Kava Rise Incentive Program Office hours by AlphaGrowth

Recorded: Dec. 22, 2022 Duration: 1:16:32



Alright! Let's do some sound check.
All right, one, two, three.
Okay, Brian, for some reason I cannot hear you, but let me see if it's something on my end or you just haven't spoken yet.
All right now your co-host can you please say something? Yes, but we own your own stuff off a growth. Yeah, yeah, do you like that?
just typed it real fast. I mean, we did not do that. Yeah, well, I didn't you hear about we're changing the name to be, uh, to be more succinct. Oh, really? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I know. Pivot.
Didn't receive the men. All right. We would love us just time to like start posting this to other individuals. Sure. Anybody that like questions? For the first time. Exactly.
(keyboard clicking)
(keyboard clicking)
[no audio]
(keyboard clicking)
[Clock ticking]
Oh, we're on our own. What's up, what's up?
You want it? Yeah, I just seen someone joining, but yeah, I'm just sending a bunch to people who I took to. I see you also sending a bunch. Totally. But yeah, pretty much. I mean, yeah, we recording this. I also just want to kind of introduce it to our community. What colorize is what
What's the state of ecosystem right now? Why you should consider moving to cover next year? Why even should explore cover right now? So let me know if you're ready to start. We can just wait for a couple of minutes for more people to trickle in. Yeah, we could do it at brief intro on
And how we got connected. Should we start there? Yeah, I think that's definitely the start there. Cool. I think Brian called it from Alpha Growth and today we are going to go over the cova rise incentive program. How we got connected with cova some of the cool stuff that they were doing on on the chain and
And why we're working with Kava and why we think this is such a good program. So effectively Alpha Growth is a platform that matches projects with funding in the form of grants and investment. And this would be in the grants category. And one of the things that we saw was
liquidity draws more liquidity and one of the most exciting things about Kava that we saw is like lots of potential very fast transactions, fast finality, and EVM chain, EVM compatible so you can get a lot more projects on there and then effectively what we saw in Kava is just the
underutilized potential of the EVM side of their chain. When we started some conversations about how to grow COVID and how to engage with them, it became abundantly clear that this was a massive, massive opportunity, not only for the project
that have signed up for AlphaGruff, but effectively like every other EVM in the ecosystem. So, for their program fundamentally, GIMS is TVL based and it's a very, very good program once you come over on how to retain liquidity and how to distribute liquidity
into a particular chain or ecosystem. So on a brief calculation, if you kind of look at it, it's a 7.5% APR on your TVL and DeFi Lama paid out monthly. So the reason why DeFi Lama is, hey, let's put out the exposure out there to the world about how much TVL has come
the CAVA. And so the CAVA chain starts to grow, the project's on, CAVA starts to grow, so combined, you know, not only does the chain benefit, but the project's benefit and it starts to flywheel of TBL as a new and upcoming DeFi ecosystem. You know, some of the challenges are
around Cosmos and Rust is effectively like how much templates there are already built out there and Cosmos is great, it's fast. It's got bridging embedded into it, but effectively on the EVM side, EVA, to be able to launch EVM project, can potentially take
days. I've even heard as little as 48 hours of work to kind of launch a chain and get a grant. So it's a really cool program. They kind of sweetened the deal recently with the 5K, 5K at 5,000
a token kicker and effectively once you launch that and you're on DPHYLAMA then you get a 5,000 CABA kicker to launch and then 7.5% APR paid out monthly, dependent upon your average TVL on DPHYLAMA.
So that's really what the program is. Some other similar programs in the past that we've seen that are kind of related to this was the DeFi Blitz on FANTOM Network. This was only a 5% APR program based on TVL. And you can see
260-sum projects came over to Phantom because of this program and similar program and the flywheels that got started. So it's a very exciting program. It's very DeFi-focused. DeFi-DFi-DFi, we're looking for DeFi projects and that's fundamentally what the Carc - Carb-A-Rize program.
has to offer. Brian, can I ask you a couple of questions about cover rights? Like, who is the perfect, you know, obviously mentioned DeFi, right? But who would be most benefited from the program and maybe also just in general, who would benefit the most of joining cover in the next year? Why cover now?
Why coven now so the benefit the times the doubts that I think are the most beneficial are the ones that effectively Or money markets, right? So so you already the competition and interest and the competition in yield is is a lot less crazy and
within money markets options some kind of staking staking reward games you know defy games DeFi projects some of the other ones you know obviously we're looking for Dex's we're looking for bonding we're looking for lending we're looking for money markets we're looking for options
We're looking for all of these types of projects of perpetuals. That's another category. We just recently had a perpetual company come up board. I think it benefits the most. And why now? Well, as you saw, if you see DeFi effectively like DeFi has dropped
significantly like 30%. So the color is looking to not only bootstrap the the rise program now, but also push it forward over the next four years. So this is something that you can count on and have retention in a stream of revenue over the next four years with the color rise program.
Yeah, that's good overview. Have we seen, I mean, I know, but I kind of want to hear from you because I didn't talk to Phantom Team more, but have we seen like similar incentive programs being used before? How this is different from let's say I heard a lot that you know like Phantom was kind of doing the same based on TVL.
What are you seeing? Have we seen this before? Why Kavi's incentive program is different? Yeah, if you look at Phantom as an example, and you see kind of like what they did, they spurred a whole entire, you know, rotator season of tons of projects going over to Phantom. Lots of like, you know, like LP lending.
Lots of decks, lots of money markets, some VE things, solidly launched on phantom, Andre Krongey was launching all of his projects on phantom, fundamentally because the phantom foundation was paying out 5% for TVL. Now this program is even better.
The problem with phantom, though, is, you know, without a moment's notice, they cut off pretty much everybody. They cut off and they said, "Over, only going to invest now, we're not going to give streaming incentives and liquidity incentives going forward." And that crushed a ton of projects, right?
