Intersection of Gaming and DeFi with DAM Finance, GLMR Apes & ZOO DAO

Recorded: Feb. 23, 2023 Duration: 0:55:48



Hey everyone, welcome to the space. Give us a minute to get everybody up on stage and we'll get started shortly.
just waiting on glimmer apes to join up and then we'll be ready to go.
Hey, Tim, if you could here try rejoining the space because it's not allowing me to send the invite, I'm not seeing it. And then send me a request to speak and we'll get you up on board.
Just give it a couple more minutes. We'll get started having a little bit of technical difficulties with space, but we'll be getting started shortly.
Okay, until we can have 10 up here, we'll have Marin, he's also from the Glimmer rapes team. How you doing Marin?
I'm doing pretty good. Sorry about the technical issues. Good morning. Good evening, everyone. Hello, guys. How's it going? Doing well on my end. Beautiful day, like always.
Right, kids. We've got to get Elon Musk on this Twitter space's stuff. It's technical difficulties every time. Yeah, I saw, I saw actually saw post that someone's complaining about Twitter like a like oh,
So anyway, let's get started. Welcome everybody to the downtown Moonbeam roundtable discussion today we have the glimmer apes we have Zoodau and we have damn finance and we're here to talk about the intersection of gaming and defy.
What I'd like to do is just get this started with some brief introductions, maybe a little bit of background on the individual projects for those who aren't aware and then we'll get started with the interesting part of the conversation. Let's do that one. We go first.
Sure. So I'm Josh. I'm responsible for business development, external relations and a jack of all trades with ZDOW. What ZDOW is is basically
a platform that ultimately gamifies yields and defy yields and provides utility on a universal level to all NFTs.
Awesome. Thanks for that. And, uh, damn, uh, we have Harrison there, right?
My name is Harrison Comfort. I'm one of the founding contributors at DAMM. I specifically look after the product and quick intro. DAMM is a global share liquidity infrastructure that makes it easy to scaleably move value between
extremely focused on creating as much utility for D2O and the Mimigo system. So I'm really happy that we're able to be on this with the Climber apes and Zood out because they are really big parts of our GoToMarket strategy.
All right, so marrying here, and city of the Glimmer 8s, so for those of you who don't know us, we launched the first NFT collection on Moonbeam Network here, and we quickly organize also the Dow and launch Glimmer Jungle.
And later during last September we launched the Great Escape which is our main app and it's a 2D platform play to earn or more play and earn but I guess we'll talk about it in a few minutes. Awesome, thank you Marron.
So let's get started with the discussions. So the way I'd like to do this is just we're going to go over some of the topics and then individual questions, but feel free to hop in at any time and just to just make some comments. So the first section that we're going to
be talking about is just exploring the intersection of gaming and DeFi and the question is how can Glimmar Apes Zoodau and Dam work together to create a more seamless and integrated experience for users between gaming and DeFi and whoever wants to take that first can just happen.
Yeah, so I suppose I'll jump in. So what's you know, basically aims to do is this gamification of DeFi yields on a kind of a grand scale. And in the current market, it seems there hasn't been a huge rush to create
to make interacting with D5 Redicals really easy and fun and engaging. So that's what kind of Zedow does. So how we can collaborate is basically we intend on integrating dams farms, which for those of you listening right now who wants massive APIs.
They're currently running a pool on Curve Finance, which is set up 50% APY. So if you're listening, you should definitely take advantage of that. And what we can do is just basically gamify these yields and return that value to our users. And our users definitely includes the glimmer apes now and the glimmer apes.
- Awesome, it looks like we have a tin that just joined us. Ten, you just wanna give a brief introduction yourself before we proceed. - Oh yes, thanks. Hello, Mr. Tin here, co-founder of Glimmarave's Dow. By the way, sorry everyone for the inconvenience, I had a small issue with my Twitter app.
