Invisible Enemies x Zinu’s 22 question guest DeFi Space Donkey

Recorded: Feb. 14, 2024 Duration: 1:20:15



Just wanna kiss and make her one last time
Touch me like you touch nobody
Put your hands on your body
Try it out here inside
Just to make her kiss together
I don't wanna hate this body
Cause all I wanna do I wanna
Try it out here inside
Just to make her kiss together
Just to make her-
Just to make her-
Just to make her-
Just to make her-
Just to make her-
Just to make her-
I don't wanna hear this body
Just wanna put my head down
Touch me like you touch nobody
Hey Tricky, let me bring you back up, sorry, the last room totally rugs.
Can you hear me okay?
I want to make sure I have a decent connection before we build out this room.
Yeah, okay, cool.
Yeah, if everybody doesn't mind retaining the space, I don't know what happened.
We lost the last room, it was glitchy, but we are back with this one.
We're going to build out the room a little bit and then we can get down to the question.
I'm working, I need a moment to push.
Off of the ground.
Bitch, I love the ground, I want you.
Yeah, I love the ground, I want you.
I'll be right there, I need a couple minutes and that worked.
Yeah, I love the ground, I want you.
All righty, welcome everyone to another episode of 22 questions today
We have tricky Buddha here to talk about device based on keys as well
And we will be asking him some very personal questions to get to know him better
How are you doing today? Tricky? Welcome. Welcome
It's tricky Buddha from g5 space donkeys powered by dragon juice elixir. I'm pumped
I'm happy to be here. Very very excited. And yeah, I'm sorry. I missed the last time so glad I could fill in
Let's go. How you doing today? Mel?
I'm good. I'm excited a little bummed. I like glitched out on the last one, but it's all good. We're back
They start screaming mid questions, but I'll make sure to get some some snackies while you answer your first question of the day
But before I ask you that this is all about you. So if you want to put any
Images any visuals upcoming events in the jumbotron go ahead and make that jumbotron yours
But the very first question I always like to ask is what are the DFI space donkeys all about?
They are about lovers of crypto and NFTs coming together to collaborate and build something in the space with positivity. Oh
Nice a quickie, but a goodie. Okay. It's pretty simple
Make me work for it today. I like it
Okay, so my second question is who is the team over at DFI space donkeys? Okay, so the team started off with me
I'm the founder
Also a personal advisor and I really was trying to get people from this will kind of touch on your first question to to give
You a time to get snacks
So as a personal advisor in IRL talking trying to get people into web 3 that nobody you know
You know what those conversations are like, right? Nobody really knows what's going on
Half of them think it's a scam and it was it was kind of disappointing, right? I wanted a vibe with my own people
So I came here and I started doing big basically just making a club for people who love crypto and NFTs
I could get my people together and we could collaborate and we can make something happen
Instead of me trying to get my my other people to like adopt web 3 when they didn't understand it
And they don't really we don't really have to you can focus on your utility your product and then you know
Ask them at the end. I like to say you don't come into a store and they have asked you right away
Hey, you want to go paperless?
Let me look at the product first, right like doesn't matter the blockchain or the NFT
That's like a receipt that they know what I mean. That's like the after effect. That's your proof of purchase
So, you know, I came here started vibing out with people on web 3 and the team has grown
The team is basically all the defi space donkeys, you know, we got wolf punks wild willed dragons
Everyone who grabs a defi space donkey is part of the team part of the club and we all work together to make things happen
As far as that goes we also have some other people who have more responsibility like wolf punks and
Trey from the community of communities they have you know ban power
They can help me squash people in discord or abusing their their freedom there or trying to post malicious links
So, you know, there's a lot of friends in there that had the ban hammer
I give it away to a couple people but that you know, they kind of can remain anonymous
So no one blames them for getting kicked out of the place, you know
They can people can just blame me if you get kicked out. Hey, you were breaking the rules. I'm sorry
But yeah, so Trey is our community liaison
He really helps with getting on more spaces and meeting more communities
He is always active with giveaways and he gives away some of my NFTs and other spaces
But yeah that mainly the team is just me as the as the founder kind of a
Comical figurehead and the the rest of the DeFi space donkeys
but I mean, I wouldn't wouldn't be able to do it without Trey and wild world of dragons and
Everyone just being part of the of the thing. It's really about collaboration. It really focuses on collaboration without the community. We're nothing. I
Couldn't agree more and you're definitely known for being all over the spaces
Everyone knows a tricky Buddha and especially with that intro you got going on
But you have a lot of really amazing people behind you
You have definitely named some pretty strong people in the space. I'll help you out. So I love it
So why did you go with space donkeys? What's the story behind these characters?
Well, it's actually kind of funny. So when I was getting into crypto
I had another friend who was really interested in NFTs and he wanted to create some NFTs to sell and
He was looking around at all the different animals and stuff like that and I was like, well monkeys have been overdone
And I'm like, yeah, okay. There's a lot of apes out there. I'll give you that
So let's look for something that hasn't been done
And try to make something that looks that looks kind of neat
But also is that kind of like a shout out to the PFPs, but not exactly like that
And he ended up not being he didn't want to be interested in the project moving forward
I don't know if it was money issues or what. I think it was money issues. He put all his money into Safemoon
anyway, not not a wise decision, but
We ended up he ended up abandoning the project and I got and I just took it over
Man, I said, well, I want to make this into something else
so I you know, I really want to make this into a club this was like back in the early days, so I
Decided okay. We'll do we'll do this as a club membership and
We're gonna go with something that hasn't been done. There were no donkeys. Absolutely. No donkeys
This is this was really made before there was anything there. Now, they're soul donkeys. I think there's defy donkeys
I think there's space donkeys and
There is bored donkey yacht club now, which is also really funny. I'm like, yes, I'm the new ape
but but there were no donkeys at all and then
The don't the defy donkeys kind of have the alliteration and the shout-out to defy
Which is really kind of what crypto is all about the central is decentralized finance
So we like the alliteration and then I really love space, you know
so I think we decided to go with defy space donkeys and
That's why we've got you know Hubble telescope, you know Hubble space telescope photos in the background
My PFP is like the crab nebula if you know, you know, it's pretty I love it
It's one of the most beautiful galaxy pictures. I think that we have and
Yeah, the defy space donkeys were born just out of my love for space the alliteration between defy donkeys and the fact that there were no
donkeys I
Love it and it's so unique too because I've never seen a collection of donkeys let alone space donkeys
So your collection is actually very unique. I've never seen anything like it
My next question to you is why do you go by tricky Buddha?
