Jungle Jam TakeOver 2024 @AlphaKongsClub 🦍📈

Recorded: Jan. 30, 2024 Duration: 1:39:06



Yo, yo Lucy accept the co-host
Because up here with me playing some music inviting some more people but Lucy if you can hear me except the co-hosts
All right, all right
Happy Tuesday. What's up, Lucy? How's it going? How's everyone doing happy tesla's Tuesday? Happy taco Tuesday
Happy all the Tuesdays
Gonna have some nice chill time. Did I heard the cloud in the background right before you start speaking?
Heard the what?
Like a cloud a cloud like a like a bong rip, maybe yes
Do we want to get alpha comms that the main page we want to get them up here or
They actually traveling if I'm not mistaken to Costa Rica, so
Unfortunately, our ax handler will not be able to be here to net tonight, but for the next 100%
Yeah, no problem. You know what? I'm just gonna look at their pin tweet
So I'll just pin something up while we kind of like talk and hang out a little bit
Just kind of like introduce my community to your community and I'm part of your community now
So I really appreciate that and yeah, man. I'm happy to be here. Happy. We're doing this
I got referred to you by like three different people that were saying that yeah
You're like you're really awesome guy like stand up in a bunch of different ways
So I'm happy we finally connected and we're gonna start doing this
Weekly and yeah, I'd love to actually could I don't know if you're already connected with the or exchange
I see Andy in the crowd. We could definitely talk about that as well, but but yeah Lucy. How's it going, man?
How's your day?
All good. All good. You know, it's it's um, you know
Not not an easy day to run thousand tests, but overall it's a nice day
Windows of opportunities open up
So to be honest like very excited and so happy to you know to vibe with you
So happy to connect of both amazing communities and yeah
Nice. Perfect. Well, I did send you to co-host request
So if you could accept that then you'll have a then you'll have a ability to invite people up or any of that
So we'll be good to go
Let's let's get like a little intro about your guys's community and kind of a little bit about what you guys have been going through
And what you're doing now and what you guys have planned
So now it's actually, you know your title
Explain a lot about who alpha comes are. So
You know, we're not original
founders of the of the project
we had very
strong community and
We just didn't like what they were doing and we called them in the last moment and we take over the the club
So our team came from community
You know and and we've been building entire bear market
and pretty much, you know, so super
happy, I'm personally happy and I'm proud of what we achieved and we're growing and
I'm really really looking forward, you know to
Start speaking about us on more
More spaces just to show people that like we are real. We are a very strong community a lot of amazing
Guys, you know, we jump on the calls. We know each other. We support each other. We grow together
We build together we push together
Yeah, I was in a discord a little bit the discord is popping in there
You guys are like as so many I think everyone in the discord welcomed me. It was like really warm welcome. I appreciate that
Yeah, you know, I remember when we opened up the new discord. It was just like few of us and
We grew to I think over four and a half thousand
So it's real
It's friendly vibes and what's beautiful the conks, you know support each other and it's like so nice to see it on a daily basis
Where we talk about different alphas not only crypto related life related. We had talks about what is the best?
Toilet for cats, you know, I mean and like
You know everything you know, we're building like a the class
Everything you know, we're building like the club, you know, where where people will want it to be there and
they will know that
It's a real place and and it's run by community the team came from community
We're building for community that's our vision to grow and and have the safe spot for everyone, right? Is it?
regarding the safety or
What's the best market break place to trade?
So and if you are there somewhere brother join us on the stage
So, you know, yeah, how about you like, you know, tell me a little bit more about you and your community
Yeah, well just like a little short little sniff bit about me I
It kind of always it kind of fit for me because being a fighter and I've always been into
been into weed when I came on to crypto Twitter and I got into dogecoin first back in like
2019 and then it kind of bled in
2020 and then that's why I started learning about NFTs and
Yeah, I just kind of went all in
Here on crypto Twitter and I started with like 3,000 followers and I gained a lot
Yeah, I think I have like close to 190,000 now and
Yeah, I just been here. I started supporting smaller artists
and then do doing like just fun buying spaces and then
Yeah, I've done that throughout the bear market in the bull market. I used to like sponsor artists like
Give people basically a certain amount of money per month or at least promise them
I would buy a certain amount of art per month for months and months. So I did that for a little bit
We did some contests with our I've done a lot of art centric stuff
But I've also you know messed around some of these DJM communities made some investments, you know
I'm trying to make some flips try to have fun here too as well
But yeah, I'm a big fan of artists big fan of art and I've been collecting a lot and that's kind of what got me
my popularity and
People I think people like that. I'm a fighter and I smoke a lot of weed
so I just kind of leaned into all my strengths since I've been here on Twitter and
Yeah, I've been really liking it. So but I only I only associate myself with
Legit people good projects, you know real founders people that are really building, you know, and
Yeah, I built up a really good reputation. I feel like and yeah, I've connected with a lot of amazing people from web 3
I met Mike Tyson. I smoked out with Mike Tyson on his podcast met a bunch of other celebrities that day as well and
Gone to New York a bunch of times for NFT stuff in Miami and just done a lot of cool traveling the last couple years
Yeah, I'm really I'm really here for it. I'm really just supportive of people that are into web 3 they're into crypto that are in the NFTs and
People are always like people go back and forth, you know between there's a lot of rucks. There's a lot of stuff going on
There's a lot of shady stuff
But it's kind of like one of the things that attract to me about crypto when I first got involved because I'm like man
This is crazy
Like this is like the wild wild west and that's kind of what it is when it's like defi when it's like, you know
there's no centralized people
securitizing everything so
yeah, I like it in that sense and
Yeah, I'm just here to learn here to grow and
I'm trying to be like someone you think about when you think about NFTs and weed you think about me
You know NFT kid has really trying to push that name
First time when I when I you know cross the path with your your profile
Like I remember and then you know, I start like following you and like you're everywhere. You're everywhere, you know
So so, you know, I have a question to you
How do you do it, you know how?
You know work in IRL and you know spending so much time with your community or fans in the web 3
Like how do you do it because you know like from person personal?
It's a challenging, you know, it's a challenging and I joined the space
I collect art in the real life or I used to at least I don't have any more walls in my house to
Hang the painting paintings and kind of this is how a very good friend of mine
Which I call him crypto god because this dude is amazing
Danny moon is in our community
Any question crypto related he he will just write you write you like a white paper
So I said like Lucy, you know, why don't you check the NFTs and I'm like, what the hell are the NFTs?
And he said like this is the art, you know, like if you buy let's say 10 20 50 whatever X painting
What is the utility of it? You know, yes, it's investment. Yes. It looks beautiful on your wall, you know and
But there is this form of digital art which you can have it in your in your wallet and you know
You have the IP right to it and check it out. So that's kind of you know, like how I said
Okay, let's let's give a try and you know, it end up with you know few thousand NFTs and then the wallet
So, you know, that's who we are today
Because I like very detailed art and adore the the artists that
You know do this detail art now, you know
Like why I'm wearing Kong because it's so much detail and in this
You know PFP or in this Kong and it's created by a genius artists
Very well respected and in the world. So kind of, you know my story of the life
Nice nice
I was trying to invite some of the some of the Kong's up here just to make the stage look cool with all Kong's up
Here but yeah, if any Kong's wanna cup and speak anyone want to come up
We'll just kind of hang it out get to know each other's communities a little bit
I did post up the pin tweet for the Alka Kong's are back as a cool little video shows the graphic
And yeah, these things are detailed really really dope
Yeah, we got we got David on the stage the og David, how are you brother?
