Into the Umeeverse πŸͺ x @archwayHQ 🟠

Recorded: March 29, 2023 Duration: 0:42:07



Daniel, where's the music, bro?
That's what I'm saying man. I need the jams. I need the elevator music.
Give me some light house vibes. Is the is the Twitter music not on? No, it's not on. Oh, it's coming on on my end. I listen to some old recordings on the jams were spotty. So I was like, oh, maybe the Twitter music will be better. Are you just listening to it through your headphones or is that what's going on, sir?
The music's just in my head all the time. Sometimes I don't even know if it's real. Okay, so that's too deep for a flat. Flat, flat, flat, we're always, we're always playing music in the crypto world. It's like Spotify for free right there.
Yeah mind runs ads Oh cool. Yeah, yeah, my the music that runs in my head it just runs ads all the time. It's really annoying They're just trying to get you to
more stuff. Yeah, they wouldn't give me the premium subscription. It's a lot of mail enhancement ads in his head. It's it's really weird. Okay. Not that he knew. Uh-huh. Not that I needed. Not that he made it. I'm so glad. It's for his buddies. It's for it's for my friends. The algorithm knows I've got friends.
Friends in small places. Alright, this is this is two meta. This is two personal really go for that big candle. Welcome Eric Hirechwe.
How's it going man? We know each other. We're buddies That's friends forever. Oh, there you go man right on I gotta go to one I gotta go to one you gonna let me know dude if it wasn't a catchman
I love the XFL but my god is I feel the dumb. It's a little nasty. It's a little nasty but you know, can I spin on Vegas? Brandon's for Vegas too. So he knows exactly what you're talking about. Yeah, you said cash when field I got like PTSD from getting almost mugged over there a couple times and high
school so you got almost no men almost all the the fibers have been getting mugged every game it's amazing to be like a limited from playoffs four weeks into a season stuff stuff but hey we're not here to talk about sports you know
Alright, this got to real fast, but thanks everybody for joining us on this week's episode of Into the Umiverse. We've got some special friends from Archway who actually there's a lot of connections between Umi and Archway down from the folks who work there, having worked on Umi before
And also, of course, some collaborations that we'll definitely have in the future. So definitely excited to get this going. Before we do that, as always, let's go through some Oome Updates and what we're kind of working on right now. So if you've been checking the repo lately, you'll see that last.
in the last upgrade, we basically released minimum gas prices and then we also released some IVC rate limits just to protect the system. Obviously in our sort of purview, we kind of overbiased towards protecting users versus, you know,
having like a lot of free movement in the solution not that there's not free movement but we want to protect at maximum your funds and so that's where the ibc rate limits come into play it's a way that we can restrict some outflow without having to have a pretty poor ux and so that's
That's what we're working on right now is basically adding a V2 to that. We're going to be restricting some inflows of things that aren't in our registry for our leverage module. That way you don't end up in a situation where you have some tokens on UMI that have really no support in the leverage module and then you can't end up
doing anything with them. So we want to just make sure that you're aware of what we support in the beginning, that way you don't go through those process, pay some unnecessary fees that you wouldn't want to have to deal with anyways. So that's what's in the works. We've also got some other things around IVC rate limiting that we're currently drawing up regarding
throttling. We basically want to make the system really dynamic so that as funds are flowing back and forth, that throttle can basically handle that information and also understand whether those funds are justified, meaning that they've just been saved borrowed from UMI
or they're just like normal user interactions versus something where like maybe some TVL has been stolen like something that happened with like Euler for example if you paid attention to that attack $200 million was taken off of a pretty small code mishap that was exploited to the max
So we want to make sure that there's a maximum dollar amount that can be taken at UMI just in case we make a mistake because you know nobody's perfect but we want to make sure that the safety features are and so that's that's the major focus obviously want to turn it over to Waz we've got some huge updates with Oho test nets currently going great so Waz you want to take it away?
Yeah, yeah, so with Oho we're pretty much in the middle of battle testing our technology battle testing our products so You know, we've been going through this first test net. We've got you know 200 plus validators. We've got a few people on the waiting list, you know, we're doing a runtime verification audit right now, you know
Luckily they found some issues. We're doing some fixes, which is exciting. We'll be coming out with a second test soon, and that one's going to help us in deciding what our actual main net validator set will be at Genesis. So if you're interested in that, please let us know in Discord. You know, hop into our, hop into our group chat there. We'll make sure to get you some tokens.
