like one thing that would be really cool
like a price pool for like with partnerships with other projects for like let's say the person with the highest like uh let the highest jump the project with the highest reach could get XYZ so like gamifying the experience and like I don't know how what would be the best way to do it for you guys but I think gamem
This whole thing is definitely the move because like that's one thing that was missing is like yeah sure We are getting all this data and everything. It's great But one thing that it was never like appreciated like one thing super spaces I think they're in the audience shout out to you guys They do it really well. It's like they will always
like they'll do this price thingy for like the biggest mover, the highest reach, all that stuff. And it's really cool. Well, you're getting appreciated by just doing what you do. And that could work really, really well for an 15 spec. And I think if it's utilized right, that could just
work wonders. So yeah, that's just my two cents. For sure, and I definitely really appreciate it. And that is our focus, like I said earlier, we're being more community focused. We want to bring on the top people who are using the tool, people in the community in general. And that is definitely something that we can look at.
in the future. It would, it's a little tricky in how we can do that effectively, but definitely super open and we're going to explore any and all opportunities. It just needs to make sense for the whole community and everyone using it. We'll definitely figure that out. And I'll keep you updated. So appreciate that.
Let's go I'm excited to see this playing out. Let's go to with us
GM, darland. I love everybody up on the stage and in the audience goodness gracious what a wonderful space and Please forgive me I feel like I should know this and I feel like if I have this question there will probably be somebody in the audience that also has this
What is in fact? I'm so sorry. I like I don't I've never used it. I just tried to click on it and then it said I'd love to help me. In fact is the social intelligence tool for Web 3. It essentially gives communities and people look
And then also just seeing the top contributors of just top NFT, KOLs, creators, etc. on users.
using NFTs on Twitter and seeing how they run up against each other. So it's a social intelligence tool. Essentially like social blade for Web 2, social blade essentially for Web 3. And our goal is to create a product towards the community and create more products in the future to just help everyone with what they're doing.
Hopefully that answers your question. It definitely did. Thank you. I never want to pretend that I know something that I don't. So thank you so much. Yeah, and I think you might have seen like, screenshots of it, like a pinned one in the
red of a Lena. I think you might have seen a screenshot, even if you don't know the platform because it's getting closer quite a lot, maybe, maybe not. But I think many people post screenshots of that like when they're wearing high. So maybe you've seen it. Thank you for coming up and let's go to
Fetty, not a golden bean.
Yeah Mike, I see you. Okay, so yeah, shout out to you guys for taking over and you know the first two hires is a car drive, am I me? But the first two hires is a lane and whale or just like such a different tone. I feel like from previous ownership because like literally like edit
So I'm sure if Tinspect has had so much potential from the beginning, but I feel like they just didn't do it as much as they could have. So even just reaching out to two of the biggest names in the community who are here who can give feedback on what we actually want to see, I just think that's really cool. So yeah, shout out to you guys and excited to see what you cook up.
I guess so to be like, it's not glad well. Yeah, it's just fairly because it's so true. Like I always looked at NFT inspect like this platform is so much potential, but it's not to shit on the previous owners of course, but it felt
like they didn't have like division to really build this into more than more than what it was. So I think now with the new team I think it's this can really grow into something that's basically essential to the space in the space. So I'm really looking forward to it. I have to have something to add Mike.
No, all good. You're saying I appreciate the appreciate what you were saying. Our goal, like I said, is just to even touch on earlier the the objective is to develop tools that enable creators to monetize their content through partnerships akin to an upwork model. So that's kind of like where we want to even
take it further than just the people that we're involving. We're collaborating with these partners to just create this mechanism and establish ourselves as the home for the staff board. So we're excited that everyone's excited. We're excited to have people like Whale and Elena. We plan on having a lot more. So I appreciate all the kind words.
Let's kick it over to Legendary again. Another thing that I wanted to add and I was thinking about that could be very valuable to be able to track is, for example, if, I don't know, you will are talking about mainland, I'm mentioning mainland in a thread of yours just to have a feel
people who don't have like a captain or other PFP from mainlanders to PFP but talk about it or mention it to be able to track reach paired with those mentions. Think could be a very interesting metric to see people who don't have the PFP of that collection but talk about that collection.
reach they would have so that you would also be able to see like you know what communities are talking about other communities and like cannot be able to find out certain kinds of community relationships how they interact and overlap with one another. Interesting. So you're saying almost have like
like a second layer of people who maybe don't own the specific NFT, but based off of their tweets, who they're engaging with, et cetera, where do they rank up? Yeah, definitely interesting. Yeah. I'm not an engineer, so from a technical perspective, not sure how that would work, but I'm sure we can
figured out. Let's go. I like the idea as well. Let's go to Kileino again and then let's see who else is up in the stage. Yeah, I just wanted to mention some, I guess, more secondary benefits of NFT inspect, you know, so
I work at Binance and I organize spaces like on a weekly basis and you know, and I've to inspect is something I look at a lot because you know if I want to invite guests like I'm going to look at people have a good I guess audience right because it's all when good to invite your friends here and there but it's also really great all to as we know
discover people who are climbing the rank, right? So, for example, there is this lady called Jess, she has a really good space with a lot of, she always had a big audience. And when she started climbing up the rankings in both an FD inspect and super spaces as well.
