InvArch Weekly Community Call 📞

Recorded: Feb. 21, 2023 Duration: 1:00:21



Hello. Already got people jumping in. I love this.
Allah Muhammad, Dulissa
Charming, may have nodes. What's going on? If any of you want to join the stage with me, I would love to have some company.
and we'll give it like a minute or so to let more people win.
All righty. Welcome everyone. Thank you for joining. Richie, how's it going? Bonjour mon ami.
Life is interesting. Hey, everybody, hello friends, hi friends. I just went to the dentist in Turkey to get my teeth cleaned. And I had to show my eyes
I had to give my phone number. And I just, I don't know, I don't do well with that kind of stuff, you know. I'm not so peteous to stand and argue for 10 minutes that it definitely raises my eyebrows. And I'm like, do you really need that?
And again, yeah, yeah, we really, really need it.
I just took the cleanity. Yeah, and so I just I must be in the wrong place man because the trajectory of where this is going, it's not for me.
Right, but that's the cool thing about working online remote work. I can just island hop, you know if this place pisses me off. I'll just go somewhere else That's how I live my life, you know, I don't
I don't believe in mortgages and debts and being chained down. Because for me, that just limits my freedom. I value that more than anything else. So yeah, you're web free because that's what web free is all about, right?
Decentralization. That's why you're here. Yeah, you bet.
I'm here, I'm carrying the flag, I'm fully on board.
Heck yeah, like I had this conversation with Dustin and he has a very similar mindset and I respect that so much hearing it from all of you, like friends in the space.
Like how much we all value our freedom and our liberty and our personal autonomy. I think it's something that, you know, as a collective, we've lost along the way. We've lost sight of.
like thank the heavens that you know web3 came about and you know now it's you know it's really it's not just you know new technology it's not just a new you know mindset or framework but I mean like I personally believe
I believe it's really like something that will change human society forever. And I'm also that instead of just being looked at as a marketing product.
I'm a bit tired of that. I can see the advantages of that, you know, for example, if let's say I really like yoga, you know, and I always buy yoga. So they're okay. I get some advertisements for, hey, what about this new yoga? I like yoga. Okay, I'll give that
try. Fine. But when it comes down to Facebook or Meta as they're known, collecting every single WhatsApp message between me and all of my friends, for God knows what reason, every tiny little message, you know, "Hey
achieve what time you're going to be home seven o'clock don't forget to buy some milk you know why do they need that and they're obsessively collecting it no but yeah but they they really do need that because nothing ever gets deleted on those serves
which are just chewing up carbon like no one's business. I don't know if you've seen that recently they're launching in the UK according to like the World Economic Forum's objectives. These things called 15-minute cities.
England. Yes, you've heard about it. Well, they are draconian as hell and they and they make no sense actually in terms of

FAQ on InvArch Weekly Community Call 📞 | Twitter Space Recording

What are some of the usernames mentioned in the podcast?
Allah Muhammad, Dulissa charming.
What did the speaker do before joining the podcast?
The speaker went to the dentist in Turkey to get their teeth cleaned.
What did the dentist ask for from the speaker?
The dentist asked for the speaker's phone number and to see their eyes.
Why does the speaker prefer working remotely?
The speaker values freedom and personal autonomy which they believe is limited by mortgages and debts.
What is web3 about according to the speaker?
Web3 is about decentralization and changing human society forever.
What does the speaker think about being looked at as a marketing product?
The speaker is tired of being looked at as a marketing product and believes that obsessive data collection by companies like Facebook is unnecessary.
What are 15-minute cities?
15-minute cities are a concept launched in the UK according to the world economic forum's objectives that are considered to be draconian and make no sense in terms of sustainability.
What does the speaker value more than anything?
The speaker values personal freedom more than anything.
What does the speaker think about mortgages and debts?
The speaker believes that mortgages and debts limit personal freedom.
What is the speaker's mindset?
The speaker has a mindset similar to Dustin, which values personal autonomy and freedom.