$Jesus πŸ€²πŸ™Thankful Thursday πŸ™πŸ€²@xcryptochurch

Recorded: Feb. 2, 2024 Duration: 2:03:22



I'm just getting things set up here.
Just give me a moment.
Looking through the Bible and getting prepared here.
Hey, what's up, Ken barry.
What's up, Mr. Israel way to be first.
Much love you guys.
I'm going to go ahead and get started here.
I'll start off with a prayer, and we'll start going here.
All right, dear Lord. Thank you for this evening. Thank you for this opportunity and thank you for everyone who's willing here to show up.
Bless this matter tonight as we go through the Bible as we go through.
We're going to study a little bit on the vineyard and the fruits of the spirit here.
Lord just let your message come through clear and let the Holy Ghost use us tonight and focus on you.
And in Jesus name we pray. Amen.
Awesome. What's up everybody. It is thankful Thursday tonight for the crypto church community here.
We are. I've been really busy.
A lot of stuff's changed in my life, especially at work, so trying to get acclimated with my new schedule.
This is actually my new route.
Many of you all don't know, I carry mail, so I work for the post office, and I literally get to be a slave for all the people I deliver for.
So just like Jesus was a servant of everybody, I kind of get to be one of the last remnant of actual public service.
So it's a blessing, and it's also hard work.
Yeah, this recently they've changed our routes, and I went from like a half mounted half walking route to a full walking route, and it's definitely taking a lot more energy and taking away from the energy that I want to put it back into my family and other things.
So just pray for me that I can make it through no problem, because it's a lot of walking. I go from like five miles a day to now like 10, 10 ish, 10, 15 miles.
So it's a good haul, and get my workout in, get my steps in, you know, and get to serve the kingdom all at the same time.
So yeah, just trying to like tonight, we're kind of going into me talking about a little bit of the fruits of the spirit here and just trying to pick the best.
Pick the best here for our community I want to try to focus more on how we need to act toward each other and how to act for everybody in general like is Jesus isn't discriminatory, he's, he's here for everybody.
So we got to try to put that into practice. And that's definitely very hard. Because sometimes the people you meet, they definitely can just kind of disturb you sometimes or you just never know who you're walking into you know, like I said, since I deliver mail I meet people walking on the street all the time, whether they're homeless,
or just getting on the bus or you know, just walking the dog. So there's a lot of crazy people out there and you never know who you're going to bump into. And so yeah, it always got to be on your toes.
So I'm going to go ahead and get into it here.
Oh, this is going to be, we're going to go through Matthew 20 here.
Chapter 20.
In the New Testament here it says the parable of the vineyard workers.
And then I also have a little other.
Another couple verses to go through.
All right, so here we go.
This is kind of where the Lord has led me to this evening. I had recently, not recently, a guy I used to look up to a lot. He passed away about seven years ago.
And he gave a message about the grapes of love instead of the grapes of breath.
And it just hit me deep in my soul and stuff when I when I first heard it because it was the last message he had preached on this earth, and it's definitely very powerful.
I'll probably go ahead and share it in this space and down in the comments.
That way if you guys want to check it out, you can.
He definitely was a big influence in my life.
We used to play World of Warcraft together. I don't know. You know, I did love playing some video games and stuff like that.
And, yeah, it was just a good bonding time back in the day, before everything was kind of south and in some certain ways.
There we go. I just posted the link there. It's called the grapes of love.
And it's definitely worth the listen. And it's very, actually very, very relevant in today with the whole social media aspect of where we are in this world.
And so, yeah, I just wanted to accentuate his message here about being the grapes of love versus being some grapes of wrath, even though the message would be we're all we all have that wrath in us.
And we have to figure out to choose love over that wrath because wrath comes naturally as opposed to reaching out and giving grace and love to other people, even when some people don't deserve it.
So sometimes God calls us to be in that higher realm of thinking.
So, sorry, I'm going to get to reading here.
So, this is chapter 20.
For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire the workers for his vineyard.
After agreeing with the workers on one denarius for the day, he sent them into his vineyard.
And when he went out about nine in the morning, he saw others standing in the marketplace doing nothing.
To those men, he said, you also go to my vineyard, and I will give you whatever is right.
So, off they went.
At about noon, and at three, he went out again, and he did the same thing.
And then about five, he went out and found others standing around and said to them, why have you been standing here all day, doing nothing.
Because no one hired us, they said to him.
You also go to my vineyard, he told them.
When evening came, the owner of the vineyard told his foreman, call the workers and give them their pay, starting with the last and ending with the first.
When those who were hired, about five, came, they each received their one denarius.
So, when the first one comes, they assumed that they would get more, but they also received a denarius each.
When they received it, they began to complain to the landowner.
These last men put in one hour and made the equal to us who bore the burden of the entire day in the burning heat.
He replied to one of them, friend, I am doing you no wrong.
Didn't you agree with me on a denarius?
Take what's yours and go.
I want to give the last man the same as I gave you.
I don't have the right to do what I want with my business.
Are you jealous?
Because I'm generous.
So the last will be first and the first will be last.
And that's kind of the first part of this whole thing here is like, man, that's that's just super, super powerful.
So all of us workers, so no matter where we were called to when that that rightful vineyard owner came to us looking for workers.
Did we hear the call effectively because he kept going out to all those people and he would ask them, why aren't you doing anything?
And he would just offer him work, honest work.
And I think that's kind of what brought me to this community is just we're just willing servants of the kingdom that we don't seek any reward.
I don't seek any reward other than just the effort that I put into it.
And like I said, I'm not here to make bazillions of dollars.
You know, I'm just I'm just here to promote Christ and Jesus and his love and his grace and his mercies.
But obviously, we're here to grow together and we're here to bring more people to the fam.
And so we want to share in this wealth and this and this abundance with each other.
And so that's kind of where I'm I would love to keep our our service, you know, just to be that upright person that just we just rise above.
That's all there is to it.
We just we just come and show up.
We do the right thing and we're transparent about it.
We got nothing to hide.
And, you know, just we're just doing the work, whether we whether I get paid or not, I'm doing this on my own free volition and my free.
This is just me working for the kingdom.
You know, it's it's what I can offer back.
And so that's kind of how I take this opportunity is to just work hard for the kingdom and work hard for you guys, work hard in this community for each other.
And and, you know, just balling on some Jesus over here.
You know, we're just we're just going to roll with it.
And our next verse is going to be in Galatians five and twelve here or five chapter five.
Sorry. And this is talking about the freedom of the Christian.
All right.
It says Christ has liberated us into freedom.
Therefore, stand firm and don't submit again to a yoke of slavery.
Take note.
I, Paul, tell you that if you get circumcised, Christ will not benefit you at all.
Again, I testify to every man who gets circumcised that he is obligated to keep the entire law.
You who are trying to be justified by the law are alienated from Christ and you have fallen from the grace.
Or by the spirit, we eagerly wait for the hope of righteousness from faith.
Or in Christ Jesus, neither circumcision nor uncircumcision accomplishes anything.
What matters is faith working through love.
And that's that's that's huge.
And and that and back in the day, like circumcision was was a big thing, as it was it was an outward appearance and an outward.
Just to prove that you were of the faith back then.
And it was it was a big deal to some people.
And it was a dividing factor in some cultures and stuff.
And so this is just literally saying that there is no difference if you were or if you weren't because it doesn't accomplish anything.
But the matter what does matter is faith working through love.
And that's that's just so hard, I believe, in a lot of a lot of ways.
It's just very hard to have faith working through love.
So that's just what we want to want to focus on is is the love and the faith.
Not not this not the outward appearance of who is circumcised and who isn't.
Don't don't look at the surface because it accomplishes nothing.
What does accomplish stuff is faith through love.
I continue reading here from verse seven says you were running well.
Who prevented you from obeying the truth?
This persuasion did not come from him who calls you a little yeast leavens, the whole lump of dough.
So you don't need a whole lot of yeast when you're working with bread.
And I definitely know this because we try to make our own sourdough bread just so we don't have to go and get store bought.
And just like it says, you don't need a whole lot of yeast because it will permeate the entire batch of dough.
And so it just takes a little bit to add to it.
In the Lord, I have confidence you in you that you will not accept any other view.
But whoever it is who is troubling you will pay the penalty.
No brother or now brothers, if I still preach circumcision, why am I still persecuted?
In that case, the offense of the cross has been abolished.
I wish those who are disturbing you might also get themselves castrated.
For you are called to freedom brothers.
Only don't use this freedom as the opportunity for the flesh, but serving one another through love.
And there it is again that we're supposed to serve through love, as well as faith working through love.
So it's just another reaffirmation here saying that serving one another through love and everything we do has to be through love.
It just keeps being repeated here in Galatians 5.
For the entire law is fulfilled in one statement, love your neighbor as yourself.
And that's that's where it comes to just anybody that you meet can technically be your neighbor.
You know, it's it's hard.
It's really hard because there's a lot of people that are on my route and it's kind of in the ghetto-ish type of a scene area.
So you got lots of homeless people, like I said, they just look in through trash on the side of the street.
They're just picking up anything they can sell.
They can turn into something to buy alcohol or whatever.
You know, they're all jonesing out there for something.
And it's kind of freaky when those people come up to you and start asking for stuff and they want some money or they need something here.
And it is kind of freaky and off-putting.
But it's it's that's the point when you want to extend that grace because you never know if that bum is the angel.
You never know who you meet, you know.
You always have to use that prism of Christ's love to look through life at all times.
And it's it's definitely hard to do.
I'm not saying this is going to be easy.
So it's just always trying to look at your neighbors with love and always have those glasses on of Christ.
Always trying to look through his eyes versus our faith or not our faith, but our our flesh.
We don't want to see this world through our fleshly eyes.
We want to have those lenses of God on at all times.
And I'll finish out the last verse here.
It says, But if you bite and devour one another, watch out or you will be consumed by one another.
And that's that's where it left off here.