The commitment to four years is real. The commitment to a four year program at 7.5% interest is going to put Kava out there. It's also going to start to de-risk the token. In some way, shape or form, if you're looking at a way to get your token distributed, you can distribute it
in terms of like, air drops to users and retail, but, you know, at the whiff of or, you know, at the smell of like, you know, some fud, they're gonna, they're gonna dump it. Token. Like, these are businesses. These are businesses that we're partnering with for the long haul. And so fundamentally, businesses can, you know, hold a treasury. They can
look at revenue, they can look at the cost and evaluation and start to, it's not retail. Retail, the wind blows a different direction, they dump and air drops. Working with the developers and distributing through the developers and the DAPS themselves, we believe like less people are going to dump.
But also, it's kind of, again, I hate saying it all the time, but it's like chicken and egg for real because like, you know, like users, like developers are chasing users as well. And users are chasing the next thing. So like everyone is chasing each other. So like, I do think like, Kava is a network and plus
being a VM compatible right now and being like kind under the sun because we're like right now, Kavi is like 13 chain. I do feel like Kavi has like a really strong case right now for defying on board people who are flocking from Salana. I know a couple of projects for working on their composability as we speak right now.
to actually seek, you know, save heaven basically in a new year. So I'm just like, obviously, curious and you're like, guys, we work directly with COVID team. So any kind of questions we cannot address. So it's going to be official COVID statement. But basically, like, I'm really curious how COVID will attract users, you know, like through, like,
some incentives and stuff and how it all will play out. I think if you really break down a couple of questions in there, I'll take the user one first. A large part of DeFi was the speculative rise of
And say, okay, cool. Now what can I do with this? Right? So you had your C5 players like your block five and and Celsius and stuff where you could say, hey, hand it over to FTI, Celsius, block five, Voyager and say, cool. Let them lend it out and barred out in this
centralized finance type of way and you know we can see what happened there like how that game play out right. If you're not familiar the game played out in you know a lot of these places going under and crashing and taking the user funds and saying oh no more user funds. From a DeFi perspective as long as it's your key
And that you do have you know platform risk contract risk bridge risk But other than those risks like you know, those are tech risks those aren't those aren't organizational having to trust somebody risk you can see the contract so so DeFi spurred on and effectively like
There was a ton of liquidity. They have like Ethereum tokens. They have RappyTC. They have all these tokens and like, okay, what are we going to do with this? Well, why don't we generate yield? Why don't we lend it out? And so fundamentally, you know, the game, the play here is to what can I do with my token? Can I lend it? Can I do some options? Can I do some other things#
And that's fundamentally like what these are I find season is about now a lot of these are you know large bag holders That kind of come into play so if you have like a whole bunch of like large bag holders are gonna like want smaller yields You know we call them whales when we're kind of like
like saying what type of users do you want? Do you want minors, sharks, whales, sharks are in the range of their kind of degen. They're still haven't made it. They're not like, hey, I'm good on my bags. I just need to earn yield. Degen's are looking for higher yield opportunities, right? So a lot of the provisioning and pushing into the dexes capital
it is like, hey, I want to get some NFTs, I want to get some air drops and a lot of air drop hunting. And the key to them is, can I still get growth on my bags with, you know, $1,000 worth of crypto, $100 worth of crypto? And so when you're talking about, you know, attracting users,
side is there's a lot more wallets that have EVM compatibility and Metamask and things like that versus Kepler and Cosmos station and some of the other wallets. There's just not as many users on the
So the move to EVM was something that was very strategic in terms of the program so that more users can interact and engage with these DeFi apps.
I'm also like I'm personally really excited to bring some I will also want to voice this as a question to you like what you are most excited to bring on cover but like I'm really excited to bring some gamification You know like through onboarding some like defy project right that you know would like or claim this like a
drop in a certain way or like maybe claim this and I see to like, you know, like to try this project and then based on your bridging assets, let's say actually talk to one team today about this, like let's say you will get not a hair drop, but I gotta say it because it's kind of a bad way right now, but let's say you get an airdrop based on the fact that
you just transferred some you bridge some assets, you know, like using let's say axel right which is like would be a new crocheting messaging live for either this week or early January. So I feel like I'm excited about building this kind of like partnership and first trucks room was so like everyone can engage
I think Optimus actually was doing this with Velo to AirDrop. You had to actually like you know bridge at first you had to like interact with some contracts and then you get an AirDrop. So I'm like super excited about this because I haven't seen the person on the cover because yeah I think I think when you do an AirDrop to retail it's good and bad. I think you have to be very very specific.
around these air drops and get them to kind of stake in lend because a lot of the you know Mino if if TVL is your number one goal, you know, then you have to air drop to people that have a lot of TVL right so if it doesn't make sense to air drop one to one maybe there's like a
a linear airdrop. Airdrops do bring people over to new chains. However, a lot of the minnows, if that's kind of like what you're going for, will instantly dump. Right? So I am not a fan of kind of like some of the standard airdrops. I am a fan of
this program because they're effectively air dropping to DAPS. And then DAPS themselves can decide, "Hey, we are going to air drop the incentive structure directly to our users, or they're going to keep the incentives as a former revenue." So when the DAPS get to run a business, I think you're going to see a bunch of DAPS
come over, they have an audience, they have multi-chain, like there's like 20 new new things that we're bringing over in terms of DeFi, then have never launched on a chain too. So, you know, their first experience is going to be beyond Kava, which is pretty rad. And I think for the new new side of things, air drops,
and engaging in user base and having a user go through different types of steps or engage or attach the wallet, engage the contract to connect the air job. There's pretty interesting tools out there like Project Galaxy and Gleam that you can start to engage with.
help incentivize some of these airdrop things. But airdrops themselves, I would say, is generally like smaller tier dollars and smaller tier kind of like, you know, traders. Yeah. Little guys. No, there's a bunch of bridges that are coming.
every bridge that you add adds a little bit more access. Right? So access to more capital. So as we add these new bridge to Kava, you know, we're not adding a bridge. We're, you know, we're helping connect the dots here. It's the technical people on the bridge side and the Kava.
