Joey and Milan to EARTH: “What are people buying right now, and why”

Recorded: March 8, 2023 Duration: 0:57:40
Space Recording

Full Transcription

Let's see. So, coffee you invited. Here we go.
Two displays are always so buggy with my phone. I don't know. Great. Wonderful.
I have some more people popping in here shortly. Thank you all for coming out. So this is the first week of hopefully a bi-weekly spaces for
Hadaradev, Milan, and myself on the other weeks, the Earthlings founders, two of the three Patrick and Marcel will be host in the Twin Space
So hopefully every Wednesday at this time, those that are available can tune in. Everyone else can check us out on a recorded space and let me bring some people up.
What we're going to do, what we're going to do on our space with Milan and myself is try to have just a round table. We'll bring up some topics. We'll try to keep it on topic. It's not a shield space. It's not a negative space. We're really not going to talk a lot about specific projects.
Next this week, what we want to talk about is what's going on, what's new, what are people buying, and the Hadeira NFT space specifically, and the NFT space as a whole and what are the new market trends. That's the roundtable
part and then we'll open it up for discussion and questions and hopefully we can all just get involved and chat amongst each other. No, I do you want to do a little recap on what's going on with Earthlings and Patrick and Marcel from last week? Yeah, absolutely.
So yeah, thanks everybody for joining us very excellent introduction. Thank you so much Joey So yeah the ideas to have a little bit of a roundtable And right now let me yeah, let me just give a little recap of earthlings
So I hope most of you have seen the latest CREB video. I know pronunciation is very important if how I pronounce CREB would it be? So it's the CREB that has been programmed by one of our developers.
It's just always these little peaks behind the scenes, right? That shows that how we're developing what we're working on, but it's in no way anything near a finish. It's just a peak that allows you to show what is involved and all that stuff. And so that's something we've
We've shown we are currently, let me just pick up this one. So Patrick had an interview yesterday, the day before yesterday, so I'm not going to tell who he had an interview with, but that
will be released in time soon and he also raised a subject about dynamic NFTs and that's one of the concepts that I'll be writing out on the blog post on how we'll be leveraging dynamic NFTs and more specifically we call the non-fungible
player. I know it's just a fancy name but it allows you to store your game progress and to actually resell your game progress as a NFT. So yeah that's insured the things we're working on. We're approving that the island scenes obviously
working on the towns and villages and then a lot of other stuff that's going on behind the scenes. So we're always very excited to release new peaks and new things. So yeah, that's all coming up. Yeah. It's you, Joey. Awesome. All right, we're starting to get
some people in here and if you'll go down to the bottom of the screen and just put any comment in there it'll spread the word or retweet the space we really appreciate it. We hope to grow the listener's ship over time so we don't care if there's two people, five people or 500 people in here we
We like the topics we're going to talk about and hope you all enjoy it as well. So I'll jump right in. We kind of came up with some subjects for today and a little bit on my history about my first NFT. I'd heard about Hadeira, but I hadn't owned any
Crypto, I actually bought an NFT was my first experience and anything and bought an NFT for a couple hundred bucks on one of the websites when they were doing the launches multiple launches every day sold it for
$4,000 a week later and I was absolutely hooked. That was late 2021 and I got into Hadeira and bought my first H-BAR in early 2020.
2022, I guess, and have been going strong ever since. So we really wanted to start with what were people buying last year? What were the trends? I know it was a lot of art, a lot of hype on art based projects. And I think it was
The really popular thing and I'll let anybody that's up here as a speaker right now just jump in and what did you see in 2021, 2022? Whether it be with Hedera or anywhere else, what was the foundation? What was the most money flowing into?
So if you know just raise your hand if you like to jump into that I know I'm not raising my hand right now but do feel free to interrupt so I'll just jump in Joey and go ahead I mean
So you've joined really had their ass so early 2022. For me it was one year earlier it was in 2021 in general. I was 21 I'm sorry. Okay. I forget this year's
23 so yeah, yeah, well you were saying that I was like I was also calculating my hat. What year are we actually I mean? Crypto in general is so confusing in terms of so much happening in a very short time space Yeah, I was March of 21. I'm sorry. What's my first H4 purchase?
