Recorded: March 13, 2024 Duration: 1:09:40



Welcome on in everybody. Alright, I see we got a clips fight on stage just dropped you
a co host. Brian, I know you can't talk right now, but I'm dropping you a co host as well.
So you have that I see Simon can go ahead and bring Simon up on stage with us. We're looking
good. We're looking good. Welcome on in everybody. As we get started here. Thank you action and
below and crypto sensei for all joining us on stage. Give me a fun one. Man, this market
has been crazy. I know action. I know you're rolling it over in it over there with your kulo.
Just making a big bucks. All right, I invited you to join the party. I don't know why you
didn't man. I honestly tried. It's just man just switching and flipping and tokens and
all that sometimes it's just you know, sometimes I just need to just need more guidance. We'll
get there. We'll get there. Alright, with that being said, we are going to go ahead
and roll right into this one. Probably go ahead and get started since we have our main
speaker core on stage. And so as people are coming in, we can go ahead and we can share
some of this info with them and they can walk right into some great stuff. But welcome
everyone into the space tonight. We're going to be talking with the team over from eclipse
five. You can see their main account is already up here. You can see Simon. The co founder
is up here as we as well on stage. Oh, there we go. I got some more great speakers jumping
in with us. Perfect, perfect. Alright, so if anybody digs into eclipse five, you'll
see that they are hub for entertain token launches. And that's kind of the the topic
that I put at the top of the space. I will say Simon, if you want any changes made to
the title of the space, just let me know. I'm happy to adjust it to whatever you guys
prefer. I feel like this was a pretty good overall glance at what the company did. But
with that being said, Simon, or if there's someone behind the eclipse by account that
wants to kick us off, let's start out with just some quick intros, just who you are,
what you do. Well, then we'll talk kind of high level, what is eclipse five, and
then we'll dig into it from there. Simon, would you like go first?
Yeah, for sure. And we'll bring up ExoLav as well. He's, you know, part of the team
too. So yeah, sounds good. Yeah, so I'm Simon. I'm CEO, co-founder of eclipse five.
I've been building eclipse five almost two years now. It's been a it's been a very
very interesting journey getting and surviving through the, you know, the
bear market and then, you know, coming into, you know, yet another cycle and
seeing these all-time highs every morning when you wake up is pretty nuts.
But yeah, eclipse five has been, you know, it's been kind of, yeah, it's been a
been a work of love over the last, you know, two years with many pivots and a
lot of, yeah, a lot of blood, sweat and tears, but it's really starting to come
together now and, you know, we've got a very strong team and a very strong
network and yeah, we're pushing forward into this into this bull market. We are a
launch pad, predominantly. I like to call it a launch hub as there's a couple of
little bells and whistles to it, but I'll save the intro for a sec because I
know this is kind of more about, you know, myself and I'll kind of dig into
like the different components of Eclipse and I guess what our vision is
and where we're looking to go and yeah, how we're looking to improve the
space in many ways. All right, sounds good. Thank you, Simon. And to the Eclipse
Phi account, would you like to introduce yourself from behind it there and then
also OX live, I went ahead and shot you an invite. There's actually no one on the Eclipse Phi. No problem.
Then we're just kicking, all right, then we'll just kick right into the space here.
We are good to go. Yeah, we're looking good. If anybody's in the space and
able to go ahead and retweet the space, it's always much appreciated and if you
have questions from the audience, you can feel free to go ahead and drop them in
the comments below. Let's roll here though, Simon, now that you've covered a
little bit of your background, let's talk about it. From a high level, if you
were just introducing it to someone that had never met it before, what is
Eclipse Phi and why should be paying attention? Yeah, it's a great
question. So, you know, if I was to summarize Eclipse Phi, I would have
recently positioned us as, you know, the launch pad for the Cosmos ecosystem, an
interchain launch pad for the Cosmos ecosystem and beyond. But we seem to be
pushed into expanding further than that quicker. You know, we've got a couple
launches, you know, coming up in Cosmos, but also we've got, you know, a huge
backlog outside of the Cosmos. The big, I guess, the big kind of features
that we're, you know, pushing for is our first one was, you know, we talked
to a lot of founders that over the last two years that really were looking for
kind of a launch pad that they were better able to, you know, trust and get
support from. So, we see this a lot around launches and it shifts, you know,
a little bit coming into the ball. But there's two pieces, a few pieces to this.
So, one of them was when you're coming to launches and we found this a lot,
like founders were running into like a lot of roadblocks with a lot of
predatory actors. So, we saw this, you know, especially over the last, you know,
six months where a project will come into launch and then suddenly like they
would run into like heaps of issues with, you know, centralized exchanges
trying to like charge like crazy fees, maybe terms from launch pads that were
not, you know, super advantageous who would try and I guess like edit the
tokenomics in some ways that would kind of lead to like high levels of
attraction to projects. And then we also found that like support was quite
limited. So, that's on the builder side. We're talking to a lot of projects and
wanting to really become a trusted source that really supports builders and
founders. So, that's one. A second one was like due diligence and vetting, which, you
know, everyone says they do a lot of due diligence and vetting, but when you
actually dig behind the scenes, which is important, it's important to follow
marketing hyper narratives when you're dealing with, you know,
projects especially coming into a bull market, but there's also kind of other
elements that you want. And the last thing you want is to be launching just
projects that have, I guess, you know, they're just an empty shell that have
some, you know, hype, but they're literally nothing behind the scenes. So, for us, you
know, we definitely take the hype and narrative into consideration, but we're
also very thorough with ensuring that the projects that we bring through are
properly like vetted. They have, you know, chances of good product market fit,
but also being more sustainable and long-term than just something that's
there for one, two days and then gone. So, we've got some
behind the analysis and vetting side and a lot of access to really, really
quality kind of deals. But I think, you know, the core concept, I guess, from a
product side that we're going down is, you know, being Cosmos opens up, opens us
up to a couple of like really exciting things. So, firstly, you've got IBC,
which is the cross-chain, which is the cross-chain capabilities within the
Cosmos ecosystem. So, how can you do launches in one place without having to
use as having to bridge, like bridge or have a lot of UX gaps. So, IBC is one
which is the bridge for the Cosmos ecosystem, which makes this pretty simple.