That you must always love your neighbor as yourself because if if you like it says, if you bite and devour one another, watch out that we will consume.
We will be consumed by that.
Like it just sets off a chain reaction and a snowball effect in the group or wherever you are in whatever community you live in because it doesn't it doesn't have to be just in our little group.
You know, this this is real world advice and and just to take this everywhere, put this in your pocket, you know, that you should always love your neighbor as yourself and serve one another through love.
And what matters is faith working through the love.
And this is this kind of came from that sermon of the grapes of love here.
And he came up with the acronym.
It's called light. I've taught about this when I first came on to spaces here for the group here.
And I'm gonna go over it again because it's worth it's worth going.
It's worth going over this just about every week, frankly, because it's it's always pertaining.
And the acronym light L I G H T and you can put this on a sticky note, put it on your computer just so you can always look at it because when you use the acronym light, it stands for L is love.
I is inclusion. G is grace.
Each is holiness.
And the T is tolerance.
And with those principles.
It's always a good reminder to just always like you said if you put that sticky note on your computer, because you're always on your computer or you're always, you know, looking at it, or put it on your mirror.
You know at home, and just always put that little sticky note that says light on it because the, you got a love in your heart, and it's all about your attitude is is the L, the love in your heart and your attitude.
And that's why is the inclusion of relationships to always try to excel in your relationships with other people to always keep people close and include them don't don't exclude we want to include inclusion include the G is the
every person you meet in every situation, because that's that's really hard to do.
And this is all about being the light for others to see what is the real difference between somebody who follows Jesus versus just somebody walking on the street, you know.
And it's just like that dude that wanted to go find workers for his vineyard. I mean, he would see a bunch of people doing nothing in the town hall you know they're just sitting there, doing nothing, just talking, whatever, shooting the breeze.
And he's trying to find workers just like us, like our, our group we're trying to find actual people that are trying to work hard to promote the kingdom of God.
And, and that's why we all came came to this place.
So we can do a better job and in our daily lives and and do a better job for each other, because we want to strengthen each other.
And so also the H the holiness in our actions to always be
just as Christ would be it to be set apart. That's what holiness means is to set your actions different than than the regular person, then you're Joe Schmo on the street because a Christian is called to be different.
They are called to be a, the followers of the way you know we have we are set apart we're not here to act as everybody else.
And the tolerance the tolerance is hard, is the probably the hardest one is that you have to have tolerance for those of everyone who believes different.
Because it doesn't really matter what they believe. It's just like being a circumcised or uncircumcised it's, it's your race, or a different race, or what your likes are versus whatever you know, we can always find something to divide us that's the easiest
to do it's it's trying to find stuff that we can all relate to trying to find the common ground with each other, because we can always, it's always easy to just find the differences, that's, that's always what we want to naturally do, but to always find
just to be just because somebody believes different than us.
It doesn't mean squat, frankly, let, let them believe what they are meant to believe.
Now, Christ is the one that literally works on the inside of us to the Holy Spirit as well, that he will confirm what I'm probably saying, you know, that
we're, we're here to hear somebody out, you know, we're here for somebody else. It's not exactly where our lives are our own.
I believe that wholeheartedly that my life is not my own.
With that, I have chosen to serve God with my life and everything that I do, and it will permeate, and it has blessed me, whether I see those blessings or not.
And that's that comes with a lot of time that I've learned that over a long time, that I might not even see the blessings that I can either help somebody or whatever you know I might not ever see the fruits of my labor.
But I pray that God does allow me to see those fruits in the end. But like I said, this whole experiment that we're doing here, because it is an experiment we've this has never been done before to bring bring Christ into every aspect of our lives to show up here in the Twitter
world and proclaim the name of Christ. It's, it's, it's totally a different thing, you know, there's not a lot of people that are going to be strong enough to stand up here and talk about Jesus.
But we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna buck that, you know, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna change it up here. And so, oh, I hope you guys take that serious that we are the light.
And we are here to act of love. And it's hard. It's not an easy, not an easy task. So, we already know that getting into this, we're going to be under the gun we're going to be under fire we're going to be under persecution we're going to face
opposition but as God says that we should treat all these things as as joy and all these challenges that we face that that they're all all things that God has sent us to to prove to him that not only can we do it, but can we believe in him as we're going through
it. And it's, it's, it's very humbling. It's very hard. It's, it's, it's the life of the way you know, so I can go on here but I'm going to start inviting people up if they want to come on up here and divulge if they've had to any experiences of trying to give
grace to people that don't deserve it, or having, we can talk about that, or you know just what kind of daily tasks, or situations you have to go through that like these can actually apply into your life like you can take these and actually
put it to work, because that's what we're here to do or to, we're to put our faith into work, and put it into practice. And I hope this, this community can allow people to have confidence to do those things.
Because we can sit here and openly talk about it, it should be a motivational thing to every one of us that we can do that ourselves in our daily lives.
General zero coming up. So, go ahead brother.
Greetings and salutations brothers and sisters had a pretty eventful day.
And it leads me to be thankful for the outcome.
Yes, joy is in the hardship my brother.
So, I've got a little backstory to today's events.
A friend of ours, she's her husband they're like, I don't know they're in the like mid 60s, but very cool people very very genuine loving people and they carry off that.
Mother, father, kind of bigger than me, that people kind of adopt you that might have like lacking a mother and father or whatever and, and just real cool down to earth folks.
And so, mother in the, in the scenario, Denise not the nephew but Denise.
She, she's a traveling nurse and she every so often when she comes in from Florida because she gets like two weeks on and a week off and she's like, Hey, can you come pick me up from the airport.
I'm like, Yeah, no problem you're like you know you're like my older older big sister can't really call you like my mom because my mom's still alive but her husband's definitely, definitely really cool and chill and found out after meeting them, years
after my dad passed away that he knew my dad pretty well as a fellow ice fisherman.
And he's always just been real genuine and caring and loving guy just very laid back.
And so we go and him and my wife and I would drive up to Grand Rapids to Gerald Ford Airport.
And I'm like, you know what we got, we got all the, all the time in the world we're making great time I'm just gonna, I'm going to cruise 50 miles an hour you know it's a nice day out, we're blessed with here in Michigan, and on the way back.
We stopped at a gas station so that the ladies can go to the bathroom and we get a mile down the road from departing the gas station, still all right there in the chaos at 37 right by the split off to the airport and whatnot.
And we're at a stoplight and waiting, light turns green, the vehicle in front of me lets off their brakes and starts going through the intersection and I lift my foot off the brakes and it just starts to idle forward, as it would getting ready to pull away from the stoplight.
And then all of a sudden just from behind, get struck by a guy in a kind of small style newer version Jeep, but had like the tow hooks in the front bumper.
But he, he drilled us, probably going every bit of 40 miles an hour.
And I'm in, I'm in all for Chevy Silverado and shows the bumper up underneath the tailgate.
All four of us in the cab of the truck just lurch and jar forward like whiplash rubber band.
Denise, she's, she's had a couple back injuries and back surgeries, fusions and whatnot and we're all startled and everything I get out and traffic still just chaotic right there.
I get out and the guy's like, man, he was on some tweak, bro.
I'm like looking at him and he's all like looking at his lips and kind of wide eyed and he's all on tweak.
I could tell what tweak looks like.
And he gets out and he's like, you know, you're all right.
I'm all right, man.
We're all good, man.
You know, kind of gestures down to my bumper.
That's looking like a pug nose dog up underneath the tailgate.
I'm like, yeah, there was these like pointing out the there's, you know, you got a rusty bumper.
I'm like, yeah, but it wasn't like cram packed underneath my tailgate worked before you did this man.
And he's all like kind of like from the ankles down, just kind of got his ankle, you know, lower legs on like a tweak step.
And he's like, oh man, really?
I'm like, yeah, dude, really?
I'm calling the police to make a police report so I can do this right.
Well, what, you got a warrant or something you worried about?
What do you want to just take off?
No, it ain't happening, man.
And the police showed up like 45 minutes later and, and of course I'm sitting there and I'm like, oh my goodness.
I'm like, honey, I don't have my flipping wallet.
And she's like, I don't have mine either because I had to use your debit card at the gas station for these brownies and coffee.
And I'm like, and I, dude, I don't travel without my wallet.
It's, I've seen enough of those videos.
I know cops on high cops on high horses like to, if you, so they, so I'm like, I'm kind of like panicking.
And of course my proof of insurance and registrations in my wallet too.
So I don't have that.
I mean, the license plate is valid and it shows that it's valid and has insurance, but it doesn't say what kind or any number or policy.
And I'm like crap.
So to wrap it up, my wife's like, Hey, don't you have photos of your driver's license from when we bought Jesus coin?
And I'm like, I do dear.
She's like, don't you have my photo too of my driver's license?
Cause you know, when one, you know, the cops in Michigan, I'm sure everywhere, they need to see everybody's licenses, how they look for warrants and whatnot.
And you know, I can get, I get it, but it is kind of like a violation of our civil liberties.
My passenger does not need to forfeit their license.
You know, yeah, you know, so I'm like, wow, let's see if this works.
You know, I'm like, well, good thing we bought into Jesus.
I wouldn't have a copy of my license on my phone.
Yeah. So long story short, it worked.
I got a, I got a warning for not having a driver's license and he ran my number and I got nothing.
Jack squat on my record, you know, so he's like, well, it's pretty much the same.
That's right there on your license.
I'm like, yeah, same exact thing.
No, no list of anything.
And so he comes back and says, well, here's a citation for not having proof of insurance and registration state of Michigan.
You know, it's by law, you got to have that.
But if you respond this and show copies of it to the courts, they'll, they'll, you know, wave it.
And so no penalties, nothing.
But, you know, God bless having that photo copy of, you know, that snapshot picture of my driver's license.
When I first started up my, my, uh, Jesus corn account or else kind of would have been so well, but I'm thankful for that.
Oh, that's, that's so convenient.
Oh, I know.
And as we're sitting there for the 45 minute wait, I mean, our next are kind of like, you know, we're gonna have to go to chiropractor probably and see what they can do.