Oh, so that was actually then it was really at the start of the whole NFT scene in Hedera actually.
Yeah, I did it. I did it. I saw those and I was heavily involved in looking at them. So two things that kept me from buying was that there was no marketplace at that time. So I really didn't know
who to ask for what to do and didn't know how, didn't know how to create a wallet and didn't really want to fight to go figure out how to create a wallet. I had everything just held out there on Binance US and that's where everything was sitting. So I
I watched all of the early NFT, the Hedera NFTs, go back and forth in the Twitter conversations. It wasn't until Zeus came along and I got involved. I think my first two projects were
It's fun because those were exactly two projects I didn't join. I don't know why. Somehow you often go into one direction with some of the things.
He's Capoli, go ahead, you're raising hands. Yeah, so my first NFT experience was on I entered him from some cool contests that really brought my attention. They were essentially having
of 52 card playing duck, which they released one suit at a time, and each suit had a contest, so if you held on the first round, whatever the suit was, I don't remember, but if you held four aces, I
qualified you for some kind of another reward for their currency, CRO, which is their token. And I made sure to read the rules and do whatever it was. And I always ended up earning more money than I used to mint those
things. So that was my entry point. And eventually that led into UFC fighters being minted on that chain, which you had an opportunity to kind of bet on who's going to win the fight. And if you did,
then you would win this upgraded UFC belt if it was a title fight and I ended up selling those for I think it was like 500 bucks a piece and then that was just before they released their main PFP project loaded lines which
I was super fortunate to mint $200 a piece, five of them, and then I ended up selling them for over 5,000 USD each. So yeah, that gave me a nice boost which ended up not playing out in just because they
They kind of flooded themselves, especially at a bear time. We're moving the credit card perks that they provided on cash back. And that drove me to Hedera where it's been nothing but a good time and everybody kind of gets along. We're having these spaces
we're getting to know each other, we're actually private messaging people and you know going into other projects and discussing ideas and bouncing off of each other and it's way more engaging. That's really great to hear and when was that when you moved to Hadeira?
I don't remember the time frame but it was like super early but I still wasn't like one of the OGs as you would call it. My first dies were the HBAR punk, some hash horses, just stuff that was currently out. There wasn't too much projects launched so I just bought like to see
if the ecosystem would take off and eventually it did and I'm grateful for being in it so early. Wow, that's great. Yeah, and that's that when you're mentioning those projects, those are those are actually one of the first I believe that using the the hip seven
team metadata standards. So that's a whole story on its own. You know, with gomins, I mean, my first purchases will be, I think my first one was like this little big
all age barbarian, you might have seen them around. And that was, yeah, I think it was in 2021, maybe June, something like that, the May, I can't remember really. But there was an exciting time as well. And
I don't know if many here, probably quite a bunch of you know about Goamins. So in early 2021, the Hedera token surface was released, but there was not yet a non-fringable token standard.
list there was no option for NFTs. The tokens were serialized to be more specific, so you only had fungible tokens. And Goldman, at that time, they created a second layer serialization of those fungible tokens. So those were minted
just with whole numbers so they weren't divisible and each of those stokers was serialized by timestamps through HCS. So that was quite innovative and yeah it was an exciting time and also you know Capoli your your
mentioning you have personal contact with people, DMing and so on. Those early days of those first NFTs on Adera, we didn't get a secondary market as Joey already mentioned. There was no secondary market.
initially buy them and how would you trade? So that was when I believe Hashtag didn't had it yet. So it was still completely based on trust. So you will say, okay, I'll send you XH
which was, and you sent me this NFT. And those things were completely built on trust because it was even smaller community than it is now. I mean, now we're really quite growing. I believe at that time we had about, there, Twitter account had about 50,000 followers, which is now 250,000.
So everybody knew each other, but then the first camera came. So at a certain point, Hashtag introduced the SecureTrad, which was absolutely really, really great. Yeah, yeah. Fun time.