But yeah, so Glimmer Apes is the first Moonbeam Dow. And so basically, we have a collection of 2001 Glimmer Apes that yelled one token called bananas that is used by a second collection of playable FTs we created.
to play a game called The Great Escape on Moonbeam. So that's what our project is about. And so we are happy to partner up with Dham and Zudau in trying to create some mechanics with our ecosystem and theirs.
Awesome, and Mr. Ten, so going back to the question, I'm not sure if you heard it, but it was, how can Glimmer Apes, Zoodau and Dam work together to create a more seamless and integrated experience for users between gaming and D5?
Yes, so I think that what is interesting for us is that some actors might be familiar with D5 but not necessarily with games and on the other hand we have some people who might be interested in playing games but might see
see, defy something complicated and the fact of creating some partnership between those different areas, allow people to get curious about what happens and also make it maybe more more simple for them.
understand because if it's in a gamified way maybe you feel more and I'm not as complicated as going through a lot of documentation to understand how the different mechanics of DeFi might work so that's how it's quite interesting.
and Harrison, what was your take on this?
really creating a utility flywheel and there's so much cross utility that I'll probably lead something out but the punchline is is that by being a part of glimmer apes suit our damn you're really a part of three communities and what we're doing
is reducing fragmentation between them and creating clear use cases with clear value in a cyclical way, which is really creating like a 1 plus 1 equals 5 dynamic. So, and I think that by working so closely with other projects,
projects where each of our projects is like really clearly adding value and focusing on what they're good at. It also just helps expand our communities but also just have a better idea of what are the key things that we need to be implementing to continue to keep things lively, fun, and dynamic.
So moving on, what are the benefits that this brings to the overall ecosystem and user experience?
If I can start there and I'm sure I'm going to leave something out because there's really a lot. The way that we see really the whole blockchain experience is that gaming is the entry point. So you have glimmer apes as the draw, but in order to play the glimmer apes game, you
You need two different assets. You need the GLMB utility token and then the NFT, which Mr. Tind referenced. And in order to obtain them more easily because there is a finite amount, you can access them via D2O. So for the utility token, D2O, you can go over to Beams
and swap directly for your GLMB to play the game. And through double protocol, you can actually now rent the NFTs for the game with D20. And we are working with the Glimmer Apes team to distribute those directly to their community.
We're working to distribute some GLNB tokens to our Moonwalker NFT holders. And in the spirit of creating more utility for NFTs, what's super fun about the Zoodau experience is that the NFTs from Glimmerapes are
not unique only to the glimmer apes game, you can also battle them within zood out and you can also battle the moonwalker nft which is within dam it's like an exclusive membership where you get access to things and so forth. You can deposit them to battle which is a ton of fun and it's really
I don't want to use the word addictive, but it can be a little addictive when you're going up against another person's NFT. And while you do that, you are under the hood generating yield on the deposited stablecoin, which in this case would be 2.2.0. And then both cases
communities, all of our communities, they require more T20 and more of the gaming token and it just becomes a flywheel where we are all aware of one another and we're figuring out ways that we can acquire more and participate more so we can do more transactions which I guess ultimately benefits the moonby me ecosystem.
Josh, Mr. Tindy, did you guys have anything to add on this one?
Yeah, thank you for the presentation. I think it's it's a very good sum up of everything. I'll just add as well one or two things that I've said quite interesting for the user experience is that by being already familiar with one of those free projects.
you also get incentivized and guided towards exploring more of what happens on the ecosystem. So it kinds of guides the experience of the user towards different projects on Moonbeam that are
not necessarily from the same area, I would say. And that makes it quite simple and fun for the users to go discover and explore more, actually. And when it comes to the overall ecosystem, as well, again, I think it's about
creating bridges between different sort of profiles that can be found that to have interest in blockchain. Some people might be more from the defi. Some people might be more interested in NFTs and the fact that the two of them can
meet up in a way through those partnerships. It's a very good way to get people educated about some of the areas that they might know less about, I would say.