But as we're sitting there, we watched like two, two near miss rear endings right there next to us.
I'm like, Hey guys, we're all, we're going to keep our seat belts on while, and I'm just going to put my truck in neutral so that if I do get rear ended by something,
there's no resistance and we just go.
And, uh, I think that, I think that probably helped with, uh, already being in motion from the, you know, idol from letting up on the break made the impact easier.
But, and then the cop shows up, right?
And this big, big ass Yukon white Yukon goes kind of like scissor cut sideways, but stays in there one lane and almost like rear end of the car right in front of it, right at the light.
Like, I'm like right here, the cops right here.
They don't care.
You know, they're, oh man, dude, it's unreal.
And they want to see what's going on and they don't.
Give me, give me back to the rural, give me back to the rural country.
Give me out of the city area and give me some cornfields and dirt roads.
Give me some deer.
I'll take a deer over anything.
Oh, that's, uh, well I'm glad you're safe.
Oh man, that's, that's definitely no fun.
What a trial that is for the day.
Yeah, man.
Uh, yeah.
And like you said, just meeting that guy and he's already coming out of the car tweaking.
I mean, that's already going to set you off in a way for sure.
I'm like watching him and he's like, Oh my God, my insurance.
We can just like swap church.
I'm like, dude, no way, man.
You, you disappeared my bumper up underneath my tailgate.
If, if nothing was broken, that wasn't broken before.
I'd say fine, but you know, that bumper is not supposed to sit like that.
It's gone.
It's just in there.
I'm like, I liked my, and of course it takes out, you know, it took out a license plate light.
So I'm going to have that too.
Cause they both work.
I mean, for a 20 year old, it was a 2004 Silverado for a 20 year old vehicle.
It didn't have check engine lights on or nothing.
It was really kind of a rarity to come across it when I did a couple months back.
But now I'm like, I'm like, man, she's not supposed to be treated like that at 20 years old.
Well, God bless your brother.
I'm glad you're safe.
I'm glad it all worked out.
And even look at that Jesus coin is helping him with the photo opposite.
Let's go.
Oh God is good.
I know that's, that's super stressful as you're waiting through all that fast.
We got brother.
I am up here to go ahead and bro.
Hey, profit bear, general Z, everybody in the congregation.
Hopefully you can hear me.
I'm on the road.
If I am kind of rugged, go ahead and just mute me.
I'll probably be home in another like five minutes here.
But man, we are getting tested in the, in the spirit, right?
I even have a story myself today.
You know, things were going good.
I had an opportunity to go out and network and, you know,
spread the project of Jesus coins and like I was getting ready.
It's supposed to happen at five 30 and my neighbor, you know,
out of nowhere throws used mortal roll all over my driveway, man.
And I was like, what is going on here?
Like right before I'm supposed to head out and represent Jesus
coins and, and network and potentially like just spread it some more.
Like this, this thing came out, came about where it really had,
had to test my patients, but I knew where it was coming from.
And even though like I had to address that situation and address my neighbor,
I like, I, it's, it's challenging when you have to meet people where they are,
especially if they're going through some mental illness.
And I was, I was trying to like, you know,
talk to the individual that did it, but they're, you know,
they're irate, they're yelling, they're cussing.
And it's like, what? It was unprovoked.
I don't really even have interactions,
but it's known that this individual is dealing with this, this,
these issues, but it was just like, how do I, how do I approach this?
How do I acknowledge this? And, you know, where, where do I go?
I wasn't, I wasn't upset, but I was just like, wow.
Like I already knew where it was coming from, you know?
So I'm glad that you're up here and we get to,
to share these stories because it can be, it can be challenging.
You know, when we, when we think like the things that we want to like
impose our own justice on immediately,
sometimes we have to turn the other cheek as the word says, you know?
And I know we as a community have collectively been kind of experiencing
these things as a whole.
I do wanted to acknowledge one of our brothers that has been going through
some, some severe issues.
I mean, we've been praying for him as, as a collective and some good news
has, has come about today. I believe his, his wife is here in the audience.
I see her down there. Ali, I seen a post someone shared where he was,
he just went into rehab. So all glory be to God.
Like even though we're going through these challenging things,
like he's in a position now where he's going to be able to,
to get that, that help that he needs, you know, and it's,
it's a testament to the prayers that we've been having as a, as a community.
I know a lot of people have been reaching out to him. Daniel,
Rita has been reaching out to him almost every day.
And they've been even going through those challenging things, you know,
trying to, trying to get to him and just, you know, be a voice of reason.
And I'm just,
I'm just happy to see that she's in here and that we're,
we're making strides in that way as a community for,
for change to come about. Right. So I don't know if,
if you have words on that or if she wants to come up and say something,
you know, maybe it's still, still fresh, but it's, it's,
it's a blessing to see like,
even though like we were experiencing some of those things that are,
are uncomfortable, like we still drew together,
we still prayed and now he's in a position where he could be more restored for
his family.
Yeah, definitely. I, I even, uh, like I said,
I didn't even know what was going on when it was even happening. Uh,
but just kind of, uh, just sitting on the sidelines and trying to help. Um,
yeah, I, I reached out personally myself trying to just give some words of
encouragement and just, uh, help just, just trying to help. And, and sometimes
that's, that's the hardest part is when somebody doesn't want help, um,
you just can't get to him, but we,
we always have to come up with a different approach. Um,
and sometimes it is taking a less hands-on, uh,
approach and just living it, literally giving it all to God.
And that's kind of what we all have to do. Um, and,
and just through our prayers and our thoughts and our positive, uh,
just, uh,
mentalities, like it will provoke God to,
to just get his attention to put a plan into action because it's,
it's always in his, his plan anyway that these things happen. Um,
and like I said, we gotta,
we gotta find that joy and have that perseverance to understand that these are,
these are tests from God, uh, to strengthen us.
Now it may not be fair to us or it may not, uh, come to us as,
as something that we should be thankful for or, you know, but these are,
these are all to be taken as joyful. Um,
and if you're able to position your,
your mindset into a position of happy joy,
like that it's not like happiness is the joy that you would receive.
Like if you were to receive a gift,
like you should have that excitement of,
of just knowing that it's in God's hands and this is,
this is what he's doing. Yeah. And yeah,
we definitely plan praying for our brother Jesus there. And, uh,
and I didn't even realize he had a family and kids, uh,
when all this was happening. So I definitely, uh,
understand all that cause I have, I have, um, kids,
I have got five kids and I, I know that responsibility and I know I,
my, my first marriage did not last longer than a month.
And I even tried to get it annulled and stuff, but it,
it just didn't work out. Um, but yeah. Uh,
so I know the craziness that's entailed with all that.
So, uh, I can definitely relate. So Ali, if,
if you ever need somebody to talk to, uh,
we're here to strengthen you and, and, and your husband there. Uh,
so we got your back. Don't, don't worry. Uh, go ahead Z.
Thank you, brother. Prophet. I was, uh, just.
And, uh, in listening to you speak on the matter,
I was just praying to God here at my desk to, uh,
guide me to a passage from his Bible that, uh, that I could,
that I could speak and share, maybe, maybe provide a little,
a little comfort. Um, and it come and,
and he provided me with, with, uh, with a passage.
So I'm going to read from proverbs four and, uh, I'm going to,
I'm going to read all the proverbs four because I feel like it, uh,
it's rich. It's rich with, uh, wisdom.
And actually the title of it is a wisdom is supreme.
Listen my sons to a father's instruction,
pay attention and gain understanding.
I give you sound learning. So do not forsake my teaching.
When I was a boy in my father's house,
still tender and only a child of my mother and an only
child of my mother, he taught me and said,
lay hold of my words with all your heart.
Keep my commands and you will live. Get wisdom.
Get understanding.
Do not forget my words or swerve from them.
Do not forsake wisdom and she will protect you.
Love her and she will watch over you. Wisdom is supreme.
Therefore get wisdom though it costs,
though it costs all you have, get understanding,
esteem her, esteem her,
and she will exalt you embrace her and she will honor you.
She will set a garland of grace on your head and present you with a crown of
slander, of splendor, not slander. Sorry.
She will present you with a crown of splendor. Listen my son,
accept what I say and the years of your life will be many.
I guide you in the way of wisdom and lead you among straight paths.
When you walk, your steps will not be hampered. When you run,
you will not stumble. Hold on to instruction.
Do not let it go. Guide it all.
Guide it well for it is your life.
Do not set foot on the path of the wicked or walk in the way of evil men.
Avoid it. Do not travel on it.
Turn from it and go on your way for they cannot sleep till they do evil.
They are robbed of slumber till they,
till they make someone fall.
They eat the bread of wickedness and drink the wine of violence.
The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn shining ever brighter
till the full light of day.
But the way of the wicked is like deep darkness.
They do not know what makes them stumble.
My son pay attention to what I say. Listen closely to my words.
Do not let them out of your sight.
Keep them within your heart for they are life to those who find them and health
to a man's whole body.
Above all else, guide your heart, guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life.
Put away perversity from your mouth. Keep corrupt talk far from your lips.
Let your eyes look straight ahead. Fix your gaze directly before you fix.
Fix your gaze directly before you make level pads for your feet and feet.
Take away, take only ways that are firm.
Do not swerve to the right nor to the left.
Keep your foot from evil.
I think that pretty much sums it up.
That's the end. The next is a proverbs five, but yeah.
I'm going to get Joey Stiffler up here. He wants to say something.
I know he's been on rugged here.
Yeah, but yeah, that kind of speaks for itself. I hope it was able to be heard.
I hope I didn't rubber band too bad if I did.
You're all set boss. That was good. That's beautiful. Joey, are you there?
I don't know if you've been rugged.
I did for a second left to came back a beautiful first there general and it's a
joined in a little later than I wanted, but I'm glad to be here.
Thanks for having me up here and hope everyone's having a God bless night.
I would just thankful Thursday. So I have a little testimony.
