jupiter airdrop failed? solana is doomed

Recorded: Feb. 1, 2024 Duration: 1:15:00



Wha oh my god, the voice is voice in today. What the fuck is good see hey
Look you already know we're about to do right now. I'm gonna play a little intro song
I'm gonna pin some fits at a time
And we're gonna get into the space as always if you would like to speak hit that little request button
I probably won't let you out, but I mean it today. I probably won't I'm seeing some ugly faces in the request
I probably won't but it is inside your best chance right now, baby
Look, I'll be back when I'm back all these gonna sound like shit and guess what?
I cannot do a damn thing about it. Look, I'll see y'all in a minute. Oh
My rock and roll step baby. Yeah
Just know this one sounds terrible, I just know it
Too bad I can't hear it
Yo, yo, it's topics what are you doing?
Let's not make this song last forever
Yo, yo, yo, what the fuck is guys you crypto Twitter
Motherfuckers, man. Oh my fucking guy. We are back. We are better than ever. I don't know what it is
I just woke up ready to go today. I woke up pissing excellence today
We got fucking lots of talker. We got a lot to get into I'm feeling fucking good
It's good to see all beautiful faces and bongo up here with us on stage also bongo
What the fuck you think you just pulled in that intro song but do that shit again and we are going down mate
We're gonna have to have you talk to HR before anything
So that's that you don't see bongo for a while. You don't know why so don't I don't know what the fuck
You think you just try to pull right there?
That was crazy. That was absolutely not that was fucking nice. All right, look
We got a lot to talk about today
The title is this actually a leap special
I I kind of thought he was trolling when he tweeted and was like or
Space title ruffled some feathers because he always had the most ridiculous titles look obviously leap taught me how to clickbait
I'm not gonna lie leap like straight up taught me how to clickbait and I feel like I just like took it to the next
Level the other day. He was he was on like super spaces or whatever and he was reading
Just like through all of my titles like continuously and they're pretty bad
It's like so long a rug toodles rug like board names rugs other side rug Jupiter rug. It's a scam pack it up
It's over NFTs failed the blockchains, bro. It's pretty brutal
He had a style yesterday though during like peak peak me out flood who last year
I think been on a couple spaces today was on was on Faroq show
I think it's a nifty portal kind of going around clearing the air a little bit
We'll we'll talk some Jupiter be checked been tweeting about it like a fucking madman. I'll tell you what
So we'll talk about some Jupiter here in a minute, but we've had this title yesterday
Jupiter airdrop failed Solana is doomed all things considered
It isn't even one of like the worst leap titles like I it's sort of like
This is one more like the fair weather leap titles and this is not for a screenshot in it posted on the Twitter
And it was fucking firing at leap. It was kind of funny actually
It was kind of funny in the midst of like fudge thread after fudge thread after like angry tweet
The spaces title was what's good get screenshot people love doing that screen shot in the space the title not listening to it
And then tweeting it it is easy engagement to be fair
But it was a little just like come on bro like like oh meow for sure. Oh meow
We got a lot to talk about there's there's a pretty wild shit going on in the space like obviously Jupiter
Not like that drum hasn't been beaten on every single Twitter space for the last two days
But we'll definitely talk about some Jupiter. I I can't believe I didn't I didn't sell
Yesterday, I'm kind of sick about it, but it is what it is
I have a friend tech tweet pinned to the top which is kind of crazy
But it's the last day in friend techs airdrop points beta
Staffs are pretty wild. They had over eight hundred thousand unique users, which is fucking insane bullish social file. You already know
Do we think this kid actually made a million dollars on the Jupiter airdrop?
Do we beach that do you think this is real are we just getting fucking trolled right now? I?
Haven't seen that I don't know anyone who got that okay here. We go not short
It's entirely pop. I I don't know maybe I'm pocket watching player Hayden
I mean Amy your thumbs down if you I mean easy got what 180 K jump
So if like I know but easy is better like the CEO of Solana for the last like two years
And you're telling me just kick out five acts six. I mean this kid is like some major whale or whatever
I mean, I'm just saying it's plausible. You'd need to get two million, right? It's changed
It's trading at like point five or point six. I'm gonna yaks easy allocation
It's funny. I was doing the exact same math is just like if easy got away. Yeah, you know they see you still around
Don't I saw you tweeted about it earlier this morning. Hold on. Let me go. Okay, you free free my boy
I see he didn't do nothing wrong. I
Got a god. You know how down bad we are
I got a rare sat tweet pin to the top from from someone named sat hunter. It's pretty brutal
I've fallen on hard times and topics. Yeah, I'll tell you what I was like
We do a lot to talk about there is a fucking lot going on
There's some shit coin shit. Obviously Jupiter is going crazy
We go also Lewis Hamilton just signed a Ferrari. What the fuck?
Did anyone I mean, I don't know if we got any form of the one fans in here, but that's crazy. Wait, what? Yeah
Lewis Hamilton just went to Ferrari rip Carlos signs my boy. So shout out to Lewis
That's pretty fucking nuts
You know my form of the one fan totally not because crack and put me under Williams racing and gave me an interview with Alex
Albert so that's that
in other news, I
I'll preface this by saying I'm someone I tend to be like easily I
Prick I pretty easily flip bullish if you were like a good speaker
I meet you IRL like I I get chilled shit pretty hard and I like to come to it IRL
So I'll say that to preface this to be fair
but I did an interview with doodles yesterday with Julian the CEO of doodles ex-president of billboard and
I have a tweet. So I have a tweet pinned at the top here. Where is it?
Here it is from NFC staff our boy
We love we love Sam over in these corners and a single wallet called blondie 23 LM
007 has been on a doodle Grail hunt
Bought each of these NFTs and three in the past day a balloon for 80s a shark for a 10.5 possible for 12
Rainbow puke for 14. Okay. I don't know a single fucking thing about the doodles. He goes well, I do now
I don't know anything. I didn't know anything about the doodles ecosystem. Honestly, I've probably made fun of doodles more than any
Any project in like East history? I tweet about doodles a lot for a lot of reasons
or I guess it used to be a lot of reasons and
Sort of have never won like never ever ever given them the benefit of the doubt ever for anything ever
Like I just immediately go on the timeline and tend to rip doodles because let's just be honest
Let's just be honest doodles are a pretty easy target like up until 2024
They're a pretty easy target is one of those like kick them when they're down kind of thing
not saying it's the right thing to do but historically they bet a fairly easy target because they just have not done the right things and
Look, I'm just gonna say it. Okay, I'm gonna fucking say it
I sat down with this guy Julian CEO of doodles for the last I think like 18 months Austin was there as well
We love Austin always on this stage and I sat down. I promise you I went into this with low to minimal expectation
I went into this with zero expectations as if the same type of expectations is like when Bongo tells me his alpha
I'm like, all right. I'll listen to you. But like I'm not expecting shit out of this and I sat down and
I hadn't also mind you I haven't done an interview in a while
I don't know what what why how where why what what but I haven't done one in a while
I haven't an Iowa podcast in a while. I missed it. Do I miss it?