How did you get that nickname? Tell us the story
Yeah, yeah, oh and also the the space donkeys are technically aliens. They're not terrestrial donkeys. They're not at all like normal donkeys
They lay eggs, you know
Mainly it was because we had a graphic designer go through the whole thing and the live birth scene just seemed disturbing
So we made them lay eggs in the end. No, that's just a joke. But yeah, they are aliens. They lay eggs
That's that's that's the alpha
But so tricky Buddha came from a combination of a couple different things
When I was growing up, I would always like teach people the tricks to things
I was always finding those little tricks
I you know when I was like eight I got like the the anarchist cookbook and figured out how to hack vending machines and stuff
I was always very tricky and if you know me and you hang out with me eventually you'll get to the point where I'll tell
You something you'd be like, oh, that's tricky or you're tricky. You'll like it's pretty natural to a certain extent
That kind of just grew over the years probably starting really really young
but then when I got older, my brother was on the PlayStation Network and
You know, he was smoking a lot that he picked the name green Buddha, you know Buddha as in like just smoking the Buddha
So green Buddha was his PlayStation name and I wanted to get on on the PlayStation Network
So when I went there, I took his last name because we're brothers, you know, so it's Buddha
And then also everyone would call me tricky so tricky Buddha me just made sense and
That's that's who I've been on the PlayStation Network
If you see me over there playing zombies or Call of Duty, you might have even killed me and heard the the epic
Defy space donkeys because I try to make people laugh when they when they kill me instead of rage, but I
If I heard that in a game of zombies, I'd be so confused tricky
Love it. I love that. It's like your gamer gamer tag and you are a little tricky sometimes I do have to admit
But um, so you did tell us about some of the awesome people that have helped you out with the defi space donkeys
But you are definitely known for how giving a helping hand to other founders and projects
So do you want to tell us about some of the collaborations you have going on or some of the other projects around the team for? Oh
Shoot how long we got. All right. Well, let's start with back in the day
So earlier start now
I kind of I found thy revolution on tik-tok with the community of communities
And so I've been a big part of the community communities for you know, ever since then
They started off on tik-tok just you know hanging out doing lies and then when we came over here
We were structured it into interviews and stuff
In order to do our spaces just a little bit different than everybody else
So that was my original my initial partners were the community communities Christian from the stray dogs Club
You know, he helped set up my discord. He's still at mod at my discord a great big part of the team
Mickey is just a great legend. He's so active and I love his demeanor and I love how he you know
The content that he makes so that was great. That's also when I met JD and Trey and
Tyler McNair Tyler McNair is working on the Dragoonies project for us
We'll be launching that in order to help fund the Florence Biennale trip for Wild World of Dragons
Amanda's been invited to the Florence Biennale again in Italy. It's a very prestigious art event nine-day event
There's millions of dollars of art it bought and sold and commissioned here. It's gonna be epic. It's such a prestigious event
I'm really happy we can do that and
Tyler's doing the art for that collection. So that's really cool. That's one collab as well
we also met crypto ducats over there, but he makes the
If you've seen crypto ducats, they look kind of like duck tails
But they're Bitcoin or like each one is their own crypto currency and the DeFi space donkeys come in to one of his books and
Help the ducks in the pond learn about DeFi and crypto currency
So we have like a little children's book and that there's another collaboration there
We are working with a couple different metaverses that are trying to get off the ground
There's three or there's actually three or four. I'm not sure the status of most of them
They're all working very hard, but they have timelines in like 2030. So there's more to come on those
We also have collabs with obviously with Wild World of Dragons now with the 3d dragon models, which will be redropped
We have now them there used to be just a 2d image
But now when we redrop them because of the whole third web thing
They'll be reairdropped as 3d models
You'll be able to actually play with them in their full 3d form and they have you can print them in 3d
In a 3d printer you can put them in spatial and metaverses. You could rig them to be an avatar drop them into
Blender and modify them you can use our upgrade kits to brand them and do all kinds of cool things with that
Obviously, there's the dragon juice elixir which has come from that as a great collaboration
We're doing the community of communities and the
Crypto magazine book as well. We have a NFT book we're making that's gonna have 50 to 100 projects in it
Invisible enemies and we've got all these amazing projects that are gonna be in their crypto homies wild world of dragons
I mean everybody from the community is already in there pretty much. We got I think we've got like 35 pages so far
Different projects and stuff
So definitely if you guys are interested in that collab
Definitely tap in with me on the back end because that's filling up quick and we're burning pages now, too
So soon we'll just be out of pages and we're gonna we're gonna go forward. So let's see. There's so many things going on
I could keep going do you?
There's like 16 projects I'm in in total
There are lots of claps lots of claps
Wolf punks we're doing these dog treats right now or we're working on that
With Amanda from wild world of dragons as well
There's a lot of things we're going we're got going on. You definitely want to tap in the discord and I'm gonna put more of their
collab spaces in there
We're gonna do more channels with other artists too because not every artist needs to be managing a discord
You definitely understand that so
We're gonna try to get more people just kind of organized into our discord or we'll have just links to forward out
But we're all about collaboration. So yeah tap in if you want to do really anything children's books plushies toys
Spaces, you know if you want if you have any kind of goal, I'll help you out with that plan
Tricky's definitely the guy to contact when it comes to collabs or if you're looking for something to do with the space
Tricky has done it all he works with everyone
Definitely tap in with him, but you did actually transition into my next question very well
I heard you mentioned the dragon elixir, which I have heard you speaking of
I know you were just posting a space about it for people in here who may have not heard about the tea
What is dragon elixir? And what are you guys hoping to do with this special tea you guys have? Oh
This stuff is just amazing. So I'll start off from the beginning
I'm a chronic illness advocate. I've got Crohn's fibromyalgia cyclical vomiting syndrome migraines
I just got double knee surgery on both legs
So that's no longer a disability
But these still for chronic things that will not go away and if you know me in the space
I'm pretty good at just putting on some positivity and pushing through it
But the last five months have been a complete game-changer
it is way easier to be positive when your health is improved and
Five months ago, Amanda sent me some tea and
This was back when she was just you know
Sending out a call packages every once in a while just to help whoever she could find right and it really helped my Crohn's
That the pain I'm not buckled over in pain when I wake up anymore. I'm not throwing up constantly
I'm not passing blood and things are really really normal now, which is crazy for me
If as long as I stick with it
It's it's good and it's actually even replaced my need for prednisone when I get into like if I eat something
I'm not supposed to like wheat or milk or I have a flare-up with my Crohn's
This tea is actually like taking away the need for me to beyond prednisone
I heal within like four days instead of seven to ten days and having to take this, you know, prednisone
It's completely changed everything. We have the energy version
Which has stinging nettle leaf instead of caffeine and it just kind of it just opens your eyes and makes you alert for the day
The nighttime version has Mullen, which is a muscle relaxer and skullcap, which is a sedative
So it helps you go to sleep and stay and stay asleep
They're all they're both natural and they have a base ingredients that have pain relievers and natural antioxidants
Vitamins and minerals that you're just not getting from normal things. So it's it's a super elixir that just
Restores your energy and vitality really it's completely changed everything. So we're also doing the smile boxes now
Where we took you know
We got $500 in donations and we sent out hundred dollar boxes to five people with elixirs and stuff this time
We've already gotten a thousand dollars for ten boxes
We're looking to basically double that so we can triple our impact and send out 30 boxes
Last time we targeted cancer and patient patients who are going through chemo this time
we've expanded it to encompass some more autoimmune issues and
Yeah, we're making a really big impact with that
I feel like if this is the best marketing that a company could do by helping these people and the time of their need and then
They're gonna be advocates for us and they're gonna want this product moving forward
And even if you're not chronically ill if you have sleep issues or you drink energy drinks, this is clutch
You know no caffeine no sugar
You feel restored after drinking it and the more you drink it the more it seems to compound and there are people who drink this
And they're like I didn't realize my back was so sore
But it feels good now or like I didn't realize I couldn't lift my arm over my head
But now I'm like waving my arm around like it's nothing, you know
People have absolutely had a great response to this
So the charities kicking off the businesses is building all its connections in order to launch this thing
Internationally in multiple countries and we're looking with collabs to do infused products in the different jurisdictions
So we have one one partner for example that will basically based on your state and your jurisdiction
They can provide the right infused product with the elixir in that state
So also we have another person in Canada who's gonna be providing the fuse elixir up there
So we have different types of elixirs for everyone
We're gonna white label it and actually, you know partner with as many people that want to make energy drinks or different types of health beverages
It's just an herbal tea that has got you know, chamomile fruit flavors
But real real powerful herbs. We're talking 25 to 40 different herbs that you're just not getting anywhere else
It's been an absolute game-changer for me
And I think not only do we have the power to help a lot of people
but we're gonna replace monster and Red Bull like why would you drink that stuff that doesn't even taste good and
Burns you out when you have something that can you know for just a little bit more?