that are doing the technical integrations for the bridges, but every new bridge adds more liquidity as we add more bridges. Now we're looking at a couple different concentrated liquidity providers. We're looking at, you know, obviously DEX is VE really excites me because as a Vellodrome user, I think that's one of the things
that that's really kind of held it's even in this in this crazy macro situation. It's one of the things that have that have held it's now comparatively held it's price point. It's working pretty decently even through this macro. So
Yeah, actually I want to touch on this for our listeners. I actually know two projects which will be launching in New Year, where both works of Bilo and I'm not sure how familiar I was with each other with their names even like super similar. So yeah, I mean it's like also, you know, I'm not going to name the names right now, but I'm just going to be super curious to see how they can
competition will be and you know like we are in this that one of me like full free full full so you know like I will be really excited how projects will be in a good way competing for the TVL payouts because I guys want to remind you top 100 projects on Kava EVM side will get the incentives
and will be. So you do, you know, as projects you guys do obviously need to work on this. Brian, I also want to ask you, you mentioned obviously the payouts are async, right? 7.5 or great. What's your, because they can use it both ways, as mentioned, they can use it as a revenue
or they can use it to incentivize. How would you go about it? Because I would see personally there could be a hybrid mix so you can maybe divide the incentives to keep it some in treasury. But what do you think? I think, I don't know, it depends on what type of protocol that I was launching. If I was launching a money market,
It's very attractive to pass it on to the user. And then, like, you know, we haven't seen a lot in the money markets. It's like kind of like bonding periods and lockups. So if I was making a money market, I would say, hey, you get, you know, if you lock up your token for X amount of time, you would receive
higher interest rate paid out in like, you know, Kava token versus like, if you, you know, had it, you know, available to exit instantaneously, then I would give less a percentage. So I would, I wouldn't incentivize the holding in the long holders. Um, there's a couple different projects that are coming
out that have certain NFTs that are associated with your holding. So, the longer you hold an LP, the more incentivized incentivization and APR and APY. And if I were to launch a DeFi project, I think I would basically go along the
lines and say, great, you want to be able to float in and float out, cool, you get this much more incentives. And then I would probably, if you want to lock up for longer or you want to, the longer you stayed, the incentives increase. And then effectively, what I would also look at then,
is I would take some revenue, maybe give out at a maximum 5%, my personal opinion, if I was running a app, I would give out 5% and always be keeping 2.5%. Because any project that comes over is making a medium to long-term bet within the, within Kava Network itself.
Yeah, thank you for this. Yeah, I think it's a good way to look at it because again, it depends on which project you are in the nature of your project and it's a remaining, many, many things to consider. But I think just diversifying that that's a good approach for sure. I do have one question from the listener captain. By the way, captain, you can always request to speak in a
we are happy to address your questions, you know, and just like, listen you out. This is our first of his hours for cover rise, and we're doing a bunch of AIMAs, already scheduled for the next year. But Ryan, like, he had a more general question, but I kind of want to, like, you know, dive into it. Like, the captain is asking, what is your favorite blockchain for
the most easier growth of the project. So I would imagine the question is which blockchain would allow highest growth for the project, which is, I'm going to a little bit pre-answer for you. It really depends and it's really hard to bet right now I think, but it really depends on the nature
from the project technically. But do you have any things that you would like to address in that question? - Yeah, I think there's three components of this. How much off the shelf liquidity do you have available? Do you have investors that are gonna put in five, 10, $100 million in liquidity right out of the gate, right?
How good are you in distribution, meaning like, can you can do you have a budget or are you able to capture an audience's attention, right? And then the third aspect is, you know, wherever you go, what's the community like that, right?
For example, if you come in as a champion dab on cover right now, there's not that much competition. So if you were skewed of like, hey, we have TVL, we have backed investors, maybe distribution is not our strength.
But you'll get a lot of attention within that community if you have all three of those things big brand investors You know you're able to get attention and you know you're able to get a TVL attention. I mean like that you don't need you don't need any
So you should just go where the most liquidity is. And because the assumption there would be, if I can go where the most liquidity is, then I'm able to distribute my app and market and I have already liquidity, then I'm going to come into the shelf. I'm going to come
under the stage and then effectively be able to compete with everything else on finance. So B&B is a good place, Ethereum is a good place. I think when you come to these other chains, what starts to happen is if you look at B&B, the prices aren't cheap for trades actually cost, right?
So now you're only talking about big bag holders, Ethereum especially, you're talking about big bag holders, right? So who are you trying to serve? Do you have liquidity available? And what's your ability to capture attention on these different chains?
100% and just like where you are right now how well capitalized are you what you're trying to achieve how saturated the the market on that chain is and you know how can you provide the value prop or how innovative you are as well so yeah there's many things to consider obviously captain we are happy to know
mentioned some other chains or you know seeing growth but it really depends on the project right category are you guys DeFi or are you social phi or whatever it is by the way the captain you now have the right to speak so please go ahead Hi everyone thank you for the uh this permission for the talking uh I'm
almost same idea with you because I'm thinking like that when we are preparing some project I'm thinking like that what is my target community, nationality as you know some nationality that trusting to BSC some of them
like to invest on the solar system or someone is just focusing on the speed or fees and most of them is changing the strategies but 100% I'm sure I'm in same idea with you. Thank you for your kind reply.
I think there was an important point you brought up to. It's like depending upon country, language, who you're targeting, it does matter. The chain does matter. With the US-based team with Kava, based on a new
New York, some people in Puerto Rico and California, if you're looking to access a US-based audience and the Deep Ice Space, you know, Cava is pretty aligned. I mean, you know, obviously they're not just the US-based, but a lot of, you know, I completely agree if you're trying to target different low-cows.
Yeah, I can give some example like that. For example, I'm a Turkish and I live in Istanbul. So I know that one. Turkish is an Turkish investor. Most of the time we see because the Biden is very powerful in Turkey.