We're pretty much going to find the validators the most active in the community We're really focused on grassroots values. We're really trying to find people who care about the product that we're bringing to the table and they really want to make sure they keep us on our toes. So on top of that, we've got fixes coming in for our price feeder tool and our osmosis APU
that's going to affect Umi very shortly. Hopefully we'll be doing releases for both of those within the next couple days. And we're also working with the Crescent team right now on getting proper tests for the Crescent indexer that we're working on for pricing out their LF tokens, which is super exciting. That's going to impact Umi's well-directed
exactly as well as the O-ho launch. And then the final major thing is, you know, I've got the first draft of the white paper finished up. I'm just editing. So I should be releasing it later this week. Beyond the lookout for that, that's super exciting. It should be in, it'll be a Lincoln GitHub. So you guys can all read it and judge me and hear about
what my thoughts are the long term, you know, oh ho product which is super exciting. But yeah, I mean we're working on a lot, we're, you know, a lean team but we've got a lot of stuff coming out and I'm super excited to see more of it come into fruition as we work at this faster pace towards me net. Now that's awesome stuff and I'm glad I'm
other folks can finally judge you the way I've always judged you was. Yeah, well, you know, you've got a direct line to me. So it's easier. Awesome, man. Well, we're all excited. And I mean, for anyone that's not aware of like what Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, is building is basically it's something that it's smart.
It's a smart contract based Oracle that is actually in some ways 100 times faster than Chainlink based on some of the steps that we're seeing. But also it's safer in a way that incorporates the historical. And we've kind of drawn on and on about the historical so I won't bore you with that. But what this means is that folks
like Juno and Secret Network and anyone else that's looking to deploy can enjoy all the benefits of having say like a chain link Oracle but something that's very responsive to them. I mean we're working with the Shade swap folks or the Shade team to bring a bunch of different 4X exchange rates to them and also some other different
So, we're working on SDUMI, get ready for it because that's what we're working on right now. We've basically been working with the stride team to bring a liquid-staking derivative to UMI. That'll help open up a lot of TVL options for us. Definitely want to get that going. And then, yeah, that's as much as I can share right now, but as I always
really 2023 is about an explosion of Cosmos based stable coins and Cosmos liquid staking derivatives. That's what we're focused on right now. LSDs and Cosmos native stable coins, you're going to see a lot of explosions coming out with that with adoptions, with adoption rates across the board.
especially driven by UMI and and by OHO obviously because the more price feeds we have the more collateral options we have. But yeah, that's it for UMI for this week. Let's go ahead and turn to our guests from Archway. Obviously Archway is one of the premier smart contract platforms in the
We share a lot of linkage with some of the former employees who are working on Archway, especially the founder, Griffin. And so definitely want to turn it over to you guys, Eric. I know you're representing Archway. Do you want to give a quick intro to yourself? Maybe a once over on what Archway does.
Yeah guys thanks for the thanks for the nice words and warm intro I'm Eric and the tokenomics lead for filibes. So anything I say I'm beholded to me I'm not maybe the best representative archoys a lot bigger than me and sometimes I can be a little bit controversial but I'm definitely well first in the tokenomic model obviously and
a lot of what makes our toy unique and that is really that it's a perpetually incentivized, um, permissionless smart contract deployment platform where regardless of price action or what not anybody at any time can develop something on our toy and get this, uh, this contract secured revenue
it's now being called much more sustainably much more stably and much more amply than they can anywhere else. In addition to quite a few other things, but it will really change the game in my opinion for what is possible for developers being able to work for themselves. No, 100% and I'm curious.
Can you go a little bit more into the fact? I think a lot of folks know the core message of Archway and just being a very developer-friendly smart contract platform. Can you go into some of those features? I know the 50/50 split has always been talked about. Anything outside of that, and maybe you can go into that a little bit more in detail.