So I'll press it again by saying maybe some of this is it like extra dopamine. I haven't done one in a while
And I missed it. I missed the five I will energy whatever it is, but I did a fucking podcast
Okay, stop my ass down. I did the fucking podcast and I swear to I swear to you
I wouldn't maybe I would lie to you, but I'm not lying to you right now. I swear to you
I left that podcast the hell is like holy shit. I'm bullish on doodles
Yes, I just said that I left the podcast
And I was like, holy shit. I'm bullish on doodles like genuinely and I don't know what to say
I don't know how to feel about it. I don't know how to feel about it
I don't know what to say about it, but I left this podcast and I was like look there are a lot of like legacy
2021 collections there's the moonbirds of the world. There's the artifacts. There's there's doodles
There's there's quite a few of these collections and you galab fuck. There's quite a few of whatever Jonas PFP
There's quite a few of these collections like he's 21 21 20 20 21 collections
Most of them are fucking dead in the water right now. Like I wasn't might be it was quick though. Shout out to you bongo
And all those of them are dead in the water sort of have no hope no prayer. No saviors
There's no catalyst that's gonna get them through
Here's here's what I like about doodles though
It's like I I'm gonna just like expedite this pod and just like get it out
Cuz I have a couple in the chamber, but it's like it's been months
I'm just gonna just say fuck it push this one to the top and post it so people can listen to it
You're probably not gonna listen to it and be like, oh like that free money. It's coming from the doodles
Ecosystem but I very much feels like for I don't know the first time it to be fair
I'm not a die-hard holder
But I fucking pay attention to what's going on and it feels like for the first time those MFers have like figured out the
Communications less the vision because that's always been the biggest problem to me is the like communication the Florida GTFO
We're not an NFT project
Like they've said a lot of questionable shit and it's always felt like frantic at the top at doodles
Like it just has it's always felt frantic
It's always felt about like like holders versus the top when it should be sort of continuous and I feel like for the first time ever
With that ecosystem talking to Julian. I'm like, man
They seem to have like ironed out the fucking kinks and figured out what's like what they want to do now
Will it be successful? I don't know. I don't know but it seems like they fucking know what they want to do
and I'll say this as well like a
Lot of times when your favorite founders your favorite projects come on these spaces, by the way, I'm done doing this shit
I hate this so I'm done doing this
But a lot of times your fucking favorite founders favorite projects will not come on the stage unless they fucking pre-script questions
And that is that is bullshit to me either pre-script questions or there's certain topics off-limits
I am so fucking die
Look, I'm not doing the interview anymore. If it's like you can't ask about this that in the first
It's just like not worth it
It's like I you fuckers are not paying me you have some pole
But you don't have enough pole where it's fucking worth this and I'm not doing it
If you like if you are really confident in your vision and what you're doing how you speak about things and you don't fucking care
About a tough question. I'm not doing it and a lot of your fucking favorite projects will not do it
We'll not do interviews without that. I think it's bullshit. Genuinely. It's soft. It's bullshit and
I felt like with doodles. I'm like, bro. I just want to make sure before we do this interview
I'm not getting paid for this like this isn't this is a free content
I'm you're doing it cuz you want to do it. I'm doing it cuz I want to do it
I don't like be clear that nothing's off-limits
Like let's have a real
Converse if you really want to do a pod for the space for people to listen to tap in to hear about the vision
Nothing off-limits like let's fucking talk and they did they were down
I asked him when token I asked him about Florida GTFO. I asked him about all this shit everything. I said
One of the earlier questions was like I'm gonna say a phrase
Tell me the first thing that comes to your mind and I was like floor it and get the fuck out
Like we talked about shit
We talked about real shit and that honestly is that part more than maybe the whole interview?
Was like I these these guys are standing on business right now
Like they're they're not running away from the fucking criticisms
They're not running away and hiding from the fucking pushback from whatever it is on on either opposition side
I'm done with the scripted shit. I hate that because it's like bro
You can nobody nobody wins from that nobody wins from the scripted shit and I just know as an audience member
Here's the thing if I'm cringing on stage like if I'm cringing on stage
I know the audience is cringing harder or like if I'm
Absolutely snoozing at a fucking like double ape bongo take I know the audience is like actually asleep
Like if I'm snoozing, they're snoring
Right or like if I'm pacing because someone's saying some dumb shit
You're sprinting around the house because it's so dumb
You can't even listen and I very much know that when we're doing these like scripted like so you softball ass question interviews
everybody in the audience feels it because it's like
No one really wants to listen to like like when you listen to one of these these interviews like the meow
Even like meow this morning. We're listening to meow this morning
You don't really want to hear a fucking host glaze him about how well they did with the hype in the pre-made or the pre-launch
Pre-air tip all this you want to know the real real what the fuck happened? Why did the team take this this many tokens?
Why was it fucking hidden in the docks?
Why were you not explicit like people want to know the real shit and it's hard to like I I feel like you can't
Sugar coat and hide stuff from CT because there's some fucking sharks out here and like yes a lot of people aren't but there's enough people
That are with the shit that are sharks. I want the real real don't want the bullshit that you can't fake it
You really can't fake it and I don't know. I have a new policy moving forward
I'm just not doing I'm not doing the interview if I can't say what I want to say how I want
Cuz it's not like I come here into like FUD projects, right?
I like come on this stage and like bash projects bash founders. We have a real conversation
That's real questions, but it doesn't it can't be a real interview if certain topics are off limits
So I commend doodles for that genuinely cuz it's a little bit you're going into the fire
I've never really met the guy. I met Julian once last year in Paris
I know that made on me, but we don't like really know each other, right?
It could have gone a million directions
But I feel like I asked the real fucking questions
I asked everything I wanted to ask and they gave me real genuine answers
It wasn't this is like word soup like word vomit like virtue signal buzzword this buzzword that I mean
There's no be some shit. They showed me some shit genuinely and I I
Commend them for it and I seriously left and was like fuck doodles are actually in a good spot like and they are there
There's like objectively in a good spot
They were down bad for a significant period of time down like literally atrocious
But they're in a fucking good spot and I I appreciate doodles for that. So that's my little doodles rant
I mean bongo before I go any further. I'll throw it to you keep staring at me with this big-ass eyes and a hand in
The air what's going on?
What am I supposed to do with this script that you sent me for the advertisement today now that you
Look my my first reaction and thought here is to hate on doodles and and think that you were just
Of course and think that you were just vibing with then you like them. They look like cool kid
You're just like yourself and that's that's pretty much it. You had a good time with them, but
They haven't execute or meet the expectations of people in here
If it's a place a play, but I'm not I'm not bullish. I will listen to the podcast see what they have to say
Yeah, right you will
They haven't performed dude. They haven't meet expectations. They are not the project. They're not fucking around
They don't they say they are not fucking with NFTs. They are not here
I mean whatever you're saying sounds to me like they're just positioning themselves to drop a token or something
Now we are starting a new quote-unquote bull run here
Maybe the narrative will be old projects from if because you guys cannot drop a new NFT
There's no way to support that but we'll see
Okay, I mean look I'll say this I asked him the real I asked her
I'm like all right
Look you launched a entire fucking collection on the flow blockchain like how how much of a bottleneck is that to your reco system?