But we're also working with Hyperlane to make this easier over the mid to
long-term, which is like how do we have users that can participate from five
or six different chains without having to bridge to, you know, BSC or bridge to
Solana for a different launch or mess around with a lot of that stuff. So,
that's what I would say is the core components. There's a couple
other cool things we're working on. One of them is a governance aggregator. So,
this is built on top of Astroport. The governance aggregator just enables us to
accumulate large amounts of voting power, like a liquidity voting power in
Astroport to redirect it to project launches. So, even though we're a
launch pad, the goal for us is to build around that to be able to drive liquidity
and volume into the ecosystem. So, how do we find different creative ways to make
this more than just a launch pad, but actually a launch hub that helps to drive
value to founders and builders. So, I know it's a long-winded way of explaining it,
but yeah, I thought I'd give the intro. Appreciate it, Simon. It looks like we
already got a hand up. It looks like this time he's joining on mobile so he
can raise his hand. Crypto Sensei, you want to jump in?
I know what I'm doing this time. So, thank you so much. I really appreciate it.
There's so many incredible people up on the stage. Thank you for allowing me to speak.
You know, it does feel like it's launch pad season and we're all looking to
invest early, right? Retail investors always kind of get, you know, at the
bottom of the totem pole and we're always looking for a leg up. So, I'm
wondering, you know, what type of research goes into projects that you guys
are looking at partnering with and, you know, walk us through kind of the daily
activities of the project and what you guys are doing to make sure
that your platform is going to be around, not through just this bull market, but
also through the bear and the next bull market as well, if you can. Yeah, great
question, actually. So, the DD is quite in-depth and when Lev comes
up, you can maybe touch on it from his side as we have Sam ahead of DD. That's
really puts him through the works, but there's a couple components
on the DD and I guess the business development side. So, to show you a little
bit of, I guess, behind the scenes. So, behind the scenes we have, you know,
obviously the deal flow sources. So, we have a lot of, you know, we have a wide
range of different deal flow sources across the space and that's quite
interesting. This is a wide range from, I guess, other launch pads and VCs, DAO
groups, very strong kind of advisors or dot connectors that, you know, kind of
get in front of most of the deals and others and so we kind of, on the daily
basis or, you know, at least a couple times a week, go through that, share deals
and, you know, cultivate those groups, new introductions, just padding up the
pipeline and building that up. So, I guess that's from a deal flow, which is the
life, actually the lifeblood of a launch pad, right, which is ensuring that you can
get in front of, you know, high-quality deals and that you're constantly
building out that pipeline. It's, oop, do you want to ask another? No, no, keep going. I
just had to, I just had a follow-up to, please, anyone interrupt you, I
apologize. Okay, no, I'll finish this one off. I'll give you kind of a high level overview
and then we can continue. So, you've kind of got that, yeah, you're padding up that
deal flow pipeline. It's always a bit of a dance there because you're looking for,
you know, there's a range of different projects, like some of them are really
early, so we, you know, we deal with a lot of, like, really early stage projects
as well. You get a lot of, like, seed projects or projects that are kind of hype
but they're not launching for, you know, a couple months and those are always
interesting as well because you're playing this dance of, like, you know,
locking them in for launch but also not losing them to coin lists, which has
happened a couple times. Like, we've lost a couple projects to coin lists, which,
with exclusivity agreements, which is interesting but it's a good problem to
have if that's what's happening a few times. So, we, you know, then bring them to
the pipeline. So, we're looking at, I mean, Sam set up, you know, initial reviews, A1,
A2, and then we have, like, a head analyst who goes over and is able to kind of
really dig deep into kind of some of the elements and so we're looking at, you
know, obviously we're looking at hype, traction, narrative, community. That's
pretty important, that ability to kind of build that up. We are looking at
the team, we're looking at, you know, any backers they have. If they don't have
those strong backers, how confident we're able to support them with that as well,
like, getting those, you know, helping with the fundraising side of things
if they're a little bit, like, earlier but they've got strong kind of
elements around the place. We're looking at, you know, product
market fit is a big one in terms of, like, competitors and advantages. A couple
things that we're looking at that some don't, we're looking at some risk vectors
as well and recently this came up with a couple of money markets especially.
You know, our head of analyst has got a huge experience in money markets. We were
looking at, like, do they have a risk plan? Like, what are the, you know, not
just audits but, you know, inside the model are they
properly thought out or, you know, is there any other kind of
nasty surprises that could come up with that,
which is huge in some areas especially like money markets.
We're looking at, yeah, I mean, there's a range
wide of factors but that's part of it. I guess the other part of the
question was around support for other areas of the areas of the
company. I mean, there's obviously the marketing side of things.
You know, LAV is always cultivating more KOLs, building up those pipelines and
lists, looking to work with, like, quality
KOLs, which is huge. Limits are, like, obviously, you know,
you know, we're very, very picky with the KOLs that we kind of work with which
is good. Looking for, like, good quality limiting
at the body guys. We're helping to place those guys
and, you know, some of the launches are coming up,
doing KOL rounds. So that's, you know, part of the marketing
activities but there's a lot of ranges of different marketing activities and
growth kind of things and campaigns that are
being worked on at the moment from that side of things.
And then your product, which is innovating on new features
and driving forward on that front. So, I mean, there's a lot of moving parts and
components. I'm not sure that's fully the answer to your question but,
yeah, it digs into a little bit behind the scenes.
No, I appreciate that. And, you know, there's so many incredible people here that have
their hands up. Why don't I give them all around
before I ask my next question. Maybe they have what I'm thinking on
their mind. So, let me give them the time and the
space and if they don't cover it, I'll come back.
Thank you so much and thank you for answering your time.
Yeah, Encrypto Sensei is one of those good KOLs. I will say that, like, he even
got a phone to hang out on spaces with us today. I appreciate it, man.
Hey, thanks for being here. Yeah, thanks for being here, Belo.
I love it. All right, let's go over to some of these other hands.
I think Lady Trader had her's up first. It was actually Belo, he had it
first, but we'll let her go first. Yeah, go for it.
Hey, guys. Hey, guys. Thanks for having me here, everyone.
Hope everybody's having a nice evening. You have launched already? Sorry, I
didn't catch that, so you've already launched your
launchpad? Yeah, we launched just before Christmas.
Okay, congrats. Yeah, congrats. It was bigger,
it was big, actually. It was a pretty hectic month for sure.
Yeah, I'm sure, I'm sure. Can you name a few
launches that you would deem were a great success? Have you launched
any projects that maybe we've heard of? Well, besides from that,
sorry, I thought I was muted. Besides from our token, we're actually about to
do our first launch. Yeah, we've got our whitelist phase
open for bonus block, and we have, then after, we're doing
one of the ether node sales as well, and then we've got actually a couple
pretty exciting launches we're announcing soon. Nice, nice.
Nice, and one question I didn't quite catch either was, when you said bridging,
so were some projects want to bridge from one chain to another,
did you mean physically bridge their token or launch on two separate chains?