Yeah, so in addition to gas rebates, which again, we built entire modules to handle it much more, much more honestly or fairly than is being done currently. We also have, we also have part of the inflation being reserved for developers. So they can
will be making more than that 50% gas-rebatable spent on their contracts. But additionally, what I think is really the coolest is this composability aspect where you can set your own contract premium, basically a paywall on your contract that has to be paid in order for the computations to take place, where you can charge
about one cent or you can charge $100 if you want to and people would have to pay that in order to use your contracts. Other contracts that call your contracts would have to pay that for your computation to go through. Really this customization that should be available elsewhere that just hasn't really been built out yet.
No, that's awesome. And I'm curious, what's the developer response been for this? Because it seems like the DEVX and sort of like just the overall developer experience is what you were mainly focused on being like a developer first smart contract platform, which is really awesome for folks like myself and Waz especially.
But what's the response been like and what kind of projects, if you can share any alpha, of course, what kind of projects are you looking to launch on top of our Twitter? >> Yeah, always. So there's quite a robust data ecosystem that's building out and really tight in a developer community, which is really exciting.
from the business perspective and as well as I'm a DJ myself, I can't wait to use most of the stuff. So developers are loving it. They're definitely getting the memo and we have a bunch of groups already lined up for this hackathon that's coming up which is cool. But just from what you guys and your community is interested in things like stablecoins, they don't
have a real monetizable route right now. So right now we're seeing collateralized stablecoins allegedly, but they're collateralized based on valuation not by liquidity because they truly over collateralized stablecoins always like really inefficient. But if some if stablecoins are working on archway, now you can set it up where
that the stablecoin is getting remunerated through contract secured revenue in ways that are fascinating. We have liquid-staking derivatives that are launching without governance tokens because they can supply themselves sustainably through the contract secured revenue whereas as they get adoption into DeFi, as they gain traction, as they gain usage,
The developers can continue building on them without the issue of like, oh, well, if we can't supply the team, like, how are we going to be able to continue upgrading the contracts and make sure that your money's safe. So a lot of like potentially like Jake ones issues that he's voiced about out of finding seeking derivatives can be
At least less risky being built out in a place where there's kind of sustainability built into the protocol. Now that's really cool. I mean, liquid-staking derivatives have been kind of a hot topic and I know some protocols are like super against them, right? And like we are kind of the opposite. We're super for them. And it's great that we're
like some folks are taking like a more sustainable approach to them as well. Are there any sort of names of projects that you can share, anything that I know like I've seen some tweets about like an osmosis outpost for example being on archway, any familiar names or any cosmos projects that might be launching outposts or anything like that?
We've heard of a couple of these say to into our Twitter as we announce a couple I think some that we've already announced our liquid finance who as I mentioned will be building this autocomounting sake and derivative without a governance token, which is what they're saying. Asterovalds and AMM that I'm a part of that team so we'll just close it there, but we've announced that Asterovalds building there, but we've
should be having a lot of coming announcements in the next very soon, starting this week. I like that name Liquid Finance was. I really like that name. I know I knew you would. I knew you for secret reasons, but also, but awesome to hear, man. I'm supposed to ask about, I hate asking about air
drops because everyone wants to ask about air drops. But when air drop is a question that I have listed on my syllabus for today. So any details on that Eric and anything on the arch token? I'm solidly led to believe that there will very likely be an air drop as soon as archway goes main net and that will be the first
of air drops. So we should have some information dropping about that here pretty soon. You'll see a lot of our marketing start ramping up as we get really, really close to mainnet launch. And I guess there's some questions around the infrastructure of
around archway, right? And so I mean, I guess what kind of oracles are you using? Oh, hope if possible. But what kind of oracles are you using? What is your infrastructure look like? Because it sounds like you guys have a very different setup from what a lot of the ecosystems doing. So curious to hear on that side.
Yeah, so running a validator will like from that side of the infrastructure will actually be pretty similar. We're still using IBC. So it like it should be very familiar. It's what's going on kind of under the scenes that that will function very differently like the way that inflation is being rerouted or the way that validators aren't necessarily getting from like gaffer.
like gas the way that they're accustomed to. But infrastructure similar as far as oracles go, we very much love to work with Oho. I recently had laws on my the arch-in podcast for archway and discuss about how like historicals really like that term will make a lot of things in defy a lot safer. So
I've followed you guys for a while following how you guys are integrating with shade with Juno applications as you guys were mentioning and really a huge fan of what you're doing. We need people that understand what we're doing in this space, not just necessarily the same names that have deployed elsewhere that don't necessarily understand.
and the intricacies of what's going on with our ecosystem of liquid-sake derivatives and with high inflation and with high VC. So hopefully, hopefully, hopefully you guys will definitely have lots of conversations. Yeah, we definitely need to talk after this because we just had a stand up and we're planning on deploying on tarmac.