Let's just be honest. How much of a bottleneck is that we spoke on it. I asked him
I'm like look you can build this dot the third all these bells and whistles your holders want a fucking token when token
He spoke on it like it. I here's here's what I do like though
And this is honestly is a question
I'm gonna throw it to be check and then we'll we got some founders on stages what we can ask some people I ask this question
So we're talking about free money. I'm like all right
Let's he made some comment about like what holders want and I asked him. I'm Julie. I'm like all right
Take the free money shit out of it take take I'm gonna hand you $20,000 eight coin style out of it completely
Take free money out of the equation fully. What do holders actually want?
and that is like I
Don't fucking I look he asked him the question. I'm like fuck if he asked me this
I don't I don't even know how to answer it like I have no clue how to answer it
And he says I think was a bar like actually
He doesn't I think it was a bar, and he was like holders. Just want to be a part of something and
I liked it, bro. I like the answer okay. I fucking like the answer
He went into debt he went in big detail about the evolution of media from web 2 to web 3 this up
I like the answer okay
I fucking like the answer and I felt like I hit him with some hard fucking fastballs
Runs out of the fucking part look at my bucket. I don't know. I don't know dude. I don't know
I'm like why did you like that answer?
Because I thought I because when I asked it. I didn't really know what the answer there is no right answer
I didn't really know what the answer was, but I felt like it was correct
I felt like it was fucking correct and when you do take free money out of it like that
I want to be a part of something feeling really ties into like and if we did a poll right now
We're like what the holders want and we without free money. We got like a hundred responses
I think damn near every response would tie into this like being a part of something I do
All right bongo. I'll fucking tweet it. I'm in beach check am I am I happening right now straight up am I yapping?
Do you know what made me think of I I know exactly what you mean?
And I think it has to be true that at least a proportion of people here are not only
Exclusively here for the free money because it made me think of the chimpers project who are also a UK team
I'm an ambassador for them, but like they've they've done like really really great work
They haven't like hit the heights of some of the other projects and as far as I know they've always said and this is like
Yes, as far as I know there's like no token
They've there's been like no speculation of one, but like they trade above like point five east
They've got like this really passionate community of people and when you're just saying that stuff about wanting to be part of something
I think there is at least some truth in that yes when in order to like really hit the heights
Maybe you need to throw some lighter fluid on it and you get that token speculation going
but I think there's definitely a proportion of people who just want to vibe with like a particular group of people and
That could be enough for them. So I know what you mean. I know you mean
A damn fucking right you do look. I think it's real. I have a good take also such a chimpers
These tempers are cooking such as a goat BB out here an audience somewhere timber maxi
Those and offers are cooked. I mean, what's the answer? I mean, I mean Bongo. What is the fucking it?
I posted this week. What's the fucking answer? You took free money out of it. What do you what do people want?
What do you want? Like what do you want? You goddamn holders? What do you want?
Hey, bro, you sound like me talking to my girlfriend
I think holders won what they were
Promised what what the project has over night for if you are a project and you
Present what you want to do and achieve
You will find people that share your vision as long as you are executing and I think that's the case with pudgy penguins
For example, I think that's what you need to find. You need to find a group of people that align with your vision
Pudgy penguins has been able to done that on top of it
You will always get people that speculate on the price and all that
But at the end the core group of people that's with you
They fuck with your ethos and what you have to offer. I think OMB is another great case
No, what did you show on your fucking bags? I I'm fine. I made this tweet. I just tweeted it
I'd come to the top go answer. Go answer. Go answer. I'm such a Clark for saying to be part of something my goat
I'm gonna ramble here in a second a beach egg. What's up?
just to come in on that like
I'm reading this book at the moment on the British Empire
because I think a lot of about of like these digital communities are basically like the establishment of digital empires and
Thinking about how things grow
You can like look back at how previous empires have grown and like considered like look
what are the sets people take in order to expand their power governance Dominion and
One of the key things at the beginning of like the British Empire is
and a lot of like the way people
Kind of expanded was through the conversion of other people to religion and in that respect
I when you say trying to be a part of something
Like and that's where I think what we translate that to in the modern world is like the cult, right?
Everyone like we already know like a lot of these communities are cults and people even go so far to say like invest in cults like
Specifically you want to find a cult invest in them get involved in the cult
That's where the money is because people are deranged in there and they're just like things will think things can get crazy in the cult
And if you want to see some speculation, that's probably where it can happen
But I think that like getting being a part of something is tied into like that religious instinct with this
Desire to be a part of a group of people like going towards something in like a very very strong way
And then the second thing is to do with trade
So like I know I think that's the obvious one right like we're all just obsessed with this economic activity
But yeah, I just wanted to bring in that like religious cult aspect. I want to run a cult so bad
That's probably gonna get clipped out of context for you release the ps2. I
Want a cult so bad Jonah? You don't even understand
That's from that. I made this tweet. Ooh, Jack put your comment
That's how you know same as everyone else self-acules. I can't say that word, but that is such a tough word
Self-actualization, thank you. Thank you. Wait, wait
Is it five that's crazy a five we don't see a lot of fives around here
So that's the go JB. I mean here the responses though
As he said love Brian break with his friends attention for him to call me back
to escape reality
Not have to take on a real-world job and to be part of a group slash community of like-minded people
Also, they want something to blame their bad financial decisions on I think that's a good one to be part of a project
Yada-yada exactly what Pudgy penguins is doing to have internet friends
Plus he's got he had entertainment and vibes in a group. Yada. Yada. Yeah, like
All right, here's here's one for you. I was having this conversation with someone the other day and I
Said I was like, all right, if I gave you
The keys to fucking moonbirds right now be take this is going to use if I can help you study
I said if I gave you the keys to the moonbirds kingdom right now
Whatever that's worth in a literal blank like a literal blank check. Could you fucking send that floor price back to all-time highs?
And I'm not gonna lie. I didn't really have an answer
I did not really have I I beat that if it didn't involve literally to my knowledge
They haven't done a token at any point just keep that in mind at any point
Moomba's could snap their fingers launch a token. Let's just go into a billion dollar market cap go to a hundred mill at least
blank fucking check or you
Thumbs down me be checked blank check. Are you bringing that collection back from the graveyard?
Me personally probably not. I think someone could I think someone could I think the IP is like there and people actually do like the IP
I think someone could
Yeah, I think you need to do a few things
I think I don't like I think as we just said with the chimp thing with the other thing with another collection like you don't
Specifically need a token. I think it would probably start to move just on a change of leadership
Just because I think that's where that project is that
It probably needs that for it to like get some impetus back into it
In terms of what you would do like if you had to like really really decide what to do
You have to pick something and stick with it
Like I still think that they do a bunch of really awesome things to be fair to them
like the art stuff they do is really really nicely done and
Unfortunately for whatever reason that just doesn't accrue like a huge amount of value to the holders clearly like the grails stuff
They do is really nicely done. They put on awesome events
To do with art like all of that's really cool
But it doesn't seem to be monetizing for their holders in any way
So I think they'd need to make a decision like look should we go down the IP route like a lot of these other brands?
Which they haven't done a huge amount of I know they made like one cool video
But I haven't seen anything since or they're gonna like lean much much harder into this art stuff and like completely double down there
But that's like a hard that's a hard business. So
I'd go the IP route
Like the Julian answers go to but it's missing a word
Instead of saying they want to be a part of something. They want to be a part of a cult
That's really what it is, dude. Like why does anybody fuck? I think my ladies others the case there
Why is anybody by fucking a lady?
You're not getting a token you're not getting a fucking airdrop because you wouldn't like a larp as it as a I
Mean you want to larp is a fucking my lady on the internet and be a part of the fucking cult like you do
Believe was is like the pixel vault syndrome
I'll happen to fucking pixel vault in my opinion amongst many things
What are the main things happen to pixel vault any PV person can attest to this come on stage requests?
