@jerri_nft: saving the planet through NFTs 🌎

Recorded: Jan. 25, 2024 Duration: 0:54:00



Hello, hello everybody. Thanks for joining us today as we wait for some more people to jump
on in. I'll start with our introductions. I'm Zandra. I'm the host for the space today,
as well as the community manager for Charmverse. And, trusted by Optimism, Safe, Game7, and Mantle,
Charmverse is the Web3 community operations platform for members to build relationships,
work together, and vote. Manage members, coordinate tasks, facilitate structured discussions and
decisions, and hold each other accountable. So, if you are looking for a platform or an
operations hub for your Web3 community, I encourage you to check out Charmverse, but not
until after the space today, because I am joined by Donny Jerry of Jerry NFTs, which is an impact
community that I'm really excited to share with you. They're doing amazing things. Hey,
Donny Jerry, how are you?
I'm really well, Sandra. Thank you very much for having us today.
I'm so excited to share what you're doing. It's so cool. I didn't mention we try better,
but we are going to dive into that organization as well, because it's tied to Jerry NFTs. But,
yeah, I'm really excited to be talking with you again. We chatted on another space with
another community you're a part of, and that kind of spiraled into this space taking place.
So, really nice to be chatting. I'm glad you're doing well. And, again, thanks for
taking the time to be here today. So, let's kick it off. Tell us the story
of the Jerry NFT project.
Wow. You always wonder where to start when you go into how these projects get going, get
moving and start to grow. So, it really started from an idea on WhatsApp. We got a little
community together, and we were just taking pictures of doing good deeds, so we could
bunk one of the members of this WhatsApp group. We did 200 good deeds in one week, and he would
have to jump in an ice cold bucket of water. And we got that done. Wow, that was a lot of
fun. I wonder how we could maybe motivate more people to do stuff like this. As people
saw me out doing stuff, they were like, what are you doing? And it kind of explained
it to them a little bit, and they were like, oh, that's interesting. And I was like, well,
if this makes people think about things, maybe there's a way that we could, you know, grow
this movement into something else. And that was the foundation of We Try Better. And We
Try Better, we wanted to keep it more of a Web 2 focused on just people going out and
doing good deeds, even if it has an NFT in it, and an NFT idea to it. So, we started
the Jerry NFTs to create that NFT, and that's how the project started. And it just kind
of evolved from there, like how we could turn it into a refi project and something that
can motivate people and pay people for doing good deeds, while generating more interest
in it and maybe supply some funds for charity. I think that's so cool. So, it just started
as a WhatsApp conversation with how many people originally? What did you say? I think we had
about 30 in that one. Okay. And you're like, take pictures of, you know, jumping in a big
bucket of water or whatever, and that generated excitement and engagement. No, no, no. Take
pictures of doing something good. Picking up trash is what we had. Oh, okay. Everybody
had to pick up a piece of trash. You had to pick up 200 pieces of trash to get the guy
to jump in an ice cold bucket. Oh, I see. Sorry. Okay. And so then this is kind of
generating excitement. People want to see the guy do this. So, they're doing these
good deeds to then, you know, make this person jump in this bucket of ice water.
And all of a sudden, now you just have this excitement and engagement around this and
they're getting people to do good deeds for the planet, like picking up trash. Right.
And it was like, if we can get people to do good deeds to let somebody do something horrible,
can we motivate people to do good deeds, more good deeds, for maybe something a little
more positive? And so, that started with We Try Better, which then turned into the Jerry
NFT collections, right? That's correct. Okay. So, let's look at these collections because
it's pretty great. And it took me a minute to realize until I really clicked into one of
these NFTs what it is. And it's an NFT that's made up of all these small pictures, right?
That's exactly right. It's the actual good deeds make the traits on the NFT. So, it is
inside the background. It's a mosaic of good, is what we like to say. So, if you zoom into
it, you actually see the pictures of the good deeds. You're buying the good deeds
that someone did. And the person that did the good deeds will get 60% of the funds
from your purchase, which I think is fair. They're the ones that did it.
Yeah. So, by owning these, you're becoming a hero yourself of saving the planet.
That's absolutely right. And I love that you use that word because that's exactly right.