And that's why most of the Turkish people is preferring to BSC network. And then we are focusing to that, for example, if we are focusing on the Turkish market, if the project is another ecosystem, we are directly
changing the multi chain and multi chain is going to be a sea also and we can see the graphics and the really really really interest is very high that's why for example B.Sc is very powerful and it's more easy for some countries but you know
Last years or last times most of the people prefer to ease fee for example polygon like that and speak and gas free. They are depending on the debt one and the bridge system is yes you are right if you have a molecule
it's very easy for you because it's contract working like that. You are completely right. Thank you for today's speech. I'm really glad you're to listen to you. I learned many many things and thank you for your totally.
Yeah, Captain, thank you. But yeah, like, you know, we're gonna do this more, you know, just to highlight also newer chains who are, you know, still have so much potential. So you'll have, obviously, an advantage of being a first-comer. But yeah, many things to consider because obviously if the chain is super young, there's not gonna be
users not going to be enough of a awareness so you sometimes need to find this like a happy meadow almost and sometimes you also cannot bat even like on the I'm not gonna throw any change under the bars but obviously everyone was super excited about those and a bunch of projects were not really really upset because you know like the launch was not the same
successful, but again, no one knows everything. Everyone is experimenting, we're learning. But we are here, Captain and all of the listeners, to provide you more feedback from ecosystems directly, would be Kava or other partners of ours
We are super chain agnostic. Here obviously today we want to talk about Kava. I just like to bring this under Spotlight. But yeah, Katherine, thank you so much because I think younger projects do need more guidance into choosing chain. And this is why our agency exists here.
It's a really good silverback of what it excites you the most about what you're seeing in the space. I see serious builders who are even if they are disheartening, but they are excited by small wins like a small check and an angel investor, like
I'm hoping I would sound fresh, powder, or just a new feature, even though it's not big. I'm just excited to see small wins and I'll step by step, inch by inch, right? I'm excited about interprability and moving more even cross-chain, but I'm not as technical
Although, but it just excites me from the user perspective. I'm excited about more hidden blockchain, so you're like, I have better experience and better onboarding for my especially Eastern European friends who do need, like D5 right now, who do need access to
You know, this way of cryptocurrencies and you know getting their money out so Yeah, just excited about you know space in general even though it's like pretty hardcore right now, but it's my first cycle. It's exciting to see Serious people staying over and being genuine and really being there to
I think that's the promise of DeFi. I think going back to the beginning of the conversation, some of the things were, if you had big bags and you put your money on BlockFi or Celsius or some of these other places and you wanted to generate yield, you could see what
what's happened over the last year. There's a big giant collapse of C-Fight. I think that's what D-Fight has kind of proven to be strong. You have token, you're looking for airdrops, you can get yields with large bags of token, like sustainable yields, and then as
as a retail user, if you're going around, you're just getting started in crypto, I think the air drop, you know, hunting for air drops is a way to go. And then there's like this middle ground of trying to find the next wave that a lot of these sharks are doing. So sharks are like, cool, what's the next wave? What's the sustainable yield? But, but also a lot of people
been burnt in the last year or so and DeFi. A lot of people call it DeFi Moppy, but if you look at the things like Transack and MoonPay and these different onboarding opportunities, I think MoonPay integrated with UniSwap today.
As Uniswap goes from chain to chain to chain, effectively, as long as you have some of these different plays on board, like these different core infrastructure pieces like a MoonPay, like a Uniswap, a couple of bridges, the axis into
these different projects is going to become easier and easier because if I can go to a new project and I can swipe a credit card and get some token to play a DeFi game, then I can get started right away. And so the on-ramps, the off-ramps,
are going to make it easier and easier for users to engage in this, which is really awesome. Also, I'm going to add a specific project that I'm really super bullish right now, and I really, really want to see more projects like that. It's, for example, earn five. I don't know if you've heard of that. Tell me more.
So EarnFi basically from user experience you just connect your wallets. I think you can connect like lots and also wallets and basically through like 2021-2022 you probably also receive the Bench of Gear drops but you didn't claim them you probably even forgot about them. So EarnFi basically helps by
connecting to the platform, the app, they tell you okay you may think still you claim this error drop so a bunch of people actually could reclaim so many error drops that even I received and you know I've been in the space for like fully a year and I even had like so many error drops dropped in my wallet and I
was able to access them now. So, yeah, R&F is pretty cool. Every summer defender in New York, that's amazing. But like, in general, that category of making it easy to track wallets and like the activity of what's happening with them, it's amazing. Like, I think
Maybe even organization wall is just okay this wall like before my defy stuff and like dummy wall it just I keep for this or so I'm like really excited for in like making it easy even for like whole blown and you know defy user or Dgen or CFI trader just to make it easy to track your
Things you know and portfolio is instead because like I person struggle with it. Yeah, it gets messy. I mean like the amount of wallets that I have is kind of nuts and now you divide it. So I actually the amount of wallets I have isn't isn't that nuts but each wallet connects
to each chain starts to make it to the end. So it's like one wallet, you know, might be on five chains, 13 chains. I'm like in the industry, like engaged in all these different things. So we have to try them out. But you know, it can become overwhelming. So I can, so these types of like shorts
infrastructure protocol that starts to like bring these wallets and like earn five sounds amazing because you know as long as it's going out and understanding what I need to do next to earn some token yeah sure I'm gay yeah exactly yeah and yeah
there are lots of obviously problems with having sub accounts with one wallet and then bridging we discussed this as well like I still struggle to find some of my 1.5 because it's a stock somewhere but I know it's there but yeah back to colorize and back to carbon network because we've been here for like a thing enough
investment in the community, it's an investment in the DAPS, I think, you know, the way that they're putting it out there or the way that they're kind of like angling, it's like, hey, we're not going to just air drop into people, we're going to give it to the businesses, we're going to give it to the developers, we're going to get incentivized the developers to really engage
and invest within Kava. And I think, you know, if you kind of like look at the different timelines between Bull and Bear and Bull and Bear, you know, I would, you know, I see that that Kava is, you know, it's not going to
four years to the next bull right so an investment in coming down investment into the what they're what they're bringing on to the table and how many gaps they're going to bring on when you look at it from from a standpoint of like where are we at on the next bull if you believe it's within the next four years then then the call has a great place to build
Yeah, I know so to add them this like I don't know if listeners are aware of any incentive programs happening before or just timelines in crypto like four years It's a very long time soon like cover being like you know really out there with this like long-term actual long-term commitment to the acquisition
system. And also, like, from my conversation with Scott and then, you know, everyone in the, you know, like the extra executive team, it's just like the, the devotion to full decentralization moving forward. This also what excites me about Kagga in terms of like the async incentive
You literally just need to deploy QuantTrack, get a defi adapter to get listed on undercover. And pretty much if you're working on your TVL, you will get the incentives. But in decentralization, meaning that they are not going to be focusing on their in-house products or like they want to give actual chances.