Last week I was something I think I'm very thankful for. I don't,
it doesn't happen much, right? I went to auto zone and I
was helping my dad replace the battery. So I drove the truck there and
there was this for cans on his bike and the trash can.
And I noticed it and he called me over and I was like, what's up, man?
He was like, Hey, someone through these windshield wipers away brand new.
Do you want them? And I was like, Hey, I appreciate it, man.
Yeah, I'll take one and maybe there's someone I can give it to if I can't use
it. But I was hoping I can give him something I'd had, I'd, you know,
don't have money at the moment, nothing I could really give them.
And this guy gave him 20 bucks and they were talking for a while.
And the guy was really emotional about it. So I let them talk.
I went inside, did my business came out and he wanted to talk to me.
So I had no problem with it.
And he was telling me how he got himself locked out of his car, lost his keys.
And that's what he was living in. And it's about struggle.
But, you know, he believes in, he believes in God is just hard path.
When you're going through so much mentally, it feels like you're losing
yourself and it's hard to see God.
And I was talking with him, we were talking back and forth, you know,
sharpening an iron with each other.
And just talking to him was a blessing.
And he, uh, he said something about, he doesn't, he didn't say, I don't know
if I'm saved or not, he was talking.
He's like, I was talking about how you're, you know, when you're saved this
and that, and he's like, yeah, I'm not, I don't know.
You know, I'm not sure if I'm, I don't know if I'm, and I just said,
well, you know, how you know is, you know, basically simply, you, you know,
you accept him into your heart.
You accept that he died on the cross and that he's there for you.
And that his gift was eternal life and that your sins are forgiven.
And no matter what you've been through in your past to this day, right here.
And now you just got to repent and turn to him and he's there with
open and loading arms and, and, uh, he was getting a little sincere about it.
And I just prayed with him and basically said, you know, a little more in that,
that's what you need to be saved.
So don't question that if the devil's getting your head, just know this to
yourself and you are, and God's right there with you.
And I hope that, you know, you helped me out a lot, brother.
I hope that I was able to help you.
You know, I hope God spoke through me as well.
And he was trying to give me money and stuff and I didn't want to take it.
And he forced me to take a $5 bill and started riding away and stuff.
So he's like, I just put it in your parents gas tank for the truck, man.
I was like, Oh, I really appreciate you.
I don't want to take it.
You need it more than me.
Not that I'm doing the best, but you know, and it was just the, the kindness in his
heart, you know, he was telling me, I got blessed, you know, it's my job to bless
others too.
And that's very true with what little he had, you know, he, he got blessed and he
decided to turn around and try and bless me just cause my situation wasn't the
best either, even though it was better than his by some degrees, you know, so
I'm not only thankful that I was able to get that lesson from that experience
about the charity of God and how, no matter what you got, how God will work
through you for others.
And that's all you need sometimes.
And with that lifestyle, you, God will surprise you and bless you more than you
know, um, compared to living the other way, which is being selfish, of course.
But my, uh, point being thankful really was that the fact that, you know, I'm not
saying that I played a part in him getting saved if he wasn't, but if he wasn't
saved and I did play a part, I am so very grateful, but that the Lord ordained, you
know, me to deal with that situation.
I was dealing with a heavy situation.
I went to O'Reilly and they didn't have the part I needed all.
They were supposed to, I'm a warranty.
Someone got some messed up in the system and it was like $300 something
dollars that they messed up by not putting in their info, right?
So we lost out on our warranty and that was irritating.
And I went to auto zone irritated and he had, he talked me through and he didn't
know what I was dealing with, but he was talking about his irritation, how we just
got to take a step back and breathe.
And he was spitting some wisdom.
So it was a, it was a holy experience.
And I was very grateful to be able to be a part of just talking to this random
stranger and it was, it was right after we were talking last week about, you know,
how it's makes a difference to be there for somebody, even if it's just a stranger
and you never know when they could be there for you.
So yeah, I just wanted to try and share that real quick.
I thought it was something good for the thankful Thursday.
And I hope that, uh, you know, brought some light, some, some one's way maybe.
Yeah, dude, that's, that's powerful right there.
That's some awesome testimony.
Yeah, exactly.
You'd never know who you're going to meet.
And I mean, like you said, iron sharpens iron and it's, and it's good to see that.
Cause even though he was going through hardship, he was still understanding
of, of the hardship itself.
Cause that's a lot, what a lot of people don't, um, found foundation at all.
Uh, they just cry and throw fit and say, why does this happen to me?
Why does it go and not blah, blah?
You know, they just don't, they just don't get it.
And he was very sit, sit down and you know, he's probably 30 some late thirties
and into his forties, maybe.
And he was just very, there, there was a part of me that thought, is this what
the Bible talks about when they say, treat everyone how you should as Christ
would, because you never know when you meet an angel, basically, whatever the
verse kind of specifies around that house, thinking to myself, could this really be
a situation where God's kind of teaching me something through this person?
And they could be an angel, you know, it was one of those situations, whether it
was or not, it doesn't matter.
It's not for me to know the end of the day, you know, I look at it as a person
just like me struggling and, you know, yeah, it was definitely an unexpected turn
of events and I, it was, you know, in that circumstance, it doesn't happen all the
time, but for there, take me out of my anxiety and my frustration into, into a
humble space of man, all I'm dealing with is a battery situation.
At least I got a roof over my head and food in my stomach, you know?
And so, yeah, it was a, God will surprise you and humble you in the best of ways.
Yeah, exactly.
That's how he uses everybody.
And it's that misery loves company, you know?
And so it's always, that's the foundation, like where we all can start a footing
and a conversation just to be real with each other, you know?
That's what a lot of people don't really do anymore is just communicate, uh, the
troubles that they're going through.
Like everybody just says, how you doing?
Oh, I'm good.
And then that's it, you know, it's like, well, okay, I get it.
I get that you're, you're standing on your two feet and you're walking around.
I get you're good, but like, you know, we're all still human.
One last thing I wanted to add brother, before I let you, you know, take up your
position as a host and, uh, thanks for being that by the way.
Um, it's great to have you, great to have you doing that brother.
I think we all appreciate it.
Um, yeah, just as the example with that testimony with the stranger, um, and I'm
sure we all have our own version of it, but I'd like to encourage each other to
look at, even if we kind of know each other a little bit, we're all still
strangers until we shake each other's hands in life, right?
But when we, when we get on this space, we are all those strangers, the giver
and the receiver end, the, the better than the other and not better.
And when I mean better, I mean, maybe someone's a little better off, has more
food than the other person, right?
But we're all going to take turns on our dips and roller coasters of being
in better and worse, you know?
So even in just a space like this, we are still all those people here to back
each other up on such a deep level as that.
That's what the body of Christ is is simple.
And that's what God is about.
And you know, God is such a good and simple God and he is so real.
And it's, it's just right in front of our faces down in the core, as long
as we're willing to accept it.
Even as children, we know these things, the difference between good and bad
at the right age, correct.
So, you know, I want to make sure we should all think of it like that.
Doesn't matter who you're talking with, you know, even through a stranger at
auto zone or a stranger to gas station, God will change your life.
So I want us all to remember that we're all strangers in a sense, but we will
always be brothers that we can get transparency down to the nitty gritty
width and talk whatever we need to through.
And no matter how shameful or grateful it might be, if it helps another
person helps us get through it, it's nothing but good.
That's what, that's what makes the church the most powerful entity in all of
history, because we can literally lean on each other.
We can give each other words of wisdom and we can just hold each other arm
and arm, you know, we don't have to all go down.
We can all take the brunt.
We're all going to feel it, but we all won't fall.
Uh, you know, just, just stay strong.
Um, we got, we got Elijah Elohim up in here.
I don't know if you want to keep going, Joey, but, uh, yeah, we got, I get my
bridge up to you.
I would love to, in a sense, I love to talk, but I don't need to be that guy
that likes to talk too much, especially when I don't have more something
specific on my heart.
I think I got my time and I appreciate it very much.
I'd love to keep them moving on.
Blessings, prophet bear.
Um, this is Elijah, uh, welcome everybody to the space tonight.
I know I see some new people in the, in the, in the room and I want you to
know that we're glad that you're here.
Welcome to crypto church.
Um, you're always welcome here.
Um, no matter what you're going through.
I pray you come and be a part of this, um, amazing family of believers.
Uh, we are all here because we all are admitting that we need Jesus
and we need a savior, um, and prophet Iowa.
I want to, I felt led by the Holy spirit, uh, to play a recording, um, that
I played, uh, in my wedding back in 2018.
Uh, I think tonight is, uh, it's meaningful.
Uh, it has substance.
Um, it prepared me, uh, from, from, from, from my wife and, uh, it's, it's
powerful because my wedding wasn't that long.
Um, but the pastor of my church, uh, preached during, during my
wedding, uh, we asked him to, and before we got married, like, you know,
before we said, we don't, we said I do, uh, now people got saved in my wedding.
Um, so, uh, this is a powerful, powerful, powerful message for those who are
married now, for those who are just got married or for those who are going to
marry, and I want to play this for you guys, cause I know it's going to, it's
going to bless this entire space and you'll feel the weight of the Holy
spirit and, uh, you'll feel the weight of the love of God and of Jesus Christ.
Let's hear, but it's awesome.
Mark 10 is the words of Jesus verses eight and nine.
Jesus quotes Genesis two 24 for Jesus.
This verse was the most fundamental verse about marriage in all of the Bible.
This was Jesus foundation stone for the beginning of all of his teachings about
marriage, verse eight, Mark 10, the two shall become one flesh.
So Jesus says they are no longer two, but one flesh.
What therefore God has joined together.
Let no man separate.
That's huge.
Do you feel the weight of that?
Gaged couples, married.
When a couple speaks their vows and consummates their vows with sexual
union, it is not man, woman, pastor, parent, who's the main actor.
God is God joins a husband and a wife in one flesh.
God does that.
God does that from which Jesus draws the awesome conclusion.