I love it. And so, what else? I mean, obviously, you get this very cool NFT. You're contributing
to really good things. Are there other perks that you get through owning, let's say like
a Jerry Koala? A Jerry Koala is our top level of the Jerry Fair Mid NFT game. So, with that,
when you get every benefit all the way down the chain, every single thing, it takes 100,000
good deeds to make it. So, it takes a bit of work to work your way up to that level.
But you get every benefit from every other level. So, the idea is that at that level,
the top prize would be a Lucid EV. If you know what the Lucid automobiles are, Lucid
EVs. Oh, that's pretty cool. And you also do... Do you do like events? And I believe
that you get discounts and things like that with these as well, right?
That's absolutely right. I mean, on the lower levels, on the base level, which is our sea
turtle, it is discount codes to sustainable products. So, maybe it's a product you know.
Maybe it's a product you don't know, but you would like to try out. You would get
by owning the NFT, you get a discount code for that product. I would love to tell you
which products those are at the moment, but I can't because I have not released those
collections yet. We'll get into that I guess in a little bit. But as far as the branding
partners and everybody, I would like to keep everything stable until things are actually
released and make a splash with them. Okay, amazing. Yeah, because that's super exciting
to be able to partner with people to help continue to build this engagement and the
excitement around sustainability. So, that's fantastic. And understand why you'd want to
keep that under your hat until everything's ready to go. Okay, so with the sea turtle,
you're getting discount codes to sustainable products, and you can with different collections
get different utilities, let's say. So, like I said, maybe access to exclusive events.
We've talked about the discounts and things like that, that you're getting in addition
to contributing in general to positive planet actions.
Yeah, if that's not enough for you, if you need an incentive, there is added incentive for,
you know, purchasing. Right. Yeah, I mean, I always think it's nice to have those out
of things, but really, I think the sentiment behind it in general is enough. Also, some
of these NFTs are giving you a membership to the metaverse. They all do that. Okay.
Everybody is, that joins the Jerry NFT community that comes involved and gets involved with it,
needs to have a place to hang out. So, all the Jerrys are welcome. So, we have a metaverse property
that everybody will be able to come into, hang out, and there'll be all kinds of fun games
and things that we can do inside of the metaverse. So, I'm pretty excited about that.
It's, unfortunately, it's still partnered with a metaverse project that is in the building stage,
so it's not completed. So, that is, you know, one of the things that we're kind of been waiting on
as well. We need everybody to come together at the same time to be able to launch everything properly.
Absolutely. Yep. You know, that's just part of it. Piece by piece. You partner with people
and piece by piece. That's the way it has to work. Absolutely. And, you know, and that's
why we like having these conversations with projects. You know, it's not like you need to be
all the way to the end of this project. It's an evolution. Everyone's learning in this space.
Everyone's building together. The collaborations are exciting. So, that's great. So, you're building,
you're still building out the space in the metaverse, or you are already hosting
gatherings there and are kind of waiting for the next phase of it.
No. We have the space in the metaverse. It exists. We have it. It's already there.
It is not open for us to be able to build inside of it the full capabilities of what we would like
to offer yet. So, they're working on those problems. I've worked with them quite a lot
on this and, you know, the types of tools and things that we would like to have
to be integrated. So, we could have movie nights, game nights, everything inside the property and host
those things for everybody as well as have people come in and be able to take part in the e-commerce
that's inside the metaverse as well using, you know, different currencies from the metaverse
that we give out also as perks for you're a good person. You're one of our planetary heroes.
You bought a Jerry NFT. You get some tokens to play the games inside this metaverse as well.
Cool. So, I saw something about the library of Visconti and that Jerry's as an owner of Jerry NFT,
you essentially own this library of Visconti. What is that?
That is the property in the metaverse. It is a very, very innovative metaverse.
Oh, very cool. Every single property comes with its only lore. So, Jerry NFT owns that property
and that's the one that you everybody that owns a Jerry NFT has keys to to come in to decide what
we want to do with it and how we want to play with it and do all of the things inside of it.
So, every different property in that metaverse has, you know, different owners and has its
different lore, its different gamified aspects to it. It's called Metropolis World and they have a
fantastic e-commerce platform that is up right now for their avatars. But again, as they build
everything in stages, everything has to build step by step and properly done. So, that's where
they are right now is with the e-commerce platform and the avatars before having our property hubs
opened for us to go in and play with all of those things. Okay, cool. So, and I assume this
e-commerce platform, that's when, you know, maybe some of these partnerships will come into play too,
these sustainable products, everything you can use your discounts in there.