Yeah, so that's what I mean. So the project is launching across,
it means launching across a few separate chains,
but mainly for the user side of things, which is
participation without having to manually bridge assets, or
having, okay, we got the launch on BSC, come participate on the launch on BSC,
and same thing with our token staking. So the deployment with Hyperlane
will enable users to basically stake the Eclipse token from multiple
different chains without having to go to Neutron and do it.
Okay, and my last question would be, when it comes to your tokens,
what is the structure for as a launchpad? So do I have to own a certain amount of tokens?
Do I get a minimum allocation based on a tier, or how does that work?
Yeah, so I'll start off with like utilities for the token, because there's a couple.
So, you know, the core function is, you know, as a launchpad token,
staking the token to get access to launches, we are introducing,
it's looking like end of April started May, waiting on a partner,
there will be introduction to the token of governance power in Astroport as well.
So, you know, essentially, the token will be staked and staking this token will earn
you cosmic essence. And basing on this cosmic essence will make you eligible for,
you know, rewards based on the amount of cosmic essence, access to launches,
and also control voting liquidity gauge voting power in Astroport as well.
So we're stacking that on. In terms of like the allocations, we're using a time lock staking model.
So essentially, users can stay from one to 12 months, the longer they stay,
the higher amount of cosmic essence they get, which gets them access to tiers.
From the allocation models, we're mixing up guaranteed allocations with lottery.
So it's a combination with the top, you know, three tiers, having guaranteed allocations.
And then lottery occurring across, you know, the top three, but also the rest of the tiers.
I like the concept of staking longer gives you a bigger allocation. That's actually a very good
concept. Thanks. I'll let others speak and Sensei's question about Judeo was on key.
It was one of my questions, actually. So good one, Sensei.
Perfect. All right. Let's go over to Lady Trader.
Yes. Thank you so much for having me up here, Clips team. Very excited. I've heard about your
project before. I work with pretty much all of the major launch pads and also some of the exclusive
ones that are out there as a key opinion leader, of course, and some of them also as an advisor.
I'm basically a launch pad queen. And so I have to be in every launch pad, you know,
in some capacity, either as an investor or advisor or a KOL. I love launch pads.
But then also there are too many launch pads out there, right? And so what makes you different
from the rest of the launch pads? Are we going to see more exclusive launches that I can't find
in other pool VCs or other launch pads? Or is it going to be one of the more mainstream
launch pads where you can expect to see, you know, the same projects launching, which is okay.
It's not a bad thing because nowadays markets are great. And there are sometimes, you know,
different launch pads that are launching same project and that's okay. But I wanted to hear
more about your philosophy and, you know, how you're basically planning on launching projects on there.
Yeah, so it's a bit of an evolution. Like we ran into this a little bit where,
you know, in the earlier stages, there's a lot more co-launches that occur.
You know, our plans are actually eventually to grow to a stage where we
can do exclusive launches, or at least a majority of exclusive launches. But it's not like that from
the starting gate. And that's for a few reasons. Like one of them is, you know, there's a lot of
launch pads out there. There's a lot of good launch pads out there, you know, that have,
you know, I guess a lot of traction and different audiences and markets. And so in the early stages
of bootstrapping, co-launches do make sense. But there's obviously a very strong emphasis
on being cautious with who you choose as partners for co-launching. This goes for a couple of reasons.
So in the early stages, we'll be doing more co-launches. I mean, we've got a couple
of projects coming up. Seems Ape Terminal comes up a lot in that sector where we,
you know, talk to projects and then that becomes one that makes sense from the amount
of market traction that they're getting right now. So in these early stages, like that's,
you know, in terms of success for a project, they're going to want to be across, you know,
three or four platforms. But as we build up and increase the race size and build our
own name and brand, the goal is to go more down the direction of being able to handle out
a lot of the launches ourselves, or at least having a bulk of that. So that's the path
we're going towards. I think, you know, we're really looking to take that premium path
with partners. You know, we're aligning with very strong partners. Even in the Cosmos,
you know, we're working closely with Delphi and Astraport there and we're constantly out there
getting stronger partners and looking to position ourselves as quite a premium positioning in the
market, which we'll show in the DD as well. So less projects overall. We want to kind of
increase the launches coming to the ball, but we're not really looking to do like three a week.
For example, we'd rather get kind of good quality projects and go bigger than a huge amount of
numbers. Thank you so much for answering. Awesome. Let's go over to action.
All right. I apologize in advance. I know you like these people, but I got to put them
on the hot seat a little bit. 2022. You guys launched your, you know, Twitter page,
your website was in 2022. We're now in 2024 and you're just launching your first project.
What took you so long?
Bear market mostly. To be fair, like, you know, we're looking at like 2022,
2023 was, I guess, like an interesting couple years. So to give you a bit of backstory was,
you know, we came from the terror ecosystem. So I was building. I didn't give much of this intro,
but I was building on the terror ecosystem. And post the terror ecosystem, we were building in
the earlier days. And then we went through that collapse was quite an interesting experience
in terms of, yeah, you know, getting, you know, even personally getting pretty heavily
wiped out in capital and then, you know, everything that followed from that.
So when we, you know, when we decided to kind of like, okay, cool terror, terror
messed with us. But where's the next step? There was a few decisions to be made around where to go.
And, you know, it was a lot of opportunities to go to like arbitrum or other late late twos.
And at the time, like Cosmos did have the up chain thesis that was getting hot and
pretty exciting. And, you know, at the time, like, there was a lot of like, push towards this. And,
you know, we decided that based on the, you know, codebases of terror and common knowledge,
we would actually migrate towards, you know, the Cosmos ecosystem, which felt like a good
decision at the at that particular time. But, you know, then with everything that ensured like
FTX and all these sort of elements, that got a little bit more difficult to do, right? We've
gotten to Cosmos, and then, you know, the markets kind of dropped. Launches also slowed down on that.
And, you know, we had some work to do. So, 2022, and I'd say a good part of 2023 was very much,
you know, a lot of pivoting, a lot of relationship building. We built out a lot of the networks
within Cosmos, but outside of Cosmos, built up a lot of deal flow pipeline,
figured out kind of who we were, where we were positioned. And, you know, it wasn't until,
I guess, December, November or December, that we felt more confident with the market in terms of
launches and in terms of kicking that in. I mean, we saw kind of the performances of launchpads in,
I guess, towards the end of even during 2023, like, how that was going. And so, you know,
holding off was actually kind of a good decision, allowed us to focus more internally.
And then, you know, now we're coming into a bull. Things are a much better position to kind of go
into launches and expense out. So, yeah. All right. It turned something pretty awkward
into something really good. I mean, it's awesome that you guys are on Cosmos. I see Justin down
there listening in. I missed a guy. But I know he knows how Cosmos is like the place to be right
now. And we saw a huge inflow last season, but I think we're ready for another one again. So,
I love the fact that you guys are actually leveraging Cosmos technology, which by all means,
let's be serious. It's the Linux of Web3. So, yeah, it's awesome.