for new blood basically coming in and using the tech. Yeah, it's completely agree. I mean, there's we got, you know, 20-some new new things coming and, you know, a lot of like standard ones like the sushi is the curves. Exactly. You have to start them.
Yeah, you do. So yeah, I mean, just to distill guys, cover rise was launched in May of this year. It's going to last for from that date to former years. And cover rise offers, you know, all the support marketing tech wise, please reach out to us.
We will post also a widget so you can apply to the to be eligible. You can contact us on Telegram, but yeah, we are here to help you get onboarded, getting familiar on Carbon Network and also colorized incentive program. I do see here crypto hippie. Let me give you access to speak.
All right.
Hey, hey, Criterion. What's up? So I'm the founder of FFI and we just received the invitation to cover a cover program. I just want to say that in this very market it's very important to support the
or at least age devs like we are, we are ASN, but you know like 5K it's pretty small amount because I'm really like 10 developers and my total savings 20 people and it takes not just only deploy a smart contract but you need to
Adapt some wallets and adapt your front end development and some marketing incentives and all on all so I see that like from the grand perspective from from many so on and speaking to like probably like Those in some different networks starting from
Yeah, please.
And they all cut off the programs. I mean, like you can not just, so like developers need funds for developing. And in our market when
So, FTX broken and everything is not good. So, I think the large things should be care of really notable depth and developers who can bring here on DFI some use, some
you spirit of like it's it's not something like puns or something like that so maybe it's like we need more support just you know just marketing because we need funds for development
Totally. Yeah, I hear you. Let's dive into that. Other than funds for development, what are you looking for?
So Polygon has provided us like smart contract audit. It was great stuff for us. Even it was like just 500 streams but I mean it was good because it's trust from the community site if you're audited.
So it's a good point. Another one, maybe more like things like Twitter spaces, retweets, or maybe even like, I don't know, like developer hour or sound like, you know, flesh and new projects, maybe just describing to the
community of carbon never for example something like how it could help you to save money or to earn money or whatever so we need more like Twitter spaces as well as the funds and audits or some two links could be like
like the read my shell. Yeah, I think it's a great idea. There's a couple different chains that it's on that and like just you know that any any little bit it helps. I think you know the vision of of what Kava is doing is yes.
5,000 covetoken is kind of like a kicker on the top, right? To kind of get you over the edge to go multi-chain. The real real incentive structure is the 7.7 and a half percent APR paid off monthly.
That's the real vision and then it ties the chain to the project. I completely understand if it's like not a fit to right. It totally could not be a fit. We are taking a look at the incentivization structures potentially, you know, changing that up a new year, but through the end of the year, this is what
what we're doing and the cover rise program, the 7.5% will be around for four years. So when you think about an investment of a one-time investment, a chain can drop anywhere, 10, 50, 100K investment, that's a one-time thing.
It's a one time dopamine injection, one shot of capital gives you the ability. This is a for your program that where you're partnering with a chain that can help you all four years. It's a one time investment in terms
a delivery of development resources and a kickoff and a launch, and you're going to get paid the next four years. Right. So I think that was the fundamental approach on how Cava is thinking about it. I know that especially right now in this macro, early
like, you know, how are you going to sustain, how are we going to keep alive, how, you know, how am I going to pay my debt, how am I going to pay rent and servers and totally get it in the same, I'm in the same exact boat. The program is what it is and for good or for worse, it's
long-term investment. And so if we, you know, I think Kava wants to partner with and we believe that long-term that Kava is going to be around in four years and the people that invest now in the ecosystem are going to see the benefits years later.
Thank you for your answer. So one thing I just want to add, there are a lot of new changes that appear in the last year, so it's more than 50. And we've got not such a lot of users, so people get pissed off like
gamify any keys, defy and totally all like see if I trade everything. So right now it's like our product is helping people to save money on farming and probably earn money on farming if you're advanced farmer or whatever.
One thing that I really want to would like to have actually from Kava is an ability to speak with the Kava community and talk and describe how this product from my team can like make their lives better.
I mean the defi better and totally return the faith of people who are really like you know they upset of defi this thinking it's all like it's a scam every like every brother is a scam even like Salana is a scam Alameda is a scam and everything
So we tried to, yeah, we just trying to rechomp the people's faith, but we need to talk to Salana community, oh sorry, to Kava community as well. Yeah, yeah, so, and it would be a great opportunity if we could have
have it, you know, like something like Twitter space or AMA because when you print on a network like Kava, you've got your users, but your users don't, they don't trust us because we're new. Right. And that's, that's what my demand
from the cover, you could help. Yeah, I mean, like, if you build on Kava, that's one of the things that the marketing support program is about, right? So you come on Kava, you launch, get an AMA with the Kava, part of the Kava rise program is introducing and working with the Kava marketing
team on your launch to get in front of the Kava audience. Yeah, that's part of it. Maybe we don't do a good enough job talking about that, but this is good feedback and we should do a better job of communicating that.