Absolutely. You're right on the money. You can see how this works. I like it. I'm very excited
to check it out. So, we're saying each collection kind of comes with its own benefit and the
higher the level, the better the benefits. There you are. So, what about the proceeds
from the sales of all these NFTs? How are you allocating those proceeds?
The proceeds, I mean, that's a very simple kind of thing. 60% of it is practically goes immediately
to the person that did the good deeds or the organization that did the good deeds.
From whatever level, it makes absolutely no difference. That's just the way it is. 60%
goes to those people. 30% of it goes to WeTryBetter because this is the platform and the
communities that we're involving in order to obtain the images we need to create the Jerry NFTs.
And it is a 501c3 charity in Texas that has, you know, no other real, you know,
income source other than charity. It is a charity. It is volunteered. It needs to have some source.
We thought, well, that's only fair. It's a reciprocal thing. So, that organization is based
there and working on that and generating those images for us, they get 30%. And then 30% of
it stays to cover the cost of creating everything, managing the contracts and running things on the
Jerry NFT side. Cool. So, wait, this charity is WeTryBetter tied into that because you mentioned
the images. Yes, WeTryBetter is the charity. Okay. That is our two charity platform. So,
that's how we get our images. They make partnerships with all of the other NGOs. They create all of the
beat ups, hangouts, pre-planting exercises, everything to try to get people involved.
And we use images that they collect once they get over 5,000. Once a person or an organization gets
over 5,000, we can start to make the Jerry NFT collections. That's what it takes to make the bottom
level sea turtle. Collections is 5,000 images. Whoa. That's a lot of images.
You know, you would think so, but it happens remarkably fast. We had one person, an individual
person that put in, well, they uploaded 46,000 images. After verification, and we went through
all of them, they obviously had uploaded some of them once. I don't think it was nefarious or mean.
They really were just very motivated to go out there and work really hard and, you know,
make sure that they got it done. They wound up having over 26,000 images, just one person.
That's really cool. I mean, they were dedicated. That's great.
Yeah. I mean, I don't expect that from, well, anyone else.
Just saying it's possible. It's not as many images as you think if you actually are out there
working at it, doing it. No, it happens. It adds up. It adds up fast. Yeah.
Yeah. Right. So, listeners, for those that just joined, I'm talking with Johnny Jerry of
The Jerry NFT Project, as well as We Try Better. We're talking about how they're encouraging people
to take actions to make a positive impact on the planet and how they're doing that
through NFTs and through charity. When we were setting up this space, it was funny. I was like,
wait, your email's Donny, but it's Donny Jerry. What am I supposed to be calling you? Is it Jerry?
Is it Donny? Tell me about the naming in this project and how it works.
All right. So, there's a whole lore story behind Jerry's because it is a game and it is an NFT
gamified kind of platform. I think with any game, you have to have a story. Well, the story goes that
Jerry is our koala and we met this guy down in Australia and he was very disheartened that
everything was going to pot and he was running out of food and he was running out of land and
he had nothing to eat and things were going horribly for him and he was very sad. We thought,
well, we need to try to do something, try to help this guy out. And he goes around and
starts finding other people that wanted to help and wanted to contribute to the deforestation,
to contribute to getting more land for him to live on. And then he realized, oh my gosh,
all over. It's not just Jerry koalas. It's Jerry sea turtles. It's all of the things on this planet.
All of the people were all suffering. What is going on? So, he was really sad and started
a movement to try to get other people to get involved. And after knowing for doing Jerry for
a while and seeing all of these wonderful things and how he was trying to make a difference in
the world and inspiring people to make a difference in the world to make things better for everything
on the planet, we noticed that he called everything Jerry. Himself and everything Jerry. And we were
so inspired by that that we wanted to be a Jerry too. Because everybody, everything on the planet
is just a Jerry. That's just the way he looks at it. There is no difference. Every living being on
the planet, we all have the same needs. We have clean water, clean air, and food and good food
to eat. We all have this in common, no matter what it is. So, the Jerry we decided must be
short for generic. It must be a kind of play on, you know, it's just a generic term that we use
for everything. So, when you get a Jerry NFT, you become, well, whatever your first name is in a Jerry.
