Journey to 250 donations and $15k on Gitcoin #desci #refi #web3

Recorded: April 6, 2023 Duration: 0:26:18



Hey, thanks for joining and thanks for the link that you've shared with me.
Waiting for more people to join, I think for up to five minutes.
Well, let's a bit upset. It means that I need to shield more so one case is growing but unfortunately
It was still not interested. The last time I did Twitter spaces was like half a year ago and yeah I need...
to prepare a bet for the upcoming Gitcoin round.
I need to think of a strategy that, but basically, yeah, that strategy is quite simple. I have to create a new version, publish it. Oh, thanks for
I'm quite upset to prepare more before get going a bad round and I was thinking how it could be done.
Hey, would you like to jump on the stage to talk about our projects?
I think people just have to survive having no good public with their spaces. It's really really upset.
But it goes that I started to prepare in advance like 3 weeks before the round. So, need to show more. I'll be left at 6 minutes after the call.
I have no idea what to talk about and if I should stay for a long time just to talk for the whole hour. I think it's better just to talk for the whole hour.
about long-term steps. I've been in touch with quite a lot of space engineers who are really dedicated their life to space exploration, to lunar exploration.
The fanfactor, the main topic in all space engineering community, the about requirements management, about specifications and about really boring stuff, like how you're dealing with the documents, how you make the projects succeed, the space engineering
Any engineering is quite similar. Space engineering has its own specifics. I think that when you send something to space, you have no control. You cannot fix it, you cannot come to fix it. So everything has to work properly one time.
And it means that all the complex systems like robots and other stuff is really hard to design. So it's been divided into subsystems. Every subsystem is being tested and designed separately. So at some point in time, a huge question is how to
establishationships, how you set interfaces. And that's the whole space systems engineering. So all about setting interfaces, describing interfaces between different systems.
It's really fun here, it's really easy to distinguish space engineer from other people just by if a person can discuss government management with a passion for several hours, the head definitely kills a space engineer. Yesterday I've jumped on a really interesting
with the guy who is super experienced who has been working for I believe more than 10 years in space engineering and he led a group that created a lot of standards called the most
for DOD and he was looking like for the whole hour he was just talking about standards with a really long name that he participated in creation. It was really funny to
view how things like it was just here really fine so hope I'll get here with him in touch. And the main idea of Lunke is to and read these issues and to make a tool that would allow everyone to just collaborate.
Software really changes the way how things are created around us because things are complex systems and software allows you to handle that complexity.
Unfortunately most of the really needed software for engineering costs a lot around like 10k per engine per year per software.
The first and the main reason is that there are a lot of things that has to be done. And for everything, you just have to have a dedicated software because it's complex. However, there is a catch.
Regular, let's say the two companies it's in their interest to create great software but then to Maniple live the market and just you know to sell it for a lot of money and It results in the fact that it's not in the interest
interest of any complicated software to support open standards and it's not in interest to make those standards like really good. So nowadays most of the time space in January looks like you just send back and force a lot of separate files like documents to read
the screen shot analysis and it takes a lot of time so maybe 20% of your time you spend on engineering and 80% of time you spend on working with the documentation. It's really a bit
So, I think one of the biggest reasons why there are no real interoperability between systems in that software that is used to create Flamson is not open, it's a proprietary.
And there are a lot of organizations that work all over the world to understand the organization of everything that we have enough that we have around us. That's the organization is really important just to make things work together. That's how when you start learning software,
for engineering. You have to learn to decomple the tasks into smaller tasks and then compose from smaller tasks a bigger solution. So that's what every engineer does.
A lot of great companies, they created a lot of great open standards that are decent or even really good enough, but professionals also have to adapt and support it. So, in particular, I'm talking about REC if requirements interchange format.
It's a quite simple XML based format that allows you to just describe in a separate entities, basic rigor environments like your system should have more than x.
And yeah, you can exchange it easily. So it's really important to provide a good UX.
a great user experience to allow people to utilize. I mean, with Open Standards it's really to easy to exchange the results of your work with others. And the main idea is just to make a really great tool with a
really great user interface that would provide engineers with really great experience, allow them to model all types of complex systems from Earth, from different cycles on Earth to the whole lunar colony and to the whole solar system.