Archway's test net pretty soon with our pricing contracts. So I'd love to talk to you guys and see a couple of the teams that you guys working with who might be able to use these. Obviously, as cheap as we can, I'm just excited to see how the environment around Archway could grow with O-Hole.
Yeah, 100% dude. Alright, I did not have to use my have fun staying porical line there. But awesome, man. Well, you talked about the hackathon and I'm
I'm curious about that because we've been through a lot of hackathons this year so far. We got to hang out at each Denver a little bit with the Umi team. So what kind of things are you working on with your hackathon? What can we expect?
Yeah, so we're partnered with Dora Hacks who has been absolutely fantastic We recently had a pitch competition which had some arch giving away in prizes and I just sat in there as a as a viewer because it was fascinating We had some really good pitches, but we already have over 20 and we're expecting it to get closer to 40 or higher solid
data teams that are in the building participating in this hackathon with a million archway and prizes, like a million arch, which is, I don't know, they're not the tokenomics, but it's a lot. And we've got four tracks, so there's infrastructure and tooling, there's DeFi, and just all kinds of different types of products are building out in our
actively deploying on our testnet right now. So it's been really fun to watch and while I enjoy seeing growth in Web3 in general, it's really fun seeing what kind of use cases that Argyway unlocks that previously haven't been possible or at least sustainable.
in Web 3 prior. So quite a few of apps are actually coming up with new stuff that has not been done before. Now that's awesome to hear, man. That's really cool. Yeah, so I think we're getting towards the end of kind of our planned itinerary. If we want to go to any community questions,
If you have any questions, obviously you can throw them in the under the tweet or you can get on here. Just request to speak. I see some folks that have joined in a lot of different spaces before us and go ahead and feel free to request. But yeah, outside of that, we've got some community questions.
questions from our discord area if we can kind of go through those. The first one of course is how do we plan to sort of integrate between Archway and Oomi? I mean we've already talked about sort of the Oho integration but do you want to kind of give anything that you can think of and then I can kind of give our perspective as well?
Yeah, so we'd love to use Oho we'd love to have art and other assets be available as deposit and lending on who we but furthermore we kind of envision archway as being a a UX for the greater cosmos in that as as other product as IBC queries or entertainers
accounts grow as multi chain applications take place as we have these outposts other places. We think it makes a lot of sense for a tablet application such as Umi to have outposts set up on Archway where they can have access to our mobile first wallets and portals immediately there as well as kind of custom
customization of things like contract premiums where you can charge to access your account and have access to the archway community immediately in a way that's more monetizably Composable than exists elsewhere So we yeah, we would love to be able to use you guys from archway and have you guys be able to access more
contract security revenue through that. That's definitely awesome, man. And from our perspective, I mean, when you think about like, Archway is more of a smart contract platform, which is really cool in its own way. And then Umi is more of like a dedicated leverage at AppChain. And so obviously there's some patterns there that or some opportunities there that can be split. I mean, if, if, uh,
For example, if Archway has some local leverage protocols, the interest rates between the two ecosystem are something that a lot of people can do a carry trade on, for example, but also supporting the different assets like you mentioned, and then also integrating you guys into our upcoming mobile wallet as well, taboo.
If we can ever get iOS to approve that thing, we will be launched and we'd love to support Archway, obviously, sort of the whole process of taboo or kind of the value add is we want to build all of the sort of functionality that a chain has into the app itself so that you don't have to use like a browser for
function or what you do on Kepler mobile where you have to have permission browser where you can go to certain sites. With taboo, you can do everything from inside the app. You don't have to go to a different tab at any point. Getting like if you have any Dexas, getting that integrated into our Dex aggregator, lending platforms, all your savings accounts, stuff like that.
that I think is where we can do a lot of integration. So definitely a lot of things to work on. Next question is, let's see, I guess this one's a little bit more for us. "Umi stable coins when?" Well, Umi does not make it a stable coin, guys. I don't know if you've seen this regulatory environment. It's pretty rough.