Yeah, I totally agree. And just a further benefit I see is like with Zudow integrating down and with Zudow integrating glimmer rates, glimmer rates are getting that cross community engagement with like a variety of different popular Ethereum based NFT projects, which kind of creates interest in
in the Moonby Men FTE ecosystem as well. And from the damn finance perspective, the liquidity that people would be using to vote is largely coming from Ethereum through damn to Zedow as well. So it's kind of like a big circle of mutually beneficial relationship.
Awesome. And so I know I know you mentioned this just just now briefly, but maybe we can dive into this topic in a little bit more detail. You know, moon beam is one of the benefits. I think of the moon beam ecosystem is that projects work together. We have like this sort of
of cohesive community. And so like what I'm wondering is like what specific benefits does each project see from these partnerships with the projects, especially regarding things like liquidity, like the different utilities and even like the volume hedge.
Harrison maybe you want to start with this one?
I mean, D2O is a way to mitigate against on-chain volatility, but we wanted to just be more than something that you just hold. We wanted to be something that you can put to use and access other key kind of innovations and
projects within the Mundim community. And by the way, I think downtown Mundim deserves a ton of credit for helping foster that culture that you were talking about. By the way, that's a side point. And because the way we see it is really defies something that should happen behind the scenes.
If D20 is an entry point to both as Zudau or the Climerape community in terms of being able to access the access required to play, and then under the covers you are accruing more value so you can enter
turn, play more, share more, and then share it with other projects. I think that this is really the spirit of what we're trying to create here. It's really a flywheel. And when you're a project working closely with other projects, and you have this type of relationship, I can't
saying how helpful it is for product roadmap development in terms of prioritization of features because the intent to ideate in a cloud rate is there and the more you do, the more you say, hey, wouldn't it be cool if we could do this? Right? And that's something that we can directly share with our communities, mutually.
Awesome. Josh, or did you have anything else to add?
Yeah, just a quick snippet. Like when I first reached out to the glimmered style, they were super cool and super supportive. And they kind of saw Zudai as an opportunity to kind of relieve
some of the burden on them for like the banana rewards that they have to put out and also just to give another use case to the NFT. So people would come to Zida for a much more passive experience.
experience, then they would come to the actual game for. So it's good to have far more things to do with your NFT. And yeah, that's basically all I wanted to say there.
Yeah, I completely agree actually because what is really interesting for us is that so our token, the GLNB utility token is produced through stacking those climber apes and FT and so by having basically people who have incentives to use their energy
for something else than just stacking or voting. We will also see a decrease in the production of our utility token so that has some positive influence as well because people have to make a choice basically on how they want to yield with their
NFT be it through our own stiking or through the battles that Zoodau offers. So it's very interesting for us. And I think as well the point about meeting over NFT collection is a very good one. I think that by
having this sort of partnership that is a bit unique between like a path-link NFT platform and a stablecoin basically on an ecosystem that tries to grow. It's a good way to attract attention and to show to people who don't know much about Moonbeam that some very cool things are happening there.
Great. And so like how does this partnership impact each project's overall growth and user adoption? And maybe we could talk about if you could think of some specific examples of this.
and whoever wants to go first can jump in here.
I think for us in terms of the project's growth, it's interesting in case of the token because we get more basically with them, we get another liquidity pool, so it's easier for people to access our token.
D2O holders will be able to purchase bananas or to try to game. And what's also interesting is that things to the partnership with Dan and their digital distribution of some of the liquidity rewards on the decks towards their own users.
Well, you get people who get dropped a little bit of GLMB token so the moonwalkers that will receive a little bit of GLMB token and that can create strong instances for them to use it for the game. So that creates extra curiosity for them and when it comes to Zuda
I think it's interesting to see because once people realize that they can use their Glimmer Apes NFT to battle against others, it will help people having more interest into the Glimmer Apes NFT as well.
So, from our perspective, we get D2O into more hands, but also as a DeFi project with our own NFT through both
We're able to share, like Mr. Tim said, we're able to expand and expose them to the Climber 8 universe and also give them some really fun utility in Zoodau. So without those projects, it would be very, you know, it would be, those projects help us not only with the two of us,
distribution and awareness, but also it helps us give value to our own community holders through the Moonwalker as well. So it's really multifaceted form of value that's unlocked as a result of this circular utility.
and Josh, did you have anything to add?