It provides it actually provides so it'll be like five to eight dollars per serving in the store
but right now we can sell 12 servings for $50 including shipping or
24 servings for 95 including shipping
So it's substantially cheaper and that way it's also cheaper than the tea bags because individual tea bags take a lot of effort and time
And you know energy to make produce so we will have a tea bag machine soon
Which will help us bring that cost down
But right now we're recommending everyone buy it in bulk because it's just loose material
You can actually make it with your coffee and make coffee elixir, which is really good
I like to do that and make a latte and then you can also make the elixir and
Put it into smoothies or milkshakes or really anything. I mean, there's you can you can add this to all kinds of stuff
We're also making super concentrated versions to add to dog treats. So
That's that's the basic rundown of the elixir we have every Tuesday
We do a space at 5 30 roughly and we go for about two hours
And we try to just answer questions and go over everything
The first part of the space is a basic breakdown so you can you can tune in if you search it
The last one we just finished it's recorded
So you check it out the first little 10 minutes 15 minutes gives you a pretty good breakdown of everything that it is
But that's basically what I just said, too. So
Nice I actually have some of the sleepy time dragon elixir tea and I highly recommend it
Fortunately, I am pretty healthy like I didn't buy it for that reason
But like I sleep so well the nights I do make that little cup of tea for myself
And like I feel extra relaxed I get deep deep sleep. So I'm a fan of the tea for sure
I think it's a great thing. Well, you guys are trying to do with that tea
Welcome cyber evolution. Welcome to the stage. How are you guys doing?
Hey, I'm doing good. Thank you. Thank you for the invite Ricky and thank you for the get me on stage
I'm just listening to tricky talk about this election. I think it's absolutely amazing what he's doing
And then how are you guys doing? Anyway, it's good to speak again
And also welcome to Amanda as well
Hey guys just working over here
I just want to say I would love to someday work with have an outreach program to some of those
Veterans and stuff that you guys work with because it does have stuff in there that actually does help with
people who are dealing with PTSD and all of the
chronic illness and challenges and depression and hormone imbalances that come out from that and
So it is something that helps them rebalance so much on the inside that it starts helping them make improvements for the outside
So PTSD is one that it really does it does have things in there that have natural mood stabilizers and enhancers
As well as you know facing all of the physical challenges that come from when their body turns on itself after PTSD
That would be amazing
Amanda will definitely have to talk on the back end and back channels and get that going because that would be an awesome thing
To offer to any of the veterans that need it that we have in our community or just share the knowledge and spread the word
So looking forward to that. That's exciting news. Awesome
Yeah, I'd love to
Maybe you know talk with you and tricky some time about getting a little section of smile box is set up
Specifically for that right now currently our smilebox has been going to help people who are recovering with chronic illnesses and specifically cancers
Personally feel that you know the lawyers and veterans who serve for us and and doing so got the PTSD that
Devastates them and all the challenges they face. I definitely feel that they should be on a section of the list
Absolutely anything we can do alleviate some of the pain or the harder times we would love nothing more
Go ahead tricky. I thought you and me would go ahead
I was just gonna I was gonna say yeah, and there's a lot of like even if you're not chronically ill
PTSD there's little stresses on your body
We all work too hard a lot of us go to the gym, you know before the gym who some people drink energy drinks or whatever
Well, no before the gym
You should have an elixir and after the gym when your muscles are sore
You should have an elixir right and if you have good sleep and your muscles are relaxed and you eat some good food and you have
Good rest you're gonna recover from that gym way way quicker. So
There's just we all should be working out. We all should be sleeping better
We all should probably not be working so hard, but we can't stop. So this thing is I mean this thing is for everyone really
So if anybody does want to purchase tea
What would be like the easiest way for people to get more information or go about purchasing fun?
Yeah, you can contact either
I would say contact me directly or wild but even better than that
I've got a little form in my bio and a form in discord
So you can just fill out the form and that's our we kind of keep our latest products right there
It's just a preform until we have our website up with all the order forms there
We're just this is just the way to do it and it's just for the two bulk packages
We offer two serving sizes, you know, the 12 or the 24 cups in the bulk loose leaf
That's just all we've got right there on the order form right now
But we do have a couple tea bags still
And we can do some custom things if we really have to so you can always just contact me and I can direct you to
Wild if that's if she's needs to talk to you in more detail
Or if it's just taking a payment or something like that. You can just talk to me
Yeah, for the most part we take cash crypto. We take everything
The only thing we don't take right now is credit card because they charge a fee
But other than that, you know, we're good with with everything and just check out the link to my bio
Sounds good. We got stiggy bazaar up here. How's it going?
Jeffrey or Krishna is that one of you to welcome digi?
