InvArch Community Call

Recorded: March 24, 2023 Duration: 1:08:59



Hello everyone. Say give me just about one moment in front of you my actual personal account up here to speak but that's giving me some weird issues where it's just constantly connecting but it won't actually connect. Give me one moment. We got a lot of people in here already.
There we go. All right. Well, for whatever reason, I don't think it's going to actually, let me see.
Get me up on there, but that's not a big deal. I'll just speak from this account here. Yeah, it's not okay. Yeah, not a video.
Alright, anyway, how is everyone doing today? I hope everyone's doing fantastic. Got a lot of really exciting stuff to talk about, as usual. First and foremost, I just want to thank everyone who is here currently. Appreciate you all taking the time during your busy days or busy mornings.
nights, the hop on the Twitter space, catch these updates, see what's going on with InVarch. Where to start. First and foremost, as I should say this, as I woke up to this, I've had a chance to tweet about it from the account yet not a proper tweet. So I just want to go ahead and recognize it now.
And they kind of like a big congratulations to also to everyone who's made it possible at this point But we have passed our first milestone for our proud loan appears someone made a contribution of 10,000 dot while I was asleep, which was pretty nice and Upon that pushed us past the 50,000
dot threshold. Now I think we're just below 60,000 dot contributed towards our crowd loans. That is really exciting. The really awesome thing though is that what that means for everyone to contribute up to this point, that is a 33% bonus on the Varsal Awards. So just to break it
down more simply. So prior, everyone who had contributed or was contributing up through that point, they were getting 100 VARCH for every one dot that was contributed. Now, after having that bonus, so everyone who can
contributed from the very first dot contributed all the way up to the 50,000 dot that was contributed all of those contributions are going to receive 133 large per dot so nice bonus really big 33% bonus
And then also now looking at 100,000 dot contributors are next milestone. And with that, that brings an additional 33% bonus for everyone who contributes up to that point, everyone who's contributed prior. So what does that mean? So I'll give two examples.
Let's say there's someone who contributed, I know the minimum is 5, but for this example, let's just say it was 1. So let's say they contribute 1. And it was the 30,000 dot to be contributed. So it was before that first milestone was hit.
And then let's say there's another person who contributes stock at the 75,000 mark and then boom we hit 100,000 so what does that mean? So for that one person who's contributed for the first time after the 50,000 mark and so at that 75,000 mark in this example, that individual
You know, pond 100,000 dot being hit that would be the first milestone that they would qualify for. So then in that instance, that person would then get a 33% bonus. However, for the individual, really anyone who contributed during that first milestone. So before within
Now that first milestone being reached, then they already currently are now receiving a 33% bonus. However, when we hit the 100,000th mark, they're going to get another 33% bonus. So in total, that person, all of those contributors will be getting a 66%
if you combine them together. So for individuals who contribute, who has contributed prior that first milestone, if we get, when we get to the 100,000 dot mark, then that will be the equivalent of them getting an additional bonus in total 66% or 166%
Let's say on that note, especially is just thank you to everybody who's contributed to make it happen. I mean, this has truly been a grassroots campaign style crowd loan and I couldn't be more frustrated, more proud of everyone who has helped to support us.
Everyone who has helped spread the word of our crowd loan from our ambassadors, just normal members of our community who just like what it is that we're doing. I've seen everyone out there talking about in our spreading awareness, spreading the word and it's phenomenal. I'm grateful as an understatement. I don't really have the words.
subscribe how thankful I am to all of you, but just please know that you're all absolutely freaking rock stars and none of this would be possible without you. So thank you very very much. With that, I will say, my last notes on the crowd loan, now before moving on, is
that we have a long road ahead. So this current batch goes through all the way until I believe it is actually the very beginning of May. I think it's May, it could be wrong, it's May 4th, like Star Wars Day made the 4th view with you. But I believe that is when
this batch and so it's a quite a long time period considering that this batch just consists of two auctions so with that you know it's definitely definitely a long one with this so just keep that in mind and this isn't over for a good little bit of time
The month of April is not here yet. It's coming, but it's not here yet. It's during the month of April where the winner of the first available slot, slot number 42, will win. We'll be chosen. And then it's in later April when the next
final auction in this batch, which is slot for slot number 43. And that won't begin until the end of April and it won't conclude until the very beginning of March. So got a little bit of time ahead of us seeing so much momentum, so much support up to this point. We have some strategies
strategies are playing. One of the big things I would say on that, not only strategy is it is all about time. So we will see how things go, but just waiting for the right time to execute our strategy. But with that I would say very excited, very very excited for the future.
I know I've already said it once, but just a massive thank you to everyone who has helped to make it possible and get us up to here to this point. I mean, you're absolutely incredible. So yeah, with that moving on, the next big thing that we haven't talked about is the launch of OSF Staking on
the in-barch tinker in it. So this is kind of a big deal. We're really, really excited. We already have, so there's going to be eudels out. That will be available to stay towards. There's going to be cast out to start as well and also Wagonedia. So we're very, very excited for this.