You're a Jerry. We all are. I like it. So, I'd be Zandra Jerry. Right. All right. So, this game
isn't yet available. Again, we are still building it. These things take time, like we said. And
oftentimes games can take years. So, where are you in this process? Do you have a rough timeline
or a demo that's going to be coming out that people are going to be able to check out?
What's your timeline on that? Ideally, I know we can't always stick to these things.
Exactly. I mean, you hit the nail on the hand.
Yeah. So, we're working on it. We're working on it.
The NFT collections are about ready. I've got the first collections that can come out.
The actual Jerry's World mobile app game is in development. And I'm hoping to have a running
demo of that by the end of this year. I was actually just in meetings all day today
with the gaming studio that is helping me develop all this because obviously I can't
do all of that. We need some professional help.
Those guys, it does take a lot of time. We were working out all of the mechanics of how
the infernals of the actual game would work. But the NFT collections will be releasing on
four separate blockchains. And we are hoping to have those out. I wanted to have them out
at the end of last quarter, but it will probably be the end of this quarter before I'm able to get
that done because I lost PGN, which I was hoping to be able to put one of the collections on.
So, I'm working out maybe a way to put it on Kyoto Protocol if they'll drop that blockchain
for me. They already have a platform for marketplace for the NFTs. But they're not
live yet, and it's supposed to happen before the end of the quarter. And I would like to drop all
four collections at the same time. It's 50 NFTs per collection, so they're relatively small.
So, I think a 200 total collection on four different marketplaces is probably a
better chance to get a better impact and maybe a little bit seen around the community.
Well, that's exciting. Congrats on that upcoming kind of release of all of that.
So, with Jerry NFTs, you're really pushing the refi movement. Tell us, break down what refi
means for any of our listeners that might not know, and then we're going to offer a giveaway
listeners if maybe whoever has the best answer to one of the questions that's coming up. But
before we jump into that, tell us about the refi movement and really what that breaks down to.
The refi movement is regenerative finance. So, the only thing that you're looking at with it
is trying to change the way our financial systems work. They are currently based on a model that
doesn't really value anything of value. It values something false, it values scarcity,
but it doesn't have an actual true value. And the idea is that you would have a regeneration
is its own value. Things that have true value to human beings like clean air, clean water,
and good food to eat, the life forms around us, our nature, and how we live, those are actual
valuable commodities. So, transforming our financial systems into a way that we are
keeping all of those systems working and using what we are doing in order to
finance those systems, not just try to have the most of a scarce fake commodity, right,
is what refi is, being able to regenerate our financial systems and regenerate good old mother earth.
Fantastic. So, why wouldn't we want to contribute to this movement, right? So, listeners,
listen up because we're doing a giveaway, or I should say, Donnie Jerry is doing a giveaway.
I'm just helping facilitate. So, you are going to give away two Jerry Flamingo NFTs during this
space, right, to listeners who can provide the best comments as to why refi can create the world
we want to live in. So, you can type it in the comment section or you can raise your hand
and we're happy to welcome you up as a speaker. And I know I already see some friendly faces in
here that I'm sure have thoughts on this. So, please make a comment or raise your hand and come
on up and tell us why refi can create the world we want to live in. Jimmy, I'm looking at you.
I see you here. While we wait for people to think about that and speak up because that's pretty
awesome to get to Jerry Flamingo NFT, let's talk about that collection. How many Flamingo NFTs
currently exist, Donnie Jerry? There are 1,000. There will only ever be 1,000 Flamingos. That's
it. Ever. Ever. Okay, awesome. So, it's an exclusive club. I mean, with only 1,000 there,
you definitely want to be in on this. So, don't miss out on this giveaway.
If you look at the Flamingo NFT, there's a pyramid, right? There is. What's the significance? Yeah.
Yeah, that's my sneaky little guy. There's a lot of symbology in that pyramid, for one,
which is fun. So, you'll see the little eye at the top of the pyramid. It came off of the back of the
dollar bill and created the pyramid, but there's Jerry standing up at the top of it. That's our
Atlas Jerry Koala. That's the one that we're selling for We Try Better when we get a million
images that can be used in a single mosaic NFT. We have a sponsor lined up to purchase,
and then pay out everybody that's participated. However, the idea is that each one of those
little bitty, tiny little blocks that create the pyramid, they all have a different color and a
different aspect to them. They will give you different benefits inside of the metaverse.