Look is just a core for that. It just occurs that allows you to connect and visualize different types of information. One of the huge issues related to all the engineering solutions they
have to use data in 3D, they use like, we live in three dimensional worlds. So those tools has to support 3D visualization out of the box.
And they all rely on their own dedicated solutions. These solutions are really efficient, but unfortunately they are really close. And community, they are separated. So they just, you know, win the wheel.
When I was thinking of a long car, I figured out that basically you need a 3D engine. I started to look for 3D engines available for the market and it turns out that basically you need a game engine. You also can use the game engine, game engines.
focused on real-time visualization. Real-time visualization is really important because it means that you get response from the system instantly and it means that you do not have to wait until information would be presented. You just do it in real-time. And game engines really know how
to do that. They are optimized, they are fast and they are just created, you realize, a 3D dating in an interactive way. And out of all 3D engines available to the market, basically there are 3D, 3D, 3D, A-Class, game engines.
Unity Unreal Engine and GoDofor, I mean just GoDofor. The new version version 4 was released on March and like it's a huge lip forward. GoDofor is a triple A game engine however, it's decent.
definitely if you're working on a commercial game, I suggest to you with another tool, but if you're working on open source solution available for everyone then go do it on the option. And that opens that the core of open architecture, open
a free for all that core idea. It's a framework that allows you to build complex applications, having all the necessary data and models under your hand related to Lunar and Space Exploration. And at the store store, this license
under MIT license. Everyone at any point in time can modify the code in any possible way he wants to even start selling the code. Just you have to keep threads. So that's a truly open system. I mean that everyone, you know, from just pick it up and start using
for all the tasks. And with AI things are changing, so for sure, like I'm really sure that in the next couple of years, our main interface would be, would be like,
The IProm tool, but still, the data has to be visualized. And at that point in time, nothing is better than CodorgZist. Codorg is not perfect, but it's really decent. It has a lot of tools for a great visualization. And if you
If you want to simulate, if you want to design a lunar base, you have to need a lot of computation power. Moreover, most of the simulations like CFD, computer fluid dynamics, they are not possible in real time with existing computation powers.
But there is like a solution neural network in the universe where I break the net from meaning that you can pre-calculate the model, pre-render the model, pre-bake the model depending on like do the same stuff, you can do calculations in advance and then some
how you the results. That's a basic maybe the golden role of computer science at tradeoff between memory and like there is a memory complexity and there is computation complexity and you kind of do both. You either have to computer
on the flyer or you have to do pre-calculations. So with the modular and extensible architecture it's possible to like with the GVTC you can portray in a lot of different models and there are a lot already existing
that allow you to connect these models. Still you have to visualize that model, still you have to put to get some or a lot of data related to simulations. And that's like, let's get all the information in place. That another idea of
Maybe the most important part of the whole project is that from my experience people who do stuff, they are really open quite well, at least a lot of them are really open and a lot of them are really willing to collaborate with each other, they are happy
to share the results of their work with each other and now it's made through the internet or Google through search engines soon. I would help to process and get the summary of the whole information. However, still people would communicate
a lot and still engineers they have just a special language they have a special tasks and more than web 3 technologies they allow to distribute UGC if you are from game user generated contact or content more than
tools decentralized systems like APFS allowed you to distribute content to Marunk all the users without having a central server meaning that you know everyone would be able to publish with the design and no one can
can stop you from doing it. It has its own challenges because there are a lot of, let's say, not so good people who could use the technology and the information for better. But I'm quite optimistic people. I really believe in solar punk ideas and I think that with time
A lot of people would start to understand why we are here, why we are on the planet, and I believe that most of the people are good, and they all use that huge capability for good. Like, if you'll be able to...
you know, just search through all the archives of all the requirements, standards and all the boring engineering stuff using AI and then visual live, you then a lot of tools of that allow you to easily understand connections that what changed the world.
For the last year, Luca was started last May and for the I've built a prototype on Nungado 3.5, it was quite complicated to build because unfortunately it's not so advanced.
So, what I was waiting for, God of War, it's really different. It's really on the next level. Basically, if I'll be investing time in building Lunca on God of 3.5, then at today when God of War
the release, I just had to start everything from scratch because just go to 4 and address most of the things that are a deal breaker that are stopped actors.
