Kava Rise. KPerp project spotlight: How to grow on Kava?

Recorded: Dec. 28, 2022 Duration: 0:40:48



Hello everyone, I know we're just rolling in. Hey Cape Verbe, Angelo, Hey Joe. Let me just being the rest of the team everyone, but yeah, thank you for joining us. Good morning. Good morning. Nice. That's the spirit.
How's everyone doing?
Pretty good, pretty good. It's early morning for me. I'm here in the East Coast. What about you, Angela?
He's close this wall. Nice nice nice. I'm in Phoenix, Arizona and we're finally getting some winter weather out here. Nice and sunny all week and now it's starting to rain and get cold and so I'm feeling like everybody else.
Any snow or no?
No, probably not. I think it's just gonna hover around the 50s and stay wet and cold, but Maybe we'll get some snow that'd be super Christmas Miraculously
How was everyone's Christmas?
Pretty good, you know, family, you know, nothing much, but I mean, I'm looking at Florida for the floor that was cold. Guys don't laugh, but it was cold. So it was, you know, kind of like Christmasy mood, you know, like young family stuff. So, however you
Pretty busy, pretty busy as you know we just launched recently so we're trying to build during the bear market. It's kind of tough to be honest but we're trying to save this. It is. It is we're feeling
I feel you guys are like, what are you guys doing? We are going to dive deep right now. Thank you for joining Kava. We definitely want to know and developers want to know how to grow on a new chain, how to grow on Kava.
How do you guys manage your team? Lots of questions, especially in this bear market. It's definitely cold, cold crypto winter. But let's not be down. Obviously, reality is, but definitely want to learn how you guys are mitigating and how you're doing as a team.
We can just see Angelo like okay, so we have a couple of people in I have Brian here also from Alpha Growth I have Jill from Alpha Growth
How are we going to have like a few or anyone on your team also joining? Her radio is part of our team but I'm going to be the speaker. Perfect, perfect. Here you are.
Whenever you guys already for sure. Just maybe wait just for some people to join
happy happy I'm going to fill in some time here while we wait to get another couple people incoming in. Lots of activity going on currently in the space especially here on the Alpha Groud side. We just hit 700 different granti applications
the last three months, so we opened up our platform about three months ago and 700 projects have signed up on Alpha Growth to receive a grant, so we're super excited about that. The COV experience has been pretty amazing. There's been a lot of learning curve
and a bear and in the crypto winter and I think we can talk a little bit about that but it's not really about us. I would like to hear everything from on the K-PROP side, like all the blockers, all the integrations, what was the easy part, what was the tough part.
Where you guys like you know kind of like DNA is from like your backgrounds How you launched how was the launch pad experience because I saw you got like you know 500k in terms of liquidity like right out of the gate and I'd love to hear all of that so if you guys are ready And we're ready to go. Let's let's get started
So from the beginning, sir, Mr. K. Perp How was your experience? How was how was coming to Kava like what you know got you excited? What were you scared of? What were you happy about?
How, like, what made you move? As we all know, or most of us now, Carva chain is getting a lot of attention lately, and there are new chain. We decided to launch
on this chain for many reasons. Seeing Kava's main aim to lead on Web 3 and being a big supporter of decentralized and blockchain, we decided to go on Kava.
Dexas are getting a lot of attention lately to be honest, especially with whatever it's going on with FTX and other centralized exchanges. Team decided to launch on Kava.
We took a chance also because when the new chains the users and it's hard to get users and it's harder to get
utility on these new chains, but we're working with other projects as well. AlphaGrow has been supporting Kava team has been supporting us as well. And we think we're doing so far.

FAQ on Kava Rise. KPerp project spotlight: How to grow on Kava? | Twitter Space Recording

Where is the speaker located on the East Coast?
The speaker is located on the East Coast.
Where is Angela located?
Angela is located in Phoenix, Arizona.
What kind of weather is Angela experiencing?
Angela is experiencing cold and rainy weather.
Did Angela see any snow?
No, Angela did not see any snow.
How did the speaker spend Christmas?
The speaker spent Christmas with family.
How many projects have signed up on Alpha Growth to receive a grant?
700 projects have signed up on Alpha Growth to receive a grant.
Why did the speaker decide to launch on Kava?
The speaker decided to launch on Kava because of its focus on leading in web 3 and supporting decentralization and blockchain technology.
What area of the crypto space is getting a lot of attention lately?
Dexes are getting a lot of attention lately.
What was the experience of launching on Kava like?
The speaker took a chance on launching on Kava as a new chain, but has been working with other projects and receiving support from Alpha Growth and Kava team.
What challenges does launching on a new chain present?
Launching on a new chain presents challenges in attracting users and gaining utility.