Is he on the stage I just invited my friend dojmala say what's up
What what up, how's it going good good good man, how we feeling dog
How we feeling just popped in and say what's up and learn about these Alpha Kong see what's Gucci
Yeah, man these things are dope they're fucking they're 3d and they're detailed as hell
Looking fire, but just to do a little sidetrack real quick dojmala because I'm looking at your PFP man
These goddamn dojimals are flying off the Richter scale
That was it I told everybody I knew I was like better get in before it explodes and people are like nah, man
It's good. So rug. I was like look man. All you gotta do is do your own research
It's pretty straightforward
Everything was free and then all of a sudden soon as they were gonna get listed and people were like that's not gonna happen
I'm like, all right. Well, you can believe whatever you want
But I'm glad you listen and you were able to get on man
I got like two other people in but I had like 40 or 50 people say it dog. They're now now they're like what her
Yo, yeah, that's just the way it is though, that's all good. It's all good
We will you will enjoy these riches these doge riches and I love that it's on the dogecoin chain and all that
so anyways, Lucy, what we're talking about these dojimal dogs on the dogecoin chain and
I got my mom involved. So she's like real pumped about it. So it's funny
Anyways, I do want to say what's up to David?
My mom got two guys
Can you guys hear me?
Yeah, yeah, what's up David I saw you got rugged
Yeah, I'm fine. I'm fine. I just I don't know what's happening cuz I'm on my PC not on the phone and
First I wasn't listening to Lucy now. I didn't listen to dodge mall. So I'm not sure
The PC is running me, bro
Well, but oh you can't hear those. Yeah, I couldn't hear what he said what he said, but I can hear you
That's that's enough for me. First of all, it's a pleasure for me to be in
the stage with you
professional fighter
Yeah, I love the work you're doing in the in the in the space that's that's awesome and
yeah, I'm with the Alpha Kong's club since almost the beginning not since the mint but after the mint and
proud owner of a few Kong's and a few omegas, I love the art and I love I
Love the most what I love the most about this project is the community and all the effort that the team is putting into
into leading this project the step forward and
Delivering so many points of the roadmap they promised and that's awesome, man. We got a really nice
The staking system the deep into the jungle page and yeah, we also have a
Crazy crazy crazy rewards page where you where we can read him some rewards
With the free Omega coins we get from having our Kong's take us in there. That's awesome. That's really utility right here
Yeah, that's it for now
If you have any questions
Here to help you guys also
Trying to know a little bit more about our community and what we do on our discord and right now
We are trying to wake up the motherfucker Kong's that are hibernating. Sorry for the bad language sometimes occurs
But yeah, that's what we're trying to do right now trying to wake up the old holders that are still sleeping
Trying to bring a little bit more value on the floor price
so we can get more attention from other people and
Take take Pluto to us. That's it
You know what I think next time as you were saying that I
think me and Lucy are gonna have to do a little a little sweet party next week or something and
You know get it going and we're gonna we know we're not these floors, you know
Fathers or mothers, but we're gonna raise them like they were our sons and daughters
you know what I mean, we're gonna raise all these floors up and
We'll see what's up might do a little sweet party
I think it would be a lot of fun and we could do it like interactive with the community
Maybe they get a little something something if they sweep a couple some raffle
I don't know we could do some fun community building stuff me and Lucy will talk about it in the DMS for next week
But um, but yeah David, thanks for sharing with us. I appreciate it
I wanted to hear from somebody in the community give us some good feedback and kind of a testimonial on what's been going on
And yeah, so thank you. Thanks for being up here. I was looking at your page. You made all these cool graphics
I didn't even see them till now. I was like, oh my god
I should have retweeted these way earlier today, but now I'll be on it now
I know that you're like you're like a
Active community member will say I appreciate a very active call. We'll say but go ahead
It's it's you know coming from where we came and to be right here on the stage with legends, you know, it's like
You know finding the gold in the web 3, you know what I mean?
And we were just the community members, you know, we were an investors with
knowledge of building and
Now like our developers
They really don't like us because we challenge them
We were you know with with implementations and making everything sustainable and pretty
You know to interact with they like oh my gosh, dude, you learn so fast, you know you guys you can't you learn so fast and like
It's something, you know super cool and that's a massive utility in the web 3
You know everyone who has a little bit of the time
Can can you know learn a lot about trading about security about you know, this beautiful way to
How we can connect with with each other
And and yes, it's just it's just cool cool place. It's also very dangerous place
But overall it's a very nice place to be
And we also have the lovely white sky up here with us
she's an aspiring artist here and she's probably just up here to hang out with us and
So I just want to kind of say hi to her. Hi white skies going. How's your day? It's my voice
I like lower my voice for you like
But hi, how's it going? How's your day? I
Talked to you like a little kid. Hi, how's your day?
No, we don't have
hi, you're key and
all of your friends are listening and
Me she's so much. Well, you know actually and my day was a little
annoying because I was writing and
Tonus is space and I couldn't talk to him. I really wanted to talk to me
Yes, that's a then I'm working on the new collection. I'm going on foundation
I hope you like it and
Yes, I work on a couple of collaborations with my friends and
Hi dear and dear Tony and
Yes, I'm so happy to be here dear kids and thanks for
Accepting me and being so kind and supportive to me. Love you so so much
Of course, of course
Lucy this is my friend white sky
Pleasure to meet you. Oh my gosh white sky you have such a like like
gentle voice
She's strong though. She's a black-boned jitsu. So watch out. She'll fuck you up
Just kidding
All right
All right. I wasn't trying to invite some of the other community members. I see in the crowd
They're probably like what I'm just trying to listen this guy keeps sending me invite requests now, but it's all good
I just if you guys want to come up and say hi
I'm just trying to fill the stage with some cool Kong's some cool PFPs up here, but
But yeah, yeah
Is there anything any little announcement announcements any alpha that we want to talk about today with the crowd and kind of share a little bit?
You know announcement is actually ready we're just
Waiting for the right moment. So I can give you the alpha which was untold as of yet
So our team has built from community
So there's two individuals in the a KC that are just I'm sorry busting them their balls every single day
So we decided to promote them, you know, just to help us push together
So that's the alpha those two individuals are you know
like we I give the massive respect for all support and they're actually on the
And on this space
As always they always there
So, you know that's I think like a cool alpha and
Announcement this announcement is coming for you
We very successfully deployed and the third upgrade of our
AKC universe, which is like soft staking system
So we'll be going over
More in details about all the changes and the improvements that that we just deployed
Nice well good good. Good. All right. We're hearing a first here space is recorded too
And I know what time is it over there for you? Because I know you said it might be a little late if we did
Are you what's your time?
So in the US and it's three
Ok, I see cool. Cool
Sounds good. Sounds good. Nice. It was perfect. I'll get this out of the way
Take a little nap and go train again later and then man two training sessions a day you're done
But uh, anyways, let's say how to doge my real quick. He has a hand up. What's up? What's up?
Yeah, I just want to know
Like as far as what you guys are building or adding on to from beforehand
What what type of mission do you guys have with the new I guess lead group pulling the project back out?