With this, it's going to realize the first instance of DAO staking in our ecosystem. And if I'm not mistaken in any ecosystem, this is the first real implementation of this. And I'm very excited, very excited. It's just a really, really powerful
feature that we're bringing the forefront here, the ability for decentralized organizations that's ultimately be launching on Envarts. So currently right now, all of those organizations that I had just named earlier, they are all being powered using, starting to use our
So just now to start with Tinker, but the thing here is in the future having all these dals or these organizations running on the Embaraged Network running on top of our technology. Essentially us being this home of dals and that home including a place for that
and with this OSU-staking, which you know realizes DAO-staking, with this it provides a protocol where organizations can register to the network. So these DAO's can register to the network, we call them IMV cores on the technical side and after they are registered
to the network, which there is a deposit of 500 tinkered that they must provide the deposit is, you know, obviously returned after a Dow unregistered from OSF-staking. So like, not exactly a cost, more so a placeholder, but with all this,
So they register to the network and then token holders. So in this case, tinker holders are then able to stake towards them, essentially vote on which dows they want to support. And based off of that support, those dows can then start to generate income through the ocean.
of stake and protocol and the same income can be used to help kickstart their endeavors. It can be used to help feed into their business model with their plans they have which helps them to grow on top of the network. Or just, you know, otherwise this helps to even if needed subsidize something because that's what the community deems is appropriate. That's what they want.
So this gives complete control to the community to direct the flow of these funds and ultimately have a voice in shaping the network this way by shaping which projects are essentially are supported through this through this protocol. So it's really, really powerful
And it's something that we are really excited to be launching. As we saw with the OSIS testnet period that we ran back in January, we saw a massive spike of interest, a massive spike in daily active users.
Massive spike in just daily on-chain transactions and actually during that time period Some of you have heard me say before but I think it's a really awesome thing that we achieved as a community is that during that time period We saw a lot we saw so many people from this
ecosystem. We also a whole bunch of people from outside the ecosystem. And with all this, the both the number of on-chain transactions and the number of daily active users, not just on a day-by-day basis, but also on a weekly and then the entire month.
January. Our test net was actually the number one chain in the entire ecosystem in terms of on-chain transactions, daily transactions, and daily active users. And it was by a lot. It was by massive margins. So
period across the ecosystem and including the Poca-Don Kusama relay chains. We had more daily active users more on chain transactions. However, it's like a more than any other pair of chains. But if you were to remove the pair of chain, which then had the second most,
daily active users and on-chain transactions with those Manta Network. If you remove them from the picture, then if you then combine the daily transactions and daily active users of all of the other remaining parachains, including Poker.Gusom itself, combine them all.
and our test net still had more activity, still had more daily active users. So it was kind of a big deal for us. It meant the world to us. There are obviously very big numbers. And with that, it just made us more excited than ever to be bringing this and actually realizing this for real on Tinker Net.
So, yeah, it's a big deal. We're really excited for it. That will be going live, and I'll be pushing out an announcement shortly after our call here. But right now we're currently scheduled to give or take a few moments, but scheduled for OASF Staking to go live at 5.5.
PM UTC. So that's about for those on the East Coast and the US stuff, one PM in the afternoon. People are on the West Coast. That is about 10 and people and other locations. I'm not sure off the top of my head because I need to get out more.
But really really excited for this. I mean, it's a big deal. We've been working very very hard. Gabe has been working very very hard. Pedro has been working very very hard. The whole team has just been working to do my language. They've been just busting their assets to create this. And I'm very very proud of each and every
one of them. I know they're very proud of the work that they complete. They're very excited as well. Gabe is extremely excited. So which makes me just makes me excited to see that excitement. But yeah, so with all this, we have a really big day today. And then from this point on, just, you know, it's
We have a whole bunch more that we're also getting to roll out. But with OCEF, this is kind of the start of this big rollout campaign, so to speak, that we have in mind where we're going to be releasing
facing OSF, one thing that is currently missing from the mix right now is an easy interface. So it's a smooth, easy to understand interface or front end for individuals to set up their multi-sig for their DAOs on our network.
So far, we've actually done it for those projects that we mentioned earlier for Wagon Media for Chaos now. Got them, got the call, set up, and then sent them the link that they then had assigned to finish setting everything up. The reason for that is, so the actual logic on chain needed to power Saturn is there.
complete. However, we're still wrapping up the Saturn SDK, so software development kit, which is then what other developers even ourselves can use to easily integrate the Saturn Multi-Sync into a more friendly user and clients or interface. So with that,
I will say this is coming very, very, very soon within one or two weeks. Very, very next thing we're going to ready to roll out is our SDK. Once we have the Saturn SDK, then we're going to be focusing on two things. The first one is just establishing a rather simple UI.
for the community for individuals and organizations to get started and create their multi-sake for their down. While also we're going to be working on the business integration side, we're going to be reaching out to our friends over at Ecos of the Mallet around the Parabers.