That's how I discovered her. I think for people who want to host spaces and want to bring people who are really relevant in Web 3, then it's fantastic. That would be my one positive point. The second thing is well. Obviously that's more double-aged word. If you go up, you can also go down. Just like
or crypto bags. But I think for people who are, I guess like on the smaller accounts, we, I think someone mentioned earlier some account that had about 3000 followers and just made it to the top 10 last week. I think it's someone called Big Back and Bandit, we did a thread about Franklin's
unfortunate adventures, I think, and you know, he made it to the top 10 in an acting spec for the first time of his life, had like one to a thread that got like 700 game pressions. And I think it was a really great motivator to keep you motivated if I can say, you know, to make it a bit redundant because as you see your progress, I don't know, like I feel like
When you see progress, that's measurable and quantifiable. It also helps you to stay on track and really think, "You know what? I made it to the top 100. I want to make it to the top 90, to the top 50." And just like Elena posted, there is her pink weight of making it to the top 10 or something like that, right? I don't know. For me, just
makes me want to kind of stay on track and stay motivated even if your impressions might be down etc. You just like you know why there's a quantifiable metric here that just says I've worked hard and I've been rewarded for it and I think that's a fantastic initiative in general you know. Yeah very very true like
I remember when I started out, it was always motivating to see the top people on FD inspect and to try to cool down the ranks. At the same time, even though I'm community-counsel enough, when FD inspect, I think it's important that you don't focus too much on numbers. Because I talked to many, many conic groups.
who do great stuff but they were top 5 at some point and now they're top 50 and it's so you don't want to focus too much because it's not also not good for your mental health if you're always looking at numbers if you're stressed about moving one ring up or one ring down so I
I want to note this as well. But it's certainly motivating when you start out and see the top people and you want to move in the direction as well. I think that's great. Yeah, that's why it's double edge sword as well, right? It could be beneficial and you also have to remember that it's not what defines
as a person is alright. Yeah, exactly. Demon, go ahead. Yeah, well, I just wanted to add on to what you just said. Yeah, you know, you shouldn't be looking at numbers because if you're not first, you are last. So like you should be trying to go for the first position. If not, you're not going to make it
And the bar is high, they definitely set the bar high with Will and Lilina at the top. So good luck getting there, but you know where to go, you know what to do. But yeah, good luck to all of you. May the odds be in your favor because I will be competing and I'm back in the race. Baby, let's fucking get it.
Bro, you're getting everyone so hype looks like we might have a new member of the cause of non-killing. Maybe, I don't know. Let's go ahead to the next hand. It's self-wist, I don't know how to pronounce your name, but welcome up on the stage.
Yes, in order to I'm sorry twice.
It sort of means he who tries.
Also very it also that in sped with the triad, when you think in sped sent
February 2022 is really the awesome social tool. How would you get more involved with inspect?
city by long term members or
Yeah, sorry about that. I'll just jump in here. Yeah, and I appreciate that question. So we're going to be announcing as the weeks go by and very shortly, just how we're going to everyone in the community and just what are full on plan is to involve everyone.
just a small piece, bringing on whale in Elena. We want to do a lot more using their advice and their help and the rest of the community, but everything will be a lot more clear in the future. Awesome. Thank you, Mike. Of course. Thank you for coming.
important than numbers is your personal health and only if you take care of yourself you're going to be able to be in here in this for the long run and be consistent about it. Like if I just think about my own story and like when I got in to the crypto space in 2017 I
think like 98, 95 to 98% of the people who, you know, I joined with back then are gone by now and they're not here anymore. Like most of them who stressed a lot burned out at like some point in time, so way more important than, you know, just trying to grind the number daily
is to be in here for the long run and focus on your mental health. Super important topic in my opinion. 100%. So let's see where we get to waning again. Hey guys, maybe going to direct this question towards Mike. NFT and spec works off.
like the algorithm sees the PFP and obviously it judged the rankin but like a critical point of Web 3 is like the organizations in it so like you have your marketplaces like OpenC, where are we'll magic Eden but their influence on the space is not measured on the rankings. Is there going to be like new criteria for this or even like media platforms
such as Nifty Portal, Rug Radio, we don't see how engaged that community is and their posts are going to be certain unique subsections of where three and how is this going to be built out beyond just the PFT and I understand that that's going to be a bit of dev work marking them as way of three media but it's something I
love to see and being able to see even like a finder's ranking so how does Frank look at this week how does other finders grow in the charts like it's not just the top profiles but some people within them certain subsections need the highlight of their work and see how good they're doing
For sure, and I appreciate that question. So a few things there. So definitely our goal, like I was saying earlier is well, I actually hadn't said this, but the goal is to be we don't want to have any
on just focusing on just like the current projects. You're right, the great idea there was with founders. That could actually be really interesting. We can also have something that I believe will be big within the space is music. We can segment it based on
off the biggest artist in the space. There's just so much room to grow. We just want to do it right and that's going to take time. But everyone will see everything we're building and we're going to be our goal is to be transparent and to involve all of you.