Say, you know we we took a big challenge, you know taking over the project and leading
You know our community
So, you know very honestly and very true, you know being super transparent. We had a lot of cleaning
after you know
The old thing. So I believe that
2023 was the year of cleaning or we pretty much removed from the equation all their developments and
You know our goal was to
to to bring as many as possible of the old
you know, let's say investors or
You know regroup the community and
We still did not announce
What will will be doing we already have everything
Prepared, you know, we voted on the road map. So super crazy excited to actually announce it
Sorry, you know, we're just putting everything on the back end together
to start executing that and
Yeah, I hope that answer your question
Yo, yo, we got David with this hand up what's I like the hands look we're getting some questions
We're getting some some questions back and forth some inquiries. Go ahead David
Yeah, so sorry. Um, I
Worked again on the PC. So uh, fuck the PC. I've joined on the on the phone
It's better this way
So I'm here on the discord server and vice and are we need it's kind of challenge me to do one thing
But first of all, let me just
Tell Lucy that Darwin vice is telling him to go on the on the team shed
You know your focus is a glossy. So he's asking me to tell you this and
What's vice and are we in the challenge? Me too. I'm a man of the challenge. I like to
Be up to the challenge
So yeah, I think I'm gonna drop some bars. I'm not I'm not a rapper or anything like that
Some of these when I was young like
15 years ago or maybe more. I just can't remember right now. Yeah, like 18 years ago at least
But yeah, so don't know if guys are ready, but here I go
We've been warning your asses. You'll be left sitting in the curb
Don't be dumb and grab the opportunity to be in the Alpha Kong's club. Let's go
Did you do do do do do
All right, did I do good like I'm trying to use the soundboard
Thank you, thank you for that
All right, we got David as a co-host to look at this two Kong's is the co-host that's what's up
That looks good. That looks good. I'm gonna take a screenshot just cuz it looks so good. All right
All right, we get cash for up here to
cash for he's like I
Don't want to say he's a head of cocaine and I'm not a big cocaine person
But I'm sure if your person could be cocaine you could sniff them up and you could be feeling like whoa
Holy shit. So anyways without further ado, let's say honest Casper real quick. Just give them a little hello
She Wow, I have never heard myself described as a hit of cocaine
I did go I was one of the lucky few who was able to get into lucky yesterday
relatively early I had whitelist and
I went into their discord a little bit later and someone was like who is that guy yelling the whole time?
He had to be coped up and I was like, oh, yeah, absolutely
You must be referring to me and no just high on life just high on life
That's all and high on holding because that motherfucker is sending
But you know, that's neither here nor there. I appreciate you. Let me come up on stage
Just wanted to stop by and say hi
Say what's up with the community and make sure that I run through this space and until Twitter limits me
I'm gonna be following every single person I see in this space. I've been working on it
So looking forward to building and connecting with you all
Definitely liking this alpha Kong's club shit that I'm seeing though
You know, I any and see first off David. He's got his tongue sticking out
Just like Casper we can get some dollar signs in the eyes. I can see a lot of opportunity there
but always happy to see
Different potential projects to possibly collab with or be able to assist with their marketing branding and and different strategies
So just wanted to say hi. Thanks for letting me give them a little cocaine-fueled shout-out. It's greatly appreciated and I teach it very
No, I thought you were gonna do that cash goes burr, you know what I have stopped
Yelling and I'm basically what I'm trying to show people lately if you watch me in any space not yelling in general
Like here's here's what well, here's the thing, right?
We have to yell for the people that we're trying to partner with and collaborate with right
We have to yell for our friends as loud as we yell for ourselves
Okay, that has to be the same energy
So if you guys notice you haven't heard me yelling a whole bunch of cash go burr
I'm yelling all the different projects that I'm trying to collaborate with that I'm trying to help grow
You see those on my timeline more than anything when I'm rating tweets
I'm rating tweets for projects that I know are legitimate that I'm not even necessarily
partnered with
Right. That's just how I'm trying to move and and it may be a little bit different
But I'm gonna keep moving this way because because I feel like if I keep doing it
Right, and I keep doing it with sincerity and I keep doing it with consistency
Eventually, maybe other people will be yelling cash those burr for me and I won't have to yell it
So I'm just gonna keep building. I'm gonna keep trying to bring value anywhere and everywhere. I can I'm gonna keep paying attention. I take notes
Y'all y'all y'all think I don't take notes. I take notes. I
See I see who hasn't touched my project. I see who doesn't retweet my shit and that's fine
I'm gonna keep supporting we support we don't get petty right? We grow
We grow and we grow together because when we win we win together
Thank you, thank you everyone check out his profile check him out look at what he's doing he's definitely a supporter definitely active and
Yeah, no, I liked your energy. I didn't mean it as a bad way
I was just trying to I took it as the biggest compliment someone saying my energy was like if a person could be cocaine
I didn't take that in any way
Anyone has ever served me in my life
Cocaine can be a good time
Cocaine's addictive
It's fun. It's high energy. So if I'm like a hit of cocaine, I will fucking take you
Not to hit a cocaine just a compliment. No. Yeah
Yeah, I'll give you a hit of that compliment and you know, you're all the good none of the bad
So you're you're nothing like cocaine because you know, it's not like there's a lot of bad associate with that
So you're all the good. So, all right, we're moving on
Man I put myself in these sticky situations with the shit I said, but
Bicep calm I want to say what's up to him rocking that PFP with the little hat no cap
But he has a cap. How's it going?
Nope, he's hasn't I might know other so what's up? What's up?
You like my be a beat
I do. Yeah, I do
Get that chain to get a fat chain the glasses. You're like smart head blinks
Yeah, I'm doing good man, I just
Just fixed a big joint for myself. So
Yeah, I'm gonna enjoy it and I'm listening to the space and you know, I enjoy every moment of it. So yeah
We're coming
Cheers. All right, you're you're blowing up a joy enjoying that look I'm gonna take a bong rip to you
Remember the first years you remember the first time when I when I send you the message do you like wheat and and of these?
Did you send me that message I'll have to go I'm gonna look at what's the first message I sent to you
You gym, oh sure I had you like do you so quick
Hell yeah, nice. Yeah. Yeah, no pain. Okay. Yeah
Cheers to you
But bicep call how's your day?
How long have you been involved this project doing good, but doing good
Yeah, I've been in this project actually from from start. So
yeah from from the first moment from mint and
Don't tell now and yeah together with with the new team and very proud of everybody and especially Lucy
Yeah, you know, like I've told you many times in my messages
Such a great guy and yeah
We're lucky with him. Oh
You were one of the ones given Lucy compliments in the background, yeah, okay. Yeah. Yeah
All right. All right, that's what's up
You know compliments left and right, you know, how about some fuck
No, it doesn't exist I don't think it exists in a QC anymore it used to be but
You know, we have so many legends and you know some something cool about
Conces like we are like from where to be everywhere, you know
Like if you start naming the countries, we're probably gonna cover the half of the globe
So it's a utility, you know to speak like David. He's from Portugal
You know, I'm from I'm from Amsterdam. So or actually from the egg, but yeah near to Amsterdam. So, you know, what's up?
It's actually like a eye-opener, you know, like where can we meet people from all around the world and just you know vibe with them?
and you know, I
Don't know even get get to know like they're there, you know
Kitchens we got a nice channel in a in a club or concert just posting what they're eating
And it's sometimes and those new because I'm hungry as hell and they put such a delicious stuff in front of my screen
I'm like, ah
Know nice
Didn't want to say hello to my friend my good friend my brother doodle genics. Okay, Tony
He's up here with us. I think he's a little curious about what you guys are doing the jumble jungle jam takeover
It's kind of a mouthful
jungle jam takeover
2024 what's up, Tony? How you doing? Yo, yo, what's up? Keith? What's up, Lucy?