Yeah, go ahead, Caponi. Yeah, I believe it was hash access that was around at the time. Yeah, and yeah, it was super difficult to trade, but me being a collector, I like to buy and hold things for a longer period than others where they prefer to like mint and flip.
Oh yes, yes, yes, that's that in that case you were good right we were all forced to to hold all around and yeah go ahead Joey. So that's that's a good history of it in those difficulties where the reason so I knew about NFPs and
Like I said, I looked up my very first purchase and sell of an NFC was on an FD gateway and it was easy and I think I actually used my credit card to buy
piece of art from Lash Sucks and flipped it for, I guess I think about 3500 bucks in a week or two. So I really really wanted to get into the dairy and upt's and now I'm a full blown DGN. But if we fast forward to now and I was just looking at
the Zouge last 30 days. If you look at that list, all kinds of different projects are on the top of the list. Not even going to name them, but you've got art based projects. You've got Queen Flip projects, you've got Gaming projects, you've got Metaverse Casino
projects you've got, Web 2/Web 3 projects. So I really wanted to talk about as a group and discuss what's what's speaking people's interest right now? What do we think is the future?
and how are different projects proving themselves so that people will buy a lot of everything is in a little bit of a depth and the liquidity is a little bit low. So this is where I want everybody to just kind of on the panel to just jump in and give their thoughts on it.
So people are definitely collecting the blue chips and I think projects that have shown good amount of development.
I think RevShare NFTs are in kind of in popularity. And I think that's helped the Kexgers Paradise Gold member pass that we've hinted that that's going to be involved with RevShare in some way.
Yeah, we share 100% is kind of a bit on the tip of everybody's tongue lately and let's dive into that a little bit. We know some of the projects that are already active and
in the rev share, the coin flip projects to be specific. My question, and I haven't asked anybody, so I wanted to kind of say that for here, are people coin flipping the cause
They own part of that rev share or are they clean flipping just to flip queens because I know we have four or five or six coin flips in Adara and I think one's already Fallen by the wayside, but I know the ones that
are NFTs are going crazy in value. So is their coin flip? I think part of the dynamic is yes, I do think people are more inclined to play James where they're getting a percentage of you know what they lose but as far as
As far as, say, those revshare models, I mean, one thing that they do particularly well is it makes the rest of the holders of that token an evangelist for whatever the revshare engine is because they're benefiting from
the growth of that platform. So now, I think it's a very interesting way to say incentivize and align a community behind the same objectives because it becomes a true win-win-win as those of all you increase. So I think it will probably make communities even more vocal.
Oh, that's definitely interesting. I can totally see that how that will work. That's generally a revenue share. The coin flipping, actually, I always wondered, "Why are there so many coins flipped?"
That's a lot of H-Boy you could potentially risk and then somebody told me maybe it was you Joey I don't know somebody told me yeah, but that's that's just G-Gens they love it. Oh, I'm like okay Yeah, but definitely definitely stallion that's I can totally see how that will work
if you're becoming some kind of ambassador, if you're partly benefiting from the success of the project. Yeah. It makes it maybe it also gives a piece of mind for people thinking, okay, I don't have to watch the market or maybe
be flippered or do something like that because I'm getting some passive hbar from it either way so I can just have them sit in my wallet and just I don't know, I'm trying to time look at it and maybe I can sell one in one step.
Yeah, so as far as revshare goes we know how they're offering their revshare. What do we think about the potential for revshare? And I know a lot of people are afraid of revshare because of a potential violation
legal implications. There's a fantastic work around in the US that is 100% legal. But what do you guys think some other potential great ways for revshare are and then I'll give an idea or two if you don't cover them?
So sorry, sorry, a question, Julie. So, so we know how the coin flips to their revshare. What do you guys see? Anybody have any ideas of what else companies may be offering or what potentially could be offered?
in the line, in the direction of red share. I know there's one that is sharing profits and I'm involved in. They're sharing profits monthly and there are holders of a lot of other
profit bearing projects and everything that they profit is distributed out to their NFT holders, which is fantastic. And it's not a huge monthly revshare, but nor was the NFT expensive. What do you guys see coming down the line?