Appreciate you stopping by to rev and the whole whole crew. We've got we got his time here wild angry
I see Julie there brew tray Rose. Look at our room. This is great. Everyone. Make sure you you share it out
Let's give it a retweet and keep it going
Yeah, I definitely did share already and I did when I specify like when it comes to the orders and stuff
Definitely tricky has got that handled and you know finances
But if you guys want to get into a further breakdown of the tease or setting up time
You know where we talk over your individual challenges in which format will be best for you
My DMS are always open for that. I am in the middle of moving by the end of this month
So I might be a little slower to to
Connect, but my DMS are always open
I do delight in going through you know with someone all of what they're going through and finding a path for that will work for
Them to bring that hope light and energy back into their life
Yo, shout out to check Texas Prime to with that really awesome BFB
Are you here Krishna? I said hi Ben if you can hear me. I'm assuming it's Krishna
You got his hands full right now, I think I
Guess so also welcome to Pete. I thought Pete come up as well
Yeah, Pete Rasta. Hey, I got a device. I've been here for a while. I just can you hear me? Yes, sir
Okay, I've been here for a little while
But I've been running back and forth on you copy you all that stuff. But hey wild world. Do you have a PayPal account? I
Do it's a wild world of dragons
Damn it to me
Definitely and just make sure you let me know what you'd like and I'll make sure to get you
You know, whatever it is what I actually have stuff packaged this week
So if anybody is ready for an order when I send a tricky the bulk stuff
I'm also super happy to drop everybody stuff. So they get it a good week or two earlier
Okay, so cuz I know what it's like when you're getting low and you're just like no, it's coming
Well, yeah, just damn me your your PayPal address and you never know what might show up. Ooh
I like that
I like the sound of that and Pete's another another person who's tried the than sleepy time tea
And I like this reaction. I don't know man. This stuff is too good. I don't want to get addicted to it
I sucked a little too good. I
Have a bit of an update on that guy so I also created
So I did create a capsulized version because like for me
It's hard for me to keep both the day and the night with all the busy stuff
I do and the capsulated version actually has more pain relievers in it
that I can't put in the teas because it makes them too bitter for me personally and
It's been so effective for me
I was just taking just like a sleeping mud and my son he actually was prescribed like not to get too detailed guys
but he was on Trazadone and
He didn't like the way it makes him feel and stuff and he actually tried one a few days ago
And he has actually been replacing his Trazadone with these for his sleeping needs this whole entire week
So it's really been and we wake up you just like for me
I can fall asleep, but staying asleep is the challenge
And so I've been waking up refreshed after like eight hours just asleep like I know that sounds normal to everyone
But it is like amazing to me
Yeah, 100% the I don't take any more sleep medication
Like I haven't taken sleep medication in years at this point because I just I can't do it
So this was a game changer because I just thought I was insomniac
But also my other medications have reduced by 75% in the last five months
My my allergy meds that I have to take every day. I have to take every day like there's two meds
I have to take every day, but the ones that I was taking
Two or like three or four times a day. I literally take them once a day now
It's yeah, that's very impressive. Yeah, that's amazing
If that doesn't sell you guys on the tea, then I don't know what will but definitely try it out
Get some more info if you are interested and they can ship that to you
I also want to welcome angry mechanic. I saw you come to the stage. Well some welcome
But you actually transitioned into my next question right now
I do know you're very vocal about your chronic illnesses
You're an advocate for chronic illness
You have you have shared with others what you've been through what you go through your very vocal about it
I know you have a tick tock as well on it
So can you tell us a little bit about your journey and your experiences with that and why you chose to?
To become an advocate for chronic illness
Yeah, I think this will probably either lead into your next question or cover your next question, too, but let's so
It was a crazy journey. I always had migraines growing up in middle school
I had migraines and I always had allergies but never really understood
You know like how bad they were and I always had stomach pain, but never really connected the dots
but when I hit 25 I
Became allergic to everything like everything just got ramped up. That was when I developed an allergy to milk we
Everything I mean sugar cane sugar yeast basil allspice black pepper
Cinnamon, I mean I could go on it's ridiculous. So but this just kind of came out of nowhere
It was like about 25 and it really humbled me quick and
everything was so so bad that I ended up getting my knee surgeries my double knee surgeries on both legs and that was
that was really clutch in a way of making me feel better but
And kind of got me a little bit more vocal in a way because it gave me that energy to like get out and do
So they'll do a little bit of things
But I was going through all these things that just kept on
Building up and building up and then I was getting diagnoses that don't even really help when you get a Crohn's diagnosis
It doesn't it's incurable. So you're just kind of like, okay, you're done, you know fibro same thing. There's no cure for fibro
There's no cure for migraines cyclical vomiting syndrome. There's no cure for it
They don't even know they have no idea why it's even happening. They just know like some things seem to exacerbate it
you know, I'm like mainly stress and stuff like that, but I
You know, I did all this research
I was always really a health nut and I tried to help people with their things
So like when I became, you know, chronically ill it was my like it was my natural risk
You know, let's do some deep dives in the research and then now I have knowledge
Well now I want to share that knowledge see if I can help other people
And I didn't have answers
But I could talk about it. I could I could take away the stigma right? I could help people
Understand that you're not insane. You don't just need anxiety meds
The disease is real and the doctors are treating you like shit
So I met a huge bunch of people that connected over that and got more and the started getting involved in
Social media and just you know getting active and doing things that I could do because I I couldn't do much else
So that's just kind of it kind of came out of a necessity of just I needed some kind of sanity
It's something to do to keep my mind focused and something in a way to add value to other people
Just like it just gave me something I could feel like I was I was doing something right
You know what? I mean, cuz I felt so useless and all these other aspects. So
That's kind of where it all it all just kind of came from and that's why I became a hidden chronic illness advocate
So I started off on tick-tock, you know, also trying to do it, you know with my with my project at the same time
Launching the DeFi space donkeys. So I'm on tick-tock
You can see all my videos and and it's funny cuz there's some days I look fine
I look normal and I'll wake up some days and it just looks like I got hit by a truck
There's no explaining it. I'm like, oh, this is weird today like today in the life of Crohn's
Yeah, so it was like APK. It was comical and just a good way of be kind of like venting
But doing it in like the right way
I feel like you know, like you don't want to be a downer
but you do want you need to kind of share that information because
Holding it in is terrible and sharing it makes other people realize that they're going through it, too
Right. Like if someone had really explained what Crohn's was earlier on
I might have realized I had it because I was going through the stomach pain and I never I was always underway
There was always all these issues
So we need more advocates of a lot of things
mental health and chronic illness are completely overlooked and
The and the same thing with veterans the suicide rate is is really really high
There's not a lot of help. You can give these people sometimes so yeah, they need a good friend
They need good advocates and we need to like we need to know it's kind of normal
And this is what people go through just so people have a little empathy because the doctors and normies are what I call them
They don't have empathy for people who are going through this stuff because you can't you can't fathom the amount of discomfort and pain
That someone can tolerate and still look normal, you know
It's just you can't so everyone's going through a problem though
like even if it's not chronic illness, we've all got trials and tribulations in our life and
We all need a little empathy for the fellow humans around us
They just passion point
No, absolutely
I feel like everyone can use a lot more love a lot more positivity the world would be a better place if we had more advocates and
People sharing and being vulnerable about what they've been through because you never know who in the audience might take something away from that
Might need to hear those words be like I'm not alone
Somebody else has been through what I've been through or has a struggle like I do so I'm all about
Advocating for mental health and I think it's amazing that you share what you've been through with others and you advocate for a chronic illness
Also, welcome to its time. I saw you come up to the stage. Welcome
So I was actually gonna I was gonna run that into your next question
Which may be just another further question along the line
But uh, so when I when I got into you know, I was being more advocate more vocal
I was still playing video games to to kind of like get out of my you know, the real bad pain days
I would just play video games
But I I got into the the NFT project and that was when I started doing my call out
So I used to just make my friends on the team laugh and try to like kind of make the person who killed me laugh
You know sometimes if it's like if the let the mic goes live when you die for a couple seconds, right?
and in that in that moment of joking it
alleviated not only everyone's like
Anger or stress over the the seriousness of the game
but it like taught me how to master my emotions like and it really taught me how to master my anxiety and
It made me perform better
So like we I started I stopped doing the jokes when I got the the new brand and I just started saying
Defy space donkeys because it sounded hilarious
Nobody knew what it was and I was like, well if I say it enough times, it'll become a thing and guess what guys?