What's up, the Alpha Kong Club? I've seen this PFP before and I really actually like the 3d assets and
It's cool. And I think I missed a little bit about it
but seems like you guys are really trying to get the project we going again, so that's super cool and
Everything's moving into 3d. I was just going through the timeline
so yeah, basically they're the the whole founders weren't we're doing the right thing and
Yeah, Lucy and some other people in the project just retook it over
Basically, so it's all ran by the community now. So and that's been for a little while now. So yeah
That that's a little fill in for you, Tony
Yeah, it's dope
I've seen the IP before and I actually really like it kind of reminds me of kind of similar to the hype beast and the
Supreme Kong so it's apes were like the prominence of NFTs when
When the bull market was here, so it's really dope Lucy. I look forward to connecting with you, dude
I just shot you a follow and I'm tapped in with the journey. I heard everyone was smoking weed
It was for 20 20 minutes ago, and then I heard my man come up and explode like cocaine
I'm like fuck. I got to roll some weed
So I'm here rolling up right now came for the vibes came to support Keith came to support you guys the amazing Kong
Community and really get the alpha. So much love to you
Alright, alright, that's what's up. Alright, well, we've talked to everyone which said what's up. So Lucy
How you feeling? We did pin some pin tweets up to the top
I did the GM one that David made I think or maybe David didn't make this this was by the
AKC Club, but then I got that video you guys have up there
So anyone in the crowd you guys want to support us definitely, you know, give them some likes give them some engagement. Say, what's up?
Lucy should we do like a little giveaway some something should we just I know it doesn't say it
I know we didn't have anything announced, but I don't know should we do what kind of giveaway you're trying to do
You know, that's kind of my specialty
Don't know just like an easy one like retweet the room follow so and so let's so so let's let's pick
Let's pick one task, right one primary task. Every task you add is gonna reduce engagement, right?
We're gonna have them do an extra thing
So if we want to post separate giveaways one for follow this person or these two people and then one for retweet the room
That'll have a lot more effect than trying to combine all these extra actions just in my opinion
Okay, you're right, you're right. All right
I got you if we sweep the room and here's what we'll do
We'll double the prize if the winner is active in the chat when we draw how does that sound?
So we'll do $20 just for someone who retweets the room and then we'll give an extra 20 if they're active and engaged
In the chat when we draw we'll draw it in 15 minutes
Right, so it's not like they'd have to stay in here and wait a long time and in that 15 minutes
Hopefully they fuck around and learn something, you know
Hopefully they learn something about a new community a new project and as I'm talking I'm putting together the tweet just so you guys know
So just give me a moment. Actually, let me shut the fuck up and get my ass to work. You guys talk. Okay?
No, I appreciate it and throw your tag in there to follow you as well for making the tree
No, no, no, no simpler is better. Plus as I'm running it. It's automatic. They have to follow me
It's verbiage, right? I will give $20 to one random follower who retweets this tweet in the space below
Okay, so they had it's it's already stated without me giving an extra task that they have to follow me
And then we're keeping it as simple as possible and then I'll put a little subtext that says
No, you're right you were right, you know, these are these you're like you're on it you're right, okay
I'm not gonna say anything. Okay, we're moving away
Thank you. Yeah, he knows
That's fucking dope I love people that do good giveaways
Yeah giveaways are amazing
You know, don't ask me one more time in the future
You just say like Lucy f1 and you know giveaway fly will fly to someone who's lucky like if you check my timeline
Like it's full of giveaways. We give so much to two supporters
This is just crazy. I think we were counting the numbers in the last year. So club the
I don't know including me over 300 giveaways and
You know most of those giveaways are coming from from from the community from you know
our wallets so at least if we can you know on board people or I don't know send the hundred bucks to someone and you
Know change his his life because you know, his financial situation is not as good like yeah
All about that, you know support each other and grow together
But, you know like we got someone
Who is on the stage? I hope my my ex is not ragging me
Vice how you doing brother? I know you were like sending me messages in a team shot
So, you know guys are gonna give you a little bit of the introduction. This is the legend like vice is
Pretty much one of the one of the reasons why we are over here
Today with all of you, you know, this this guy spent during when we are taking over
I don't know you can probably call me correct me like 20 hours straight, you know, like writing entire proposal and everything
So so we could we could you know
Be here with you and vice how you doing brother
Unlike or unmute vice you there
Is it vice or voice
All right, I don't know maybe you can't talk
Can anyone hear me
We can speak you can speak right now. He's saying in the same
So maybe he will join us in the in a few minutes. Oh
My gosh, I'm jealous of you guys enjoying the life, you know smoking, you know, I'm driving as always
Yeah, what about Frankie we want to say how to Franky oh
Yeah, Frankie, I know again. Yeah Frankie his take is he team, you know another legend
So nice to have you all on the stage
Another voice from another country Frankie. How are you?
No connection internet like what's going on with satellites guys
Dammit damn it Frankie nice damn it. What's going on? You guys are giving me so mo now. I don't know
I want to know what they sound like
All right, we'll figure it out sooner or later
I'm on his page right now just liking a bunch of his stuff. He retweeted the page
Well, you know, he's doing the right thing. Honestly, so
Hell yeah
Vice you there can you hear us unmic talk to us?
Yeah, you could hear us we can't hear you though
Okay, yeah
Right now
Yeah, but I can I can take the place of whatever man usually
I don't know if you guys know who he was here before at the beginning
Right now we've traveled to the racing locations, I think but he's our host of jungle camp Friday night
Friday night my time of course
And uh, he never shut up. He's always speaking and it's sometimes hard for us to say anything on the space
But yeah, there is what it is
But just let me just tell you guys one thing I know most of the
AKC community here in this place already knows this but I think it's important to to show how things roll in
AKC and yeah, Lucy told you guys that i'm from Portugal and I know a bunch of these guys
In the internet, I know them all on the internet. I speak to them almost every day
But yes since from some time now
We are getting connections in real life, too
Yeah, I think
Three was with Frankie
Um, i've been with vice and darwin too because vice and darwin is from here from portugal is living in another city
But i've been with him i've met with him
I've also been with ross like a month ago. Something like that is also here listening to the space
So yeah for me, it is also utility, you know because um
We we are able to
To connect in real life with people that we are speaking on the internet
and this this kind of connections in real life make things a bit more real or
transform everything to being real because
Some of these guys. I don't know his faces. I've just know their pfp
But then we meet and it's like we have been together for
Some years and I guess what it's true. We've been in the
We are in the in the server in the discord serving on web3 what we are in real life
And and that's amazing and we are always learning with each other's and by the way
ross hit me up with some
Triple beers and I hit him up with some pork line
Uh, so yeah
This is also utility, you know, because we gotta taste what the other countries offer to us
Yeah, and it's it's funny. It's funny and it's it's it's also very special
Yeah, you can't be rude you have to try it like if they give you a gift it's like yeah
I'll try your wine. You try mine. I get it
Well, but pork wine it's good, you know, and I love belgian triple beers
So yeah for me it's fine too. It was a fair trade
Let's go hell yeah
All right. Well the space jumped up to 117 people
I almost said oh my word. How did that happen? I know
I think it was you I thought about that in my head
No, it was us. It was us. We do this shit together. There is no you it's a we when we win
We win together the giveaway did it but i'm not the giveaway. I didn't i'm not one of the people that entered into that
Okay, so we got to get that mentality out of here. This is a team. We are all on the same team
I don't care what's in your bag as long as it's a legit project. I'm gonna help you pump that shit
Okay, like that's it. So let's just get that that you mentality
We all look there's fucking individual sports and there's team sports, right?