Let's see that we had Sansa requesting I have to remove some of them stage to
to get them up so don't be angry with me. It's just to get Sansa up on stage. Let's go welcome up on stage legend. How are you doing?
Sorry, I couldn't tell if I come up mute or not. It like just can have the maple of it. It's gone on guess. No, I love this really, really welcome edition with whale both, well, and Lena. I love to see that really good edition. So does that mean if I break time?
Top 10, I also come on, I'm just curious, you know, is that how this works here? Or asking for a friend, asking for a friend. The friend is Fetty, who's dumbed down in me right now. I'll answer Fetty's question then.
is not the plan. No. We started off here because we've seen how whale and the lane are already using it and it just coincidentally obviously they're also just greater what they're doing and they're big contributors to the NFT space. So that just made a lot of sense. But as I said before, our goal is to not just
reward a small portion of the top-grid is in the community. We want everyone involved. We want everyone to feel involved. That's the most important aspect to this. And I think that's how we really differentiate ourselves from before what NFT inspect was to what we really want to be.
So in long, long, long story short, we'll keep everyone updated and your question will be answered as the weeks come.
So I love that. Thank you. Thank you for answering that. And I agree. That does make sense, especially with what they've been doing for the space. And I could not congratulate you guys enough for bringing both of them on. That's just a really well done addition. I appreciate it.
Thank you for supporting.
Do you have any comments before we wrap this space up? Good morning, good morning. Just wanted to pop in, say what's up. So you guys are doing an amazing job. Two huge additions, whale, elena. Fucking super super happy for you guys. And you know, just excited to where this is going. Let's pump it up.
Appreciate it. Appreciate it. And I guess before we wrap up, I just want to say that having whale in Elina on is just the beginning. We are forming a council of the top people in the space and helping us build a better inspect 2.0. And as that unfolds, we'll then announce everything else that we're going to have coming.
Look out for more updates and who else we have on board. And the more that you contribute to the NFT space to inspect, you will be a part of Inspect 2.0 and that's really our goal. It's not just people contributing to inspect, but people who are just contributing to the NFT space as a whole, we want to reward. So thank you so much for everything.
I appreciate everyone that came on Thanks everyone demon you cut your head up. Let's do a few closing remarks Yeah guys love data and really love the initiative and what you guys are doing and again bullish has spoken well in an elina I don't have to say it anymore time because you guys already knew
And also, bullish on the gold and beans. We show up in numbers, half the stage is gold and beans right now. That's you love to fucking see it. Also, I was gonna say, like, if you guys didn't know what NFT inspect was, there's a whole pin thread at the top. Just read it, it covers everything as well. So yeah, with that, well, back to you, much love, bro.
Let's go yeah, yeah, definitely with the threat I'll have to check it out myself after after this space even though I know what I have to inspect is maybe I get some new info there So yeah, thanks everyone for joining today. It was really just a quick space with
with NFT inspect and Illinand me should just give some insight into now a new role and into what NFT inspect is building and thank you everyone for showing up. I guess you will see a lot more content and
and stuff from NFT and it's beginning the future. So stay tuned for that. And yeah, I think Mike, what do you think? Can we, can we enter space? Yeah, I think we're all good once again, contribute to the space. And that's just what we
want to see and we'll figure this out. We'll unveil everything, so just stay up to date. Thank you everyone and we appreciate you all. Great, yeah, it's all about community and that being said, have a great day everyone and see you soon. Bye bye.
*Sigh* *Sigh* *Sigh* *Sigh* *Sigh* *Sigh* *Sigh* *Sigh* *Sigh* *Sigh* *Sigh* *Sigh* *Sigh* *Sigh* *Sigh* *Sigh* *Sigh* *Sigh* *Sigh* *Sigh* *Sigh* *Sigh* *Sigh* *Sigh*#
Well, we're really trying to put where Hollywood told how with my ex-girlfriend, I think
I got a small circle, I'm not with different tools We walk the same path, but gotta wear the shoes, lives in the same building, we got different tools I got a couple cars, and I definitely get to use them Don't like my windows single, I like my chicks and tools And these days all the girls are down on the street