It's a thing now
Like I can literally just type my intro and you hear it in my voice. It's it's absolutely amazing. So
Yeah, it's just been it's been an amazing journey and kind of funny, but also
Interesting to see how we all kind of change and grow and if you stick with anything you can make it a thing. I
Love it. I still think you should put that in your plushies when you squeeze a plushie, it says your motto
Your vocals go into the teddy the tricky Buddha space donkeys me to yell. It's tricky Buddha
We've got we've got another request now we want to make it
We want to make it so you have an edited portion at the end and we can we can change it
So it could be like a happy birthday to your kid or like just a good morning or like a pumped up message to your
kids like it's just gonna be like the positive hype donkeys
Everyone's gonna have that's basically what I'm making. Yeah, it's gonna be fun. It's gonna be fun
No, I'm G. That's gonna be so exciting when that moment comes
I'm gonna get one with an alarm clock for my kids. We have to like shut it off
You just keep yelling at them till they get out of bed
My video of my wife just killing one. Oh my gosh
Like I hear this one more time
I'm laughing cuz you know what I'm thinking. I said it to you in a space. I will not say it on this recorded space
But yeah, I wonder when else you say that
Anyways before I derail this conversation
But you are definitely known for being on spaces all the time
I would give you probably the award for the like most hours on Twitter spaces
But we want to hear what what some of your more memorable moments or funny stories in the space. Give us some juicy ones. Oh
That's so hard. There's so many memorable moments
I mean recently, you know, I've been trying to give people advice and I love getting giving people advice
You know like when you're making a regenerative collection, you know, don't don't make a low number of traits
You know definitely don't do four traits do five six seven, you know
It's good to have like seven eye traits seven pant traits ten ten background traits. Just don't have four skin traits
Anyway, but this others come in there's comedic jokes like that
But there's also great things like my birthday party is been epic every year
I mean, I usually have small parties. I'm not I'm I look kind of like a wallflower believe it or not
I'm kind of a shy guy. I have like small parties
But my first birthday we had like I don't know like a hundred hundred fifty people show up and we gave away like
$1,500 worth of stuff. I was like, this is amazing. So that was like my birthday
But it was also the first DeFi space donkeys event then last year we had the second one
We had like we had to do two spaces because the first eight-hour space had like 200 something people in it
We couldn't get through all the prizes. We ended up giving away about four thousand dollars worth of prizes between the two days and
It was the longest space I had of the year one of the biggest spaces
I had of the year with almost 400 people in it and that was absolutely amazing
I mean, I've never had a birthday party that big never been able to give away that much stuff in one go
Like it was just it was crazy on all the aspects. I loved it. Absolutely epic
Getting you know hanging out and with with thy revolution and being like hey everyone, you know, make sure you retweet the room
Make sure you follow all these legends on stage which you guys also do right now
Like look around you're surrounded by legends and some even these legends who aren't building stuff aren't founders
They're supporters for community members
They're good people follow all these people and then crypto magazine chimes in like absolutely I and follow me
But I can't I can't follow everyone back because sometimes people see it as a sign of endorsement and I can't I have to
Make sure I'm very careful with who I follow. Oh, I'm not following tricky
That was a pretty good moment that was pretty cool
Lots of good moments in here
Every time I secure another collab, you know is it is awesome. Every time I join another party
Oh my gosh
my first ever rave my first ever co-sponsored event and my first NFT event in
Miami on the 7th with Jaden violet a preunion and I ended up bartending for the whole time because I I just was having fun
Afterwards, I used my intro to get into a nightclub in Miami
I just walked there was like I was like 50 to 150 dollars for the ticket
I walk up to the bar
I walk up to the rope right and I without a ticket everyone's scanning their phone with a QR code and I go
It's tricky Buddha from DeFi space donkeys. I was throwing a raid with Jaden violet
He said this is the place to be so here I am and they were like, all right
Let me in my wife in and Sarah Fay and and that was it
I mean that it's been absolutely epic the whole everything every year just gets more and more epic more and more intense
the the parties the events that everything is just
Blowing up going through the roof
hanging out in a space with 60 days of fun with with nifty and all these legends and and a buddy of mine hc
Towns is like I loved your vibe, you know, I'm a cop
So maybe that rip wasn't on par with my with with me
But I loved your vibe and everything you bring to the community. Here's two zenoes
Two zenoes are worth like 900 bucks right now
I've never did the love here and the the environment just all the different events. I'm pumped
I this has been an absolutely amazing part of my life and I never thought I'd be here
Never thought I'd be on stage or speaking in public spaces or being interviewed at all
So this is just I don't know where this came from. I'm here for the ride and love it every minute
You had me when you said you were an introvert I feel like you're one of the most outgoing friendliest people in the space
So I'm really glad you found your tribe. You found your home
You seem very passionate about the web 3 journey as a lot of us are as well
Which does lead into the next one?
What how did you end up in the space? What were you doing beforehand?
How did you discover crypto NFTs tell us about that journey?
Yeah, so when I went out into college, I got a couple degrees
but one of my degrees was in finance and I really like pat like pattern recognition, so I made a couple of financial models and
That went really well. I took the final French model that won the Nobel Prize in 2007 and I added some factors
So it like totally compensated for the subprime mortgage crisis because when that happened a whole market crashed
I was like, well, why do the white what they don't know what they're doing. Why did the market crash?
So I figured it out and then added a new interbank confidence level
Anyway, this is boring, but I was into stocks, right? So I started day trading
I was into stocks and I saw crypto popping off, you know in like 2016 is when I started to get into crypto and
you know, I started off with the top 10 30 cryptos, you know, and I was just getting into it and
Then you know the NFTs came around and that kind of just got me more and more involved
I just I kept on getting more and more involved and I've always been a personal advisor
So like I said before trying to bring people into the web 3 space when it was first coming around
There was people thought it was a scam or just didn't trust it or you know
Didn't understand it and they you know, it was hard to have those conversations
So really led me towards making this this club so I could vibe with people who wanted to build in web 3
Absolutely, yeah, I know we're glad you came to the space
I do remember you talking about crypto and we had first met so it was really interesting to hear about that
But what is one of your favorite things about the space? I
Mean I would say the vibe overall
the most favorite thing is when people tell me that like I
Turn their day around like that. I I was in a funky mood. I joined your space that we laughed
We had a great time
Totally turn my day around like thank you so much
Just you keep being like those little those little messages and the fact that that happens
And then just joking around and hanging out with cool people in these spaces like that's definitely the main thing
Because you know, we all came here for the money, you know, we all came here because we saw
This was maybe a way to make our dream a success
Right. This is a way to finance our dream
You know, we can't all get a bank to just launch our corporation and and sell out our stock shares, right?