When you see the celebration after a team wins a championship, how much more lit is that celebration?
right because everyone has that winning vibe everyone just won they work together to complete something to accomplish something
And that's the vibes that that i'm trying to bring to the space
Sorry to cut you off
Yes, he's right he's right all right, we did it then we did it. All right, cool. We made it
All right, these giveaways are about to be pumping in about six minutes
Vice are you here? Are you here?
I have foam of just like listen to you speak sounds weird, but
Nope, nope, don't cry
Don't cry
All right, it's all good. We're fighting by so bad right now
Sorry brother
We didn't mean it
Now he's a legend i'm sure he will fix his stuff and you know, he'll join us next time like this
Yeah, like he's he's super smart
So, yeah, are you guys planning on going to the gym?
Yeah, I'm going to the gym
I'm going to the gym
Are you guys planning on going to nfc nyc coming up or?
Any of these events?
You know actually we spoke with whatever man yesterday and few other songs like amen, you know
Just uh, let's pick some nice penthouse and who wants to join
You know, like i'm sure we're gonna create a little event in the in um in akc and if anyone wants to join connect
Uh 100 percent we we went last year to we missed the new york
We went to indiana police police indiana police police. Yeah to
Gary v or the you know
Event it was super dope vcon
Vicon. Yeah, you got it. We can pick on. Yeah, I was probably
drunk most of the time and joined the time with some cool people, you know, make bunch of
Very interesting individuals. So yeah, definitely
Those events are are cool because you know, we can show our faces and then see that we are real humans behind those bfp's
Yeah, sorry, sorry kit but vison has answered you on the comment section of the space you can see his answer there
Now i'm now i'm looking scrolling i'm looking what do we see
Let me see
I don't see anything people are showing us art. I love it. It's a lot of heart in the comments
Nope, I don't know. It's too long. It can't look any longer
All right, well let's say hi to tricky booty real quick he's coming up
Tricky tricky tricky, how's it going?
How you feel about these calls
Oh, you guys are dogging me today you guys are dogging me today
I I can't do this if no one speaks back to me, okay
Sheesh is right
Do this to me god
It's ricky buddha from defy space donkeys. I was stuck in another world. You know how twitter is like I couldn't hear you for half a time
Okay, it's okay. I forgive you I guess I love it
I'm yeah, i'm on the road man. I just had to pop in though and say what's up to all the legends in the room
Hope you're doing good
What are we meeting we're meeting some kongs
Nah, we meant it like two years ago
No, we're just chilling vibing collecting, you know, yeah community building hanging out
Just kind of like
You know introing our communities to each other
We're going to start doing these spaces just kind of collaborating and doing maybe a little fun sweep party next week
We're going to talk about it
Yeah, honestly, I reached out to them. I really like the art and it's a couple people already reached out to me about them
So then I was like, all right, let's just let's just do this. Let's make a collab. Let's work together and let's um, let's build
So that's why we're here at tricky buddha
But uh, we actually started doing a giveaway casper at a giveaway
So I think we have a giveaway that we're going to announce in like two minutes
So we got a nice little fun giveaway space built up. We think we've got
140 people
So, uh, yeah, it's been so it's been fun. We've been kind of just talking to some of the community members
uh talking to david about his experience and everything and uh
Everyone everyone loves lucy lucy gets a lot of praise
Maybe because of the name or the nick maybe that's why
I'm like a goofy guy overall who just passed his balls every single day to push us all in the right direction
You know to be where we're supposed to be
You know, like such an amazing art and you know such amazing community guys. We should be on eat and plus
What's going on?
One minute to the giveaway ends
All right, all right the turkey buddha where are you are you in the sky with diamonds? Um, oh, where am I going?
I'm hanging out in west palm right now
I just seen some family that I haven't seen in like a month and a half or so
Nice west palm beach
Yeah, west palm right now
Yep, i'm not yeah, let's go
No, I heard you for a second but all right, it's two o'clock
Take a nice fresh rip
And that's that
Where did kasper go kasper left us for a second? Is he gonna come back?
We'll see what happens
We're just sucking there, bro
Wait bro buy some kong. What's up?
What are you sucking on that? It's uh, it's it's like a
How do you call that in english? Ah, what am I sucking on it sounds crazy when you say like that
But um, i'd say i'm ripping on this bong i'm ripping this shit
I don't know if it's sucking it
But you get it
Yeah, you know, it's uh, you know, we are from europe so it's maybe maybe
Yeah, it's like, you know an american pie type of thing if you ever seen that movie
It's like it's like that. It's like, you know college
Kind of like taking bong rips, but I mean people seem to love it on the spaces
It's how I express myself
And let people know i'm very bullish about marijuana and I like weed a lot and uh
Yeah, i'm just like a grown man taking bong rips. So
Yeah, so I had a quick question to you. Yeah, so you have you have looked both of the collections, right?
So you have seen the alphas and you have seen the omegas, right?
Yeah, so which one do you prefer most? So which which collection do you do you like most?
So the alphas or the omegas? I asked I asked probably I think in my last
Comment, I think I asked it but oh, okay. You're asking the comments. Oh, I I like the alphas
I like the alphas a little better
It sounds like I like it because the name but um, I just like the look of them a little better
But um, I like them both. I mean they're both cool
But the alpha is the one that attracted me to it from the gecko
Why I kind of like reached out and um, I was just like man, I love this shit
So I want to I want to build with lucy and everything they're doing
Plus everyone was just like I literally got like four or five people. Do you have any like?
Oh, you should really connect with him. He's a really good person and you guys should these faces together like i'm like
All right. This is like let's do it
So now we're here
Nice nice
Yeah, I can I cannot tell you which one I like more because I like them also
Yeah, your pfp though it's an alpha yeah, yeah, that's the alpha yeah, so maybe you like the alpha like me
Yeah, probably
Well, you know this this this one is my favorite so that's why yeah
I really like it
Nice. No, I like it man. It's clean really clean with the chain the glasses the dope cap
I like it
Van hoe, uh, hopefully i'm saying that right
How's it going?
You are saying it right? I'm doing well. Thank you very much
Yeah, my name is vincent van hoe. It's a it's a spin-off off of
Vincent van go. I just really like art and i've had the username for a couple years now. It's kind of fun
um, I actually raised my hand because I was really excited to hear somebody do a bong rip during a space and
I'm sitting here vaping on my cart. So, uh, i'm really excited like I used to be a cannabis like
Influencer like I would like create the events in oklahoma and um make like 420 parties and things like that. So, uh
Not new to spaces not new to crypto or anything
I've been here a couple years, but i've just decided to put what I know into like
What I do and so this year things have changed for me
But uh, I found I found this space by mistake and uh, i'm honestly really happy that I did you guys seem so cool
like cool as fuck you're all like cracking up and laughing and
I hear you over here
Just like bong ripping in the background and I just hear the bubbles and i'm like just I feel like i'm there
So, yeah, um
I was like I have to raise my hand i've got to get up there. I have got to say hello because
That is just I haven't stumbled upon that yet
And uh, I think it takes a lot because there's so much shade on it
You know, like I live in I live in a legal state, you know like in the united states. So it's
You know, it's it's normal here. Uh, but then I just get here sometimes and it's either normal or not normal
Stumbling across the space with the bong rip fucking made my day you fucking go and i'm super happy to have met you guys
Wait, wait, wait before I go
What what flavor are we smoking here because I got mimosa in my cart
So now I need to know what we're what we're what we're matching with here
Yeah, I got some uh black triangle is what i'm smoking on
Nice. Yeah, it's like really frosty. It's really nice really tasty. But yeah, like can I see and taste it?