Bring that little meta hero ass on stage. I want to talk to you. This is what happened a pixel vault is
beanie left
Coincidentally at the top of the market. We don't talk about beanie right now, please
Let's not talk about beanie right now
Beanie leaves at the very top of the market beanie's the mouthpiece. He's sort of the heart soul blood life death breath
Everything in that the rain the sunshine the moon everything in that ecosystem, right? Beanie leaves
It's also the top of the market. So you're sort of your your biggest pride and joy
I wow, I feel sick even saying that but your biggest pride and joy leaves at the same time
The market's down only and we're having a pixel vault is they became so incredibly salty and fucking toxic
Yes, here's the thing when your collections down bad people fucking make jokes about it. Like of course
I mean do you make jokes about I'm sure beach checks been hearing jokes about that PFP collection every day for for his existence
Right and like you make jokes about it when your collection is down bad
And so it just so happened as well
You got a target on your back when it's a beanie collection like you just have a target on your back
So the whole 2022 2023 all the way through that entire year
Pixel vault would just get shit on the same way we would sit on Cardano the same way we should on doodles
Whatever it is
They would get shit on and the community instead of just like leaning into the memes the shitpost
The jokes will get so incredibly toxic and offensive that people would run from the hill
I mean if you can't take a joke and the community sort of bands into this like toxic wasteland that nobody wants to even look
At you sort of run into the pics of all
Pixel vault like spiral and it's almost that you can't get out of it
Because I think one of the problems is like when holders run out of ways to defend their bags
Like this happened to doodles for sure. It became like excruciatingly difficult
To defend why you have a $6,000 JPEG PFP from this specific collection when you can no longer defend that
I think you go into the PV spiral
PV can no longer defend it and then it's like any person that's on the fence any person that's on the fence
You see this like this community and the way people are acting on Twitter
The way they're salty and toxic and angry and you're like fuck that. I do not want to be a part of this, right?
Why would anyone want to be a part of this and I think the same thing?
I guess hold us to Julia. I'm like, bro, this this happened to doodles like it absolutely happened to doodles
They hit the PV spiral. It was like a fucking toxic wasteland over there
You don't want to talk you didn't want to look you didn't even want to make jokes anymore cuz you're like damn these people
Are angry, bro
You didn't even want to make jokes anymore
And I think it's sort of like that is low key the death spiral of feet of NFT projects
It's like the community sentiment spiral because when that goes it's like how do you get out of it?
I think the only way you fucking get out of it
It has to change at the top because like Frank used to always say this and I think it's kind of a bar
it's like
The second you like lose your community lose your ecosystem is when your holders are like no longer proud to defend
To defend the project like if you get like made fun of for I remember when it you know what the beef was
it was one fucking some D God's holder proposed in a D God's hoodie and
Then ice bags fucking ice bags like quote tweeted it and like was clowning on them
I'm like who the fuck proposes in D God hoodie yada yada yada and friends like lost his mind on back like lost his fucking mind
like tweet storm like
Absolutely one fucking ballistic and I asked him like bro. Hey, are you good? He's like no you have to understand like
The second is cringe
To rep the NFT and the community in the ecosystem that you've spent like a real money time effort energy
Being a part of like the second is now cringe and you get you get shit on for being a part of it
You're no longer gonna want to be a part of it. I think it happened to board apes a little bit
I'd have to do you go a little bit like it definitely did there's definitely this like connotation when you rock the bassy hoodie
I'm not allowed to say anything anymore. That was different than it wasn't 22. I mean Jonah say some shit
Literally not allowed to to be fair dude you we won't be I don't know
But I certainly could you had a little
I don't know. I'm not gonna call it a tantrum, but you you had a moment. You call whatever you want to call it
Maybe more of an outrage more of an outrage. I've been beat back. I want those. What do you think?
If if if I get push it away three just know that I'm a very vindictive person
So my plan is I'll get a job at YouTube in partnerships
Everything in this space, bro, I'll make it impossible to mass market
Okay, yeah, I'm Jonah things
I'll get a job at CAA fucking YouTube twitch anything that you the Facebook. I'll do it
Are you getting sue Jonah by ya? No, no, no. No, there is no reason to sue me. They can't they shut up
I just can't wait for the like the headline. It's like
Jonah Blake has accepted a job at YouTube, but YouTube has declined. There's gonna be an all-time fucking
How do you wait that doesn't make if they accept if if I accepted it that means they sent me a contract
You should ask a lot of coinbase employees or
Unemployed coinbase needs to fix their customer service. I don't know what the fuck my fucking USDC gets frozen last night
I get some lady on the phone named Fatima and she goes. Have you tried turning it off and on again?
Like she's like, yo, have you tried using the mobile app? I'm like, why would I why would I use the mobile app?
What is it? What does that have to do with anything?
Put it in right. I bought coinbase one just so I could call them on the phone because the chat was brain dead
I'm like, what is this?
Jack butchers like wrote a thread in my response
Let me ask you this and we'll close the loop. We're gonna move on be checked. Am I like off on this?
Community like pixel vault death spiral, like is this a real thing?
Doodle I think it's it's cool happening the clones right now
Like it's moonbirds is so far gone. They've already cannibalized themselves
Like is this a real thing or am I just fucking making shit up on the fly?
I mean, I think there's definitely a death spiral where if you become under attack from other projects
and you and the thing you said that struck a chord was like you run out of things to defend yourself and
then the people who are even inside themselves almost get a bit sheepish and they're like
You know, they want to defend but then they can't defend and they've like so
Horribly over invested and down. It's almost like well, they can't cut their ties at that point anyway
So it does become like a little bit of a spiral and you can't really see the end of the tunnel. So
Yeah, I I can see that
Here's my question be checked Ken. It's a yes or no answer with an explanation
Can doodles get back to all-time highs without launching a token?
Was the all-time high
Man, it's in the teens
Don't know. I don't think anything going back to the all-time high
So the answer to your question is no the explanation is no one is going back to all-time high
Not out of like that crowd of
2021 projects, I think we'll see like crazy prices again for sure across the board. I think that's completely possible
But out of those 2021 projects, I don't think
Like those kind of mid tears go back to all-time highs
Damn, so boards never go back to all-time highs be checked
No for script up punk never goes back to all-time highs. Oh
Curbs are punks are completely separate. I see I think
What's not for the fucking influencer on state? Look at you, dude
Also doodles all-time high was 25 e Jesus God, I think cotas could do exceptionally well
That's the only thing in the you get ecosystem that I like outside of punks
Usually a positive thing about you go just cotas
I've literally said this multiple times that the cotas could be like the fucking minions of the other side and they should just make a TV
Show for the cotas or whatever. Okay that
That was it other like punks are fine. They're just punks, but like everything else whatever
I'll tell you what B-text PFP is not going anywhere near all-time highs. What's good, baby? What's going on?