I think not on this point specifically. I think the guy has summed it up perfectly. I suppose specifically from down finance, aside the liquidity capture from being ported over from Ethereum to Moonbeam is super, super important and especially since it creates details.
which is minted on moonbeam. So it's more liquidity for moonbeam. - Liquidity is always a great thing. - And that liquidity gets shared with all the... - Yeah, sorry for interrupting you Nick. But yeah, and then that more liquidity, then that gets mutualized across all moonbeam assets.
So it's like the game attracts the liquidity, which gets more liquidity, which, you know, it's this really this flywheel. I know I keep saying this one plus one equals five dynamics, but I really feel like that's what's happening here.
agreed. And so let's talk about gaming now. I'm sure people who are in the space have played some crypto games in the past and as you're aware,
There's different types of these games and I'll let you guys go into a little bit more detail on this, but how does Glimmer Apes and Zoodau differ in their approaches to gaming and how they gamify their respective platforms?
So I suppose Zuda was like, it's a really really passive game. So the game is to gamify people's defiles. So it's completely different to like a play to earn.
and etc. And Glimmerade is like a super impressive project in that they've balanced their their ergonomics and their game has they've made it exciting enough that people regularly play it, but I think a lot of a lot of play to earn projects
don't have this luck or skill or balance. So Zudow kind of differs in that we can provide a home for all of these projects to come and interact with DeFi in a much more fun way. But you wouldn't come to Zudow with like, you know,
So if you wanted to play a button basher or pick up a console controller and start playing around, it's not that sort of game. So it's a very different and much more passive experience than something like the Mrapes.
Yes, and yeah, when it comes to our science, our approach I would say to gaming is to try to offer some casual gaming basically approach to web 3 with the idea or concept that's one of the main driver of the adoption of the internet
And that's back in the 2000s was gaming. We believe that something similar could happen to Web 3. And so our goal was to have sort of game that is easy for everyone to play and that brings back maybe a bit of nostalgia to some people.
I would say that our game is a little bit in the 90s style of a platform or game, very easy to understand and to play. Because that's what we believe is, can possibly be attractive to the most users, because we see some
NFT games are very specialized in some sort of like meta-versies or some environments that can be quite complex to navigate for for someone who are absolutely not funnier with gaming. And the way we try to gain your fives through the game, so basically we
We are now working on the version 2 of our game that will be soon available on mobile with the idea again that we should have mini games that that it should be very entertaining to to play so very very active so quite opposite of us would
in the beginning. But it just is that I think one of the things that's super cool about Zoodao is that interacting natively with a lot of the D5 primitives can be a bit can be overwhelming, especially if you're new to it. So I think
I think what's really awesome about Zodos platform is that they provide a really easy on ramp to passive income or economic opportunities associated with DeFi. So it's a much more inclusive and accessible way to benefit from those economic opportunities.
Just to comment on the Glimmery Games, it reminds me a bit of, like you said, 90s platformers, almost like Super Mario. So that was one of my favorite games.
just wanted to comment on that. And what are the different pros and cons of each approach? And how would you say that these can complement each other?
Okay, I will suddenly be on so I think that one of the pros of our approach is that by making it basically very very fun to play and to use the blockchain for first for fun purposes, it drives
people to use the blockchain a lot more. Also the fact that we have a casual game, I think makes it quite easy for people to get into the universe and to enjoy that. One of the main issues though
I would say with an active game is that it requires two things. It requires time and it requires maybe a bit of confidence. Some people might be a bit afraid of playing a game because they are concerned that they have to learn the rules or that they will not play that well.
We try to go around that by making sure that in the game regardless of how good a player is there is always something fun to do and there is always there are prizes for everyone basically you don't need to be on a pro
gamer to have fun and enjoy the benefits of playing the game. So yeah, I would say the hardest part is of course having people motivated enough to play actively and to get into the game itself into into playing.