IBC is incredible. And I'm going to see IBC expand out to other ecosystems pretty soon.
Cosmos is still, like, Cosmos is getting a lot of attention at the moment. But there's still a
little, it's still going to be a proper boom. I mean, we're seeing a lot of infrastructure boom
for Cosmos right now. But that's going to translate soon. You'll see that translate to
application layer boom. And that's where it's going to get pretty nuts, especially with the
retail market. Like, we're still kind of in infra, like, we're getting AI and depend and stuff,
but we're still kind of very much in infra land. But that will, you know, rotate,
hopefully, into applications. And that will get even crazier.
No, yeah, absolutely. I appreciate it.
Sweet. Let's get over to Mary Beth. And Mary Beth, it's great to have you back on the space.
What's good. Good to see y'all. Thank you so much, Wolf. And hey, team Eclipsify. I was just
curious, kind of wanted to dig into what Lady Trader was asking. Perhaps, do you have any insight?
Okay, so for creators, right, who do decide to launch with you, and it seems that you do
have a slew of advisors or expertise within your ecosystem. Do you collaborate with the people who
work on the creators of your launchpad? Do you collaborate with them, or go into any advisory
capacity into helping them market, you know, just to help improve the ecosystem as a whole,
but then, you know, help the people who are using your launchpad just market themselves better?
Yes, we do, actually. So, my understanding of the question is creators, I could kind of label
that as builders or founders. Yes, thank you, thank you. Synonymous in this question, yes.
Yeah, I mean, that's something that we've done a lot of within our launchpad, but also outside
of our launchpad. Obviously, that's, you know, difficult to scale without some level of
future advisory capacity. So, a couple notable examples, even on a personal capacity or within
a launchpad is we've really supported a lot of projects in Cosmos. You know, notably projects
like Nibiru, which we helped support in kind of early stages. Obviously, Nibiru ended up launching
exclusively on Coinless, but, you know, we're really able to kind of help support in many
different ways from, I guess, you know, we've known those guys for kind of quite a long time.
A couple other projects in Cosmos, like Nolus. Nolus, we did some little bit of stuff with
Entangle and got some good opportunities there. And then the projects that we have coming
through the launchpad at the moment supported quite heavily, like Bonus Block is one that
you'll see get a lot of attention soon. You know, we help those guys heavily with raising,
helping them kind of reposition their narrative as well around, like, we do see a bit in Cosmos,
especially, builders that have good tech, but they don't always know how to position themselves
well. So, there's elements of marketing from like KL Wells and PR and other elements, but also
narrative positioning and being able to tell your story or sell your brand. So, that's
important. We're also supporting a lot of Cosmos and Neutron DApps. We're about to
release a campaign soon to drive users towards the applications that are building on Neutron.
I think there's some really exciting ones at very early stages. So, we're looking to support
the ecosystem around us, whether that's launching trust directly or not. We're going to launch a
campaign pretty soon, actually, that will actually incentivise the use of the Neutron ecosystem
and DApps with that ecosystem. So, yeah, we'll keep supporting projects and founders,
plugging them into Capital Advisory and Marketing. Eventually, over time, that will have to scale
towards more advisory. Then, at the moment, it's part of our support. But, yeah, we're always going
to be looking to support projects over and above and beyond. That's really cool. Thank you for
sharing that. I guess you kind of answered with that last statement. I was going to ask,
what are the, I guess, launch pad fees, or if there are any other advisory fees that come with it?
Yeah, we've kept our fees pretty low, because one of the main ways that we're looking to monetise,
I mean, there's obviously monetising through launches, but a big part of the monetisation
for us is focusing on peripheral sources. We still change EPT in a pretty smart way,
which is like, how do you kind of accrue value and then create products around that that generate
revenue from the growth of the launch pad? Equinox, I know it's a more complex product,
but it's a governance aggregator, mainly focused on Astroport. That one, it's kind of a similar
fee model to an LSD in a few ways, a liquid stake in derivatives, but it also benefits heavily,
at least within our ecosystem, from the growth of Neutron and Eclipse within Cosmos.
And it enables us to monetise heavily that growth. So we have that from a fee perspective,
we're currently charging like 5% on launches, but also on capital introductions. So we're able to
help a couple of projects raise good amounts of capital. That's part cash, part tokens,
which is, I guess, fairly low from a launch pad fee, but we will be bringing in a couple
kind of more advisory packages as well in the near future, which will enable us to kind of
scale that up a little bit. Dope. Thank you so much. I'll pass back the mic.
Great questions. As always, Mary Beth, really great to have you on stage with us.
Loving the conversation we're having here. Great job, Simon, as well. For everyone else,
if you haven't yet, of course, click into the Eclipseify account, which is up here
coasting with me. Give that one a follow. Already over 200,000 followers on the account,
plenty of interest. And I just really love the team and the advisors that are behind this
that was originally withdrew to me and just hearing people talk. I love when, you know,
action. I know you can concur with this. We love when we have great speakers on
spaces to ask questions to who understand what we're asking and give us great answers.
With that being said, let's keep it rolling up here. Let's go back to Lady
Trader. Thank you so much. So I have a couple of questions. One is, first of all,
Nibiru, that was great. I was actually a key opinion leader for them and also an investor.
So that was a great project to be a part of. And really glad to hear that you guys were also
sort of incubating them or advising them during the early stages. That's great.
My question is around the tokenomics of Eclipseify token. Can you tell me a little
bit about that? Because I know that you have a total supply of 300 million tokens. Is it
launched? I know that you guys were building early on during the bear markets and then
you launched recently or you're launching these ideas recently. Was the token launched
recently as well? And what about the vesting of those tokens?
Yeah, so our token launch was actually right before Christmas. And it was quite a hyped
launch actually for those that maybe were around. We went across five launch pads,
including our own launch pad. We did about 1.4 million in the end in public. And a lot of launch
pads saw that in seconds and then we kind of went live. One of the things that's actually
a good problem to have is we're under-emitting heavily at the moment. So even though our
vesting in our tokenomics is set for about three years, I think, total. It's at the
moment, it's between eight and nine years. If we were to take the current trajectories
of what's been allocated, it's currently between eight and nine years that it would vest out.