I could send you guys a picture. I'll post a picture in the comments
Good, uh, but yeah, actually I do a weed like weed mushroom space with my friend molly and visorant
She's actually from oklahoma and she's like a weed
Yeah, I would love to absolutely, um, is that is that the person doing the the the hearts and stuff are they from oklahoma?
Um, who's doing the hearts tricky over here? No, he's from florida. Oh, okay. Yeah, orlando
But I haven't found anybody in oklahoma. I'm sorry. Go ahead
Three bullish facts on cannabis in this industry. First of all, look at how many freaking followers uh, keith's has
That's right, okay, that's
You're in the wormhole dude
Probably just ended at that but also on the space board keith
All right. He's in the wormhole. He's gonna come back up
Okay, I was like, maybe it's me. Maybe it's my internet. Um shit elon's ruggedness again. I've been rubbed so much this week
It's ridiculous
Tricky i'm inviting you back up. Yeah, but but no definitely I do these spaces. Um every tuesday
it's like take a trip tuesday with molly and um visorant and I call her viz and um, yeah, they're both really like
you know into cannabis and
That's weird always saying we're influencers
But like definitely we have a lot of followers and talk about weed and stuff. So, uh
Yeah, yeah, we'd love to have you and uh
If you'd like weed and want to hang out and we talk about mushrooms, too
Like the the new benefits of psilocybin and a lot of medical things because you know, molly was a
Basketball player in college. She got some concussions
So she uses them therapeutically and medically that's really like helped her bounds in her life that she kind of rags about
In a good way, you know
And I have kind of the same thing with with the concussions just in fighting over the years
Just really like brought me a lot of clarity. I think in my life
And then I think visorant has her own
Story as well. I don't know if there's concussions, but it was something maybe some trauma
But definitely I don't know. I think the mushrooms are like the next thing
Cannabis is like the base and then the mushrooms can can really be great
No, it's actually interesting you said that because literally like I have a autoimmune disorder i've got rheumatoid arthritis
I've had like a lot of medical things happening in my life, but um
This autoimmune disorder is just like it it eats your bones and joints and it's just like
Super painful. I can only take tylenol. So
Yes, it definitely gets me through my day and it definitely helps with like
Mental clarity through the day as well because like if i'm in too much pain, I can't really do much
But it's definitely taking my creative thinking to the next level. So I will definitely be in those spaces
I've never tried mushrooms. I want to but i'm scared of a bad trip
But uh, you know, maybe someday maybe after listening to these spaces I will but like I would love an invite
I saw you dn me. Uh
If if you have that invite like or I can go find it on your page
No, no, i'll find it i'll send it to you
No, definitely. Let me just talk to you. You can come up no pressure at all
We never want to like pressure anyone with anything. It's always
Everyone is so specific and you have to find the right time for yourself
Like they always say set and setting so what's around you what you're living around you want that to be in a good spot and then
Yourself you're set like your inners. Are you good mentally like lately?
So, you know you you find a good balance between those two and you're like, all right
I want to try some but you just try like maybe a little micro dose
But anyways, I won't go too much into that i'll save it for tonight's space. I'll definitely invite you
Um, yeah, I want to check back in with lucy over there at alpacom club. Yeah, uh
Vanjo, I don't know if you want to check out there. There are a little bit check out the page
But uh really cool 3d art they've been around for a while
We're just doing like a fun little collaboration space a lot of them love weed
So I figured I'd do a couple bomb rips get the crowd going, you know people like it. So hopefully
Gets the people going
Exactly, you know, you know you have a vibe and you know weed is love
Weed is love
Like now like i'm just
Waiting to arrive to home and and just smoke like you make me so
Lucy keith made me roll up like a quarter this morning at like 5 a.m
In the morning while we did our morning space by
Nft smoking weed, so he has that effect
And uh when you get close to him you get a natural high as well, too
So he does that kind of stuff loose, but you're an awesome dude, bro. What's your favorite friend?
My favorite, you know, I I i'm not like as heavy smoker as a kid, but uh sour diesel, you know, it's it's lovely
He says it's lovely
Fuck yeah it is
Fuck yeah, it is
You know those those oldies, you know, I know there's a lot of different
Those sour deeper was like one of those earth strains
They call it it's like one of the original strains that they really like branched off of
So it's like i'm pretty sure they call it a earth strain because it's like original, you know, it's like has providence
Yeah, you don't know what's happening. I'm just trying to mix nft and weed shit together. But anyways
here for it
All right, well it's past two
I I actually just picked a random winner because she's always supportive. She's always in here. So phoenix
phoenix wins twenty dollars in salona and uh, so phoenix send me your your salona address
She definitely she's like just so active and just so awesome and she's an amazing person and uh,
She's really active in doodle genics community tony's community. So I was like, you know what fucking i'm just going to give it to phoenix
She's always retweeting. She's liking me all the time and somebody else could pick the second winner
But I was a little biased on that one. I just picked phoenix, but i'm gonna send that out of my own pocket
But phoenix, yeah, send me a little soul your soul address
And uh, i'll send you some soul
So that's what's up, but lucy go ahead. Were you gonna say something?
Yeah, you know, like you know your your community like can you pick someone else?
You know, we want to obviously bless someone with some conks
So, you know just someone random, you know, like who schools support you all over the the years
Um, you know, we want to give some love as well. Obviously
Or like someone, you know
Okay, i'm looking i'm looking through the community
Can I pick two people
Or is that is that too crazy you can pick two people okay
All right, we're picking king of hearts really really good dude and my friend thomas. Where's thomas at?
I'll email you there are not email email i'll uh dm you their their hats
Cool. Oh, yeah. Thank you. I didn't know we were gonna do that. You're gonna give out some comments. Oh, yeah
We're real you know real people and you know if we can spread some love
That's it's that's all what it's about
All right. Well, I just sent you his dm and let me find thomas and send you his too
And then um, and then yeah, we could just take some questions hang out a little bit
Wait, where did thomas go? I can't find him. God damn it
Yeah, anyways, we'll we'll go from there. So let's say hi to who's up here trying to get a
Nft grease
That's our death
Oh, okay. Let's add her up
No, she's a bit super cold
All right, nft
T grass t grass nft grass. How's it going?
