Just Ape Community Space

Recorded: March 19, 2023 Duration: 0:09:43



(gentle piano music)
(gentle piano music)
(gentle piano music)
(gentle piano music)
(gentle piano music)
Hey there, the app keeps crashing so we'll just go ahead and get started. Yeah, so this will be recorded. You don't, you can go ahead and re-list into this if you weren't able to make it. This will be kind of brief today, but yeah, I just want to go over some updates from the past week for everybody. I hope everyone's been having a good
weekend. Thanks for joining us. Those who are here, join us on the Sunday. Cool. So yeah, let's jump right into it. We had last, you know, last week, we spoke last week. You know, there were some issues with our staking and our just swap features, fucking outies. We finally addressed those this week. So those have been
We haven't pushed the changes out just yet. Just WAP already currently works if you have a PNFT that you want to go ahead and do that that trade swap with. Other than that, the escrowless stake-in system has been added. Again, we haven't put the changes back up for accessibility just yet.
We'll more than likely be holding off on pushing that change up until 326 which is a week from today next Sunday after that the migration timer will lapse and all the current assets that will air drop will be migrated to PNFTs. Aside from that, we'll be dropping some
previews of the trade drops that are coming to everyone who ran into those staking issues. Mechanism will pretty much work by whether you were having ran into a staking issue and then if you restake, we'll have some more information about next week over that. There's about, I believe, 12 different
traits that are dropping, but yeah, keep a lookout for that medium for the first preview tonight. Aside from that, moving on to the AW, Apes Crosswall, Roads, Application Site Updates. We finally accepted the final design for the application site, so we should be starting from an
development this week and then hopefully we'll be making some previews available this week as well. Keep keep keep you updated with a firm timeline on that actual drop for the for the applications, but it should be soon continuing on with that animation updates will finally be dropping
in this first sneak peak this week as well. Excited to finally get that out there. It's been kind of a couple of weeks that we've been working on this and we've been getting back in four teasers and whatnot. And the quality has been absolutely phenomenal. So to finally have some screenshots, we can go ahead and share some screen caps. Yeah, super excited for you.
for that. So yeah, keep an eye out on Twitter. We'll also be dropping those in Discord as well. Moving on to that this past week, we kind of pulled the community to see whether that'd be interested in attending an activation at NFT NYC. And it generally seems like we would have a pretty good turnout. There's about 30 reactions.
That's that's the way what we'd expect to see at the smaller kind of events that we throw at these these active activation places things like an FtNYC was been Really want to kind of leave enough room for other, you know cohost so it seems like we'll have a good turnout. So yeah, we'll have some more info to drop on that soon as well. We are
already have two soft commitments from two cohosts. The first being Friday beers, which is a huge brand in Web 2. They are also in Web 3 as well, but their Web 2 part is huge. So yeah, except for that, the other sponsor or cohost, I'm sorry, would be Drunken Aid Social Club. And we'll have
more info on the sponsor soon whenever we release more details on the activation NFT NYC is next month April 12 through the 14th and we'll either be looking at hosting this activation on the 12th or 13th we'll be capping the event at about 120 people, 80 to 120 people but these spots
would be pretty limited between sponsors and then open open conference galleries as well. We'll be looking at hosting the event in Manhattan. But yeah, basically, you know, some of the event would be music art food and special drops for the attendees. We want to take the time to, you know, we've had in the past we've done like these
These special like popes for attendees of our events, like people that went to Austin, they got a Pope, which is just an essential collectible that represents something from that particular event. For instance, our Lisbon event, we had a map of Lisbon with our IP and our partners IP.
Yeah, we want to do something similar like that, but you know, obviously make it a little bit more special something that you could potentially use for your just apes. But yeah, we'll have more details on that soon. We're still kind of solidifying details with that. We'll be looking at other sponsors to also bring on, including Magic Eden and Polygon will be passing over our deck.
to them as well for that we may consider bringing on one to two more sponsors but you know with our co-hosts and and Magic even polygon as well there might not be a need but you know we'll see where we're at but other than that you know those those are the bulk of the updates kept it pretty short as I mentioned you know just kind of recap go wherever it's
those sneak peeks that will be dropping over the animation, so we drop in some sneak peeks of the Age Across World's art, so you can kind of get your first look at what the art will look like. You can also get a first look at the animations and see what they look like, super excited for those. The quality is just amazing down to everything in the video is taken from
some of our prior illustrations and just Ape Studio. So it's very exciting to get those out. Other than that, stay tuned for those announcements. If there's no one else that anybody has any questions or anything for free, raise a hand. I'm happy to discuss this stuff, but other than that, we'll go ahead and in the call here. Thanks for joining everybody.