Is it time to move your web3 newsletter to web3? W/ @paragraph_xyz

Recorded: March 21, 2023 Duration: 0:57:18
Space Recording

Full Transcription

Can you hear me? Yes! Alright, sorry about that.
problem no problem all right so we're all gonna have to work extra hard to get the word out since this is a brand new space so if you can hit that little button there on the bottom right and
uh uh you know like this comment tweet retweet quote tweet i'm sending out a quote tweet quote tweet right now uh let's see first spaces was rugged
Join us now. All right. I'm gonna send that and then I'm also gonna send it out to a couple of different places as well. And then I got, you know, I got to restart my music. No matter what I do, I was
excited about this song, Colin. I got to restart it that way. It makes it way into the into the into the podcast. So we're going to start the music over. We'll get started here in just a sec. Retweet the room. And let's get all of our friends on here for this awesome conversation today.
I see dreams and dreams Red dreams and still As do they bloom for me now
And I think to myself, what I wonder, can I? I see sky in the sun blue, in sky blue.
The darkness of the night has a thank you myself.
The colors that they made were spreading in the sky, the colors of the faces, the people growing up, I see friends, still confused, still confused,
I've touched them.
And I don't want to be alone. And I think you must know. What I want to help you. Yes, I think to myself.
All right. Happy Tuesday, Colin. We're in. You can hear me. I can. Yeah, you can hear me as well. I can. Perfect. We are connected, my friend. Awesome. So good to connect with you. Spaces have been rugging all day today. I was so
I don't know if you heard before on the last one, but I've been doing this space to show for a year and it had hardly any technical difficulties. And so I guess it was just time. It was time for a technical difficulty, but we got it figured out. I'm happy that
you're here and I was really excited about my intro song so if you're not familiar with the right three show I always spend quite a lot of time thinking about you know the intro music and I absolutely adore Louis Armstrong my guess is that there's
no relation to Colin Armstrong, but I'm making that connection today. So that is your intro music for the right three show. I hope you enjoyed it. Perfect. Fantastic choice. Unfortunately, no relation, but great, great choice and sign. Yeah, you know, and
When I hear talented people like that, I'm always like, "Ah, yeah, there's no way there in my bloodline." I don't have anything close to that sort of talent. But you, my friend, are talented entrepreneur and developer, and I'm really excited to have a conversation with you today.
I will set the room here real fast and just say my name is Greg Younger. This is the right three show. I sit at the intersection of writing in Web 3, a space that I've come to call right three. And each week I interview interesting people and interesting topics from around the right three world. And there is
few projects that sit in this intersection more than paragraph, which is to my knowledge the first and only truly Web 3 newsletter platform. I am a user of the platform and I'm excited to have Colin on the show.
one of these guys have been chasing down since the very beginning and so it's an honor to have you on today. Before we get into the interview, just a couple of quick updates. Again, if you wouldn't mind hitting that little comment button on the bottom right and retweeting the room or liking or commenting on the

FAQ on Is it time to move your web3 newsletter to web3? W/ @paragraph_xyz | Twitter Space Recording

What is the name of the podcast and what is it about?
The podcast is called the Wright3 Show and it is about the intersection of writing and web 3.
What technical difficulties did they experience before the interview?
They experienced issues with the Spaces app, which caused some delays.
What is the name of the guest on the podcast?
The guest on the podcast is Colin Armstrong.
What is Paragraph?
Paragraph is the first and only truly web 3 newsletter platform.
What is the host's perspective on the guest's talents?
The host believes that the guest is a talented entrepreneur and developer.
What does the host mean by 'interception of writing and web 3'?
The intersection of writing and web 3 is a space where writing and web 3 come together.
What other tasks does the host ask the listeners to do?
The host asks the listeners to hit the little button on the bottom right and to retweet, like, or comment on the room.
What genre is the intro song of the podcast?
The intro song is by Louis Armstrong and is a jazz genre.
How long has the Wright3 Show been running?
The Wright3 Show has been running for a year.
What is the host's name?
The host's name is Greg Younger.