So we have some pretty large allocations in our vesting schedule for both ecosystem growth
and community incentives. I think it's close to 40% of the supply just in those baskets,
which we have minor allocations towards. I guess a little bit of staking bootstrapping,
but also farming. But we have a lot of ammunition, I guess, and ability to use that smart ways. We'll
be allocating a lot of that towards Equinox, as well as some community programs, token swaps,
et cetera. So how do we use those tokens very smartly to drive growth? Regarding vesting,
where, yeah, the vesting is starting to vest out. The public is probably already halfway or
maybe a third of the way through vesting, Cowell's as well. We do have a couple of investors coming
up, but it's not like heavy. We're not super, super heavy on investors. Some launch pads,
they go really, really heavy in terms of the percentage of the supply to investors,
but we kept it really conservative. We could have raised another $2 million in private
in December. We actually held off. We wanted to keep it pretty lean.
So there's that on the investor side. Your team will be over 36 months. It's mostly,
it's over three years. That's most of the vesting, but due to the allocations,
the supply release is a lot slower. But we can use that to our advantage. We want it to be very,
very conservative with those emissions, but we do need to get a little bit of tokens,
more tokens in the hands of people coming into the bull market, especially communities. You want
to have that wider distribution before that run kicks off so that a lot more people are happy with
that. So we'll have some initiatives to kind of get a bit of distribution out, but it's looking
pretty good. That's good. And when you talk about Equinox, are you talking about Equinox
launch pad, the gaming one? Sorry. Yeah. So using terms that maybe we haven't brought up.
Equinox is the governance aggregator. So essentially, if you think about this,
maybe from a high level, is a crude value of launch pads do really, really well in short periods of
time, but they're not always sustainable long term, or they're not necessarily able to kind
of sustain that. Equinox is essentially a play for the accumulation of influential assets,
revenue generating, but also high influential assets. So how do we use the growth of Eclipse
during the bull market to drive that into assets, accumulation of assets within the ecosystem that
are influential to add more value back to the main platform? So we'll be utilizing definitely value
to kind of accumulate. Initially Astro tokens, the DEX token of Astroport, which is a VE token,
but that will expand out as we prove the model more. Thank you so much for explaining that. And
then also, what are you going to do? Obviously, there's going to be a long vesting. And when we
talk about eight to nine years, I mean, that's great, because that tells me that you guys are
in the long run. And I also know that most of the time whenever projects have these kind of
long term vesting, a lot of that is coming for like the team and all of that. So that tells me
most likely for the team is what is going to be a lot more years than the regular VCs and
everything. But then what happens is that as we go through the vesting period, the tokens are
released to public and to the VCs, to all of the seed round investors, private round investors,
then you start to see a bit of a sell pressure. The good thing is right now we are in the bull
market. So that helps tremendously because there is a lot of buying pressure as well.
But are there anything that you're doing to kind of keep up the token value, whether it's through
buybacks or through certain incentives that you can offer for the launches where people have to
stake certain amount or burn certain amount to participate or anything like that or even offering
like for the project teams, I think Cryptocency, it's actually his idea where you're buying tokens
or project teams are actually buying tokens and then burning them or staking them.
Do you have anything like that going on? Yeah, so when I want to clarify, I want to say
the vesting in the tokenomics is not set for eight or nine years, but the current release
like schedule is for us to, yeah, is over eight or nine years in terms of the amount of like
that it's actually being distributed. So there's supply there. And it's important to have,
I think, the balance between like that long term vesting schedule, but also getting tokens,
as I said before, getting the tokens in the hands of people, especially as you come into
a bull run, right, you want to have some wider community distribution, that's important.
In token demand sensors, yeah, we're actually building a lot of things into this. I want to be
careful in public spaces, talking too much on some of this sort of stuff. But let's say there is
utility with the Eclipse token that is being increased in many ways. Equinox itself is one
that, in my mind, adds a lot of utility to the token from that perspective, because you add in
a whole new base of holders and demand drivers for the utility accumulation drivers for the token.
So for example, even in the lead up to kind of the launch of Equinox, we're talking to a lot of
chains and projects that are looking to hold Eclipse tokens. And we've had these conversations
to, you know, obviously have more governance, concentrated governance power. So that's the
project and chain base. It's a way all kind of focus on that product, which is separate, I guess,
the retail users are using it for a slightly different purpose. But you also have kind of
that base, which is really powerful for absorbing that cell pressure. And there's a couple cool
things to come with that and how we kind of deal with that separation between retail
and projects. Yeah, there's other things like, obviously, you know, using the token to stake
for launches is kind of a cool one. We have a couple cool, you know, things we want to do with
Burns and, you know, distribution, but we're a little bit more cautious publicly of doing this.
I think the best way to do this over the medium term will be through, you know, a DAO structure,
as yeah, there's some interesting kind of, I guess, legalities or things of doing things
a specific way. Long term, what I would love to do, and this isn't like confirmed fully,
but I would love to kind of expand out the base of the launchpad to having, you know,
maybe a permissionless section as well that can kind of generate a high level of volume
separately from the main launchpad. But there's still some discussions of how we set that up.
But yeah, there will definitely be some like burning mechanisms and core mechanisms for demand,
but Equinox is Equinox and that side of things is a pretty interesting piece of adding in that
support. That's great. Thank you. And I have one last question.
I do work with some projects that are like super early stage as well, right? That's where
that's really my focus is also is early stage projects. So do you have like an incubation
program as well through Eclipse Fi? And what is the best way to introduce, you know,
Eclipse Fi to project teams? Yeah, so we don't have a formal incubator yet. It's something
we've looked into. But to be fair, like if we were going to like, if I was going to come out
as a launchpad and say, Hey, we've got this incubator, I'd want to make sure it's really good.
And this is what I see with a lot of launchpad. We do see some good incubations, but a lot of
times we see kind of okay incubations. And so I don't want to put a label on it and say we've
got an incubator until we've got a program set up that is really solid. And we can properly support
these projects from an incubation perspective. So we are doing incubation like things for projects
coming through. But I actually recently had a chat with the DD team and the BD team and shifted a
little bit as we were focused a lot on earlier stage projects or like projects that were like
getting like T1 investors, but they're not launched until the end of the year. And,
you know, we're getting a lot of those and we're getting good traction with them. But we're also
cautious as like a lot can change by then. And last thing you want, I mean, it's a good problem
to have, but you know, we're supporting projects early and then get, you know, they're getting to
a specific size where, you know, they might be like bite, they might, you know, go to Binance
launch pool or Binance or coin list. And, you know, there's exclusively stuff with that,
and that becomes problematic. And until we're at a specific size, it's hard for us to compete with,
you know, the proposition of going on Binance launch pool or things like that. So I'm cautious of that
medium of like, you know, how do we support projects in early stage, but how do we focus
heavily on as well on projects that are closer to launch to keep that kind of pipeline going
while still supporting these projects early, which is interesting. But I think we'll have
an incubator in the future, but then it needs proper infrastructure inside team building to get
that out, not just hey, we've got an incubator, and then it's, you know, two people like just
supporting a little bit. Thank you so much. All right, let's hit Sensei and then we'll go
over to Kayla. Lady trader, thank you. Thank you for bringing up the Sensei method. Actually,
Jet was really happy with that. And I think they're actually going to call it that. And so
I was really honored to have him say that. So I really appreciate hourglass. But I wanted to know,
you know, your projects been out for two years, there's been a lot of, you know, people that
got in early, you know, and usually people with the biggest bags that are staked,
they get the biggest allocation, right? So can you talk to us? Because there's a lot of regular
people that don't have tens of thousands of dollars to put into a token to stake it,
right? And we really want to be able to support the entire ecosystem of people, whatever your
whatever money that you have, or whatever that you can bring to the table. So what are you guys
doing to kind of help address the smaller size people? And how can they still get good allocation,
you know, all while trying to, you know, chase these 50 and 100 x's and hopefully,
you know, changing their lives? What? How are we helping out the smaller sized,
you know, individuals? And what can we do better to support them?