But we can crowdfund and grow and organically do this and vibe with our people
So yeah, we were brought here for that
We were brought here for the for the possible reaching our dream, which we all can relate to but we all stayed for the vibe
I feel like I feel like you're still here
After this last two years
Yeah, you're here cuz of the vibe if the vibe wasn't on point you wouldn't still be here. This shit would have burned you out. I
Know I wouldn't have put in like 3500 hours on three accounts last year on spaces
But if I didn't like the vibe
And I'm actually people are like, oh you're just in space
If you walk in and see me in my room
I got I got a phone in my left ear a phone in my right ear and a computer in front of me and I'm in
Through I'm in three spaces and you can call on me and sometimes I'll speak in all three spaces at the same time
It's recorded. This is it's on the it's been it's a proven
That is a skill not many have I can barely do one space and like try to like talk to my kids in the background
Let alone like two devices and a computer. I don't know how you do it, but you do pull it off
The having to I have two recorded spaces where I do the same speech and intro and all that in the same
In the same two spaces. That's really funny that had that's happened twice without organizing it where like two people in different spaces were like
Hey tricky
Welcome to the stage and I was like really it worked out on you both phones
Hopefully you don't have any feedback when you have like the two devices next to it
Yeah, as long as I'm not in the same space, then it's okay
There's no feedback
but also I've learned if you just turn the belly up from the volumes down on both and I'll get into a space with multiple devices and
Then I'll come on stage and do the the surround sound tricky Buddha intro which sounds super epic
Yeah, but I'll figure it out when it comes to spaces
If anyone's made of spaces tricky is the guy you want to talk to
What is your favorite and that's T. What's your favorite empty fitting your wallet? Oh
it off I would
That's tough. It's probably across because I would say it's my my PFP is probably the answer
But like I really like my blue zenu that that HC towns gave me gave me and I really like that
I have a page in the book collaboration with crypto magazine and the community communities. I
Don't know. I really like I really like my homies, too
Those 3d dragons are pretty crazy. The fact that we can make plushies or toys out of it. That's pretty awesome, too. I
Don't know. But then there's the plushy NFT which actually gets you the physical plushy and that's gonna be a 3d models
It'll be airdrop soon, too
It's just tough. It's a tough question
I'm gonna go with my PFP
Okay, and it's okay to have more than one favorite
Yeah, ever since I've known you that should PFC you've been rocking. So yeah, I think that's your favorite, too
But the favorites
If it was your last day here on earth, you get one last meal. No allergies. Okay tricky. It's the last day
What would you eat? And what would you drink with it? Oh
Well, that's tough I um, it would probably be a
Bacon cheeseburger with a milkshake and fries just from like a cheap fast food restaurant
Because I haven't been able to go to like just get a basic frickin milkshake and cheeseburger in like eight years
I think it's been
So yeah, I would I would say it would just be something simple like that a bacon cheeseburger with a milkshake
He was like probably a strawberry milkshake
Yum, what are you thinking like five guys shake sack in and out? Do you know where you'd go?
I don't even know cuz I don't even know what does like the quality changes at those places like every couple years and I
Haven't been there in eight. So I don't know
There's a place in Portland. That was really good
I think I went there and spent like 120 bucks for four of us to get burgers and fries and milkshakes
But it was really really good
Um, so what are some of your hobbies when you're not on spaces, I feel like I don't do anything else
Yeah, no, I'm here all the time right I don't it's obvious I don't do anything else
I like video games like I was a big big gamer
I was ranked like 42 in the world for for zombies for like a long time
And the only I swear the only people above me had hacked the game because those numbers were way too even on the scoreboard
But I yeah, so I like video games. I really do like video games. Then how days it's like playing a movie, you know
They're pretty good
But I also really like to travel like I really when I feel good
I love to hike like my all my my average vacation is like we'll go bakery
Dispensary and then hike and eat and consume everything, you know, right and then like take some photos at the top
Yeah, take some photos smoke baked goods hiking outdoors like
ideally in the 60s 70s, I
Do love a good hike for sure
So I'm super into that especially when you get to your destination you get this nice pictures coming out of it for sure
I'm going very slow and just eating and smoking the whole time. There people are really looking at me
Like what are you doing here?
I'm from Florida. We don't have baked goods and smoke there
Colorado or whatever is amazing. Yeah, that's usually what it is. That's a hike in a picnic. That sounds like such a good time
Count me and that's on spot
What is a childhood memory that you hold beer that you don't mind sharing with the rest of us?
That I don't like sharing with the rest of you know that you don't mind like a childhood story. That's not too personal
Yeah, okay a childhood story. That's not too personal. Um, uh
That's that's that's tough I have a I have a couple of things that were dangerous that I still really enjoyed
But I'm gonna go with something simple we and back in my in my neighborhood
There was a bunch of fruit trees
So we I when I was like younger
I would usually get my bike in a bag and I would go get like some oranges some star fruit and like some mangoes or whatever
Like I could find there was lots of fruit trees and then I'd go to the lake and climb a tree and then just eat it
There's just a real simple fun like childhood memory. Yeah, if you were broke, it was great cuz like, you know free food
Good snack, you know just hang out by the water
Is a nice memory there's nothing like that fresh fruit from a tree, so I love that. Yeah
If you can get on an airplane right now, where are you gonna fly to and what are you gonna do when you're there?
That's tough I could get on an airplane right now I would probably go to
Would probably go to like Oregon
Maybe I want to go ski Mount hood. I'd probably go ski Mount hood
You know and my family lives in Washington
So I could like see my family and ski at the same time
That'd be pretty cool if I could get on a plane right now
I probably you see on the plane and go visit side revolution cuz you're making them cry
But no we're gonna go to the Florence B and alley and I'm gonna make sure he can come with me for that
That's gonna happen in 2025. Like that's where we're planning that and I'm gonna already planning to start doing more events
So like, you know, that's that's just something that's gonna happen. This was a hypothetical dream, right? Yeah
Skiing is fucking expensive
Also, it only snows so much. So yeah, but Mount hood's great cuz it's open year-round and there's tons of snow
But I've never been there during winter or anything
So if you could go there during a winter, that's the biggest ski runs you can like if you they're just ridiculous
I really want to go through that. But yeah, skiing is expensive. It's very expensive
I'm gonna come see you too. Rep. Don't worry. That's gonna happen
Actually haven't been skiing in so long but it is so fun. Don't forget the pizza French right when you go
I'll go for my next question. I heard a sigh on you. Go ahead. Sorry
No, I was just celebrating tricky saying we're gonna come see me gotta come to the UK, but yeah, no definitely want to come to the
the better be an ally that'd be amazing because
Believe it or not. I've never been in a neighborhood playing in my life and I'm 32
So I need to get on an airplane has to happen
Yeah, and I've got family that live in
Spain and in in London, so I do need to go visit those family members too. I've been I've been putting that off
I'm hoping that can happen in the next year as well. So if that happens, then that's probably we'll meet
meet IRL I
Got you. I'm 43 and haven't been on a plane yet. So we'll have to conquer that this year
No way, yes, we do that'd be awesome
Are you are you really 43? You don't look it? Oh my god. That's because of the cheese and elixirs
Um, actually three years after being on my mixes
I had to get a new ID because the computer could not recognize me for my old ID
It's the best marketing ever right there
The audience right now thinking about Alexa
I'm just right. Yeah, I'm 39. You can you can look at my tick-tock. I'm 39
Well, we need to check
I'm just on the on the dragon juices not the actual skin elixirs yet
So besides this amazing
Adventure and travels you guys are all gonna be on which I may be sneaking into your suitcase for that one, by the way
What else is on your bucket list?
Bucket list. I really want to ski on like every continent if I can
I mean, I don't want to go to like the North or South Pole like that's just ridiculous
But I do want to like go like ski in like Switzerland and a couple other places that I've never been able to go
Yeah, and I really do want to do a cruise to like
What is it through?
The West Coast it's I think they start off the West Coast they go up through
Alaska and
Like around the the northern like the northern glaciers and stuff like that. I really want to do one of those cruises
Those are cruises are super expensive too, though
So, yeah, I got a couple things on my list their moment man, it's all just traveling
At this point
I'm really happy that I can get out and do any traveling at all because I've just been so stuck with Crohn's if you have
To go to the restroom 15 times a day. You don't want to go anywhere
That's why web3 was so clutch for me for so long. But yeah now I'm like hell. Yeah, let's uh, let's get out there and explore
You know, I can't I can't move quickly, but I can move steadily
Can I ask a question? Yeah
So I noticed that you have been traveling quite a bit in these past few months is your wife happy about your freedom as well
Is that affecting her a lot as well?