But what we are making, I don't know if I can share that, what we are making is again going back to that theme of explosion of stable coins and cosmos liquid staking tokens. That's what we're focused on this year. I'm currently sketching
out a design for a product that's going to do that. We're pretty confident. So if there's any stablecoins that are launching on Archway, anything like that, basically what we did was when Terra crashed, we looked at what the stablecoin ecosystem looked like, and we thought for us
second there. We should just build our own stablecoins. It's pretty easy. And the more we looked into it, the easier it looked like it was. And the issue with that is we thought that there would be an explosion of stablecoins across the ecosystem. Now, not saying that these different models aren't difficult
in their own way. There's a lot of complexity between these two. But what we found was that, you know, just the sort of profitability that you can gain with a stablecoin protocol like that. It's going to be massive. So a lot of different folks are going to create stablecoins. And so what we'd rather do rather than creating something that
compete with those folks. Let's create products that build liquidity across all of stable coins. And so that's what exactly what we're going to do. I'll drop a hint. It's going to be called the me tokens. Oomi is U+Me has always been our slogan. And it's going to bleed into the way we do our product. The U part of the U+Me is our
you tokens whenever you give collateral you get a utoken representation of that which means this is a this is a collateral position. The me tokens is how we're going to increase liquidity across all cosmos native stablecoins and across all liquid-saking derivatives. I can't share too much maybe a
or maybe I already have. That's like the whole thing. I didn't explain how we're going to do it. All right, Ron. I'm going to turn it to you because I've talked too much already. I know Brent's probably pissed. You have any questions for anything related, Archway?
I mean, I'm kind of interested to see how do you expect, you know, the sort of environment around the SEC to impact development and archway? Because what we're seeing is a lot of dev teams will launch the tokens as a sort of revenue device. But with the archway implementation, that can be completely flipped on its head.
How are conversations going with teams surrounding that different business model? That's a fantastic question was we have quite a few teams that are very hesitant to launch tokens while building similar applications to what exists currently that uses tokens. I'm a tokenomics guy and with economic philosophy I firmly believe
that anything can be more efficient with tokens and also that more projects should launch without them because the level of efficiency that you can gain is usually not worth the hassle of regulatory compliance and the expense that comes with it. So part of what I do personally is like regulatory audits as well.
as migration paths for potential future regulation, but it's nice seeing a community building up already and filibes themselves. That's very concerned about the regulatory environment and ensuring that they can build something scalable, sustainable without boomers that have no idea what they're doing in fringing on our ability to innovate.
Yeah, absolutely. And it seems like we do have an extra question for you. I want to talk more about that as well, but I guess from a Raccoon Corporation, regarding the premium, what's the difference between the premium that actually charges a fee through funds that are sent when interacting with the smart contract? I feel like that's almost the same thing.
Thank you. Excellent question. Premium is built on the contract level to the gas and so it will work directly well with the wallet if that makes sense. So if it was just like a base send transaction added on it wouldn't be able
to be picked up by third party wallets by building it into the contract level. Not only can you ensure that other contracts that call you are able to like forcibly have to pay it, but also it just functions a lot easier for the user. So yes, you can still do a percent base type thing. Additionally,
or separately, but it's just a lot easier if it just functions directly through the dash. Like the user experience through it's fantastic. Yeah, that sounds awesome. I can see a lot of sort of secondary markets coming out of this where protocols, smart contracts, are designed just to allocate funds to the
these other contracts in order to use utilities. Have you seen any sort of development on that side of things? Oh yes, we have some really cool dow base types of coming out. I mentioned earlier that there are some use cases that are unlocked. I'm not
So I'm not going to go fully into them right now in front of you guys even though I'd love to but there will be Sometimes of really cool applications that can control these they can they can be locked in cool ways and that can be controlled or tokenized or set up in a there's just tons of possibilities I can't wait to be able to share more