Yeah, yeah, just don't don't get me wrong because I'm gonna burn like around 50 key just to deploy and cover and make it work right because it's take from two to three weeks every night. Yeah, yeah, doesn't matter. So there are like 10 in
engineers working full time for two to three weeks and going to take like 50k from my pocket just to deploy it. And I should be absolutely sure that like I'm doing right on on on such markets. Yeah.
That's why we need to work closer to talk and to plan it. I'm still self-funded. From the start, from May, I've burned around half a million
on my own money. And it's very risky right now to make such steps that do not bring me like TVL or like anything you know what I mean. Yeah, crypto hippie. I
Let's reach out. I do have to jump reach out to me directly if you don't I'll follow you back and then we can start at DM and talk on TG I'd love to hear more about this and then and you know get together and and and see what we can do
for sure Brian feel free to do it. I just want to also yeah on your points crypto hippie like definitely I agree and like I'm really passionate whenever we work with an ecosystem which is you know color right now like I'm very very very very push you on like ecosystem introduction
And also meeting the community, of course, because you know, and I've heard this from projects before that, you know, they need the confirmation that users on that particular network would actually be grateful and benefiting from the DAP, you know, or a project that comes in on a chain because you obviously don't
And then just like, even if like let's say copies like the hottest chain right now, if there's no users, if there's no use cases for you, of course, you know, like, you know, I don't want to say it, but you're going to fail because you know, there's just no like it's like market research, right? So I'm a person that you know, like super super
for a person viewed in terms of making a introduction within the ecosystem. So, crypto-hippie, if you want to any introduction within the ecosystem, just try it out and see how your community thinks like how Kava perceives your project and how the community
you will actually take care of not to care but you know utilize you I'm just I'm happy I'm you know I'm here for you but yeah like we are gonna be doing more and more AMAs you know so for example Wednesday and Friday it's gonna be recurring office hours for cover rise right now and we also gonna talk to you know like the community you know
In general, we're going to bring more cover executive team on board and also already existing projects on cover who were on board through cover rise because I do want more exposure into how actually projects actually making success on cover and how other projects can also do it as well.
Yeah, it's it's cool. Yeah, but we still short in time you know because the fans are running out and I know yeah, and we need to define our so personally me have like three to four months Do
to reach some vcs or to reach some findings from different sources like rent programs or stuff because our depth is totally free for users right now. So we understand their life. What they're feeling and we try
to provide just a good tool for automation for farming that will be more predictable than existing farming right now. For me it's very important to reach out people
So to be sure that I'm doing right. So even doing right for people as well because we started on our own funds because we totally believed in what we do. So we did it like
The product for people first then for money. That's why we we burned a lot of our own money Just to show people that that we believe in Yeah, no 100% like as you know, I know it's really hard to raise right now
It's really hard to get capitalized from how it was, let's say, before May, right? So I feel your pain because I talk to, obviously, a system is a bunch, but I also feel the bleeding from projects. So I definitely know where going with it.
Yeah, I just see no tough times, but you know, we are definitely here to help you guys really meet like your next chain, like any kind of guidance. Please, you can always DM myself on my personal
I'm Rebecca would double K pro everywhere also please feel free to slide into our DMs here in alpha growth account. Yeah, definitely would love to keep the conversation going but
Yeah, I definitely feel you and thank you so much for joining because like this is also like why AlphaGrot is here and why we work with ecosystem and where I believe we do need agencies like that because I need to receive lots of feedback from projects and how you guys are going about your pain, how we can help you out.
Because you know like chains are in pain right because they want more developers and founders But also you guys won and you save heaven and also want to be incentivized for turning in you change where you guys are also betting on it right so Definitely, you know like we are here as alpha growth to connect you guys and you know choose the chain and
Yeah, thank you Rebecca. I'm really grateful for your project as well because you didn't great job on that. So I've been found a lot of useful information for me. Of course, speedy that the market is so bad. Yeah. But I mean, rain.
couldn't be forever, you know. So I just, I just hoping that some incentives from the chains or from, I don't know, well, maybe from the chains, going to help us for a couple of months. So we invented some
some cool stuff to attract people to a new chain. But we should understand that, like, you know, for people like for even for me, Kava is just another one chain. So we should we should create some real value.
that gonna like show people show users that it's really nice to be there right now. So because they well, when you've got like 50 chains, you can you cannot choose one like your favorite one or whatever. So the main question
for Kava project or Kava team is why people should choose Kava right now. So, and I think if we can, if we can answer this question, it's going to be our key to the user's heart. Exactly. I also feel like especially OG
users are getting tired of like okay you know like like a project just joins and change I mean yeah because it's like popular but then there's no traction really because okay right now my crow's right I mean we all know it's like really everyone's struggling every chain is pretty much struggling but yeah like I want
the genuine connection to from project perspective, why they joined the network. I'm really right now curious also, and I'm going through a bunch of community proposals because you know like some chains or some projects bigger especially, they only go on the next network, only if the community approves it through like only
chain voting and stuff because they need to prove like yeah there's going to be this and this and we're going to look this around the potential because it's like you know like we do need to think more as a mature industry or a mature industry in a sense in not just like how it was in bull runner and just like okay just like throw a bunch of stuff let's see what sticks
Yeah, and it's the questions that we should like, in some perspective, like I don't think like it's going to be like the bear market for all four years. So my my expectations
my short term, but I mean we still like even have like even having a good idea and a good project and a good tokenomics right now it's it's pretty difficult to survive and actually we are for
customer network we have invented the new kind of farming so farming in two chains so you can still farm on your favorite chain but you're gonna like have the rewards on different chain so it gonna turn
Yeah, it's gonna track primary user first and then we're gonna say okay if you want to More so just not to ruin our talking on it if you want to foster Unlocking of your tokens like all of your rewards you should just
to that network, like we're getting the rewards. So just migrate your liquidity from, for example, B&B to Kava. So then was the general idea. So because that's how we could attract users right now, because you know, like, the modifier
people using just using chains for profits. So we probably should show them that there is a profit in Kava, for example, but it should not ruin the tokenomics because in the real economics you cannot like to get money from nothing.
