精彩回顾NFT NYC大会 & 探讨下半年的市场方向

Recorded: July 3, 2022 Duration: 1:28:59



[Speaking in Chinese]
Welcome to our OST to the Space活動. Thank you very much.
Dorothy in SD.
(speaking in foreign language)
Thanks for watching.
the dark.
(speaking in foreign language)
(speaking in foreign language)
[speaking in foreign language]
Hello, hello.

FAQ on 精彩回顾NFT NYC大会 & 探讨下半年的市场方向 | Twitter Space Recording

What is the podcast about?
The podcast is about an 'ost to the space' event.
Who is speaking in Chinese?
It is not specified who exactly is speaking in Chinese.
What is the name of the person mentioning 'Dorothy in sd'?
The name is not mentioned.
What language is the podcast in?
The podcast has different parts in Chinese and English.
What do the speakers thank the audience for?
The speakers thank the audience for watching/listening.
What is the name of the speaker thanking the audience in Chinese?
The name is not mentioned.
What does the speaker say after the Chinese thank you message?
The speaker says 'thanks for watching' in English.
What is the name of the event mentioned in the podcast?
'Ost to the space' is the name of the event mentioned in the podcast.
Is the podcast focused on science and space exploration?
It is not clear from the given text.
What can be inferred about the speakers of the podcast?
The speakers know both Chinese and English languages.