They'll give you different coins. They allow you to have a different piece of the game that I was
working on today with the mobile game that we're producing. So, if you own one of these,
they give you extra bonus powers and currencies. And depending on where your block is and what
color it is, you get different rewards. And I will not tell any more than that. That is
already enough alpha on how that is going to operate inside the game. But they're cool rewards.
They're cool perks. You'll like it. I like that. I like the symbology that you're incorporating
and the little hints you're dropping and how it's going to help you. And it's all kind of
fitting together on how you're building out the community, the game, and how it all fits
together and the NFTs. And I think that's great. Well, thank you very much. I have to say it has
been a lot of work and a long time coming putting together all the pieces for everything. So,
seeing something actually come together is starting to feel really good and being able
to talk about it with you. And I appreciate you having me here. So, I can express these
things and talk about them in a more solid manner than just, you know, out there in the ether.
Absolutely. No. And, you know, we at Charmverse, we love impact communities. We love being able to
help spread the word about these communities that are doing work that we really believe in. So,
I appreciate you taking the time. We have some comments coming in. So, I want to check those out
and I'll read them aloud so you can kind of make some choices. So, one person says,
ReFi means, for me, means to also do good to humanity and nature and not just about profit.
Nope. Something. No, pretty much for humanity. Oh, not just about profit, but pretty much for
humanity. So, I think that's good. Yeah, we're doing good for the planet. We're not just
looking at the financial gains behind it. We want to do good for the world. And someone else said
there's so many ways to define ReFi and they linked to other people talking about ReFi and what
it means. So, so far, it sounds like Lazlo Lens is having an answer for us. We'd love to see
some more responses to this. And like I said, if you'd rather come up and talk about ReFi
and what it means to you and why that's important, we'd love to hear from you.
Hold on. Another conversation. Another person. Another person, Bishops NFTs LLC says,
reshaping Web3 for a green future. Web3 isn't just about decentralizing finance.
It's about rewriting the rules, introducing ReFi revolutionary force,
leveraging Web3 to build a sustainable digital world where both Earth and its inhabitants flourish.
Wow, Bishops. Yeah, right. Yeah, I think that's a fantastic answer. And then they go on to say,
here's how ReFi rewrites the script. And it is, it is long. And I'm not going to read
the entire thing. You can absolutely click into the comments. But I think that is a
fantastic answer that really explains a lot of it and the importance behind it.
Let me see this thing. I'm going to let you. I know.
That was fantastic. I love this.
If you just wrote that right now, you're gone.
Well, Bishop, if you just wrote that right now, first of all, you're a bit of a poet as well.
Beautiful writing. But yeah, I mean, but also, I think that explains it really well. And
just sums up really what we're working toward with this movement. So sounds like Bishop,
you should check out Jerry NFTs more and we try better because you're pretty aligned in
the way you're thinking about it. So depending on who you choose,
Donnie Jerry, how are we getting this to people? What do they need to do?
This is the very simple thing. If you will, just send me a DM. My DMs are always open.
Drop me your public eath address and I'll transfer you to Jerry.
Okay, amazing. So that is easy. Hold on. We have a request from someone.
Oh, it's Bishop. All right. Bishop, I'm bringing you on up.
All right. Bishop, how are you doing?
I am doing fantastic. I did just write that. That's why it took me so long to get it posted.
But I'm long winded. Jerry knows me quite well. I've known Jerry for quite some time.
I love Jerry. I love Jimmy from Max Impact and Tree Jans. I love what those guys are building.
We've personally had some successes within the regen space or refi space in the past.
And so I do absolutely believe in it and always trying to make a difference in making the world
a better place. I love it. Thank you so much for that. And thank you again for such a wonderful
description and how the refi movement is so important to us and can impact us.
And thanks for coming up and sharing that. I'm not going to speak for Jerry. I think you're
definitely one of the contenders. And we have another speaker here. I can't see your full name.
Carbon something. Do you want to jump on and say something?
Sure. The why, I feel like, is because we have to. If humanity wants to survive,
we control so much of this planet. If we don't decide to coexist with it, we won't exist.