So, for the last year I focused on building community establishing relationships with people. Now, a lot of people in this side world knows about, a lot of people in this space knows about.
and a lot of serious projects signed for for LUNCA profile. It's time consuming, it's really hard, it's all about talking to people and explaining what you are building on a daily basis.
a year ago look ahead around 50 followers and now it has around 2000 followers so it's quite big growth
But what's really important is it has a lot of real engineers that issue exists and they already somehow tried to like the problem of communication.
and other people exist for years and the problem of organizing the design of complex projects like robots exist for thousands of years. It's just computers and more robots
decentralized networks and to decentralize approach. I mean just just blockchain and it appeared around 10 years ago just 10 okay not 10 okay 14 years ago and
Ethereum appeared like eight years ago. So all the changes that were made when those systems appeared, they just have to take some time for those changes to take
place and
Everyone in the space engineering, like a lot of working groups, in us volunteers, they worked on the problem of standardization.
data exchange project management. They all created a diverse set of tools. However, those tools are
web to base. So either you
create a great tool but it will be a paid tool so you'll have to pay it or you can make open source tool but you have no time to create it because you have to work somewhere to pay your bills.
Githcoin really changed everything and we just have to wait till a lot of public goods infrastructure would be built according to. Thanks to Githcoin and the amazing community around the Githcoin.
long could just have the idea that you can have such a tool or it is completely free and open source, that's just an arch and
I'm just, you know, I'm just the right guy in the right time who is working on the idea. I'm really happy that I'm slightly ahead of all the space engineers because
There are not so many real space engineers in the factory community who leave for crypto and that's one of the advantages that I have. I just was forced to leave for crypto and then really have
And on the other hand, the people who live for crypto, there are not so many engineers, space engineers. So I'm like in two worlds, I'm trying to get best from all the worlds.
not sure if it will happen but for sure I'll... my best to make it happen
I think that's all I want to say for today. Like, I cannot talk for hours, but at least I was able to talk for 24 minutes.

FAQ on Journey to 250 donations and $15k on Gitcoin #desci #refi #web3 | Twitter Space Recording

What is the main idea behind Lunke?
The main idea behind Lunke is to address collaboration issues and create a tool that would allow everyone to collaborate more easily in space engineering.
Why is it difficult to establish relationships between different systems in space engineering?
It's difficult to establish relationships between different systems in space engineering because you cannot fix or come to fix something once you've sent it to space. Therefore, complex systems like robots have to be designed as separate subsystems, and every subsystem is tested and designed separately.
What is the main challenge in space systems engineering?
The main challenge in space systems engineering is setting interfaces and describing interfaces between different systems, which is crucial for making sure the systems work together properly.
Why is software so important in engineering?
Software is crucial in engineering because it handles the complexity of complex systems. It allows engineers to decompose tasks into smaller ones and then compose a bigger solution from them.
What are some of the challenges in space engineering related to software?
One of the biggest challenges in space engineering related to software is the cost of complicated software. It can cost up to 10k per user per year, and most of it is proprietary with no open standards, resulting in interoperability issues and making it hard to exchange results of work with others.
What is the main goal of Lunke?
The main goal of Lunke is to provide engineers with a great user experience and a tool that allows them to model all types of complex systems from Earth to the whole solar system.
What are some of the issues related to engineering solutions and 3D data?
One of the issues related to engineering solutions and 3D data is that they rely on their own dedicated solutions, which are really efficient but proprietary and separated from the community. Also, these solutions need to support 3D visualization out of the box.
Why are game engines helpful in space engineering?
Game engines are helpful in space engineering because they are optimized for real-time visualization and interactive 3D data. They are fast and can be used to build complex applications, having all the necessary data and models under your hand related to lunar and space exploration.
What is Godot Engine?
Godot Engine is a free and open-source game engine that allows you to build complex applications with all the necessary data and models under your hand related to lunar and space exploration. It is a framework that is available under MIT license.
What is the current state of software for engineering in space engineering?
The current state of software for engineering in space engineering is that most of the time is spent working with documentation, and there is no real interoperability between systems. Open standards like REC (Requirements Interchange Format) exist, but engineers need to adapt and support them, and software companies are not incentivized to make those standards really good. However, Lunke aims to change this by providing a great user experience and making open standards more accessible.