For example, Talisman and Noble wallet, and really big fans of them, also be reaching out to sub-wallet team, see their interests as well. But the idea here is, thanks to how the Saturn SDK has been designed, it will allow for an easy integration
little, little upfront and work, it's all that's needed so that our multi-sig can be supported directly by those wallets. So what does that mean? Essentially in more basic terms it means that you will be able to, for example, open up no wallet on your phone and just from
your phone, you will be able to create your multi-sync, which is empowered by our network, but be able to easily create your multi-sync, and then also be able to easily manage your multi-sync to cast votes in your multi-sync, to essentially just fully use your multi-sync.
through your wallet. So a very, very nice user experience there is we're looking to achieve. So again, really excited for that too because bringing the power of our multi-sig to wallets at the ecosystem already loves will be a big plus and we're extremely confident.
that our multi-sig is among, if not the most dynamic in the entire industry. We have even more features that we're getting ready to roll out. One of them, so we are waiting on XEMV3 to go live in the ecosystem.
with that, then we're already ready to go. But with that, then we can realize Brajolas Multi-chain asset management using our Multi-Sig, which is going to be an extremely powerful feature. And also, just to remind her that with that and coming
up here very, very soon, waiting for this. We have one palette we call rings, so the rings of Saturn. And with this, this is what's going to allow us, so Tinkernets, and Varks in the future, to service our multi-stig to other parachains in the ecosystem.
even though the actual code, the actual palettes, and runtime logic exists and stored on our node through our palettes that, just having an internal connection open with other pair of chains, both builders and individual users,
users on those other networks are going to be able to easily tap in and use our multi-sig as if it were just another smart contract, a multi-sig smart contract deployed on that network. So for example, you have asked our network and whether it's a down or is the team building any
really any type of app, you can do the financial app, DeFi app vaults. If they want to go into incorporate this dynamic multi-sig into their service, into their application, it's going to be extremely easy for them to do so. And without having any of the block space on
network being used up towards this. This is something where essentially servicing this optimized block space across the ecosystem so that anyone can tap into it, anyone can use it even if they're not directly building on our network. So really power to feature in something that we're really looking forward
So I can't stress it enough how big of a deal Saturn is going to be for the ecosystem. I mentioned it during our last community call, but just like after e-themver, all the teams that we spoke to, teams in the ecosystem and even projects outside of the program ecosystem.
After sharing with them what's that or is, what it can do, what it's going to be able to do, the level of interest was insane. It was the most amazing feeling to see that. And with it, I can just, I can promise there's some really big things.
coming on the way thanks to the realization of Saturn. So this is a really big deal. So I'm really excited for. And ultimately, what is next up on our list following the successful launch of OSUS Staking on our network. I want to thank, I know I am
I'm probably missing something. I'm also talking about my head. But yeah, I mean the main thing is that we have going on right now. Let me just recap and circle back real quick. So we have a crowd loam going strong. So past the 50,000 miles
stone reaching in on the 60,000 milestone current or not milestone 60,000 dot mark on our way towards our next milestone of 100,000 dot so great progress there extremely excited very amp for that we have the OSIF protocol getting ready to
go live officially on the Embarks Incarnet. So now everyone who has their tinkertoken, they're going to be able to stake, they're going to be able to participate in this process and just a reminder to everyone out there that even your like locked through like vest
So for example, tokens that were distributed to you via the Tinkernet crowd loan. So those tokens are locks that are being unlocked through their investing period. You're going to be able to stake 100% of those tokens. So you don't have to, while they're still locked, you're going to be able to stake
them and start to earn rewards often even though those tokens themselves are locked. So that is kind of a really quick key or core feature here that we're excited to share with everyone. So just want to make sure everyone's aware of that. We're going to have, as I mentioned, to start, we have
Uddle Dowl, we have Chaos Dowl, and we have Wag Media joining the fray. So, there's very, very big names, very, very big names to us. And also full, I mean Uddle Dowl is a project we start, so I feel kind of vain. I'm speaking, you know, hyping them up, but I will say the members and Uddle Dowl
are absolutely fantastic, very phenomenal. And the members, all those, the chads over at Chaos-style are just some of the greatest legends in this ecosystem, some of the greatest people have come across and do a lot for the ecosystem, especially in terms of governance. And we also have Wagnedia, which many
individuals here I imagine are well aware of who Ag Media is. In my opinion they are very important for the ecosystem, not just for the Envarch ecosystem, for the entire Polka.EgoSystem, the work, the service they do, the organization that Jay along with other members of Ag Media are looking to realize
is just truly a really great thing and something that I am excited to have supported to to see be supported through OSF staking so really really excited I'm gonna keep saying I'm excited probably 50 more times by the end of this call but a lot of
So yeah, those are the first of 11 individuals are going to be able to stake towards them and even their locked through investing tokens, they're going to be able to stake those as well. So very excited. We're making a formal announcement later. And like I said shortly after our call,
make a big announcement on Twitter that everyone know current target right now is 5 p.m. UTC. So he's coming up soon. And then moving beyond that post release of OSIF. We're also just looking towards the rollout of the Saturn SDK. So this
was something that was originally funded by the Kusama ecosystem community via the Kusama Treasury. Received our funding, got to build it, and we're getting ready to deliver. I'm really, really excited for this. I just particularly because of how powerful the Saturn is. Not just for our chain, not just for dolls, but for so many different
various use cases throughout the ecosystem. This is going to be a really big deal. With all that, I do think I've hit the key points that I wanted to discuss today. So at this time, I'm going to go ahead and invite anyone who has any questions or anything like that that wants to
can want to speak to the community, please feel free to request and I will accept. So we already have someone right now. So I'm going to go ahead and bring you up. We had someone, not anymore. So as I said, anyone interested in speaking, just go ahead and make a request. If you have any
questions regarding the process for OSIF, what that looks like, what to expect, anything that I failed to cover. Any questions on regarding our crowd loan, any questions regarding the upcoming future rollout of the Saturn SDK, here we go, NADDI.