Like that's the why. And the how is because there are so many dedicated people
who are doing so many amazing things, many of them largely underappreciated. So I appreciate
you taking the time to help highlight these people and the efforts that they're putting into
all these projects. Thank you. I appreciate that. I'm sure Jerry NFT appreciates that as well as
we try better. Like I said, I see some friends on here that are listening today.
Again, another shout out to Jimmy who runs Max Impact and Tregens and does a lot of work out there
himself. There are a lot of people in this space that want to make this world a better place and
have it last longer. So Jerry, or Donnie Jerry, what do you have to say?
That's absolutely right. I mean, all of these familiar faces here. And I mean,
Jimmy is also part of Let's Grow Dow. And that's how I was introduced to Charmverse
and why I'm here speaking in that space with that.
Harbin Counting Club, I've known for a long time. As Bishop said, I've known Bishop for
a very long time as well through Jimmy, who's a fantastic connector in this.
So let me see. Let's Grow Dow. Guys, that is something I would like to talk about if you'll
let me for just a second, even though this is not a space for that or about that.
Absolutely. Absolutely. These are some of my favorite people that I had met in the crypto
space as long as I've been in the crypto space, which is around 2017. It's when I got started in
and these people are all like-minded people. They all are bishops.
Oats. That's it. That's what it is. It is the sentiment from Carbon Counting Club.
And we have a manifesto that's going to be coming out. And I'm really hoping that all of you people
will take a look at it, read it, sign it, get the NFT for it. Maybe if you feel so inclined,
you want to move into becoming a Dow member and helping us grow this refi movement and this
regenerated to not just in the crypto space, but in the broader world. And yeah, it's an absolutely
fantastic thing. I've enjoyed using Charmverse with that group. So much so that I have another
project that I am bringing home, which is a great investment firm, into the space.
Because I think that it is something that can be utilized as Web3 Rails for just about
any endeavor. If you have any hope of staying up with the technology and being present and seeing
inside of the community, Charmverse is the place that you can do that. And it's an easy step
into that. So I really appreciate the things that you're building out there.
That means a lot. That definitely means a lot to us, to me. Friends that are listening,
if you are part of an impact community, I think it's important to note that Charmverse is free for
impact communities, as long as you keep your space 100% public. We want to support the transparency
there. We really want to support impact communities. So I encourage you to come check Charmverse out.
It really is a fantastic community hub that offers all sorts of things. But it's really great for
coordinating and collaborating. You can token gate spaces with NFTs, maybe a Jerry NFT.
But yeah, it's a really great space. If you have any questions, feel free to DM us,
drop into our Discord. Oftentimes, I'm the one communicating with people in Discord.
Also, every space starts with 30,000 free blocks. So you don't really need to think
about payment or what plan you need. You can really just get in there and start creating a
space for yourself, and really seamlessly. We also have templates to choose from. So you
don't need to start from scratch. You could go in, create a space, and start with an impact
DAO template, or an NFT community template, just so you have some placeholders and you're
not trying to build everything from the get-go. So I very much appreciate you saying that, Donnie.
It means a lot. I love knowing who is using Charmverse, how they are using Charmverse,
and every community is different. So that makes me really happy that you're even onboarding
a green tech investment firm with Charmverse. So that's very cool. And the name of that firm,
what is it? It's Viridis. V-I-D-S. V-I-R-I-D-I-S. Cool. Awesome. And you've started that
onboarding process? I've started them on the journey to see how it operates. We will have to
integrate all of their tech stack that they already have into it. So it'll be a process. But yes,
they are onboard with doing it. They have to learn it before they start building out their space.
Absolutely. It's always switching platforms and doing all of that. It can be a bit overwhelming.
If you need help or anything, please feel free to reach out to me. I'm always happy to help.
So we're talking about all of this great community building you're doing,
great things you're doing for the planet, encouraging people to take these planet-positive
actions. But there's always challenges along the way. What are some of the biggest challenges
that you've come up against throughout this process?
Wow. There have been so many opportunities. That's what I like to call them. There are no such things,
problems or challenges. Those are opportunities. You just have to figure out the way to get
around them. And some of the opportunities that I've run into really are the people not
doing what they've said that they would do or be able to do. The challenges I think that we had
and the opportunities that we had to build during the bear market, that was a rough patch I think
for all of us. But it also gave us the opportunity to really find out who's here for all the right
reasons and who's in it for the long haul and who really believes in refi as a movement and
actually changing things and being able to do something. The other challenges are things
like with PGN, a brilliant, brilliant idea that came into existence during this bear market.