My favorite crypto punk banker talk to me, baby. What's good? Yeah
What's up? Yo, I came here to talk shit with to Udi and he left the second I stepped in
So maybe someone gave him the signal. I just wanted to ask him why my cat looks like, you know
He got beat up on the Bitcoin blockchain
Before making his way you could check what it looks like. Did you send the money already? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah
I can see what it looks like. Oh, it's cat 31 36
So I I just came here talked to Udi and asked him why he's uh, why he's you know pushing this stuff again
I don't even talk to these shit to him and I fucking said you do it
I don't even know when the mint is
Monday now Monday
We do it out to be both of you. He is a master of cult making. Oh, yeah. You call him a master debater
You're so funny. Yeah, such a funny guy by the way, I just want to say I can't agree with what Jonah said
Kind of it. It's not about the Jonah. He said this point of the quotas like, you know, I have my son
He's got a Gucci chain. I minted him
But uh, but the coda like if and only if
Everything happened with the other side is successful
They kind of become like they're like the main character of the other side, right?
Isn't that what coda was meant to be unless it changed since but I always thought man
That's what I that's what I we were all kind of like told basically when I only 10,000. Yeah, I mean, I
Think that they're like I think they could be like x-rated minions where they're just like these mischievous little fuckers
Who do like some fucking gang shit, but it's done in like a funny comedic way
And I think that's that's more interesting than like any of the other IP they're working on 100% and that doesn't mean go by coda
Today, it just means it could be coming. But that's like way far away. Anyways, right? So, okay. You have time
I don't have a coda. I just have a mutant. I've ever sized land that land
I'm gonna use your space as my redemption arc into like back into being knowledge
Fluencer again
Everybody hates Jonah right now, huh TG?
Cuz it's like it's like do they always hate me. It's always I don't really
You've been a little extra salty recently, like you have that's the brand. What do you want?
That's you've been a little salty recently. Well, you thought I shit on everyone equally
Like, you know, I like you know, I like dude I've where's the fucking portal coin
Fucking lizards are nowhere voila. You want a fucking keyboard? I already talked to a manufacturer and he's already overselling his keyboards
I know it's crazy when she was crazy. We talked about the other space, but
Like I give credit where to do even if I don't want to sometimes and and the way that we heard a call about how it is
It's like straight up. It's crazy. He did he did like like
People were doing it I
Was what was the fight this what I'm talking about. I needed to be extra salty
I was funding it dude
I got death threats in their discord because I said yo you guys are not doing a good job
I know but this motherfucker got banned on Twitter for it, bro
And yes, you had any really worse back then like I mean, I heard twitch of web 3 and I immediately yeah
I was like never gonna work immediately
Dude, like any basic business 101 like what how the fuck are you gonna beat twitch? I hear the counterpoint crazy
It's a counterpoint. I'm not defending about how I'm just making a point
Is Valhalla any worse?
That because I somehow is a terrible spot. They come out. They haven't announced anything in a long fucking time to my knowledge
I'm not a holder to be fair. I was all at one point
They come out they announced this mechanical keyboard, which obviously is just like tone deaf completely
Just like just so far gone. It's not even funny, but
Is Valhalla worse than the projects that just like like PXN
That's just rather than launching a mechanical keyboard just literally disappeared or Momo guru
Can we talk about fucking Momo guru like I mean, I feel like PXN is still like doing stuff the one or twice
I've checked into it. All right. Sorry. That was a PXM straight. I love oguru is definitely messed
Don't think it makes anyone better. It's a good bad
Like my thing is I saw what he called I saw like in his tweet thing about this or whatever he was like
The twitch thing wasn't really feasible because which is even profitable and I'm like you knew that at the time of the mint back then
It's like did you not realize that back then because anybody else could have like Google that they weren't profitable
So my whole thing is just it's worse than a lot of other projects because they knew their idea would never work out and they
Pivoted to this bullshit. Let me say let me actually say why so Momo grew and are both bad
But let me tell you why I think Valhalla is worse than Momo guru
And then I'll explain why Momo guru is also a piece of shit
So because as someone who works in gaming I can give you exact detail
So the first thing is they raised an exceptional amount of money at a Valhalla for stacked. Okay
They separated the entities and the way that the funds were operated
But publicly did not make that clear dissertion, which is clearly
You could say you would argue that that is a scammy tactic in order to get people to acquire a PFP
Thinking that there'll be a part of this new twitch meta that clearly didn't happen. So that's part one part two
Basic fundamental math. First of all, I have friends who work at Amazon
I know for a fact that Amazon reached out to them and said hey
we could offer you a backend infrastructure at a discount they said no we can handle it ourselves and I have evidence of this cuz I
Know someone went through who works at AWS and told me about this behind the scenes
I won't say who but I know about this. Okay, you love name-dropping big
The only reason
Because all of y'all have a big mouth and so everyone's everyone hates me in public
But gives me all the juicy information behind the scenes. So we blame your own communities. All right, that's on you
This motherfucker started TMZ of NFT soon. That's on you guys not on me. So anyway
The keyboard no one asked for the key who asked dude
It's like it's like ordering a fucking porterhouse state and she thought you asked John
I didn't ask I actually asked artifact for a keyboard cuz they're cooler
I did not ask Valhalla for one
But I literally like it's like ordering a porterhouse steak and the waitress is like, here's your vegetable medley
Like what the fuck?
What's the vegetable what it's a fucking it's a vegetable dish with a bunch of vegetables on it, okay
I'm gonna move on to fucking draw how in a minute also by the way
Can I just say that the anonymous spaces listen feature is the worst feature they've ever added. It's amazing
With your goddamn chest out
Like, you know what I can't nice the best now
You know what I can't stand is when someone DMS me about the fucking space. I scroll the audience and not listening
I'm like, oh wait call them out that not that you need to name in shame. Is it leap again?
Here's the last thing I want to say on
On Valhalla and we'll move on is
All right, I'm not defending Valhalla. I genuinely am not
Defended go on. I've made a lot of jokes about them. I'm shit on them a lot
I made a lot of jokes, but I'm not defending Valhalla, but all I'm saying
Oh, I'm saying not defending all I'm saying is
That if you aren't literally handing your holders free money
If it isn't a token if it isn't a ordinals collection, it isn't the secondary client. What do you do?
Like what do you know false?
Seriously Jonah
Go up, that's what they want more than anything show up. How about you show? How does Lee join the space?
Cheeto Frito Dorito cool ranch so riveted mr. Deep sleep. Leave. What is good, baby?
What is going on? Thanks for putting your dick on the goddamn table and joining the space?
You are literally so annoying. There's no point in even having the anonymous. I can't even
It's the best feature they've added in two years since the Elantico it's like the only feature they've added but anyway
Shout out to Diablo 4 look all I'm gonna say is that
This space not this one specifically but just the industry is filled with such fucking hypocrites
Every other project has launched way overpriced merch or like way
I'm not gonna do you want me to name names way overpriced any physical product do it name it bro like do it name it
I mean lost way overpriced keyboards
Yeah, like first of all, I think the keyboards are kind of cool. Like would I buy one? No, you're gonna buy one
I don't even have okay. I have a lap. They're not that cool. I mean every project drops hoodies for like leap has a job now
we can let can I
Is why he's a big executive now, let him speak look like Azuki's dropping million-dollar skateboards
Like every project's dropping fucking like to and Tony Hawk signed it. Okay, Tony Hawk signed it by the way. He's fucking awesome
Yeah, no, his son just wait. Yeah, hold on. Hold on. Just can we just like how is Azuki?