Got someone coming up now. Hey, the code.
I'm good how you thank you for all of these amazing updates I think it's incredible that with such a small team you guys deliver so much in them short period of time my question is like how long like I don't know technically
background. How long does it take to register a DAO for staking? For example, I know she but the else wants to be a first DAO to be staked today and I'm just speaking on his behalf. If he can participate today, for example.
So for that, so regarding, there's two things. So regarding registering it out, technically speaking, like it is open, it's there. Anyone can go on and can register there, what we call an IAB core in the backend. Anyone can register this and then be listed.
And then what happens is there is a 25,000 tinker support threshold that that Dow or that project then needs to achieve prior to start generating rewards for that that registered court. But so with that, I will know that there isn't
And it's like a smoothie at this moment. So it is possible. And we were kind of on the fence like we didn't want to necessarily push like coconut JS or the substrate developer console. Was I prefer to call it? Didn't want to necessarily push that as like the
the way to go. However, definitely at this time that is the only way to go. So we'll likely release somebody of this. This is just temporary. Ideally within just a few short weeks and we'll have a very intuitive, very smooth user interface that someone can use
to set up their dial once they're multi-sig. Once their multi-sig is set up though, then it's very easy. There's a button on the Saking page where you just one click, you'll be able to register it, provide some basic information on that core, and then it's listed. It'll be good to go.
individuals will be able to start sticking towards it. Right now the only, I guess, pain point is just creating that multi-sick since right now the only real interface for that is through the PoEJS app. Regarding staking though, I mean that'll be ready. Everyone will be able to participate today right off the bat.
But yeah, regarding registering dials, there's registering multi-strips and things like that. The act of registering it very easy is already there on the UI. However, the current pain point is the act of creating that multi-sig in the first place. All right. Thank you.
No problem, thank you, black question.
Save anyone has any other questions? Please feel free. Don't be shy. To have a lot of awesome things. One thing I will say is side note. One of the cool ideas that we have for OSIF is also to use this as a way
of streamlining as a financial support towards initiatives that are designed to specifically boost the network. So what I mean is so on one end there's like the in-barch embassy dowel so that would be a dowel for our investors and then
And another thing that Gabe actually mentioned last night, I think is a really brilliant idea, is if we were to establish some type of core, a core, in other words, like a fund for co-lakers. So then on our network, what we'll be able to see is there will be this one core that is specified
for boosting co-later awards. Individuals are able to stake to support this and then the funds that are accrued through that support that goes towards this. That can then go towards the larger pot for co-laters which can then help to increase their
just across the board because unfortunately running nodes in this in the larger Polka ecosystem while it's extremely important sometimes it can be a little financially stressful so to speak for those who are doing it or at least not too
rewarding and it's something that we definitely want to prioritize and aim to solve for and make that something that is rewarding because it's a very important thing that they do. So there's one of the other ideas that we thought was really awesome there. So the ability to organize those initiatives to separate them
and then the community being able to have control over how much support gets allocated towards them. So the other hands with the Invarts Embassy down. So essentially it's like our Ambassador Program. It is our Ambassador Program and we'll become our Ambassador Program. And for them,
for that down to be staked towards the network. So then the in the inverse tinkering community, they can decide through staking, essentially more or less how much funding support will then go towards this down, which is then used to incentivize and fuel the
actions of the ambassador. So kind of like a way of actually decentralizing that even further beyond just the doubt itself. So that's something that we're really excited for. And you have another person who wants to come up and speak. Give me one second.
Hey GP, how are you?
You're good to go GP. You have a head of question or anything you want to ask.
Okay, um, it's just everyone on. Yeah, I'm doing very fine. Are you? Oh, I'm doing fantastic. Hurry up.
Okay, yeah, yeah, I just wanted to ask that I'll be contributing.
I'm sorry, could you repeat that real quick?
Could you repeat that question real quick, GP?
Well, if you could, this comes through. If you could repeat your question unfortunately, I didn't miss it. Yes, my question is concerning the crowd loan, right? I just wanted to know how, what
like the possibility of winning in the stands. So I still have that good question, there's a fair question as well. So I still have strong faith and I'm a big object. I've seen like a few of the judges that also joined the government figures and
They've been doing very well. Can you switch I down moves on sync and take also more than a while? Yeah, so the one thing I will say is I am like sort of a big optimist here and it does depend ultimately how this first auction plays out.