And I was so excited to be able to support that where the sequencer fees, it was just refi down
to its bones. The sequencer fees went back in automatically to support public goods funding.
This is brilliant to me. I wanted to be a part of that and help support that as much as I could.
So I was waiting for to be able to use that platform to be able to use that chain, those
types of things that then would disappear. They would not exist anymore. I've had partners,
brand partners that would come on board with me that unfortunately through maybe no fault of their
own, they would go bankrupt or decide that they had to pull out because it was not something that
they were interested in. For instance, during the FTX fiasco there where everybody just bombed out
and the whole crypto community kind of died, they were almost universally, everybody was like,
this is just a scam, right? Because these are web two brands. They're very protective of their IP.
They don't want to be involved in something that people can screw as bad negative or give any
negative connotation onto them in any way. And when it starts looking like NFTs are a scam,
crypto's just a scam. Everything is bad. And you have all this bad press. It was very, very difficult
to try to convince them that you're still real, that this is not all a scam, that of course there
are bad actors in anything and to get them to continue to trust you and believe in what you're
trying to do and what you're trying to build. And I've been very thankful, you know, Mudjeans was our
first brand sponsor that we've ever had. And I love those guys. It's a hundred percent
sustainable circular denim company. And the first one in the world that offered, you know, buy back
process and recycling the denim so that you never ever have to use native materials. Everything is
a hundred percent circular. I love that brand. They're also really cool and very comfy jeans.
That's what I choose to wear if I have to buy a new pair. They're amazing. And they stuck with us,
but so many would, so many just shunned the entire industry and, you know, wanted to back off. So
those were things that were opportunities to find new people that you could reach out to and new
partners. You know, unfortunately, that's a story you hear so much of, right? It's just those
negative headlines that get all of the attention, the scams, the rug pulls. But again, you know,
shout out to you guys, you know, communities that are helping to build back that trust, right? And
being able to partner with a company like Mudjeans who I didn't realize I learned a lot about them
and their sustainable practices doing my research for our space today. And I will be a new
supporter of them for sure because of that. So yeah, it's unfortunate, but it takes communities
like you and like so many of the communities that I talk to week to week that help build back this
trust for Web3 so we can help to get more people onboarded into the ecosystem and using this
technology and these tools. If you had a choice, you know, you're talking about wanting to deploy
on refi chains. How many chains would you want to be on? As many refi changes there are.
I could support every single refi chain that's out there. The reason behind breaking this up into
multiple smaller NFT collections instead of doing a large sea turtle NFT collection,
right? And breaking it up into the small blocks like the blocks in the pyramid.
Is so that we could deploy on multiple refi chains so we can support each ecosystem.
Not only are we utilizing their technology and that supports us, but we want to be able to support
that ecosystem and help it grow and bring attention to it. Bring revenue back to them
because they're a refi chain like Kyoto Protocol who is putting a portion of their earnings
back into planting trees with a certain gentleman that you might know.
If the tree gens right there, Mr. Jimmy, sitting over there, so they're already planted a million
trees before they even got started. The Cardano forest, that's why we use Cardano as one of
the chains that we're deploying on as well, which comes with its own opportunities like learning
a new language in order to be able to create the smart contracts. They've gotten much better
with that. It's much easier now than it was before. And as something else that is another one
of those opportunities that we got during the downturn, they were still building. Everybody
was still building a lot of really cool and easier ways to onboard people and easier ways
for us to utilize the platforms that they had. Yeah, it would be on every single refi chain
that's out there. I mean, retroactive public goods funding will be putting one on optimism
as well. So we also have to stick with Polygon. I mean, I love Polygon. They got started. They
were a proof of stake originator chain layer two. So we got to stick with those. We'll be there
forever. Yeah, one of your OGs, of course. Absolutely. So we're talking about onboarding
and you answered this for me when you were on speaking on behalf of Let's Grow Dow.