I think it'd be great to see.
and NFT marketplace where you can essentially own a stake in it. I think that the whatever is going to come after Zeus to eclipse Zeus will probably need some component of that. And also Zeus does
make a lot of money. It's not a particularly lucrative business yet. I think they need maybe 10X of the revenue. It's a truly become something that could grow and the state of the employee base.
So perhaps one move rather than selling off your NFT marketplace to VCs or getting foundation backing or something which is probably unlikely for an NFT marketplace at this point.
Perhaps the strategy is to issue a rev share NFT, try to raise low six figures with that, and now you have your operating budget. Maybe give away half the revenue, say, to the holders of that and the part for operations. You can see how that works. That might be a model that works. Something like that.
Anything tied to a tangible service, I think would be a strong move. Yeah, and definitely something that has real utility, right? I mean, that's why I just mentioned coin flipping, for example, I, you know, this is my personal thing. I wouldn't do it, but you know, generally, I'm the opposite of a
gambling man in general. So for me maybe that's not really the vision but you know if for example if you're mentioning an FD marketplace I could say I could totally see this. Yeah I mean totally if people are going to use it I'm getting a bit of it or bit of it then absolutely going to buy it, absolutely going to
hold those NFTs. Yeah, I find it also, you know, we're talking about revenue sharing right now, but just something, I just thought of it. To see those trends within the NFT market, NFT ecosystem within
Adera, right? Or in general, and NFTs on crypto. But to see, I never realized they were so obvious because in 2021 it was really about art. We have certain people like Nyxer with the Gramnitz, which
completely crashed gomins. Some people had like 50 browser tabs open just to grab as many as they could or hash class or those things. They were not even like unique or a serial number. They were like 50 copies.
or 100 copies. So we're all the same NFT and there was no really community around it. Obviously there was a community on Twitter which still is there. But at the certain point it shifted from those art based things projects to
to really utility and community. Those same, progen those same artists, one of who did very well was Hedera robots, if people still remember. But okay, he made those 3D robots and they were doing very
very well. I mean, they will always sell out. And then at certain points, you know, he still released them, but nobody will buy them more because there was no community behind it. And that's something that at certain point started. You need to have that utility of getting into the community. If you hold it and if the party
of that community and that's this whole new expertise needed to manage that community, to be there for the community, to be a voice for the community. And that was something, you know, those artists didn't really have. So you're really sure that shifting from those art to utility to
to the community. Now we're getting a revenue shared at, I think it was suddenly I saw them popping up. Obviously Joey, you're way better with that stuff than me, but Joey always saw them very early. I see
it now, how that works. And yeah, and that's, that's very interesting to follow those trends. And yeah, that's pretty cool. Yeah, yeah, you see that the top two projects on this, or not, web share or
The top project is not even utility based and it's 100% about community and really cool art. I think a lot of people have tried to replicate that and I don't think it's not even easily said.
very difficult. Number two is an art based project that has added some utility over time, but neither of those projects have a token, nor do they have a rev share. And you see a lot of the new projects moving away from that, just for
because it's such a difficult space to be. And what do you guys see aside from revshare as a trending development? I know obviously we're a game and
And the coffee you have, a DEX, which is not self-explanatory unless you've been involved in a DEX, but for those that know how a DEX works, it kind of explains itself how you would get into that. And it's found that you guys have a casino metaverse.
What do you guys see as the trend and you all may have some more experience on other chains? What's trending there because typically we're a little slower to react in Hadeira and we kind of follow suit from other chains or people that aren't successful and other chains bring their projects to Hadeira.
which is fine as long as their project is real and they're actually putting in common money and effort into it. You know I see community focus projects doing well both on Dara and otherwise I think after dark social club for example will be a project that
as well. I think they've done a really good job of community building and kind of in a similar vein. You have a project on ETH like a kid called Beast, which is incredibly cross-chain collaborative. You can see hangry rocking one of their PFPs now, going for that cross-chain engagement, which exactly what I'm
doing with a UDP. That's in no small part to help attract other people to Hedera spaces. I think we're going to see the trend has been where the volume has been lately. It's been going into blue chips particularly
The land drops as well.