So there's two different worlds, so to speak. There's one world where we see MoonSama and Peak Network start to prematurely kind of start to battle it out for the top dot slot.
even though no one's actually bidding at this point, which could then drive up the overall, the baseline between those two projects even further. However, I will say I do strongly anticipate
Moonsama winning this upcoming auction Donnie them been working really hard at this you know they have they've been saving up their dot you know Donnie has his big bags but they're also a really great team over there we'll say but I anticipate them winning this and
immediate upcoming slot and then our crowd loan then continuing on into the next slot, which is the final slot of this batch at which point then the primary competition is peak network. Now currently peak network has a
I think 22 ish, I haven't checked in a little bit, I just saw our contribution, but I think 22000 ish.over us at this point in time. However, one of the things that we are waiting to do is
to wait until the actual bidding starts and then we have plans and goals to then have when the time is right, when it actually makes sense to then come in with big contributions that could put us into the lead, start earning winning bids on blocks.
So that is our overall strategy there. So the current pain points is just our dot hard gap and 150,000 being it. Now the sort of with that the question
is whether peak were to exceed 150,000 dot. I don't want to jinx myself. I don't want to be wrong either. Kind of look a little silly on my end, but I don't want to underestimate them.
But I don't anticipate that happening. So the big difference between peak network and in March is why also like right now, so if you go on chain, if you like look at contributions, you track
backtrack those things, it's not difficult to realize that a lot of the funds that they're receiving aren't so much actually coming from individuals as much as they're coming from the same several accounts which are then splitting them up.
into new accounts that have just been freshly made to make the illusion of having increased individual contributions. But the problem here with this is they are dependent on fewer sources of capital. And so if
those sources start to run a bit dry because there's a smaller number there. Then if with that happening, then that's where we have an advantage because even though they may currently have a lead, the one thing that we absolutely do have is the larger number of supports,
individuals and that is accounted from just the individual contributors who are participating directly through, know of while it towelsman, Po.js, but also all of the different individuals, hundreds who have contributed through Bifrost's finance as well. So the big thing about us is we have
a very big support system behind us that can help to push us to the edge, but we also have many of our cards are strongest plays. We haven't revealed our hands yet. So just waiting to see how things play out. It is unfortunate that the
current slot auction schedule was made this way. I will be honest I think it's awful. I think it was an awful. I don't who or why or what but for whatever reason they made it a very long
process and they made it a very long process with very few auctions. So it's kind of a pain. It definitely doesn't make my life easier, that is for short. But with all that, I will say that it also invites opportunity though. So
There's a long way to go between now and the end of this whole batch. The main thing is we have to see, just watch, let Pete let me some, let them do their thing. See whether they just try to go crazy with it or if they actually try to win but using
At least amount of their dots is possible. There's a scenario where it's let's say Donnie just this is I'm making things up here, but you know if in one scenario hypothetical scenario, you know people of peak they wake up and even some it has contributed, you know, 340,000 dot then at that point in time
I'm peak doesn't have a chance to beat them and it might make sense for them to chill out and then that kind of paints the landscape for the next auction. So with that, like if you're looking for a percentage chance, it is kind of hard to give that right now. I'm not going to like try to avoid it all together.
but I will say that it's better to wait and see what happens with the immediately current, you know, upcoming slot, which is slot 42. See what happens there. See how those teams handle it and then to
And then I'll be able to give a very confident answer on how I believe things might be able to go. But at this point in time, the big thing is our strategy just kind of relies on just, we have to wait and see what happens.
Thank you for that question, by the way. See, we're going to bring cap on up here.
Give my moment to connect. Hey, Cap, how are you, sir?
Yes, I had a couple of questions first about Ossif. Will the APR, the rewards be compared to the Baselisk farm or much less than that?
second question would be how is the progress on tinkernet staking and then tinkernet talking listing if you can give a little insights without revealing too much.
Yeah, absolutely. So thank you for those questions. So regarding the percentage yield for staking on our network will at least, especially at first, it will be substantially higher than what we see with fast-lost however,
It will also fall rather quickly as more people stake. So what happens is on Tinkernet there's 10% inflation. So then out of that 10%, 40% goes towards Tinker staking rewards.
60% goes towards the rewards for DAO's, which is then distributed to those DAO's based off of over the year, depending on their proportionate amount of support. So with that, so essentially to make the math a bit simpler,
4% of the supply is provided to as rewards over one year to those who are staking the tinkertoken. So the APY on that, the annual absenitial on that will depend and it will fluctuate as
people are staking. So as the staking participation rates increases or decreases. So because no matter what, there is 4% of the supply which is going to go towards rewards for them. So in a hypothetical
situation. If there was only one person who was staking and they were just staking 25,000 tinker, then 4% of the supply or distributed, divided over the 25,000,
8 to why would be massive it'd be a massive number they would be you know multiplying the amounts of to open that they actually they have over here however that's unlikely scenario or probably impossible scenario that we see something like that what we will see is on the first day
As people contribute, you'll see a rather high number. As more and more people contribute, you'll see that number get lower. Now with 100% staking rate, staking for just space rate, so it's every single token.