So a lot of people are talking about the real Yale. But for me it's still a deception. You're still generating, it's not fair to generate profits.
So, using a lot of things like unlocking schedules, and a staking, and different mechanics and farming more mature as you said, as it was in 2020, so we can track users as well. But I think the people
who's still thin on B&B polygon, if or whatever, they're hardly going to move to different shades. If we're not in there, something that's going to track them. I agree. Yeah, I agree. Definitely. It just needs to happen something.
Anyways, there will be people who believe only in native chains and native assets on that chains. And I think it's also maybe they need to exist as well on the ecosystem. But they do see a point actor. We like what you mentioned that you guys were doing with our Casper network because it's kind of like a greed upon
like my empire attack in a way. Yeah, absolutely. It was the idea. So we do that idea of sushi and it's going to be a lot of inter-chain or cross-chain, empire attack. We're going to try it. So if a eF-cass for a network going to support us,
we're going to make it with them. So right now we just talk about the details because they actually opened the 25 meal grant program. And their network is not very popular. It's not very popular right now.
So maybe you remember the time they were like over hyped from anywhere in YouTube, any like telegram, anything like. It was about the Casper Network that gonna be the next east or whatever likeeptus and see you right now.
But after the year, everybody forgot about them. So they started this program and they tried to grow the demand of their network as well. And they've got a lot of problems because they're
built on rust. So it's more difficult for development and they've got no users at all right now and problems with wallet. But I think like we're talking, it's just a matter of time.
So if the network or blockchain do believe in their future, they should risk
as risk vcs, as risk like vessers, because without the dabs and without the users, without the like businessmen, businessmen, you can not develop, you still remain just
This same like another one chain another one blood. So and nobody is 100% Yeah, I'm 100% agree. I'm actually right now on Casper accelerate grant program page I'm just curious if obviously you want or can disclose like did you guys apply for their grant?
Yeah, we did. Okay, did you guys receive it or where you're at with the conversation? We still have a conversation. Yeah, so it was they opened it. I wasn't really an easy from Casper there and it was like way third of November and they've got a lot of applications that
I guess from like month and they're still trying to choose the better proposals. But when we're talking about grants, of course I can build any technology on any chain. But it could be actually a debt technology because
because I did not use my networks to attract users and whatever. So when we're talking about brands, we should think like a business. So is there going to be a business or adjust the fork of anything or adjust the technology?
So I think like for networks the better way is to choose the guys who's building business. I mean like free to business. I mean like it's not just another app to scam someone or to just grab some fast back but I mean just the guys who see their
business. So I think like from the blockchains they should precisely look into the developers and the core developers and the core team what they're building on. I think it's my it's my I completely agree with you and this is I'm gonna speak on the behalf of the
entire my team, Alpha Growth, like we, like whenever I'm going to a system, especially younger a system, let's say they are still on Testnet, but they are about to be on Mainnet. They approach us and just like we need more developers guys, how we can like funnel in more developers and in more developers and we're just like, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait,#
So like developers, I mean obviously you are a developer yourself probably I'm sorry if I'm assuming but Some developers are better as ctls right I mean like you still need like CEO like you still need a hierarchy and stuff I'm not saying like you know like we need to go as an industry completely corporate way but like we believe
personally, this is how we do a due diligence on projects when we bring them to their persistence. I mean, they've done this before, the founder did this, so it's like we go to like founder DNA because you don't you need to see like if they've done it before. I mean, oh, maybe they have a traction with their MVP or whatever, but I completely agree with you.
like change and they will be, change will be looking more into like businesses and like small enterprises and like like actual real stuff not just like yeah invest because like I'm sorry but like I will just bring this up like through my experience talking to many many many teams when I'm just like yeah I'll do one and launch on this chain
or this is a great fit for you. They tell me like, oh, the grant is not enough and then you just go, "Oh, dear, whatever, you know, because it makes sense even from what you told me." But then they just say like, "What's your revenue model? How do you guys make money?" And stuff like that. They're just like, "Oh, we're not for profit." And they're just like, "Well#
And I met a bunch of teams, like sadly, who do it. And I don't judge, but at the same time, you're not really moving the needle. You're literally just deploying the same stuff as a new network, just for account, headcount. But yeah, I also see it in the space a lot. I just want to be transparent. And again, no judgment, but it is a thing.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I mean of course you can deploy it like just using two guys one front end and one the lid in general but building like Bill in a business you still have like more people and and if we can have like
like after we have been refused from the blockchain network or we have been accepted, I really want the deep interview with the team and to show what we can actually
create on that network and what we can actually do just to be more close just to have more support because being friendly so we've been in contact with BNB chance so we started from BNB chance and we've been in contact with them even personally in Lisbon
bomb and whatever. So I know like a lot of people from B&B and we haven't received a penny from from them. Like even they know us even like the thing that they proposed us like 10% discount on serotic audits. I said come
It's like BS for me. I don't need you like discount or on services of your service providers and you're real help. So and we're trying to be on their accelerators. We're trying their a lot of like BNB growth like program and what I have.
and how water. But I mean, we haven't got any help from them. And we were really pissed off about that because, well, we believe them. So they said, you've got a bright idea of bright technology. We're going to approach you. We're going to, like, maybe make some introduction to our VCs and
It was blah blah blah and it took such a long time. So it was endless discussions in Telegram. It was a lot of calls. But it became like zero at the end of the day.