Yeah, that's awesome. I mean, that's one of the things that we've been thinking about as far as our integration on the Oho side with Archway. How do we ensure that the people that are using our platform can continually pay? Because we don't want to have any downtime for protocols that are using these services because it could be high transaction volume protocols like Lens
protocols that really need to be able to liquidate. So I'm really excited to see the sort of different effects that come out of that. I don't think we've actually gone over it at internal calculator yet. We're going to release a public one pretty soon, but if you look at how often oracles are queried and imagine how much that like
you get from the gas and it's an oral query and a ton of gas but right now everywhere else an oral getting query doesn't actually give that oracle a share of the gas because contract B doesn't get remunerated but on archway it does and so if you guys are integrated into archway and you're getting a quite a sizable amount of arch from all
of the apps such as AstroVault that are constantly querying you guys several million times a month. Yeah, I'm actually really excited about the archway integration because we've been working on a problem. How do you charge protocols? We've been building out this trustless system that should work over cross-channel
chain contract queries, but with our choice it just works, which is really exciting. And hopefully some of this technology can be brought out towards the broader ecosystem as interchain accounts becomes available throughout the cosmos. I think over the next few years we're going to just see this become the standard
I a lot of what we're building at Argeway will be adopted a lot of other places. It just makes a lot more sense. I mean, I my background is an economic philosophy, but in general we have so many brilliant developers that are designing economies that they don't understand. And as we get more towards efficiency, as we get like,
Thousands of years of business and monetary policy didn't just fly out the window. We didn't create an ability to make magic money We have to get business sense back into web 3 and I think we're doing a really picking quite a few new steps towards that in orch way Absolutely and it seems like we got another question from
Raccoon Corp the follow up here will the premium be entirely abstracted for the user people can be wondering why this contract is more expensive to interact with compared to another if it's visible you know he thinks it's a good thing otherwise it feels like hidden feed what's what's your what's your take on that could be either so we can look in the wall
It's just simple like oh this one just has higher gas like oh okay, it's eight cents and so seven cents like and you wouldn't really know cuz I mean users don't really know how much gas each contractor pliers anyways But you could query at the protocol level exactly what's being used towards gas what's being used towards premium so we can set up dashboards that show that kind of thing
Gotcha. So from the wall of the point of view, it's generally agnostic. I'm curious to see. Do you guys have any, you know, user interface tools that you guys are building out to make sure that people are educated on what is comparatively the best product? Right? If I was to deploy, you know, oh, it was a Oracle, in charge of $1,000 for every call, which by the way,
We're not going to do that. Be insane. It'd be super easy for me to compete if that's visible. Right. So what are your thoughts on tooling around that? Yeah. So it's actually a lot easier to compete with these kind of things and to customize things like one, if you have a moat, but two, if you're something that's very
high volume. So if you're, say, building out on Archway and you guys just have a better Oracle service and you're getting 2 million queries a month, if you charge a 1 cent premium on top of that, that's significant additional like contract security revenue. Whereas to each individual user, it's not a big
or DFI protocols that have to pay that a lot, they might look for a different solution. But I mean, you can always lower your price at any moment. The premium is not set in stone. So yes, we'll have dashboards that set this kind of stuff up. What we're more focused as far as I know on setting up is showcasing which
which contracts are earning the most contract secured revenue because as we I think it will be an upgrade shortly after we go main net so that everyone can go through governance and see exactly what's in the econ model that I'm building. But as more gases secured in contract secured revenue, it means more deflation of the archway.
of Arctway, kind of similar to how Ethereum works. And it's good for the archway protocol. It's good for the archway ecosystem. We'll have net inflation, lower than inflation, inflation over here, lower than what you see on Adam. And it's better monetary policy. Yeah, I think that makes a lot of sense. I do have a question about the pricing of
these assets. How are we determining the actual cost? Does a contract determine it in the, you know, archway token? Is there an ability to price it out in US dollars per certain currency? How does that work? That's a great question. I've been using the term sense just for convenience for the users.