And your answer was so great. And maybe it's changed a bit since then, but I would love to
share it with the rest of our listeners. What do we need to do better to onboard more people
to Web3? The first thing always is simple. You've got to keep it simple. Make each step as small
as possible for the onboarding process and give an actual use case for it immediately. So when you
get somebody to set up that very first wallet, that's fantastic. It's a simple, easy process
at this point. It doesn't take a lot. And then send them a little something. Show them how a
transaction works. Give them something. And what I like to do if we try better when I know
onboarding people, have my teams that are working mostly in Texas for the things that we
organize ourselves. When we bring people together to do things, we get everybody together to do
their talk and about what we're doing, whether it's planting a forest or cleaning up an area
or gathering recycling from a community that maybe wouldn't recycle everything,
separating it for them, showing them how to, and then taking it over to the recycling center.
Whatever that is, I try to get them a wallet first, and then at the end of it, I'll send them an NFT
of some sort. A POAP, an NFT, something that I can give them that they have already in there,
and they see that there's a use case for it. They're like, oh, I have a little badge. I have
a little something. And it doesn't have to be more than that to begin with, but something that gives
them a sense of ownership and that they have a reason to continue the journey. And I think
that's all we can do. You just have to open the door, make it simple. I think that's beautifully
said in an industry that can be so complex, and oftentimes it's us that make it too complex,
we get excited about the technology and we want to talk about it. But keeping it simple and showing
the use case or the problem that it solves, I think is really important. So yeah, great,
you got your metamask, now what do you do with it? So to have something in it, have something
given to you, I think that's a great point. Now, all of a sudden, you get excited. You have
that NFT, you have that POAP, you have that something in there. I think that's beautifully
said. So we're running short on time. I want to come back to the giveaway. We had some good
responses here. What are you thinking? I'll tell you through. Carbon Counting Club came up and
chatted with us. Bishops wrote a beautiful piece and came up and chatted with us. We had
OX, Laszlo Lens, and also Maybe Human also write comments. What are you thinking and who should be
DMing you? I think that I'm going to have to go with OX Laszlo dot Lens. I really like that.
I think that that is simple and that's what it is. And what it means to you is very important
because that's what it means. And Bishop Buddy, there's no other thing to say to you than bravo
and you've got one coming. Amazing. So, Bishops and Laszlo, congratulations.
You are now the proud owners or will be the proud owners of a Flamingo NFT. So what you need to do
is DM Jerry NFT Project. So make sure you do that after the space, DM them and collect
that NFT. So congratulations. And that's our first NFT giveaway that I've done
in the year and a half I've been doing this. So that's awesome. Thanks for being the first
one doing that. Okay, before I let you go, any alpha that you can drop for us,
or what we should be keeping an eye on, what you have coming up, we've talked about a ton of
things and a lot of stuff going on with your communities, but anything that you can leave us
with, wanting more of. Keep an eye out for the actual drops. When I start launching the program
to drop all of these on all four chains simultaneously, I will have a bit of a ramp
up for that. And it will be in partnership with a lot of brands that will be coming on board.
I will try to jump in as many of the spaces as I can, especially maybe, I don't know,
let's grow live space. Let's grow DAO space. Maybe I can come back here and speak with somebody
here again. I don't know, but as many spaces as I can, and many places I can, there'll be a ramp
up for that. So keep your eyes peeled. Look out for it. I'll be posting things about that as we
get closer to those drops. I will definitely be keeping an eye out listeners. You should be too.
Also, Donnie Jerry mentioned partnerships that will be announced as everything gets solidified.
We didn't want to jump the gun on that. Make sure that you're clicking on Jerry NFT Project
PFP. Give a follow. You can also go to jerry.wtf. Also, we try better. Make sure they are the
Flamingo PFP in this space. Make sure you click on that. It's at We Try Better. If you don't click
on that PFP, you can also go to wetrybetter.com. They're building out their website over there as
well. So make sure you're giving a follow. They're doing amazing work and you can get involved.
So please do. I will say, Donnie Jerry, I saw you in the Charmverse Discord and I was very
excited. It was shortly after I met you through the Let's Grow Down space that we did. So I'm
really glad to learn more about what you're working on. I'm really excited about it for you. And it
seems that you have an amazing community. And I wish you the best of luck. I will definitely be
keeping tabs on you and keeping an eye out for those drops myself.
Thank you so much. And yes, this community is absolutely incredible. The entirety of it.
I absolutely love them. They give me my why and my reason to go and grow. So thank you all.
Thank you again. You are inspiring. I wish you the best of luck.
Listeners, thanks so much for being here today. And we'll see you next time. Take care. Bye, everyone.