Yeah, yeah, she loves to travel and I mean we're we love to travel and just go get food from different places
That's like all that's always been our thing
And you know in Orlando, it's like mainly it's her getting food and me just not having anything
So it's really cool to be able to travel and it's both be able to get like baked goods and food
Why is Orlando not algae friendly? Like they always people want to kill me here
Florida's dangerous guys stay away from Florida
But anyway, it's got apparently it's good food if you're not allergic to stuff like deathly allergic to stuff
it's like supposed to be number two in the country or something like that, but
Yeah, she's loving it
The fact that we have a little more freedom and we can do more traveling and it was it was a really fun
But funny experience going down to Miami and her being like you've got fans
They like that defi space talking bullshit
You say it and they like you it's crazy. I'm like, yeah, I don't know
It's baffling to me to like it just started off as a joke literally and now it's like
Brain hack that I can't stop because it's also like my key marketing in my intro like if I come in and don't say it
You're like, hey, is this even him? It's like my to FA. That's how you know, it's me
That's so true though. Like if you came on stage and I didn't hear it, I'd be like tricky. Are you okay? What's going on? Are you okay?
My next question is a really fun one if you were a super hero, what superpowers would you want to have and why?
Well, I'm already there but in my dreams when I lucid dream I fly I fly and use telepathy to perform like
just random jokes
So I think that's what it probably would be. I mean if that's what I do when I lucid dream
It's probably what it'd be. Yeah, just fly around doing
Telepathy to like, you know make money here and there like oh, I need $10 there for a sandwich
I don't know. Hey, you see that thing in front of me
And just like yeah, I don't know my dreams are very odd, but that's what I do. So I would probably imagine that's that's the answer
We need to do a space where we talk about the lucid dreaming because I find that very interesting and I have like a million
Questions, but I need a six-twenty-two for this show, but we should definitely do a space where we talk about that
I think it'd be really yeah. Yeah meditation and lucid dreaming could be like a whole space. Yeah for sure
Super down for that. We'll have to plan one. That'd be really fun space
my next one if it's time for the zombie apocalypse
What three items are you gonna grab first?
Chain mail
Because they can't buy through the chain mail you can't get bit
All right, so like you wear a chain mail and then you got a machete because you don't got to reload a machete
Probably a water bottle. Yeah, I think water might be a problem. So probably a water bottle
So they're good answers David's not here to interrogate you and offer you a flight to the island
We're all gonna be on but those are pretty good answers. I'll have to relate to him. See if you made the cut
But I do agree with the chain mail. We haven't heard that one before
Right. I just be dappin good. You're the hoard of zombies like whatever
Right one of my answers is like a full-on like body armor suit so you can't go through the hoard
So great minds think alike tricky will survive
What are you grateful for?
Besides web 3 and the dragon juice, which is like the obvious answer of my wife and my my friends that like
Keep me going when things get rough. That's what's up without my wife and
People who care about me should I not be here?
simple as that I
Love it. Yes family is everything. So very happy that you have that going for you guys
Let's see. What is something that the audience probably doesn't know about you?
I come from a long line of witches
Go on we need more of an explanation than that. I'm very intrigued
My grandma did a genealogy thing and like gave me a book the other day other year that was really fun
It was like you I had like 35 relatives. I went to Harvard and which would be nice to know before I was applying for colleges
but I had a
some family that came from from England through the Mayflower and were in Salem and
Yeah, apparently they're just burning and drowning the wrong people
I know I don't but I don't know what's going on over there. But uh
yeah, we so there was it's not like demonic or anything like is super weird really and not like voodoo necessarily even just more like
Like holistic harnessing the energy kind of thing
Seems to be but yeah, so apparently we had we had some some witches in the family which were
Which was interesting because I feel like we do have like a really good control of our energy in our family
I mean evidence by the lucid dreaming probably and the brain hack but
But yeah, but that's that's probably one of those random things. I didn't think I was I didn't think I had anything to do
With that. That was funny
We'll have to talk more about that on that space we house cuz I was gonna say it might be type your lucid dreaming powers over
We'll have to do that space. I'm very intrigued
What we only have two more questions tricky
What advice do you have for someone who's thinking about starting their own NFT project? Oh
That's easy. I get this question daily
Build your community
Don't like that's the first thing you need
Only 1% of the people who you know are gonna actually want to buy any of your stuff
So or have the money to buy your stuff, right? So
Yeah, you need to build a community that is a hundred times bigger than you think it needs to be and then launch your project
Figure out what what people want the thing you have or what your people want and then provide that
But if you come out with the thing and there's nobody that wants it
Supply and demand you've got a bunch of shit on your hands and don't know what to do with it
So yeah, build your community. That's that's the alpha
Yeah, I would agree that's very strong advice for sure
And our final question that we always like to ask is what do we look forward to from tricky Buddha from everything
Device based on keys. What do you have going on in the near future?
Well the Florence Biennale, we got the wild world of dragons 3d drop
We got the book collaboration with the community of communities
We actually have a raffle going on right now where if you're a founder you can buy a ticket for 15 bucks
And you might win a page in the book, which is sick
I mean, this is like $10,000 worth of marketing that you're gonna get when you get in this book. So yeah, that's
Those are some of the things coming up soon. We're gonna be launching another thousand
Donkeys on to Mainnet Z because the transaction fees are super super low over there
We are also doing a charity project for the dragon juice
So people can get a cool AI dragon and also sponsor someone, you know, who's
Dealing with cancer and autoimmune diseases. So those are the things really to look out for
Also that plushie I keep on upgrading the plushie
I'm not pushing it right heart real hard right now because I keep on thinking of ideas to upgrade it and the price just keeps
Going up. So it started at point zero one five. It's at point zero three five
If I get these other things I'd like locked down that I want to do to it. It's gonna go to point zero five five
But it's listed right now for point zero three five and there's only a hundred of them that will ever be created
So if you're into like high-end collectors items
This is a probably a really good thing to get involved in
There's gonna be really cheap ones after that that'll just be available to the public for don't everywhere unlimited
And so if you want one for like your kid or your dog or just you know first hits and giggles
Wait for the second one
But if you want to get in on like some some giveaways funded by the project and a one of 100 collectible toy
That yeah get in on that
But yeah, there's a lot of cool things coming out
But those are those are the things that I'm the most excited about coming out in the near future
Awesome well, you definitely have a lot going on you have an amazing network of people
You're always working so hard and I do love everything you bring to the space. So thank you for doing this show today
I was really happy. We were able to get you on
This is the end we did the twenty-two questions
So if anyone in the audience wants to come up and say hello to tricky or maybe ask him some more questions or clarify anything
Now is your time?