that's on, let's say, builders that they have confidence in. And I think certainly Earthlings is at very top of that list on the gaming side. That's for sure. I love the animation that you guys rolled out with the crab behavioral dynamics and that engagement, like
it reminded me so much of the game like World of Warcraft, but with better graphics in your game. I think it's going to be fantastic and I think it's going to attract a lot of people to the network. So high quality builders, revshare, and those blue ship community projects will do well.
nice. Yeah, thank you for the kind words, Estellian. And so could you maybe also not, not, not, proceed going into deep going into the project itself, but you mentioned something like
a kid called something. What is the thing, the core drive there? What is the thing that attracts people? Is it the storyline or is it utilities, community, cross-chain, you mentioned, I believe?
So what is the thing that you think attracts people? That's a good question. Does anybody on the panel where in the audience have more experience with that one? My only encounters with that project has been a couple of spaces I've jumped on briefly.
and seeing, you know, hangry and those folks rocking the PFP is an engaging with that community. I think they're like a community music based, art based, NFT. I don't know, and I think they have like
some ways where you can maybe integrate wearable NFTs with their base avatar, their 3D NFTs as well, which is kind of cool to see 3D collection become popularized. So I don't know what it is about, I don't know what their secret sauce is, but I'm sure there's somebody that
can speak with that either now or in a later space. So thanks so, anybody who's listening right now and says, oh yeah, I know a little bit what's the, what that project believes about. Just go ahead and request to speak. Other than that, I also would like
to ask you please, add a comment, read tweet, share the link to the space with your friends. And yeah, let's attract more people to the space. So Joey, I think I lost my trainer
thought so I'll just throw the mic to you Joey to get him back in track. Go ahead, go ahead, coffee. Sorry if there's a background noise I'm in my kitchen but I was actually talking to Maddie last night from
labs and he was discussing the tool that they're coming out with. It's mainly for Discord. It's like a wallet recognition tool. There's a few of them on the market right now. But an aspect of it that I was not aware of that's very popular on Solana
is essentially using that tool as a wallet collection list where you can essentially assign and allow lists straight off of that data. So instead of all these new projects, you know,
getting their own communities, users will be able to go to this Payng Labs website and see all of the projects that they've essentially been automatically added to the allow list for by
you know, inputting their wallet ID in one of the Discord partners. So that's one of those community building tools that you just don't, we haven't seen on Hedaria and it's probably had a huge impact
on Salana. That's why you see a lot of the same influencers rocking the same NFTs. They're, you know, all part of the same community. That's why you have all that, you know, mixed audiences basically where they'll have
investments in pretty much every NFT project out there. So something interesting to look at for the evolution of NFTs on Hedera and hopefully we see something positive out of the release of that tool and hopefully looking
get some of these smaller projects that boost in the beginning just by automatically get in 500 people on their allow list. So how would that be?
So basically that's instead of for a project, you know, say a project starts with 100 followers or basically starts with zero followers, but you know, ask people to read to each other and so on. You're slowly building and then you say, okay, sign up for the for the wild list or
Yes, sign up and you know, make a chair blah blah and you get this whole grind and progress. So what we're just saying is that tool will just allow you as a new project, you will be able to say, okay, I just want to give away like 500 spots and it just automatically gets.
So you guys use a wall verification tool on your Discord, right? Yeah. So it verifies what type of NFTs each person buys and all that, right? So that tool essentially could, sorry, that's my kettle in the background.
Making that in the tool essentially can store all those wallet IDs for that project. So if you're using, so say you're one project, say there's 10 projects. So you have all of those wallet addresses between all those 10 different projects that are using the same tool
that tool could then store that data essentially of the wallet IDs. And then any new project that comes out can partner with paying labs and get that list essentially. So then when a user goes on their website, they can see
like, "Oh, there's three new projects coming out. I'm automatically added to their allow list." So these new projects can essentially tap into existing communities and they can kind of move with the new projects.