In the entire network was being states, then the lowest APY to be expected would be 8%. However, I would also add two things. One, 100% is awesome, but just
Extremely unlikely there's an assumption there than that no one would have tokens that they're using for transaction or things like that so Extremely unlikely and on the other hand also I believe right now approximately 38 or 39% of the supply is liquid
So, where is the other about 62 ish percent is not so meaning this is even if 100% of the current liquid supply was state and this counts when I say liquid this technically isn't correct but I also am
referring to tokens that are being stolen through under-investing. So even if all of those tokens were state towards the network, and I'm just doing this all the top of my head so the numbers are going to be a little bit off, but then you're looking at an APY somewhere and approximately 20%.
area is not higher. So what I'm getting at is they're rather juicy at least to begin with. You know the earlier the better over time as we see more of the supply gets fully released and then thus in turn have more of the supply able to be stayed
then we will see that APY start to get a little bit lower. The lowest it could ever possibly be is 8%, however, the probabilities of 100% of the supply being staked is just highly, very highly unlikely. So in the long term, so whether it's
I'm just speculating right now, but it's safe. A year from now or two years from now, whenever we have all the token is out there distributed, I anticipate seeing something around the between the 10 to 15% APY mark.
Yeah, yes, that's what I just baked there regarding. I thought it was a kind of a long answer for that.
So then regarding OCEF, the next question about OCEF is taking a fine, I'll probably have to come back to that just because it kind of skim my mind and the misadmiencing the other question, if you want to follow up on your question, Martin Tinker.
So that is happening very, very, very, very nice for the conversations to take a little bit longer than I thought. But I can guarantee this, I can say this, like for a fact,
It's coming soon. At least what I mean is we have the agreements with those entities. We have those in place. It's really, I think just a matter now. There's also a market maker. So, trying, we're scouting out, finding a good one.
That was the only other thing that we were trying to do. Look to go achieve. We have done this. I still we still need to finalize that agreement, but everything's good. So with that, and then depending on their timelines, get the agreement signed up with the Margum
the agreement then finalized and ready to go with those exchanges and then very shortly after we should be spreading the news online of where and when listings will take place.
Okay, thank you. That's much that we don't know from anywhere from other sources. Thank you. Awesome. No, thank you for those questions too.
I do appreciate it. So I would publicly, it's mostly usually not on a business mode and then community mode. And some really less, I usually will separate the two.
But things like that, they don't like things to speak of, I typically wouldn't post about them at least from the official accounts, but they are something, you know, they are something that we have been working on. Absolutely, like they've been working on one big
It was just kind of working out of deals, making sure people weren't trying to like, rip us off or anything like that and I get one deal and I'm like, "Ahh, that's not what we're going to do when I encounter and things like that." But that's definitely been one of the big priorities is getting that
good and ready to go especially since we have the inverse crowd loan there's just certain things on the tinker and outside that I do want to kind of wrap up per se.
with any other questions from the crowd. Dakota, I think there's one question on the comment section from naked double doodle. He's asking, are we going to see an improved version of the Aussie front end that we saw on the testnet? All right, good questions. So yes, we will.
see a, it is slightly updated. So one of the things we did is nothing too, like too crazy. We didn't want to increase the work too much and then increase the number of new things we need to test too much. But we have going through, we have slightly revamped everything.
thing. It will look vaguely familiar, but you will notice some improvements in some changes, as well as some additional features such as before with the test nets. I don't believe we provided in the dashboard. I don't believe we provided the projected APY
or did we provide the projected annual down rewards and those are two bits of data which are now present and you'll be able to see on that dashboard in the main page on day one. In a couple hours.
And then let me see. I also see, yeah, I see you had a question or kind of a statement in the comments regarding getting you set up to
today. And so, like I mentioned earlier, just to recap, it is possible to go through like the codes there. It's all open. No, nothing's not been anyone. It's just a user interface. So if the multi-sig isn't the most appealing at the moment,
I will say, though, to anyone where the Substrate Developer Console, if that's not necessarily the thing, then it's an interesting doubt, just to reach out to myself or another member of the team.
will be particularly busy today. I do warn you. We'll be particularly busy today. However, I will work then tomorrow through the weekends to help get as many other umdals and then you go to some setup as possible.
As in like, we can hop on a call or I can basically get everything that's needed for you, send you a link, then you just need to sign the transaction on your end to actually create the multi-sign that we can go from.
there but I will be available to the weekend to help anybody and anyone who has questions or needs support getting onboard or getting registered for this process.
There's a new question. Is there a limit to how much tinker can be staked in a DAO on a sieve?