We do do this show every single week on Tuesdays from around 7 est p.m
Next week. I have not 100% confirmed our guests
I will not announce it today
But as soon as they respond you will see a flyer out there announcing who our special guests will be for next week
If anybody is new to this show and you're wondering why we asked 22 questions specifically
It is because of the term 22 to 0 movement if you are not familiar with that movement it started here in the US
Years ago and people started to realize how much suicide was on the rise
Especially when it came to our veteran community the number 22 sadly
refers to 22 veterans every single day ending their own lives and the numbers actually may be higher than that so
We had invisible enemies. We really pushed that movement. We want to build awareness around it
You'll see us host a silence for 22 space, which is just 22 minutes of pure silence to help
Get that awareness out there help be a part of suicide prevention push that movement in the space
We are huge advocates for mental wellness as you heard me mentioned earlier
So if you ever see that space live jump in there throw your PSP in there and you are part of the movement you are
Part of building that awareness
So I highly recommend that everyone follow us and put the notification bell on
Do you guys have any other things you'd like to say before we close out the space or anybody on stage have any
More questions for tricky now would be the time
Yeah, well if while people are considering their possible questions
I will say I do have a raffle going on right now and we have a really cool party plan
So I'm gonna I'm gonna post some stuff up top
So first off we have a party next Saturday our friend Ira who's an awesome painter photographer collage maker
She's got her website up
But we're trying to raise some funds so she can get a camera and maybe some birthday presents
We're gonna be auctioning off some things. We're gonna be auctioning off
I think three of her pieces and we're also going to raffle off ten of her pieces and ten NFTs
From my 10k limited edition collection. So yeah, it's gonna be a lot of fun
We're actually gonna do an hour space right after the community of communities space
Where we talk about you know all the art and just get through all those giveaways. It's like $1,500 in giveaways
So you definitely want to just like get in there
Try to get win some stuff maybe make you know bid on on something and I'm trying to find it and pin it up
right now
Yeah, here we go. Here's one of them
But yeah, we are we're gonna be giving away a special k-bong we're gonna be giving away some montage tokens some some
I think we got a whole bunch of different things that are gonna be popping off. It's gonna be a lot of fun
We got 78 people going so far. Hopefully we can get it all through in an hour
During that event we will be selling raffle tickets for some of her items
Those would be a dollar and every one of those every one of every bit of that money goes to
Irai to buy herself a camera
but also I have a
Raffle that's going on right now with the DeFi space donkeys
Which let me get to my plug because my phone's about to die on me
But we have how many backup batteries do you have that's my extra question to you
Yeah, I don't know 10
But let's see I've got so I have a raffle right now that's going where we have 500 tickets and we have
three winners so three winners are gonna get a DeFi space donkey a bag of like tokens and a bunch of other stuff and
$50 will go to the dragon juice elixir charity
But we are actually getting more and more donations of things to give away in that raffle
So I think it's now like over five hundred dollars of stuff being given away plus fifty dollars is to go into charity still
So it's back to basically the normal odds for my raffles, which are like, you know
Usually there's perfect like odds. I don't make anything off of them. It just goes right back into prizes. So it's you know, it's just
Buying a bunch of prizes and tossing around from the community really just to have some fun
And then that way more people can join the club too because I were raffling off like three DeFi space donkeys
So I mean, hopefully we get someone who's who's new to the club
But even if it's just someone who already is there then you know
You can hold different amounts of DeFi space donkeys and get into different tiers for events and stuff upcoming and it looks like we're gonna
Be doing a lot more events now that I've got this elixir
So that's the alpha because it used to be just guaranteed
Virtual events where you could trade in some stuff like our 10k limited edition NFTs
They are worth raffle tickets, right?
So you can come to our event or if you can't make it you can list those and then maybe someone who wants to be at
The event would sweep them to maybe cash them in for drinks or prizes door prizes or they can
Virtually or physically submit them for raffle tickets and then get in on some of the goodies
I'll also pin up a little picture of one of the 10k limited edition NFTs. So I got a couple different versions
The one that is being pumped the most I think is the
Magic mushroom patch which is worth five tickets right now. It's five matic
Every 100 they go up by one matic
So every six months when that expires or when the hundred are sold it will be pushed up to the next line
So if you get in early and you want to you want to get out it makes it pretty easy
But also you there's lots of prizes and wait things you can trade them for so I would really suggest holding them
Because they are very very low right now five matic. I think is the baseline
I think 40 matic is the high point for like the
the x-ray NFT
Which is the app but made from my surgery so you guys can see what my legs look like
Not gonna post that one on the jumbo Tron though. It's a little disturbing for some people
But I did post up the magic mushroom patch there there's the raffle as well and the
The space link for the the pre space for the party for I rise party after that
We're also doing another party with I ride for for the D gen hours
We're gonna we're gonna have a lot of fun in that too with some musicians and stuff showing up
But yeah, it's gonna be fun next week for sure. I
Think that's about it for me right now
you know, I would say go scoop up a raffle ticket or a mushroom patch or a DeFi space donkey membership and
Join the club. I I'm real big on adding value to everyone that I interact with that's kind of my thing
So, you know, it's it's gonna be worth it to join the club. I'm building this brand
I'm not gonna stop and it's just gonna get bigger and bigger the more collabs we have the more people in it
The better it'll be so join the club. Let's see how we can collaborate or how I can help you accomplish your goals
Let's go yes
There's so much going on with tricky booty guys and everything he's involved in when web 3 wise
Hit up the tweets and the jumbo trauma. Make sure you set your reminders for those spaces
Thank you, Amanda for coming up to the stage as well. Thank you as well sigh revolution and digi bazaar
I don't know if your mics working or not Krishna
But if anybody has any last words before we do close out the space and now is your time to do so
Yeah, just thank you for
hosting tricky and
Highlighting is his awesomeness and his time and hard-working web 3, you know
He's an absolute legend and is an amazing job at the impositive and bringing people together and it's great that you
Give him the opportunity to showcase his hard work. So yeah, thank you to you and thank you to tricky and thank you to everyone
That came here tonight to show support swim
Well said rev
Appreciate you being here as always
Yeah, just a quick. Thanks and good night here. Just trying to you know multitask
So just glad to be here and you're listening in support and I always love what you guys are doing
And go down there and follow tray we're trying to get tray over a thousand followers
He's got a crypto ducats NFT. That's one of our collab partners as well
Yeah, he's on soul. Those ducks are pretty cool too. But yeah
Much love everyone who stopped by appreciate everyone coming through sharing the space everyone with for the good vibes and
We will be doing another interview with Jay connects in about an hour and a half
So if you want to hear it all over again, or you missed anything feel free to join us again
Let's go. Oh
Yes, and I did forget to mention this is a recorded space so funny when your community missed this it will be available
In the invisible enemies discord as well as the V new discord shout out to the new community
David and Brian weren't able to make it today
But if you missed it
We did start our spin-off of 22 questions where we get to know the mob the Z new mob
Yesterday with Jay rock so you can access that episode in the Z new discord as well as my own
And we will be hosting the next one of those the first Monday of March
So, thank you everyone who came through today to listen to tricky Buddha and everything see by space donkey
We look forward to seeing you guys on the next one Tuesday at 7 p.m. ESP
But for now, I think that about wraps it up
I'll give tricky the mic one last time for his closing remarks
And it sounds like you can go catch another interview with tricky later today with Jay connects. So thank you again tricky
It was a great episode
This has been tricky Buddha from g5 space donkeys pumped to be here with invisible enemies
0 to 22. Let's fucking go
Let's fucking go I'll see you guys all on the next one. Have a great rest of your day. Goodbye