Is Azuki skateboards that much different than the McKeyboard just cuz they made a fuck ton of money
This is like just cuz you idiot paid for it. Does that mean it's like that? I mean genuinely
We that yes the market speed but this is a this is the point is that
If Valhalla's floor price was fucking 3e right now people would celebrate the keyboards and buy it and so on and so forth
They're not mad about the keyboards
They're mad the prices went down and also Valhalla did a lot of things right and a lot of things wrong
But I think it's important to point the things out that are not bad name one thing they did, right?
I think the art is decent. Is it like the best thing ever?
No, but just to sit here and say like the art is shit. It's bad
That's like wrong to the IP is strong your your your potato. The art is Walmart Valor
No, no, he's at dark farms that I got me going. We've got me going to cats
So shout out to dark farms only for oak nose. That's dark. The only for see for oak is ten says ahead
You guys you don't even realize
The IP is strong, I think the name is cool. The branding is interesting and while the art isn't like it's a triangle
Yeah, it's a triangle like are we not allowed to use shapes now look the art is decent whatever
I mean like it I would say that I would say the balala arts ten times better than that fucking big point puppets thread
Secondly, no way. Okay
I disagree. I think the puppets are so ugly that they're actually very it was actually leap was perfect until now
How much is Alex Lin playing
The entire context the whole entire project was sold from like a fraudulent like
Underthing of like, you know, oh we're gonna do this twitch thing. So it's just like sure like maybe you could do the art and stuff
Okay, but it's just like yeah
But you're only doing that to mint out and then get a bunch of money for something that you're definitely not gonna do that
You said you're gonna do so it's like look look look to build a twitch thing
You do need keyboards. So it is like
This is like an important step on the road
Leave I want to let you land this chip. I'll let you finish your take I don't think you did I'ma throw it to
So be then for oh
What's up leap? I?
Fuck you, dude. So be what the fuck is good. What's going on in that first? Obie? What's on your mind King?
Do the keyboards are pretty bad bro
Eboards are pretty bad. Like how bad I mean, I actually just there's so bad. I just blocked Alex Lin
Like if you go look at his tweets like he like updates Facebook like less regularly than my mom does and she doesn't even speak English
You know I mean like he's barely like saying shit. He's like, oh by the way keyboards. It's just kind of crazy like I
Don't know. I bought a Valhalla and I glad I sold them but they did do something cool
Which was like the trait thing they did like you could reroll the traits
Except it was super easy to game that like no one talked about that like you
That I feel like at this point like 15 collections have a rerolled trade and every single one is trying to claim
It's like innovative like I know I mean I love bags
Every like every person at this point is done straight rerolling. Can we stop talking about that? Well, okay. Yeah, I agree
I agree. He like put out this whole like thread where he was like saying all kinds of shit
That was all just cope but they like raised a lot of money
I mean to be fair
This is the same guy that like raised the 30 million dollar series a and that was out of business like six months later
Like that that did happen. That's like canonical and then you know crypto just gave him money again
But I don't know like Jonah Jonah's doing more with his little fucking whatever
What the shit's called third web or real agency?
Goddamn you guys really hate me
Got the name of if it was called agency
It was the third one made two video games. I know and you fuck
They're not
Trying to give me your flowers Jonah. I'm saying you've done more with less
Jesus Christ, right serious question so because because because I get you a question on this on the skateboard thing like
Is the only different like a Zookie drop skateboards made like 10 M's got praised for it. Maybe it's fine
I don't know what they made
Valhalla drops 300 keyboards gets absolutely just like death punch finished him wasted on the
Announcement is the only difference the fucking floor price of the PFP like
Zookie put more money in people's pockets with the beans air dropped and they raised from the skateboard
It's completely different. No, I didn't say they were building a skate park and then one like oh here
You could buy these gold keyboard skateboard. You know, I mean
Yeah, I mean they also were like we're building a fucking anime IP and they gave you a golden skateboard
Which could be even worse if you were if you look at it from I mean Alex one is completely disavowed making the twitch
It's my point
Yeah, I mean, they also didn't drop three other projects in the workout. Oops, but anyway
No, but I think it's like the thing is you reward your community and give back to them
You get a longer leash basically is the point of this right?
like they did the beans airdrop like honestly
Zagabond going like check your wallets was like low key a bar and that's like that's sick
I got a time cuz the second time not second time plenty needed to pretend it'd be a girl and he would be fine
Yeah, I mean the thing is their platform
This is the thing that I always like I was confused by cuz I was like trying to
You know figure out what I should ape into in terms of like gaming or PFPs and stuff
But like the the thing about them is like they always were trying to do too much
They were doing way too much with the gaming stuff and then they were like, oh, yeah
We're gonna make a twitch competitor, which is if you know anything about twitch like they don't make any money
It's like pretty hard
Like you got kick is only able to compete with them because they literally have a fucking casino that prints money
And they just throw money at people and they already have like a good end with with these streamers
But now it's like a video reaction platform, which is like pretty funny. So Jonah you should probably go on there. Yeah, it's just
Yeah, I don't know man, but that's that's crypto, baby
I'm not going on that platform. I'm good. I'm we're doing fine here. Okay
Good. Are you doing fine? I'll be on far caster first
You could just sprinkle down that doing fine to my I wish Alex would just take the L though
Like I wish he would just be like, yeah
We fucked up and he's not he's like not going to do that, which is like kind of annoying
I fucked up and I'm sorry cuz his lawyers say you can't do that. Otherwise, you'll be culpable
honestly, bro
Like the worst the only the worst part of the keyboard announcement was an app like comments off on the apology
That was like though. That was the only that was the only L for being honest
Do you think that I mean soon?
Okay, who's getting excited about the keyboard though? Like you know, I mean who was that for?
He made it sound so extra all they had to do is call high ground keyboard
Which they have all the licensing for and pay like a fraction because he's like I called this Tibetan monk and he
hand welded the aluminum
Why are you spending that much money on R&D for a fucking keyboard like we've already invented keyboard
Just put some cool shit on it and sell it
I here's the last thing I'll say I'll throw it to for rope like I don't want to kick on back to these
Nuki skateboard thing
But it is kind of crazy to me that the difference between the number two sale the number one sale
With like a million dollars
But because dingaling got some like badge on the Azuki website when you sign in like it's kind of nuts
I get it in a roll stupid dude
And like really the only difference is market timing like it is kind of insane like we're being honest
It makes it like harder to shit on Alex and about how we know we're in a bull market again
What the fuck are you talking about? It's like this is the worst time to drop a keyboard
You should have dropped the keyboard nine months ago. You think people were buying the keyboard when he was $800? No
Yeah, I'm more likely to buy a key really dude. Why?
So video games I think the market well you you need you need to get a job when it's a bear market
Yeah, you know what you what do you need a keyboard for?
Here's like when your iPhone
You Siri right now. You don't need a keyboard
I think Alex just missed the marketing mark
But I would have done is called it the keyboard warriors and give them out for free to every major of all holla
Yeah, that's just flopping to know that that's actually pretty fun
I would have thought of that
Keyboard though if they want to shift to a gaming products company like okay the keyboard in that bad because that's in line with
That but again, like I said before that's only removing all context
No, no, the keyboard is that bad because it's really expensive
He like made a post about we spent a lot of money developing this keyboard like we can't give it away
Thank you board has got like nice
Here's the real L. There's only 300 of them. What's like that? That's amazing. How many gamers are in web 3? What do you mean?