What God has joined no man may separate God will bring you into a relationship
with someone most of the time.
Who is not only not compatible with you, but is weak, tremendously weak in the very
areas where you would most want them to be strong.
Now, why does he do that?
I'll tell you why.
Remember our text, Romans eight, 28 and 29.
What is the goal of everything God does in his providence for his children to conform
them to the image of Christ?
Now, when you think of the image of Christ, what are some characteristics that just
automatically spring to the forefront?
Well, for me, three, unconditional love, mercy and grace.
If I can pick out three things in which they told me you can imitate Christ in these.
That's what I think about unconditional love.
Mercy and grace.
Now, I have some things I want to just go ahead and read that I've written out, so I
get them right.
Let me ask you a few questions.
How would you ever learn unconditional love if you were married to someone who met all
the conditions?
How would you ever learn mercy, patience, long suffering, heartfelt compassion if you
were married to someone who never failed you, who was never difficult with you, who
never sinned against you, who was never slow to acknowledge their sin or ask for
How would you ever learn grace to pour out your favor on someone who did not deserve it if you were
married to someone who was always deserving of all good things?
You see that.
Listen to me, the main purpose of marriage.
Is that through your marriage, you become conformed to the image of Jesus Christ.
Marriage, I believe, is the greatest instrument of sanctification.
You are married to a person who does not meet all the conditions so that you might learn
unconditional love.
You are married to a person who needs mercy so that you learn to give it.
You are married to a person who does not deserve so that you learn to pour lavishly yourself out on a
person who does not respond appropriately and thus you become like the God you worship.
You see, you worship God for these things, but you don't want to give them to others.
You worship God for grace, but you demand that your wife live in such a way that she not be in need of it.
You worship God for unconditional love, but you get mad at your own wife when she doesn't meet the conditions.
God joins individuals together in marriage.
Man cannot unjoin what God has joined.
OK, the one flesh union created in marriage is permanent until death.
By the way, that's why in our vows, what do we say?
And here's why, if I weren't a permanence view God, I'd have to find a way to change wedding vows, because the wedding
vows are permanence view vows for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health for better or worse.
Let me ask you something.
Is adultery better or worse?
It's worse and it's covered in the marriage vow.
Forsaking all others until when?
Until my partner doesn't do this.
No, until we are parted by death.
That's the marriage vow, folks.
Now, instead of one broken, sinful individual who's walking out this Christian life with the power that raised Christ from the dead and me, there is
another broken, sinful individual with the power that raised Christ from the dead in them as well.
God has made the two into one and he's given us the unbelievable privilege of representing before a lost and hurting and dying world.
This relationship between Jesus Christ and his church.
And it is awesome in the true sense of the word.
We are absolutely not up to the job, but praise God, he is able.
Here's what I want you to see.
Am I most like Christ when my bride is meeting all of my needs and satisfying all of my desires?
And I am really not having to do much sacrificing or enduring at all.
Or am I more like Christ on the hard days when I'm having to dig deep?
Those are the days when I realized how utterly dependent I am on the power of Christ to do and be what he's called
me to do and be, especially when I realized that the overwhelming majority of the times, what I'm having difficulty with, my own failures bearing fruit.
Amen, somebody.
Hang in there.
By the power of Christ, hang in there.
That's super powerful.
You got to play that at your wedding, bro.
I'm jealous, you know, that's awesome.
Yeah, bro.
It was, uh, uh, man, I'm all choked up right now, bro.
Cause it's so powerful, bro.
Dude, I felt that in my core, man, that that spoke to me too.
Uh, yeah, much love brother.
That's, that's powerful, bro.
I'm going to share this.
So I'm going to share the video, uh, on my Twitter feed here in a moment.
It's like nine minutes long.
I will upload it for all those who want to hear it again and share it to, to, to those who are going through, you know, a storm in the marriage, uh, because it will create, uh, an
atmosphere of love and forgiveness, bro, because again, you guys weren't there at my wedding, but we saw nine people get saved in my wedding, bro.
That's powerful.
That's God.
And so I know what to say people's marriages too.
And so it was, it was unbelievable because most of the people there, um, and our families don't go to church and, uh, you know, they thought they were coming to a wedding.
But in all actuality, they come to hear about Christ and his love and, and about what marriage actually is.
And it's why people were, were, uh, you know, convicted by how they treated their husbands and wives over the years and they, and they got saved bro.
So we're, we're honored, uh, to have, you know, been the ones who, you know, who provided that, that passageway to, to repentance.
Um, because we know we need a savior.
Um, my wife and I, you know, we go through problems sometimes, but they're not as bad as it used to be, uh, like the past four and a half years or so, but we've gone through a lot.
I don't know of anybody who's gone through what we've gone through in our marriage and I'm not saying they were better than you, but I'll tell you, we went through hell in our marriage for four and a half years.
And because we love each other with unconditional love, we are stronger, more stronger today than we ever have been.
And I'm thankful that God gave me her cause she is a gift to me from heaven.
Hey man, man, that's, that's amazing.
Yeah, that's man.
I wish I could have played that out in my wedding.
I needed to call you for my DJ, bro.
Where were you?
Hey man, bro.
Oh, we got a deal in the building.
What's up deal.
Go ahead.
General zero.
I see your hand up.
Yeah, man.
That was, that was beautiful.
That that's amazing to be able to, you know, have, have a unity of, of you and your soul mate be an opportunity for guests to be brought to, brought to the light, brought to Jesus.
You know, that's amazing.
That is, uh, that those are wedding gifts in itself that, you know, you can't, you can, uh, there's, it's like, there's no, uh, you know, there's no upstaging a wedding gift like that to be able to bring, bring people togetherness like that.
Um, I'd like to, uh, it's been a minute since I've, I've read from, uh, this, um, Jesus Calling Daily Devotional by Sarah Young.
I felt, I felt interested to check out what February 1st is, which is kind of got me wondering and remembering about like January 1st, I had my, uh, my finger injury February 1st.
I get rear ended.
So I kind of, I'm kind of interested to see what March 1st and April 1st has to offer, you know, maybe, uh, maybe, uh, little movement in that graph that we've all been kind of paying attention to.
But so, uh, today's passage, um, really seems to just be like a nice piece that fits into place with, uh, everything that's going on and, uh, you know, being shared in, in service tonight.
Follow me one step at a time.
That is all I require of you.
In fact, that is the only way to move through this space time world.
You see huge mountains looming and you start wondering how you're going to scale those heights.
Meanwhile, because you're not looking where you're going, you stumble on the easy path where I am leading you now, as I help you get back on your feet, you tell me how worried you are about the cliffs up ahead.
But you don't know what will happen today, much less tomorrow.
Our path may take us, our path may take an abrupt turn leading you away from those mountains.
There may be an easier way up the mountains than is visible from this distance.
If I do lead you up the cliffs, I will equip you thoroughly for the strenuous climb.
I will even give my angels charge over you to persevere you in all your ways.
Keep your mind on the present journey, enjoying the presence walk by faith, not by sight, trusting more, or trusting me to open up the way before you.
And the first of three passages, she ties in with those writings of hers.
First one comes from Psalms 18 and it's verse 29.
With your help, I can advance against a troop.
With my God, I can scale a wall.
The second one is Psalms 91, verse 11 and 12.
Psalms 91, verse 11 and 12, AMP version.
For he will give his angels charge over you to accompany and defend and preserve you in all your ways of obedience and service.
They shall bear you up on their hands, lest you dash your feet against a stone.
And the third one is 2 Corinthians 5, verse 7, MKJV version, kind of like a haiku.
Before we walk by faith, not by sight.
That felt like it kind of fit with everything that's been shared and discussed in church service tonight.
So I felt, I felt motivated to share too. Thank you.
Yeah, no problem, man. Yeah. And Elijah, that's super powerful.
Yeah, I'm definitely jealous. I didn't get to play that in my wedding.
For me, we kind of did our own kind of a wedding. It's cool because the pastor we hired, his name was Paul Temple.
And so it's kind of a fun play on words there too, spiritually, as well as it's just kind of funny how God works.
And so he married us at one of our local breweries here in town. So we kind of did it a little different.
But yeah, it was it was definitely its own unique wedding we did here. So we didn't do the normal thing.
We just did what we wanted. And that's what we felt we were called to do.
But anyway, we got the real deal up in here. What's up, my brother?
What's going on? Thanks for having me up. Yeah, space is being kind of weird right now.
Won't let me follow anyone. I'm trying to give you a follow. And the space is all not showing up the right way for me.
But I think I can still talk. So hopefully you can hear me.
Yeah, we got you coming in clear. Let's go. Let's go, man. I'm a big fan of Jesus Christ. So this is dope.
Just spreading some good vibes. Love to hear it. Just wanted to come in and say what's up. Thanks for the shout out.
What's up, Elijah? And shout out to everybody in the community.
Hey, man, bro, talk to us about what's going on with your project right now.
What's the good news, bro? For sure. I appreciate that, man.
Well, we're just building with deal coin every day, just trying to find a supportive community for the long term.
We relaunched the token, which went well, but right now we've definitely taken a dip.
But I would say we're on the up and up from here. We kind of bottomed out.
But we had a great bridge over to Polygon like last week, which was awesome.
It brought us some additional volume bridging over to Polygon, showed the power of that and some other stuff is coming, too.
We got the Dill NFT launch coming, some exciting stuff that we're building out and new music dropping every single Friday.
So, yeah, appreciate you asking about it. We're just here building every day.
I mean, right now, Dill is super undervalued, I would say.
You know, we're down at the floor right now.
So I think it's a great time to buy in for people that want to support music and get in the project.
I mean, I think we could do some big growth from here.
We have a solid amount of liquidity locked up.
We're like 21K liquidity locked up, 69K market cap right now.
So, I mean, we do have a solid amount of liquidity for our market cap.
You can put a little in, check it out.
And thanks for asking about it, man.
But, you know, I also came in here just to hang out, just to support Jesus because I'm a long term Jesus coin holder as well.