Interesting maybe maybe we should build something like that I'm riding a down filter Are you built it? It's released on Haderat. Oh, yeah, that's what I was saying I didn't know this was a thing until last night and
It was pretty amazing to me that he spent like 10 minutes explaining it to me and I had no idea because I just thought it was a wall of verification tools. So I kind of brushed it off like oh you know we got a bunch of those but then he explained it to me and I was like oh holy shit that's actually genius and something
something that definitely can help foster growth in the community because we're kind of separated right now. A lot of people, they have their tribe and they don't, it's kind of like a war. Oh, this one's better, that one's better. I mean, there's some, obviously, that we agree on. So that kind of brings me to my life.
Yeah, go ahead. Go ahead. My next topic is is at least right into my next topic. Topic is discord. I'm not a fan of it. I've never been a fan of it, but it is a necessary evil. It delayed me part of the reason I didn't get into many projects is because I hated having
to go to a new tab, go to the process of registering within new discord and then having to grind it out. If you look at the, again, go back to Zeus, look at the top two projects. Neither of those do you have to grind on discord to get their project.
on Ghost Club, you had to make a comment once a week to be eligible to win a White List spot. And it's, I don't think I had to do anything for Hungary other than jump in and understand White List spots.
What do you guys think about having to grind day and day out over and over and over and jump through hoops on discord to win white list the projects? There's a lot of people away. There's a model.
model for this. And I can give you an example. You know, right here live on live on spaces, March 13th and 14th, Ganksers Paradise is minting our Colombo Family Collection. And if you would like a white list, all you have to do is jump in our discord, take a screenshot of this space,
and fill in your wallet ID and you will be whitelisted for that mint if you're within the first 30 people from the space. And that's so easy and that's what I'm talking about. That's what I like. Somebody wants me in their discord? Great. Have me in, don't make me jump through 20 oops. So out of form, get a white left.
and rock out by the project. Once I own the project, I'm very likely to go spend time in the discord. And the projects that I own, the owners know, I'll come in and hang out, but I'm not going to grind just for the right to have my first piece of the project. That's my personal opinion. Some people enjoy that part of it, but I
I do not and I just like to hear other people's opinion on it because I don't think I'm the only person that feels that way. So yeah, I'm just going to jump in because definitely feel that way. I don't know what it is, but I probably said it like 10 times, but I'm
I believe that there's a hard cap on age with Discord. So it's probably about 30 or something. I'm above it and that means that you basically get lost on Discord. And I don't know, there's so many stuff happening, all the little lights and things and stuff.
I don't want all those notifications, it just drives me crazy. But if you turn them off, you're kind of missing the cool stuff. And then you think, "Oh, there's something happening. You're looking at it." And it's something somebody decided to take everyone. You're like, "Oh."
Can, no, for me Discord, it's the worst. It's nothing worse than Discord. But that's fine. I'm really trying. I think you must have cut your cloth in the telegram community. That was a really good platform for this.
Sorry, can you repeat that you must have been involved with the OG Hedera Telegram community as well. I think that was a great platform. I miss the Telegram days. I still use Telegram 90% of the time.
I'm in Telegram all day. Yeah, no me too, Stalin and I actually I remember your name from from from the early days when the books still they've grew up for five five thousand people I believe which then suddenly went a another another direction and got the leave it is and so on but
But yeah, we for that we now have to age by lounge so I will definitely say to anybody at doing the age by lounge I will I will pin it up here because it's a very very nice Telegram group With you know laid back people we're about 500 people and a lot of OGs
And yeah, it's funny that you mentioned it's time because Telegram is really straightforward. I mean, you only have to look at one thing. So, so now I completely agree with that. Let me just, I'll pin something on the top.