So three months spent on this communication, but nothing have achieved even like they didn't retweet it as or liked us. And it's very big, but they've got a real deep interview.
with us. So we described our business model, we showed how we're going to track people, we show how it works right now. And the only thing that was missing is it's massive marketing or not massive marketing, but kind of marketing because we
frankly we don't have funds on marketing because every KOL each like youtuber they just want like from from 500 to like a couple of thousand bucks but it's actually don't bring us nothing just a review or read with it it's it's
It's not a marketing knock. Of course, if it was like a boom market, probably it was much more easier. It's true. Just like the touch on one of the points of the crowd.
before, yes, I mean like right now it's like you don't even know like and I'm gonna talk about funding in general in Web 3 right now like let's say it's like VC route or like funding through like a system support it's like you can be like right now like perfect you know like you can be like absolutely you mean they're good you are well funded
because of your initial deployment of your own catch, you can have an amazing team with a boiler developer, like I don't know, just everything is perfect on paper and actually legit, but still you don't get it, you don't get the grant, you don't get the VC introduction, or you don't get the deal. So it's like, it just
in general and you know our community also know it is like the hard truth right now but I do feel your pain in like you know how you guys interact with Binance and you know they're a bunch of the kisses and who doing the same thing I feel sad about teams wasting their time sometimes but at the same time it's like what we see is you know if you receive a good feedback at least or some sort of like support
It's really good or you just being in those rooms, which is great, but sometimes just like unfortunately you can up influence the ecosystem's decision on support. And sometimes it is confusing if really a similar project gets that support and you don't know what was the caveat, right? Why you didn't make the cut. But it's a little inter
kind of baseball and stuff, whatever you guys call it, ping pong. Yeah, I mean, I think it's just a good place to wrap up, but Kripple hippie, thank you so much for your feedback on just grants, funding and everything in general. I'm really passionate about talking to projects and actually hearing what we need as a
industry to move forward. We are super early really hard times but you know like this is this what's happening right now. The Twitter space is open communication. This is why I'm here for. I'm never going to leave the space. You know I know what's going to what needs to happen to me to leave it but yeah guys I'm here for you you know like AlphaGrow is here for you.
And if you want to speak about covers specifically or any other chain, please slide down on DMs. Find us on the telegram. I'm at Rebecca with WK Pro, PRO, Twitter, you know, telegram. Please don't hesitate. Crypto heap as well. We have a bunch of VCs with whom you can directly connect on our platform.
if you want to test it out and also same with the chains and other projects. Guys, it was wonderful speaking. CryptoHip, do you have any other takes or any feedback? No, I'm good for a moment. Thank you for your kind words and I'm going to DM you some days.
Thank you so much. Guys again, we work directly with Kava network right now with their incentive program. So any inquiries, please. I'm here all the time. This is going to be recurring spaces and we're going to have more spaces with projects. CryptoHippien would love to have you also on one of our highlight
spaces to learn more about your project and what you guys are doing and how you guys are moving forward within the macros. But yeah, please do not be a stranger, please do reach out and I will see you on the next three spaces. Thank you. Have a nice day or nice. Happy holidays, right? Bye bye.

FAQ on Kava Rise Incentive Program Office hours by AlphaGrowth | Twitter Space Recording

What is Alpha Growth's role regarding Kava?
Alpha Growth is a platform that matches projects with funding in the form of grants and investment. They saw the potential for Kava's fast transactions, fast finality, and EVM compatibility, and wanted to help them grow and engage with other EVM projects in the ecosystem.
What is the Kava Rise incentive program, and how does it work?
The Kava Rise program is TVL-based and offers a 7.5% APR on your TVL in Kava, depending on your average TVL on DeFi Lama. This is paid out monthly. The program also offers a 5,000 Kava token kicker once you launch on DeFi Lama. The goal is to increase exposure to Kava and grow the ecosystem, benefiting both the chain and the projects on it.
Who would benefit the most from the Kava Rise program?
Projects in the DeFi space, including money markets, staking, lending, options, DEXs, bonding, perpetuals, and more, would benefit the most from the Kava Rise program. The program offers a stream of revenue and retention over the next four years, making it a reliable long-term investment.
How is the Kava Rise program different from similar programs offered by other chains?
The Kava Rise program is different because it offers a commitment to a four-year program with a 7.5% interest rate, which de-risks the token. Other programs, like those offered by Phantom, have cut off liquidity incentives at a moment's notice, creating instability for projects on the chain. Additionally, the Kava Rise program distributes tokens through developers and DApps, which reduces the likelihood of mass dumping.
What are some of the benefits of launching a project on Kava?
Launching a project on Kava offers fast transactions, fast finality, and EVM compatibility. Additionally, the Kava Rise program offers a reliable and long-term source of revenue for the next four years, as well as a 5,000 Kava token kicker once you launch on DeFi Lama. Kava's underutilized potential on the EVM side of the chain also presents a significant opportunity for growth.
What are some of the challenges associated with launching an EVM project on Kava?
One of the challenges associated with launching an EVM project on Kava is the relatively low number of templates already built out, as Kava is more focused on Cosmos and Rust. Additionally, launching an EVM project can take several days, and the process can be time-consuming and challenging.
What is the history of incentive programs in the DeFi space?
Incentive programs in the DeFi space are not new, as evidenced by the Defi Blitz program offered on the Phantom network. The goal of these programs is to increase exposure to the chain and grow the ecosystem by incentivizing projects to participate and provide liquidity.
What is Alpha Growth's relationship with Kava?
Alpha Growth is working with Kava to help them grow and engage with other EVM projects in the ecosystem. They saw the potential in Kava's fast transactions, fast finality, and EVM compatibility and wanted to help them reach their full potential.
What is the role of developers and DApps in the Kava Rise program?
Developers and DApps play a crucial role in the Kava Rise program, as tokens are distributed through them rather than air drops to users. This reduces the likelihood of mass dumping and encourages developers to build unique and sustainable projects with Kava.
What are some of the types of DeFi projects that would benefit from the Kava Rise program?
Money markets, staking, lending, options, DEXs, bonding, perpetuals, and more would all benefit from the Kava Rise program. The program offers a reliable and long-term source of revenue, allowing projects to build sustainable and successful businesses on the Kava ecosystem.