It was like 10 cats only like isn't enough for everyone either close 300 is like bro. What it's like
That's like objectively mid-curve for oh, what's going on an effort?
Hey, what when when rug radio microphones for 400 when I have time honestly
like this just shows that some people just have no time though like doing something that has
Nothing to do with the original brand like I don't even have time to sell you guys a fucking hoodie
And like the average project here both selling hoodies to their fucking holders
Like we get motherfuckers like beggars to make hoodies and hats and shit
It's my dream but it's like we don't even have a fucking minute and like and but honestly like the skateboard thing
Why don't have the keyboards to build a spreadsheet about the hoodies?
You're missing is a keyboard and it's gonna fix all your problems, man
100% 100% by the way, I'm gonna get to you in a second hoodie. We gotta talk
I'm glad you're back
but on the Azuki point the Azuki thing I think is not a good comparison because like
What what the answer of lies here on the on the what's his name?
Alex and the Valhalla project on what leap was thing was that if it was a three he said everyone would love the keyboards
Fact in my opinion, however
He said if it was a three now
Why is it not a three is because they left all 2023 came back and dropped the keyboard like that was the main thing like
Azuki now whatever
Promise to vibe with Zacabond the elementals drop we discussed that at length. That's fine fair takes all around fair game everywhere
It's you know, completely normal
But they didn't leave and then drop the thing like they they were there
They did a bunch of stuff and so and so they build that plus the 10 skateboards
It was just a chat off that one they wanted to happen. They saw the market
They had rich Asian chats that like lady own half of Hong Kong buying fucking spirit as Ookies
They saw them golden skateboard, which is a product that kind of fits because the skateboards of the internet
Like they're not the keyboard warriors of the internet the Valhalla people though
Maybe now they are but like, you know, the skateboard is the internet. It's like these dookie branding
So crazy to me though. It's like all right, just fucking
You know, we're doing on ordinals cuz that's different sure sf7b's will do 10 fucking, you know dot platinum microphones on ordinals
Hopefully, you know woody won't help us with the mint. That's a pretty badass idea
Yeah, I know so we actually were talking like a crazy brand to somebody this lady on big point
At some point but like, you know, I won't let the look store or you would eat team like touch that, you know
that's for sure and then
Have one of these keyboards for wrote
Yeah, we just didn't have enough keyboards, I think if they gave us the keyboards
Maybe that's what we should do. Well, I think we're gonna order some some quantum cat keyboards right now
And that's just gonna die one of cats one cats are minting on Monday on Monday
This keyboard
Ordinals keyboard sounds kind of cool. Yeah, that sounds cool. You know, we're don't keep words not bad
Dude I mean all you have to do is add ordinal at the end of sentence a big on the front
And you can just like, you know sell anything at this stage. We should do order runes keyboard. Maybe Valhalla's
Well, you know, it's really funny and recent Horowitz gives out a like a gaming keyboard to all their portcos
I wonder if you know, I
Cuz I know what what do you mean? I thought I've talked to people there all I'm telling your things
Tg ask you how do you come on?
How do I know but don't I talk to way too many people now?
I'm bearish cuz I've been sort of both as day one. He knows that but like now
Keyboard right now these two-phase
Listen, I'm playing the game donate the player
Hey, can we talk about this title in Jupiter we've been waiting the whole show
Yeah was crazy
Came on our show this morning. We got him on stage. We're gonna talk about that in a second stroke
We got him on stage the the infamous title writer
That started a whole war in the timeline yesterday Lee. I what the fuck happened yesterday, dude
Are you getting paid from from other projects to fight to fight Jupiter? Like what happened yesterday?
I saw this beef on a timeline. Like what the fuck happened, dude?
Okay, I'll quickly say this and I gotta go
I made a tweet about this yesterday
And then I deleted the tweet shortly after because I felt it made me look like I was bothered
but I fucking was bothered I'm being entirely honest and
Basically the title of my space was the exact title that you're using now word for word Jupiter airdrop failed Solana is doomed
And look I fucking do this every day. I've been doing this for two years
It's my it's like my take and my conceptual art on it's like social commentary on the overly
Negative aspect of the timeline seems to can beg all the time
And I think the reason that our spaces are so successful is because I am quite positive and rarely do fun things
And that's why I'd like the juxtaposition between you know
People being enraged getting in the space and then seeing that the conversations are actually pretty constructive
Like I think that's why that's the titles are so effective. It's not just the fact that they're simply clickbait and
Anyway, I was chatting with me out
In in over telegram for like I don't know the past like a month and a half trying to get a space with him
And I fuck with Jupiter
I use Jupiter daily and I've been in Solana for over two years and anybody who knows me knows I fuck with Jupiter and Solana
but anyway
Obviously meow and the team yesterday were getting funded quite a bit due to the Jupiter launch and like they're selling
250 million dollars worth of tokens and and all these different things
And they saw the title of my space being this and meow just fired
He's screenshot at it posted it and it was like oh, yeah
we're dead blah blah blah like essentially fuck this guy and
within like five minutes this shit was like near a thousand likes and my DMS
Exploded of like people telling me to fuck myself like I don't know anything
Oh this eat bozo like he missed the Solana airdrops, but I work for a Solana company
Like I say I'm clearly invested in the Solana ecosystem. You're an executive there
As someone who's hated on an occasional basis. I can tell you how this is gonna go down
It takes about two weeks and then people forget and then all of a sudden they love you again
Was a Jupiter airdrop failed or was a Jupiter rug because I didn't know about like the whole token selling thing and I could see
How they may be like misperceived. Oh, you didn't read the dogs
Other people didn't read the doc they were
The dogs so we do you keep getting these days and we're like you want KOL
Yeah, I get a lot of these like kit like kill things
but anyway, I talked to me out in the in I immediately messaged him on telegram was like I was like dude like I
promise you it's like a joke it's satire or whatever and
He deleted the tweet and I think we're gonna try and run a space together either tonight or tomorrow
And I want to talk to you. I'm looking for you. I would
I did change the title to something else. I was like
And I use the valve hella keyboard to change the title I
Can't literally can't stand
The last thing I'll say that I gotta go if I woke up this morning and the first thing I thought was like fuck
I folded like I should not have folded. I should have
Shook like mob
No, that's maturely that dude just made 200 million dollars and yeah limited energy you would get you smoked up
Yo, that was crazy like this one. I was like you just made toilet milk
Hey, so we get you smoked up real quick like a brisket in your backyard is insane
All right. Thanks leap
It's all jokes. You're gonna be fine. No one's gonna hurt you bro. It's all good. You're good. Good. Good. Good. Good
Good. I already put leaps in the corner
So you leap and that's out to your your be so be did you read the doc be honest did you read the doc?
Did you know about pump protection? Did you read the fucking docs?
Yes, bro. I didn't happy. No, you did cap. You're a such cap. Yeah
I guess we'll never know
Hey, don't lie gang. Don't lie. Did you sell that shit? Are you held it until you figured out about pump protection?