Yeah, thanks for asking this question. Because I think this is something that is super important
and something that I guess we really, over the last, I guess, a few months and years or something,
I really was very passionate about of like, especially scalability within launch pads,
because what happens is and just to preface in, and for some, maybe they don't know in this
space, like, as launch pads, tokens get hyped, and they access to launches, the token, you know,
the initial tiers become crazy expensive, and the allocations, getting allocations is you've got like,
you know, 50,000 people fighting for a small allocation becomes very challenging for people
to get in, especially if you've got like token, like token gating, if you like, and tiers.
So a couple other news that we want to go down. So one of them is, you know, increasing the
size of tiers, sorry, increasing the size of raises. So some launch pads could purposefully
keep those allocations smaller, because it's more of an exclusivity thing of like, you know,
if I launch just 200k allocations, it's not because they can't fill more, it's because sometimes
that's the business model. We want to kind of scale more towards those larger launches,
and having more room in those allocations to fit more users in. The second piece that we're
actually working on at the moment, and it's still modeling behind the scenes going on is we want to
build up more reputation focus. So obviously, the tiers will be the main way to get like larger
allocations. And, you know, there will be more like premium focus placed on those those tiers,
especially the high tiers. But we want to kind of introduce reputation and the ability to earn
your way into allocations, especially for the smaller guys. So how do we have like, I guess,
smaller tiers that enable people to kind of be active on socials, or build up their reputation
through like participation, holding tokens, etc, to be able to kind of get access as smaller
fries rather than just being completely locked out of launches. I think this is super important
as we get into the bull market. If your entry tier is already a couple, you know, thousand bucks,
you're missing out on a huge base of retail that can't get in and want to get in. So this will
apply not just to kind of the retail wanting to come in, but also users that have allocations,
have like staking and want to increase their chances. So think of it a little bit like similar
to karma points on coin lists a little bit, just wanting to kind of drive good behavior, but also
like find ways in which users can earn their way. In the earliest state, like I guess in the initial
stages, how this is looking. So when I mentioned earlier in the space around this neutron
campaign, we're actually going to be leveraging bonus block to kind of build out this cool
galaxy. It's not really a galaxy campaign, it's a little bit more sophisticated than that.
But like enabling users to leverage referrals and actively using dApps in the ecosystem and
some social tasks to kind of get that to build their chances of getting white lists through that
as well. I love that, man. Thank you. Thank you for addressing that. And I really appreciate
you. Thank you so much. Thanks for the epic questions, by the way. I'm really, really liking
it. Yeah, you guys are all killing it. I'm loving it. Let's go over to Kayla.
So I actually have the same question, a little different because I was looking over your page
and I saw, which I dropped this in the box in the corner, I saw a brand called either cloud AI,
and you have a note for it. And I was like really cool. Oh, let me look into this.
But then I started reading the comments and I was a little confused on if I could
qualify for it or how I would be able to. So I was, you know, after that really good example,
I appreciate it. Could you maybe give me like, just as an example, what I would need to do to
get that note in this theory, because it is pretty cool note. Yeah. And that's a touch on
like something that I guess was still improving as well internally. And you know, we always
improving that there was a couple of I guess, things could be communicated better, I guess,
with the way that we released ether. Timing was a bit funny as well for us, because we got,
you know, the opportunity with ether, but we've got bonus block launch. I don't know anything
about it. I was just browsing your page and thought it looked cool. Cool. Okay. So either
nodes is a node sale that's currently being incubated by Impossible Finance. And yeah,
I mean, these nodes are very, very, very hyped at the moment. And interesting ether is,
is a project that we, you know, we've been chatting to for some time. And, you know, some,
some really, really good guys backed by strong backers, either cloud, they're doing this note
sale and the note sale, there's a couple projects have done these note sales. And essentially,
the way they do they do it is, you know, they sell these notes. And then the there's
a distribution of these tokens that go to nodes. So users can either like, use the nodes themselves,
they need a pretty powerful computer to kind of run the nodes, or they can kind of, I guess,
use the third party for running in these nodes. I run the nodes over a period of like, you know,
four years, I think the distribution is occurring over four years. And it's a way that then
tokens get distributed to those nodes. So for example, with ether sale, 15% of the token
supply will be distributed to nodes over a period of four years. So it's a way that users
can kind of run these nodes and get tokens distributed over a period of time. We've seen
this very successful with ones like psi, I think is how you say it was a very, very successful one.
Yeah, it was a pretty, pretty hyped one. So the way they're doing this token sale,
not this token sale, so this node sale is this tiers. So the tiers go all the way down,
it's to like 30 plus, but the this certain number of nodes allocated for each tier. And the you know,
the obviously the higher the tier, the more expensive the nodes. So there's as you know,
lower tiers get kind of filled up, then people purchase the high tiers. I believe in some VC
groups, like some of the nodes are being sold at like tier 16 or 17 to my understanding.
Yeah, pretty good. I don't think they're thousands of dollars now, the higher tiers,
most communities in VCs have already cleaned up. And if you want to try to get in now, it's like
$2,500 or higher. Yeah, so we got Yeah, so I always I try to get into nodes a lot. And it's
it's quite the politics thing. So it would be cool to have a system where like I could join
a community that got me into nodes that that would that would definitely that's called
kryptoners. Just, that's all that's what we mainly focus on. But don't mean to don't mean to
say anything. But like, we brought zai games up, you know, months before launch, we had a whole
launch for zai games. And, you know, that the guy zai games, 50% of rewards are going to node
holders. And that you know, it's such a successful sale. But that's that's how I'm able to do all
passive income nodes are the way to go if you're in crypto. That's sick. I mean, we was pretty new to
nodes overall, to be fair, like, we we kind of got this opportunity, you know, through through our
networks and relationships, pretty close to the guys at impossible finance. And we share like a lot of
deal flow and you know, been kind of grinding it together through the bit through the bear market,
we launched through them. I love Calvin. I love the guys there. And they love to do node sales.