So, bullish on the community.
I want to connect more with the Jesus coin community, as I've always been trying to do, always been supporting.
Yeah, well, welcome aboard, my man.
Appreciate you coming out.
And I didn't know you had your own coin.
That's what's up.
Yeah, man.
I'm going to give you a follow to as soon as I can.
I don't know why it's not letting me right now, but I will do that soon.
That's cool.
I will declare, though, because, you know, we go way back, bros.
And it's like the OG, triple OG days was a new thing.
And we all hung out, you know, as well, three artists in spaces with Dr. Bruce, you know, talk about slack, the dawn, you know, all the old triple OGs.
But I still have my NFT.
You guys don't know.
Bill was the first weather artist to release a music NFT.
So he is a lot of followers and loyal, loyal friends.
You know, it's gathered around him.
I included.
So I always go to his spaces and check him out, support him because we should, because, you know, we're all weather artists trying to make a living for ourselves and spread good news and spread the light to the darkness.
So I'm glad you're here.
I'm glad you're here.
But welcome to the space, bro.
Oh, yeah, man.
Of course, I love it.
You know, I'm all about spreading that good vibe.
It's a good energy.
And yeah, man, I mean, it's it's still early for all this technology, whether it's Jesus coin, whether it's music NFTs still got a long way to go in the community.
But yeah, man, those those OG days are great.
And we've been through a lot.
And, you know, right now we're in the process of relaunching our youth NFTs because we built them out on third web and they had a whole exploit situation that really set us back.
And that was tough.
And, you know, there's nobody who comes to help you or save you in that situation.
So it's just been a strain on me, you know, financially and a lot of work to just now after that situation where we got sort of rugged by third web, then go out and not only have to find a new dev team and everything, but also have to fund that after having our project and source of income kind of get messed up.
But, you know, this is what we all deal with in Web three.
This is just the typical stuff that happens.
So, you know, I learned a lesson.
We're doing it the right way and just continuing to spread good music and good vibes and hopefully education and get into good projects, support projects that I believe in have a solid community.
So I always try to do, you know, yeah, that's what we're about here.
We're trying to be real as possible.
We're real about God and we ain't going to hold that back.
You know, that part, bro, I know, bro, it's been a long it's been a long road for all of us.
You know, bro, I'm just now I'm just now beginning to release my first music NFT, you know, through the actual coin and the cause of Jesus coin.
So I'm excited about that.
That's coming up real soon.
And then me and then me, Mr. Ben, I got some tracks together that we made.
They're ready to go.
I just got a lot.
Lots of money.
So I was a bro and let's get it.
What's up, man?
That's dope.
Yeah, there's still a lot of opportunity here for music, you know, and still a lot of controversy about it.
But I think it's going to have its place and we have three long term.
I think it really will.
So, you know, there's there's still a lot of different ways to do it and sound X, Y, Z is dope, man.
Dope place to get some on there as well.
And also the Jesus coin token mint sounds really cool, man.
That's that's a dope use case.
Yeah, this is this is all just five volunteers.
We're just doing this all volunteer ship, man.
I'm not I'm not paid to be here.
I got a family.
I got shit to do.
But I'm here for the community.
I'm here for you guys.
So, yeah, brother, we're just out here.
The Jesus brought us all together and he's just calling us to do this task, bro.
What's up, Doc?
You in the building?
I got the microphone.
What's up?
How about the beer dope?
Well, congratulations on space.
They put Thursday and think for you and everyone here.
So, I love it.
I'm actually posted something earlier today.
If you guys hear me, I'm in the back.
I'm trying to shave.
I hope it's not too wack.
Oh, you're good.
You're good.
So, bro, just be in the back there.
Yeah, I can work for spaces when they had a video.
I was going to say, bro, Elijah, your music is full fire, bro.
It's not even music to me, bro.
It's like I said to a DM, bro, I said, you're the channel.
You know what I'm saying?
You're a full blown channel, bro.
And you channeling the dope energy, bro.
And I don't call it music.
I just call it you.
I call it love.
I call it what it is.
You're saying it's so dope.
Bro, I don't know you were part of the crew, bro.
I don't know what it is to think.
Honestly, Dilbo, you are...
I've been seeing for a long, long time, bro,
you're hustle when you grind.
I know you're part of Elijah's crew.
That's so dope, bro.
I've been watching you grind, bro.
I've been watching you do what you do with the music.
Let me check, bro.
You know what I'm saying?
For some weird reason or for...
Let me rephrase that.
Because it wasn't supposed to happen before.
You said something earlier about your project being at four
or whatever.
You're part of this crew.
I'm going to support you.
So I've been...
Like I said, I've watched you from the get-go, bro,
but when you first started your project,
and I know this person, you show up every day, too.
You show up like Jesus, bro.
You show up like us.
We show up...
We show up.
We just show up.
Like Prophet said, we're not...
Nobody's getting paid, bro.
There's no team.
There's no full-blown thing.
Like, everyone's doing this out of love.
Everyone's doing their own, like, letters
and ambulances and menus and shops
and websites and music and everything
because they know that the answer is love, bro.
And if you move on love, if you leave with love, like...
We have our highs and lows, right?
It is what it is.
It's life.
Those are frequencies.
That's life.
And if you don't have a frequency, you'll be dead.
So there's going to be highs and lows.
But the dopest parts of finding a community
and people that are going to be there with you for the long run.
And I think this is it, bro.
So, like I said, I didn't know you were part of Elijah's crew.
I've seen you for a long time.
I knew you were rocking.
Your music thing, you were doing this.
Like, I've been watching you and I didn't know your coin.
Actually, I don't know what I'm saying,
but that's about to stop, you see.
So, I just...
Man, the war was on here, but I think everyone's so dope.
Like, we're here for a reason.
Like, you said, you're popping and Elijah's part of your crew.
I don't know, bro.
I dig in every single time I'm popping.
Every single time I open up X, Twitter, whatever we call it,
I see us.
But I have 10 TVs in my house.
I don't even turn them on.
I turn them on for white noise.
That's done, bro.
Like, church is on.
You know what I'm saying?
Like, crypto church is on.
Jesus is on.
We're on.
We're the movement, bro.
We're the future.
Because we're moving on love.
And that's...
That's it.
That's the recipe, bro.
I always say that, and I sound like a broken record.
To me, that's always what it is, bro.
Like, you're gonna love to be a thug.
You're gonna love to be a gangster.
You're gonna love to be a cutie, bro.
As long as you move on that love, bro, for real, bro,
if you move on love, you're not gonna fail.
Just focus on love on the right love.
I'm saying that.
I think we're here for the right purpose.
We're here for the right reasons.
People pull up on us for the right...
Like, I said that earlier.
I posted something, bro.
And somebody...
I'm on one of my posts, and it touched me a lot.
Because all you guys touched me a lot.
Words are magic, bro.
Words are so dope.
Words are so magical.
People fail to realize the frequencies of how they travel.
So, like, I'm big on it, bro.
Like, this is...
I don't know.
Y'all know me, bro.
I just didn't know you were part of the movement, G.
So I dig it, and we're here for you.
Good vibes, bro.
Appreciate you, man.
Yeah, Elijah's the homie.
And just tapping in here with Prophet.
And I'm trying to follow y'all as well.
But I told you I'm having an issue.
But it should be hopefully freed up soon.
And then I'll be able to follow you guys, too.
So I'm just making note.
But I'm gonna follow you as well, the doctor.
But I appreciate it, bro.
Good vibes.
And, yeah, let's keep building together.
That's the way we gotta do it, man.
Just like Jesus would want.
You know, we gotta build together, work together,
build something greater than ourselves.
That's what it's about.
And, you know, I've always believed in Jesus token
because of that.
I think it's surprising at first.
People say, well, Jesus on the blockchain, you know,
is this good, is this bad?
But ultimately, it's just bringing together people
that are good, you know?
And that is what I see as powerful.
So that's why I've just been holding Jesus long-term.
So, bro, I love it.
Hey, Joe, we have to tell you, too, bro.
You were speaking last time on the space,
and you should be hosting spaces, bro.
The way you speak and the way you move, bro, is dope.
So what we're talking about at the end point
should be I think it's a failure to call on you.
So, I see you, G, we'll link.
I love all of you, bro.
Everyone here goes so dope.
Y'all know that.
Yo, doctor.
I love you, doctor, bro.
Every time you come up, man, even your posts,
it's just like you deserve more credit, bro,
because we're out here spreading the message of love, bro.
We deserve more credit, bro.
They know me. It's weak.
But it's all glory to God, right?
Elijah, bro, even yesterday, man,
you brought me into that space with Dr. Bruce Banner, bro.
I was like, wow, we're just vibing out,
you know, listening to the jams.
Famous deal.
Thanks for coming up and showing your support.
But it is, it is good vibes, man.
It's God vibes.
It's love vibes.
And I wanted to share a poem with you guys
that I wrote the other day.
I was out at the beach and I wanted to share this
in Brother Shane's space,
because it was worship Wednesday yesterday.
But I was out on the road,
but I'm just going to share this.
I was out on the beach just kind of, you know,
meditating and listening to the waves.
And that's kind of where I find my sanctuary sometimes.
And it's like this.
It's through the guided expression of love.
Always let you know that I'm with you every step of the way.
You see my truth, even in the crashing of the waves,
in the resounding washing of your soul.
You are fully aware of the life I give.
You are my child whom I'm known eons before creation.
You are my seed planted this age to sprout
and bear witness to the harvest.
But yeah, man, I love this.
I love this space.
I love you guys.
It's always a blessing to come up here
and experience the fellowship with you guys, man, for real.
Bro, we love you too, G.
You're a beast too, bro.
You're coaching nasty too, bro.
And you do video?
Forget about it.
With your long ass hair.
I'm going to get you too, bro.
I'll catch up to you here, bro.
Hey, hey, I saw you out in Hawaii too,
shaking those locks, bro.
We're going to have a competition this year.
