Is Miami the USA’s crypto capital? Bit Basel founders reveal answer!

Recorded: April 27, 2023 Duration: 1:01:09



Alright, we'll let the Peace Corps go by. Hey, thanks for joining us all. Good afternoon from Miami Beach, Florida. And this place is going to be buzzing in a few weeks when Bitcoin 2023 comes to town. If you're in town, send me a DM, look me up. Let's get together. I can't wait for
it. Meanwhile, I have the manatees frallicking about, frallicking about outside my window. I'm pretty sure one just bumped into a dolphin but my sources tell me she did not do it on purpose. All right, dad jokes. Welcome everyone. Welcome everyone.
Once again, the crypto is community Miami rules edition hosted by our best friends at the Diffinity Foundation. If it runs on a blockchain, we talk about it every week in this space and remind of we are a blockchain inclusive space. We do give preference to people and projects building on the internet computer protocol.
We love the feature folks that are building across the entirety of Web 3. We love to get Alpha from all chains. So make sure you give a follow-through to the Firmity. Follow our feature guest today. If you enjoy this space, please show us some love. Retweet it. Take your friends. We love the replays. So today I'm
enjoyed again by the one only Michelle Lord as my co-host who resides on the beach on the other side of Florida just soft and clear water. She's just adopted a kitten. She's been texting me pictures of the kitten walking on the beach. I know we have indoor cats, outdoor cats. And Michelle, I guess we now have beach cats.
We do. Yes, she is fabulous. She although I am scratched from head to toe. He's literally all she does is sleep and scratch me. But I'm training her to be an outdoor kiddie so she can go find dolphins with me. Fantastic. Well, we have a Florida heavy space. We have a lot of OGs from
I'll save the best for last. So let me just acknowledge we have Benny Piccala who runs a cohort, slides incubation organization here in Miami. It's very well known. Thank you so much Benny for joining us. We have Craig O. Crypto who if you've seen his YouTube
videos about crypto. They are absolutely amazing. He's going to help us weigh in on NFTs for good. We have NFT artists that is near and dear to our ICP hearts. We have Candace Marquette with us. Thank you Candace. But most importantly, we have with us today the founders of BitBasel. We have Scrola, Arana and Scott Spiegel now.
BitBasel's mission is to connect, educate, and empower artists through the use of decentralized technology, something that we can all get on board with. I have watched them do that. I would say relentlessly for the last 1.5 years I've been in Miami, you know, any web3 conference or event that comes through this town, Scarlett and
Scott or at the epicenter, I'm thrilled to have them with us today. Let's kick off with Scarlett. Scarlett, can you give us an overview of Bit Basel for those not lucky enough to be in Miami? And first, we'd love to know how you wound up running with, you know, honesty is one of the top Web 3 organizations in the top state for crypto.
Well, thank you so much for that kind of introduction. Yeah, so my name is Carter Rana. I'm actually the co-founder of BitBasel. And BitBasel actually started back in 2020. We're based out of Miami, Winwood. And we actually started during the midst of cold
David, probably to that one second, I think Scott wants to have been technical difficulties. And this has got here. I unfortunately had to chime in from the bitbosil account. Can everyone hear me? Or am I the one being rugged?
Scott, I hear you ladding clear. I can also hear Scarlett. This might be one of those weird glitches where you can't hear Scarlett. I'll go on mute then and I'll come back in. No, go ahead and um, Scott if you want to talk and said, um, yeah, we're might be a rogue film. I'm not sure if anybody's hearing me.
Let me know if you're not. Otherwise, I'm kind of talking to myself. If anybody can hear Scrawlett, please give a purple heart or put your fists in the air. Yep, okay, fantastic.
Yeah, no, wow, thank you so much for all the saccolates. And yeah, so we actually used to be called the blockchain center Miami.
And which is a co-working space specifically help empower the people from the Web 3 community and unfortunately in 2020 during COVID we had a close

FAQ on Is Miami the USA’s crypto capital? Bit Basel founders reveal answer! | Twitter Space Recording

What is the name of the event that will take place soon in Miami Beach?
Bitcoin 2023.
What kind of projects does the podcast give preference to?
Projects building on the Internet Computer Protocol.
Who is the co-host of the podcast that lives on the beach on the other side of Florida?
Michelle Lord.
What is the name of the organization run by Benny Piccala?
Cohort, Slides Incubation.
Who is the YouTuber that talks about crypto on the podcast?
Craig O. Crypto.
What is the mission of BitBasel?
To connect, educate, and empower artists through the use of decentralized technology.
What city is BitBasel based in?
Miami, Winwood.
What was the previous name of BitBasel?
The Blockchain Center Miami.
What happened to The Blockchain Center Miami during COVID?
It had to close.
Who are the founders of BitBasel?
Scarlett, Arana, and Scott Spiegel.