And so, you know, the opportunity came up, they're like, hey, we got a bunch of these, you know,
tier four and tier five nodes. And we were like, it took us a little while to wrap the head around,
like, you know, we're like, Okay, cool. What does this entail for us to go push into a node sale,
like we haven't done it before. The timing is, you know, with bonus block and stuff was
interesting. We didn't want to like overshadow like that launch. But there was a lot of
like hype and a lot of opportunity with the DD team love to ether. There was so much opportunity.
So we drove in both with impossible finance and ether, we got a bunch of these
to 45 nodes, which we're going to be selling at pretty much cost price to the community. So
it's pretty hard to get them because we only have a limited allocation, we got
offered like the opportunity to get like a much larger allocation at the high tiers. But
we, you know, obviously still, you know, we've bonus block coming up and everything we wanted to
kind of keep focus on that as well, while still presenting the opportunity. So we have,
I think it's been released, it's on our site now, but we've got, we've got 135 nodes for
the public tier 45. We're averaging in between the two. So instead of just distributing the
difference between two four and two five, we're just getting the middle ground. So we're waiting
on the snapshot for the exact price, but it's looking like around 850 or so. So we'll be like
getting these nodes. Because we only have like this only 175. We with this, there's a bunch
for some contributors and bunch for care wells we've leveraged as well. And the rest, so with
these amounts, we're going to be distributing them mainly to high tiers stakers. So six and five
guaranteed and then lottery on four with overflowing lottery to the lower tiers. It's
a bit harder because, you know, I want to kind of give access to, you know, the smaller tiers, but
because you can't do partial notes, it becomes a little bit difficult to kind of distribute in
the same manner. Yep. So I would just argue that actually, I like that. And, you know,
that's what I was hoping to hear that there's some access to smaller nodes, like maybe not
every, not too smaller tiers, maybe not everybody likes something, but I love it, you know,
that's why there could be value there. And as far as nodes, I can tell you right off the bat that
I got a whole YouTube channel just because of nodes. So it's the right way to go about it.
Like there's no doubt that people are going to be interested. And there's a whole crowd of people
looking for nodes online, that a lot of different markets are not capitalizing on it. If you search
for crypto mining, don't get nodes as often as you should. If you're searching for passive
income, you're not always getting nodes. If you're searching for NFTs, you definitely don't get nodes.
But there's a whole crowd out there. And if you do some SEO, you know, search, just figuring out,
you know, how optimized people are for nodes, they're not. So yeah, good. Have fun. You're
going to capitalize big time in this market. More nodes. We should do some more that it sells.
It does sound like though, you know, the nodes that you guys got, you know,
the tier four to five, which is 800 bucks, it sounds like most of them are going to KOLs and,
you know, higher priced people, right? So like, even if somebody was listening to this space right
now, it was like, man, I really wanted, you know, an eighth or node, and they went and
bought your token and staked it today, they probably wouldn't qualify though, right? I
mean, just just just trying to call it how I see it. You know, how out of the allocation of nodes,
I mean, I don't, I don't mean to kind of call you out, but like how the total allocation got is you
guys got about 250. It sounded like how many of those are already promised out and how many of
those are actually going to your platform or the people that are staking the tokens?
Yeah, we've only got, we got about 200 nodes on the, sorry, I think it was muted. So we've
got about, yeah, we've got about 200 nodes. And there's a there's about 10 going to contributors
and the rest going to, yeah, we've got, we got some to like, Kellwells and some community driven
initiatives. Yeah, I mean, we don't have a large amount going out, we could have, we could have
honestly taken like, like, T12 and taken some more nodes and had that wide distribution.
But we also weren't we weren't necessarily like, I mean, we were comfortable in selling these out
and everything. But we also didn't want to take too much away from the bonus block sale and
yeah, so you know, as part of that, like we definitely kept the number smaller. And we wanted
to be very clear that it's not like your normal IDO sale. And like, you know, with Ether, there was
kind of a decision, you know, behind the scenes occurring. And it was a little bit on the fence
for a bit, because we hadn't done a node sale. The distribution was a little bit different with
this. And it's a new territory. And we said, Okay, cool. We you know, we've got this opportunity
to offer these to the community. And we don't we don't know even if we live in like tier twos or
tier ones, if some of those community members can afford like a full node, especially if we're going
into like tier, I guess, like tier, I guess, like, you know, high tiers like T12 plus,
what's the demand going to be? And so there's a bit of like this jostling around, you know,
how many nodes we offer? What what size do we do it? Then it obviously turned out that the there was
a lot more interest even for the nodes than we anticipated. So in hindsight, if we were to
do it again, we definitely would have taken on more nodes. And we would have gone with
like a higher amount, even if we had to take a portion of nodes at, you know, 12 plus,
they're still obviously very if you've never done nodes, that's like an easy mistake.
Yeah, we've never done nodes. And so we didn't want to overcook it as well. So there's obviously
a lot of learning from that. But you know, with the number of nodes that we have,
and you know, the number of stakers that we have, it was it's definitely an interesting kind of
way up on on how to do it. I mean, we actually introduced we introduced Sparta decks to to
ether and they think the way they did it was quite quite good, to be fair, they took on more
nodes, and they did the lower tiers for I guess a couple of the higher tier stakers and they brought
on they got a bunch of high T nodes for kind of the love for, you know, kind of wider access.
And that's how we probably would look to do it again if we were to do it.
No, Simon, here's the old nodes. First and foremost, admitting that you didn't know all
the info weren't sure about it, you just got to follow and I'm going to make sure this
thing actually succeed just because I love honest people in the space we need it really bad.
Secondly, I like I don't have the largest following I don't have like I didn't pump out a lot of
content but within two days I sold $150,000 worth of nodes with one video. So people are looking
for this man like it's a big deal. I don't know if you're able to get a second wave of things,
but you can make out pretty darn good. And I'll ask the question that crypto sensei wants to ask
out of those 10 nodes, you still got any left for the KOLs?
I have to talk to lab about that. Okay, well, the cow manager, like part of it was
Oh, wow. Thanks, Justin. I appreciate that.
I'd like to know if you have the node. Oh, sorry. Yeah. So with the cow wells,
there was two parts to that. One of them was, you know, cow wells that, you know,
obviously getting like, helping to kind of push out and get the news out. And the second one is
there was a couple cow wells that have like really, really supported us over the last couple months.