Hello. Hello
It's going well
Uh i'm a little bit later than I planned to come
But I was curious
To visit exactly today's
Uh twitter space to to meet new
Uh on the community. So nice to meet you. I'm
I'm a team member of
Uh the developer of last last deliverables for akc staking system and many others and
Also a part of the akc family have many different cons
Play around it also, so nice to meet you. Hello. Hello
Hello. Hello. Welcome and thanks for being here with us
I know it's super cool now. Uh, so we had amsterdam we had um
Now we're hearing voice from poland
So i'm wondering who'll be next
As I told you know kong's a lot all around the world
And it's just like super cool to connect with people from another site of the globe
That's why probably akc discord even during last year. There's always someone chatting
You know and like it's cool. It's like, you know
You'll come in in the middle of the night and you can you know
Grab some cool talks with people see what's up. See what they're smoking drinking eating
What nfts they're buying, you know and all those goodies
Yep, and i'm sending you I couldn't find my other friend. So I just gave it to creator
He's uh, he's with the puff puff pen as an original project
Well, we helped him mint out and uh, he's just like a great community leader
So I wanted to give him a calling. So i'm going to send him a message right now
So congrats to creator and congrats to king of hearts
When that went in those kongs today, they're both
I both met him from tony's community doodle genics. So
I will I'd love for you to kind of collaborate more with him because he is like ultimate community builder
He's amazing. So yeah creator. Thanks for being here. But but yeah, go ahead. David
That's a lot of nft digress is is here on stage
Maybe it will be interesting if she told us what she thought about the pillows the alpha pillows the akc pillows she got
And what her kids sort of talked about it because we in the community
Already already know so maybe it would be interesting for the all the other people in the room to know about this
Okay, a little bit tough question because uh, you know
Even in discord, there are so many channels so many directions. Yes
But um, I will tell my opinion and essential things that I see
first, uh
Everybody knows like some time ago new team handle to
to care of old project, let's call it like this, uh to
restart this after previous team and
What I see like, yes community support leaders of of this new team
But I see how leaders ready to support each member like each person is very
very important in the community like I never before saw this attitude like I know lucy know personally about
Maybe about every conk in community, you know this
And he's talking he's spending hours
For these people, you know who do what who who live where and so on so on and
For me is it's like crazy because even when I work in company or with some project
We may do not know such details like there is some corporate ethics some rules and so on
But everybody communicate more on official level
But not not so deep like here. That's why i'm saying in the beginning like i'm a part of the family
So it it really looks like a family
And it's not just just words. I just see it in
Uh in everyday communication and when we discuss projects, um, I see how, uh a kc team wants to
Uh, you know to deliver really really good solutions. For example, we all the time
fighting with
With gas fees, uh, you should understand it's a blockchain. Yes, we cannot really influence this fees if it's a serum
Network, we we have to pay it. It cannot be like
One two cents, for example like on polygon, but
Even doing steak and we're fighting like to do minimal minimal cost because uh, there is understanding that every person
Uh want to benefit want to to have something with no additional
Expenses unnecessary expenses and now when we discuss some some future steps, it's like
essential like
What come unity will have?
How they will react if they should like spend something just for gas fees if it's high
Then it's no and we do all the time
So this is very strong connection and very strong care
What people will have from alfa conchs? Well
It's it's my opinion I do not know if it's relevant to what you wanted to hear
Uh from my side, but it's very honest
Yeah, it's amazing, but I was just asking about the pillows
You know the pillows you got from from lucy
I don't know if you did understand. Oh my god, I heard when you asked
Oh my god, you you might think i'm drunk or what
But I saw
Of the community like main things
So I like this answer more
Okay, where am I sorry it's it's really very late for me I I could miss miss here or misunderstood
Pillows, uh, I was fighting with my kids for maybe two weeks
Once they tried to bring these pillows in the school in their backs
I stopped them like I do not like when my own children
You know grab me
Taking taking the scenes
Then I had a funny case when near the christmas
My kids again bring a rabbit in home and she was scared scared of
stressed and scared of all new people and she was taking
This pillow as a person also like when she saw it for example
Uh, my son she was like afraid and hiding and pillow. She was reacting the same way
So I decided it's so realistic
That animals take it like like people like creatures it it was really fun
And I have to say it's in my living room and every person which come into my
House and see it like it always question. Wow. What is it?
Where did you find where to found it?
It's very nice thing. I I still very much appreciate it. I got it and I'm super lucky to have two
Let's go are they comfortable do they feel nice
I don't want to go back into this again. Okay, we're gonna leave it alone
All right, all right bar's up kong what's up
What's up, bro? What's up? So, uh back to the pillows. Uh, I got them too
And now they're uh, really nice so
I could pick like uh, like my favorite kong that I like and um, yeah, just send it to lucy like
nft tiger says
Yeah, all the details and everything so
It just came to my to my door. So yeah, it was perfect man. It was yeah something special. It's really uh, yeah utility
Let's go let's go. All right. All right
And shout out to andy in the crowd. I appreciate him being here
He's with aura exchange. So lucy. I also want you guys to connect. Do you know anything about aura exchange? It's an aggregator
100 and now andy
We jump on a few spaces
and he'll visit us on our
Front friday usual jungle jam
So, you know, they're putting some samples up
Definitely, uh, wanted to check them out if you guys
Are planning to grab the nft aura exchange, you know the other direction they're giving back to to community a lot
Um, so yep, yeah, of course
Yeah, well i'm gonna be doing another space with them this week
so love to have any of you guys up hang out with us and talk about what they're doing and uh
Yeah, they're like they're doing some next level stuff with their holder
for their holders and uh
Oh, we got andy andy's throwing me hearts. Yeah, they're amazing. I'm gonna pin up something up at the top
So you guys could check it out
But uh, but yeah, we'll close it up in like five minutes. We'll we'll say our last
Goodbyes and hellos and hellos and goodbyes
And then uh, we'll get it going. I'm gonna pin up this aura exchange tweet
Check it up up at the top
But congrats again to king of hearts from winning also creator
Both really great dudes that are active in the community
That I want to just see web3 grow and do good things. So, you know congrats to them
They got awarded on some alpha comms here today, but go ahead bicep king or bicep kong
Bicep kong king sounds good
What's up?
You like my name?
Well, it's bicep bicep kong. So basically the name is uh, yeah, you know
I'm basically like you, you know, I like to smoke and I like to go to the gym and uh
Yeah, the bicep is
Yeah, it has as well, you know, it's like uh, it's like the art of uh, akc
What can I say
Oh, no, I think you said it. I think you said it
Damn are your biceps is huge like popeye
Well, not like popeye. So I don't know in in inches but it's like uh
It's yeah, it's like 44 45 in in in centimeters. So I don't know how much that is in in inches
It's like 21 inch. You're like fucking Arnold Schwarzenegger over here. What the hell's happening? No, not really Arnold
Well, you know i'm originally from uh from Romania so
Maybe it's it's it's kind of that power, you know
Oh damn. Yeah all the strong men in the world. They come from fucking Romania and Poland. It's like holy fuck
Just born just little strong babies just come out of there. It's crazy
Maybe it's like something with the magnetism of the earth or something in that area
I don't know. It just makes the babies kind of strong
well, you know, I I can I maybe tell you something funny, you know, so my
My my little one is is is one now. So yeah, I can see his power, you know, it's really strong
So maybe it's in the blood. I don't know
Yeah, yeah you guys like you guys got something cool going on over there
Yeah, it could be a mix of genetics with some like weird
Weird like kryptonite type shit, but it's the opposite just makes you strong by being there
Uh, get it and then if you go other places you keep it with you. So it's just in you it's in your blood
Yeah, I get it. Okay. So so you you heading the gym, right as well
Yeah, I hit the gym a lot. I don't lift as much weights anymore
But um, I used to lift a lot of weights when I was younger in like high school and stuff
Yeah, I do like calisthenics now like push-ups and jump squats and pull-ups and stuff like that just like sit-ups
But uh, usually when I lift too much weights, I get slow and I punch slower and
And then I'm I'm just like, you know too slow
So I try not to lift
So maybe go more outside man
walk more
It gives you more power and more energy
Yeah, you're right. I need to get out
I've only been sparring and doing like in the gym kick in the bag punch in the bag all that kind of stuff
So I need to go back. That's good
Some road work, you know get some road work, but
Yeah, yeah
What are you chomping over there fucking beef jerky you're just getting big over there what well i'm uh,
i'm flexing on something, you know
You're kind of mysterious bicep car it's letting you know
Well, it's uh
Now it's the turn off. Do you smoke as well hush or something? You know, you know what?