So currently stay towards a single dowel we haven't put in a limit just yet. We're going to wait to see how things are going to go this first week. So with the changes of just having at first a few dowels then watching that number
So, if you want to see how the changes go, if anyone repositions themselves, those don't actually, I will say matter, per se, which is a consistent yield, no matter which value you're staking towards in terms
terms of in terms of those who are at stake in their tinker tokens. But I do imagine that we'll likely see a cab to get Institute next week. Just want to kind of see how things go this week.
I have a question about Subscan. I use it a lot with other projects and it's kind of standard in the ecosystem and it's useful and does it cost too much or it's or is there a
So funny coincidence that you bring it up. I'm actually as we speak it's like just a few days old. I'm in the midst of I created a forum post on the the polka dot forum I created a post and essentially
I'm not going to stop my soapbox real quick. But essentially my post is the fact that I'm arguing the point that either of subscan needs to change their business model or need to change that we fund them or we need to, by we, I mean the Polkite ecosystem, people of parity need to stop promoting them,
prioritizing the promotion of them and the reference of them because I will say substandard wrong. I would much rather subscan be like I just want to clarify this. Substands very nice. Very fantastic UI. I would love for substand to be the actual de facto
multi-chain blockage floor for the ecosystem. However, the issue is, while they are a Treasury funded project for the Poca Dot, the Poca Dot Treasury for just the Poca Dot and Krasama Relay Chains, they charge teams and exorbitant amount of money. I'm talking like
it's close to some points people's entire salaries. In the tens of thousands of dollars it's a very very high cost and it's in my opinion not justified especially considering the fact that there are multi-chain block
explorers, they don't necessarily have a nice sleek UI user interface, but regarding what they do. For example, there's this called, and you hop on there, and we never even communicated with them, but boom, there we are, and it's a multi
chain box for that actually supports every single parachain in the ecosystem. So I mentioned this the whole thing about subskins because I think they're fantastic. I really do like the work they've done is incredible. However, the issue is in the
as a founder of a bear chain or builders but just regular individuals, users coming in checking out the ecosystem. We need an actual multi-chain block explorer that actually services the entire ecosystem and succeeds at that. My problem is that
I don't, I know for I can attest to it myself. That won't ever happen with subscan. It will never happen unless they change their business model because it is not feasible for teams. It's very, very costly and it's also very, very inconsistent, which is
concerning to me. Because the point is that they make is sometimes they're able to decrease their profit generously. In which case I argue that the profit margin is probably too generous to begin with in the first place then if you're able to do that. So yeah, and that's like get on my soapbox
here, but it is something that I have been like very more recently. I'm just bringing up to the ecosystem. It's something that ideally I would love to see. I believe there's many, many things, most things that as you know, paratain teams, the sovereign change, you need to handle yourself.
But this is something when viewing the poker ecosystem as this action is Internet blockchains. This is something that it needs to come standard with building an ecosystem is access to support to a commonly recognized and prioritized multi-chain blockage
which unfortunately it's not subscan. Subscan currently supports less than half of all the parachains in the ecosystem. So it just underscores my point further that it's fractured. I would love to use their services, not at what they charge teams, absolutely not.
Like the treasury, the public out treasury overall subsidized the service. I think that in doing so we would bring transparency to their process, the subskins billing process, and I imagine we'd see a very quick change with the numbers that they bill, but because of the increased fruit nature,
But with all of that, my bad I kind of like started to rambly or a bit something I just been racing or passionate about. So yeah, I will say that so in terms of subskin, no, not unless they change their business model or because they've said they've they've segmented they're not interested they don't like
the idea of the treasury routes. The Pokedust Treasury fans are the actual treasuries from those individual projects. My issue is that those tokens from those projects may or may not have value at first and I think that
having a blocker's floor, like on day one of being live, is kind of essential. It's a need. It's not something that people have to worry about when they're building another ecosystems. So it's, I don't think it's a hurdle that people should worry about here. And the way I see it is that without a multi chain blocker's floor, it's like
So here in the United States, what happens is the federal government, for the federal highways, they fought the bill. They could have passed it on to the states, but they realized that then you would have, well, you get a lot of different roads, you get some that are complete, some that aren't, might go someplace, there's just no roads at all. And that wouldn't
be good and end up the federal government would probably end up losing out on growth in the long term. Like I said, the way I see it is with like with subscan kind of being the de facto explorer that people look at now, it's the equivalent of if you were driving on the highway and then just
crashing into a brick wall as you go to like cross-over state lines and that's kind of what happens here where you can be using sub-scan to go check out this chain this chain but then once the transfer goes once it involves another chain that they don't they haven't they don't support then it's
So I get them brick wall and it's the big problem that I have. So like I said, just to recap, if they change their business model or if the Polka dot treasury, if I got an ecosystem, I'll take this and realize it more like a common good need of information.
structure for the ecosystem then happy to work with them. Love to see Tinkernet and Envarch be supportive there but otherwise if that's not their thing then the point is we already have multi chain blockers forers that do everything they can and then some the issue is
that they just need some better UIs and they need to be properly prioritized and promoted by parity. So yeah, that's my soapbox speech on that.