I agree with the discord stuff. It's not meant for people that don't have time in their day, especially if you're like you said 30 plus. I mean, I'm getting sick and tired of it a little bit. It is a nice tool to have, but I've definitely
shifted my focus towards Twitter and seeing these live interactions more than going in Discord and reading spam chats and good morning. This then, yeah, it's like I said a good tool, but I feel like it's very fake. It's very like, like, bauded and
It's meant for more of the younger crowd that is sitting around at home has nothing else to do and has that time to spend in there. So I'm definitely moving away from that discord model and trying to keep it simple, especially for people that
I don't want to be spam the thousand messages so simple announcements are always better. Hello, you guys hear me I'm in my car. Hey, I'm good. Sorry. I miss like 20 minutes, but I wanted to while I'm so sorry to get my little two cents. I love this court. I think it's a better way
version of Reddit and some of the other forums. You just have to be very picky which discord you're in. So I always find my way back to Club H bar and you get to meet a lot of people with the same interest. Even though I'm like 36, there's still a lot of other stuff guys there.
Even older than I am, but there are more of the exception than the rule I would say. But you get a better dissemination of information. So when people are actually sharing real information, I find this could be extremely helpful. But when it just becomes an advertisement and people are paying for bots and things like that, that's a
that's when it becomes less enjoyable and more of mechanical. The NFT space earlier, so the trends that I've been seeing lately is like the whole ash fall. If you guys saw that they just
created comic book, simple comic book NFTs and made them extremely cheap and everybody was grabbing them up. And so I think gaming NFTs are still going to have a lot of draw and I think it'll be one of the main draws for the NFE ecosystem, not just because of Earthlings, I think
any of the games are going to do well. With those types of NFTs, I still think that has more room to run and having more utility tied to them will help them and keep value during the bear. Absolutely. Yeah, Chris.
That's definitely a good point that you mentioned that because I had it in my head. I wanted to mention it and I don't forget. But definitely, I mean, there's those gaming and things. I mean, right now we're earthlings, you know, a few other projects of course as well.
It's kind of game NFTs related but it's not yet like the utility game NFTs. And I think we have certain form and we'll get a lot of games joining the NFTs space. It will certainly at a certain time it will just be the flute gates that will
open because it actually has, it makes sense to have NFTs for gaming and will be very, very common and people will be massively trading them. Yeah, very good points. I completely agree with what we got to gaming.
Yeah, I think there'd be some other chains that have some good quality games, but Adera offers what's needed for gaming so I think the Metaverse gaming Metaverse Casinos all of that stuff because of what Adera can do in the low cost and the micro-trade
transactions in the quick processing of things I think Adera is going to be a lead or for sure no doubt about it in that space but that also goes to what I think it was Lehman said as a matter of fact, I hope that everything will be
tokenized by that everything will be tokenized which means it's going to be bringing Web 2 to Web 3 and I always has it to create a wallet to jump on Discord to learn how things work to go to a marketplace
to exchange things. If we're hesitant to do that, imagine what the rest of the world is going to be like when we tell them. So how do we bring Web 2 to Web 3 in mass without making people
people go through 15 steps to do it. And we've seen some of the things already like the email wallet creation, but the reality is that's fine and dandy, but you can have a wallet and still not know what the heck is going on.
is to keep -- you have to be able to have like a few words, a few words on a PC, or a couple of console and play and play and play and play and play and play and play and play and play and play and play and play and play and play and play and play and play and play and play and play and play and play and play and play and play and play and play and play and play and play and play and play and play and play#
I think this is too skein, I'm getting...
So I'm just sorry I'm just going to mute you because I don't think you have a good reception because we just hear you very very unclear unless it's just me but I believe it's but I'll try that later on I think I think by running or telling you to go ahead. Yeah.