I haven't even I've even cleaned my shit yet, bro. How crazy is which stocks we talking about
the Jupiter dogs
Toby how crazy is pump protection? Have you seen that before? I mean honestly, it's pretty Chad, bro
Like actually though like they there's all kinds of shit
They can probably deal with the token because they don't have like DC stuff to deal with and that meow guy is like pretty Chad
Very unlimited energy, you know what I mean? I'm just yeah, you pretty good coin
Good coin. I'm not trying to get pressed by the
I have no active beefs, bro. I have no active beef
Yeah, cuz you fucking are running from it with your goddamn tail between your legs. I need to do cardio you see me
I'm kind of fat, you know, do pretty good. All right, look look look look
So be someone on stage that is not afraid of the internet cat who's been firing about it
I mean beat check. Did you read the fucking docks? I
He didn't read the docks
Don't need to read the docks because I haven't claimed my token and I'm just chilling like it's fine. It's completely fine
I haven't read the docks haven't claimed the token
They're gonna make they make they made some money on a product that they've been building for years. That's completely fine. Good for them
If you know if this counts as some type of raise that they're doing
Then you're not obligated to participate in it
But you don't need to participate in their raise if you don't like the terms absolutely no need so let's just talk salty
Yeah, you sound salty as fuck thought. Yeah, I hate that take. I mean if they double my airdrop
I won't fuck it
But you know, I mean they gave me some free money and I didn't read the doc
So now I gotta fuck it. So just you know, send me some more jump guys
Me I was got the goos in route you don't get something but they ain't gonna be more jump
imagine like
imagine like the TG energy mixed with like I
Don't know how to explain it gig of brain technical ability
You're bringing technical makes with just made a hundred mil mixed with like, you know, like
Makes with your final product. It's a big afraid of you. I
Love that guy. Honestly, he's such a Chad after this morning. I'm like more bullish than ever
Okay, tell me about the space. How did it go?
Dude, so he so Ovi this morning overnight from like 6 in the morning
We went to the three and a half hour debate in the chat
We have for the show with Mando Mando even came after three hours
like what the fuck is going on here and like because he was like really like not impressed with what went down with the Jupiter stuff and
Selling and stuff and me like I I don't give a shit like I bought a fucking bag of it yesterday
And I don't care on spot. And so and so we were arguing about this
I was like, okay, like look you're in no corner and you care about this
I have a bag and I don't give a fuck like you see the problem here
But there's a but listen like this is not right now
Anyways, he went on and he's addressed it. I said you have a problem address it with him
So he goes on there asked him a question tags him and what now does which was sick after like 30 minutes
Hey, we have 12 hours to claim the airdrop. Oh, yeah, claim the airdrop
Claim your shit. So we just read the dog. Keep going for it. Just read the dog. Anyways, make sure you claim your droop. Anyway
Meow follows him and answers them like in really civilized matter
Well, everyone on time was like fighting each other like, you know
Like idiots and so then they went back and forth then we noticed he was on nifty portal
Which was sick by the way
Shout out to the boys over there and then well
I was like Ovi just like DM him like we have the link like we're gonna talk about it
Just time to come since you guys have shit out online and then bro
Y'all need to go listen to the intro like it's the first 20. That's it
And when he came in bro guns blazing fuming what you know, we always do a jiggle at first. He was like
Aggressively meowing like not even meow. He was like mouth mouth mouth. He was
Fucking a wire bro, like dude, this is on one. It was fully on hand
So I was meowing back with it was like a meow off what and I'm like, yo, come on video
What he does is like you guys on video. Yeah, he's like fuck it comes on video and he just goes off
And it was sick
Honestly, like it was really bullish to you in the sense like as funny as it was and it was honestly the most unhinged
20 minutes like of my show ever like 500 episodes TG
It was so fucking crazy. The energy was too crazy and then
Then like he just went off and then he was talking about, you know
Like haters and stuff like this
Then they was talking about how like, you know
He rectified it like he wants to rectify and everything then like explain the thing the foot about the other nine figures and the documents
And what he could have done better like he was saying like look I could have my mistake was that I could price it differently
It was at point seven. I actually priced it a little too high and he was explaining why right and he was just going off
Dude, like I'm fucking bullish on this guy. He's great. He's like a crazy fucking degenerate
Okay, sounds like he kind of fucking paid your ass off is what I'm they were funny
I'm so hard last night though, like they were like someone joined his space last night putting them super hard like oh, look how
Crazy this guy is he's so erratic. He's so schizophrenic. Like oh, do you think he's on a bunch of Adderall like did you
No, no, hold on that is please no kids that fuck this shit don't think that don't take out of that
I don't was fucking
Kids don't see there's no kids
I'm still growing Toby. Yeah, you are struggling hit my DMS
But please don't don't don't take Adderall. Okay, but anyways point being like yeah vibe ends better. No, no
Don't take anything. Please. Anyways point being TG is that he explained everything A to Z
And you know what the MF first that are pissed on a timeline or people have been hating on souls for the longest time and on
Jupiter and shit and the difference in him another person is that all the ICOs in 17 shit and a bunch of people that you
Know even an NFT is raised money before doing the thing
He did it for three years and now they cooked and that's it, bro
They put seven hundred million dollars out there to people like and if at a seven billion fdv like selling 50 mil
Cuz they didn't sell 250 mil. Okay, and so even like saying 50 mil like okay
Like that doesn't do anything to the fucking token. Like it does nothing and for what it's worth
It's all sold now. Anyways, like it's all gone. Like they're not taking anything more
So it's like it's like, you know, I mean up only like we're good
Okay, here's what I want to ask I got a question for beat check
I got one for Toby and what happens after that is out of my fucking hand beat check
You said you didn't fucking claim it yet. You're sitting on your hands clearly didn't read the fucking dots
You don't got 12 hours left. You have to claim you got no choice. What are we doing with this token?
Are we selling it is the pump protection to real like what what do I do? I have a bunch of it
I'm trying to figure out what to do here. How are you playing it?
I'm sticking with my guns
claim hold
Sell some maybe in a couple of days
Just see how I feel
Claim it claim hold everything just goes up a little bit after
Yeah, that's the that's the strategy for an effect
I'm I wrong to think just six more days of pump protection because like there's six more days
There was seven days where like there's gonna be a price range. It's like the seven days of Christmas
Yeah, I think there's there's six more days now and then something about their liquidity is gonna get pulled then
Which I guess means that we can get some more price discovery potentially because I mean that's the that's the whole point
Right, like we're locked in this range for at least this period of time
So once that's done, you know, you're gonna have to wait it out to see if you if we want to go higher from here
All right, look look look
We're not quite an hour and a half. I got a call. I gotta join in a minute
So I gotta wrap it up here in a second. I got one final question. I gotta go to so be on it
So be off topic. Just a little curious
Are you interested in blockchain gaming?
I haven't heard of it. Can you tell me more about that? Yeah
Yeah, there's actually a couple games I'm interested in but I I am curious like one
There's a specific genre. I've been fairly interested in and it's I like to call it extraction
Shooters, do you know any extract shooters? I'm on your radar and blockchain gaming right now
Here we go
Awesome I'm gonna take this opportunity right now
So be to introduce you to strap no stopping those intensely competitive triple-a extraction shooter developed by BAFTA an Emmy award-winning
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Yes, I said neon
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So that's a bongo and be checked for clothes to be set up a rope
So be Jonah send it swag Oh gee bad brother butts and everybody else who pulled out the most importantly shut up to our title
sponsor today
Every day this week in the entire month of January, even though it's now February
I will catch you when I catch you. I'll see you when I see you have a great rest of your day
Let me motherfuckers, please