the contract will the premium will actually be set up in a fixed amount of arch however you can set it up with an Oracle maybe provided by oh I don't know where it can routine routinely update the premium to set it to a specific dollar price. Yeah one of one of the things I've been playing around with is the
the idea of bringing Oho to other change so that the minimum spend for governance proposals is automatically updated based on a US dollar value rather than the actual token value. So I think this would be the ultimate implementation of that, right? At the protocol layer, allowing
contracts to determine how much they want to charge regardless of token price. It makes it a lot easier. You guys want some more alpha? Yeah, yeah, let's get it. So yeah, 100% that is brilliant and that's something that we should have. Something else that we should have is not having
having to go with Adam Prop 30 of like, "Hey, let's change how many blocks we think we're going to get per year," because that directly affects inflation. It's very antiquated. What we're building out with Archway is actually time built into the protocol itself, with time sands directly in each block. In fact, or in each block, we're
in indexes that you guys likely will make a tooling for. So that will unlock a lot of cool stuff. Just make it a lot easier for users. No more like, hey, a block 18 million, we're going to do this upgrade. It's like, hey, a seven o'clock Eastern upgrade is going to happen and have that be the case. That's awesome. Yeah, I, again, this is another problem that I
been working with because on the Oracle side we've been defining tokenomics based on block time because we have to. Right? So if we were able to actually bridge this over from Archway into other protocols and build out indexers for it, that I mean that could help the entire us to the ecosystem. That's awesome to hear. That is super cool.
Thanks. Yeah, largely everything that's been done with, what are they called? Where it's like a one day window for token mint team at epochs. Yeah, it was like kind of a stopgap solution. It was definitely improvement.
from what was original Cosmos SDK, but we're adding quite a few independent modules as well as significantly altering other modules to what we believe is making significant improvements.
Yeah, I mean, I can't wait to see if that, you know, ends up becoming in the actual SDK, right? Because we see a lot of these modules are being developed by independent protocols and they just become the standard over time, right? So I'm excited to see our toy launch because we'll be able to see that sort of stuff in motion. And then the conversation can sort of
of turn into, okay, let's not make the software better just from the consensus point of view, but also let's make the protocol easier to design. And I think not enough focus has been worked on that side because we have a lot of engineers that have worked on Cosmos for years, and that's not a bad thing, but you need to have a different context in order to understand how
to design tokenomics in a more broad sense. It should be easy for engineers to implement a tokenomics system that you come up with. And a utility like that coming to the broader ecosystem, and not just Cosmos, but other changes as well, I think that could be huge and allow
completely different designs of tokenomics to emerge. One hundred percent from an economic philosophy perspective, the purpose of monoturistic inflation, the purpose of creating new tokens, creating new like if it were monies, if it were governments, is to decentralize perpetual overhead and while we're accustomed to
the way it's taking rewards have worked in the past and we're led to believe that it's incentivized security. It's not done in a way that doesn't incentivize security and what it's actually doing is incentivize the perpetual overhead for infrastructure provision, which is just one of the expenses. And again, like you said, we've been in the ecosystem so long that this is just what we're used to. And so if you're a content creator, oh#
to spin up a node. Like why not just have people that are good at infrastructure, provide infrastructure and have monetization separately for contract creators. And we have these kind of catch all pools with community pools. And actually we'll be very familiar in that aspect, but we do have an understanding of that this is kind of just building on what was accepted and this isn't ideal if you were building this
from scratch at this point and trying to migrate towards a way where the expense of inflation, the dilution is done in an efficient and optimized manner to bring about the health of the protocol. Yeah, I mean, I get questions all the time. What if the Oho chain goes down for a week? What happens? Right? Does time pause?
I mean realistically it shouldn't. Right? So, I mean, I'm just really excited. I don't know. I get excited about this sort of little nitty-gritty stuff. That's awesome, man. All right. I think we're nearing the end of our time here, Brandon. Do you have anything else you want to ask Eric for us? No, I think we've covered a lot.
a lot. Obviously just really excited for our choice launch. I think we're going to do a lot of work together and there's a lot of sort of benefits that both ecosystems can have through a partnership. So definitely excited for your main net launch. Excited for the hackathon. Just want to see what you guys come up with. Eric, any last thoughts before we close the space?
Yeah, really excited to get you guys integrated with archway every way we can we really want to make connections. I don't want to be for a cool You won't be I Need to come up with some people say to me now was I'm stuck Yeah, Brandon you're so for a cool dude
Yeah, I'm I'm amped, but yeah, let's let's connect to this and talk about you know the archway oho integration timeline I'm pretty amped about that but it's been great to have you Eric and it's been awesome talking to you and catching up a little bit on you know the the XFL and all that fun stuff but
I'm just amped for the archway may not so we'll see then I'm sure.