Yeah, I totally agree. I think Ciudad might serve the more lazy apes among your community who just kind of want to set it and forget it and just have their eggs working for them. So yeah, completely different.
experience and the con of Zuda of course is that it's not that engaging and you don't get to you know compete at that level where you're actually it's a skill based game but of course the
advantages that you can just leave your assets and NFTs working for you, which is kind of nice to go to sleep at night thinking, okay, my NFTs doing something for me, I don't have to input things on a keyboard, etc., etc.
Yes, especially for busy people who are working, I could definitely see the benefit of just, you know, the set it and forget it, sort of method of playing a game. So it's great that they both complement each other and you can make the choice of which
which method that you want to play. Now, I do want to go more into the interactions between the projects and the circulation between each project. Can you guys walk us through the various loops and interactions between the projects and how they can strengthen each other?
Yes, so I will describe it from our side, but of course there are probably some more loops. So one of the things that Glimmer aves NFT means new GNB token, which is the utility token for game. These tokens thanks to
down. They are obtainable in on beam swap on a GLMB D2O pool. So this is in terms of the liquidity. We have liquidity that is directly accessible from a DEX, thanks to DAM. It's also possible to rent the glimpses
Django NFTs to play the great escape game in D2O. So that's another loop. And one more loop is that you can provide liquidity in both D2O and GLNB token on BIMSwap to get more GLNB
rewards. So we have also dex rewards in GLMP. And when it comes to Zoodao, the fact that people need to use their Glimmer Apes NFT to play the battles means that they cannot stake it. So it reduces the new, the
the pace of the inflation of the supply of GLMB. And also what is fun is that people get rewards in D2O that they can of course later on re-inject maybe in the game through renting NFTs or by purchasing extra bananas.
I love bananas.
What about, Josh? What about from your guys' perspective? What would you say the interactions? Did they miss any or anything additional to add?
I think that covers it in a big way, but one thing that was possibly left out was that when Glimmerates vote on their state NFTs in Zudow or when external participants vote on Glimmerates in Zudow,
GlimmerApes Dow actually receive a small yield royalty. It's 0.5% of the total yield generated on their collection will go directly to the GlimmerApes Dow strengthen their project and providing them with an additional stream of revenue outside of trading fees, which is what a lot of NFT projects rely on.
So, um, just something that I thought of where would be like the best place to start one of these loops for a new user that's like incoming into this ecosystem. What where can they start and then where can like, and then where would they end up?
Well, from the dam side, you can mint these who want to Ethereum and teleport it over as a native asset. Or if you're already on Moonbeam and you don't want to leave Moonbeam, there are a few different options.
swap glimmer pretty much any app as a directly for D2O using brain decks or you can go directly to curve to swap native tether for D2O or you can go to the pool that we've got on the
of the EMSWOP if you're a GLMBE token holder to get D2O. And then with your D2O, you can then either obtain the relevant asset to participate in the glimmer jungle or
you can, soon, take it on Zudow and you can essentially earn in the yield from the underlying LP opportunity, which ultimately ends up getting shared with the moonwalkers.
So that's the loop from our perspective. But there's so many different ways that you can kind of get started associated with it.
Awesome, did you guys have anything to add?
or is that really sum it up? I think that's pretty much a lot of things, maybe in terms of more, in terms of the NFT perspective of things. One way to start would be to purchase Glimmer
Apes NFT, use it in the battles against Zoodau and obtaining some D2O yields that you can later swap for bananas.
maybe use some of that to rent as well, Glimmer Jungle NFT in D20 and play the game with your bananas and with your D20. That would be another way to look at it from the NFT perspective of things.
Awesome. And so how do these interactions drive growth and increase user engagement and just like from my perspective, like I really like the integration with with dam allowing people to kind
of use the liquidity on Ethereum where a lot of the liquidity and crypto and DeFi lies. But from your perspective, where would you say really drives the growth and user engagement?