Hey, it's been four years.
I don't think I'm going to cut them anytime soon.
It's actually a symbol for me.
It means my hair means something very special to me
because right before my kids left,
and I haven't seen my kids in four years now,
I was with my boys and we had made this bet.
And I was like, man, let's bet.
Let's have this bet.
Let's see who could grow out their hair the longest.
Just kind of joking.
And we're going.
And then all these things started happening in my life
where, man, they ended up moving.
And circumstances I couldn't control.
But I made that covenant.
I'm not going to touch my hair or cut my hair
until the day I get to see him again.
And I know that day is going to be coming, all glory be to God,
because he's revealed that to me, man.
Trippy, bro.
I'm going to tell you my hair story.
I love it, bro.
This is so wild.
And this is why I made that meme where it says,
nothing happens on accident.
But this is me.
I did it.
Like, if you ask a question of why it didn't happen,
that's just EOG.
We don't have to know that.
That's not for us to know.
You know what I'm saying?
So my hair thing has funny.
I've been going to for a couple of years since COVID.
So prior to COVID, bro, I'm in live events and trade shows
and crime facing.
So they just sat down, 14, 13, whatever.
I am at Southside, Chicago.
I go bald.
I go bald, right?
So now we're bald.
I'm bald the rest of my life.
Well, I'm shaving three times a week in corporate America.
Like, I go in my tub and I shave three times a week,
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to be sick.
And then COVID hits, right?
And my kids are like, my daughters, I got two daughters.
They're like, Papa, why don't you just grow your hair out?
You know what?
Cause I did it before because there's a stage where you grow your hair out
and there's a stage like the three, three to five month market.
You can't do a lot.
I'm ready.
Yeah, man.
That's that ugly stage.
A hundred percent.
I cannot be playing facing with these people, bro.
And I'm already adjusted April because I'm a Latino and I'm working with
corporate America where I'm not supposed to be.
So like, and I'm, this is just so wild.
So, so I'm not going to do, I'm already bald, bro.
I'm not going to go through like the scumbag phase.
So, so finally during COVID or during COVID, my daughters are like,
Papa, why don't you grow your hair out?
I was like, you know what?
I've been wanting to do this for a long time.
Like I've been bald since I was like 16, I think I'm 44 now,
or I'm going to turn 44 this year.
And, uh, I think it was about time and I did it.
And, uh, and I got another job and they didn't know,
they didn't know about me.
The doctor was bald before.
So when I got this job, I had this hair going back and whatever,
but now it's a beast.
Even my kids, like, I don't even know what to do with it.
She's like, are you Jesus?
I said, girl, do you know where weather 3 is?
I said, if you have a metamask, why don't you brush your ass?
So that's my hair story.
Hey, that's so dope, bro.
Hey, but honestly, it's a testament to your discipline, man.
Growing hair, especially when you're in that stage, we're like,
I'm just going to wear a beanie all day.
I'm going to wear a hat all day.
It's really takes discipline.
It starts getting in your face and your eyes and your food everywhere,
man. It's crazy.
When I said I'm in this, I'm in back and shaving.
I wasn't shaving my face.
I'm trying to figure out what I'm going to do with this hair, bro.
This is insane.
Like, it's not as golden and pretty as golden lights.
It's just insane.
So I'm still like in my ears.
But I'm doing this.
You're right. There's a testament.
And there's other reasons for it too.
Like, I'm starting to find out, like, or at least in my own brain,
like, this is probably why Jesus had his hair blown to me.
It's like antennas, you know what I'm saying?
Like, it lets you reach, it lets you feel the frequencies out,
you know what I'm saying?
There might be just being in my trippy part, bro.
You're right.
100%. I've heard that, dude.
I've heard that the longer your hair is,
that the more connected you are to creation and stuff.
Look at Samson.
Samson had his strength in his hair.
You're not touching it.
You're not cutting it.
You're not doing anything against nature.
So to me, like I said, I'm not a religious dude.
I'm not a dude that goes to church.
I'm not a highly educated dude.
I'm a dude from the streets.
This has to be an ouster and having to figure out how to connect dots
and make his own dots.
But the words that are in books and the history and all that stuff,
there's no coincidences.
So if home is strong as hell, I'm sorry.
If home is very strong with his hair,
and you start to hear other cultures and other people talk about the same thing
with hair, you're like, hold up.
So you're like, all right.
What do I know?
You say if other people are smarter than me,
you're saying that they're more experienced than I'm afraid.
I'm not smarter than me.
More experienced in their life or in this life or in hair or whatever.
Somebody, you know what?
I dig it.
So then I'm trying to get more, like a lot more like I don't know.
People are trick people.
They're like, if you're going in your hair or if you're a dude,
I think if you start going past your ears and your neck, people look at you.
And I'll ask you guys, whoever has long hair hair,
you can just jump in with what else I'll trip in or people are actually looking at you.
Hey, it's kind of funny that you guys are on the subject of hair too,
because I've been growing out of my hair for the past nine years now.
It was ever since my son was born.
It was just for some reason I didn't cut my hair for his first three years of life.
And it got pretty long.
And so, yeah, I went through the whole stage of like, it's ugly.
It's not.
It's all shaggy.
You know, you can't do anything with it.
And I also started growing out my beard too.
And so now it's been so long.
I just don't shave pretty much at all, only just like a couple of whiskers.
And so I don't have a unibrow.
But yeah, I got like a good nose hairs.
You got to keep those trimmed up.
They like to grow into the mustache to look like the mustache grew out of your nose.
And just that's just silly.
Should we do it?
Should we do a crypto church long hair competition,
the longest you're going to get your lunch box?
Oh, I'm sorry.
The longest hair gets their shampoo products bought.
So can beards count if you don't have the hairstyle?
Be like, I didn't lose my hair.
I outgrew it and just have a massively long beard.
I actually thought about growing a beard scarf because I like when I started losing my hair.
Going bald just by genetics.
And I got more compliments from a big shaved head.
Like it was, it got to a point where I couldn't even like even a couple, couple,
like, I don't know, quarter of an inch.
I feel like, man, that's too long.
I got to shave that and I shave it down.
Like smooth, you know, polish.
And just shower three times a week.
Lucky you can get away with, you know, once a week and then just shave on the weekends if you're lucky.
But man, I ended up, I ended up growing out my beard because I gave up on my hair up top and it's challenging.
I was like, I'll just shave on my neck.
Maybe I can grow a beard scarf.
Let's go.
We'll definitely have a competition or who wears a bath, whatever.
I like to do like eyeballs on the chin.
I have it look like, you know, like they do upside down like that.
The whole week.
The whole car hurts.
Hey, bro.
Thank you guys.
I'm thankful.
There's something for all of you.
Every day I pull up and I try.
I'm almost here.
I was every single day.
So I'm thankful for all you.
You know what I'm saying?
I'm thankful for everyone that's here that shows love, that shows positivity and just moves
with love.
So thank you guys.
You're blessed with the people to see different perspectives.
I made it.
Some people don't get to see that.
So I, I see, I've been able to see a lot of channels in my life, religions, races,
and like, um, people, they don't go there.
They don't like be able to see it.
stuff. I love my TV. I'm glad that you have that as well. Like you said, the whole auto
zone situation, I actually got to go to auto zones. I have a car to go to auto zones. How
many tests don't have cars to go to auto zones? Or there might be people that have cars that
don't have a desk. So it's so dope to have that, to see that, to accept the humongous.
So congratulations, I love it. Yeah, much appreciated, man. Yeah, it's definitely
got a challenge because they just send you off to deliver wherever somebody calls in. You just
got to go deliver it. And man, you'd be in some parts of town, bro. It's tough to go down them
streets sometimes, bro. But it's a blessing though, bro, because it shows you. What I'm saying is
that it's so dope because some people don't even ever see it. They actually don't experience it at
all. They don't get to see how good they have it. So when you walk down and blush and you feel
you're like, yo, it's humbling. There's levels to this game. You know what I'm saying?
Yeah, for sure. There's no discrimination when you're delivering mail. You just got to get that
job done. So no matter the obstacles and the dogs you come across or whatever is happening,
bro, you better be ready to go and do your thing. And that's not mail, that's life, bro.
And that's why I love what you said. Yeah, sir. That's right. You got to speak it and walk it,
man. Yep. Go ahead, Elijah. No, I'm just going to ask Mr. I am. Was it fun last night, bro?
The space? Was it fun or what, bro? Because I had a blast last night, bro.
Oh, man. That space, honestly, I needed that. I needed that space yesterday because I was feeling
heavy. And mentally, I was feeling a little taxed and you invited me, you tagged me in that post,
bro. And then they came in and they started dropping those beats, bro. And I'm a hip hop head.
So that just lifted that heaviness off of me. So I do appreciate it. That was so, so dope, man.
Even the song that you played during this service today, even though it wasn't curated by you,
I was listening to that and I felt the presence of love and just what it means to be married.
And even though I may not be married, but I have that vows with Jesus. You know what I mean? That's
the bridegroom and it's that understanding of love that he has for us. And yeah, I'm super thankful.
That was really dope. And I want to dig into your mind a little bit one of these days and see
what kind of equipment you're working with. Because, man, I have a passion for beats and
stuff like that. And I was even thinking about it. I was like, man, I should start
trying to write some lyrics to one of your beats, bro.
Bro, I got beats for days, man. I just want to say, man, I mean, last night was dope because
Bruce is a good friend of mine for the past four years, bro. And he's a pioneer as well.
I mean, Dale is also a pioneer. We've hung out in spaces many, many times together.
It was just dope because the people in there, bro, were OGs. People I've known for a long time.
So we were able to cut up also and have fun at the same time and be the best that we can be.
But we missed a few people in there. Dale wasn't in there last night. I wish he was.
We didn't have big keys in there with us. Or it's like the Don wasn't in there with us either.
But it was cool to have Dr. Bruce in there. We had Cristiano in there. We had Turbo in there.