Any other questions? And where's one more question in the sense? It's from Sanchez. He's asking any idea how you plan to keep out grifters, being seen a lot in open gav and lots of team structures? Yeah, so at least the grifers when it comes to osuf staking.
So one of the things we do have is there's two things. So first of all, there is a minimum threshold of support that a project needs to start to earn and these to have earn or just start generating or approaching themselves. And that is 25,000 tinker.
So there is this threshold there that way, anyone just can't start spamming, per se spamming, register cores or register dials, and instantly, you know, milking away some rewards from themselves. So there is a minimum amount of support that they need to receive in order to
So you know start actually getting rewards for themselves, but then the other thing is we already have plans already done some very loose designs, but in the future we're also going to be rolling out kind of a dashboard v2 so to speak and this dashboard is kind of going to add in
A bit more of the social dynamics player so being able to when you click on the value learn more. It'll list out the multi-stitch accounts that are attached to that down. Also allow them to provide as much background information, description, things like that beyond
what they're already able to do. And so then with this and just like, you know, really with any other forms of governance as well. But through this process, then it ultimately comes down to the community. Yeah, just the community have a support if there comes a realization that a Dow is, let's say,
just not productive or turns out to be a rifter, then it would then be up to the community and yeah, up to the community to move their state to stop supporting that project. And then the Sheridan sent it for why should they care is because otherwise the more
projects that are registered that are actually doing something growing on top of the network as they grow, so does the value of the network, which is in the best interest of everyone, especially those who are staking their token. Everyone likes green bars, but
One of the other things though is the fact that I'm losing my turn of thought there. Oh, and the other thing too is on the other hand, if a if a hour project is doing the opposite of that, if they're not bringing any value, if they're not helping the network, then they're not
adding any value, if anything might be hurting the value, in which case that is not in the interest of token holders. So there is that incentive there for why should they care. And then of course in the future if needed, when we're going to be implementing open gov and with that in the future, we two things.
I'll say that we actually just hopped off. We'll call with a team just two days ago. We're going to be bringing actually really fantastic what they built. They're going to be partnering with us and a handful of other pair of chains. I think we were project number 15 that this now like confirmed.
We're going to be partnering with them and we're bringing on chain notifications or notification systems and based on chain to our network. So with that, it's the implementation for it. Various across the wide array of instances. So one is just OSU-staking notifications.
a certain project or on projects begin to, um, begin to generate enough, you know, they have enough support to begin to generate rewards. Notifications also like for governance, so whenever a proposal has been submitted, whenever a proposal is close to an act, when whenever a proposal, you know, etc., like reaches a certain level of support, um, being able to send out notifications,
directly to individuals, emails or their phone numbers or their telegram. It's up to them they can choose and that's going to be a feature that we're going to be providing on our network. We're also using ourselves to keep a more watchful eye on what's going on, especially through governance.
For the awesome question, I like that one. With that though, I will say I have to wrap this community call up. I have
Well, we all have a rather big day ahead of us. I have to hop off this call immediately, start to work on a few things. Do bear with us as we're getting ready to launch OSUS for real.
We make announcements. It's going to be a really awesome day. I'm just excited. But I do have to go. I have to hop off. I have to get going less than an hour to go. So with all of that, I just want to thank each and every one of you who
Thank you for joining us today.
on Tinkernet, keep rise on Invart, and let's have an awesome day. This is gonna be fantastic. I'm really excited. So yeah, I'll talk to you all later. Have a fantastic day everyone, and yeah, I'll see you soon.

FAQ on InvArch Community Call | Twitter Space Recording

What milestone has Invarch passed in their crowd loan?
Invarch has passed their first milestone in the crowd loan with over 50,000 DOT contributed.
What is the bonus percentage for contributors who participated in the first milestone of the crowd loan?
Contributors who participated in the first milestone of the crowd loan will receive a 33% bonus on their VARCH rewards.
What is the next milestone for Invarch's crowd loan?
The next milestone is 100,000 DOT contributed.
What is the total bonus percentage for contributors who participated in both milestones of the crowd loan?
Contributors who participated in both milestones of the crowd loan will receive a total bonus of 66% on their VARCH rewards.
When will the winner of the first available slot be chosen in the crowd loan?
The winner of the first available slot in the crowd loan will be chosen during the month of April.
What is the launch of OSF staking on the Invarch Tinker?
The launch of OSF staking on the Invarch Tinker is the first instance of DAO staking in the ecosystem.
Which DAOs will be available for staking on the Invarch Tinker?
Eudels, Cast, and Wagonedia will be available for staking on the Invarch Tinker.
What is required for a DAO to register to the network in OSF staking?
A DAO must provide a deposit of 500 Tinker to register to the network in OSF staking.
What can DAOs use their income from OSF staking for?
DAOs can use their income from OSF staking to kickstart their endeavors, feed into their business model, or otherwise subsidize something deemed appropriate by the community.
What is an IMV core in OSF staking?
An IMV core is a DAO that has registered to the network in OSF staking.