Thanks to Host in the space. Yeah, so what I've thought is with you know with our project we this is Byron by the way, but with our project we try to really target the in real life and web to community and so one of the major things is that we don't think that you know people that are gonna book a week long charter or
diving course and have nothing about NFTs. First they are going to go get these NFTs. Then they are going to come and be part of our good morning community on Discord and that thing. So when we actually working on our next phase, which is targeting this diving and yawning community, we
to be structuring all our NFTs as digital assets so people will be able to buy an NFT that gives them access to a week on a yacht or a diving course or something you know along those lines and they'll actually mainly go to the web true side so they'll go to our website and essentially follow that step probably never come to the discord and you know essentially a
So, it's the NFT that once they use their week long charter, that NFT is no longer around it's gone, they've redeemed it for their week. And so, we're really focusing on, at the moment we're redoing our whole Web 2 website and all of that stuff. Because our aim is to actually unbord these people
web 3 without them even realizing they own an NFT and they within this ecosystem. So that's one part. I understand the whole web 3 community and that's why we're going to have all the gaps and everything to look after our normal web 3 people. But to onboard this in real life web 2, I think we need to think of it in a way more open space
These people that are, for instance, our target that people are paying $30,000 to $100,000 for a week long charter, they're not going to come and mess around and discord. They're going to buy our digital assets. They're going to go use it for what it's purpose is. It's still an NFT. It's still helping the Hedera ecosystem. But that's them out of the loop. And that's kind of how we#
Yeah, and it's funny that you it's great that you mentioned that the barren and so glad you can be here because I actually know that Jonathan down is one of the things I definitely believe that we will see much more of in the future the real utility real life utility and
And you know that at certain points you don't need to mention NFTs anymore. It's just a digital representation of ownership or a way to certify that you own something that you have this past and that it will unlock something. Or I don't know, it's probably, you know, there's no
There's no limitation in creativity on that aspect. But going into the real world, that's the real utility that's definitely one of the big things that are coming. That also reminds me, second thing of music and of teas. I've seen a lot
lot of developments recently on music NFTs, a lot of focus as well on royalty distribution and the power of NFTs obviously with this. So yeah, I think
also that that wants that industry is going to adopt an FT's that's going to be quite big as well. We haven't really seen music in FT's yet. Mitchell, how are you doing? I saw you requested to speak. Welcome. Yeah, I was going to talk about
everybody already brought up their points and all that and I've just been lazy to drop down as a listener just in case something hot comes up you know I could just press on the mic but yeah I was regarding the spaces you guys already touched it and we've moved on from it so I think I think we're good but but thank you for opening up the floor for
for me. Of course, of course, I was just thinking, just another thing about NFTs, right? One of the my first expensive NFTs I bought, and I thought it was expensive. I can't remember how much it was, but maybe
2000H bar something like that but that was when when H bar was at another 40 cents something like that 30 cents that was a almost again it's it's a profile it was a profile picture and it wasn't you
unique one. So it wasn't like everybody had the same one. It was the unique one that was made by Danny Fordy. And somehow he has been really a bit, he hasn't, has never been really in the NFTs scene, but a lot of people have always appreciated his, his work. There's a lot of free
So he makes E-Mex 3D art and a lot of it's a bit of Fantasia, I recall that mystic stuff that he created. So the profile picture I bought was like this face or this

FAQ on Joey and Milan to EARTH: “What are people buying right now, and why” | Twitter Space Recording

What is the purpose of the podcast?
The purpose is to have a roundtable discussion on various topics related to the NFT space, specifically focused on the Hedera NFT space.
Who are the hosts of the podcast?
The hosts are Joey, Milan, and Hadaradev.
Who are the founders of Earthlings?
The founders of Earthlings are Patrick and Marcel.
What is CREB?
CREB is a dynamic NFT concept that will allow game progress to be stored and resold as an NFT.
What was the popular trend in NFTs in 2021?
The popular trend in NFTs in 2021 was art-based projects.
What was the first NFT that Joey bought?
Joey's first NFT was bought for a couple hundred dollars on a website, and was sold for $4,000 a week later.
What was the response to NFTs on Hedera in the early stages?
In the early stages, there was no marketplace and a lack of knowledge on how to create a wallet, so there was a lot of conversation on Twitter but not much activity until Zeus came along.
What was Capoli's first NFT experience?
Capoli's first NFT experience was on where they participated in contests and eventually bought UFC fighters and loaded lines NFTs.
Why did Capoli move to Hedera?
Capoli moved to Hedera because of the community engagement, with more discussions and collaboration on projects.
What is the frequency of the podcast?
The podcast is planned to be bi-weekly, with alternative weeks featuring the Earthlings founders.