We had Nessie in there, bro. And we had Rizzo the Boss, bro. So it's still a good time. But,
bro, that should be... So I'm trying to contact Bruce and be like,
hey, man, let's have a space together, bro. All the OGs hang out together. That'd be dope.
Yeah, man, it was really uplifting, man. And I do appreciate you again
for inviting me to that space. It was really uplifting for me.
In light of Thankful Thursdays, I wanted to read a chapter for you guys. Well,
not a whole chapter, but I wanted to read Matthew chapter 6, verses 25, because I was
experiencing some anxiousness. And with anxiousness, I believe when you're thankful,
it kind of combats that anxiousness. When you start changing that perspective and having a
heart of gratitude, you start to realize, man, that anxiousness starts to dissipate.
So I'm going to read this to you guys. It's, do not be anxious. Therefore, I tell you,
do not be anxious about your life, what you'll eat or what you'll drink, nor about your body,
what you'll put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds
of the air. They neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns. And yet your heavenly father feeds
them. Are you not more of value than they? And which of you, by being anxious, can add a single
hour to his span of life? And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field,
how they grow. They neither toil nor spin. Yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not
arrayed like one of these. But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive,
and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you? Oh, you of little faith,
therefore do not be anxious, saying, what shall we eat? Or what shall we drink? Or what shall we
wear? For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly father knows that you
need them all. But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will
be added to you. Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself.
Sufficient for the day is his own troubles. Amen, man. Amen, amen.
Bro, that's my favorite scripture in the Bible was Matthew 6 33. I got a tattoo to my arm, bro.
It's uh, it's something to remember every single day, bro. Seek first the kingdom,
you know, and his righteousness, bro. Like, to study that bro, to know what the kingdom is,
you know, Jesus tells us that how many times in the Bible to know what the kingdom of God is, but
it's so many things, but I know one of those things is discipline too. And so I definitely,
you know, I had a rough road for a while, you know, as far as my financials.
And so I had to learn to seek the kingdom of God, right? And that's, you know, definitely was
discipline, um, and to learn how to budget my, my money. And so now we're, uh, we're better
at pleasing out my banker at PNC. And so God showing me the way, uh, every day to learn how
to invest my money and help other people, you know, do the same thing. Amen.
Man, man, man.
My bad, probably bear. I was just saying, amen.
Yeah, me too. I'm just in solidarity with y'all. That's how we roll.
Yeah, man. Uh, if you want, yeah, you can go ahead and play some more
beats and stuff. You guys want to chill and vibe for a minute.
I'm, I'm gonna fall down. I didn't call myself, but I'm gonna show you.
Um, but thank you for the stage, bro. Profit, no space. Elijah, everyone. I am general
everyone. Everyone in the show to go. Oh, and Elijah, that's why I raised my hand. It reminded me.
I totally forgot. I had a scripture tattooed on my body too, bro. That's funny. I totally
forgot. So I look over my arm. I'm like, how do I forget about scripture that goes from my shoulder
to my elbow? Um, that'll be next time, bro. Thank you for reminding me.
Oh, bro. What's your, what is it? Nope. Next time, G.
To be continued, bro. Yeah, it's a little deep, bro. It's killing me, man. It's a little deep.
So, and it's at a time. Yeah, we're talking, bro. It's dope. I love it. Thank you, Elijah. I
totally forgot, but it's just so trippy. Yeah, I probably, I can't play any more beats,
bro. My wife just went to sleep and my daughters just went to bed too. So I would, but I can't,
bro. It's getting late here, you know, here in Louisville, Kentucky, you know, gonna rise up
tomorrow morning, you know, get my head straight, get to my office, bro, and do work. Um, I love
going there because I get to close my door and have talks with people about their money. But at
the same time, um, I also seek the kingdom of God and share God's word. Um, it's powerful that I
could do that. I've learned over time, you know, when to, to release the word or when to, you know,
keep it my mouth shut because now, now everybody are believers and I'm going to do a job and not
talk about Jesus, right? But so that divided the two rightly. So, um, I praise God for that,
for that moment to do that. And, uh, and I give me, and again, I've been talking about Jesus going
to bro. So is what it is. It's, it's, you know, Jesus is king, bro. So he's my God. So I can't
keep quiet about that too much. Yep. That's, that's the light, bro. You can't hide that.
You can't hide it under the bushel. Yeah. It'll shine right through. It don't matter. Uh, I love
it. I love it. Um, yeah, speaking of that, I might as well start trying to wrap it up here.
We can get final thoughts in here and then I'll kind of close this out.
Oh, by the way, bro, I did share the video to my, to my Twitter, uh, the video I played earlier. So,
so y'all check it out, share it and watch it. Listen to it yourself or, you know, listen to it
with your wife in the room. Um, I think it'd be a powerful moment, uh, for your families for sure
in your marriage. If you're married, you know, if you're not married, uh, watch it anyway,
because it will empower you to, to be prepared for your marriage. Amen. Let's go. Let's get it.
Yeah, brother. Amen. Yeah. I got a, um, a guy I could probably pass that to that does,
he used to do weddings and stuff before COVID. I'm not sure if he's still in the biz or not, but
I know he, he's all about that. So if I can share it with him, was that cool?
Sure. Sure way, bro. At the end of the video though, it will show me my wife,
you know, I'm going to say happily home because that was us before we got married. So
it's kind of special to me, man. So share away, bro. Share away.
Awesome. Awesome. Yeah. I love it.
Yeah. Amen. Before I drop out profit bear, Elijah, general, every, all the speakers,
everyone in, in, in the congregation, man, it's, it's been a pleasure to have you guys here as
always. Um, I did start a side little group chat today. Um, you know, not, not, uh, not more as
for shilling, but if you just want to chill, if you want to, you know, get to know each other,
want them a little bit more. If you, if you want to have those conversations,
if you want to edify and ask for prayer, share videos, whatever it is, um,
it's more of a, a kickback spot. So if you're interested,
send me a DM and I'll, and I'll get you guys in the group,
but much love. Love you guys. Take care of yourselves. All right. Peace out.
Yo, I am. Yeah. Did you get my DM? I just sent, uh, I'm going to look at them right now. I'm about
to drop out. That's the, uh, that's, that's the beard, like set of beard shoes that I have to try
and fill. That's my goal one day to get it that, that large. You got, you want that ZZ top beard,
huh? You know, yeah, it's, it's, yeah, it's going for it later, man. Have a good night.
Good night, man.
Awesome. Thanks for coming up. I am second time. I know that's cool. Uh,
it's always a pleasure having you up here.
Thanks, brother. Yeah, man. Yeah, man. Always appreciate your presence. And, uh,
when you partake, uh, all right. With that, I guess I'll start closing it out here,
give some words of wisdom and, uh, yeah, we'll go from there. We'll, we'll pray us out and
all, all love brothers and sisters. Um, let's see here. Uh, these are just some things that
I've written over the years. Um, and that's what God always does tell us to do is to put some pen
to paper, pencil to paper to always remember things. Cause sometimes it might seem silly
to you at the moment to write it down, but you'll look back later and thank yourself.
Cause you never know. You might write down the next million dollar idea and you know,
if you don't take that moment to write something down, it will be lost forever.
And so it's always good to write things down. Um, but, uh, this is just kind of
some words of wisdom and stuff that I picked up. Um, so it says, uh, I don't have the pleasure of
acting any way that I like, uh, because I serve God, uh, you do your own thing. Uh,
you're, you do your own thinking and your own things. Uh, but I, I use God as my paycheck, um,
living with intentionality and doing things on purpose. Uh, you do what you can, uh,
and God will see his work is finished. Even, or God even sees that fifth sparrow. You could buy
four sparrows for two pennies, but the fifth sparrow was for free. And even God cares about
that fifth sparrow. And, uh, so just with that, I just want everybody to like, when you're,
when you're in this path of the way of following Jesus, it's, it's got, it's got rules. It's got,
it's got a lot of, uh, things that you don't really know of until you actually start
biting down and clamping down onto the track of this narrow way. And, uh, you don't get to live
life the way you think you want to. And it's all, all to edify God and to give the glory back to him
because it's, we can't do this on our own, even though we think we can. Um, and so just always
lean onto him and, uh, let's, let's go and, uh, be a fruitful community here. And that was, that was
kind of the theme here. I was trying to keep us at with the grapes of love. Um, and so we want to
be able to create fruit and make a vineyard of those grapes of love by keeping his commands
so that way we can remain in him. Because when we are in him, we are, we are that vine. We're a part
of the vine and he, he's that he, he is the gardener. Uh, and so he's going to cut off all
fruitful branches, you know, he, if anything that's not of use, it'll be cut off and thrown into the
fire. And so we must try our best to, to create fruit for, for God and in the kingdom, however,
the fruit may be. Um, so, and, uh, just always remember the grapes are fruit tonight, y'all.
So, uh, go and produce what God has allowed you to do. And we are in the business of restoration,
you know, uh, we're here to just restore what God has called us to do in the beginning. Um,
and that's what this is all about. We're here to restore. We're not here to, to cause harm or
anything. So we're here to revitalize in Jesus name. And, uh, with that guys, I'll close this
out in prayer. Uh, dear Lord, thank you for this amazing opportunity and this great space,
this great community. We couldn't do this without you and all your guidance. So Lord,
we thank you for all these blessings, all of us that have been here. All you guys are blessings
and it's just amazing. And we're so thankful Lord. And in Jesus name we pray. Amen.
All right. With that guys, uh, I'll see you next week, uh, Thursday and tomorrow we got forgiveness
Friday. I'm not sure whatever else is on the, uh, record here. Um, I think it's down in the
comments here, right? Yeah. What do we got? We got 9 PM by King max freedom tomorrow for forgiveness
stories Friday or freedom stories Friday. Yeah, that's it. My bad. Um, so yeah, check out that
tomorrow and, uh, we'll, we'll keep it going guys. Keep the church. We'll keep this church going.
The doors are always open. DMS are open. So don't be shy. We got your back. Much love y'all.