Bro, don't even talk to me. Yes. I love fucking hash. I mean just kidding. Yeah, don't talk to me a lot
Hash is like shit
Yeah, so, uh, it's it's it's it's his turn also. Yeah
That's uh, what you're hearing
little hashish
No, I actually really love hash. I think it's great
And did sometimes I got some like deep
I've just like broken bones over the years and just had like random injuries. So
The hash like you don't feel shit like you know, it's good hash. Yeah, like
I don't even have any injuries. I don't even think i've ever been injured in my life
So, yeah, I like hash
So, uh, yeah, it's nice nice meeting you guys and uh, yeah, we we really like uh to uh, yeah to grow together and
See what the future gives us. Yeah, no, definitely we're gonna come together. We're gonna do some good collaborative spaces
We're gonna we're gonna do a little mint mint. I'm not mint
We're gonna do a little sweet party with the floor next week
We're gonna raise the floor like they were our solders
Like there were daughters and our sons and uh, we're gonna get it going. So
Yeah, it was a great space here today
And I appreciate you coming up by subkong and everyone vice that came up and lucy and david
One more thing now everyone
One more thing
So you usually we do a lot of spaces, you know
But you can tell you can ask anyone, you know, usually I I don't join the spaces to speak up but
You know, yeah, this is something special. So, uh, yeah, I just wanted to to to let you guys know, you know, we uh
We are a real community and uh
Yeah, like lucy said, you know, we are we are doing our best and we are growing every day and uh, yeah
We like to connect man. So that's why we reach out to you and uh
Yeah, we love it
No, thank you, I appreciate it
I feel like the
I don't want to say the stars align but
I just got a lot of good recommendations and I was already looking at the collection from before so
It just lined up and uh, we're just gonna grow together and grow during this
It's I wouldn't say it's a bull market, but it's not a bear market anymore. It's it's getting better
You're on our way up
So we're gonna grow together and any ideas collaborations we could do we're gonna do it
So that's what's up, but I just want to say how to david he has his hand up
Sorry kith, um
just to to hand
Give a hand on the my speaking here on the space. It was a great space. You're a great great host. Um
Yeah, but we got a private joke in our community and people are asking me. Yeah, you make you this question. I know
Lucy maybe
Isn't uh isn't smiling about this but I gotta do it and i'm really sorry because I respect
And I hope you don't get me get me wrong about this
But we always ask these to to our community members our new community members. Do you like pineapple on pizza?
Oh boy, you're gonna judge me
I may be unfollowing you after your answer. Yes. I do like it. I love that. That's nice, man
Or am I cool?
Okay, all right, okay good I good answer, okay cool
I was like, what is he gonna ask me
So, I don't even know what I was thinking I really had no thoughts like
Mine is blank. I'm like he's gonna ask me some real little crazy shit
I'm like nah
But vanjo, how's it going? Cut your hand up high five
Nope, she just wants to raise her hand up say what's up i'll give her a bonger
Train wreck. Yeah, dope. Yeah, i'm actually yeah, sorry
Y'all y'all got me wanting to go to the dispensary. So here I am with my bud tender. He's helping me
Out of the bag
She's at the dispensary buying
cannabis as we speak
Literally literally at the dispensary. Let me just build a scene for you
All right, they got their grow lights on you open the door you get hit with that weed, but it's not like the stinky weed
It's not the skunky weed. It's the nice sweet
mimosa vibe
An open floor plant plan here. We got carts. We got dabs. What I don't know whatever you're into edibles
We got a whole flower rack. They got the premium. They got the
Not so premium, you know, I'm talking about like the five dollars, you know the cheap stuff
They got creams for your panes everything
Thank you
Oh and that most of the cart yeah, but you guys were great. Um, thanks for having me up today
Thank you so much
Like i'm super happy that i've met you guys and honestly, I hope i'm in spaces tonight too. Um, i'll catch you guys later
Um, thanks for pulling me up. Sometimes people don't that's okay
But I appreciate the fact that you guys did and good luck. Alpha comms. Um, your project was super dope
but yeah, you guys have a great day and uh
Stay high out there
No, no, yeah, I will thank you i'll stay safe and stay high
so you do the same and uh
Yeah, you just reminded me I used to go like in southern california. That's where i'm from
They used to give us dabs the dispensary like here's a dab when you get there and then like when you leave
Here's another dab and I drive home sometimes
I would literally like all like four times on the way home
I'd forget like who I am where i'm going like i'm like, oh man, I took too much
But it is what it is, you know
Now great space here today. I appreciate everyone so much
I did pin up the war exchange tweet up at the top and check out other all the other pin tweets up at the top
Uh bicep cough. How's it going?
One last question. So, uh
Do you have like a bad background? So, uh
Are you american or do you have like parents from another country or something? So just curious
Yeah, sure. I'll tell you a little bit about that
My dad and my mom
Were from Huntington beach california
My grandparents my my grandparents were from uh, new york and my grandma's from hawaii
so I have like a weird mix like my grandma's hawaiian my grandpa's from new york and that's like
My dad left when I was young and that's probably why I was like a rambunctious little fighter
So, uh, my grandpa and my grandma my mom kind of raised me more
so I have that italian like a lot of
family from new york and uh
Or else I have family in jersey as well and a bunch of family in california
And that's it. I've been in hawaii used to go to hawaii a lot every year. I have a lot of cousins there
But my cousins don't some of them don't like me
They just don't like white people as much but I get it
They've gone through a lot over there in hawaii sometimes, but i'm like i'm your cousin. What the fuck?
I'm not like one of these like corporate assholes
So anyways, but uh, but yeah that that's my background a little bit. I'm from california born raze
I was born in lake tall california
That was kind of a lot huh that was like oversharing like in third grade don't overshare
Is that too much?
Are you blowing him away, you know with such a deep
Now he's just quiet. What is this guy doing to me? Are you guys like pranking me a little bit today?
You're like we're gonna fuck with this guy a little
I got these hands full of ash now
Uh, conks
Conks are cool. And then uh, bye tips. Thanks for uh jumping on the stage
You know, we don't see you usually, uh on the spaces. So it's so nice to hear your voice brother
Uh, you know keep being awesome. You're you're the legend and always supporting. Thanks for everything
All right, all right, well that's it we're gonna end it there with that
We're gonna do another one next week at the same time
And kind of keep these going these community building spaces
And do some fun little giveaways and if other communities want to get involved
Anyone in the crowd you guys want to get involved?
Just hit me or lucy up and maybe just offer up a little giveaway if you want to come up and hang out with us
We'd love that just for kind of the crowd and uh
Maybe just kind of learning about new communities that are that have been here for a while that are building that are hard working
That are trustworthy. So, um all those things so appreciate everyone and that's what's up
I'm gonna do another space later tonight with molly on cannabis and mushrooms
So i'll do a little reminder on my page for that
So but everyone, thank you so much white sky. Thanks for being here
We really appreciate you your gentle voice up here with us
And also van hoe is great meeting you and i'll hopefully see you tonight tonight's space
Doge mouth. Love you, bro. Doodle genics. Love you, too. All right guys i'm out