And so labs kind of been responsible for dealing with that sort of stuff. So I don't know if
you're still on this call. But yeah, I can I can always put a group together as well. I mean,
if you deem me on on Telegram or on Twitter, then I can connect after and see if I don't
know if we've got any nodes left for cow wells, but love to kind of chat and keep keeping keeping
the loop there. Yeah, for sure. What I was gonna say is thank you for the honest answer. And there's
probably a lot of people in here that are like, what nodes? What is that? Is that passive income?
Like, I've been able to change my entire life working from a nine to five job to being able
to do crypto full time by finding the right node projects. But you're going to see a lot
of projects offering nodes that maybe not actually are nodes or NFTs. And they're a promise
of the you know, in the future. So make sure that you're doing your due diligence and not just
jumping into anything that says, Hey, we got a node sale. But I appreciate you honestly
answering, you know, the question I know it's tough when you have to deal with all of you
know, these these long term supporters and you guys have been going well. But it's great to
hear that you guys are going to be offering some to your community. And I commend you guys for that.
So thank you so much. When communities everything like, and it sounds like really corny over now,
but like, if you if you dig into kind of our community during the bear market, and the guys
that supported like, it's really like, you really want to foster that culture and that access and
build, I guess, like hell wells and build like people from within. I think that's like the
really key. I saw this happen. And in the last bull market, it's really successful as projects
that are able to build their supporters into klls, right, or build their supporters up into
kind of community leaders are ones that are very strong. And I think, you know, at the ethos,
we always always going to put, you know, giving access to people as a very strong priority.
But it's also finding the right balances of incentives and balances towards like,
you know, high tier stakers versus access to early people weighing up, as we said before, like,
if we you know, with especially high price team nodes, can someone at tier one,
have they got the capital necessarily to outlay for a node? And how do you kind of gauge that
and get that kind of good? Because we've got a wide range of different community members,
right? Some community members, I remember coming into our sale, like, you know, had, you know,
10 bucks to rub together, but they're still an important part of our community,
right, you know what I mean? So it's how do we kind of create a base to support people across
the board. And, you know, we've been running an ambassador program where we have guys that
were able to kind of, you know, build up their profiles and, you know, become more part of
Eclipse. And there will be this, you know, there definitely be rewards for like the ambassador
programs and ways in which we can kind of get guys into tiers as well that are supporting in many ways
more than just capital. I will say that they don't have to be exclusive, you know, Simon,
I think a lot of times people think that if I launch nodes, there can't be staking. And if I do
well, you know, know what's staking, you can do all of it at the same time, you can set up tiers,
you can do a lower barrier entry for them to kick off off a node. But depending on how much
they stake on that node, they can get a different number of, you know, rewards. There's a lot that you
can do with this, you got to play with numbers, I totally get it. And that's the best part. I mean,
you can have a lot of fun playing those numbers and making sure people are getting rewarded while
they're giving back by, you know, maybe by creating a bigger community about talking about
the project, or even, you know, doing more technical things, whatever, maybe there's definitely
opportunities to kind of look a little bit deep.
Perfect, maybe, maybe it opens up the opportunity for in house node experts in the future. So actually,
this is interesting, because it's something I haven't touched on the call, because we took
the focus a little bit off this, maybe recently, focusing more on other elements of the roadmap.
But modularity is a big part for us is like, bringing in different launch mechanisms and
styles of launches. And, you know, in the earliest stages, we have IDOs, we do have an LBP modules
built. But we definitely want to explore different ways of distribution of tokens. I think that's
super cool. We saw this happen in, you know, the terry ecosystem was a great example of
different launch mechanisms, such as like pylon protocol, which was kind of staking, you know,
you were staking, I mean, there was a disaster in a way, but you were, you would use like the
yield from you from anchor, for example, to persuade launches. So really, you know, once you
get a couple of the core pieces, like equinox, and a few other pieces nutted out, I really
want to go hard into kind of exploration and, and new launch mechanisms, such as you know,
we already kind of be working on lock drops and things like that, but ways that we can kind of
bring different distributions, and nodes could be one of them, like if nodes is really like the,
you know, a cool thing that that people want, and that is a great way to distribute tokens to
communities, like open to it for sure. So yeah, not closed off to any of this, we want to build
this with people. I don't really want this to be, you know, Simon's vision, or just a one person
thing, I want this to be a community and a bunch of really cool minds that get together to build
something that is cool, experimental, but also successful. So yeah. One trick pony is what you
were looking for there. That's, I think that's the American term, or maybe it was English and
it came over to America, but you don't want to be a one trick pony. Yeah, I mean, different ways
to distribute distribution is important, right? How do you get to talking to the hands of community
and do it like in the fairest way possible in some cool creative ways. So yeah,
then I think we should be fair and wolf, we should hear more about this later on,
but I think space is coming to a close, right? We're five minutes overtime, but I've been enjoying it.
Yeah, no, I listen, and there's good questions and good combo. I think that's that's the essence of
space is I've also been trying to see if we could get lab up here, but unfortunately, their mics
just been not working. So I've been working on that too. But yeah, this has been really,
really good. Love the questions. Sounds like we obviously got to set up a node space in
the near future. That's where this is going and have a chat about that. So I just just
just touched base with the wolf web three team to let them know we should get that rolling.
All right, with that being said, I think we got lab on stage. So I'm gonna we're kind of
the final comments. But love, did you have anything you wanted to throw into the mix here?
See if they can unmute. Hey, yeah, we got you.
Okay, perfect.
Can you just say a like a two sentence wrap-up of what just happened because I'm getting DMS about people that you hear anything
And I couldn't hear it either
Well, I mean it was mostly mostly just recapping some of the stuff from the AMA
But then he did mention that he was going to probably reach out to you action
I'm back guys. It's just weird silent
Yeah, no, I saw that I mean I saw people getting dropped I'm not really sure what happened there
But I think we are wrapping up Simon. You want to give us the final comments? I
Just appreciate you guys you guys are legends. I look forward to chatting with you guys individually as well
I think you guys had some epic questions. So feel free to reach out
I mean I could send through some DMS and yeah keep the chat to you guys separately as well
And yeah, let's let's build this coming to the ball
So we've got got a big exciting couple months and years ahead with the bull might kicking off and want to make sure that we've got
You know the right people rounds and that we kind of yeah, we're kind of building something cool together
Let's do it
All right, perfect. Thanks. I'm in. Thank you Kayla action lady trader sensei was on here the eclipse team Brian Justin
Below a lot of great people. Hope everybody's a great evening be back on spaces tomorrow bright and early 915 a.m. Eastern
Looking forward to seeing y'all then have a good one
Killer and killer space wolf. Thank you. Thank you