I think it just creates just more reason why you would want to have D2O and why you would want to be part of our community and be a moonwalker because whether it's D2O and accessing the assets or earning yields through the Zood Out platform or through participating
and the bananas pool on theme swap. We also are, by working with these communities, able to give back to our, you know, more, our biggest supporters, which are the moonwalkers, because you can battle the NF, you can battle your moonwalker NFT. But also, if you're a moonwalker, you know, we should
We're sharing bananas with them, and it's easier for them to get onboarded to the clumber jungle's game. So it's really, I think, I think it's a mindset just around how you can sort of share value in the spirit of helping expand the pie for everybody.
Yeah, indeed. And like as you mentioned, Nick, one of the biggest value ads, I guess, is to get in that cross-community engagement from Ethereum NFTs and expose them to
have to use that they might never be exposed to and also expose them to defy which they very rarely interact with. So yeah.
Yeah, I agree with everything that the children's been said. I think that is very interesting to basically I would say it's like one one one only one door of entry you get the foot into three different projects so that is really really helpful
to attract the intention of people who might not have been at first interested at all into something they don't know and thanks to either trying Zudau or having D2O they get a chance to discover Glimmer apes as well.
Awesome. So next up, how would you say that this partnership drives education and curiosity about DeFi and NFTs?
So I will take this one. Yeah, sure. Glad. Okay. So I think that NFTs are like by far the most accessible thing in the crypto space right now. It's like it really NFTs brought the mainstream into crypto in a way that
hasn't been done really before. But these users aren't really interacting with other elements of the space. They're not really interacting with other chains. They're not interacting with DeFi. They're not going from buying their first NFT to, let's say, wrapping an LP token and staking it on some scary DeFi protocol
these things take a lot of time to kind of build up to. So the big goal of ZUDOW I suppose is to make that process really, really super easy and engaging and exciting, which kind of in turn benefits them, or Apes and Dam in the way that we've kind of covered already.
I agree with Josh and I would say as well that one thing we saw is that we got a lot of questions for our community member and in the Glimmer Apes community we are very close-knit so we have active
discussions on our channels on Discord and on Telegram. And I think that for some of our active community members, you know, they ask questions about those projects. They want to know the details. They get to hear as well from some people who are maybe more familiar with it.
So it's a good way as well to create some sort of confidence and trust towards those projects because they have someone that explains to them how it works, some people they believe in and so it really helps as well create trust and engagement towards the other projects.
Awesome, Harrison, did you have something to add?
Nothing that I think Josh and Mr. Tim covered are really well great. So now moving on like what are some of the initiatives or projects that are underway to drive this cross pollination and increase understanding
of the concepts. It sounds a little redundant, so if it is just feel free to just pass. But yeah, like what are these initiatives and projects that are underway? Maybe we can go into also a little bit of the roadmap ahead.
Yeah, I suppose. Well, one of the projects that is upcoming is Zudas launch, which I'll take this opportunity to say. So very, very soon, we'll have this on-ramp from users from Ethereum to come and interact with defaults.
on Moonbeam in a really, really fun way. So that is happening very, very, very, very soon. So stay tuned listeners. And something that we're excited about is how we can expand this
group and the value that we have amongst our communities and include other communities in the Polkadot ecosystem, other Parachains, other networks and so forth. So that's something that's very much part of our roadmap.
On our side, I would say that we are definitely interested in creating more partnerships with over existing projects. I think it's very good for the health of the ecosystem.
And maybe I will take the opportunity to have the money here to say that we are going to raise our V2 mobile version and with that we're going to be able to invite other projects into playing our game thanks to some
game passes and the first to benefit from it will be the Moonwalkers community that will get to join us on our game next month which we are very excited about.
Awesome. So the next thing I'd like to know since we're talking about gaming, what was the first game that you ever played?
I think it was Super Mario Bros on the Game Boy color back in the 90s.
I think mine was a sauna conga second mega drive or something. Nice.
Harrison, what about you? What was your first game?
I think that was a reference to Pokemon that he just did. Yeah, yeah. My first game was also super Mario.
pros on the on the super Nintendo good times good times and what about what about your favorite game maybe like maybe something more recent what would you say your favorite game is
That's a tough one. I would say on mobile I say to pay Jabloy mortal is very very very fun to play but if I talk about
I really like the Raymond. Raymond's in general is one of my favorite series of games. I really like what Ubisoft proposes.
