Introducing Lava

Recorded: Jan. 26, 2023 Duration: 0:19:06



That's making sure that you can hear me.
(upbeat music)
Hi everyone, thank you so much for joining or to do the stage more.
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
Hi, everyone. Okay, we are going to start today. We are going to be talking about our PCs. Yeah, we will be covering what they are, what they are useful and why we should
about them. Then we will chat more specifically about the centralized RPCs and the interesting approach that lava is taking to accomplish this goal together with a little glimpse of the ROMUP.
So, without further delay, Nester Bonilla, part of the derral team at CELO, and we have two special guests for today.
Ethan Yuva from Lava.
Guys, could you first introduce yourself and then tell us a little bit about you and what excites you about lava?
Hey guys! Love the music man! Yeah I love the energy and that's cool, great sound effects! Everyone thanks for joining my name is Ethan, head of marketing, community, kind of lava and yeah I've been a lava full-bouts!
not quite a year, maybe a month, seven, eight months, and it's been one head of the ride. We've gone from a small team to a team of around 35 now and for me the reason why I love it so much is because we tackle a core issue at the heart of
the Web3, which we'll dive into later. But it fundamentally is about access to Web3 and being able to empower builders to create game-changing apps on a decentralized internet. So yeah, I decided to share that with you guys today.
Yeah, thank you so much. Nobody can give a better intro than Ethan. My name is Yoval. I'm doing marketing in community for lava. Also very excited to be here. And yeah, there's a lot in store for what we're building at lava. And yeah, for sure.
Okay, so if any, thank you so much for the introduction, you've all on Ethan. So okay, if anyone has questions during the space, feel free to leave a comment on
the threat and we will get it to it at the end. Let's first start sharing with the community the 101. What do you think guys? What are our PCs and what are they used for?
Yeah, good question. I think it's good to start with the basics, um, underpinning what lava does. So RPC stands for remote procedure call. And remote procedure call is a communication protocol, which is the main protocol used
to send and read data from the blockchain. And what that means is that if you think about blockchains as decentralized distributed databases or networks of nodes, and each node is a server,
every application that wants to get data from the blockchain and show data on the front end will need to make an RPC core to a node. Or so you can think of it like a server. And so RPC
It's really the fundamental protocol which underpins how we actually can use blockchains to build new types of apps. It's the way that we get data such as account balances, it's the way that we estimate.