And for me myself, I don't have time for a lot of competitive gaming anymore, but I used to be very, very, very into Counter-Strike, global offensive. So yeah.
I like to play chess on the chess app. Hey, me too. 1200 ELo. Let's go.
gosh, you probably wrecking. Always down to play chess game. Chess so definitely send some invites my way if you guys want to play.
Maybe we could even play it if you guys are attending East Denver last last year they had a giant chest set like there were so maybe we could play giant chests that would be fun
That does sound fun. So what about crypto gaming? What was your first crypto game that you played?
I think the first game that I played was on Phantom. I forgot the name of it, but basically it was a very simple game where you needed to do some sort of paintings.
But I think it's also working anymore, I guess. Another game that was fun to try was Ava Gochi as well, like a wider goal.
Yeah, and for me, I think I'm a bit ashamed to say that I haven't played a huge amount of Web 3 games. I'm waiting for the Ready Player 1 scenario where I can just plug in and explore all the different metaverses. But we're not there yet. Give it a few years and then I'll have tried a good few.
the greatest escape was actually my first crypto game that I played.
Nice to be your first one. Yeah, and totally outside of this I liked it so much. I acquired one of the glimmer apes. I'm number
We are very proud to have you as a member of the community in Harrison. I appreciate that Mr. Ten.
Awesome. So I do want to be aware of time. I know the the Glen Reefs you guys have an AMA coming up in the discord. So just you know so right after this
guys make sure you join the glimmer apes discord for their next discussion. But just to kind of close this out, was there anything that you guys wanted to add before we wrap this up?
No, just that it's been great speaking and thanks a lot for the host.
Thank you very much, Nick, for inviting us over here. It was a very interesting conversation. I hope that the listeners enjoyed and I would like to apologize again for my little issues, technical issues at the beginning of the session. It was a real pleasure to be here. Thank you. Actually, before we go, I just realized there was a couple of questions that the community
community asked so maybe we can go through these really quickly before we leave. This one here says, "How do you see the future of these yield bearing NFTs?" What do you see like the evolution, how these kind of pan out moving forward?
And Mr. Ten, maybe you guys could comment on this. Yes, so I can only talk about our own perspectives that at the moment, I wouldn't say it's exactly like a very, like yes, a yield in a way, but like the
I think that is all about sustainability at the end of the day. So NFTs that offer unsustainable yields, I don't think is really last a very long time. On the other hand, when you have a token that is yielded that has direct utility, there will always
be a good reason to use it. And therefore, like the way we do things, I think it's very sustainable. Like you don't have a crazy yield, you have just a little bit through the yield of your NFT. And that's why, for example, Zudao is a really good option as well because the people can
use the NFT to get a better yield somehow thanks to the NFT battles. They are about having reasonable expectations when it comes to the yield of an NFT. If you get a 500% yield per month, at some point you have to question
where do I come from and is it sustainable? Yeah, for sure. You definitely got that right. And I suppose, um, them rates is really an outlier because a lot of a lot of NFT projects make that mistake of overinflating their token. But in terms of like pure yield bearing and FT is like
Like every single NFT that is coming to Zeta will be a yield bearing NFT. If it can encourage external people to vote on the NFT, then it will permanently earn a percentage of their yield that they generate. So that's pretty exciting from a sustainable future perspective as well.
Awesome. And so that wraps up the community questions. So unless there's anything else you guys wanted to add, I think we can move on to Glimmer Eeps Discord.
Thanks for having us and if anyone's going to be at East Denver will be presenting at the Moonbeam booth on the second. I'd love to meet up that week if anyone's going to be there. Awesome guys, thanks so much for listening and thanks so much for the host Nick.
Thanks for joining and thanks for answering all the questions guys. Glad to have you on.
Thank you, thank you everyone. - Thanks everyone. - Bye. - Bye.